Bill Text: NY A06933 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Restores judicial discretion relating to bail reform; provides that when the defendant is charged with a felony, the court shall request of the applicable county pre-trial services agency a risk and needs assessment be conducted on the eligible defendant for the purpose of determining whether such defendant should be released on the defendant's own recognizance, released under non-monetary conditions or, where authorized, bail or commit the defendant to the custody of the sheriff; defines risks and needs assessment; makes related provisions.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-04-25 - held for consideration in codes [A06933 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A06933-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     April 13, 2021

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  TANNOUSIS  --  read once and referred to the
          Committee on Codes

        AN ACT to amend the criminal procedure law, in relation to bail  reform;
          and to repeal certain provisions of such law relating thereto

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 500.10 of the criminal procedure law is amended  by
     2  adding a new subdivision 23 to read as follows:
     3    23.  "Risk  and  needs  assessment"  means a risk and needs assessment
     4  instrument, approved by the chief administrative judge  of  the  unified
     5  court  system.  Such  approved assessment instrument shall be objective,
     6  standardized and developed based on analysis of empirical data and  risk
     7  factors  relevant to the principal's danger to the community and risk of
     8  failure of a principal to appear. Such  approved  assessment  instrument
     9  shall  not  be  discriminatory  based on race, national origin, sex, any
    10  other protected class or socioeconomic status.
    11    § 2. Section 510.10 of the  criminal  procedure  law,  as  amended  by
    12  section  2  of part JJJ of chapter 59 of the laws of 2019, subdivision 4
    13  as amended by section 2 of part UU of chapter 56 of the laws of 2020, is
    14  amended to read as follows:
    15  § 510.10 Securing order; when required; alternatives available; standard
    16             to be applied.
    17    1. When a principal, whose  future  court  attendance  at  a  criminal
    18  action or proceeding is or may be required, comes under the control of a
    19  court,  such  court  shall, in accordance with this title, by a securing
    20  order [release the principal] request of the applicable county pre-trial
    21  services agency that a risk and needs assessment  be  conducted  on  the
    22  eligible  principal  and such court shall take into account the risk and
    23  needs assessment, but such assessment shall not be the  sole  determina-
    24  tive  factor,  for  the  purpose  of  determining whether such principal
    25  should be released on the principal's  own  recognizance,  [release  the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6933                             2

     1  principal] released under non-monetary conditions, or, where authorized,
     2  fix  bail  or commit the principal to the custody of the sheriff. In all
     3  such cases, except where another type of securing order is shown  to  be
     4  required  by law, the court shall release the principal pending trial on
     5  the principal's own recognizance, unless [it  is]  the  risk  and  needs
     6  assessment  has  demonstrated  and  the  court  [makes an individualized
     7  determination] determines that the principal is a danger to the communi-
     8  ty or poses a risk of flight to avoid prosecution.   If such  a  finding
     9  specific  to risk of flight to avoid prosecution is made, the court must
    10  select the least restrictive alternative  and  condition  or  conditions
    11  that  will reasonably assure the principal's return to court.  The court
    12  shall explain its choice of release, release with  conditions,  bail  or
    13  remand on the record or in writing.
    14    2.  A  principal  is  entitled to representation by counsel under this
    15  chapter in preparing an application for release, when a  securing  order
    16  is  being  considered  and  when  a securing order is being reviewed for
    17  modification, revocation or termination. If the principal is financially
    18  unable to obtain counsel, counsel shall be assigned to the principal.
    19    [3. In cases other than as  described  in  subdivision  four  of  this
    20  section the court shall release the principal pending trial on the prin-
    21  cipal's  own  recognizance,  unless  the court finds on the record or in
    22  writing that release  on  the  principal's  own  recognizance  will  not
    23  reasonably  assure  the  principal's return to court. In such instances,
    24  the court shall release the  principal  under  non-monetary  conditions,
    25  selecting  the  least  restrictive  alternative and conditions that will
    26  reasonably assure the principal's  return  to  court.  The  court  shall
    27  explain  its  choice  of  alternative and conditions on the record or in
    28  writing.
    29    4. Where the principal stands charged with a qualifying  offense,  the
    30  court, unless otherwise prohibited by law, may in its discretion release
    31  the principal pending trial on the principal's own recognizance or under
    32  non-monetary  conditions,  fix  bail, or, where the defendant is charged
    33  with a qualifying offense which is a felony, the court  may  commit  the
    34  principal to the custody of the sheriff. A principal stands charged with
    35  a qualifying offense for the purposes of this subdivision when he or she
    36  stands charged with:
    37    (a)  a felony enumerated in section 70.02 of the penal law, other than
    38  robbery in the second degree as defined in subdivision  one  of  section
    39  160.10  of the penal law, provided, however, that burglary in the second
    40  degree as defined in subdivision two of section 140.25 of the penal  law
    41  shall  be  a qualifying offense only where the defendant is charged with
    42  entering the living area of the dwelling;
    43    (b) a crime involving witness intimidation under section 215.15 of the
    44  penal law;
    45    (c) a crime involving witness tampering under section  215.11,  215.12
    46  or 215.13 of the penal law;
    47    (d) a class A felony defined in the penal law, provided that for class
    48  A felonies under article two hundred twenty of the penal law, only class
    49  A-I felonies shall be a qualifying offense;
    50    (e) a sex trafficking offense defined in section 230.34 or 230.34-a of
    51  the  penal  law, or a felony sex offense defined in section 70.80 of the
    52  penal law;, or a crime involving incest as defined  in  section  255.25,
    53  255.26  or  255.27  of such law, or a misdemeanor defined in article one
    54  hundred thirty of such law;
    55    (f) conspiracy in the second degree as defined in  section  105.15  of
    56  the  penal  law,  where the underlying allegation of such charge is that

