Bill Text: MI SB0001 | 2019-2020 | 100th Legislature | Engrossed

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Insurance: no-fault; coverage and benefits; make miscellaneous changes. Amends secs. 150, 224, 1244, 2038, 2040, 2069, 2105, 2106, 2108, 2111, 2118, 2120, 2151, 3009, 3101, 3101a, 3104, 3107, 3109a, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3135, 3142, 3145, 3148, 3151, 3157, 3163, 3172, 3173a, 3174, 3175 & 3177 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.150 et seq.) & adds secs. 261, 271, 2013a, 2111f, 2116b, 2162, 3107c, 3107d, 3107e, 3157a & 3157b & chs. 31A and 63.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 8-0)

Status: (Passed) 2019-06-12 - Assigned Pa 0021'19 With Immediate Effect [SB0001 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2019-SB0001-Engrossed.html

SB-0001, As Passed Senate, May 7, 2019



















Senate Bill No. 1 as amended May 7, 2019









     A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled


"The insurance code of 1956,"


by amending sections 150, 2105, 2108, 2118, 2120, 3101, 3101a, 3104, 3107,


3111, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3135, 3142, 3148, 3157, 3163, 3172,


3173a, 3174, 3175, and 3177 (MCL 500.150, 500.2105, 500.2108, 500.2118, 500.2120,


500.3101, 500.3101a, 500.3104, 500.3107, 500.3111, 500.3112,


500.3113, 500.3114, 500.3115, 500.3135, 500.3142, 500.3148,


500.3157, 500.3163, 500.3172, 500.3173a, 500.3174, 500.3175, and


500.3177), section 150 as amended by 1992 PA 182, section 2108 as amended by 2015 PA 141, sections 2118 and


2120 as amended by 2007 PA 35, section 3101 as amended by 2017 PA


140, section 3101a as amended by 2018 PA 510, section 3104 as


amended by 2002 PA 662, section 3107 as amended by 2012 PA 542,


section 3113 as amended by 2016 PA 346, section 3114 as amended by


2016 PA 347, section 3135 as amended by 2012 PA 158, section 3163

as amended by 2002 PA 697, sections 3172, 3173a, 3174, and 3175 as


amended by 2012 PA 204, and section 3177 as amended by 1984 PA 426,


and by adding sections 261, 1245, 2116b, 3107c, 3107d, 3107e,


3157a, and 3157b and chapter 63.




     Sec. 150. (1) Any person who violates any provision of this


act for which a specific penalty is not provided under any other


provision of this act or of other laws applicable to the violation


shall must be afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the


commissioner pursuant to director under the administrative


procedures act of 1969, Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969,


being sections 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328. of the Michigan


Compiled Laws. If the commissioner director finds that a violation


has occurred, the commissioner director shall reduce the findings


and decision to writing and shall issue and cause to be served upon


on the person charged with the violation a copy of the findings and


an order requiring the person to cease and desist from the


violation. In addition, the commissioner director may order any of


the following:


     (a) Payment of a civil fine of not more than $500.00 for each


violation. However, if the person knew or reasonably should have


known that he or she was in violation of this act, the commissioner


director may order the payment of a civil fine of not more than


$2,500.00 for each violation. With respect to filings made under


chapters 21, 22, 23, 24, and 26, "violation" means a filing not in


compliance with the provisions of those chapters and does not


include an action with respect to an individual policy based upon


on a noncomplying filing. With respect to an act or omission


described in section 4503, a fine under this section may be ordered


in addition to and not instead of a penalty or restitution under


section 4511. An order of the commissioner director under this


subdivision shall must not require the payment of civil fines


exceeding $25,000.00. $50,000.00. A fine collected under this


subdivision shall must be turned over to the state treasurer and


credited to the general fund, except that a fine collected for an


act or omission under section 4503 must be credited to the


automobile insurance fraud fund created in section 6304.


     (b) The suspension, limitation, or revocation of the person's


license or certificate of authority.


     (2) After notice and opportunity for hearing, the commissioner


director may by order reopen and alter, modify, or set aside, in


whole or in part, an order issued under this section if, in the


commissioner's director's opinion, conditions of fact or law have


changed to require that action or the public interest requires that




     (3) If a person knowingly violates a cease and desist order


under this section and has been given notice and an opportunity for


a hearing held pursuant to Act No. 306 of the Public Acts under the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to


24.328, the commissioner director may order a civil fine of


$10,000.00 for each violation, or a suspension, limitation, or


revocation of a the person's license, or both. A fine collected


under this subsection shall must be turned over to the state


treasurer and credited to the general fund, except that if the

cease and desist order related to an act or omission under section


4503, the fine must be credited to the automobile insurance fraud


fund created in section 6304.


     (4) The commissioner director may apply to the Ingham county


County circuit court for an order of the court enjoining a


violation of this act.


     Sec. 261. (1) The department shall maintain on its internet


website a page that does all of the following:


     (a) Advises that the department may be able to assist a person


who believes that an automobile insurer is not paying benefits, not


making timely payments, or otherwise not performing as it is


obligated to do under an insurance policy.


     (b) Advises the person of selected important rights that the


person has under chapter 20 that specifically relate to automobile


insurers and the payment of benefits by automobile insurers.


     (c) Allows the person to submit an explanation of the facts of


the person's problems with the automobile insurer.


     (d) Allows the person to submit electronically, or instructs


the person how to provide paper copies of, any documentation to


support the facts submitted under subdivision (c).


     (e) Explains to the person the steps that the department will


take and that may be taken after information is submitted under


this section.


     (f) Anything else that the director determines to be important


in relation to subdivisions (a) to (e).


     (2) The department shall maintain on its internet website a


page that advises consumers about the changes to automobile

Senate Bill No. 1 as amended May 7, 2019                         (1 of 2)

insurance in this state that were made by the amendatory act that


added this section, including, among any other information that the


director determines to be important, ways to shop competitively for




     (3) The department shall maintain on its internet website a


page that allows a person to report insurance fraud and unfair


settlement and claims practices to the department.


     Sec. 1245. (1) An insurance producer, including, but not


limited to, a producing agency, or an employee or agent of an


insurance producer is not liable for damages caused by the conduct


of the producer, employee, or agent related to obtaining or


providing information, or the choice of or election not to maintain


personal protection insurance benefits, under sections 3107c to




     (2) This section does not apply with respect to a policy


issued or renewed after 18 months after the effective date of the


amendatory act that added this section.

     <<Sec. 2105. (1) No A policy of automobile insurance or home

insurance shall must not be offered, bound, made, issued, delivered or renewed in this state on and after January 1, 1981, except in conformity with unless the policy conforms to this chapter. This chapter shall not apply to policies of automobile insurance or home insurance offered, bound, made, issued, delivered or renewed in this state before January 1, 1981.

     (2) This chapter shall does not apply to insurance written on a group, franchise, blanket policy, or similar basis which that offers home insurance or automobile insurance to all members of the group, franchise plan, or blanket coverage who are eligible persons. However, section 2111(4), with respect to sex, applies to automobile insurance written on a group, franchise, blanket policy, or similar basis.>>

     <<Sec. 2108. (1) On the effective date of a manual of classification, manual of rules and rates, rating plan, or modification of a manual of classification, manual of rules and rates, or rating plan that an insurer proposes to use for automobile insurance or home insurance, the insurer shall file the manual or plan with the director. Each filing under this subsection must state the character and extent of the coverage contemplated. An insurer that is subject to this chapter and that maintains rates in any part of this state shall at all times maintain rates in effect for all eligible persons meeting the underwriting criteria of the insurer.

     (2) An insurer may satisfy its obligation to make filings under subsection (1) by becoming a member of, or a subscriber to, a rating organization licensed under chapter 24 or chapter 26 that makes the

Senate Bill No. 1 as amended May 7, 2019                         (2 of 2)


filings, and by filing with the director a copy of its authorization of the rating organization to make the filings on its behalf. This chapter does not require an insurer to become a member of or a subscriber to a rating organization. An insurer may file and use deviations from filings made on its behalf. The deviations are subject to this chapter.

     (3) A filing under this section must be accompanied by a certification by or on behalf of the insurer that, to the best of the insurer's information and belief, the filing conforms to the requirements of this chapter.

     (4) A filing under this section must include information that supports the filing with respect to the requirements of section 2109. The information may include 1 or more of the following:

     (a) The experience or judgment of the insurer or rating organization making the filing.

     (b) The interpretation of the insurer or rating organization of any statistical data it relies on.

     (c) The experience of other insurers or rating organizations.

     (d) Any other relevant information.

     (5) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the department shall make a filing under this section and any accompanying information open to public inspection on filing. An insurer or a rating organization filing on the insurer's behalf may designate information included in the filing or any accompanying information as a trade secret. The insurer or the rating organization filing on behalf of the insurer shall demonstrate to the director that the designated information is a trade secret. If the director determines that the information is a trade secret, the information is not subject to public inspection and is exempt from the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246. As used in this subsection, "trade secret" means that term as defined in section 2 of the uniform trade secrets act, 1998 PA 448, MCL 445.1902. However, trade secret does not include filings and information accompanying filings under this section that were subject to public inspection before the effective date of the amendatory act that added this sentence.January 11, 2016.

     (6) An insurer shall not make, issue, or renew a contract or policy except in accordance with filings that are in effect for the insurer under this chapter.

     (7) A filing under this chapter must specify that the insurer will not refuse to insure, refuse to continue to insure, or limit the amount of coverage available because of the location of the risk, and that the insurer recognizes those practices to constitute redlining. An insurer shall not engage in redlining as described in this subsection.>>


     Sec. 2116b. (1) Subject to subsection (2), an automobile


insurer shall not refuse to insure, refuse to continue to insure,


limit coverage available to, charge a reinstatement fee for, or


increase the premiums for automobile insurance for an eligible


person solely because the person previously failed to maintain


insurance required by section 3101 for a vehicle owned by the




     (2) This section only applies to an eligible person that


applies for automobile insurance within 1 year after the effective


date of this section.

     Sec. 2118. (1) As a condition of maintaining its certificate


of authority, an insurer shall not refuse to insure, refuse to


continue to insure, or limit coverage available to an eligible


person for automobile insurance, except in accordance with


underwriting rules established pursuant to as provided in this


section and sections 2119 and 2120.


     (2) The underwriting rules that an insurer may establish for


automobile insurance shall must be based only on the following:


     (a) Criteria identical to the standards set forth in section




     (b) The insurance eligibility point accumulation in excess of


the amounts established by section 2103(1) of a member of the


household of the eligible person insured or to be insured, if the


member of the household usually accounts for 10% or more of the use


of a vehicle insured or to be insured. For purposes of this


subdivision, a person who is the principal driver for 1 automobile


insurance policy shall be is rebuttably presumed not to usually


account for more than 10% of the use of other vehicles of the


household not insured under the policy of that person.


     (c) With respect to a vehicle insured or to be insured,


substantial modifications from the vehicle's original manufactured


state for purposes of increasing the speed or acceleration


capabilities of the vehicle.


     (d) Except as otherwise provided in section 2116a or 2116b,


failure by the person to provide proof that insurance required by


section 3101 was maintained in force with respect to any vehicle


that was both owned by the person and driven or moved by the person

or by a member of the household of the person during the 6-month


period immediately preceding application. Such The proof shall must


take the form of a certification by the person on a form provided


by the insurer that the vehicle was not driven or moved without


maintaining the insurance required by section 3101 during the 6-


month period immediately preceding application.


     (e) Type of vehicle insured or to be insured, based on 1 of


the following, without regard to the age of the vehicle:


     (i) The vehicle is of limited production or of custom




     (ii) The insurer does not have a rate lawfully in effect for


the type of vehicle.


