Bill Text: NY A07081 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Amended

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Requires the central New York regional market authority to work with the department of agriculture and markets to assure proper development of agriculture and regional market facilities, in the Central New York Regional Market district; requires such authority to furnish an annual real estate report detailing all real estate holdings and detailed property information, including but not limited to the tenants, important lease terms, rents, durations of leases, as well as copies of each lease; authorizes the state comptroller to examine the accounts and books of the authority; makes related provisions.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-06-03 - substituted by s7598b [A07081 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A07081-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 10, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  MAGNARELLI  -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions --  recommitted
          to  the  Committee  on  Corporations,  Authorities  and Commissions in
          accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-

        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the board  of
          directors of the Central New York Regional Market Authority

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 827 of the public authorities law,  as  amended  by
     2  chapter 55 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows:
     3    §  827.  Board  of directors. The board of directors of the authority,
     4  hereinafter in this title referred to as "the board," shall  consist  of
     5  [thirteen]  nineteen  voting  members,  as  follows: The commissioner of
     6  agriculture and markets or the commissioner's representative [shall be a
     7  member ex-officio]. The board of supervisors of each of the counties  in
     8  the  district  shall  each  name  directors as follows: Onondaga, three;
     9  Oswego, two; Cayuga, two; Madison, two; Cortland, one; Oneida, one,  and
    10  Wayne,  one.  Additionally, the following shall have appointments to the
    11  board: the mayor of the city of Syracuse, one; the common council of the
    12  city of Syracuse, one; the assembly member from  the  assembly  district
    13  where  the primary offices and facilities of the market reside, one; the
    14  state senator from the senate district where  the  primary  offices  and
    15  facilities of the market reside, one; the chief of police of the city of
    16  Syracuse,  one;  and  the  fire  chief of the city of Syracuse, one. One
    17  member from each of the above-named counties may be either a producer or
    18  non-producer of agricultural products; the other members  named  by  the
    19  board  of  supervisors of the counties in the district entitled to addi-
    20  tional directors shall be persons engaged  in  farming  and  deriving  a
    21  greater  part  of their income therefrom, and all such appointments made

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7081--A                          2

     1  after May first, nineteen hundred forty-four,  shall  be  producers  who
     2  actually  sell  all  or  part  of  their produce on the Central New York
     3  Regional Market.
     4    Each member shall continue as a member during the pleasure of the body
     5  appointing [him or her] such member, and upon a vacancy occurring by the
     6  filing  with  the secretary of the authority of a duly certified copy of
     7  the resolution signifying that an appointment has  been  terminated,  or
     8  upon  resignation  of  a  member,  or  a  vacancy occurring in any other
     9  manner, it shall be filled in a manner  corresponding  to  the  original
    10  appointment.  Each  member  shall,  before  entering  upon the duties of
    11  office, take the constitutional oath of office and file the same in  the
    12  office  of  the  secretary  of state. One more than one half of the duly
    13  qualified members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-
    14  ness and [the concurrence of one more than one half of the  duly  quali-
    15  fied  members  at  a  meeting] shall be necessary to the validity of any
    16  resolution, order or, determination. Any member may be  removed  by  the
    17  governor  for  inefficiency,  neglect  of  duty or misconduct in office,
    18  after a hearing upon charges and an opportunity to be heard in person or
    19  by counsel upon not less than ten days' notice. The  members  shall  not
    20  receive  a  salary  or  other  compensation,  but  shall  be paid actual
    21  expenses incurred in attending meetings of the board and  in  performing
    22  committee  work assigned to them by the board. Expenses for travel shall
    23  not exceed the per mile rate allowed state employees for use of personal
    24  cars. Expenses of a special or extraordinary nature may  be  allowed  by
    25  resolution of the board.
    26    §  2. Section 826 of the public authorities law, as amended by chapter
    27  420 of the laws of 1951, is amended to read as follows:
    28    § 826. Central New York Regional Market Authority. 1. There is  hereby
    29  created  and established a district to be known as the "central New York
    30  regional market district," hereinafter in this title referred to as "the
    31  district," which shall embrace all the  territory  included  within  the
    32  following  named  counties: Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga,
    33  Oswego, that territory in Wayne county lying east of the new pre-emption
    34  line. For the accomplishment of the purposes hereinafter indicated rela-
    35  tive to that district there is hereby created and established  a  public
    36  benefit  corporation,  to  be known as "Central New York Regional Market
    37  Authority," hereinafter in this title referred to  as  "the  authority."
    38  Such  authority  shall have perpetual existence and the power to acquire
    39  by the exercise of the right of eminent domain or  otherwise  such  real
    40  estate  within  the  district and other property as may be necessary, to
    41  sue and be sued, to incur debts, liabilities and obligations,  to  issue
    42  bonds  and other evidences of indebtedness, to have a seal, and to exer-
    43  cise all powers authorized by this title and  reasonably  necessary  for
    44  accomplishing  its  purposes, subject to the provisions herein contained
    45  and the constitution and laws of the  United  States  and  of  New  York
    46  state.  Such  powers  shall be exercised in the name of the "Central New
    47  York Regional Market Authority."
    48    2. In fulfilling the authority's mission, the board shall work cooper-
    49  atively and in consultation  with  the  department  of  agriculture  and
    50  markets  to  ensure  the  proper development of agriculture and regional
    51  market facilities, in the central New York regional market district. The
    52  board and the department of agriculture and markets, hereinafter in this
    53  title referred to as "the department," shall jointly develop a plan  for
    54  the  future development and viability of agriculture and regional market
    55  facilities in the district. Such plan shall include both short-term  and
    56  long-term  goals and objectives as well as actual and projected revenues