        A. 6933                             3

     1  the defendant conspired to commit a class A felony  defined  in  article
     2  one hundred twenty-five of the penal law;
     3    (g)  money  laundering  in support of terrorism in the first degree as
     4  defined in section 470.24 of the penal law; money laundering in  support
     5  of  terrorism  in  the second degree as defined in section 470.23 of the
     6  penal law; money laundering in support of terrorism in the third  degree
     7  as  defined  in  section  470.22  of  the penal law; money laundering in
     8  support of terrorism in the fourth degree as defined in  section  470.21
     9  of  the  penal law; or a felony crime of terrorism as defined in article
    10  four hundred ninety of the penal law, other than the  crime  defined  in
    11  section 490.20 of such law;
    12    (h)  criminal  contempt in the second degree as defined in subdivision
    13  three of section 215.50 of the penal law, criminal contempt in the first
    14  degree as defined in subdivision (b), (c) or (d) of  section  215.51  of
    15  the  penal  law  or  aggravated  criminal contempt as defined in section
    16  215.52 of the penal law, and the underlying allegation of such charge of
    17  criminal contempt in the second degree, criminal contempt in  the  first
    18  degree  or aggravated criminal contempt is that the defendant violated a
    19  duly served order of protection where the protected party is a member of
    20  the defendant's same family or household as defined in  subdivision  one
    21  of section 530.11 of this title;
    22    (i)  facilitating  a  sexual  performance by a child with a controlled
    23  substance or alcohol as defined in section 263.30 of the penal law,  use
    24  of  a  child in a sexual performance as defined in section 263.05 of the
    25  penal law or luring a child as defined in  subdivision  one  of  section
    26  120.70  of  the  penal law, promoting an obscene sexual performance by a
    27  child as defined in section 263.10 of the penal law or promoting a sexu-
    28  al performance by a child as defined in section 263.15 of the penal law;
    29    (j) any crime that is alleged to have  caused  the  death  of  another
    30  person;
    31    (k)  criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation as defined
    32  in section 121.11 of the penal law, strangulation in the  second  degree
    33  as  defined  in section 121.12 of the penal law or unlawful imprisonment
    34  in the first degree as defined in section 135.10 of the penal  law,  and
    35  is alleged to have committed the offense against a member of the defend-
    36  ant's  same family or household as defined in subdivision one of section
    37  530.11 of this title;
    38    (l) aggravated vehicular assault as defined in section 120.04-a of the
    39  penal law or vehicular assault in the first degree as defined in section
    40  120.04 of the penal law;
    41    (m) assault in the third degree as defined in section  120.00  of  the
    42  penal  law  or arson in the third degree as defined in section 150.10 of
    43  the penal law, when such crime is charged as a hate crime as defined  in
    44  section 485.05 of the penal law;
    45    (n)  aggravated  assault  upon  a person less than eleven years old as
    46  defined in section 120.12 of the penal law or criminal possession  of  a
    47  weapon  on  school  grounds  as defined in section 265.01-a of the penal
    48  law;
    49    (o) grand larceny in the first degree as defined in section 155.42  of
    50  the penal law, enterprise corruption as defined in section 460.20 of the
    51  penal law, or money laundering in the first degree as defined in section
    52  470.20 of the penal law;
    53    (p)  failure  to  register  as  a sex offender pursuant to section one
    54  hundred sixty-eight-t of the correction law or endangering  the  welfare
    55  of  a child as defined in subdivision one of section 260.10 of the penal
    56  law, where the defendant is  required  to  maintain  registration  under