     (iii) The vehicle represents exposure to extraordinary expense


for repair or replacement under comprehensive or collision




     (f) Use of a vehicle insured or to be insured for


transportation of passengers for hire, for rental purposes, or for


commercial purposes. Rules under this subdivision shall must not be


based on the use of a vehicle for volunteer or charitable purposes


or for which reimbursement for normal operating expenses is




     (g) Payment of a minimum deposit at the time of application or


renewal, not to exceed the smallest deposit required under an


extended payment or premium finance plan customarily used by the




     (h) For purposes of requiring comprehensive deductibles of not


more than $150.00, or of refusing to insure if the person refuses

to accept a required deductible, the claim experience of the person


with respect to comprehensive coverage.


     (i) Total abstinence from the consumption of alcoholic


beverages except if such beverages are consumed as part of a


religious ceremony. However, an insurer shall not utilize use an


underwriting rule based on this subdivision unless the insurer has


been was authorized to transact automobile insurance in this state


prior to before January 1, 1981, and has consistently utilized used


such an underwriting rule as part of the insurer's automobile


insurance underwriting since being authorized to transact


automobile insurance in this state.


     (j) One or more incidents involving a threat, harassment, or


physical assault by the insured or applicant for insurance on an


insurer employee, agent, or agent employee while acting within the


scope of his or her employment, so long as if a report of the


incident was filed with an appropriate law enforcement agency.


     Sec. 2120. (1) Affiliated insurers may establish underwriting


rules so that each affiliate will provide automobile insurance only


to certain eligible persons. This subsection shall apply applies


only if an eligible person can obtain automobile insurance from 1


of the affiliates. The underwriting rules shall must be in


compliance with this section and sections 2118 and 2119.


     (2) An insurer may establish separate rating plans so that


certain eligible persons are provided automobile insurance under 1


rating plan and other eligible persons are provided automobile


insurance under another rating plan. This subsection shall apply


applies only if all eligible persons can obtain automobile

insurance under a rating plan of the insurer. Underwriting rules


consistent with this section and sections 2118 and 2119 shall must


be established to define the rating plan applicable to each


eligible person.


     (3) Underwriting rules under this section shall must be based


only on the following:


     (a) With respect to a vehicle insured or to be insured,


substantial modifications from the vehicle's original manufactured


state for purposes of increasing the speed or acceleration


capabilities of the vehicle.


     (b) Except as otherwise provided in section 2116a or 2116b,


failure of the person to provide proof that insurance required by


section 3101 was maintained in force with respect to any vehicle


owned and operated by the person or by a member of the household of


the person during the 6-month period immediately preceding


application or renewal of the policy. Such The proof shall must


take the form of a certification by the person that the required


insurance was maintained in force for the 6-month period with


respect to such the vehicle.


     (c) For purposes of insuring persons who have refused a


deductible lawfully required under section 2118(2)(h), the claim


experience of the person with respect to comprehensive coverage.


     (d) Refusal of the person to pay a minimum deposit required


under section 2118(2)(g).


     (e) A person's insurance eligibility point accumulation under


section 2103(1)(h), or the total insurance eligibility point


accumulation of all persons who account for 10% or more of the use

of 1 or more vehicles insured or to be insured under the policy.


     (f) The type of vehicle insured or to be insured as provided


in section 2118(2)(e).


     Sec. 3101. (1) The Except as provided in section 3107d, the


owner or registrant of a motor vehicle required to be registered in


this state shall maintain security for payment of benefits under


personal protection insurance , and property protection insurance


as required under this chapter, and residual liability insurance.


Security is only required to be in effect during the period the


motor vehicle is driven or moved on a highway. Notwithstanding any


other provision in this act, an insurer that has issued an


automobile insurance policy on a motor vehicle that is not driven


or moved on a highway may allow the insured owner or registrant of


the motor vehicle to delete a portion of the coverages under the


policy and maintain the comprehensive coverage portion of the


policy in effect.


     (2) As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Automobile insurance" means that term as defined in


section 2102.


     (b) "Commercial quadricycle" means a vehicle to which all of


the following apply:


     (i) The vehicle has fully operative pedals for propulsion


entirely by human power.


     (ii) The vehicle has at least 4 wheels and is operated in a


manner similar to a bicycle.


     (iii) The vehicle has at least 6 seats for passengers.


     (iv) The vehicle is designed to be occupied by a driver and

powered either by passengers providing pedal power to the drive


train of the vehicle or by a motor capable of propelling the


vehicle in the absence of human power.


     (v) The vehicle is used for commercial purposes.


     (vi) The vehicle is operated by the owner of the vehicle or an


employee of the owner of the vehicle.


     (c) "Electric bicycle" means that term as defined in section


13e of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.13e.


     (d) "Golf cart" means a vehicle designed for transportation


while playing the game of golf.


     (e) "Highway" means highway or street as that term is defined


in section 20 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL




     (f) "Moped" means that term as defined in section 32b of the


Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.32b.


     (g) "Motorcycle" means a vehicle that has a saddle or seat for


the use of the rider, is designed to travel on not more than 3


wheels in contact with the ground, and is equipped with a motor


that exceeds 50 cubic centimeters piston displacement. For purposes


of this subdivision, the wheels on any attachment to the vehicle


are not considered as wheels in contact with the ground. Motorcycle


does not include a moped or an ORV.


     (h) "Motorcycle accident" means a loss that involves the


ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motorcycle as a


motorcycle, but does not involve the ownership, operation,


maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle as a motor vehicle.


     (i) "Motor vehicle" means a vehicle, including a trailer, that

is operated or designed for operation on a public highway by power


other than muscular power and has more than 2 wheels. Motor vehicle


does not include any of the following:


     (i) A motorcycle.


     (ii) A moped.


     (iii) A farm tractor or other implement of husbandry that is


not subject to the registration requirements of the Michigan


vehicle code under section 216 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949


PA 300, MCL 257.216.


     (iv) An ORV.


     (v) A golf cart.


     (vi) A power-driven mobility device.


     (vii) A commercial quadricycle.


     (viii) An electric bicycle.


     (j) "Motor vehicle accident" means a loss that involves the


ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle as a


motor vehicle regardless of whether the accident also involves the


ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motorcycle as a




     (k) "ORV" means a motor-driven recreation vehicle designed for


off-road use and capable of cross-country travel without benefit of


road or trail, on or immediately over land, snow, ice, marsh,


swampland, or other natural terrain. ORV includes, but is not


limited to, a multitrack or multiwheel drive vehicle, a motorcycle


or related 2-wheel, 3-wheel, or 4-wheel vehicle, an amphibious


machine, a ground effect air cushion vehicle, an ATV as defined in


section 81101 of the natural resources and environmental protection

act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.81101, or other means of transportation


deriving motive power from a source other than muscle or wind. ORV


does not include a vehicle described in this subdivision that is


registered for use on a public highway and has the security


required under subsection (1) or section 3103 in effect.


     (l) "Owner" means any of the following:


     (i) A person renting a motor vehicle or having the use of a


motor vehicle, under a lease or otherwise, for a period that is


greater than 30 days.


     (ii) A person renting a motorcycle or having the use of a


motorcycle under a lease for a period that is greater than 30 days,


or otherwise for a period that is greater than 30 consecutive days.


A person who borrows a motorcycle for a period that is less than 30


consecutive days with the consent of the owner is not an owner


under this subparagraph.


     (iii) A person that holds the legal title to a motor vehicle


or motorcycle, other than a person engaged in the business of


leasing motor vehicles or motorcycles that is the lessor of a motor


vehicle or motorcycle under a lease that provides for the use of


the motor vehicle or motorcycle by the lessee for a period that is


greater than 30 days.


     (iv) A person that has the immediate right of possession of a


motor vehicle or motorcycle under an installment sale contract.


     (m) "Power-driven mobility device" means a wheelchair or other


mobility device powered by a battery, fuel, or other engine and


designed to be used by an individual with a mobility disability for


the purpose of locomotion.

     (n) "Registrant" does not include a person engaged in the


business of leasing motor vehicles or motorcycles that is the


lessor of a motor vehicle or motorcycle under a lease that provides


for the use of the motor vehicle or motorcycle by the lessee for a


period that is longer than 30 days.


     (3) Security required by subsection (1) may be provided under


a policy issued by an authorized insurer that affords insurance for


the payment of benefits described in subsection (1). A policy of


insurance represented or sold as providing security is considered


to provide insurance for the payment of the benefits.


     (4) Security required by subsection (1) may be provided by any


other method approved by the secretary of state as affording


security equivalent to that afforded by a policy of insurance, if


proof of the security is filed and continuously maintained with the


secretary of state throughout the period the motor vehicle is


driven or moved on a highway. The person filing the security has


all the obligations and rights of an insurer under this chapter.


When the context permits, "insurer" as used in this chapter,


includes a person that files the security as provided in this




     (5) An insurer that issues a policy that provides the security


required under subsection (1) may exclude coverage under the policy


as provided in section 3017.


     Sec. 3101a. (1) An insurer, in conjunction with the issuance


of an automobile insurance policy, shall provide to the insured 1


certificate of insurance for each insured vehicle and for private


passenger nonfleet automobiles listed on the policy shall supply to

the secretary of state the automobile insurer's name, the name of


the named insured, the named insured's address, the vehicle


identification number for each vehicle listed on the policy, and


the policy number. The insurer shall transmit the information


required under this subsection in a format as required by the


secretary of state. The secretary of state shall not require the


information to be transmitted more frequently than every 14 days.


     (2) The secretary of state shall provide policy information


received under subsection (1) to the Michigan automobile insurance


placement facility as required for the Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility to comply with this act. Information


received by the Michigan automobile insurance placement facility


under this subsection is confidential and is not subject to the


freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246. The


Michigan automobile insurance placement facility shall only use the


information for purposes of administering the assigned claims plan


under this chapter and shall not disclose the information to any


person unless it is for the purpose of administering the assigned


claims plan or in compliance with an order by a court of competent


jurisdiction in connection with a fraud investigation or




     (3) (2) The secretary of state shall provide policy


information received under subsection (1) to the department of


health and human services as required for the department of health


and human services to comply with 2006 PA 593, MCL 550.281 to




     (4) (3) The secretary of state shall accept as proof of

vehicle insurance a transmission of the insured vehicle's vehicle


identification number. Policy information submitted by an insurer


and received by the secretary of state under this section is


confidential, is not subject to the freedom of information act,


1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246, and shall must not be disclosed


to any person except the department of health and human services


for purposes of 2006 PA 593, MCL 550.281 to 550.289, or pursuant to


an order by a court of competent jurisdiction in connection with a


claim or fraud investigation or prosecution. The transmission to


the secretary of state of a vehicle identification number is proof


of insurance to the secretary of state for motor vehicle


registration purposes only and is not evidence that a policy of


insurance actually exists between an insurer and an individual.


     (5) (4) A person who supplies false information to the


secretary of state under this section or who issues or uses an


altered, fraudulent, or counterfeit certificate of insurance is


guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more


than 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     (6) (5) The department of health and human services shall


report to the senate and house of representatives appropriations


committees and standing committees concerning insurance issues on


the number of claims and total dollar amount recovered from


automobile insurers under 2006 PA 593, MCL 550.281 to 550.289. The


reports required by this subsection must be given to the


appropriations committees and standing committees concerning


insurance issues by December 30 of each year and must cover the


preceding 12-month period.

     (7) (6) As used in this section:


     (a) "Automobile insurance" means that term as defined in


section 3303.


     (b) "Private passenger nonfleet automobile" means that term as


defined in section 3303.


     Sec. 3104. (1) An The catastrophic claims association is


created as an unincorporated, nonprofit association. to be known as


the catastrophic claims association, hereinafter referred to as the


association, is created. Each insurer engaged in writing insurance


coverages that provide the security required by section 3101(1)


within in this state 6 months after the effective date of the


amendatory act that added section 3107c, as a condition of its


authority to transact insurance in this state, shall be a member of


the association and shall be is bound by the plan of operation of


the association. Each An insurer engaged in writing insurance


coverages that provide the security required by section 3103(1)


within in this state 6 months after the effective date of the


amendatory act that added section 3107c, as a condition of its


authority to transact insurance in this state, shall be is


considered to be a member of the association, but only for purposes


of premiums under subsection (7)(d). Except as expressly provided


in this section, the association is not subject to any laws of this


state with respect to insurers, but in all other respects the


association is subject to the laws of this state to the extent that


the association would be if it were an insurer organized and


subsisting under chapter 50.


