Bill Text: MI SB1022 | 2017-2018 | 99th Legislature | Engrossed

Bill Title: Campaign finance; committees; procedures for disbursement of terminating candidate committee expenditures; modify, and provide penalties for noncompliance. Amends secs. 5, 7, 21, 24, 44, 45, 51, 52 & 55 of 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.205 et seq.).

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2018-11-08 - Passed Roll Call # 590 Yeas 22 Nays 12 Excused 3 Not Voting 0 [SB1022 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2017-SB1022-Engrossed.html

SB-1022, As Passed Senate, November 8, 2018
















May 22, 2018, Introduced by Senator ROBERTSON and referred to the Committee on Elections and Government Reform.




     A bill to amend 1976 PA 388, entitled


"Michigan campaign finance act,"


by amending sections 5, 7, 21, 24, 44, 45, 51, 52, and 55 (MCL


169.205, 169.207, 169.221, 169.224, 169.244, 169.245, 169.251,


169.252, and 169.255), section 5 as amended by 1999 PA 237, section


7 as amended by 2001 PA 250, sections 21 and 52 as amended by 2015


PA 269, sections 24, 44, 51, and 55 as amended by 2017 PA 119, and


section 45 as amended by 1996 PA 590.




     Sec. 5. (1) "Domestic dependent sovereign" means an Indian


tribe that has been acknowledged, recognized, restored, or


reaffirmed as an Indian tribe by the secretary of the interior


pursuant to chapter 576, 48 Stat. 984, 25 U.S.C. 461 to 463, 464 to


465, 466 to 470, 471 to 472, 473, 474 to 475, 476 to 478, and 479,


USC 5101 to 5144, commonly referred to as the Indian reorganization


act, or has otherwise been acknowledged by the United States


government as an Indian tribe.


     (2) "Election" means a primary, general, special, or millage


election held in this state or a convention or caucus of a


political party held in this state to nominate a candidate.


Election includes a recall vote.


     (3) "Election cycle" means 1 of the following:


     (a) For a general election, the period beginning the day


following the last general election in which the office appeared on


the ballot and ending on the day of the general election in which


the office next appears on the ballot.


     (b) For a special election, the period beginning the day a


special general election is called or the date the office becomes


vacant, whichever is earlier, and ending on the day of the special


general election.


     (4) "Elective office" means a public office filled by an


election. A person An individual who is appointed to fill a vacancy


in a public office that is ordinarily elective holds an elective


office. Elective office does not include the office of precinct


delegate. Except for the purposes of sections 47, 54, and 55,


elective office does not include a school board member in a school


district that has a pupil membership of 2,400 or less enrolled on


the most recent pupil membership count day. However, elective


office includes a school board member in a school district that has

a pupil membership of 2,400 or less, if a candidate committee of a


candidate for the office of school board member in that school


district receives an amount in excess of $1,000.00 or expends an


amount in excess of $1,000.00. Elective office does not include a


federal office except for the purposes of section 57.


     Sec. 7. (1) "Filed" means the receipt by the appropriate


filing official of a statement or report required to be filed under


this act.


     (2) "Filer" means a person required to file a statement or


report under this act.


     (3) "Filing official" means the official designated under this


act to receive required statements and reports.


     (4) "Financial institution" means that term as defined in


section 4 of the Michigan strategic fund act, 1984 PA 270, MCL




     (5) (4) "Fund raising "Fund-raising event" means an event such


as a dinner, reception, testimonial, rally, auction, or similar


affair through which contributions are solicited or received by


purchase of a ticket, payment of an attendance fee, making a


donation, or purchase of goods or services.


     (6) (5) "Gift" means a payment, subscription, advance,


forbearance, rendering, or deposit of money, services, or anything


of value, unless consideration of equal or greater value is given


in exchange.


     (7) (6) "Honorarium" means a payment of money to a person an


individual holding elective office as consideration for an


appearance, a speech, an article, or any activity related to or

associated with the performance of duties as an elected official.


