Bill Text: NY A10350 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to filing by electronic means.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-06-05 - substituted by s7524 [A10350 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A10350-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 18, 2024

        Introduced  by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Shimsky) --
          (at request of the Office of Court Administration) --  read  once  and
          referred to the Committee on Judiciary

        AN ACT to amend the judiciary law, the civil practice law and rules, the
          court of claims act, the New York city criminal court act, the uniform
          district  court  act,  the uniform city court act, the uniform justice
          court act, the criminal procedure law and the  family  court  act,  in
          relation  to  filing  by electronic means; to amend chapter 237 of the
          laws of 2015 amending the judiciary law, the civil  practice  law  and
          rules  and  other laws relating to the use of electronic means for the
          commencement and filing of papers in certain actions and  proceedings,
          in  relation  to  the  effectiveness  thereof;  and  to repeal certain
          provisions of the civil practice law and rules, the criminal procedure
          law and the family court act, relating to court filings

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Clause (A) of subparagraph (i) and subparagraphs (iv), (v)
     2  and (vi) of paragraph (u) of subdivision 2 of section 212 of the judici-
     3  ary law, clause (A) of subparagraph (i) as amended by chapter 99 of  the
     4  laws  of  2017, subparagraphs (iv), (v) and (vi) as added by chapter 237
     5  of the laws of 2015 and such paragraph as relettered  by  section  1  of
     6  part  BB  of  chapter  55  of  the  laws of 2017, are amended to read as
     7  follows:
     8    (A) Not later than February first in each  calendar  year,  the  chief
     9  administrator  of the courts shall submit to the legislature, the gover-
    10  nor and the chief judge of the state a  report  evaluating  the  state's
    11  experience  with  programs  in  the  use  of  electronic  means  for the
    12  commencement of actions and proceedings and the service of papers there-
    13  in as authorized by law and containing such recommendations for  further
    14  legislation  as  he or she shall deem appropriate. In the preparation of
    15  such report, the chief administrator  shall  consult  with  each  county
    16  clerk in whose county a program has been implemented in [civil cases in]
    17  the supreme [court] and/or county court, each district attorney in whose
    18  county a program has been implemented in criminal cases in the courts of

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10350                            2

     1  such  county,  the  advisory committees established pursuant to subpara-
     2  graphs (ii) through (vi) of this paragraph, the organized bar  including
     3  but not limited to city, state, county and women's bar associations; the
     4  office  of  indigent legal services; institutional legal service provid-
     5  ers; not-for-profit legal service providers; public defenders; attorneys
     6  assigned pursuant to article eighteen-B of the county law;  unaffiliated
     7  attorneys  who  regularly  appear  in  proceedings that are or have been
     8  affected by any programs that  have  been  implemented  or  who  may  be
     9  affected by the proposed recommendations for further legislation; repre-
    10  sentatives  of  victims'  rights organizations; and any other persons in
    11  whose county a program has been implemented in any of the courts therein
    12  as deemed to be appropriate by the chief administrator, and afford  them
    13  an  opportunity  to  submit comments with respect to such implementation
    14  for inclusion in the report and address any such comments.
    15    Public comments shall also be sought via a prominent  posting  on  the
    16  website  of  the  office  of court administration. All comments received
    17  from any source shall be posted for public review on the same website.
    18    (iv) The chief administrator shall maintain an advisory  committee  to
    19  consult  with  him  or  her  in the implementation of laws affecting the
    20  program in the use of electronic means for  the  commencement  of  civil
    21  actions  and proceedings and the service and filing of papers therein in
    22  the civil court of the city of New York, the district courts,  the  city
    23  courts  outside  New York city, and the town and village justice courts.
    24  This committee shall consist of such number  of  members  as  the  chief
    25  administrator  shall  designate,  among  which  there shall be the chief
    26  clerk of the civil court of the city of New  York;  one  or  more  chief
    27  clerks  of  the  district courts, the city courts outside New York city,
    28  and the town and village justice courts;  the  president  of  the  state
    29  magistrates'  association or his or her designee; representatives of the
    30  organized bar including but not  limited  to  city,  state,  county  and
    31  women's  bar  associations;  [attorneys  who regularly appear in actions
    32  specified in subparagraph (C) of paragraph two  of  subdivision  (b)  of
    33  section  twenty-one hundred eleven of the civil practice law and rules;]
    34  and unaffiliated attorneys who regularly appear in proceedings that  are
    35  or  have been affected by the programs that have been implemented or who
    36  may be affected by any recommendations for further legislation  concern-
    37  ing  the  use  of  electronic  means for the commencement of actions and
    38  proceedings and the service and filing of papers therein in  [the  civil
    39  court  of  the  city  of  New  York] any of the courts specified in this
    40  subparagraph; and any other persons as deemed appropriate by  the  chief
    41  administrator.  Such  committee  shall  help  the chief administrator to
    42  evaluate the impact of  such  electronic  filing  program  on  litigants
    43  including  unrepresented  parties,  practitioners  and the courts and to
    44  obtain input from those who are or would be affected by such  electronic
    45  filing program, including unrepresented parties, city, state, county and
    46  women's  bar  associations;  institutional legal service providers; not-
    47  for-profit legal service providers; attorneys assigned pursuant to arti-
    48  cle eighteen-B of the county law; unaffiliated attorneys  who  regularly
    49  appear  in  proceedings  that  are or have been affected by the programs
    50  that have been implemented or who may be affected by any recommendations
    51  for further legislation concerning the  use  of  the  electronic  filing
    52  program in any of the [civil court of the city of New York] courts spec-
    53  ified  in  this  subparagraph;  and  any other persons in whose county a
    54  program has been implemented in any of the courts therein as  deemed  to
    55  be appropriate by the chief administrator.