     (2) The For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed

before 6 months after the effective date of the amendatory act that


added section 3107c, the association shall provide and each member


shall accept indemnification for 100% of the amount of ultimate


loss sustained under personal protection insurance coverages in


excess of the following amounts in each loss occurrence:


     (a) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


before July 1, 2002, $250,000.00.


     (b) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003, $300,000.00.


     (c) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004, $325,000.00.


     (d) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005, $350,000.00.


     (e) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006, $375,000.00.


     (f) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, $400,000.00.


     (g) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008, $420,000.00.


     (h) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009, $440,000.00.


     (i) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, $460,000.00.


     (j) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, $480,000.00.


     (k) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013, $500,000.00.

Beginning July 1, 2013, this $500,000.00 amount shall be increased


biennially on July 1 of each odd-numbered year, for policies issued


or renewed before July 1 of the following odd-numbered year, by the


lesser of 6% or the consumer price index, and rounded to the


nearest $5,000.00. This biennial adjustment shall be calculated by


the association by January 1 of the year of its July 1 effective




     (l) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015, $530,000.00.


     (m) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017, $545,000.00.


     (n) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019, $555,000.00.


     (o) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2019 to 6 months after the effective date


of the amendatory act that added section 3107c, $580,000.00.


     (3) An insurer may withdraw from the association only upon on


ceasing to write insurance that provides the security required by


section 3101(1) in this state.


     (4) An insurer whose membership in the association has been


terminated by withdrawal shall continue continues to be bound by


the plan of operation, and upon on withdrawal, all unpaid premiums


that have been charged to the withdrawing member are payable as of


the effective date of the withdrawal.


     (5) An unsatisfied net liability to the association of an


insolvent member shall must be assumed by and apportioned among the


remaining members of the association as provided in the plan of

operation. The association has all rights allowed by law on behalf


of the remaining members against the estate or funds of the


insolvent member for sums money due the association.


     (6) If a member has been merged or consolidated into another


insurer or another insurer has reinsured a member's entire business


that provides the security required by section 3101(1) in this


state, the member and successors in interest of the member remain


liable for the member's obligations.


     (7) The association shall do all of the following on behalf of


the members of the association:


     (a) Assume 100% of all liability as provided in subsection




     (b) Establish procedures by which members shall must promptly


report to the association each claim that, on the basis of the


injuries or damages sustained, may reasonably be anticipated to


involve the association if the member is ultimately held legally


liable for the injuries or damages. Solely for the purpose of


reporting claims, the member shall in all instances consider itself


legally liable for the injuries or damages. The member shall also


advise the association of subsequent developments likely to


materially affect the interest of the association in the claim.


     (c) Maintain relevant loss and expense data relative relating


to all liabilities of the association and require each member to


furnish statistics, in connection with liabilities of the


association, at the times and in the form and detail as may be


required by the plan of operation.


     (d) In a manner provided for in the plan of operation,

calculate and charge to members of the association a total premium


sufficient to cover the expected losses and expenses of the


association that the association will likely incur during the


period for which the premium is applicable, less any money payable


by insurers under subsection (21). The total premium shall must


include an amount to cover incurred but not reported losses for the


period and may must be adjusted for any excess or deficient


premiums from previous periods, including any period previous to


the dissolution of the association under subsection (10)(h).


Excesses or deficiencies from previous periods may must either be


fully adjusted in a single period or may be adjusted over several


periods in a manner provided for in the plan of operation. Each


member shall must be charged an amount equal to that member's total


written car years of insurance providing the security required by


section 3101(1) or 3103(1), or both, written in this state during


the period to which the premium applies, with the total written car


years of insurance multiplied by the applicable average premium per


car. The average premium per car shall be is the total premium,


calculated as adjusted for any excesses or deficiencies, divided by


the total written car years of insurance providing the security


required by section 3101(1) or 3103(1), or both, written in this


state of all members and insurers described in subsection (21)


during the period to which the premium applies. A member shall must


be charged a premium for a historic vehicle that is insured with


the member of 20% of the premium charged for a car insured with the


member. As used in this subdivision:


     (i) "Car" includes a motorcycle but does not include a

historic vehicle.


     (ii) "Historic vehicle" means a vehicle that is a registered


historic vehicle under section 803a or 803p of the Michigan vehicle


code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.803a and 257.803p.


     (e) Require and accept the payment of premiums from members of


the association as provided for in the plan of operation. The


association shall do either of the following:


     (i) Require payment of the premium in full within 45 days


after the premium charge.


     (ii) Require payment of the premiums to be made periodically


to cover the actual cash obligations of the association.


     (f) Receive and distribute all sums money required by the


operation of the association.


     (g) Establish procedures for reviewing claims procedures and


practices of members of the association. If the claims procedures


or practices of a member are considered inadequate to properly


service the liabilities of the association, the association may


undertake or may contract with another person, including another


member, to adjust or assist in the adjustment of claims for the


member on claims that create a potential liability to the


association and may charge the cost of the adjustment to the




     (h) Provide any records necessary or requested by the director


for the actuarial examination under subsection (22).


     (i) Subject to subsection (24), obey an order of the director


for a rebate under subsection (23).


     (8) In addition to other powers granted to it by this section,

the association may do all of the following:


     (a) Sue and be sued in the name of the association. A judgment


against the association shall does not create any direct liability


against the individual members of the association. The association


may provide for the indemnification of its members, members of the


board of directors of the association, and officers, employees, and


other persons lawfully acting on behalf of the association.


     (b) Reinsure all or any portion of its potential liability


with reinsurers licensed to transact insurance in this state or


approved by the commissioner.director.


     (c) Provide for appropriate housing, equipment, and personnel


as may be necessary to assure the efficient operation of the




     (d) Pursuant to the plan of operation, adopt reasonable rules


for the administration of the association, enforce those rules, and


delegate authority, as the board considers necessary to assure the


proper administration and operation of the association consistent


with the plan of operation.


     (e) Contract for goods and services, including independent


claims management, actuarial, investment, and legal services, from


others within in or without outside of this state to assure the


efficient operation of the association.


     (f) Hear and determine complaints of a company or other


interested party concerning the operation of the association.


     (g) Perform other acts not specifically enumerated in this


section that are necessary or proper to accomplish the purposes of


the association and that are not inconsistent with this section or

the plan of operation.


     (9) A board of directors is created , hereinafter referred to


as the board, which shall be responsible for the operation of and


shall operate the association consistent with the plan of operation


and this section.


     (10) The plan of operation shall must provide for all of the




     (a) The establishment of necessary facilities.


     (b) The management and operation of the association.


     (c) Procedures to be utilized in charging premiums, including


adjustments from excess or deficient premiums from prior periods.


The plan must require that any deficiency from a prior period be


amortized over not fewer than 15 years.


     (d) Procedures for a rebate to members of the association, for


distribution to insureds as provided in subsection (25), as ordered


by the director under subsection (23). The procedures must provide


for a distribution of a rebate attributable to a historic vehicle


equal to 20% of the rebate for a car that is not a historic




     (e) (d) Procedures governing the actual payment of premiums to


the association.


     (f) (e) Reimbursement of each member of the board by the


association for actual and necessary expenses incurred on


association business.


     (g) (f) The investment policy of the association.


     (h) A dissolution plan for the eventual payment of all claims


remaining against the association, the dissolution of the

association, and the distribution of any proceeds from the


dissolution, including money held by the association.


     (i) (g) Any other matters required by or necessary to


effectively implement this section.


     (11) Each The board shall must include members that would


contribute a total of not less than 40% of the total premium


calculated pursuant to under subsection (7)(d). Each director shall


be board member is entitled to 1 vote. The initial term of office


of a director shall be board member is 2 years.


     (12) As part of the plan of operation, the board shall adopt


rules providing for the composition and term of successor boards to


the initial board and the terms of board members, consistent with


the membership composition requirements in subsections (11) and


(13). Terms of the directors shall board members must be staggered


so that the terms of all the directors board members do not expire


at the same time and so that a director board member does not serve


a term of more than 4 years.


     (13) The board shall must consist of 5 directors, board


members and the commissioner director, who shall be serve as an ex


officio member of the board without vote.


     (14) Each director The director shall be appointed by the


commissioner and appoint the board members. A board member shall


serve until that member's his or her successor is selected and


qualified. The board shall elect the chairperson of the board.


shall be elected by the board. A The director shall fill any


vacancy on the board shall be filled by the commissioner consistent


with as provided in the plan of operation.

     (15) After the board is appointed, the The board shall meet as


often as the chairperson, the commissioner, director, or the plan


of operation shall require, requires, or at the request of any 3


members of the board. board members. The chairperson shall retain


the right to may vote on all issues. Four members of the board


board members constitute a quorum.


     (16) An The board shall furnish to each member of the


association an annual report of the operations of the association


in a form and detail as may be determined by the board. shall be


furnished to each member.


     (17) Not more than 60 days after the initial organizational


meeting of the board, the board shall submit to the commissioner


for approval a proposed plan of operation consistent with the


objectives and provisions of this section, which shall provide for


the economical, fair, and nondiscriminatory administration of the


association and for the prompt and efficient provision of


indemnity. If a plan is not submitted within this 60-day period,


then the commissioner, after consultation with the board, shall


formulate and place into effect a plan consistent with this




     (18) The plan of operation, unless approved sooner in writing,


shall be considered to meet the requirements of this section if it


is not disapproved by written order of the commissioner within 30


days after the date of its submission. Before disapproval of all or


any part of the proposed plan of operation, the commissioner shall


notify the board in what respect the plan of operation fails to


meet the requirements and objectives of this section. If the board

fails to submit a revised plan of operation that meets the


requirements and objectives of this section within the 30-day


period, the commissioner shall enter an order accordingly and shall


immediately formulate and place into effect a plan consistent with


the requirements and objectives of this section.


     (17) (19) The proposed plan of operation or Any amendments to


the plan of operation are subject to majority approval by the


board, ratified ratification by a majority of the membership of the


association having a vote, with voting rights being apportioned


according to the premiums charged in subsection (7)(d), and are


subject to approval by the commissioner.director.


     (18) (20) Upon approval by the commissioner and ratification


by the members of the plan submitted, or upon the promulgation of a


plan by the commissioner, each An insurer authorized to write


insurance providing the security required by section 3101(1) in


this state 6 months after the effective date of the amendatory act


that added section 3107c, as provided in this section, is bound by


and shall formally subscribe to and participate in the plan


approved of operation as a condition of maintaining its authority


to transact insurance in this state.


     (19) (21) The association is subject to all the reporting,


loss reserve, and investment requirements of the commissioner


director to the same extent as would is a member of the




     (20) (22) Premiums charged members by the association shall


must be recognized in the rate-making procedures for insurance


rates in the same manner that expenses and premium taxes are



     (21) The rate-making procedures for insurance rates for an


insurer engaged in writing insurance coverages that provide the


security required by section 3101(1) or 3103(1) in this state that


did not write those coverages before 6 months after the effective


date of the amendatory act that added section 3107c must recognize


a portion of the expected losses and expenses of the association


that the association will likely incur during the applicable


period, adjusted for any excesses or deficiencies from any previous


periods in the manner provided in subsection (7)(d). The portion to


be recognized in rates for an insurer under this subsection must be


determined by multiplying the insurer's total written car years of


insurance providing the security required by section 3101(1) or


3103(1), or both, by the average premium per car determined under


subsection (7)(d). An insurer described in this subsection shall


pay to the association all money received from its insureds under


this subsection.