        A. 6933                             4

     1  article  six-C of the correction law and designated a level three offen-
     2  der pursuant to subdivision six of section one hundred sixty-eight-l  of
     3  the correction law;
     4    (q)  a  crime  involving  bail jumping under section 215.55, 215.56 or
     5  215.57 of the penal law, or a  crime  involving  escaping  from  custody
     6  under section 205.05, 205.10 or 205.15 of the penal law;
     7    (r)  any  felony  offense  committed  by the principal while serving a
     8  sentence of probation or while released to post release supervision;
     9    (s) a felony, where the defendant qualifies  for  sentencing  on  such
    10  charge  as a persistent felony offender pursuant to section 70.10 of the
    11  penal law; or
    12    (t) any felony or class A misdemeanor involving harm to  an  identifi-
    13  able  person or property, where such charge arose from conduct occurring
    14  while the defendant was released on  his  or  her  own  recognizance  or
    15  released  under  conditions for a separate felony or class A misdemeanor
    16  involving harm to an identifiable person or property, provided, however,
    17  that the prosecutor must show  reasonable  cause  to  believe  that  the
    18  defendant  committed the instant crime and any underlying crime. For the
    19  purposes of this subparagraph, any of the underlying crimes need not  be
    20  a qualifying offense as defined in this subdivision.
    21    5.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of subdivisions three and four of
    22  this section, with] 3. With respect to any  charge  for  which  bail  or
    23  remand  is not ordered, and for which the court would not [or could not]
    24  otherwise require bail or remand, a defendant may, at any time,  request
    25  that  the  court set bail in a nominal amount requested by the defendant
    26  in the form specified in paragraph (a) of  subdivision  one  of  section
    27  520.10  of  this  title;  if  the court is satisfied that the request is
    28  voluntary, the court shall set such bail in such amount.
    29    [6.] 4. When a securing order is revoked or  otherwise  terminated  in
    30  the  course  of  an uncompleted action or proceeding but the principal's
    31  future court attendance still is or may be required and the principal is
    32  still under the control of a court, a new securing order must be issued.
    33  When the court revokes or otherwise terminates a  securing  order  which
    34  committed  the  principal to the custody of the sheriff, the court shall
    35  give written notification to the sheriff of such  revocation  or  termi-
    36  nation of the securing order.
    37    § 3. Subdivision 1 of section 510.20 of the criminal procedure law, as
    38  amended  by  section 3 of part JJJ of chapter 59 of the laws of 2019, is
    39  amended to read as follows:
    40    1. Upon any occasion when a court has issued  a  securing  order  with
    41  respect  to  a principal and the principal is confined in the custody of
    42  the sheriff as a result of the securing order  or  a  previously  issued
    43  securing  order, the principal may make an application for recognizance,
    44  release under non-monetary conditions or bail. Any such decision by  the
    45  court for a change in a securing order with respect to a principal shall
    46  take  into account the risk and needs assessment conducted by the appli-
    47  cable county pre-trial services agency, but such assessment shall not be
    48  the sole determinative factor.
    49    § 4. Subdivision 1 of section 510.30 of the criminal procedure law, as
    50  amended by section 5 of part JJJ of chapter 59 of the laws of  2019,  is
    51  amended to read as follows:
    52    1.  With  respect  to  any  principal,  the court in all cases, unless
    53  otherwise provided by law, must impose the least  restrictive  kind  and
    54  degree of control or restriction that is necessary to secure the princi-
    55  pal's return to court when required unless such principal poses a danger
    56  to  the community. In determining that matter, the court [must] in addi-

