Bill Text: NY S06721 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to special proceedings by tenants of dwellings outside the city of New York and certain counties for judgment directing deposit of rents and the use thereof for the purpose of remedying conditions dangerous to life, health or safety.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-06-01 - SUBSTITUTED BY A3241 [S06721 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S06721-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 13, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen.  RYAN  --  read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Judiciary

        AN ACT to amend the  real  property  actions  and  proceedings  law,  in
          relation  to  special  proceedings by tenants of dwellings outside the
          city of New York and certain counties for judgment  directing  deposit
          of  rents  and the use thereof for the purpose of remedying conditions
          dangerous to life, health or safety

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.   The real property actions and proceedings law is amended
     2  by adding a new article 7-C to read as follows:
     3                                 ARTICLE 7-C
     7                          TO LIFE, HEALTH OR SAFETY
     8  Section 796.   Definitions.
     9          796-a. Jurisdiction; court; venue.
    10          796-b. Grounds for the proceeding.
    11          796-c. Commencement; notice of  petition;  time  and  manner  of
    12                   service.
    13          796-d. Contents of petition.
    14          796-e. Answer.
    15          796-f. Trial.
    16          796-g. Defenses.
    17          796-h. Judgment.
    18          796-i. Application  by  mortgagee  or  lienor of record or other
    19                   person having an interest in the property.
    20          796-j. Appointment of administrator.
    21          796-k. Presentation or settlement of accounts.
    22          796-l. Waiver void.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6721                             2

     1          796-m. Defense of warranty of habitability inapplicable.
     2    § 796. Definitions. As used in this article:
     3    1.  "Owner"  means  the  owner or owners of the dwelling, mortgagee or
     4  vendee in possession, assignee of rents,  receiver,  executor,  trustee,
     5  lessee,  agent,  or any other person or entity directly or indirectly in
     6  control of a dwelling, but shall not include a receiver appointed pursu-
     7  ant to section three hundred nine of the multiple dwelling law.
     8    2. "Dwelling" or "premises" means any building or structure or portion
     9  thereof which is occupied in whole or in part as the home, residence  or
    10  sleeping place of one or more human beings and is either rented, leased,
    11  let or hired out, to be occupied as such, including, but not limited to,
    12  an apartment building, a condominium, a townhouse, a single-family house
    13  or  a multiple-family residence building. "Dwelling" or "premises" shall
    14  also include premises zoned for mixed residential  and  commercial  use,
    15  provided  that  a portion of such premises are, in fact, occupied by one
    16  or more tenants for residential purposes.
    17    3. "Commissioner" means the commissioner, chief  supervisor  or  chief
    18  officer of a department.
    19    4. "Department" means a department, agency or office.
    20    5. "Municipality" means a county, city, town or village.
    21    6.  "Person"  means  an  individual, partnership, corporation, associ-
    22  ation, trust or other group or legal entity, however organized.
    23    § 796-a. Jurisdiction; court; venue. 1. A  special  proceeding  for  a
    24  judgment  directing  the deposit of rents into court and the use of such
    25  monies for the purpose of remedying conditions at a  dwelling  dangerous
    26  to  life, health or safety may be maintained by tenant or tenants of the
    27  dwelling in the county court, district court or city court having juris-
    28  diction in the municipality in which the dwelling is located.
    29    2. A special proceeding  as  described  in  subdivision  one  of  this
    30  section  may  also  be  commenced  by the commissioner of the department
    31  charged with enforcement of the housing maintenance code in the  munici-
    32  pality where the dwelling is located.
    33    (a) If the proceeding is instituted by such commissioner, one-third or
    34  more  of  the tenants of the dwelling may, at any time thereafter during
    35  the pendency of the proceeding  or  after  final  judgment  pursuant  to
    36  section seven hundred ninety-six-h or seven hundred ninety-six-i of this
    37  article, petition for substitution of themselves in place and instead of
    38  such  commissioner.    Such  substitution  shall be ordered by the court
    39  unless good reason to the contrary shall be shown.
    40    (b) A special proceeding pursuant to the provisions  of  this  article
    41  may  only  be commenced with respect to the same premises by one munici-
    42  pality at a time.
    43    3. The place of trial of the special proceeding shall  be  within  the
    44  county  in  which the dwelling or a portion thereof from which the rents
    45  issue is situated.
    46    4. The provisions of this article shall not apply to dwellings located
    47  in the city of New York or in the counties of Nassau, Suffolk,  Rockland
    48  and Westchester or in any cities, towns or villages of such counties.
    49    §  796-b. Grounds for the proceeding. One-third or more of the tenants
    50  occupying a multiple residence dwelling or a tenant occupying  a  single
    51  residence  dwelling  or  the commissioner of the department charged with
    52  enforcement of the housing maintenance code in  the  municipality  where
    53  the dwelling is located may maintain a special proceeding as provided in
    54  this article, upon the grounds that there exists in such dwelling, or in
    55  any part thereof:

