NV Legislation | 2023 | 82nd Legislature | Resolutions | Passed

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StanceBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
AR10PassExpressing appreciation to the staff of the Assembly for their service during the 82nd Session of the Nevada Legislature.
File No. 37.
AR11PassExpressing appreciation to Lucinda Cindy Benjamin for her many years of service to the Nevada Assembly.
File No. 38.
ACR8PassGranting administrative leave to legislative employees in recognition of their service to the 82nd Session of the Nevada Legislature.
File No. 36.
SR9PassExpressing appreciation to the staff of the Senate for their service during the 82nd Session of the Nevada Legislature.
File No. 35. (Effective June 5, 2023)
SR8PassAdopting new Standing Rules of the Senate for the remainder of the 82nd Session of the Legislature.
File No. 34. (Effective June 5, 2023)
AJR1APassProposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to add and revise terms relating to persons with certain conditions for whose benefit certain public entities are supported by the State.
File No. 33.
SCR5PassUrging the expansion of comprehensive cardiovascular screening programs and directing the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Health and Human Services to conduct a study concerning such programs and certain other matters relating to cardiovascular d...
File No. 32. (Effective June 1, 2023)
SJR3PassUrging the United States Bureau of Reclamation to consider certain actions, alternatives and measures for the protection and management of the Colorado River.
File No. 31. (Effective May 31, 2023)
AR9PassDesignating certain members of the Assembly as regular and alternate members of the Legislative Commission for the 2023-2025 biennium.
File No. 30.
SR7PassDesignating certain members of the Senate as regular and alternate members of the Legislative Commission for the 2023-2025 biennium.
File No. 29. (Effective May 26, 2023)
AJR5PassProposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise provisions relating to lotteries and the sale of lottery tickets.
File No. 27.
ACR5PassExpressing support for the Lake Tahoe Transportation Action Plan.
File No. 28.
AJR1PassUrging the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to study the effectiveness and use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for veterans.
File No. 26. (Effective May 29, 2023)
AJR8PassUrging the Congress of the United States to deschedule marijuana as a schedule I controlled substance.
File No. 25. (Effective May 25, 2023)
AJR6PassProposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to adopt the National Popular Vote Compact.
File No. 24.
SJR7APassProposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to remove the constitutional provisions governing the election and duties of the Board of Regents of the State University and to authorize the Legislature to provide by statute for the governance of the Stat...
File No. 23.
SJR7PassProposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to establish certain rights relating to reproductive health.
File No. 21.
AR7PassAdding former Assemblyman Peter Pete Livermore to the Assembly Wall of Distinction.
File No. 15.
SCR4PassCelebrating the life and accomplishments of beloved educator and Legislative Assistant Patricia Pat Jo Hutson.
File No. 22. (Effective May 8, 2023)
SR4PassInducting Richard Bryan into the Senate Hall of Fame.
File No. 17. (Effective May 11, 2023)
AR8PassAdding former Assemblywoman Barbara E. Buckley to the Assembly Wall of Distinction.
File No. 16.
SR6PassInducting Claire Jesse Clift as an honorary member into the Senate Hall of Fame.
File No. 19. (Effective May 11, 2023)
SJR5PassUrging Congress to expand the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children to cover the purchase of menstrual products.
File No. 20. (Effective May 8, 2023)
SR5PassInducting Joseph Paul Hardy into the Senate Hall of Fame.
File No. 18. (Effective May 11, 2023)
SCR3PassMemorializing esteemed attorney and lobbyist Ben Graham.
File No. 14. (Effective April 27, 2023)
SCR2PassDeclaring April 2023 as Financial Literacy Month.
File No. 13. (Effective April 11, 2023)
AR6PassProviding for the appointment of an additional attache for the Assembly.
File No. 12.
AR5PassProviding for the appointment of an additional attache for the Assembly.
File No. 11.
AJR10APassProposing to amend the Ordinance of the Nevada Constitution and the Nevada Constitution to remove language authorizing the use of slavery and involuntary servitude as a criminal punishment.
File No. 10.
AR4PassProviding for the appointment of additional attaches for the Assembly.
File No. 9.
ACR2PassAuthorizing additional reimbursement for travel in certain circumstances.
File No. 8.
AR1PassAdopting the Standing Rules of the Assembly for the 82nd Session of the Legislature.
File No. 5.
AR3PassProviding allowances to the leadership and other members of the Assembly for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications.
File No. 7.
ACR1PassAdopting the Joint Standing Rules of the Senate and Assembly for the 82nd Session of the Legislature.
File No. 4.
AR2PassProviding for the appointment of the Assembly attaches.
File No. 6.
SR2PassProviding allowances to the leadership and other members of the Senate for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications.
File No. 2.
SR1PassAdopting the Standing Rules of the Senate for the 82nd Session of the Legislature.
File No. 1.
SR3PassProviding for the appointment of the Senate Session staff.
File No. 3.
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