Bill Text: NY A09531 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Relates to providing net revenues from utility-owned large-scale renewable generation projects to low-income customers; authorizes utility companies to own such projects; provides that the commission shall require labor agreements and labor peace agreements.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-05-24 - amended on third reading (t) 9531a [A09531 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A09531-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK

                                                                   R. R. 422

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     March 16, 2022

        Introduced  by M. of A. CUSICK, GUNTHER -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Energy -- reported and referred to the Committee on Rules
          -- amended on the special order of third reading, ordered reprinted as
          amended, retaining its place on the special order of third reading

        AN ACT to amend the public service law and the labor law, in relation to
          providing net revenues from utility-owned large-scale renewable gener-
          ation projects to low-income customers and authorizes  utility  compa-
          nies to own such projects

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. 1. New York  state  recog-
     2  nizes  the  deleterious impacts of climate change including increasingly
     3  frequent catastrophic weather events.
     4    2. Pursuant to the New  York  state climate leadership  and  community
     5  protection  act  (CLCPA),  New  York  state seeks to dramatically reduce
     6  greenhouse gas emissions and move its electric  generation  from  fossil
     7  fuel-based  generation to renewable-based generation. New York state has
     8  mandated that seventy percent of electricity come from renewable  energy
     9  sources  by  year  2030 and one hundred percent of electricity come from
    10  carbon neutral sources by 2040.
    11    3. Further, New York state recognizes that the current pace of  devel-
    12  opment  of  in-state  renewable energy resources is insufficient to meet
    13  the state's statutory renewable generation goals on schedule.
    14    4. Because New York state seeks  to  accomplish  these  energy-related
    15  goals  and standards as soon as practicable allowing regulated utilities
    16  to own and operate renewable generation is essential to  achieving  such
    17  goals  and to provide a consistent and affordable supply of carbon-free,
    18  renewably generated electricity by 2030, through 2050 and beyond.
    19    5. New York state seeks to  continue  to  develop  in-state  renewable
    20  energy  projects that will drive down costs, benefit customers receiving
    21  retail electric delivery particularly those customers  who  are  low  to
    22  moderate income.
    23    6.  New  York state has a proprietary interest in these projects being
    24  efficiently built and operated without  unnecessary  disruptions,  which
    25  justifies  the  use  of  project labor agreements and labor peace agree-
    26  ments.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9531--A                          2

     1    § 2. The public service law is amended by adding a new section 66-t to
     2  read as follows:
     3    §  66-t.  Regulated  large  scale renewable generation. 1. In order to
     4  support the state in meeting state energy-related goals  and  standards,
     5  corporations  subject to the provisions of this article providing retail
     6  electric service shall be authorized to own and operate renewable energy
     7  generating facilities in New York  state.  Such  corporations  shall  be
     8  authorized  to  own and operate such facilities individually or in part-
     9  nership with other persons doing business in New York.
    10    2. A corporation owning and operating a  renewable  energy  generation
    11  facility  pursuant  to  this section shall provide all net revenues from
    12  such facility to low-income customers in the form of bill credits, which
    13  shall be in addition to any other program  or  benefit  offered  by  the
    14  corporation to assist such customers.
    15    3.  In  addition to the provisions of subdivision two of this section,
    16  any renewable energy generating facility owned  by  such  a  corporation
    17  shall be:
    18    (a)  subject  to commission oversight in order to ensure that: (i) the
    19  power generated at such facilities remains in-state for the  benefit  of
    20  customers  and  the  state;  (ii) the power generated at such facilities
    21  shall not be exported out-of-state; and (iii)  any  repowering  of  such
    22  generating  facilities  shall  comply  with  all  requirements  of  this
    23  section;
    24    (b) built, pursuant to  a  competitive  third-party  bidding  process,
    25  which shall be issued by the corporation;
    26    (c)  subject  to  section  sixty-six-r of this article and section two
    27  hundred twenty-four-d of the labor law; and
    28    (d) owned and operated in a manner that provides beneficial  cost  and
    29  rate impacts to customers.
    30    4.  The commission shall establish a generation capacity limit for the
    31  total  generation  capacity  owned  by  corporations  pursuant  to  this
    32  section.    The  total  generation capacity shall not exceed twenty-five
    33  percent of the total generation capacity needed to achieve the renewable
    34  energy goals described in section sixty-six-p of this article.
    35    5. The commission shall issue such orders, rules  and  regulations  as
    36  may be necessary and appropriate to implement this section.
    37    § 3. The public service law is amended by adding a new section 66-u to
    38  read as follows:
    39    §  66-u.  Labor  agreements  and  labor  peace  agreements. 1. For the
    40  purposes of this section:
    41    (a) "covered renewable energy system" means a renewable energy system,
    42  as such term is defined in section sixty-six-p of this article,  with  a
    43  capacity  of  greater  than five megawatts alternating current and which
    44  involves the procurement of renewable energy credits by a public entity,
    45  or a third party acting on behalf of and for the  benefit  of  a  public
    46  entity.  "Covered renewable energy system" shall also include any gener-
    47  ation  facility authorized pursuant to section sixty-six-t of this arti-
    48  cle;
    49    (b) "labor peace agreement" means an agreement between an  entity  and
    50  labor  organization that, at a minimum, protects the state's proprietary
    51  interests by prohibiting labor organizations and members  from  engaging
    52  in picketing, work stoppages, boycotts, and any other economic interfer-
    53  ence with the relevant renewable energy system;
    54    (c)  "public  entity"  shall include, but shall not be limited to, the
    55  state, a local development corporation as defined in  subdivision  eight
    56  of section eighteen hundred one of the public authorities law or section