        A. 6933                             5

     1  tion to taking into account the risk and needs assessment  conducted  by
     2  the  applicable  county  pre-trial  services agency may, on the basis of
     3  available information, consider and take into account information  about
     4  the  principal  that  is  relevant  to  the principal's return to court,
     5  including:
     6    (a) The principal's activities and history;
     7    (b) If the principal is a defendant, the charges facing the principal;
     8    (c) The principal's criminal conviction record if any;
     9    (d) The principal's record of  previous  adjudication  as  a  juvenile
    10  delinquent,  as  retained  pursuant to section 354.2 of the family court
    11  act, or, of pending cases where fingerprints are  retained  pursuant  to
    12  section 306.1 of such act, or a youthful offender, if any;
    13    (e)  The  principal's  previous record with respect to flight to avoid
    14  criminal prosecution;
    15    (f) If monetary bail is authorized, according to the restrictions  set
    16  forth in this title, the principal's individual financial circumstances,
    17  and,  in cases where bail is authorized, the principal's ability to post
    18  bail without posing undue hardship, as well as his  or  her  ability  to
    19  obtain a secured, unsecured, or partially secured bond;
    20    (g)  Where  the  principal is charged with a crime or crimes against a
    21  member or members of the same  family  or  household  as  that  term  is
    22  defined  in subdivision one of section 530.11 of this title, the follow-
    23  ing factors:
    24    (i) any violation by the principal of an order of protection issued by
    25  any court for the protection of a member or members of the  same  family
    26  or  household  as  that  term  is  defined in subdivision one of section
    27  530.11 of this title,  whether  or  not  such  order  of  protection  is
    28  currently in effect; and
    29    (ii) the principal's history of use or possession of a firearm; and
    30    (h) If the principal is a defendant, in the case of an application for
    31  a  securing  order  pending  appeal,  the  merit or lack of merit of the
    32  appeal.
    33    § 5. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 3 of section 510.45 of the  criminal
    34  procedure  law,  as  added by section 8 of part JJJ of chapter 59 of the
    35  laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    36    [(a) Any questionnaire, instrument or tool] The risk and needs assess-
    37  ment instrument used with a principal in the process of  considering  or
    38  determining  the  principal's  possible release on recognizance, release
    39  under non-monetary conditions or on bail, or used with  a  principal  in
    40  the  process  of considering or determining a condition or conditions of
    41  release or monitoring by a pretrial services agency, shall  be  promptly
    42  made  available to the principal and the principal's counsel upon [writ-
    43  ten] request. [Any such blank form questionnaire,  instrument  or  tool]
    44  Any  such  blank  risk and needs assessment instrument regularly used in
    45  the county for such purpose or a related purpose shall be made available
    46  to any person promptly upon written request.
    47    § 6. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 3 of section 510.45 of the  criminal
    48  procedure law is REPEALED.
    49    §  7. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 530.20 of the criminal
    50  procedure law, as added by section 16 of part JJJ of chapter 59  of  the
    51  laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    52    (a)  [In cases other than as described in paragraph (b) of this subdi-
    53  vision the] When the principal is charged with an offense or offenses of
    54  less than felony grade only, the court shall [release  the]  request  of
    55  the applicable county pre-trial services agency a risk and needs assess-
    56  ment  be  conducted  on  the eligible principal and the court shall take