        S. 6721                             3

     1    1.  a lack of heat, running water, light, electricity, adequate sewage
     2  disposal facilities, or any other condition dangerous to life, health or
     3  safety, which has existed for five days, or an infestation  by  rodents,
     4  or any combination of such conditions; or
     5    2.  a  course of conduct by the owner or the owner's agents of harass-
     6  ment, illegal eviction, continued deprivation of services or other  acts
     7  dangerous to life, health or safety.
     8    § 796-c. Commencement; notice of petition; time and manner of service.
     9    1.  A special proceeding prescribed by this article shall be commenced
    10  by the service of a petition and notice of petition. A notice  of  peti-
    11  tion may be issued only by a judge or the clerk of the court.
    12    2.  The  notice  of  petition  shall specify the time and place of the
    13  hearing on the petition and state that if at such  time,  a  defense  to
    14  such  petition  is  not  interposed  and established by the owner or any
    15  mortgagee or lienor of record, a final judgment may be rendered  direct-
    16  ing that:
    17    (a) the rents due on the date of entry of such judgment from the peti-
    18  tioning  tenants and the rents due on the dates of service of such judg-
    19  ment on all other tenants  occupying  such  dwelling,  from  such  other
    20  tenants, shall be deposited with the administrator appointed pursuant to
    21  section seven hundred ninety-six-j of this article;
    22    (b)  any  rents  to become due in the future from such petitioners and
    23  from all other tenants occupying such dwelling shall be  deposited  with
    24  such administrator as they fall due; and
    25    (c)  such deposited rents shall be used, subject to the court's direc-
    26  tion, to the extent necessary to  remedy  the  condition  or  conditions
    27  alleged in the petition.
    28    3. The notice of petition and petition shall be served upon the person
    29  set  forth as the owner on the last recorded deed to the rented dwelling
    30  and upon every mortgagee and lienor of record, at least five days before
    31  the time at which the petition is noticed to be heard.
    32    4. The proof of service shall be filed with the court before which the
    33  petition is to be heard on or before the return date.
    34    5. (a) Service of the notice of petition and petition shall be made by
    35  personally delivering them to the  person  or  persons  required  to  be
    36  served  pursuant to subdivision three of this section. If service cannot
    37  with due diligence be made upon an owner, mortgagee or lienor of  record
    38  in such manner, it shall be made:
    39    (i)  upon the person set forth as the owner on the last recorded deed,
    40  to the rented dwelling by registered or certified mail,  return  receipt
    41  requested, at the address set forth in the recorded deed and by deliver-
    42  ing  to  and  leaving  copies of the notice of petition and the petition
    43  personally with the person designated  as  the  managing  agent  of  the
    44  dwelling, if one shall have been designated;
    45    (ii)  upon a mortgagee or lienor of record, by registered or certified
    46  mail, return receipt requested, at the address set forth in the recorded
    47  mortgage or lien.
    48    (b) If such personal service upon the person set forth as the owner on
    49  the last recorded deed to the rented property cannot be  made  with  due
    50  diligence,  service  upon  such  last  registered owner shall be made by
    51  affixing a copy of the notice and petition upon a  conspicuous  part  of
    52  the subject dwelling; and in addition, within two days after such affix-
    53  ing,  by  sending a copy thereof by registered or certified mail, return
    54  receipt requested, to the owner at the address set  forth  in  the  last
    55  recorded deed with respect to such dwelling.

