Bill Text: MI HB5919 | 2015-2016 | 98th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: State financing and management; authorities; Michigan veterans' facility authority; create. Creates new act.

Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-09-22 - Bill Electronically Reproduced 09/21/2016 [HB5919 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2015-HB5919-Introduced.html




















September 21, 2016, Introduced by Reps. McBroom, Rutledge, Barrett, Hughes, Santana and Kivela and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.


     A bill to create the Michigan veterans' facility authority; to


develop and operate certain veterans' facilities; to create funds


and accounts; to authorize the issuing of bonds and notes; to


prescribe the powers and duties of the authority and certain state


departments and other state officials and employees; and to make


appropriations and prescribe certain conditions for the






     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the


"Michigan veterans' facility authority act".


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Authority" means the Michigan veterans' facility


authority created under section 3.


     (b) "Board" means the board of directors of the authority.


     (c) "Bond" means a bond, note, or other obligation issued by


the authority under this act.


     (d) "Department" means the department of military and veterans




     (e) "Develop" means to plan, acquire, construct, improve,


enlarge, maintain, renew, renovate, repair, replace, lease, equip,


furnish, market, promote, manage, or operate.


     (f) "Veteran" means an individual who meets both of the




     (i) Is a veteran as defined in section 1 of 1965 PA 190, MCL




     (ii) Was honorably discharged.


     (g) "Veterans' facility" means a long-term care facility and


ancillary facilities for veterans and their dependents as


determined by the authority.


     Sec. 3. (1) The Michigan veterans' facility authority is


created as a public body corporate and politic within the


department. The exercise by the authority of the powers conferred


by this act is an essential governmental function of this state.


     (2) Notwithstanding the existence of common management, the


authority shall be treated and accounted for as a separate legal


entity with its separate corporate purposes as set forth in this


act. The assets, liabilities, and funds of the authority shall not


be consolidated or commingled with those of this state.


     Sec. 4. The authority shall exercise its duties independently


of the department. The staffing, budgeting, procurement, and


related administrative functions of the authority may be performed

under the direction and supervision of the director of the




     Sec. 5. (1) The authority shall exercise its duties through


its board of directors.


     (2) The board shall be made up of 9 members as follows:


     (a) The director of the department.


     (b) Three members with professional knowledge, skill, or


experience in long-term care, health care licensure or finance, or


medicine who represent the interests of 1 or more congressionally


chartered veterans' organizations appointed by the governor with


the advice and consent of the senate.


     (c) Three members with professional knowledge, skill, or


experience in long-term care, health care licensure or finance, or


medicine appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of


the senate. One of the members appointed under this subdivision


shall be a resident of the Upper Peninsula of this state.


     (d) One member appointed by the governor from a list of 2 or


more individuals selected by the majority leader of the senate,


with professional knowledge, skill, or experience in long-term


care, health care licensure or finance, or medicine.


     (e) One member appointed by the governor from a list of 2 or


more individuals selected by the speaker of the house of


representatives, with professional knowledge, skill, or experience


in long-term care, health care licensure or finance, or medicine.


     (3) The appointed members shall serve for terms of 4 years. Of


the 5 members first appointed, 1 shall be appointed for an initial


term of 1 year, 2 shall be appointed for an initial term of 2

years, and 2 shall be appointed for an initial term of 3 years. The


appointed members shall serve until a successor is appointed. A


vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term in


the same manner as the original appointment.


     (4) The director of a state department who is a designated


member of the board may appoint a representative to serve in his or


her absence.


     (5) Members of the board shall serve without compensation but


may receive reasonable reimbursement for necessary travel and


expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties.


     (6) The director of the department shall serve as chairperson


of the board.


     (7) A majority of the appointed and serving members of the


board shall constitute a quorum of the board for the transaction of


business. A member may participate in a meeting by the use of


amplified telephonic or video conferencing equipment. A member


participating by the use of video conferencing equipment shall be


considered to be present for purposes of a quorum and for purposes


of voting. Actions of the board shall be approved by a majority


vote of the members present at a meeting.


     (8) The authority may employ or contract for legal, financial,


and technical experts, and other officers, agents, and employees,


permanent and temporary, as the authority requires, and shall


determine their qualifications, duties, and compensation. The board


may delegate to 1 or more agents or employees those powers or


duties with the limitations as the board considers proper.


     (9) The members of the board and officers and employees of the

authority are subject to 1968 PA 317, MCL 15.321 to 15.330, or 1968


PA 318, MCL 15.301 to 15.310.


     (10) A member of the board or officer, employee, or agent of


the authority shall discharge the duties of his or her position in


a nonpartisan manner, with good faith, and with that degree of


diligence, care, and skill that an ordinarily prudent person would


exercise under similar circumstances in a like position. In


discharging the duties, a member of the board or an officer,


employee, or agent, when acting in good faith, may rely upon the


opinion of counsel for the authority, upon the report of an


independent appraiser selected with reasonable care by the board,


or upon financial statements of the authority represented to the


member of the board or officer, employee, or agent of the authority


to be correct by the president or the officer of the authority


having charge of its books or account, or stated in a written


report by a certified public accountant or firm of certified public


accountants fairly to reflect the financial condition of the




     (11) The board shall organize and make its own policies and


procedures. The board shall conduct all business at public meetings


held in compliance with the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL


15.261 to 15.275. Public notice of the time, date, and place of


each meeting shall be given in the manner required by the open


meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.


     (12) Upon request by a member of the legislature, the board


shall make nonprivileged information regarding the operations and


accounts of the authority and nonprivileged information regarding

the care provided to veterans at a veterans' facility available to


members of the legislature.