An honorarium does not include any of the following:


     (a) Reimbursement for the cost of transportation,


accommodations, or meals for the person.individual.


     (b) Wages, salaries, other employee compensation, and expenses


authorized to be paid by this state or a political subdivision of


this state to the person individual holding elective office.


     (c) An award.


     Sec. 21. (1) A candidate, within 10 days after becoming a


candidate, shall form a candidate committee. A person An individual


who is a candidate for more than 1 office shall form a candidate


committee for each office for which the person individual is a


candidate, if at least 1 of the offices is a state elective office.


A candidate shall not form more than 1 candidate committee for each


office for which the person individual is a candidate.


     (2) A candidate committee shall must have a treasurer who is a


qualified elector of this state. A candidate may appoint himself or


herself as the candidate committee treasurer.


     (3) A committee other than a candidate committee shall must


have a treasurer who is a qualified elector of this state if the


committee conducts business through an office or other facility


located in this state.


     (4) If a committee is not required to have as its treasurer an


individual who is a qualified elector of this state, the committee


may have as its treasurer an individual who is a resident of


another state. A committee with a nonresident treasurer shall file,


with its statement of organization, an irrevocable written

stipulation, signed by the treasurer, agreeing that legal process


affecting the committee, served on the secretary of state or an


agent designated by the secretary of state, has the same effect as


if personally served on the committee. This appointment remains in


force as long as any liability of the committee remains outstanding


within this state.


     (5) If the secretary of state or designated agent of the


secretary of state is served with legal process pursuant to under


subsection (4), the secretary of state shall promptly notify the


committee's treasurer by certified mail at the last known address


of the committee shown on the committee's statement of




     (6) Except as provided by law, a candidate committee or a


committee described in subsection (3) shall have 1 account in a


financial institution in this state as an official depository for


the purpose of depositing to deposit all contributions received by


the committee in the form of or which are converted to money,


checks, or other negotiable instruments and for the purpose of


making to make all expenditures. The committee shall designate that


financial institution as its official depository. The establishment


of an account in a financial institution is not required until the


committee receives a contribution or makes an expenditure.


Secondary Candidate committees shall only use secondary


depositories shall be used for the sole purpose of depositing to


deposit contributions and promptly transferring transfer the


deposits to the committee's official depository, or to deposit the


proceeds of a joint fund-raiser under section 44(5) and transfer

each committee's share of any receipts from the joint fund-raiser.


A committee described in subsection (3) shall only use secondary


depositories for any of the following:


     (a) To deposit contributions and promptly transfer the


deposits to the committee's official depository.


     (b) To deposit the proceeds of a joint fund-raiser under


section 44(5) and transfer each committee's share of any receipts


from the joint fund-raiser.


     (c) To deposit, divide, and transfer contributions that are


aggregated with dues or other payments.


     (7) Except as provided by law, a committee described in


subsection (4) shall have 1 account in a financial institution as


its official depository for the purpose of depositing to deposit


all contributions received by the committee in the form of or which


are converted to money, checks, or other negotiable instruments and


for the purpose of making to make all expenditures. The committee


shall designate that financial institution as its official


depository. The establishment of an account in a financial


institution is not required until the committee receives a


contribution or makes an expenditure. Secondary A committee


described in subsection (4) shall only use secondary depositories


shall be used only for the purposes of depositing for any of the




     (a) To deposit contributions and promptly transferring


transfer the deposits to the committee's official depository. , or


depositing, dividing, and transferring


     (b) To deposit the proceeds of a joint fund-raiser under

section 44(5) and transfer each committee's share of any receipts


from the joint fund-raiser.


     (c) To deposit, divide, and transfer contributions that are


aggregated with dues or other payments.


     (8) A committee shall not accept a contribution shall not be


accepted and or make an expenditure shall not be made by a if that


committee that does not have a treasurer. When the office of


treasurer in a candidate committee is vacant, the candidate shall


be is the treasurer until the candidate appoints a new treasurer.