     (22) (23) The commissioner director or an authorized


representative of the commissioner director may visit the


association at any time and examine any and all of the


association's affairs. Beginning July 1, 2019, and every third year


after 2019, the director shall engage 1 or more independent


actuaries to examine the affairs and records of the association for


the previous 3 years. The actuarial examination must be conducted


using sound actuarial principles consistent with the applicable


statements of principles and the code of professional conduct


adopted by the Casualty Actuarial Society. By September 1, 2019 and

by September 1 of every third year after 2019, the director shall


provide a report to the legislature on the results of the audit


conducted under this subsection.


     (23) If the actuarial examination under subsection (22) shows


that the assets of the association exceed 120% of its liabilities,


including incurred but not reported liabilities, and if the rebate


will not threaten the association's ongoing ability to provide


reimbursements for personal protection insurance benefits based on


sound actuarial principles consistent with the applicable


statements of principles and the code of professional conduct


adopted by the Casualty Actuarial Society, the director shall order


the association to rebate an amount equal to the difference between


the total excess and 120% of the liabilities of the association,


including incurred but not reported liabilities, under subsection


(10)(d) and order the members of the association to distribute the


rebates under subsection (25).


     (24) Within 30 days after receiving an order from the director


under subsection (23), the association may request a hearing to


review the order by filing a written request with the director. The


department shall conduct the review as a contested case under the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to




     (25) A member of the association shall distribute any rebate


it receives under subsection (10)(d) to the persons that it insures


under policies that provide the security required under section


3101(1) or 3103(1), or both, and that are subject to a premium


under this section on a uniform basis per car and historic vehicle

in a manner and on the date or dates provided by the director in


accordance with an order issued by the director. A rebate


attributable to a historic vehicle must be equal to 20% of the


rebate for a car that is not a historic vehicle.


     (26) By September 1 of each year, the association shall


prepare, submit to the committees of the senate and house of


representatives with jurisdiction over insurance matters, and post


on the association website an annual consumer statement, written in


a manner intended for the general public. The statement must


include all of the following:


     (a) The number of claims opened during the preceding 12


months, the amount expended on the claims, and the future


anticipated costs of the claims.


     (b) For each of the preceding 10 years, the total number of


open claims, the amount expended on the claims, and the anticipated


future costs of the claims.


     (c) For each of the preceding 10 years, the total number of


claims closed and the amount expended on the claims.


     (d) For each of the preceding 10 years, the ratio of claims


opened to claims closed.


     (e) For each of the preceding 10 years, the average length of


open claims.


     (f) A statement of the current financial condition of the


association and the reasons for any deficit or surplus in collected


assessments compared to losses.


     (g) A statement of the assumptions, methodology, and data used


to make revenue projections. As used in this subdivision, "revenue"

means return on investments.


     (h) A statement of the assumptions, methodology, and data used


to make cost projections.


     (i) A list of the association's assets sorted by category or


type of asset, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, and the


expected return on each asset.


     (j) The total amount of the association's discounted and


undiscounted liabilities and a description and explanation of the


liabilities, including an explanation of the association's


definition of the terms discounted and undiscounted.


     (k) Measures taken by the association to contain costs.


     (l) A statement explaining what portion of the assessment to


insureds as recognized in rates under subsections (20) and (21) is


attributable to claims occurring in the previous 12 months,


administrative costs, and the amount, if any, to adjust for past




     (m) A statement explaining any qualifications identified by


the independent auditors in the most recent audit report prepared


under subsection (22).


     (n) A loss payment summary for each of the preceding years by




     (o) For each of the preceding 10 years, an injury type


summary, categorizing the injuries suffered by claimants the


payment of whose claims are being reimbursed by the association, by


brain injuries, injuries resulting in quadriplegia, injuries


resulting in paraplegia, burn injuries, and other injuries.


     (p) A summary of investment returns over the preceding 10

years showing the investment balance, the investment gain, and the


percentage return on the investment balance.


     (q) A summary of the mortality assumptions used in making cost




     (r) A summary of any financial practices that differ from


those found in the National Association of Insurance Commissioners


Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual.


     (27) By September 1 of each year, the association shall


prepare and provide to the committees of the senate and house of


representatives with jurisdiction over insurance matters an annual


report of the association. The report must contain all of the




     (a) An executive summary.


     (b) A discussion of the mortality assumptions used by the


association in making cost projections.


     (c) An evaluation of the accuracy of the association's


actuarial assumptions over the preceding 5 years.


     (d) A discussion of the progress made by the association in


developing a dissolution plan as required under subsection (10)(h)


and, when it is developed, the plan of dissolution. The discussion


must include any anticipated dissolution date for the association.


     (e) The annual consumer statement prepared under subsection




     (f) Anything else the association determines is necessary to


advise the legislature about the operations of the association.


     (28) (24) The association does not have liability for losses


occurring before July 1, 1978. The association does not have

liability for an ultimate loss under personal protection insurance


coverage for a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


after _____.


     (29) (25) As used in this section:


     (a) "Consumer price index" means the percentage of change in


the consumer price index for all urban consumers in the United


States city average for all items for the 24 months prior to


October 1 of the year prior to the July 1 effective date of the


biennial adjustment under subsection (2)(k) as reported by the


United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, and


as certified by the commissioner.


     (a) "Association" means the catastrophic claims association


created in subsection (1).


     (b) "Board" means the board of directors of the association


created in subsection (9).


     (c) "Car" includes a motorcycle but does not include a


historic vehicle.


     (d) "Historic vehicle" means a vehicle that is a registered


historic vehicle under section 803a or 803p of the Michigan vehicle


code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.803a and 257.803p.


     (e) (b) "Motor vehicle accident policy" means a policy


providing the coverages required under section 3101(1).


     (f) (c) "Ultimate loss" means the actual loss amounts that a


member is obligated to pay and that are paid or payable by the


member, and do not include claim expenses. An ultimate loss is


incurred by the association on the date that the loss occurs.


     Sec. 3107. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), Subject

to the exceptions and limitations in this chapter, personal


protection insurance benefits are payable for the following:


     (a) Allowable expenses consisting of all reasonable charges


incurred for reasonably necessary products, services and


accommodations for an injured person's care, recovery, or


rehabilitation. Allowable expenses within personal protection


insurance coverage shall do not include either of the following:


     (i) Charges for a hospital room in excess of a reasonable and


customary charge for semiprivate accommodations, except if unless


the injured person requires special or intensive care.


     (ii) Funeral and burial expenses in excess of the amount set


forth in the policy, which shall must not be less than $1,750.00 or


more than $5,000.00.


     (b) Work loss consisting of loss of income from work an


injured person would have performed during the first 3 years after


the date of the accident if he or she had not been injured. Work


loss does not include any loss after the date on which the injured


person dies. Because the benefits received from personal protection


insurance for loss of income are not taxable income, the benefits


payable for such the loss of income shall must be reduced 15%


unless the claimant presents to the insurer in support of his or


her claim reasonable proof of a lower value of the income tax


advantage in his or her case, in which case the lower value shall


apply. must be applied. For the period beginning October 1, 2012


through September 30, 2013, the benefits payable for work loss


sustained in a single 30-day period and the income earned by an


injured person for work during the same period together shall must

not exceed $5,189.00, which maximum shall apply must be applied pro


rata to any lesser period of work loss. Beginning October 1, 2013,


the maximum shall must be adjusted annually to reflect changes in


the cost of living under rules prescribed by the commissioner


director, but any change in the maximum shall apply must be applied


only to benefits arising out of accidents occurring subsequent to


after the date of change in the maximum.


     (c) Expenses not exceeding $20.00 per day, reasonably incurred


in obtaining ordinary and necessary services in lieu of those that,


if he or she had not been injured, an injured person would have


performed during the first 3 years after the date of the accident,


not for income but for the benefit of himself or herself or of his


or her dependent.


     (2) Both of the following apply to personal protection


insurance benefits payable under subsection (1):


     (a) A person who is 60 years of age or older and in the event


of an accidental bodily injury would not be eligible to receive


work loss benefits under subsection (1)(b) may waive coverage for


work loss benefits by signing a waiver on a form provided by the


insurer. An insurer shall offer a reduced premium rate to a person


who waives coverage under this subsection subdivision for work loss


benefits. Waiver of coverage for work loss benefits applies only to


work loss benefits payable to the person or persons who have signed


the waiver form.


     (b) An insurer shall is not be required to provide coverage


for the medical use of marihuana or for expenses related to the


medical use of marihuana.

     Sec. 3107c. (1) Except as provided in section 3107d, and


subject to subsections (5) and (8), for an insurance policy that


provides the security required under section 3101(1) and is issued


or renewed after the effective date of the amendatory act that


added this section, the person named or to be named in the policy


shall, in a way required under section 3107e and on a form approved


by the director, select 1 of the following coverage levels for


personal protection insurance benefits under section 3107(1)(a):


     (a) A limit per person per loss occurrence, consisting of both


of the following:


     (i) A $50,000.00 limit for any personal protection insurance


benefits under section 3107(1)(a).


     (ii) An additional $200,000.00 for medically necessary


treatment rendered at an acute care unit or trauma center of a


hospital immediately after the accidental bodily injury and until


the patient is stable.


     (b) A limit of $250,000.00 per individual per loss occurrence


for any personal protection insurance benefits under section




     (2) The form required under subsection (1) must do all of the




     (a) State, in a conspicuous manner, the benefits and risks


associated with each coverage option.


     (b) Provide a way for the person to mark the form to


acknowledge that he or she has read the form and understands the


options available.


     (c) Allow the insured person to mark the form to make the

selection of coverage level under subsection (1).


     (d) Require the person to sign the form.


     (3) If an insurance policy is issued or renewed as described


in subsection (1) and the person named in the policy has not made


an effective selection under subsection (1) but a premium or


portion of a premium has been paid, there is a rebuttable


presumption that the amount of the premium accurately reflects the


level of coverage applicable to the policy under subsection (1).


     (4) If an insurance policy is issued or renewed as described


in subsection (1), the person named in the policy has not made an


effective selection under subsection (1), and a presumption under


subsection (3) does not apply, the limit under subsection (1)(a)


applies to the policy.


     (5) The coverage level selected under subsection (1) applies


to the person named in the policy, the person's spouse, and a


relative of either domiciled in the same household, and any other


person with a right to claim personal protection insurance benefits


under the policy.


     (6) If benefits are payable under section 3107(1)(a) under 2


or more insurance policies, the benefits are only payable up to an


aggregate coverage limit for both or all of the policies that


equals the highest available coverage limit under any 1 of the




     (7) An insurer shall offer, for a policy that provides the


security required under section 3101(1), a rider that will provide


coverage for attendant care in excess of the limits applicable to


the policy under subsection (1).

     (8) After the effective date of the amendatory act that added


this section, an insurer may offer an insurance policy that


provides the security required under section 3101(1) that provides


coverage for personal protection insurance benefits under section


3107(1)(a) without any limit under subsection (1).


     Sec. 3107d. (1) For an insurance policy that provides the


security required under section 3101(1) and is issued or renewed


after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this


section, the person named or to be named in the policy who is a


qualified person may, in a way required under section 3107e and on


a form approved by the director, elect to not maintain coverage for


personal protection insurance benefits payable under section


3107(1)(a). The person named in the policy shall, when requesting


issuance or renewal of the policy, provide to the insurer a


document from the person that provides the qualified health


coverage stating that the person named in the policy has qualified


health coverage.


     (2) The form required under subsection (1) must do all of the




     (a) Require the person named or to be named in the policy to


mark the form to certify whether he or she is a qualified person.


     (b) Disclose in a conspicuous manner that a qualified person


is not obligated to but may purchase coverage for personal


protection insurance coverage benefits payable under section




     (c) State, in a conspicuous manner, the coverage levels


available under section 3107c.

     (d) State, in a conspicuous manner, the benefits and risks


associated with not maintaining the coverage.