        S. 6721                             4

     1    6.  Notice  of  the  proceeding  shall be given to the non-petitioning
     2  tenants occupying the dwelling by affixing a copy of the notice of peti-
     3  tion and petition upon a conspicuous part of the subject dwelling.
     4    § 796-d. Contents of petition. The petition shall:
     5    1. Allege material facts showing that there exists in such dwelling or
     6  any part thereof one or more of the following:
     7    (a) a lack of heat, running water, light, electricity, adequate sewage
     8  disposal facilities, or any other condition dangerous to life, health or
     9  safety,  which  has existed for five days, or an infestation of rodents;
    10  or
    11    (b) a course of conduct by the owner  or  his  agents  of  harassment,
    12  illegal  eviction,  continued  deprivation  of  services  or  other acts
    13  dangerous to life, health or safety.
    14    2. If the petitioners shall be tenants occupying  the  dwelling,  they
    15  shall allege the number of petitioners making the petition and that:
    16    (a)  in  the  case  of  a multiple residence dwelling, they constitute
    17  one-third or more of the tenants in occupancy thereof; or
    18    (b) in the case of a single residence dwelling, they are the occupants
    19  of such single-residence dwelling.
    20    3. Allege a brief description of the nature of the  work  required  to
    21  remove  or  remedy  the condition and an estimate as to the cost thereof
    22  except that if the petitioners shall be tenants occupying the  dwelling,
    23  the petition may allege the conditions complained of in which event such
    24  description  shall  not  be required to be made by anyone not a party to
    25  the petition.
    26    4. If the petitioners shall be tenants occupying  the  dwelling,  they
    27  shall allege the amount of rent due from each such petitioner, monthly.
    28    5. State the relief sought.
    29    §  796-e.  Answer.  At  the time when the petition is to be heard, the
    30  owner and any mortgagee or lienor of record, shall answer in writing. If
    31  the notice of petition was served at least eight days before the time at
    32  which it was noticed to be heard and it so demands, the answer shall  be
    33  served at least three days before the time the petition is noticed to be
    34  heard and any reply shall be served at least one day before such time.
    35    § 796-f. Trial. Where triable issues of fact are raised, they shall be
    36  tried  by  the  court  without  a jury at the time when issue is joined;
    37  provided, however, that the court,  in  its  discretion,  may  grant  an
    38  adjournment  of  such trial at request of either party, if it determines
    39  that an adjournment is necessary to enable  either  of  the  parties  to
    40  procure  the necessary witnesses, or upon consent of all the parties who
    41  appear. Such adjournment shall not be for more than five days except  by
    42  consent of all the parties who appear.
    43    § 796-g. Defenses. It shall be a sufficient defense to the proceeding,
    44  if the owner or any mortgagee or lienor of record establish that:
    45    1. The condition or conditions alleged in the petition did not in fact
    46  exist  or  that  such condition or conditions have been removed or reme-
    47  died; or
    48    2. Such condition or conditions have  been  caused  by  a  petitioning
    49  tenant or tenants or members of the family or families of such petition-
    50  er or petitioners or of their guests or by other residents of the dwell-
    51  ing or their families or guests; or
    52    3.  Any  tenant  or  resident of the dwelling has refused entry to the
    53  owner or the owner's agent to a portion of the premises for the  purpose
    54  of correcting such condition or conditions.
    55    § 796-h. Judgment. 1. The court shall render a final judgment either:

        S. 6721                             5

     1    (a) Dismissing the petition for failure to affirmatively establish the
     2  allegations  thereof  or because of the affirmative establishment by the
     3  owner or a mortgagee or lienor of record of a defense or defenses speci-
     4  fied in section seven hundred ninety-six-g of this article; or
     5    (b)(i) Directing that:
     6    (A)  the  rents due on the date of the entry of such judgment from the
     7  petitioning tenants and the rents due on the dates  of  service  of  the
     8  judgment  on all other residential and non-residential tenants occupying
     9  such dwelling from such other  tenants,  shall  be  deposited  with  the
    10  administrator  appointed by the court, pursuant to section seven hundred
    11  ninety-six-j of this article;
    12    (B) any rents to become due in the future from all  tenants  occupying
    13  such  dwelling  shall  be deposited with such administrator as they come
    14  due;
    15    (C) such deposited rents shall be used, subject to the court's  direc-
    16  tion,  to  the  extent  necessary  to remedy the condition or conditions
    17  alleged in the petition; and
    18    (D) upon the completion of such work in accordance with such judgment,
    19  any remaining surplus shall be turned over to the owner, together with a
    20  complete accounting of the rents deposited and the costs incurred; and
    21    (ii) granting such other and further relief as to the court  may  seem
    22  just and proper.
    23    2.  (a)  A  certified copy of such judgment shall be served personally
    24  upon each non-petitioning tenant occupying such  dwelling.  If  personal
    25  service on any such non-petitioning tenant cannot be made with due dili-
    26  gence, service on such tenant shall be made by affixing a certified copy
    27  of  such  judgment  on  the  entrance door of such tenant's apartment or
    28  other unit and, in addition, within one  day  after  such  affixing,  by
    29  sending  a  certified  copy  thereof  by registered mail, return receipt
    30  requested, to such tenant.
    31    (b) Any right of the owner of  such  dwelling  to  collect  such  rent
    32  moneys from any petitioning tenant of such dwelling on or after the date
    33  of  entry  of such judgment, and from any non-petitioning tenant of such
    34  dwelling on or after the date of service of such judgment on  such  non-
    35  petitioning  tenant  as herein provided, shall be void and unenforceable
    36  to the extent that such petitioning or non-petitioning  tenant,  as  the
    37  case may be, has deposited such moneys with the administrator in accord-
    38  ance  with  the terms of such judgment, regardless of whether such right
    39  of the owner arises from a lease, contract, agreement  or  understanding
    40  heretofore  or  hereafter  made or entered into or arises as a matter of
    41  law from the relationship of the parties or otherwise.  It  shall  be  a
    42  valid  defense  in  any  action or proceeding against any such tenant to
    43  recover possession of real property for the non-payment of rent  or  for
    44  use or occupation to prove that the rent alleged to be unpaid was depos-
    45  ited  with  the administrator in accordance with the terms of a judgment
    46  entered under this section.
    47    § 796-i. Application by mortgagee or lienor of record or other  person
    48  having  an  interest  in  the  property. 1. If, after a trial, the court
    49  shall determine that the facts alleged in the petition have been  affir-
    50  matively  established by the petitioners, that no defense thereto speci-
    51  fied in section seven hundred ninety-six-g  of  this  article  has  been
    52  affirmatively  established  by  the  owner  or  a mortgagee or lienor of
    53  record, and that the facts alleged in the petition warrant the  granting
    54  of  the  relief  sought,  and if the owner or any mortgagee or lienor of
    55  record or other person having an interest in the property,  shall  apply
    56  to  the  court to be permitted to remove or remedy the conditions speci-

        S. 6721                             6

     1  fied in such petition and shall (i) demonstrate the ability promptly  to
     2  undertake  the  work required and (ii) post security for the performance
     3  of such work within the time, and  in  the  amount  and  manner,  deemed
     4  necessary by the court, then the court, in lieu of rendering judgment as
     5  provided  in  section  seven  hundred  ninety-six-h of this article, may
     6  issue an order permitting such person to perform the work within a  time
     7  fixed by the court.
     8    2.  If,  after the issuance of an order pursuant to subdivision one of
     9  this section, but before the time fixed in such order for the completion
    10  of the work prescribed therein, it shall appear to the petitioners  that
    11  the  person  permitted  to  do the same is not proceeding with due dili-
    12  gence, the petitions may apply to the court on notice to  those  persons
    13  who  have  appeared in the proceeding for a hearing to determine whether
    14  judgment should be rendered immediately as provided in subdivision three
    15  of this section.
    16    3. If, upon a hearing authorized in subdivision two of  this  section,
    17  the  court  shall  determine  that the owner, mortgagee, lienor or other
    18  person is not proceeding with due diligence, or upon the failure of  the
    19  owner, mortgagee, lienor or other person to complete the work in accord-
    20  ance  with  the  provisions of the order, the court shall render a final
    21  judgment appointing an administrator  as  authorized  in  section  seven
    22  hundred  ninety-six-j  of  this  article. Such judgment shall direct the
    23  administrator to apply the security posted by such person to the  remov-
    24  ing  or  remedying of the condition or conditions specified in the peti-
    25  tion.  In the event that the amount of such security should be  insuffi-
    26  cient  for such purpose, such judgment shall direct the deposit of rents
    27  with the administrator, as authorized by section seven  hundred  ninety-
    28  six-h  of  this  article, to the extent of such deficiency. In the event
    29  that such security should exceed the amount required to remove or remedy
    30  such condition or conditions, such judgment shall direct the administra-
    31  tor to file with the court, upon completion of the work prescribed ther-
    32  ein, a full accounting of the amount of such security and  the  expendi-
    33  tures  made  pursuant to such judgment, and to turn over such surplus to
    34  the person who posted such  security,  together  with  a  copy  of  such
    35  accounting.
    36    §  796-j.  Appointment of administrator. 1.(a) The court is authorized
    37  and empowered, in implementation of  a  judgment  rendered  pursuant  to
    38  section seven hundred ninety-six-h or seven hundred ninety-six-i of this
    39  article,  to  appoint  a  person  other than the owner, a mortgagee or a
    40  lienor, to receive and administer the rent moneys or security  deposited
    41  with such owner, mortgagee or lienor, subject to the court's direction.
    42    (b)  The  court may appoint the commissioner of the department charged
    43  with enforcement of the housing maintenance  code  in  the  municipality
    44  where  the  dwelling  is  located or the commissioner's designee as such
    45  administrator, provided that  the  commissioner  or  the  commissioner's
    46  designee shall consent, in writing, to such appointment.
    47    (c)  Any  administrator is authorized and empowered in accordance with
    48  the direction of the court, to:
    49    (i) order the necessary materials, labor and  services  to  remove  or
    50  remedy  the  conditions specified in the judgment, and to make disburse-
    51  ments in payment thereof;
    52    (ii) demand, collect and receive the rents from  the  tenants  of  the
    53  dwelling;
    54    (iii)  institute  all  necessary  legal proceedings including, but not
    55  limited to, summary  proceedings  for  the  removal  of  any  tenant  or
    56  tenants;