        A. 6933                             6

     1  into account the risk and needs assessment, but  such  assessment  shall
     2  not  be  the  sole  determinative factor, for the purpose of determining
     3  whether such principal should be released pending trial on  the  princi-
     4  pal's  own  recognizance,  [unless  the  court finds on the record or in
     5  writing that release  on  the  principal's  own  recognizance  will  not
     6  reasonably  assure  the  principal's return to court. In such instances,
     7  the court shall release the  principal  under  non-monetary  conditions,
     8  selecting  the  least  restrictive  alternative and conditions that will
     9  reasonably assure the principal's return to court] released  under  non-
    10  monetary conditions, or where authorized, fix bail or commit the princi-
    11  pal to the custody of the sheriff. The court shall explain its choice of
    12  [alternative  and]  release,  release with conditions, bail or remand on
    13  the record or in writing.
    14    § 8. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 1 of section 530.20 of the  criminal
    15  procedure law is REPEALED.
    16    §  9. Paragraph (d) of subdivision 1 of section 530.20 of the criminal
    17  procedure law, as added by section 16 of part JJJ of chapter 59  of  the
    18  laws  of  2019,  is  relettered  paragraph  (b)  and  amended to read as
    19  follows:
    20    (b) [Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of  this
    21  subdivision,  with]  With respect to any charge for which bail or remand
    22  is not ordered, and for which the court would not [or could not]  other-
    23  wise  require bail or remand, a defendant may, at any time, request that
    24  the court set bail in a nominal amount requested by the defendant in the
    25  form specified in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section 520.10  of
    26  this title; if the court is satisfied that the request is voluntary, the
    27  court shall set such bail in such amount.
    28    §  10. The opening paragraph of subdivision 2 of section 530.20 of the
    29  criminal procedure law, as amended by section 16 of part JJJ of  chapter
    30  59 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    31    When the defendant is charged, by felony complaint, with a felony, the
    32  court  [may,  in its discretion, order] shall, request of the applicable
    33  county  pre-trial  services  agency  a  risk  and  needs  assessment  be
    34  conducted  on  the  eligible  defendant  and  the  court shall take into
    35  account the risk and needs assessment, but such assessment shall not  be
    36  the  sole  determinative  factor, for the purpose of determining whether
    37  such defendant should be released on the defendant's  own  recognizance,
    38  [release]  released under non-monetary conditions, or, where authorized,
    39  bail or commit the defendant to the custody of  the  sheriff  except  as
    40  otherwise provided in [subdivision one of this section or] this subdivi-
    41  sion:
    42    §  11.  Section  530.40  of  the criminal procedure law, as amended by
    43  section 18 of part JJJ of chapter 59 of the laws of 2019,  and  subdivi-
    44  sion  4  as amended by section 4 of part UU of chapter 56 of the laws of
    45  2020, is amended to read as follows:
    46  § 530.40 Order of recognizance, release under non-monetary conditions or
    47             bail; by superior court when action is pending therein.
    48    When a criminal action is pending in a  superior  court,  such  court,
    49  upon  application of a defendant, must or may order recognizance or bail
    50  as follows:
    51    1. When the defendant is charged with an offense or offenses  of  less
    52  than felony grade only, the court must, request of the applicable county
    53  pre-trial  services  agency  a risk and needs assessment be conducted on
    54  the eligible defendant and the court shall take into  account  the  risk
    55  and needs assessment, but such assessment shall not be the sole determi-
    56  native  factor,  for  the purpose of determining whether such defendant,

        A. 6933                             7

     1  unless otherwise provided by law, should be  released  on  an  order  of
     2  recognizance  or  bail  or  release  under  non-monetary  conditions [in
     3  accordance with this section] or commit the defendant to the custody  of
     4  the sheriff.
     5    2. When the defendant is charged with a felony, the court [may, unless
     6  otherwise  provided  by  law in its discretion, order]  shall request of
     7  the applicable county pre-trial services agency a risk and needs assess-
     8  ment be conducted on the eligible defendant and  the  court  shall  take
     9  into  account  the  risk and needs assessment, but such assessment shall
    10  not be the sole determinative factor, for  the  purpose  of  determining
    11  whether  such defendant should be released on the defendant's own recog-
    12  nizance, [release] released  under  non-monetary  conditions  or,  where
    13  authorized,  bail or commit the defendant to the custody of the sheriff.
    14  In any such case in which an indictment (a) has resulted from  an  order
    15  of  a  local  criminal court holding the defendant for the action of the
    16  grand jury, or (b) was filed at a time when a felony complaint  charging
    17  the  same  conduct  was  pending in a local criminal court, and in which
    18  such local criminal court or a superior court judge has issued an  order
    19  of recognizance, release under non-monetary conditions or, where author-
    20  ized,  bail  which is still effective, the superior court's order may be
    21  in the form of a direction continuing the effectiveness of the  previous
    22  order.
    23    [3.  In  cases  other  than  as  described in subdivision four of this
    24  section the court shall release the principal pending trial on the prin-
    25  cipal's own recognizance, unless the court finds on  the  record  or  in
    26  writing  that  release  on  the  principal's  own  recognizance will not
    27  reasonably assure the principal's return to court.  In  such  instances,
    28  the  court  shall  release  the principal under non-monetary conditions,
    29  selecting the least restrictive alternative  and  conditions  that  will
    30  reasonably  assure  the  principal's  return  to  court. The court shall
    31  explain its choice of alternative and conditions on  the  record  or  in
    32  writing.
    33    4.  Where  the principal stands charged with a qualifying offense, the
    34  court, unless otherwise prohibited by law, may in its discretion release
    35  the principal pending trial on the principal's own recognizance or under
    36  non-monetary conditions, fix bail, or, where the  defendant  is  charged
    37  with  a  qualifying  offense which is a felony, the court may commit the
    38  principal to the custody of the sheriff. The  court  shall  explain  its
    39  choice of release, release with conditions, bail or remand on the record
    40  or  in writing. A principal stands charged with a qualifying offense for
    41  the purposes of this subdivision when he or she stands charged with:
    42    (a) a felony enumerated in section 70.02 of the penal law, other  than
    43  robbery  in  the  second degree as defined in subdivision one of section
    44  160.10 of the penal law, provided, however, that burglary in the  second
    45  degree  as defined in subdivision two of section 140.25 of the penal law
    46  shall be a qualifying offense only where the defendant is  charged  with
    47  entering the living area of the dwelling;
    48    (b) a crime involving witness intimidation under section 215.15 of the
    49  penal law;
    50    (c)  a  crime involving witness tampering under section 215.11, 215.12
    51  or 215.13 of the penal law;
    52    (d) a class A felony defined in the penal law, provided that for class
    53  A felonies under article two hundred twenty of such law, only class  A-I
    54  felonies shall be a qualifying offense;
    55    (e) a sex trafficking offense defined in section 230.34 or 230.34-a of
    56  the  penal  law, or a felony sex offense defined in section 70.80 of the