        A. 10350                            3

     1    (v)  The  chief  administrator shall maintain an advisory committee to
     2  consult with him or her in the  implementation  of  laws  affecting  the
     3  program  in the use of electronic means for the commencement of criminal
     4  actions and the filing and service of papers in pending criminal actions
     5  and  proceedings[,  as  first authorized by paragraph one of subdivision
     6  (c) of section six of chapter four hundred sixteen of the  laws  of  two
     7  thousand nine, as amended by chapter one hundred eighty-four of the laws
     8  of  two  thousand  twelve, is continued]. The committee shall consist of
     9  such number of members as will enable the chief administrator to  obtain
    10  input  from those who are or would be affected by such electronic filing
    11  program, and such members shall include county clerks; chief  clerks  of
    12  supreme, county and other courts; district attorneys; representatives of
    13  the  office  of  indigent  legal  services; not-for-profit legal service
    14  providers; public defenders; statewide and local specialty  bar  associ-
    15  ations  whose membership devotes a significant portion of their practice
    16  to assigned criminal cases pursuant to subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a)
    17  of subdivision three of section seven hundred twenty-two of  the  county
    18  law;  institutional  providers  of  criminal  defense services and other
    19  members of the criminal defense bar; representatives of victims'  rights
    20  organizations;   unaffiliated   attorneys   who   regularly   appear  in
    21  proceedings that are or would be  affected  by  such  electronic  filing
    22  program  and other interested members of the criminal justice community.
    23  Such committee shall help the chief administrator to evaluate the impact
    24  of such electronic filing program on litigants  including  unrepresented
    25  parties, practitioners and the courts and to obtain input from those who
    26  are  or  would  be affected by such electronic filing program, including
    27  unrepresented parties, district attorneys, not-for-profit legal  service
    28  providers,  public  defenders, statewide and local specialty bar associ-
    29  ations whose membership devotes a significant portion of their  practice
    30  to assigned criminal cases pursuant to subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a)
    31  of  subdivision  three of section seven hundred twenty-two of the county
    32  law; institutional providers of  criminal  defense  services  and  other
    33  members  of the criminal defense bar, representatives of victims' rights
    34  organizations,  unaffiliated   attorneys   who   regularly   appear   in
    35  proceedings  that  are  or  would  be affected by such electronic filing
    36  program and other interested members of the criminal justice community.
    37    (vi) The chief administrator shall maintain an advisory  committee  to
    38  consult  with  him  or  her  in the implementation of laws affecting the
    39  program in the use of electronic means for the origination of  [juvenile
    40  delinquency]  proceedings  [under  article three of the family court act
    41  and abuse or neglect proceedings pursuant to article ten of  the  family
    42  court  act] in family court and the filing and service of papers in such
    43  pending proceedings[, as first authorized by paragraph one  of  subdivi-
    44  sion  (d)  of section six of chapter four hundred sixteen of the laws of
    45  two thousand nine, as amended by chapter one hundred eighty-four of  the
    46  laws  of two thousand twelve, is continued]. The committee shall consist
    47  of such number of members as will  enable  the  chief  administrator  to
    48  obtain  input from those who are or would be affected by such electronic
    49  filing program, and such members shall include chief  clerks  of  family
    50  courts;  representatives  of authorized presentment and child protective
    51  agencies; other appropriate county and city government officials; insti-
    52  tutional providers of legal services for children and/or  parents;  not-
    53  for-profit legal service providers; public defenders; representatives of
    54  the  office  of  indigent legal services; attorneys assigned pursuant to
    55  article eighteen-B of the county law; and other members  of  the  family
    56  court  bar;  representatives  of victims' rights organizations; unaffil-