        S. 6721                             7

     1    (iv)  to rent or lease for terms not exceeding three years any part of
     2  said premises, however, the court may direct the administrator  to  rent
     3  or  lease  commercial  portions of a premises zoned for mixed commercial
     4  and residential use for terms that the court may approve; and
     5    (v) in accordance with the direction of the court, to accept and repay
     6  such  moneys  as  may  be  received  from  the department or departments
     7  charged with enforcement of the housing maintenance code in the  munici-
     8  pality  or  municipalities where the dwelling is located for the purpose
     9  of managing the  premises,  replacing  or  substantially  rehabilitating
    10  systems  or  making  other repairs or capital improvements authorized by
    11  the court. All moneys expended by such department or departments  pursu-
    12  ant  to the foregoing shall constitute a debt recoverable from the owner
    13  and a lien upon the building and lot,  and  upon  the  rents  and  other
    14  income thereof.
    15    (d)  Upon  completion  of  the  work  prescribed in such judgment, the
    16  administrator, shall file with  the  court  a  full  accounting  of  all
    17  receipts and expenditures for such work. The administrator shall dispose
    18  of  the rents and other monies deposited with such administrator accord-
    19  ing to the following order of priority:
    20    (i) payment in full for all of the work  specified  in  the  judgment;
    21  until  all  of the work specified in the judgment has been completed and
    22  payment for such work has been made, no  other  disbursements  shall  be
    23  permitted,  except  for  fuel  bills,  fire and liability insurance, and
    24  bills for ordinary repairs and maintenance.
    25    (ii) payment of a reasonable amount for the services of  the  adminis-
    26  trator, including reimbursement of any legal fees incurred by the admin-
    27  istrator in connection with management of the building.
    28    (iii)  payment  of  outstanding real property tax liens claimed by any
    29  municipality in which the dwelling is located.
    30    (iv) payment of outstanding emergency repair liens filed and  recorded
    31  by  any  municipality  in  which the dwelling is located and outstanding
    32  liens filed and recorded by such municipality or municipalities pursuant
    33  to this section.
    34    (v) payment to the owner of the  dwelling  of  any  surplus  remaining
    35  after  payments of subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of this para-
    36  graph have been made.
    37    2. The court may allow from the rent moneys or security on  deposit  a
    38  reasonable amount for services of such administrator.
    39    3.  The  administrator  shall  furnish  a bond, the amount and form of
    40  which shall be approved by the court. In its  discretion  and  for  good
    41  cause  shown,  the court may dispense with the necessity for a bond. The
    42  cost of a required bond shall be paid from the moneys so deposited.
    43    4. The administrator shall file a transcript of the judgment  appoint-
    44  ing  him  or her with the clerk of the county in which the subject prem-
    45  ises is located within fifteen days of his or her appointment.
    46    5. The duties of the  administrator  shall  not  be  affected  by  the
    47  appointment  of  a  receiver in an action to foreclose a mortgage on the
    48  premises, except that the rights of the owner, including  the  right  to
    49  any  surplus,  pursuant to subparagraph (v) of paragraph (d) of subdivi-
    50  sion one of this section, shall pass to the receiver. The court in which
    51  the action to foreclose a  mortgage  on  the  premises  is  pending  may
    52  appoint  such administrator to serve as receiver in that action in addi-
    53  tion to his or her duties as administrator pursuant to this article.
    54    6.(a) Such administrator shall be liable only in his or  her  official
    55  capacity  for  injury to persons and property by reason of conditions of