        A. 9531--A                          3

     1  fourteen hundred eleven of the not-for-profit corporation law, a munici-
     2  pal  corporation  as  defined  in  section one hundred nineteen-n of the
     3  general municipal law, an industrial development agency formed  pursuant
     4  to  article eighteen-A of the general municipal law or industrial devel-
     5  opment authorities formed  pursuant  to  article  eight  of  the  public
     6  authorities  law,  and  any  state, local or interstate or international
     7  authorities as defined in section two of the public authorities law; and
     8  shall include any trust created by any such entities; and
     9    (d) "renewable energy credits agreement" shall mean any public  entity
    10  contract  that  provides production-based payments to a renewable energy
    11  project as defined in this section.
    12    2. The commission shall require that the owner of a covered  renewable
    13  energy  system,  or  a  third  party acting on the owner's behalf, as an
    14  ongoing condition of any  renewable  energy  credits  agreement  with  a
    15  public  entity, or as an ongoing condition of its authorization to oper-
    16  ate and support the state in meeting energy-related goals, shall  stipu-
    17  late  to the fiscal officer that it will enter into a labor peace agree-
    18  ment with at least one bona fide labor organization  either  where  such
    19  bona  fide labor organization is actively representing employees provid-
    20  ing necessary operations and  maintenance  services  for  the  renewable
    21  energy  system  at  the  time of such agreement or upon notice by a bona
    22  fide labor organization that is attempting to  represent  employees  who
    23  will  provide  necessary  operations  and  maintenance  services for the
    24  renewable energy system employed in the state. The maintenance of such a
    25  labor peace agreement shall be an  ongoing  material  condition  of  any
    26  continuation  of  payments under a renewable energy credits agreement or
    27  authorization by the commission.
    28    3. (a)(i)  Any public entity in each contract for construction, recon-
    29  struction, alteration, repair, improvement or maintenance of  a  covered
    30  renewable  energy  system  which involves the procurement of a renewable
    31  energy credits agreement by a public entity, or a third party acting  on
    32  behalf and for the benefit of a public entity, the "public work" for the
    33  purposes  of  this  subdivision,  shall  ensure that such contract shall
    34  contain a provision that the iron and structural steel used or  supplied
    35  in  the  performance of the contract or any subcontract thereto and that
    36  is permanently incorporated into the public work, shall be  produced  or
    37  made  in whole or substantial part in the United States, its territories
    38  or possessions. In the case of a structural  iron  or  structural  steel
    39  product  all  manufacturing  shall take place in the United States, from
    40  the initial melting stage through the application  of  coatings,  except
    41  metallurgical processes involving the refinement of steel additives. For
    42  the  purposes of this subdivision, "permanently incorporated" shall mean
    43  an iron or steel product that is required to remain in place at the  end
    44  of the project contract, in a fixed location, affixed to the public work
    45  to  which  it was incorporated. Iron and steel products that are capable
    46  of being moved from one location to another are not permanently incorpo-
    47  rated into a public work.
    48    (ii)  Any  corporation  in  each  contract  for  construction,  recon-
    49  struction,  alteration,  repair, improvement or maintenance of a covered
    50  renewable energy system, or a third party acting on behalf and  for  the
    51  benefit  of  the corporation, the "public work" for the purposes of this
    52  subdivision, shall ensure that such contract shall contain  a  provision
    53  that  the  iron and structural steel used or supplied in the performance
    54  of the contract or any  subcontract  thereto  and  that  is  permanently
    55  incorporated into the public work, shall be produced or made in whole or
    56  substantial  part  in the United States, its territories or possessions.