        A. 10350                            4

     1  iated attorneys who regularly appear in proceedings that are or would be
     2  affected by such electronic filing program; and other interested members
     3  of the family practice community. Such committee shall  help  the  chief
     4  administrator  to  evaluate the impact of such electronic filing program
     5  on litigants including  unrepresented  parties,  practitioners  and  the
     6  courts  and  to  obtain input from those who are or would be affected by
     7  such electronic filing program, including unrepresented parties,  repre-
     8  sentatives  of  authorized  presentment  and  child protective agencies,
     9  other appropriate county and city  government  officials,  institutional
    10  providers  of legal services for children and/or parents, not-for-profit
    11  legal service providers, public defenders, attorneys  assigned  pursuant
    12  to  article eighteen-B of the county law and other members of the family
    13  court bar, representatives of victims'  rights  organizations,  unaffil-
    14  iated attorneys who regularly appear in proceedings that are or would be
    15  affected by such electronic filing program, and other interested members
    16  of the criminal justice community.
    17    §  2.  Subdivision  (a)  of section 2111 of the civil practice law and
    18  rules, as added by chapter 237 of the laws of 2015, is amended  to  read
    19  as follows:
    20    (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the chief administra-
    21  tor of the courts, with the approval of the administrative board of  the
    22  courts, may promulgate rules authorizing a program in the use of facsim-
    23  ile transmission only in the court of claims and electronic means in the
    24  [supreme  court,  the  civil  court of the city of New York, surrogate's
    25  courts and the court of claims] courts of New York having  civil  juris-
    26  diction  for: (i) the commencement of civil actions and proceedings, and
    27  (ii)  the  filing  and  service  of  papers  in  pending   actions   and
    28  proceedings.  Provided,  however,  the chief administrator shall consult
    29  with the county clerk of a county outside the city of  New  York  before
    30  the use of electronic means is to be authorized hereunder in the supreme
    31  court or the county court of such county, afford him or her the opportu-
    32  nity to submit comments with respect thereto, consider any such comments
    33  and obtain the agreement thereto of such county clerk.
    34    § 3. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 2-a of subdivision (b) of section 2111 of the
    35  civil practice law and rules are REPEALED and two new paragraphs 1 and 2
    36  are added to read as follows:
    37    1.  Participation  in this program may be required or may be voluntary
    38  as provided by the chief administrator, except that it shall be strictly
    39  voluntary as to any party to an action or proceeding who is not  repres-
    40  ented by counsel.
    41    2.  (A) Where participation in this program is to be voluntary:
    42    (i)  commencement of an action or proceeding by facsimile transmission
    43  or electronic means shall not require the consent of  any  other  party;
    44  nor  shall a party's failure to consent to participation in an action or
    45  proceeding bar any other party to the action or proceeding  from  filing
    46  and  serving  papers  by facsimile transmission or electronic means upon
    47  the court or any other party  to  such  action  or  proceeding  who  has
    48  consented to participation;
    49    (ii)  all  parties shall be notified clearly, in plain language, about
    50  their options to participate in filing by electronic means;
    51    (iii) no party to an action or proceeding shall be compelled, directly
    52  or indirectly, to participate;
    53    (iv) where a party is not represented  by  counsel,  the  court  shall
    54  explain  such  party's  options for electronic filing in plain language,
    55  including the option for expedited processing, and shall inquire whether
    56  he or she wishes to  participate,  provided  however  the  unrepresented