     (e) State, in a conspicuous manner, that if during the term of


the policy the person ceases to have qualified health insurance,


the person has 14 days to notify the insurer or the person will be


excluded from all personal protection insurance coverage benefits


under section 3107(1)(a).


     (f) Provide a way for the person named or to be named in the


policy to mark the form to acknowledge that he or she has read the


form and understands it and that he or she understands the options


available to him or her.


     (g) If the person named or to be named in the policy is a


qualified person, provide the person a way to mark the form to


elect not to maintain the coverage.


     (h) Require the person to sign the form.


     (3) If an insurance policy is issued or renewed as described


in subsection (1) and the person named in the policy has not made


an effective election under subsection (1) but a premium or portion


of a premium has been paid, there is a rebuttable presumption that


the amount of the premium accurately reflects whether the person


elected to maintain coverage for personal protection benefits under


section 3107(1)(a).


     (4) If an insurance policy is issued or renewed as described


in subsection (1), the person named in the policy has not made an


effective election under subsection (1), and a presumption under


subsection (3) does not apply, the policy is considered to provide


personal protection benefits under section 3107(1)(a).

     (5) An election under this section applies to the person named


in the policy, the person's spouse, a relative of either domiciled


in the same household, and any other person who would have had a


right to claim personal protection insurance benefits under the


policy but for the election.


     (6) If a person named in an insurance policy under which


coverage for personal protection insurance benefits payable under


section 3107(1)(a) are not maintained under this section ceases,


during the term of the policy, to be covered under qualified health


coverage, the person shall, within 14 days, notify the insurer that


the person is no longer a qualified person. All of the following


apply under this subsection:


     (a) During the 14-day period, if a person to whom the election


under this section applies as described in subsection (5) suffers


accidental bodily injury arising from a motor vehicle accident, the


person is entitled to claim benefits under the assigned claims




     (b) If the person named in the insurance policy notifies the


insurer within the 14-day period, the person shall obtain insurance


that provides the security required under section 3101(1) that


includes the coverage that was not maintained under this section.


     (c) If the person named in the insurance policy does not


notify the insurer within the 14-day period and a person to whom


the election under this section applies as described in subsection


(5) suffers accidental bodily injury arising from a motor vehicle


accident, unless the injured person is entitled to coverage under


some other policy, the injured person is not entitled to be paid

personal protection insurance benefits under section 3107(1)(a) for


the injury.


     (7) As used in this section:


     (a) "Qualified health coverage" means either of the following:


     (i) Other health or accident coverage that does not exclude or


limit coverage for injuries related to motor vehicle accidents.


     (ii) Coverage under the federal Medicare program established


under subchapter XVIII of the social security act, 42 USC 1395 to




     (iii) Medicaid coverage under a program for medical assistance


established under subchapter XIX of the social security act, 42 USC


1396 to 1396w-5.


     (b) "Qualified person" means a person who has qualified health




     Sec. 3107e. (1) A form under section 3107c or 3107d must be


delivered to the person insured or to be insured under the policy


using 1 of the following methods:


     (a) Personal delivery.


     (b) First-class mail, postage prepaid.


     (c) Electronic means in accordance with section 2266.


     (2) A person must make a selection under section 3107c or an


election under section 3107d in 1 of the following ways:


     (a) Marking and signing a paper form.


     (b) Giving verbal instructions, in person or telephonically,


that the form be marked and signed in behalf of the person.


     (c) Electronically marking the form and providing an


electronic signature as provided in the uniform electronic

transactions act, 2000 PA 305, MCL 450.831 to 450.849.


     Sec. 3111. Personal protection insurance benefits are payable


for accidental bodily injury suffered in an accident occurring out


of this state, if the accident occurs within the United States, its


territories and possessions, or in Canada, and the person whose


injury is the basis of the claim was at the time of the accident a


named insured under a personal protection insurance policy, his the


spouse of a named insured, a relative of either domiciled in the


same household, or an occupant of a vehicle involved in the


accident, whose if the occupant was a resident of this state or if


the owner or registrant of the vehicle was insured under a personal


protection insurance policy or has provided security approved by


the secretary of state under subsection (4) of section




     Sec. 3112. Personal protection insurance benefits are payable


to or for the benefit of an injured person or, in case of his or


her death, to or for the benefit of his or her dependents. A health


care provider listed in section 3157 may make a claim and assert a


direct cause of action against an insurer, or under the assigned


claims plan under sections 3171 to 3175, to recover overdue


benefits payable for charges for products, services, or


accommodations provided to an injured person. Payment by an insurer


in good faith of personal protection insurance benefits, to or for


the benefit of a person who it believes is entitled to the


benefits, discharges the insurer's liability to the extent of the


payments unless the insurer has been notified in writing of the


claim of some other person. If there is doubt about the proper

person to receive the benefits or the proper apportionment among


the persons entitled thereto, to the benefits, the insurer, the


claimant, or any other interested person may apply to the circuit


court for an appropriate order. The court may designate the payees


and make an equitable apportionment, taking into account the


relationship of the payees to the injured person and other factors


as the court considers appropriate. In the absence of a court order


directing otherwise the insurer may pay:


     (a) To the dependents of the injured person, the personal


protection insurance benefits accrued before his or her death


without appointment of an administrator or executor.


     (b) To the surviving spouse, the personal protection insurance


benefits due any dependent children living with the spouse.


     Sec. 3113. A person is not entitled to be paid personal


protection insurance benefits for accidental bodily injury if at


the time of the accident any of the following circumstances




     (a) The person was willingly operating or willingly using a


motor vehicle or motorcycle that was taken unlawfully, and the


person knew or should have known that the motor vehicle or


motorcycle was taken unlawfully.


     (b) The person was the owner or registrant of a motor vehicle


or motorcycle involved in the accident with respect to which the


security required by section 3101 or 3103 was not in effect.


     (c) The person was not a resident of this state. , was an


occupant of a motor vehicle or motorcycle not registered in this


state, and the motor vehicle or motorcycle was not insured by an

insurer that has filed a certification in compliance with section




     (d) The person was operating a motor vehicle or motorcycle as


to which he or she was named as an excluded operator as allowed


under section 3009(2).


     (e) The person was the owner or operator of a motor vehicle


for which coverage was excluded under a policy exclusion authorized


under section 3017.


     Sec. 3114. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2), (3), and


(5), a personal protection insurance policy described in section


3101(1) applies to accidental bodily injury to the person named in


the policy, the person's spouse, and a relative of either domiciled


in the same household, if the injury arises from a motor vehicle


accident. A personal injury insurance policy described in section


3103(2) applies to accidental bodily injury to the person named in


the policy, the person's spouse, and a relative of either domiciled


in the same household, if the injury arises from a motorcycle


accident. If personal protection insurance benefits or personal


injury benefits described in section 3103(2) are payable to or for


the benefit of an injured person under his or her own policy and


would also be payable under the policy of his or her spouse,


relative, or relative's spouse, the injured person's insurer shall


pay all of the benefits and is not entitled to recoupment from the


other insurer.


     (2) A person suffering who suffers accidental bodily injury


while an operator or a passenger of a motor vehicle operated in the


business of transporting passengers shall receive the personal

protection insurance benefits to which the person is entitled from


the insurer of the motor vehicle. This subsection does not apply to


a passenger in any of the following, unless the passenger is not


entitled to personal protection insurance benefits under any other




     (a) A school bus, as defined by the department of education,


providing transportation not prohibited by law.


     (b) A bus operated by a common carrier of passengers certified


by the department of transportation.


     (c) A bus operating under a government sponsored


transportation program.


     (d) A bus operated by or providing service to a nonprofit




     (e) A taxicab insured as prescribed in section 3101 or 3102.


     (f) A bus operated by a canoe or other watercraft, bicycle, or


horse livery used only to transport passengers to or from a


destination point.


     (g) A transportation network company vehicle.


     (h) A motor vehicle insured under a policy for which the


person named in the policy has elected to not maintain coverage for


personal protection insurance benefits under section 3107d.


     (3) An employee, his or her spouse, or a relative of either


domiciled in the same household, who suffers accidental bodily


injury while an occupant of a motor vehicle owned or registered by


the employer, shall receive personal protection insurance benefits


to which the employee is entitled from the insurer of the furnished


vehicle. This subsection does not apply to a motor vehicle insured

under a policy for which the person named in the policy has elected


to not maintain coverage for personal protection insurance benefits


under section 3107d.


     (4) Except as provided in subsections (1) to (2) and (3), a


person suffering who suffers accidental bodily injury arising from


a motor vehicle accident while an occupant of a motor vehicle who


is not covered under a personal protection insurance policy as


provided in subsection (1) shall claim personal protection


insurance benefits from insurers in the following order of




     (a) The insurer of the owner or registrant of the vehicle




     (b) The insurer of the operator of the vehicle occupied.under


the assigned claims plan under sections 3171 to 3175.


     (5) A Subject to subsections (6) and (7), a person suffering


who suffers accidental bodily injury arising from a motor vehicle


accident that shows evidence of the involvement of a motor vehicle


while an operator or passenger of a motorcycle shall claim personal


protection insurance benefits from insurers in the following order


of priority:


     (a) The insurer of the owner or registrant of the motor


vehicle involved in the accident.


     (b) The insurer of the operator of the motor vehicle involved


in the accident.


     (c) The motor vehicle insurer of the operator of the


motorcycle involved in the accident.


     (d) The motor vehicle insurer of the owner or registrant of

the motorcycle involved in the accident.


     (6) If an applicable insurance policy in an order of priority


under subsection (5) is a policy for which the person named in the


policy has elected to not maintain coverage for personal protection


insurance benefits under section 3107d, the injured person shall


claim benefits only under other policies, subject to subsection


(7), in the same order of priority for which no such election has


been made. If there are no other policies for which no such


election has been made, the injured person shall claim benefits


under the next order of priority or, if there is not a next order


of priority, under the assigned claims plan under sections 3171 to




     (7) If personal protection insurance benefits are payable


under subsection (5) under 2 or more insurance policies in the same


order of priority, the benefits are only payable up to an aggregate


coverage limit for both or all of the policies that equals the


highest available coverage limit under any 1 of the policies.


     (8) (6) If Subject to subsections (6) and (7), if 2 or more


insurers are in the same order of priority to provide personal


protection insurance benefits under subsection (5), an insurer


paying that pays benefits due is entitled to partial recoupment


from the other insurers in the same order of priority, and a


reasonable amount of partial recoupment of the expense of


processing the claim, in order to accomplish equitable distribution


of the loss among all of the insurers.


     (9) (7) As used in this section:


     (a) "Personal vehicle", "prearranged ride", and

"transportation network company digital network", and


"transportation network company prearranged ride" mean those terms


as defined in section 2 of the limousine, taxicab, and


transportation network company act, 2016 PA 345, MCL 257.2102.


     (b) "Transportation network company vehicle" means a personal


vehicle while the driver is logged on to the transportation network


company digital network or while the driver is engaged in a


transportation network company prearranged ride.


     Sec. 3115. (1) Except as provided in subsection (1) of section


3114, 3114(1), a person suffering who suffers accidental bodily


injury while not an occupant of a motor vehicle shall claim


personal protection insurance benefits from insurers in the


following order of priority:


     (a) Insurers of owners or registrants of motor vehicles


involved in the accident.


     (b) Insurers of operators of motor vehicles involved in the


accident.under the assigned claims plan under sections 3171 to




     (2) When 2 or more insurers are in the same order of priority


to provide personal protection insurance benefits an insurer paying


benefits due is entitled to partial recoupment from the other


insurers in the same order of priority, together with a reasonable


amount of partial recoupment of the expense of processing the


claim, in order to accomplish equitable distribution of the loss


among such insurers.


     (3) A limit upon the amount of personal protection insurance


benefits available because of accidental bodily injury to 1 person

arising from 1 motor vehicle accident shall be determined without


regard to the number of policies applicable to the accident.