     (9) An A committee shall not make an expenditure shall not be


made by a committee without the authorization of the treasurer or


the treasurer's designee. The contributions received or


expenditures made by a candidate or an agent of a candidate are


considered received or made by the candidate committee.


     (10) Contributions received by an individual acting in behalf


of a committee shall must be reported promptly to the committee's


treasurer not later than 5 days before the closing date of any


campaign statement required to be filed by the committee, and shall


must be reported to the committee treasurer immediately if the


contribution is received less than 5 days before the closing date.


     (11) A contribution is considered received by a committee when


it is received by the committee treasurer or a designated agent of


the committee treasurer although the contribution may not be


deposited in the official depository by the reporting deadline.


     (12) Contributions received by a committee shall must not be


commingled with other funds of an agent of the committee or of any


other person. Contributions are not considered to be commingled if

that contribution is either of the following:


     (a) A contribution received by a person for transmission to a


separate segregated fund as described in section 55(7).


     (b) A contribution made by 1 or more persons through a person


if all of the following are met:


     (i) The individual contribution or aggregated contribution is


accompanied by or logically associated with all information


required under section 26 for each individual contributor.


     (ii) The person making the contribution is the original source


of the contribution.


     (iii) The contribution is not obtained through use of coercion


or physical force, as a condition of employment or membership, or


by using or threatening to use job discrimination or financial




     (iv) Only the person making the contribution exercises any


control over the making of, or the amount or recipient of, the




     (v) The contribution is not otherwise prohibited by this act.


     (13) A person that violates this section is subject to a civil


fine of not more than $1,000.00.


     Sec. 24. (1) A committee shall file a statement of


organization with the filing officials designated in section 36 to


receive the committee's campaign statements. A committee shall file


a statement of organization within 10 days after the committee is


formed. A filing official shall maintain a statement of


organization filed by a committee until 5 years after the official


date of the committee's dissolution. A person who fails to file a

statement of organization required by this subsection shall pay a


late filing fee of $10.00 for each business day the statement


remains not filed in violation of this subsection. The late filing


fee must not exceed $300.00. A person who violates this subsection


by failing to file for more than 30 days after a statement of


organization is required to be filed is guilty of a misdemeanor


punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00.


     (2) The statement of organization required to be filed under


subsection (1) must include the following information:


     (a) The name, street address, and if available, the electronic


mail address and telephone number of the committee, and the


electronic mail address of the candidate. If a committee is a


candidate committee, the committee name must include the first and


last name of the candidate. A committee address may be the home


address of the candidate or treasurer of the committee.


     (b) The name, street address, and if available, the electronic


mail address and telephone number of the treasurer or other


individual designated as responsible for the committee's record


keeping, report preparation, or report filing.


     (c) The name and address of the financial institution in which


the official committee depository is or is intended to be located,


and the name and address of each financial institution in which a


secondary depository is or is intended to be located.


     (d) The full name of the office being sought by, including


district number or jurisdiction, and the county residence of each


candidate supported or opposed by the committee.


     (e) A brief statement identifying the substance of each ballot

question supported or opposed by the committee. If the ballot


question supported or opposed by the committee is a local ballot


question, the committee shall identify the county in which the


greatest number of registered voters eligible to vote on the ballot


question reside.


     (f) Identification of the committee as a candidate committee,


political party committee, independent committee, independent


expenditure committee, political committee, or ballot question


committee if it is identifiable as such a committee.


     (3) An independent committee or political committee shall


include in the name of the committee the name of the person or


persons that sponsor the committee, if any, or with whom the


committee is affiliated. A person, other than an individual or a


committee, sponsors or is affiliated with an independent committee


or political committee if that person establishes, directs,


controls, or financially supports the administration of the


committee. For the purposes of this subsection, a person does not


financially support the administration of a committee by merely


making a contribution to the committee.


     (4) If any of the information required in a statement of


organization is changed, the committee shall file an amendment when


the next campaign statement is required to be filed.


