Bill Text: NY A04399 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Establishes a system of community improvement grants to be administered by and through neighborhood citizens' participation committees; makes definitions; directs commissioner of the New York state division for housing and community renewal to create the community improvement grant program; provides that municipalities receiving such grants establish citizens' participation committees.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-01-03 - referred to housing [A04399 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A04399-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 14, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  FITZPATRICK -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Housing

        AN ACT to amend the private housing finance law, in relation to creating
          a demonstration program establishing a system of community improvement
          grants to  be  administered  by  and  through  neighborhood  citizens'
          participation committees

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The private housing finance law is amended by adding a  new
     2  article 6-B to read as follows:
     3                                 ARTICLE 6-B
     5  Section 270. Legislative intent.
     6          271. Definitions.
     7          272. Community improvement grants.
     8          273. General and administrative provisions.
     9    §  270. Legislative intent.  The legislature hereby finds and declares
    10  that in certain regions of the state a supply of housing stock in excess
    11  of that needed by the population of those  regions  has  accumulated  in
    12  recent years, much of which is old, deteriorated, substandard, unmarket-
    13  able, and often abandoned.
    14    The  legislature  further  finds  that  this  excess housing has had a
    15  blighting effect upon the communities in which it  is  located,  reduces
    16  the  value  of other residential properties in the surrounding neighbor-
    17  hoods, and may cause persons, families, and businesses to abandon  those
    18  municipalities  containing an overabundance of excess and blighted hous-
    19  ing stock.
    20    The legislature further finds that it is in  the  public  interest  to
    21  encourage persons, families, and businesses to locate or remain in those
    22  municipalities,  in order to both utilize existing building stock and to
    23  preserve the open spaces of the state, and that improving the quality of

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4399                             2

     1  life within those municipalities is a most effective  method  of  accom-
     2  plishing  this goal. In addition, declining home values in these munici-
     3  palities discourages home ownership by adversely affecting  the  ability
     4  of  families of moderate income to build and/or maintain equity in their
     5  homes.
     6    The legislature further finds that the residents of  a  community  are
     7  often  in  the  best  position to know and understand the needs of their
     8  community, and have the greatest stake in the future of their community.
     9    The legislature further finds that no state program  presently  exists
    10  with  the  primary  purpose of supporting and funding the identification
    11  and demolition of surplus housing stock or for  disposing  of  the  real
    12  estate upon which that housing stock is located.
    13    The  legislature  hereby  determines  that  such  a  program is in the
    14  public's interest.
    15    § 271. Definitions. As used in this article, the following  words  and
    16  phrases shall have the following meanings:
    17    1. "Commissioner" shall mean the commissioner of the state division of
    18  housing and community renewal.
    19    2.  "Division"  shall mean the state division of housing and community
    20  renewal.
    21    3. "Municipality" shall mean any city, town,  or  village  within  the
    22  state with a population of less than one million persons.
    23    4. "Grant" shall mean a community improvement grant as defined in this
    24  article.
    25    5.  "Committee"  shall  mean  a  citizens'  participation committee as
    26  defined in this article.
    27    § 272. Community improvement grants. 1. There  is  created  under  the
    28  direction  of  the commissioner the community improvement grant program.
    29  Within the limit of funds available in the community  improvement  grant
    30  program, the commissioner is authorized to offer state financial assist-
    31  ance to municipalities with a population of under one million persons in
    32  the form of community improvement grants.
    33    2.  Prior  to the award of a grant, the commissioner shall have made a
    34  finding that the municipality requesting a grant contains  neighborhoods
    35  that  contain  a  significant number of vacant residential housing units
    36  that are in excess of the needs of the current population, and that many
    37  of these residential housing units  are  deteriorated,  substandard,  or
    38  obsolete.  The municipality shall demonstrate to the division as part of
    39  the grant application process that it is eligible to receive grant funds
    40  under the provisions of this section and  according  to  the  rules  and
    41  regulations promulgated by the division.
    42    3.  Municipalities  receiving community improvement grants shall cause
    43  to be established citizens' participation committees, which  are  to  be
    44  representative of the neighborhoods in which these grant funds are to be
    45  expended.  The  geographic boundaries of the neighborhood represented by
    46  each committee shall be determined by the municipality.  The  committees
    47  shall  direct  all  aspects of the expenditure of grants, subject to the
    48  provisions of this article. No member of a committee shall  receive  any
    49  compensation  for  this service, nor shall such member personally profit
    50  financially from the proceeds of any grant monies received.   Membership
    51  in  a  committee  shall  consist of representatives of local charitable,
    52  not-for-profit, social  service,  faith-based,  business  and  community
    53  organizations  with  an interest in housing or development issues within
    54  the affected neighborhood desiring to participate, as well as any inter-
    55  ested local citizens desiring to be involved. Committees are to be self-
    56  governing, and shall establish rules and regulations  concerning  voting