        A. 10350                            5

     1  litigant  may  participate  in the program only upon his or her request,
     2  which shall be documented in the case file, after said  party  has  been
     3  presented  with  sufficient information in plain language concerning the
     4  program.
     5    (B) Where participation in this program is to be required:
     6    (i)  such  requirement  shall  not be effective in a court in a county
     7  unless, in addition to consulting with the county clerk of  such  county
     8  and  obtaining  his  or  her agreement thereto if the court is a supreme
     9  court or county court, the chief administrator shall:
    10    (1) first consult with members of the organized bar including but  not
    11  limited  to city, state, county, and women's bar associations and, where
    12  they practice in such court  in  such  county,  with  (a)  institutional
    13  service  providers,  (b)  not-for-profit  legal  service  providers, (c)
    14  attorneys assigned pursuant to article eighteen-B of the county law, (d)
    15  unaffiliated attorneys who regularly appear in proceedings that  are  or
    16  have been affected by a program of electronic filing in such county, and
    17  (e)  any other persons as deemed to be appropriate by the chief adminis-
    18  trator;
    19    (2) afford all those with whom he or she consults pursuant to item one
    20  of this clause the opportunity to submit comments with  respect  to  the
    21  program,  which  comments, including but not limited to comments related
    22  to unrepresented litigants, he or she shall consider and shall post  for
    23  public review on the office of court administration's website; and
    24    (ii)  as provided in paragraph three of this subdivision, no party who
    25  is not represented by counsel nor any counsel in an  affected  case  who
    26  opts  out  of  participation in the program shall be required to partic-
    27  ipate therein.
    28    § 4. The opening paragraph  of  paragraph  3  of  subdivision  (b)  of
    29  section  2111  of  the civil practice law and rules, as added by chapter
    30  237 of the laws of 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    31    Where the chief administrator [eliminates the requirement of  consent]
    32  requires  participation  in  electronic  filing as provided in paragraph
    33  [two] one of this subdivision, he or she shall afford counsel the oppor-
    34  tunity to opt out of the program, via presentation of a prescribed  form
    35  to  be  filed  with  the clerk of the court where the action is pending.
    36  [Said] Such form shall permit an attorney to opt out of participation in
    37  the program under any of the following circumstances, in which event, he
    38  or she will not be compelled to participate:
    39    § 5. Section 2112 of the civil practice law and rules, as  amended  by
    40  chapter 99 of the laws of 2017, is amended to read as follows:
    41    §  2112.  Filing  of  papers  in  the appellate division by electronic
    42  means.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and except as other-
    43  wise provided in subdivision (c) of section twenty-one hundred eleven of
    44  this article, the appellate division in  each  judicial  department  may
    45  promulgate  rules  authorizing  a program in the use of electronic means
    46  for: (i) appeals to such court from the judgment or order of a court  of
    47  original instance or from that of another appellate court, (ii) making a
    48  motion for permission to appeal to such court, (iii) commencement of any
    49  other  proceeding that may be brought in such court, and (iv) the filing
    50  and service of papers  in  pending  actions  and  proceedings.  Provided
    51  however,  such  rules  shall  not  require an unrepresented party or any
    52  attorney who furnishes a certificate specified in  subparagraph  (A)  or
    53  (B)  of paragraph three of subdivision (b) of section twenty-one hundred
    54  eleven of this article to take or perfect an appeal by electronic means.
    55  Provided further, however,  before  promulgating  any  such  rules,  the
    56  appellate  division  in  each judicial department shall consult with the