     (5) When filing a statement of organization, a committee,


other than an independent committee, a political committee, or a


political party committee, may indicate in a written statement


signed by the treasurer of the committee that the committee does


not expect for each election to receive an amount in excess of

$1,000.00 or expend an amount in excess of $1,000.00. The treasurer


of a committee of an incumbent judge or supreme court justice is


considered to have made the statement required under this


subsection following appointment or election of that judge or


justice and is not required to file a written statement under this


subsection indicating that the committee does not expect for each


election to receive or expend an amount in excess of $1,000.00.


     (6) When filing a statement of organization, an independent


committee, an independent expenditure committee, a political


committee, or a political party committee may indicate in a written


statement signed by the treasurer of the committee that the


committee does not expect in a calendar year to receive or expend


an amount in excess of $1,000.00.


     (7) Upon the dissolution of a committee, the committee shall


file a statement indicating dissolution with the filing officials


with whom the committee's statement of organization was filed.


Dissolution of a committee must be accomplished pursuant to rules


promulgated by the secretary of state under the administrative


procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     (8) A candidate committee that files a written statement under


subsection (5) or that is considered to have made a statement under


subsection (5) is not required to file a dissolution statement


under subsection (7) if the committee failed to receive or expend


an amount in excess of $1,000.00 and 1 of the following applies:


     (a) The candidate was defeated in an election and has no


outstanding campaign debts or assets.


     (b) The candidate vacates an elective office and has no

outstanding campaign debts or assets.


     (9) A political committee organized for the purpose of making


independent expenditures formed before the effective date of the


amendatory act that added this subsection September 20, 2017 is


considered an independent expenditure committee. The secretary of


state may amend the statement of organization for any committee


affected by this subsection.


     Sec. 44. (1) A person shall not make a contribution to another


person with the agreement or arrangement that the person receiving


the contribution will then transfer that contribution to a


particular candidate committee.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in this section and sections


21a, 45, and 71, a candidate committee shall not make an


expenditure or other disbursement except to further the nomination


or election of the candidate for which it is formed. A Except as


otherwise provided in section 45(2)(f), a candidate committee shall


not make a contribution to or an independent expenditure on behalf


of another candidate committee. This subsection does not prohibit


the purchase of tickets to another candidate committee's fund-


raising event that does not exceed $100.00 per candidate committee


in any calendar year.


     (3) A candidate committee shall not make a contribution,


expenditure, or any other disbursement using money received under


section 45(2)(f) for any purpose other than repayment of debts and


obligations of the candidate committee existing at the time the


contribution is received from the terminating candidate committee.


     (4) (3) An individual, other than a committee treasurer or the

individual designated as responsible for the record keeping, report


preparation, or report filing for a committee, who obtains


possession of a committee's contribution for the purpose of


delivering to deliver the contribution to another committee shall


deliver the contribution to that committee, that committee's


treasurer, or that committee's agent, or return the contribution to


the payor, not later than 10 business days after obtaining


possession of the contribution.


     (5) (4) Two or more persons, other than individuals, may hold


a joint fund-raiser if the receipts and expenses of the fund-raiser


are shared proportionately.


     (6) (5) A person who knowingly violates this section is guilty


of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90


days or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     Sec. 45. (1) A Except as otherwise provided in subsection


(2)(f), a person may transfer any unexpended funds money from 1


candidate committee to another candidate committee of that person


only if the contribution limits prescribed in section 52 or 69 for


the candidate committee receiving the funds money are equal to or


greater than the contribution limits for the candidate committee


transferring the funds money and if the candidate committees are


simultaneously held by the same person. The funds money being


transferred shall is not be considered a qualifying contribution


regardless of the amount of the individual contribution being




     (2) Upon termination of a candidate committee, unexpended


funds money in the candidate committee that are not eligible for

transfer to another candidate committee of the person under


subsection (1) shall must be disbursed as follows:


     (a) Given to a political party committee.


     (b) Given to a tax exempt charitable organization, as long as


the candidate does not become an officer or director of or receive


compensation, either directly or indirectly, from that




     (c) Returned to the contributors of the funds money upon


termination of the campaign committee.