     Sec. 3135. (1) A person remains subject to tort liability for


noneconomic loss caused by his or her ownership, maintenance, or


use of a motor vehicle only if the injured person has suffered


death, serious impairment of body function, or permanent serious




     (2) For a cause of action for damages pursuant to under


subsection (1) filed on or after July 26, 1996, or (3)(d), all of


the following apply:


     (a) The issues of whether the injured person has suffered


serious impairment of body function or permanent serious


disfigurement are questions of law for the court if the court finds


either of the following:


     (i) There is no factual dispute concerning the nature and


extent of the person's injuries.


     (ii) There is a factual dispute concerning the nature and


extent of the person's injuries, but the dispute is not material to


the determination whether the person has suffered a serious


impairment of body function or permanent serious disfigurement.


However, for a closed-head injury, a question of fact for the jury


is created if a licensed allopathic or osteopathic physician who


regularly diagnoses or treats closed-head injuries testifies under


oath that there may be a serious neurological injury.


     (b) Damages shall must be assessed on the basis of comparative


fault, except that damages shall must not be assessed in favor of a


party who is more than 50% at fault.

     (c) Damages shall must not be assessed in favor of a party who


was operating his or her own vehicle at the time the injury


occurred and did not have in effect for that motor vehicle the


security required by section 3101 at the time the injury occurred.


     (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, tort liability


arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use within this state


of a motor vehicle with respect to which the security required by


section 3101 was in effect is abolished except as to:


     (a) Intentionally caused harm to persons or property. Even


though a person knows that harm to persons or property is


substantially certain to be caused by his or her act or omission,


the person does not cause or suffer that harm intentionally if he


or she acts or refrains from acting for the purpose of averting


injury to any person, including himself or herself, or for the


purpose of averting damage to tangible property.


     (b) Damages for noneconomic loss as provided and limited in


subsections (1) and (2).


     (c) Damages for allowable expenses, work loss, and survivor's


loss as defined in sections 3107 to 3110 in excess of any


applicable limit under section 3107c or the daily, monthly, and 3-


year limitations contained in those sections, or without limit for


allowable expenses if an election to not maintain that coverage was


made under section 3107d. The party liable for damages is entitled


to an exemption reducing his or her liability by the amount of


taxes that would have been payable on account of income the injured


person would have received if he or she had not been injured.


     (d) Damages for economic loss by a nonresident. in excess of

the personal protection insurance benefits provided under section


3163(4). Damages under this subdivision are not recoverable to the


extent that benefits covering the same loss are available from


other sources, regardless of the nature or number of benefit


sources available and regardless of the nature or form of the


benefits.However, to recover under this subdivision, the


nonresident must have suffered death, serious impairment of body


function, or permanent serious disfigurement.


     (e) Damages up to $1,000.00 to a motor vehicle, to the extent


that the damages are not covered by insurance. An action for


damages under this subdivision shall must be conducted as provided


in subsection (4).


     (4) All of the following apply to an action for damages under


subsection (3)(e):


     (a) Damages shall must be assessed on the basis of comparative


fault, except that damages shall must not be assessed in favor of a


party who is more than 50% at fault.


     (b) Liability is not a component of residual liability, as


prescribed in section 3131, for which maintenance of security is


required by this act.


     (c) The action shall must be commenced, whenever legally


possible, in the small claims division of the district court or the


municipal court. If the defendant or plaintiff removes the action


to a higher court and does not prevail, the judge may assess costs.


     (d) A decision of the court is not res judicata in any


proceeding to determine any other liability arising from the same


circumstances that gave rise to the action.

     (e) Damages shall must not be assessed if the damaged motor


vehicle was being operated at the time of the damage without the


security required by section 3101.


     (5) As used in this section, "serious impairment of body


function" means an objectively manifested impairment of an


important body function that affects the person's general ability


to lead his or her normal life.


     Sec. 3142. (1) Personal protection insurance benefits are


payable as loss accrues.


     (2) Personal Subject to subsection (3), personal protection


insurance benefits are overdue if not paid within 30 days after an


insurer receives reasonable proof of the fact and of the amount of


loss sustained. If Subject to subsection (3), if reasonable proof


is not supplied as to the entire claim, the amount supported by


reasonable proof is overdue if not paid within 30 days after the


proof is received by the insurer. Any Subject to subsection (3),


any part of the remainder of the claim that is later supported by


reasonable proof is overdue if not paid within 30 days after the


proof is received by the insurer. For the purpose of calculating


the extent to which benefits are overdue, payment shall must be


treated as made on the date a draft or other valid instrument was


placed in the United States mail in a properly addressed, postpaid


envelope, or, if not so posted, on the date of delivery.


     (3) For personal protection insurance benefits under section


3107(1)(a), payment for a product, service, or accommodations is


not overdue if a bill for the product, service, or accommodations


is not provided to the insurer within 90 days after the product,

service, or accommodations is provided.


     (4) (3) An overdue payment bears simple interest at the rate


of 12% per annum.


     Sec. 3148. (1) An Subject to subsections (3), (6), and (7), an


attorney is entitled to may be awarded a reasonable fee for


advising and representing a claimant in an action for personal or


property protection insurance benefits which that are overdue. The


attorney's fee shall be is a charge against the insurer in addition


to the benefits recovered, if the court finds that the insurer


unreasonably refused to pay the claim or unreasonably delayed in


making proper payment. An attorney advising or representing an


injured person concerning a claim for payment of personal


protection insurance benefits from an insurer shall not claim,


file, or serve a lien for payment of a fee or fees until all of the


following apply:


     (a) A payment for the claim is authorized under this chapter.


     (b) A payment for the claim is overdue under this chapter.


     (c) The attorney notifies the resident agent of the insurer in


writing that the payment for the claim is overdue under this




     (d) Within 30 days after the insurer receives the notice under


subdivision (c), the insurer does not either provide reasonable


proof that the insurer is not responsible for the payment or take


remedial action.


     (2) If an attorney claims, files, serves, or enforces a lien


in a manner prohibited by subsection (1), an insurer or other


person aggrieved by the lien is entitled to court costs and

reasonable attorney fees related to opposition of the imposition of


the lien.


     (3) If an action involves a number of claims, the court shall


reduce an attorney's fee under subsection (1) in the proportion


that the number of claims that were not determined to have been


unreasonably refused or delayed bears to the total number of claims


presented in the action.


     (4) (2) An A court may award an insurer may be allowed by a


court an award of a reasonable sum amount against a claimant as an


attorney's attorney fee for the insurer's attorney in defense


defending against a any of the following:


     (a) A claim that was in some respect fraudulent or so


excessive as to have no reasonable foundation.


     (b) A claim for benefits for a treatment, product, service,


rehabilitative occupational training, or accommodation that was not


medically necessary or that was for an excessive amount.


     (c) A claim for which the client was solicited by the attorney


in violation of the law of this state or the Michigan rules of


professional conduct.


     (5) To the extent that personal or property protection


insurance benefits are then due or thereafter come due to the


claimant because of loss resulting from the injury on which the


claim is based, such a an attorney fee awarded in favor of the


insurer may be treated taken as an offset against such the


benefits. ; also, judgment Judgment may also be entered against the


claimant for any amount of a an attorney fee awarded against him


and that is not offset in this way against benefits or otherwise



     (6) For a dispute over payment for allowable expenses under


section 3107(1)(a) for attendant care or nursing services, attorney


fees may be awarded in relation to expenses recovered for the 12


months preceding the date the insurer is notified of the dispute.


Attorney fees must not be awarded in relation to expenses paid


after the date the insurer is notified of the dispute, including


any future payments ordered after the judgment is entered.


     (7) A court shall not award a fee to an attorney for advising


or representing a claimant in an action for personal or property


protection insurance benefits for a treatment, product, service,


rehabilitative occupational training, or accommodation provided to


the claimant if the attorney or a related person of the attorney


has, or had at the time the treatment, product, service,


rehabilitative occupational training, or accommodation was


provided, a direct or indirect financial interest in the person


that provided the treatment, product, service, rehabilitative


occupational training, or accommodation. For purposes of this


subsection, a direct or indirect financial interest exists if the


person that provided the treatment, product, service,


rehabilitative occupational training, or accommodation makes a


direct or indirect payment or grants a financial incentive to the


attorney or a related person of the attorney relating to the


treatment, product, service, rehabilitative occupational training,


or accommodation within 24 months before or after the treatment,


product, service, rehabilitative occupational training, or


accommodation is provided.

     Sec. 3157. (1) A Subject to subsections (2), (3), and (5), a


person, including, but not limited to, a physician, hospital,


clinic, or other person or institution, that lawfully rendering


renders treatment, products, services, or accommodations to an


injured person for an accidental bodily injury covered by personal


protection insurance, and a person or institution providing or that


provides rehabilitative occupational training to the injured person


following the injury, may charge a reasonable amount for the


treatment, training, products, services, and accommodations.


rendered. The charge shall must not exceed the amount the person or


institution customarily charges for like treatment, training,


products, services, and accommodations in cases not involving that


do not involve personal protection insurance.


     (2) A person that renders a treatment, training, product,


service, or accommodation to an injured person for an accidental


bodily injury is not eligible for payment or reimbursement under


this chapter of more than the amount payable for the treatment,


training, product, service, or accommodation under R 418.10101 to R


418.101503 of the Michigan Administrative Code or schedules of


maximum fees for worker's compensation developed under those rules,


in effect on the effective date of the amendatory act that added


this subsection. The director shall review any changes to R


418.10101 to R 418.101503 of the Michigan Administrative Code or


schedules of maximum fees for worker's compensation developed under


those rules. If the director determines that the changes are


reasonable and appropriate for purposes of assuring affordable


automobile insurance in this state, the changes apply for purposes

of this subsection and the director shall issue an order to that




     (3) For attendant care rendered in the injured person's home,


an insurer is only required to pay benefits for attendant care up


to the hourly limitation in section 315 of the worker's disability


compensation act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.315. This subsection


applies if the attendant care is provided directly, or indirectly


through another person, by any of the following:


     (a) An individual who is related to the injured person.


     (b) An individual who is domiciled in the household of the


injured person.


     (c) An individual with whom the injured person had a business


or social relationship before the injury.


     (4) An insurer may contract to pay benefits for attendant care


for more than the hourly limitation under subsection (3).


     (5) If R 418.10101 to R 418.101503 of the Michigan


Administrative Code or schedules of maximum fees for worker's


compensation developed under those rules, in effect on the


effective date of the amendatory act that added this subsection,


including any changes applicable under subsection (2), do not


provide an amount payable for treatment, training, product,


service, or accommodation rendered to an injured person for


accidental bodily injury covered by personal protection insurance


or rehabilitative occupational training to the injured person


following the injury, the person that renders the treatment,


product, service, or accommodation is not eligible for payment or


reimbursement under this chapter of more than the average amount

accepted by the person as payment or reimbursement in full for the


treatment, training, product, service, or accommodation during the


preceding calendar year in cases that do not involve personal


protection insurance.


     (6) Subsections (2) to (5) apply to a treatment, training,


product, service, or accommodation rendered after the effective


date of the amendatory act that added this subsection, regardless


of when the accidental bodily injury occurred. Subsections (2) to


(5) apply regardless of whether indemnification for the charge is


being made by the catastrophic claims association under section




     Sec. 3157a. (1) By rendering any treatment, products,


services, or accommodations to 1 or more injured persons for an


accidental bodily injury covered by personal protection insurance


under this chapter after the effective date of the amendatory act


that added this section, a physician, hospital, clinic, or other


person is considered to have agreed to do both of the following:


     (a) Submit necessary records and other information concerning


treatment, products, services, or accommodations provided for


utilization review under this section.