        A. 6933                             8

     1  penal law or a crime involving incest  as  defined  in  section  255.25,
     2  255.26  or  255.27  of such law, or a misdemeanor defined in article one
     3  hundred thirty of such law;
     4    (f)  conspiracy  in  the second degree as defined in section 105.15 of
     5  the penal law, where the underlying allegation of such  charge  is  that
     6  the  defendant  conspired  to commit a class A felony defined in article
     7  one hundred twenty-five of the penal law;
     8    (g) money laundering in support of terrorism in the  first  degree  as
     9  defined  in section 470.24 of the penal law; money laundering in support
    10  of terrorism in the second degree as defined in section  470.23  of  the
    11  penal  law; money laundering in support of terrorism in the third degree
    12  as defined in section 470.22 of  the  penal  law;  money  laundering  in
    13  support  of  terrorism in the fourth degree as defined in section 470.21
    14  of the penal law; or a felony crime of terrorism as defined  in  article
    15  four  hundred  ninety  of the penal law, other than the crime defined in
    16  section 490.20 of such law;
    17    (h) criminal contempt in the second degree as defined  in  subdivision
    18  three of section 215.50 of the penal law, criminal contempt in the first
    19  degree  as  defined  in subdivision (b), (c) or (d) of section 215.51 of
    20  the penal law or aggravated criminal  contempt  as  defined  in  section
    21  215.52 of the penal law, and the underlying allegation of such charge of
    22  criminal  contempt  in the second degree, criminal contempt in the first
    23  degree or aggravated criminal contempt is that the defendant violated  a
    24  duly served order of protection where the protected party is a member of
    25  the  defendant's  same family or household as defined in subdivision one
    26  of section 530.11 of this article;
    27    (i) facilitating a sexual performance by a  child  with  a  controlled
    28  substance  or alcohol as defined in section 263.30 of the penal law, use
    29  of a child in a sexual performance as defined in section 263.05  of  the
    30  penal  law  or  luring  a child as defined in subdivision one of section
    31  120.70 of the penal law, promoting an obscene sexual  performance  by  a
    32  child as defined in section 263.10 of the penal law or promoting a sexu-
    33  al performance by a child as defined in section 263.15 of the penal law;
    34    (j)  any  crime  that  is  alleged to have caused the death of another
    35  person;
    36    (k) criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation as  defined
    37  in  section  121.11 of the penal law, strangulation in the second degree
    38  as defined in section 121.12 of the penal law or  unlawful  imprisonment
    39  in  the  first degree as defined in section 135.10 of the penal law, and
    40  is alleged to have committed the offense against a member of the defend-
    41  ant's same family or household as defined in subdivision one of  section
    42  530.11 of this article;
    43    (l) aggravated vehicular assault as defined in section 120.04-a of the
    44  penal law or vehicular assault in the first degree as defined in section
    45  120.04 of the penal law;
    46    (m)  assault  in  the third degree as defined in section 120.00 of the
    47  penal law or arson in the third degree as defined in section  150.10  of
    48  the  penal law, when such crime is charged as a hate crime as defined in
    49  section 485.05 of the penal law;
    50    (n) aggravated assault upon a person less than  eleven  years  old  as
    51  defined  in  section 120.12 of the penal law or criminal possession of a
    52  weapon on school grounds as defined in section  265.01-a  of  the  penal
    53  law;
    54    (o)  grand larceny in the first degree as defined in section 155.42 of
    55  the penal law, enterprise corruption as defined in section 460.20 of the