     (d) If the person was a candidate for the office of state


representative, given to a house political party caucus committee.


     (e) If the person was a candidate for the office of state


senator, given to a senate political party caucus committee.


     (f) If the person was formerly a candidate for another state


elective office, has not again become a candidate for that other


state elective office, and the person's candidate committee for


that other state elective office has not been terminated, given to


that candidate committee for the sole purpose of, and in an amount


not to exceed what is necessary for, repaying any outstanding debts


and obligations of that committee.


     (g) (f) Given to an independent committee or a political




     (h) (g) Given to a ballot question committee or an independent


expenditure committee.


     (3) If the unexpended money of a terminating candidate


committee is given to another candidate committee of that person


under subsection (2)(f), and that person later becomes a candidate

for the same state elective office for which the candidate


committee that received the unexpended money was formed, the


secretary of state may assess a civil fine against that committee,


or any new committee formed by that candidate for the same elective


office if the original committee has been terminated, in an amount


not to exceed the amount of the unexpended money received by the




     (4) In addition to any other penalties under this section, a


person who knowingly violates this section is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable by the following:


     (a) If the person is an individual, by imprisonment for not


more than 90 days or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     (b) If the person is not an individual, by a fine of not more


than $10,000.00.


     Sec. 51. (1) A person, other than a committee, that makes an


independent expenditure, advocating the election or defeat of a


candidate or the qualification, passage, or defeat of a ballot


question, in an amount of $100.01 or more in a calendar year shall


file a report of the independent expenditure, within 10 days after


making that independent expenditure, with the clerk of the county


of residence of that person. If the independent expenditure


advocates the election or defeat of a candidate for state elective


office or for judicial office, or for the qualification, passage,


or defeat of a statewide ballot question, or if the person making


the independent expenditure is not a resident of this state, the


person shall file the report with the secretary of state in lieu of


filing with a clerk of a county. The report required under this

section must be made on an independent expenditure report form


provided by the secretary of state, include the date of the


expenditure, a brief description of the nature of the expenditure,


the amount, the name and address of the person to whom it was paid,


the name and address of the person filing the report, together with


the name, address, occupation, employer, and principal place of


business of each person that contributed $100.01 or more to the


expenditure, and identify the candidate or ballot question for or


against which the independent expenditure was made. The filing


official receiving the report shall forward copies, as required, to


the appropriate filing officers as described in section 36.


     (2) If a person fails to file a report as required under this


section, that person shall pay a late filing fee. If the person has


made independent expenditures totaling less than $10,000.00, the


late filing fee is $25.00 for each business day the report remains


unfiled, but not to exceed $1,000.00. If the person has made


independent expenditures totaling $10,000.00 or more, the late


filing fee is $50.00 for each business day the report remains


unfiled, but not to exceed $5,000.00. A person that violates this


subsection by failing to file a report required under this section


for more than 30 days after the report is required to be filed is


guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more


than 90 days or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     Sec. 52. (1) Except as provided in subsection (5) or (11) and


subject to section 46 and subsection (8), a person other than an


independent committee or a political party committee shall not make


contributions to a candidate committee of a candidate for elective

office that, with respect to an election cycle, are more than the




     (a) $6,800.00 for a candidate for state elective office other


than the office of state legislator, or for a candidate for local


elective office if the district from which he or she is seeking


office has a population of more than 250,000.


     (b) $2,000.00 for a candidate for state senator, or for a


candidate for local elective office if the district from which he


or she is seeking office has a population of more than 85,000 but


250,000 or less.


     (c) $1,000.00 for a candidate for state representative, or for


a candidate for local elective office if the district from which he


or she is seeking office has a population of 85,000 or less.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection and


subsection (12), an independent committee shall not make


contributions to a candidate committee of a candidate for elective


office that, in the aggregate for that election cycle, are more


than 10 times the amount permitted a person other than an


independent committee or political party committee in subsection


(1). A house political party caucus committee or a senate political


party caucus committee is not limited under this subsection in the


amount of contributions made to the candidate committee of a


candidate for the office of state legislator, except as follows:


     (a) A house political party caucus committee or a senate


political party caucus committee shall not pay a debt incurred by a


candidate if that debt was incurred while the candidate was seeking


nomination at a primary election and the candidate was opposed at

that primary.