        A. 9531--A                          4

     1  In the case of a structural iron or structural steel product  all  manu-
     2  facturing must take place in the United States, from the initial melting
     3  stage  through  the  application of coatings, except metallurgical proc-
     4  esses  involving  the  refinement  of  steel  additives.  Iron and steel
     5  products that are capable of being moved from one  location  to  another
     6  are not permanently incorporated into a public work.
     7    (b)  The  provisions  of  paragraph  (a) of this subdivision shall not
     8  apply if the head of the department  or  agency  or  corporation,  under
     9  subparagraph  (i)  of paragraph (a) of this subdivision constructing the
    10  public works, in  his  or  her  sole  discretion,  determines  that  the
    11  provisions  would  not be in the public interest, would result in unrea-
    12  sonable costs, or that obtaining such steel or iron in the United States
    13  would increase the cost of the contract by an  unreasonable  amount,  or
    14  such  iron  or  steel,  including without limitation structural iron and
    15  structural steel cannot be produced or made  in  the  United  States  in
    16  sufficient and reasonably available quantities and of satisfactory qual-
    17  ity.  The head of the department or agency constructing the public works
    18  shall include this determination in an advertisement or solicitation  of
    19  a request for proposal, invitation for bid, or solicitation of proposal,
    20  or  any  other method provided for by law or regulation for soliciting a
    21  response from offerors intending to result in  a  contract  pursuant  to
    22  this  subdivision.  The  provisions of paragraph (a) of this subdivision
    23  shall not apply for equipment purchased by a  covered  renewable  energy
    24  system prior to the effective date of this section.
    25    (c) The head of the department or agency constructing the public works
    26  may,  at  his  or  her  sole discretion, provide for a solicitation of a
    27  request for proposal, invitation for bid, or solicitation  of  proposal,
    28  or  any  other method provided for by law or regulation for soliciting a
    29  response from offerors intending to result in  a  contract  pursuant  to
    30  this  paragraph  involving a competitive process in which the evaluation
    31  of competing bids gives  significant  consideration  in  the  evaluation
    32  process  to  the  procurement  of equipment and supplies from businesses
    33  located in New York state.
    34    4. Whenever changes are proposed to  any  public  procurement  process
    35  involving  the program described in subdivision two of this section, the
    36  commission shall make  simultaneous  recommendations  to  the  temporary
    37  president of the senate and speaker of the assembly, regarding necessary
    38  changes  to  this  section, if any, in meeting the goals outlined in the
    39  legislative findings and intent of the chapter of the laws of two  thou-
    40  sand twenty-two which added this section.
    41    §  4.  Subdivision  1  of  section 224-d of the labor law, as added by
    42  section 2 of part AA of chapter 56 of the laws of 2021,  is  amended  to
    43  read as follows:
    44    1.  For  purposes of this section, a "covered renewable energy system"
    45  means a renewable energy system, as such  term  is  defined  in  section
    46  sixty-six-p  of  the public service law, with a capacity of greater than
    47  five megawatts alternating current and which involves the procurement of
    48  renewable energy credits by a public entity, or a third party acting  on
    49  behalf and for the benefit of a public entity. "Covered renewable energy
    50  system"  shall  also include any generation facility authorized pursuant
    51  to section sixty-six-t of the public service law.
    52    § 5. No later than sixty days after the effective date  of  this  act,
    53  the  public service commission shall commence a proceeding necessary and
    54  appropriate to implement the provisions of section 66-t  of  the  public
    55  service law.
    56    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.