Bill Text: NY S04378 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Establishes the "pollution justice act of 2022"; implements a plan to replace peaker plant electric generating facilities with renewable energy systems.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 10-0)

Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2022-02-11 - PRINT NUMBER 4378B [S04378 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S04378-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    February 4, 2021

          ER, MAY, RAMOS, RIVERA, SALAZAR -- read twice and ordered printed, and
          when printed to be committed to the Committee on Environmental Conser-
          vation -- reported favorably from said committee, ordered to first and
          second report,  ordered  to  a  third  reading,  amended  and  ordered
          reprinted, retaining its place in the order of third reading -- recom-
          mitted  to  the  Committee on Environmental Conservation in accordance
          with Senate Rule 6, sec. 8  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  environmental  conservation law, in relation to
          establishing the "pollution justice act of 2022"  and  implementing  a
          plan to replace peaker plants with renewable energy systems

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the  "pollution
     2  justice act of 2022".
     3    §  2.  Article  19 of the environmental conservation law is amended by
     4  adding a new title 13 to read as follows:
     5                                  TITLE 13
     6                                PEAKER PLANTS
     7  Section 19-1301. Statement of findings.
     8          19-1303. Definitions.
     9          19-1305. Mandatory replacement and compliance plan.
    10          19-1307. Extensions for cause.
    11          19-1309. Prohibitions.
    12          19-1311. Exemptions.
    13  § 19-1301. Statement of findings.
    14    1. Electric generating units that generally operate during periods  of
    15  peak  electricity  demand are known as peaker plants. Many peaker plants
    16  in the state are older fossil  fuel-fired  units  that  emit  greenhouse

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4378--B                          2

     1  gases  and  a  variety  of other harmful air pollutants including sulfur
     2  oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulates and mercury.
     3    2. A substantial number of peaker plants are located in or adjacent to
     4  disadvantaged  communities  in the city of New York and Long Island that
     5  already bear disproportionate pollution burdens  due  to  a  history  of
     6  siting pollution sources in those communities. More than one million New
     7  Yorkers live within one mile of a peaker plant.
     8    3.  Pollutants  from  peaker  plants  contribute to significant public
     9  health problems. According to the New York city department of health and
    10  mental hygiene's air pollution and the health  of  New  Yorkers  report:
    11  "each  year,  PM2.5  pollution in (New York City) causes more than 3,000
    12  deaths, 2,000 hospital admissions for lung  and  heart  conditions,  and
    13  approximately  6,000  emergency department visits for asthma in children
    14  and adults."   According to the report, each  year  exposures  to  ozone
    15  concentrations above background levels cause an estimated "400 premature
    16  deaths,  850  hospitalizations for asthma and 4,500 emergency department
    17  visits for asthma."
    18    4. Peaker plants often operate during summer months when air pollution
    19  levels are highest and their emissions add to existing pollution burdens
    20  in disadvantaged communities and contribute to adverse health effects in
    21  those communities from air pollution.
    22    5. The owners and operators of peaker plants have received billions of
    23  dollars in capacity payments from ratepayers over  the  last  decade  to
    24  subsidize  operation  of  their plants, even though the plants primarily
    25  operate during peak load periods.
    26    6. Fossil fuel-burning peaker plants can be  replaced  with  renewable
    27  energy systems that will eliminate or significantly reduce air pollution
    28  impacts to disadvantaged communities from peaker plant operations.
    29    7.  Replacement  of  fossil  fuel-burning peaker plants with renewable
    30  energy systems is in the public interest, will save millions of  dollars
    31  in environmental and human health-related damages, will promote environ-
    32  mental  justice  and  will assist in meeting the greenhouse gas emission
    33  reduction and energy storage goals of the climate leadership and  commu-
    34  nity protection act.
    35  § 19-1303. Definitions.
    36    1. "Adjacent to" shall mean within a radius of one mile from the plant
    37  property boundary.
    38    2.  "Disadvantaged community" shall have the same meaning as in subdi-
    39  vision five of section 75-0101 of this chapter.
    40    3. "Operating permit" shall have the meaning set forth in  subdivision
    41  eighteen of section 19-0107 of this article.
    42    4.  "Renewable  energy  systems"  shall  have the meaning set forth in
    43  section sixty-six-p of the public service law and may also include  firm
    44  zero emission resources such as long-duration energy storage.
    45    5.  "Replace" or "replacement" means the construction and operation of
    46  a renewable energy system, battery or energy  storage,  or  transmission
    47  and distribution infrastructure that enables the provision of the equiv-
    48  alent  maximum  annual  power  output achieved by the replaceable peaker
    49  plant during  any  single  year  during  the  ten  years  preceding  the
    50  submission of an application to renew an operating permit.
    51    6. "Replaceable peaker plant" means a major electric generating facil-
    52  ity  as  defined in paragraph b of subdivision one of section 19-0312 of
    53  this article that burns coal, oil, diesel or natural gas and was  opera-
    54  tional  and  generated electricity less than fifteen percent of the year
    55  during at least two years between two thousand ten through two  thousand