     (b) A house political party caucus committee or a senate


political party caucus committee shall not make a contribution to


or make an expenditure on behalf of a candidate if that candidate


is seeking nomination at a primary election and the candidate is


opposed at that primary.


     (3) A political party committee other than a state central


committee shall not make contributions to the candidate committee


of a candidate for elective office that are more than 10 times the


amount permitted a person other than an independent committee or


political party committee in subsection (1).


     (4) A state central committee of a political party shall not


make contributions to the candidate committee of a candidate for


state elective office other than a candidate for the legislature


that are more than 20 times the amount permitted a person other


than an independent committee or political party committee in


subsection (1). A state central committee of a political party


shall not make contributions to the candidate committee of a


candidate for state senator, state representative, or local


elective office that are more than 10 times the amount permitted a


person other than an independent committee or political party


committee in subsection (1).


     (5) A contribution from a member of a candidate's immediate


family to the candidate committee of that candidate, or a transfer


of unexpended candidate committee funds under section 45(2)(f), is


exempt from the limitations of subsection (1).


     (6) Consistent with the provisions of this section, a

contribution designated in writing for a particular election cycle


is considered made for that election cycle. A contribution made


after the close of a particular election cycle and designated in


writing for that election cycle shall be made only to the extent


that the contribution does not exceed the candidate committee's net


outstanding debts and obligations from the election cycle so


designated. If a contribution is not designated in writing for a


particular election cycle, all of the following apply to that




     (a) The contribution is considered made for the election cycle


that corresponds to the date of the written instrument.


     (b) The contribution limits for the current election cycle


apply to that contribution.


     (c) A candidate committee may use that contribution to pay


outstanding debts and obligations from a previous election cycle


regardless of whether the contribution, when aggregated with any


contributions made in that previous election cycle, would exceed


the contribution limits for that previous election cycle.


     (7) A candidate committee, a candidate, or a treasurer or


agent of a candidate committee shall not accept a contribution with


respect to an election cycle that exceeds the limitations in


subsection (1), (2), (3), (4), (11), or (12).


     (8) The contribution limits in subsection (1) for a candidate


for local elective office are effective on the effective date of


the amendatory act that provides for those contribution limits,


however, only contributions received by that candidate on and after


that date shall be used to determine if the contribution limit has

been reached.


     (9) A person who knowingly violates this section is guilty of


a misdemeanor punishable, if the person is an individual, by a fine


of not more than $1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 90


days, or both, or, if the person is not an individual, by a fine of


not more than $10,000.00.


     (10) For purposes of the limitations provided in subsections


(1) and (2), all contributions made by political committees or


independent committees established by any corporation, joint stock


company, domestic dependent sovereign, or labor organization,


including any parent, subsidiary, branch, division, department, or


local unit thereof, shall be are considered to have been made by a


single independent committee. By way of illustration and not


limitation, all of the following apply as a result of the


application of this requirement:


     (a) All of the political committees and independent committees


established by a for profit corporation or joint stock company, by


a subsidiary of the for profit corporation or joint stock company,


or by any combination thereof, are treated as a single independent




     (b) All of the political committees and independent committees


established by a single national or international labor


organization, by a labor organization of that national or


international labor organization, by a local labor organization of


that national or international labor organization, or by any other


subordinate organization of that national or international labor


organization, or by any combination thereof, are treated as a

single independent committee.


     (c) All of the political committees and independent committees


established by an organization of national or international unions,


by a state central body of that organization, by a local central


body of that organization, or by any combination thereof, are


treated as a single independent committee.