        A. 4399                             3

     1  and  other  procedures,  provided  that  such  rules and regulations are
     2  constructed in such a manner as to ensure the broadest and most  equita-
     3  ble participation practicable by all concerned, and that such committees
     4  are  democratically organized.   All proceedings of a committee shall be
     5  subject to all provisions of article seven of the public  officers  law.
     6  The  municipality  shall be responsible for the general oversight of its
     7  committees, is to ensure that the committees conduct their  business  in
     8  general  conformity  with  the  provisions of this article, and that the
     9  organization of each committee is democratic and inclusive of all eligi-
    10  ble organizations and individuals.  The  municipality  shall  distribute
    11  grant  monies  received to the committees, which shall then expend those
    12  funds according to the comprehensive plan developed by  such  committee.
    13  The  municipality  shall also be responsible for the conduct of periodic
    14  financial audits to ensure that all  grant  monies  distributed  to  the
    15  committees  are  properly  accounted for and utilized in conformity with
    16  this article.  The municipality shall provide  to  each  committee  such
    17  other  technical, legal, and administrative assistance as is required to
    18  fulfill the purposes of this article.
    19    4. Each committee shall  develop  a  comprehensive  neighborhood  plan
    20  before  commencing  the expenditure of funds upon other authorized items
    21  as defined in subdivision five of this section.  The plan shall identify
    22  short and long-term goals and objectives that are both  consistent  with
    23  the  intent  of  this article and that shall contribute significantly to
    24  improving the quality of life for the citizens living in  the  neighbor-
    25  hood.  This plan shall be subject to review and general oversight by the
    26  municipality.
    27    5. Grant monies received by the committees may be  expended  upon  the
    28  following items, subject to the limits indicated:
    29    (a) Acquisition of property - not limited.
    30    (b) Demolition of structures - not limited.
    31    (c)  Selective  rehabilitation  - up to twenty-five percent. Selective
    32  rehabilitation may be used to convert suitable multi-family  homes  into
    33  single  family  homes,  if such conversion is consistent with the intent
    34  and purposes of this article.
    35    (d) Neighborhood beautification - up to twenty percent.
    36    (e) Administration - up to ten percent, to be used for  expenses  such
    37  as legal costs, title searches, office supplies, and other miscellaneous
    38  support  as  may  be  appropriate to assist the efforts of the citizens'
    39  participation committees.
    40    (f) Property improvement mini-grants - up to twenty percent,  with  no
    41  individual  mini-grant to exceed one thousand dollars. These mini-grants
    42  are to be offered to individual property  owners  in  order  to  improve
    43  vacant and vacated land as defined in subdivision eight of this section.
    44    (g)  Planning  and market study - up to ten percent, to be utilized by
    45  citizens' participation committees in preparing the comprehensive neigh-
    46  borhood plan.
    47    6. Grant funds may be used by the municipality to acquire  tax  delin-
    48  quent,  vacant,  and  abandoned  properties  or  properties owned by the
    49  federal department of Housing and Urban Development, but are not author-
    50  ized to acquire properties through eminent domain. Upon municipal acqui-
    51  sition of a property, the committee shall assess its condition to deter-
    52  mine whether salvaging property is both feasible and consistent with the
    53  plans and objectives of the committee. The committee  is  authorized  to
    54  direct  the  demolition  of structures when the committee deems this the
    55  most appropriate course of action in furthering the improvement  of  the
    56  neighborhood.

        A. 4399                             4

     1    7. Residential properties acquired through grant funds that are deemed
     2  salvageable  may only be conveyed to individuals if they contain no more
     3  than four dwelling units, and those individuals agree to maintain  their
     4  primary residence at that property for not less than two years.
     5    8.  The  committees  are  authorized  to request that the municipality
     6  transfer vacant land acquired through grant funds to eligible individual
     7  homeowners or not-for-profit agencies for the  sum  of  one  dollar.  In
     8  disposing  of  vacant  land,  preference  shall be given to transferring
     9  portions of that land to the owners of adjoining residential properties,
    10  provided that those owners are also occupants of the adjoining  residen-
    11  tial  properties. The committee is authorized to award mini-grants of up
    12  to one thousand dollars to these homeowners for the purpose of improving
    13  this vacant property.  In the event that disposition of vacant  land  to
    14  adjoining  individual  homeowners is impossible or impractical according
    15  to the determination of the committee, this land may be disposed  of  in
    16  such  other  manner  as  will  inure  to the benefit of the community in
    17  general and its inhabitants, by providing open public space, parkland or
    18  parking spaces as is deemed best by the committee.
    19    9. The municipality shall review any request by a  committee  for  the
    20  disposition  of a property under the provisions of this article, and may
    21  deny this request if such disposition  is  deemed  improper  or  clearly
    22  contrary to the intent of this article.
    23    §  273.  General  and  administrative  provisions. 1. The commissioner
    24  shall issue and promulgate rules and regulations for the  administration
    25  of  this  article.  The  rules and regulations shall include, but not be
    26  limited to: eligibility for grants under this article; funding  criteria
    27  and  the  funding  determination  process; supervision and evaluation of
    28  grantees; reporting and record keeping requirements; and  other  matters
    29  not inconsistent with the purposes and provisions of this article as the
    30  commissioner shall deem necessary or appropriate.
    31    2. The commissioner shall provide for the periodic financial review of
    32  the grantee's conformity to the purposes and provisions of this article.
    33    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.