        A. 6933                             9

     1  penal law, or money laundering in the first degree as defined in section
     2  470.20 of the penal law;
     3    (p)  failure  to  register  as  a sex offender pursuant to section one
     4  hundred sixty-eight-t of the correction law or endangering  the  welfare
     5  of  a child as defined in subdivision one of section 260.10 of the penal
     6  law, where the defendant is  required  to  maintain  registration  under
     7  article  six-C of the correction law and designated a level three offen-
     8  der pursuant to subdivision six of section one hundred sixty-eight-l  of
     9  the correction law;
    10    (q)  a  crime  involving  bail jumping under section 215.55, 215.56 or
    11  215.57 of the penal law, or a  crime  involving  escaping  from  custody
    12  under section 205.05, 205.10 or 205.15 of the penal law;
    13    (r)  any  felony  offense  committed  by the principal while serving a
    14  sentence of probation or while released to post release supervision;
    15    (s) a felony, where the defendant qualifies  for  sentencing  on  such
    16  charge  as a persistent felony offender pursuant to section 70.10 of the
    17  penal law; or
    18    (t) any felony or class A misdemeanor involving harm to  an  identifi-
    19  able  person or property, where such charge arose from conduct occurring
    20  while the defendant was released on  his  or  her  own  recognizance  or
    21  released  under  conditions for a separate felony or class A misdemeanor
    22  involving harm to an identifiable person or property, provided, however,
    23  that the prosecutor must show  reasonable  cause  to  believe  that  the
    24  defendant  committed the instant crime and any underlying crime. For the
    25  purposes of this subparagraph, any of the underlying crimes need not  be
    26  a qualifying offense as defined in this subdivision.
    27    5.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of subdivisions three and four of
    28  this section, with] 3. With respect to any  charge  for  which  bail  or
    29  remand  is not ordered, and for which the court would not [or could not]
    30  otherwise require bail or remand, a defendant may, at any time,  request
    31  that  the  court set bail in a nominal amount requested by the defendant
    32  in the form specified in paragraph (a) of  subdivision  one  of  section
    33  520.10  of  this  title;  if  the court is satisfied that the request is
    34  voluntary, the court shall set such bail in such amount.
    35    [6.] 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of  [subdivisions]  subdivision
    36  two[,  three  and  four] of this section, a superior court may not order
    37  recognizance, release under non-monetary conditions  or,  where  author-
    38  ized,  bail,  or  permit a defendant to remain at liberty pursuant to an
    39  existing order, after the defendant has been convicted of either: (a)  a
    40  class  A felony or (b) any class B or class C felony as defined in arti-
    41  cle one hundred thirty of the penal law committed  or  attempted  to  be
    42  committed  by  a  person eighteen years of age or older against a person
    43  less than eighteen years of age. In either case the court must commit or
    44  remand the defendant to the custody of the sheriff.
    45    [7.] 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of  [subdivisions]  subdivision
    46  two[,  three  and  four] of this section, a superior court may not order
    47  recognizance, release under non-monetary conditions  or,  where  author-
    48  ized,  bail when the defendant is charged with a felony unless and until
    49  the district attorney has had an opportunity to be heard in  the  matter
    50  and  such court and counsel for the defendant have been furnished with a
    51  report as described in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (b) of subdivision
    52  two of section 530.20 of this article.
    53    § 12. This act shall take effect immediately.