     (d) All of the political committees and independent committees


established by a nonprofit corporation, by a related state entity


of that nonprofit corporation, by a related local entity of that


nonprofit corporation, or by any combination thereof, are treated


as a single independent committee.


     (11) The limitation on a political committee's contributions


under subsection (1) does not apply to contributions that are part


of 1 or more bundled contributions delivered to the candidate


committee of a candidate for statewide elective office and that are


attributed to the political committee as prescribed in section 31.


A political committee shall not make contributions to a candidate


committee of a candidate for statewide elective office that are


part of 1 or more bundled contributions delivered to that candidate


committee, that are attributed to the political committee as


prescribed in section 31, and that, in the aggregate for that


election cycle, are more than the amount permitted a person other


than an independent committee or political party committee in


subsection (1).


     (12) The limitation on an independent committee's


contributions under subsection (2) does not apply to contributions


that are part of 1 or more bundled contributions delivered to the

candidate committee of a candidate for statewide elective office


and that are attributed to the independent committee as prescribed


in section 31. An independent committee shall not make


contributions to a candidate committee of a candidate for statewide


elective office that are part of 1 or more bundled contributions


delivered to that candidate committee, that are attributed to the


independent committee as prescribed in section 31, and that, in the


aggregate for that election cycle, are more than 10 times the


amount permitted a person other than an independent committee or


political party committee in subsection (1).


     Sec. 55. (1) A connected organization may make an expenditure


for the establishment or administration of, and solicitation,


collection, or transfer of contributions to, a separate segregated


fund to be used for political purposes. A separate segregated fund


established by a connected organization under this section shall


must be organized as a political committee or an independent


committee, and, in addition to any other disbursements not


restricted or prohibited by law, shall only make contributions to,


and expenditures on behalf of, candidate committees, ballot


question committees, political party committees, political


committees, independent expenditure committees, independent


committees, and other separate segregated funds.


     (2) Contributions for a separate segregated fund established


by a corporation, organized on a for profit basis, or a joint stock


company under this section may be solicited from any of the


following persons or their spouses:


     (a) Stockholders of the corporation or company.

     (b) Officers and directors of the corporation or company.


     (c) Employees of the corporation or company who have policy


making, managerial, professional, supervisory, or administrative


nonclerical responsibilities.


     (3) Contributions for a separate segregated fund established


under this section by a corporation organized on a nonprofit basis


may be solicited from any of the following persons or their




     (a) Members of the corporation who are individuals.


     (b) Stockholders or members of members of the corporation.


     (c) Officers or directors of members of the corporation.


     (d) Employees of the members of the corporation who have


policy making, managerial, professional, supervisory, or


administrative nonclerical responsibilities.


     (e) Employees of the corporation who have policy making,


managerial, professional, supervisory, or administrative


nonclerical responsibilities.


     (4) Contributions for a separate segregated fund established


under this section by a labor organization may be solicited from


any of the following persons or their spouses:


     (a) Members of the labor organization who are individuals.


     (b) Officers or directors of the labor organization.


     (c) Employees of the labor organization who have policy


making, managerial, professional, supervisory, or administrative


nonclerical responsibilities.


     (5) Contributions for a separate segregated fund established


under this section by a domestic dependent sovereign may be

solicited from an individual who is a member of any domestic


dependent sovereign.


     (6) Contributions must not be obtained for a separate


segregated fund established under this section by use of coercion


or physical force, by making a contribution a condition of


employment or membership, or by using or threatening to use job


discrimination or financial reprisals. A connected organization


shall not solicit or obtain contributions for a separate segregated


fund established under this section from an individual described in


subsection (2), (3), (4), or (5) on an automatic or passive basis


including but not limited to a payroll deduction plan or reverse


checkoff method. A connected organization may solicit or obtain


contributions for a separate segregated fund established under this


section from an individual described in subsection (2), (3), (4),


or (5) on an automatic basis, including but not limited to a


payroll deduction plan, only if the individual who is contributing


to the fund affirmatively consents to the contribution. A connected


organization may transfer any such contributions that it collects,


individually or aggregated, to the separate segregated fund


electronically or by written instrument. Any transfer must be


accompanied by or logically associated with a record or electronic


record setting forth all information required under section 26 for


each individual contributor whose contribution is transferred.