        A. 10350                            6

     1  chief administrator of the courts and shall provide an  opportunity  for
     2  review  and  comment by all those who are or would be affected including
     3  city, state, county and women's bar  associations;  institutional  legal
     4  service  providers;  not-for-profit  legal  service providers; attorneys
     5  assigned pursuant to article eighteen-B of the county law;  unaffiliated
     6  attorneys  who  regularly  appear  in  proceedings that are or have been
     7  affected by the programs that  have  been  implemented  or  who  may  be
     8  affected  by  promulgation of rules concerning the use of the electronic
     9  filing program in the appellate division of any judicial department; and
    10  any other persons in whose county a program has been implemented in  any
    11  of the courts therein as deemed to be appropriate by any appellate divi-
    12  sion.  To  the  extent  practicable,  rules promulgated by the appellate
    13  division in each judicial department pursuant to this section  shall  be
    14  uniform  and may apply to any appellate term established by an appellate
    15  division.
    16    § 6. Subdivision 1 of section 11-b of the  court  of  claims  act,  as
    17  added by chapter 237 of the laws of 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    18    1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the chief administrator
    19  of  the  courts[,  with  the approval of the administrative board of the
    20  courts,] may authorize a program in the  [voluntary]  use  of  facsimile
    21  transmission  and  electronic  means in the court as provided in article
    22  twenty-one-A of the civil practice law and rules.
    23    § 7. The New York city criminal court act is amended by adding  a  new
    24  section 42 to read as follows:
    25    §  42.  Use  of  electronic filing authorized. (1) Notwithstanding any
    26  other provision of law,  the  chief  administrator  of  the  courts  may
    27  authorize a program in the use of electronic means in cases in the crim-
    28  inal  court  of the city of New York as provided in section 10.40 of the
    29  criminal procedure law.
    30    (2) For purposes of this section, "electronic means"  shall  have  the
    31  same  meaning  as  defined by subdivision (f) of rule twenty-one hundred
    32  three of the civil practice law and rules.
    33    § 8. The uniform district court act is amended by adding a new section
    34  2103-a to read as follows:
    35  § 2103-a.  Use of electronic filing authorized.
    36    (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the chief administra-
    37  tor of the courts may authorize a program in the use of electronic means
    38  in civil cases in a district court as provided in  article  twenty-one-A
    39  of  the  civil practice law and rules, and in criminal cases as provided
    40  in section 10.40 of the criminal procedure law.
    41    (b)  For purposes of this section, "electronic means" shall  have  the
    42  same  meaning  as  defined by subdivision (f) of rule twenty-one hundred
    43  three of the civil practice law and rules.
    44    § 9. The uniform city court act is amended by  adding  a  new  section
    45  2103-a to read as follows:
    46  § 2103-a. Use of electronic filing authorized.
    47    (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the chief administra-
    48  tor of the courts may authorize a program in the use of electronic means
    49  in  civil  cases  in a city court as provided in article twenty-one-A of
    50  the civil practice law and rules, and in criminal cases as  provided  in
    51  section 10.40 of the criminal procedure law.
    52    (b)    For purposes of this section, "electronic means" shall have the
    53  same meaning as defined by subdivision (f) of  rule  twenty-one  hundred
    54  three of the civil practice law and rules.
    55    § 10. The uniform justice court act is amended by adding a new section
    56  2103-a to read as follows:

        A. 10350                            7

     1  § 2103-a. Use of electronic filing authorized.
     2    (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the chief administra-
     3  tor of the courts may authorize a program in the use of electronic means
     4  in civil cases in a justice court as provided in article twenty-one-A of
     5  the  civil  practice law and rules, and in criminal cases as provided in
     6  section 10.40 of the criminal procedure law.
     7    (b)  For purposes of this section, "electronic means" shall  have  the
     8  same  meaning  as  defined by subdivision (f) of rule twenty-one hundred
     9  three of the civil practice law and rules.
    10    § 11. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 2 of section 10.40 of the  criminal
    11  procedure  law,  as added by chapter 237 of the laws of 2015, is amended
    12  to read as follows:
    13    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the chief  administra-
    14  tor,  with  the  approval of the administrative board of the courts, may
    15  promulgate rules authorizing a program in the use  of  electronic  means
    16  ("e-filing")  in  the  [supreme court and in the county court] courts of
    17  New York having criminal jurisdiction for: (i) the filing with  a  court
    18  of  an accusatory instrument for the purpose of commencement of a crimi-
    19  nal action or proceeding [in a superior court, as provided  by  articles
    20  one  hundred  ninety-five and two hundred of this chapter], and (ii) the
    21  filing  and  service  of  papers  in  pending  [criminal]  actions   and
    22  proceedings.  Provided,  however,  the chief administrator shall consult
    23  with the county clerk of a county outside the city of  New  York  before
    24  the use of electronic means is to be authorized hereunder in the supreme
    25  court  or county court of such county, afford him or her the opportunity
    26  to submit comments with respect thereto, consider any such comments  and
    27  obtain the agreement thereto of such county clerk.
    28    §  12. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 of section 10.40 of the criminal
    29  procedure law is REPEALED and a new paragraph (b) is added  to  read  as
    30  follows:
    31    (b)  Participation in this program may be required or may be voluntary
    32  as provided by the chief administrator, except that it shall be strictly
    33  voluntary as to any party to an action or proceeding who is not  repres-
    34  ented  by counsel unless such party, upon his or her request, chooses to
    35  participate.
    36    § 13. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subdivision 2 of section 10.40 of  the
    37  criminal procedure law, as added by chapter 237 of the laws of 2015, are
    38  relettered  paragraphs  (d)  and (e) and a new paragraph (c) is added to
    39  read as follows:
    40    (c) (i) Where participation in this program is to be voluntary:    (A)
    41  filing  an  accusatory instrument by electronic means with the court for
    42  the purpose of commencement of an action or proceeding shall not require
    43  the consent of any other party; nor shall a party's failure  to  consent
    44  to  participation in an action or proceeding bar any other party to such
    45  action or proceeding from filing and serving papers by facsimile  trans-
    46  mission  or  electronic  means upon the court or any other party to such
    47  action or proceeding who has consented to participation;
    48    (B) all parties shall be notified clearly, in  plain  language,  about
    49  their options to participate in filing by electronic means;
    50    (C)  no  party to an action or proceeding shall be compelled, directly
    51  or indirectly, to participate;
    52    (D) where a party is not  represented  by  counsel,  the  court  shall
    53  explain  such  party's  options for electronic filing in plain language,
    54  including the option for expedited processing, and shall inquire whether
    55  he or she wishes to  participate,  provided  however  the  unrepresented
    56  litigant  may  participate  in the program only upon his or her request,