        S. 6721                             8

     1  the premises in a case where an owner would have been liable; he or  she
     2  shall not have any liability in his or her personal capacity.
     3    (b)  Appointment  of  an  administrator pursuant to subdivision one of
     4  this section shall not relieve an  owner  of  liability  for  injury  to
     5  persons and property in such case.
     6    7.  No municipality shall be liable to any party, including the admin-
     7  istrator or the owner of the dwelling, for injury to persons or property
     8  by reason of conditions of the premises or the acts or omissions of  the
     9  administrator.
    10    8.  The commissioner of the department charged with enforcement of the
    11  housing maintenance code in  the  municipality  where  the  dwelling  is
    12  located  shall  promulgate  rules and regulations regarding criteria for
    13  the selection of administrators to be appointed pursuant to this section
    14  and shall establish and maintain a list  of  persons  approved  by  such
    15  department. Any person appointed as an administrator within such munici-
    16  pality  shall be selected from among the persons approved as administra-
    17  tors pursuant to such list. A city, town or village  may  establish  and
    18  maintain  such  list  itself  or elect to have such list established and
    19  maintained by the commissioner of the department charged  with  enforce-
    20  ment  of  the housing maintenance code in the county in which a dwelling
    21  is located.
    22    9. The administrator shall, within thirty days  of  appointment,  file
    23  with  the  court  a plan for the provision of essential services and for
    24  the correction of such other hazardous conditions as may  exist  at  the
    25  premises,  specifying dates by which such services shall be provided and
    26  such conditions corrected. If such  administrator  cannot  provide  such
    27  services and correct such conditions by the dates specified in the plan,
    28  he  or  she shall be required to file with the court an amendment to the
    29  plan setting forth the reasons why such services and  corrections  could
    30  not  be provided by such date and specifying new dates for such services
    31  and corrections. Such plan and any amendments  to  such  plan  shall  be
    32  provided  to  the  tenants by mail or by posting in a common area of the
    33  building and to the owner of record by mail.
    34    10. The court may only discharge an administrator  if  the  owner  has
    35  paid  in  full  or  entered  into a payment agreement to pay in full all
    36  outstanding real property tax liens claimed by any municipality in which
    37  the dwelling is located, all outstanding emergency  repair  liens  filed
    38  and  recorded  by  any municipality in which the dwelling is located and
    39  all outstanding liens filed and recorded by such municipality or munici-
    40  palities pursuant to this section.
    41    § 796-k. Presentation or  settlement  of  accounts.  The  court  shall
    42  require  the  keeping  of  written  accounts  itemizing the receipts and
    43  expenditures for work  performed  under  an  order  issued  pursuant  to
    44  section seven hundred ninety-six-h or seven hundred ninety-six-i of this
    45  article, which shall be open to inspection by the owner of the dwelling,
    46  or  any  mortgagee  or  lienor or any other person having an interest in
    47  such receipts or expenditures provided,  however,  that  notwithstanding
    48  any  other  provision of law to the contrary, such information as may be
    49  in the possession of the department charged with the enforcement of  the
    50  housing  maintenance  code of the county or city shall be available from
    51  such department for inspection only by the owner of  the  dwelling,  the
    52  tenant  of  the  dwelling, or a person having a recorded interest in the
    53  property. Upon motion of the court or the administrator or of the owner,
    54  any mortgagee or lienor of record or of any person having  an  interest,
    55  the  court may require a presentation or settlement of the accounts with
    56  respect thereto. Notice of a motion for presentation  or  settlement  of

        S. 6721                             9

     1  such  accounts  shall  be  served  on  the owner, any mortgagee or other
     2  lienor of record who appeared in the proceeding and any person having an
     3  interest in such receipts or expenditures.
     4    §  796-l.  Waiver  void.  Any  provision of a lease or other agreement
     5  whereby any provision of this article for the benefit of a tenant, resi-
     6  dent or occupant of a dwelling is waived, shall be deemed against public
     7  policy and shall be void.
     8    § 796-m. Defense of warranty of habitability inapplicable.    Notwith-
     9  standing  any  other provision of law, in any proceeding for the payment
    10  of rent commenced by an administrator appointed pursuant to  this  arti-
    11  cle,  the  provisions  of  section two hundred thirty-five-b of the real
    12  property law pertaining to the warranty of habitability shall not  be  a
    13  defense to such a proceeding for rent which accrues during the period of
    14  time  that a judgment or an order pursuant to this article is in effect,
    15  unless the court determines that the conditions upon which such  defense
    16  is based were caused by the failure of such administrator to perform his
    17  or her duties in a reasonable manner.
    18    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.