     (7) A contribution by an individual to a separate segregated


fund that is aggregated with a dues or other payment to the


connected organization may be collected by or made payable first to


the connected organization for subsequent transfer to the separate

segregated fund if all of the following occur:


     (a) The individual making the contribution does either of the




     (i) Specifically indicates in a record or electronic record


that the amount collected, or a specified portion of the total


amount if remitted as part of a dues or other payment to the


connected organization, is a contribution to the separate


segregated fund.


     (ii) Fails to return a record or electronic record described


in subparagraph (i), but remits payment to the connected


organization in response to a specifically requested amount that


includes a solicited contribution, the solicitation for a


contribution was clearly distinguishable from any dues or other


fees requested as part of the total, and the connected organization


maintains a record or electronic record of the solicitation that


includes the amount of the solicited contribution and the amount of


any dues or other fees charged in conjunction with the solicitation


for each contributor.


     (b) The connected organization transfers the entire specified


amount of any designated contribution, individually or aggregated


with other contributions, to the separate segregated fund


electronically or by written instrument. Any transfer of designated


contributions must be accompanied by or logically associated with a


record or electronic record setting forth all information required


under section 26 for each individual contributor whose contribution


is transferred.


     (c) The connected organization accounts for any contributions

under this subsection in a manner that documents all of the




     (i) The identity of the individual contributor.


     (ii) The date, amount, and method of receipt for each


individual contribution.


     (iii) The date, amount, and method of all transfers to the


separate segregated fund.


     (d) The connected organization and the separate segregated


fund adopt a written policy governing the handling, accounting, and


transfer of any contribution under this subsection.


     (e) In connection with an investigation or hearing under


section 15 regarding any contributions under this subsection, the


connected organization voluntarily agrees to make available to the


secretary of state any records described in subdivisions (a) to (d)


and provides those records at the request of the secretary of




     (8) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (10), a person


who knowingly violates this section is guilty of a felony


punishable, if the person is an individual, by a fine of not more


than $5,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 3 years, or both,


or, if the person is not an individual, by a fine of not more than




     (9) If a connected organization that obtains contributions for


a separate segregated fund from individuals described in subsection


(2), (3), (4), or (5) pays to 1 or more of those individuals a


bonus or other remuneration for the purpose of reimbursing those


contributions, then that connected organization is subject to a

civil fine of not more than 2 times the total contributions


obtained from all individuals for the separate segregated fund


during that calendar year.


     (10) If a violation of this section results solely from the


failure of a connected organization to transfer 1 or more


contributions, that connected organization is not guilty of a


felony as described in subsection (8), but shall notify the


contributor of the failure to transfer the contribution and refund


the full amount of the contribution to the contributor if


requested. The penalties described in subsection (8) apply to any


other violation of this section, including use or diversion of any


contributions by a connected organization before those


contributions are transferred to the separate segregated fund under


subsection (7).


     (11) As used in this section:


     (a) "Connected organization" means either of the following:


     (i) A corporation organized on a for-profit or nonprofit


basis, a joint stock company, a domestic dependent sovereign, or a


labor organization formed under the laws of this or another state


or foreign country.


     (ii) A member of any entity under subparagraph (i) that is not


an individual and that does not maintain its own separate


segregated fund, unless its separate segregated fund and the


separate segregated fund of the entity of which it is a member are


treated as a single independent committee as provided in section




     (b) "Record" and "electronic record" mean those terms as

defined in section 2 of the uniform electronic transactions act,


2000 PA 305, MCL 450.832.


     (c) "Written instrument" means a money order, or a check,


cashier's check, or other negotiable instrument, as those terms are


defined in section 3104 of the uniform commercial code, 1962 PA


174, MCL 440.3104, in the name of the connected organization and


payable to the separate segregated fund.