        S. 4378--B                          3

     1  nineteen  and that is located in or adjacent to a disadvantaged communi-
     2  ty.
     3  § 19-1305. Mandatory replacement and compliance plan.
     4    1. The owner or operator of a replaceable peaker plant shall submit to
     5  the  department as part of an application to renew an operating permit a
     6  mandatory replacement and compliance plan that shall include, at a mini-
     7  mum, the following:
     8    a. The number of days and hours such plant operated during each of the
     9  previous ten years;
    10    b. The annual power output of such plant for each of the previous  ten
    11  years;
    12    c. The fuel or fuels utilized by such plant to generate power;
    13    d.  A  proposed  strategy  to  replace the plant with renewable energy
    14  systems or battery storage or a combination thereof. The strategy shall,
    15  at a minimum, set forth the type or types of  renewable  energy  systems
    16  and  battery  storage to be utilized, the proposed location or locations
    17  of such renewable energy systems and battery storage, and  the  electric
    18  generating  capacity  of such renewable energy systems and battery stor-
    19  age;
    20    e. A timetable for implementation of the proposed replacement strategy
    21  that shall not exceed five years from the date of renewal of the operat-
    22  ing permit and that shall ensure that the renewable energy  systems  and
    23  battery  storage are fully operational, and the operations of the peaker
    24  plant can be completely replaced, on or before five years from the  date
    25  of renewal of the operating permit; and
    26    f.  A  demonstration  of how the proposed renewable energy systems and
    27  battery storage strategy and timetable for  implementation  will  comply
    28  with  the renewable energy goals set forth in section sixty-six-p of the
    29  public service law.
    30    2. The  department  shall  provide  public  notice  of  the  mandatory
    31  replacement and compliance plan and an opportunity for public comment on
    32  the plan of not less than sixty days. The department shall hold at least
    33  two  public hearings on the plan in the affected disadvantaged community
    34  or communities, with such public hearings offering  video  participation
    35  and accessibility.
    36    3.  After  review and consideration of public comments, the department
    37  shall approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the plan.
    38    4. Upon approval of the mandatory replacement and compliance plan, the
    39  owner or operator of the replaceable peaker plant  shall  implement  the
    40  plan  in  accordance with the schedule set forth in the plan and provide
    41  to the department an annual compliance and progress report beginning one
    42  year after the department approves the plan. The department  shall  make
    43  each annual compliance and progress report available on its website.
    44    5. If the department disapproves a proposed plan, the department shall
    45  inform  the owner or operator of the replaceable peaker plant in writing
    46  of the reasons for such disapproval and shall identify the  portions  of
    47  the  disapproved  plan  that  need to be modified. The owner or operator
    48  shall submit a modified plan within sixty days of receiving the  depart-
    49  ment's written notice of disapproval. The modified plan shall be subject
    50  to  the  notice  and  public comment and hearing procedures set forth in
    51  this section.
    52  § 19-1307. Extensions for cause.
    53    1. The owner or operator of a replaceable peaker plant  may  apply  to
    54  the  department  for  a  single  five-year extension of the deadline for
    55  replacement set forth in section 19-1305 of this title.

        S. 4378--B                          4

     1    2. The department shall provide public notice of the  application  for
     2  any such extension, and an opportunity for public comment on such appli-
     3  cation,  of not less than sixty days. The department shall hold at least
     4  two public hearings on the application  in  the  affected  disadvantaged
     5  community  or  communities,  with  such  public  hearings offering video
     6  participation and accessibility. Any such  public  hearings  shall  also
     7  explore  the  option  of transitioning the replaceable peaker plant into
     8  the ownership or control of the New York power authority, an entity that
     9  currently owns and operates several  peaker  plants  in  the  state,  to
    10  manage the transition to renewable energy and battery storage systems.
    11    3.  After  review and consideration of public comments, the department
    12  shall approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the application
    13  for a single five-year extension.
    14    4. The department may only  grant  an  application  for  an  extension
    15  request  upon  a  showing  by  the  applicant,  by  clear and convincing
    16  evidence, that (a)  replacement  of  the  plant  with  renewable  energy
    17  systems  and  battery  storage  by the deadline is not feasible, (b) the
    18  department of public service, in consultation with the  New  York  inde-
    19  pendent system operator, has made a written determination that extending
    20  the  deadline  for the plant is necessary to maintain reliability of the
    21  electric grid, and (c) the continued operation of the peaker plant would
    22  not result in adverse health  impacts  for  the  impacted  disadvantaged
    23  communities.
    24  § 19-1309. Prohibitions.
    25    1.  Except  as  provided  in  section 19-1307 of this title, no person
    26  shall operate a replaceable peaker plant that is not in compliance  with
    27  the  requirements  of  this  title and the department shall not issue an
    28  operating permit or renew an operating permit for a  replaceable  peaker
    29  plant  that  does not have an approved mandatory replacement and compli-
    30  ance plan.
    31    2. The department shall not issue an  operating  permit  or  renew  an
    32  operating  permit  for a replaceable peaker plant that has not completed
    33  implementation of a mandatory replacement and  compliance  plan  by  the
    34  deadline set forth in the plan.
    35  § 19-1311. Exemptions.
    36    1.  A  replaceable  peaker plant is not subject to the requirements of
    37  this title if the owner or operator of the plant has  submitted  written
    38  notification  to the department of public service that the plant will be
    39  permanently retired on or before the first day of January, two  thousand
    40  twenty-seven.
    41    2. The department shall, effective on or before the first day of Janu-
    42  ary,  two  thousand  twenty-seven,  revoke  the  operating  permit  of a
    43  replaceable  peaker  plant  for  which  written  notification  has  been
    44  provided to the department of public service pursuant to subdivision one
    45  of this section.
    46    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.