     (b) Comply with any decision of the department under this




     (2) A physician, hospital, clinic, or other person or


institution that knowingly submits false or misleading records or


other information to an insurer, the association created under


section 3104, or the department under this section is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or

a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     (3) The department shall promulgate rules under the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to


24.328, to do both of the following:


     (a) Establish criteria or standards for utilization review


that identify utilization of treatment, products, services, or


accommodations under this chapter above the usual range of


utilization for the treatment, products, services, or


accommodations based on medically accepted standards.


     (b) Provide procedures related to utilization review,


including procedures for all of the following:


     (i) Acquiring necessary records, medical bills, and other


information concerning the treatment, products, services, or


accommodations provided.


     (ii) Allowing an insurer to request an explanation for and


requiring a physician, hospital, clinic, or other person to explain


the necessity or indication for treatment, products, services, or


accommodations provided.


     (iii) Appealing determinations.


     (4) If a physician, hospital, clinic, or other person provides


treatment, products, services, or accommodations under this chapter


that are not usually associated with, are longer in duration than,


are more frequent than, or extend over a greater number of days


than the treatment, products, services, or accommodations usually


require for the diagnosis or condition for which the patient is


being treated, the insurer or the association created under section


3104 may require the physician, hospital, clinic, or other person

to explain the necessity or indication for the treatment, products,


services, or accommodations in writing under the procedures


provided under subsection (3).


     (5) If an insurer or the association created under section


3104 determines that a physician, hospital, clinic, or other person


improperly overutilized or otherwise rendered or ordered


inappropriate treatment, products, services, or accommodations, or


that the cost of the treatment, products, services, or


accommodations was inappropriate under this chapter, the physician,


hospital, clinic, or other person may appeal the determination to


the department under the procedures provided under subsection (3).


     (6) If the department determines that an insurer complies with


the criteria or standards for utilization review established under


subsection (3), the department shall certify the insurer.


     (7) As used in this section, "utilization review" means the


initial evaluation by an insurer or the association created under


section 3104 of the appropriateness in terms of both the level and


the quality of treatment, products, services, or accommodations


provided under this chapter based on medically accepted standards.


     Sec. 3157b. Any proprietary information or sensitive


personally identifiable information regarding a patient that is


submitted to the department under section 3157a is exempt from


disclosure under section 13(e) of the freedom of information act,


1976 PA 442, MCL 15.243, and the department shall exempt any such


information from disclosure under any other applicable exemptions


under section 13 of the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442,


MCL 15.243.

     Sec. 3163. (1) An insurer authorized to transact automobile


liability insurance and personal and property protection insurance


in this state shall file and maintain a written certification that


any is not required to provide personal protection insurance or


property protection insurance benefits under this chapter for


accidental bodily injury or property damage occurring in this state


arising from the ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a


motor vehicle as a motor vehicle by an out-of-state resident who is


insured under its the insurer's automobile liability insurance


policies. , is subject to the personal and property protection


insurance system under this act.


     (2) A nonadmitted insurer may voluntarily file the


certification described in subsection (1).


     (3) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4), if a


certification filed under subsection (1) or (2) applies to


accidental bodily injury or property damage, the insurer and its


insureds with respect to that injury or damage have the rights and


immunities under this act for personal and property protection


insureds, and claimants have the rights and benefits of personal


and property protection insurance claimants, including the right to


receive benefits from the electing insurer as if it were an insurer


of personal and property protection insurance applicable to the


accidental bodily injury or property damage.


     (4) If an insurer of an out-of-state resident is required to


provide benefits under subsections (1) to (3) to that out-of-state


resident for accidental bodily injury for an accident in which the


out-of-state resident was not an occupant of a motor vehicle

registered in this state, the insurer is only liable for the amount


of ultimate loss sustained up to $500,000.00. Benefits under this


subsection are not recoverable to the extent that benefits covering


the same loss are available from other sources, regardless of the


nature or number of benefit sources available and regardless of the


nature or form of the benefits.


     Sec. 3172. (1) A person entitled to claim because of


accidental bodily injury arising out of the ownership, operation,


maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle as a motor vehicle in this


state may obtain claim personal protection insurance benefits


through the assigned claims plan if no any of the following apply:


     (a) No personal protection insurance is applicable to the


injury. , no


     (b) No personal protection insurance applicable to the injury


can be identified. , the


     (c) No personal protection insurance applicable to the injury


cannot can be ascertained because of a dispute between 2 or more


automobile insurers concerning their obligation to provide coverage


or the equitable distribution of the loss. , or the


     (d) The only identifiable personal protection insurance


applicable to the injury is, because of financial inability of 1 or


more insurers to fulfill their obligations, inadequate to provide


benefits up to the maximum prescribed. In that case, unpaid


     (2) Unpaid benefits due or coming due as described in


subsection (1) may be collected under the assigned claims plan, and


the insurer to which the claim is assigned is entitled to


reimbursement from the defaulting insurers to the extent of their

financial responsibility.


     (3) A person entitled to claim personal protection insurance


benefits through the assigned claims plan under subsection (1)


shall file a completed application on a claim form provided by the


Michigan automobile insurance placement facility and provide


reasonable proof of loss to the Michigan automobile insurance


placement facility. The Michigan automobile insurance placement


facility or an insurer assigned to administer a claim on behalf of


the Michigan automobile insurance placement facility under the


assigned claims plan shall specify in writing the materials that


constitute a reasonable proof of loss within 60 days after receipt


by the Michigan automobile insurance placement facility of an


application that complies with this subsection.


     (4) The Michigan automobile insurance placement facility or an


insurer assigned to administer a claim on behalf of the Michigan


automobile insurance placement facility under the assigned claims


plan is not required to pay an interest penalty in connection with


a claim for any period of time during which the claim is reasonably


in dispute.


     (5) (2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,


personal protection insurance benefits, including benefits arising


from accidents occurring before March 29, 1985, payable through the


assigned claims plan shall must be reduced to the extent that


benefits covering the same loss are available from other sources,


regardless of the nature or number of benefit sources available and


regardless of the nature or form of the benefits, to a person


claiming personal protection insurance benefits through the

assigned claims plan. This subsection only applies if the personal


protection insurance benefits are payable through the assigned


claims plan because no personal protection insurance is applicable


to the injury, no personal protection insurance applicable to the


injury can be identified, or the only identifiable personal


protection insurance applicable to the injury is, because of


financial inability of 1 or more insurers to fulfill their


obligations, inadequate to provide benefits up to the maximum


prescribed. under subsection (1)(a), (b), or (d). As used in this


subsection, "sources" and "benefit sources" do not include the


program for medical assistance for the medically indigent under the


social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.1 to 400.119b, or


insurance under the health insurance for the aged act, title and


disabled under subchapter XVIII of the social security act, 42 USC


1395 to 1395kkk-1.1395lll.


     (6) (3) If the obligation to provide personal protection


insurance benefits cannot be ascertained because of a dispute


between 2 or more automobile insurers concerning their obligation


to provide coverage or the equitable distribution of the loss, and


if a method of voluntary payment of benefits cannot be agreed upon


among or between the disputing insurers, all of the following




     (a) The insurers who are parties to the dispute shall, or the


claimant may, immediately notify the Michigan automobile insurance


placement facility of their inability to determine their statutory




     (b) The claim shall be assigned by the Michigan automobile

insurance placement facility shall assign the claim to an insurer


and the insurer shall immediately provide personal protection


insurance benefits to the claimant or claimants entitled to




     (c) An action The insurer assigned the claim by the Michigan


automobile insurance placement facility shall be immediately


commenced commence an action on behalf of the Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility by the insurer to whom the claim is


assigned in circuit court to declare the rights and duties of any


interested party.


     (d) The insurer to whom the claim is assigned shall join as


parties defendant to the action commenced under subdivision (c)


each insurer disputing either the obligation to provide personal


protection insurance benefits or the equitable distribution of the


loss among the insurers.


     (e) The circuit court shall declare the rights and duties of


any interested party whether or not other relief is sought or could


be granted.


     (f) After hearing the action, the circuit court shall


determine the insurer or insurers, if any, obligated to provide the


applicable personal protection insurance benefits and the equitable


distribution, if any, among the insurers obligated, and shall order


reimbursement to the Michigan automobile insurance placement


facility from the insurer or insurers to the extent of the


responsibility as determined by the court. The reimbursement


ordered under this subdivision shall must include all benefits and


costs paid or incurred by the Michigan automobile insurance

placement facility and all benefits and costs paid or incurred by


insurers determined not to be obligated to provide applicable


personal protection insurance benefits, including reasonable,


actually incurred attorney fees and interest at the rate prescribed


in section 3175 as of applicable on December 31 of the year


preceding the determination of the circuit court.


     (7) The Michigan automobile insurance placement facility and


the insurer to whom a claim is assigned by the Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility are only required to provide personal


protection insurance benefits under section 3107(1)(a) up to the


limit provided in section 3107c(1)(a).


     Sec. 3173a. (1) The Michigan automobile insurance placement


facility shall review a claim for personal protection insurance


benefits under the assigned claims plan, shall make an initial


determination of a claimant's the eligibility for benefits under


this chapter and the assigned claims plan, and shall deny an


obviously ineligible a claim . The that the Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility determines is ineligible under this


chapter or the assigned claims plan. If a claimant or person making


a claim through or on behalf of a claimant fails to cooperate with


the Michigan automobile insurance placement facility as required by


subsection (2), the Michigan automobile insurance placement


facility shall suspend benefits to the claimant under the assigned


claims plan. A suspension under this subsection is not an


irrevocable denial of benefits, and must continue only until the


Michigan automobile insurance placement facility determines that


the claimant or person making a claim through or on behalf of a

claimant cooperates or resumes cooperation with the Michigan


automobile insurance placement facility. The Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility shall promptly notify in writing the


claimant shall be notified promptly in writing and any person that


submitted a claim through or on behalf of a claimant of the a


denial and the reasons for the denial.


     (2) A claimant or a person making a claim through or on behalf


of a claimant shall cooperate with the Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility in its determination of eligibility


and the settlement or defense of any claim or suit, including, but


not limited to, submitting to an examination under oath and


compliance with sections 3151 to 3153. There is a rebuttable


presumption that a person has satisfied the duty to cooperate under


this section if all of the following apply:


     (a) The person submitted a claim for personal protection


insurance benefits under the assigned claims plan by submitting to


the Michigan automobile insurance placement facility a complete


application on a form provided by the Michigan automobile insurance


placement facility in accordance with the assigned claims plan.


     (b) The person provided reasonable proof of loss under the


assigned claims plan as described in section 3172.


     (c) If required under this subsection to submit to an


examination under oath, the person submitted to the examination,


subject to all of the following:


     (i) The person was provided at least 21 days' notice of the




     (ii) The examination was conducted in a location reasonably

convenient for the person.


     (iii) Any reasonable request by the person to reschedule the


date, time, or location of the examination was accommodated.


     (3) The Michigan automobile insurance placement facility may


perform its functions and responsibilities under this section and


the assigned claims plan directly or through an insurer assigned by


the Michigan automobile insurance placement facility to administer


the claim on behalf of the Michigan automobile insurance placement


facility. The assignment of a claim by the Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility to an insurer is not a determination


of eligibility under this chapter or the assigned claims plan, and


a claim assigned to an insurer by the Michigan automobile insurance


placement facility may later be denied if the claim is not eligible


under this chapter or the assigned claims plan.


     (4) (2) A person who presents or causes to be presented an


oral or written statement, including computer-generated


information, as part of or in support of a claim to the Michigan


automobile insurance placement facility, or to an insurer to which


the claim is assigned under the assigned claims plan, for payment


or another benefit knowing that the statement contains false


information concerning a fact or thing material to the claim


commits a fraudulent insurance act under section 4503 that is


subject to the penalties imposed under section 4511. A claim that


contains or is supported by a fraudulent insurance act as described


in this subsection is ineligible for payment or of personal


protection insurance benefits under the assigned claims plan.


     (5) The Michigan automobile insurance placement facility may

contract with other persons for all or a portion of the goods and


services necessary for operating and maintaining the assigned


claims plan.