        A. 10350                            8

     1  which shall be documented in the case file, after said  party  has  been
     2  presented  with  sufficient information in plain language concerning the
     3  program.
     4    (ii) Where participation in this program is to be required:
     5    (A)  such  requirement  shall  not be effective in a court in a county
     6  unless, in addition to consulting with the county clerk of  such  county
     7  and  obtaining  his  or  her agreement thereto if the court is a supreme
     8  court or county court, the chief administrator shall:
     9    (1) first consult with and obtain the agreement of the district attor-
    10  ney and the criminal defense bar of such county, provide all persons and
    11  organizations, or their representative or representatives, who regularly
    12  appear in criminal actions or proceedings in the criminal courts of such
    13  county with reasonable notice and opportunity to  submit  comments  with
    14  respect  thereto  and  give  due consideration to all such comments, and
    15  consult with the members of the advisory committee specified in subpara-
    16  graph (v) of paragraph (u) of subdivision two  of  section  two  hundred
    17  twelve of the judiciary law; and
    18    (2) afford all those with whom he or she consults pursuant to item one
    19  of  this  clause  the opportunity to submit comments with respect to the
    20  program, which comments, including but not limited to  comments  related
    21  to  unrepresented litigants, he or she shall consider and shall post for
    22  public review on the office of court administration's website; and
    23    (B) as provided in paragraph (d) of this subdivision, no party who  is
    24  not  represented by counsel nor any counsel in an affected case who opts
    25  out of participation in the program shall  be  required  to  participate
    26  therein.
    27    §  14.  The  opening  paragraph  of  paragraph (d) of subdivision 2 of
    28  section 10.40 of the criminal procedure law, as added by chapter 237  of
    29  the laws of 2015 and such paragraph as relettered by section thirteen of
    30  this act, is amended to read as follows:
    31    Where  the chief administrator [eliminates the requirement of consent]
    32  requires participation in electronic filing as provided in [subparagraph
    33  (ii) of] paragraph (b) of this subdivision, he or she shall afford coun-
    34  sel the opportunity to opt out of the program,  via  presentation  of  a
    35  prescribed  form to be filed with the court where the criminal action is
    36  pending. Said form shall permit an attorney to opt out of  participation
    37  in the program under any of the following circumstances, in which event,
    38  he or she will not be compelled to participate:
    39    §  15.  Subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (e) of subdivision 2 of section
    40  10.40 of the criminal procedure law, as added by chapter 237 of the laws
    41  of 2015 and such paragraph as relettered by  section  thirteen  of  this
    42  act, is amended to read as follows:
    43    (ii)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no paper or
    44  document that is filed by electronic means in a criminal proceeding  [in
    45  supreme  court or county court] shall be available for public inspection
    46  on-line. Subject to the provisions of existing laws governing the  seal-
    47  ing  and  confidentiality of court records, nothing herein shall prevent
    48  the unified court system from sharing statistical information that  does
    49  not include any papers or documents filed with the action; and, provided
    50  further, that this paragraph shall not prohibit the chief administrator,
    51  in  the  exercise of his or her discretion, from posting papers or docu-
    52  ments that have not been sealed pursuant to  law  on  a  public  website
    53  maintained by the unified court system where: (A) the website is not the
    54  website  established  by the rules promulgated pursuant to paragraph (a)
    55  of this subdivision, and (B) to do so would be in the  public  interest.
    56  For purposes of this subparagraph, the chief administrator, in determin-