        A. 7081--A                          3

     1  and expenditures. Such plan shall annually allocate no less than  seven-
     2  ty-five  percent  of  the  authority's available funds for the creation,
     3  development, and enhancement of agriculture and regional market  facili-
     4  ties, in the district. For purposes of this subdivision, available funds
     5  shall  mean  the  net  amount  available  after  contractually obligated
     6  expenditures are subtracted from, but not  be  limited  to,  cash,  cash
     7  equivalents,  certificates  of deposit, and other receivables available.
     8  The board and department shall meet annually prior to the close  of  the
     9  authority's  fiscal  year  to  evaluate  the effectiveness of the use of
    10  funds for that fiscal year, review the goals and objectives of the plan,
    11  and properly prepare for the allocation and use of such  funds  for  the
    12  next fiscal year. The plan shall be updated annually to make appropriate
    13  modifications  to  such plan for the next fiscal year. Prior to any such
    14  funds being expended, both the board and  the  department  must  approve
    15  such  plan,  its  goals and objectives as well as the projected revenues
    16  and proposed allocations.
    17    3. The authority shall furnish an annual real estate report  detailing
    18  all  real  estate  holdings and detailed property information, including
    19  but not limited to the tenants, important lease terms, rents,  durations
    20  of  leases,  as  well as copies of each lease. Notwithstanding any other
    21  provision of law to  the  contrary,  the  authority  shall  furnish  all
    22  required  reports, audits, and reviews, including the annual real estate
    23  report, to all parties enumerated in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of
    24  section twenty-eight hundred of this chapter, to the department of agri-
    25  culture and markets, as well as publish such report on its website with-
    26  in ninety days after the end of its fiscal year.
    27    § 3. The public authorities law is amended by adding two new  sections
    28  842 and 843 to read as follows:
    29    §  842.  Moneys of the authority.  The state comptroller or such comp-
    30  troller's legally authorized representatives are hereby  authorized  and
    31  empowered  from  time  to  time to examine the accounts and books of the
    32  authority, including its  receipts,  disbursements,  contracts,  sinking
    33  funds,  reserve funds, investments and any other matters relating to its
    34  financial standing.
    35    § 843. Code of ethics.  1. As used in this section, the term "authori-
    36  ty employee" shall mean any board member, member, officer or employee of
    37  the authority.
    38    2. The authority shall make available their code of  ethics  on  their
    39  website, which is applicable to all authority employees.
    40    3.  No authority employee shall have any interest, financial or other-
    41  wise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business  or  transaction  or
    42  professional activity or incur any obligation of any nature, which is in
    43  substantial conflict with the proper discharge of such employee's duties
    44  in the public interest.
    45    4.  (a) No authority employee shall accept other employment which will
    46  impair such employee's independence of judgment in the exercise  of  any
    47  official duties.
    48    (b)  No  authority  employee  shall accept employment or engage in any
    49  business or professional activity which will  require  the  employee  to
    50  disclose  confidential  information  which  such  employee has gained by
    51  reason of official position or authority.
    52    (c) No authority  employee  shall  disclose  confidential  information
    53  acquired  by  the employee in the course of official duties nor use such
    54  information to further personal interests.

        A. 7081--A                          4

     1    (d) No authority employee shall use or  attempt  to  use  an  official
     2  position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for such employ-
     3  ee or others.
     4    (e) No authority employee shall engage in any transaction as represen-
     5  tative  or agent of the authority with any business entity in which such
     6  employee has a direct or indirect financial interest that might  reason-
     7  ably tend to conflict with the proper discharge of official duties.
     8    (f)  An  authority employee shall not by conduct give reasonable basis
     9  for the impression that any person can improperly influence such employ-
    10  ee or unduly enjoy favor in the performance of official duties, or  that
    11  such employee is affected by the kinship, rank, position or influence of
    12  any party or person.
    13    (g)  An  authority employee shall abstain from making personal invest-
    14  ments in enterprises which such employee has reason to  believe  may  be
    15  directly  involved in decisions to be made by the employee or which will
    16  otherwise create substantial conflict between duty in the public  inter-
    17  est and such employee's private interest.
    18    (h) An authority employee shall endeavor to pursue a course of conduct
    19  which  will  not  raise suspicion among the public that such employee is
    20  likely to be engaged in acts that are in violation of trust.
    21    (i) No authority employee employed on a full-time basis nor  any  firm
    22  or  association  of  which such an employee is a member nor authority, a
    23  substantial portion of the stock of which is owned or controlled direct-
    24  ly or indirectly by such employee, shall sell goods or services  to  any
    25  person,  firm, authority or association which is licensed or whose rates
    26  are fixed by the authority in which such employee serves or is employed.
    27    (j) If any authority employee shall have a financial interest,  direct
    28  or  indirect,  having  a  value  of  ten thousand dollars or more in any
    29  activity which is subject to the jurisdiction of a regulatory agency, he
    30  or she shall file with the secretary of state a written  statement  that
    31  he or she has such a financial interest in such activity which statement
    32  shall be open to public inspection.
    33    5.  In addition to any penalty contained in any other provision of law
    34  any such  authority  employee  who  shall  knowingly  and  intentionally
    35  violate any of the provisions of this section may be fined, suspended or
    36  removed from office or employment.
    37    6.  The provisions of section seventy-three of the public officers law
    38  shall be applicable to all board members and employees of the authority.
    39    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.