     Sec. 3174. A person claiming through the assigned claims plan


shall notify the Michigan automobile insurance placement facility


of his or her claim within the time that would have been allowed


for filing an action for personal protection insurance benefits if


identifiable coverage applicable to the claim had been in effect.


The 1 year after the date of the accident. On an initial


determination of a claimant's eligibility for benefits through the


assigned claims plan, the Michigan automobile insurance placement


facility shall promptly assign the claim in accordance with the


plan and notify the claimant of the identity and address of the


insurer to which the claim is assigned. An action by the a claimant


shall not be commenced more than 30 days after receipt of notice of


the assignment or the last date on which the action could have been


commenced against an insurer of identifiable coverage applicable to


the claim, whichever is later.must be commenced as provided in


section 3145.


     Sec. 3175. (1) The assignment of claims under the assigned


claims plan shall must be made according to procedures established


in the assigned claims plan that assure fair allocation of the


burden of assigned claims among insurers doing business in this


state on a basis reasonably related to the volume of automobile


liability and personal protection insurance they write on motor


vehicles or the number of self-insured motor vehicles. An insurer


to whom claims have been assigned shall make prompt payment of loss

in accordance with this act. An insurer is entitled to


reimbursement by the Michigan automobile insurance placement


facility for the payments, the established loss adjustment cost,


and an amount determined by use of the average annual 90-day United


States treasury bill yield rate, as reported by the council of


economic advisers Council of Economic Advisers as of December 31 of


the year for which reimbursement is sought, as follows:


     (a) For the calendar year in which claims are paid by the


insurer, the amount shall must be determined by applying the


specified annual yield rate specified in this subsection to 1/2 of


the total claims payments and loss adjustment costs.


     (b) For the period from the end of the calendar year in which


claims are paid by the insurer to the date payments for the


operation of the assigned claims plan are due, the amount shall


must be determined by applying the annual yield rate specified in


this subsection to the total claims payments and loss adjustment


costs multiplied by a fraction, the denominator of which is 365 and


the numerator of which is equal to the number of days that have


elapsed between the end of the calendar year and the date payments


for the operation of the assigned claims plan are due.


     (2) The An insurer assigned a claim by the Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility under the assigned claims plan or a


person authorized to act on behalf of the plan may bring an action


for reimbursement and indemnification of the claim on behalf of the


Michigan automobile insurance placement facility. The insurer to


whom claims have which the claim has been assigned shall preserve


and enforce rights to indemnity or reimbursement against third

parties and account to the Michigan automobile insurance placement


facility for the rights and shall assign the rights to the Michigan


automobile insurance placement facility on reimbursement by the


Michigan automobile insurance placement facility. This section does


not preclude an insurer from entering into reasonable compromises


and settlements with third parties against whom rights to indemnity


or reimbursement exist. The insurer shall account to the Michigan


automobile insurance placement facility for any compromises and


settlements. The procedures established under the assigned claims


plan shall of operation must establish reasonable standards for


enforcing rights to indemnity or reimbursement against third


parties, including a standard establishing an amount below which


actions to preserve and enforce the rights need not be pursued.


     (3) An action to enforce rights to indemnity or reimbursement


against a third party shall must not be commenced after the later


of 2 the following:


     (a) Two years after the assignment of the claim to the


insurer. or 1


     (b) One year after the date of the last payment to the




     (c) One year after the date the responsible third party is




     (4) Payments for the operation of the assigned claims plan not


paid by the due date shall bear interest at the rate of 20% per




     (5) The Michigan automobile insurance placement facility may


enter into a written agreement with the debtor permitting the

payment of the judgment or acknowledgment of debt in installments


payable to the Michigan automobile insurance placement facility. A


default in payment of installments under a judgment as agreed


subjects the debtor to suspension or revocation of his or her motor


vehicle license or registration in the same manner as for the


failure by an uninsured motorist to pay a judgment by installments


under section 3177, including responsibility for expenses as


provided in section 3177(4).


     Sec. 3177. (1) An The insurer obligated to pay personal


protection insurance benefits for accidental bodily injury to a


person arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of an


uninsured motor vehicle as a motor vehicle may recover such all


benefits paid, and appropriate incurred loss adjustment costs and


expenses, and incurred attorney fees from the owner or registrant


of the uninsured motor vehicle or from his or her estate. Failure


of such a person the owner or registrant to make payment within 30


days after a judgment is entered in an action for recovery under


this subsection is a ground for suspension or revocation of his or


her motor vehicle registration and license as defined in section 25


of the Michigan vehicle code, Act No. 300 of the Public Acts of


1949, being section 257.25 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. An 1949


PA 300, MCL 257.25. For purposes of this section, an uninsured


motor vehicle for the purpose of this section is a motor vehicle


with respect to which security as required by sections 3101 and


3102 is not in effect at the time of the accident.


     (2) The Michigan automobile insurance placement facility may


make a written agreement with the owner or registrant of an

uninsured vehicle or his or her estate permitting the payment of a


judgment described in subsection (1) in installments payable to the


Michigan automobile insurance placement facility. The motor vehicle


registration and license shall of an owner or registrant who makes


a written agreement under this subsection must not be suspended or


revoked and, the motor vehicle registration and license shall if


already suspended or revoked under subsection (1), must be restored


if the debtor enters into a written agreement with the secretary of


state permitting the payment of the judgment in installments, if


the payment of any installments is not in default.


     (3) The secretary of state, upon on receipt of a certified


abstract of court record of a judgment described in subsection (1)


or notice from the an insurer or the Michigan automobile insurance


placement facility or its designee of an acknowledgment of a debt


described in subsection (1), shall notify the owner or registrant


of an uninsured vehicle of the provisions of subsection (1) at that


person's the owner or registrant's last recorded address recorded


with the secretary of state and inform that person the owner or


registrant of the right to enter into a written agreement under


this section with the secretary of state Michigan automobile


insurance placement facility or its designee for the payment of the


judgment or debt in installments.


     (4) Expenses for the suspension, revocation, or reinstatement


of a motor vehicle registration or license under this section are


the responsibility of the owner or registrant or of his or her


estate. An owner or registrant whose registration or license is


suspended under this section shall pay any reinstatement fee as

required under section 320e of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA


300, MCL 257.320e.






     Sec. 6301. As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Automobile insurance fraud" means a fraudulent insurance


act as described in section 4503 that is committed in connection


with automobile insurance, including an application for automobile


insurance, regardless of whether the act constitutes a crime or


another violation of law.


     (b) "Fund" means the automobile insurance fraud fund created


in section 6304.


     (c) "Task force" means the automobile insurance fraud task


force created under section 6302.


     Sec. 6302. (1) The automobile insurance fraud task force is


created in the department of state police. Members of the task


force shall perform their duties on the task force under the


direction of the director of the department of state police.


     (2) The task force consists of the following members,


appointed as follows:


     (a) Five officers of the department of state police as


described under section 6 of 1935 PA 59, MCL 28.6, appointed by the


director of the department of state police.


     (b) One employee of the department, appointed by the director.


     (c) One representative of the catastrophic claims association


created under section 3104, appointed by the catastrophic claims


association board.

     (d) One employee of the Michigan automobile insurance


placement facility who is involved in the operation of the assigned


claims plan created under section 3171, appointed by the Michigan


automobile insurance placement facility.


     (e) One employee of the department of attorney general,


appointed by the attorney general.


     (3) A member of the task force shall serve at the pleasure of


the person that appointed the member. If a vacancy occurs on the


task force, the person with the power to appoint a member to the


vacant position shall make an appointment in the same manner as the


original appointment.


     (4) The task force shall do all of the following:


     (a) Receive records from the anti-fraud unit created under


Executive Order No. 2018-9.


     (b) Collect and maintain claims of automobile insurance fraud.


     (c) Investigate claims of automobile insurance fraud.


     (d) Maintain records of its investigations.


     (e) Pursue the prosecution, whether criminal or civil, of


persons that commit automobile insurance fraud.


     (5) The task force may do 1 or more of the following:


     (a) Share records of its investigations with other law


enforcement agencies and departments and agencies of this state.


     (b) Review records of other law enforcement agencies and


departments and agencies of this state to assist in the


investigation of automobile insurance fraud and enforcement of laws


relating to automobile insurance fraud.


     (c) Conduct outreach and coordination efforts with local and

state law enforcement agencies and departments and agencies of this


state to promote investigation and prosecution of automobile


insurance fraud.


     (d) Anything else that it determines is necessary to


investigate and prosecute automobile insurance fraud in this state.


     Sec. 6303. (1) Within 60 days after the effective date of this


chapter, the anti-fraud unit created as provided in Executive Order


No. 2018-9 shall transfer all records regarding claims of


automobile insurance fraud and investigation of claims of


automobile insurance fraud in its possession to the task force.


     (2) After the anti-fraud unit has transferred the records as


required by subsection (1), the anti-fraud unit is dissolved.


     Sec. 6304. (1) The automobile insurance fraud fund is created


within the state treasury.


     (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from


any source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer shall


direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer shall credit


to the fund interest and earnings from fund investments.


     (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year must


remain in the fund and not lapse to the general fund.


     (4) The department of state police is the administrator of the


fund for auditing purposes.


     (5) The department of state police shall disburse money from


the fund, upon appropriation, as follows:


     (a) Until 5 years after the effective date of this section,


money in the fund must be disbursed to the department of state


police, the department, the catastrophic claims association, the

Michigan automobile insurance placement facility, and the


department of the attorney general, in proportion to the number of


officers, employees, or representatives each of these has on the


task force. Money disbursed under this subdivision must be used for


the operation of the task force.


     (b) Beginning 5 years after the effective date of this


section, the department of state police shall expend money from the


fund, upon appropriation for the operation of the task force.


     Sec. 6305. (1) An insurer authorized to transact automobile


insurance in this state shall report data regarding automobile


insurance fraud by medical providers, attorneys, or other persons


to the task force.


     (2) The department shall cooperate with the task force and


shall provide all available statistics on automobile fraud and


unfair claims practices to the task force on request.


     Sec. 6307. (1) Beginning July 1 of the year after the


effective date of the amendatory act that added this section, the


task force shall prepare and publish an annual report to the


legislature on the task force's efforts to prevent automobile


insurance fraud by medical providers, attorneys, or other persons,


unfair claims practices of insurance companies, and cost savings


that have resulted from those efforts.


     (2) The annual report to the legislature required by this


section must detail the automobile insurance fraud by medical


providers, attorneys, or other persons and unfair claims practices


of insurance companies occurring in this state for the previous


year, assess the impact of the fraud and unfair claims practices on

rates charged for automobile insurance, and outline any


expenditures made by the task force. The director shall cooperate


in developing the report as requested by the task force and shall


make available to the task force records and statistics concerning


automobile insurance fraud by medical providers, attorneys, or


other persons and unfair claims practices, including the number of


instances of suspected and confirmed automobile insurance fraud,


number of prosecutions and convictions involving automobile


insurance fraud, automobile insurance fraud recidivism, unfair


settlement practices and claims practices, including those reported


to the department under section 261, reimbursement rate practices,


timeliness of claims practices, and the use of independent medical


examiners. The task force shall evaluate the impact automobile


insurance fraud by medical providers, attorneys, or other persons


has on the citizens of this state and the costs incurred by the


citizens through insurance, police enforcement, prosecution, and


incarceration because of automobile insurance fraud. The task force


shall evaluate the impact unfair claims practices by insurers have


on the citizens of this state and shall determine the costs


incurred by the citizens through unnecessary litigation and bad-


faith practices.


     (3) The task force shall submit the annual report to the


legislature required by this section to the standing committees of


the senate and house of representatives with primary jurisdiction


over insurance issues and the director.


     Enacting section 1. Section 3112 of the insurance code of


1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3112, as amended by this amendatory act,

applies to products, services, or accommodations provided after the


effective date of this amendatory act.