        A. 10350                            9

     1  ing  whether  posting  papers or documents on a public website is in the
     2  public interest, shall, at a minimum, take into account for each posting
     3  the following factors: (A) the type of case involved; (B)  whether  such
     4  posting  would cause harm to any person, including especially a minor or
     5  crime victim; (C) whether such posting would include lewd or  scandalous
     6  matters; and (D) the possibility that such papers or documents may ulti-
     7  mately be sealed.
     8    §  16.  Subdivision  (b)  of  section  214  of the family court act is
     9  REPEALED and a new subdivision (b) is added to read as follows:
    10    (b)(i) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the chief  adminis-
    11  trator, with the approval of the administrative board of the courts, may
    12  promulgate  rules  authorizing  a program in the use of electronic means
    13  ("e-filing") in the family court for: (1) the origination of proceedings
    14  in such court, and (2) the filing  and  service  of  papers  in  pending
    15  proceedings.
    16    (ii) Participation in this program may be required or may be voluntary
    17  as provided by the chief administrator, except that it shall be strictly
    18  voluntary  as to any party to an action or proceeding who is not repres-
    19  ented by counsel unless such party, upon his or her request, chooses  to
    20  participate.
    21    §  17.  Subdivisions  (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of section 214 of the
    22  family court act, as added by chapter 237  of  the  laws  of  2015,  are
    23  relettered subdivisions (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) and a new subdivision
    24  (c) is added to read as follows:
    25    (c) (i) Where participation in this program is to be voluntary:
    26    (1)  filing  a  petition  by  electronic  means with the court for the
    27  purpose of originating a proceeding shall not require the consent of any
    28  other party; nor shall the failure of a party or  other  person  who  is
    29  entitled  to  notice  of the proceedings to consent to participation bar
    30  any other party from filing and serving papers by electronic means  upon
    31  the  court  or  any  other party or person entitled to receive notice of
    32  such proceeding who has consented to participation;
    33    (2) all parties shall be notified clearly, in  plain  language,  about
    34  their options to participate in filing by electronic means;
    35    (3)  no  party to an action or proceeding shall be compelled, directly
    36  or indirectly, to participate;
    37    (4) where a party is not  represented  by  counsel,  the  court  shall
    38  explain  such  party's  options for electronic filing in plain language,
    39  including the option for expedited processing, and shall inquire whether
    40  he or she wishes to  participate,  provided  however  the  unrepresented
    41  litigant  may  participate  in the program only upon his or her request,
    42  which shall be documented in the case file, after said  party  has  been
    43  presented  with  sufficient information in plain language concerning the
    44  program;
    45    (5) upon the filing of a petition with the court by electronic  means,
    46  a  party  to  the  proceeding  and any attorney for such person shall be
    47  permitted to immediately review and obtain copies of such documents  and
    48  papers  if  such person or attorney would have been authorized by law to
    49  review or obtain copies of such documents and papers if  they  had  been
    50  filed with the court in paper form.
    51    (ii) Where participation in this program is to be required:
    52    (1)  such  requirement  shall  not be effective in a court in a county
    53  unless the chief administrator shall:
    54    (A) first consult with and obtain the  agreement  of  each  authorized
    55  presentment  agency,  child  protective  agency,  the  family  court bar
    56  providing representation to parents, and the family court bar  providing

        A. 10350                           10

     1  representation  to  children  (as  represented by the head of each legal
     2  services organization representing parents and/or children, the head  of
     3  each  public defender organization, and president of the local bar asso-
     4  ciation  as applicable) of such county, provide all persons or organiza-
     5  tions, or their representative or representatives, who regularly  appear
     6  in  proceedings in the family court of such county, in which proceedings
     7  the requirement of consent is to be eliminated  with  reasonable  notice
     8  and  an opportunity to submit comments with respect thereto and give due
     9  consideration to all such comments, and consult with the members of  the
    10  advisory  committee continued pursuant to subparagraph (vi) of paragraph
    11  (u) of subdivision two of section two hundred twelve  of  the  judiciary
    12  law; and
    13    (B)  afford  all those with whom he or she consults pursuant to clause
    14  (A) of  this  subparagraph  with  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  submit
    15  comments  with  respect  to  the program, which comments he or she shall
    16  consider and shall post for public review on the office of court  admin-
    17  istration's website; and
    18    (C)  consult  with  the  members  of  the advisory committee continued
    19  pursuant to subparagraph (vi) of paragraph (u)  of  subdivision  two  of
    20  section two hundred twelve of the judiciary law; and
    21    (2)  as  provided  in subdivision (d) of this section, no party who is
    22  not represented by counsel nor any counsel in an affected case who  opts
    23  out  of  participation  in  the program shall be required to participate
    24  therein.
    25    § 18. Section 11 of chapter 237 of the laws of 2015 amending the judi-
    26  ciary law, the civil practice law and rules and other laws  relating  to
    27  the use of electronic means for the commencement and filing of papers in
    28  certain  actions  and proceedings, as amended by chapter 554 of the laws
    29  of 2022, is amended to read as follows:
    30    § 11. This act shall take effect immediately[; provided that  sections
    31  four,  five,  six  and seven of this act shall each expire and be deemed
    32  repealed September 1, 2027; and provided that paragraph 2-a of  subdivi-
    33  sion  (b)  of section 2111 of the civil practice law and rules, as added
    34  by section two of this act, shall expire and be deemed repealed  Septem-
    35  ber 1, 2027].
    36    § 19. This act shall take effect immediately.