     Sec. 6. The authority shall have all of the following powers:


     (a) To solicit and accept gifts, grants, and loans from any




     (b) To invest any money of the authority at the authority's


discretion, in any obligations determined proper by the authority,


and name and use depositories for its money.


     (c) To procure insurance against any loss in connection with


the property, assets, or activities of the authority.


     (d) To sue and be sued, to have a seal, and to make, execute,


and deliver contracts, conveyances, and other instruments necessary


to the exercise of the authority's powers.


     (e) To make and amend bylaws.


     (f) To employ and contract with individuals necessary for the


operation of the authority and 1 or more veterans' facilities.


     (g) To make and execute contracts including without limitation


sale agreements, trust agreements, trust indentures, bond purchase


agreements, tax regulatory agreements, continuing disclosure


agreements, ancillary facilities, and all other instruments


necessary or convenient for the exercise of its powers and


functions, and commence any action to protect or enforce any right


conferred upon it by any law, contract or other agreement.


     (h) To engage the services of financial advisors and experts,


legal counsel, placement agents, underwriters, appraisers and other


advisors, consultants and fiduciaries as may be necessary to


effectuate the purposes of this act.

     (i) To pay its operating expenses and financing costs.


     (j) To pledge revenues or other assets as security for the


payment of the principal of and interest on any bonds.


     (k) To procure insurance, letters of credit, or other credit


enhancement with respect to any bonds for the payment of tenders of


bonds, or for the payment upon maturity of short-term bonds.


     (l) To develop or operate 1 or more veterans' facilities.


     (m) To solicit federal funds and other funding sources to


develop veterans' facilities.


     (n) To do any and all things necessary or convenient to carry


out its purposes and exercise the powers expressly given and


granted in this act.


     Sec. 7. (1) It is determined that the creation of the


authority and the carrying out of its authorized duties is in all


respects a public and governmental purpose for the benefit of the


people of this state and for the improvement of their health,


safety, welfare, comfort, and security, and that these purposes are


public purposes and that the authority will be performing an


essential governmental function in the exercise of the powers


conferred upon it by this act.


     (2) The property of the authority and its income and


operations shall be exempt from taxation by this state and any


political subdivision of this state.


     (3) In the case of any bonds, the interest on which is


intended to be exempt from federal income tax, the authority shall


prescribe restrictions on the use of the proceeds of those bonds


and related matters as are necessary to assure the exemption, and

the recipients of proceeds of those bonds shall be bound thereby to


the extent the restrictions shall be made applicable to them. Any


recipient of the proceeds of bonds bearing interest that is


intended to be exempt from federal income tax, including without


limitation this state or any political subdivision of this state,


is authorized to execute a tax regulatory agreement with the


authority and, as to any political subdivision that is a recipient


of the proceeds of bonds bearing interest that is intended to be


exempt from federal income, this state. The execution of a tax


regulatory agreement may be treated as a condition to receiving any


proceeds of a bond issued under this act.


     Sec. 8. (1) The authority shall have power and is hereby


authorized from time to time to issue bonds in the principal amount


or amounts and with the maturities as the authority shall determine


to be necessary to provide sufficient funds for achieving its


authorized purposes. The department of treasury shall provide


technical expertise as necessary for the authority to issue bonds


under this act.


     (2) The board of the authority shall authorize the issuance of


bonds by resolution. The authority may issue bonds, including


refunding bonds, without obtaining the consent of any department,


division, commission, board, bureau, or agency of this state and


without any other proceedings or the occurrence of any other


conditions other than those proceedings, conditions, or things that


are specifically required by this act. Every issue of bonds shall


be special revenue obligations payable from and secured by a pledge


of revenues and other assets, including without limitation the

proceeds of the bonds deposited in a reserve fund for the benefit


of the owners of the bonds, earnings on funds of the authority and


other funds as may become available, upon the terms and conditions


as specified by the authority in the authority resolution under


which the bonds are issued or in a related trust agreement or trust




     (3) The authority may issue bonds to refund any bonds by the


issuance of new bonds, whenever it considers the refunding


expedient, whether the bonds to be refunded have or have not


matured, and to issue bonds partly to refund bonds then outstanding


and partly for restructuring or any of its other authorized




     (4) For each issue of bonds, the authority shall determine all


of the following:


     (a) The date of issuance.


     (b) Whether the bonds shall bear no interest, appreciate as to


principal amount, bear interest at fixed or variable rates, or any


combination of these.


     (c) Whether the bonds shall be payable at or prior to




     (d) When the bonds shall mature.


     (e) Whether the authority may redeem the bonds prior to


maturity, at what price, and under what conditions.


     (f) The method of payment of principal of and interest on the




     (g) The form, denominations, and places of payment of


principal of and interest on the bonds.

     (h) If any officer whose signature or the facsimile of whose


signature appears on any bond shall cease to be that officer before


the delivery of the bond, that signature or facsimile shall


nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes as if he or


she had remained in office until delivery of the bond.


     (i) Any other terms and conditions necessary to issue the


bonds in fully marketable form.


     (5) The authority may sell the bonds in the manner determined


by the authority board, at public or private sale, and on either a


competitive or negotiated basis.


     (6) This act shall govern the creation, perfection, priority,


and enforcement of any pledge of revenues or other security made by


the authority. Each pledge made by the authority shall be valid and


binding at the time the pledge is made. The encumbered revenues,


reserves, or earnings pledged or earnings on the investment of the


encumbered revenues, reserves, or earnings pledged shall


immediately be subject to the lien of the pledge without any


physical delivery or further act and the lien on that pledge shall


be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any


kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the authority,


irrespective of whether the parties have notice of the lien or


pledge, and without filing or recording the pledge. The resolution


or other instrument by which a pledge is created does not have to


be recorded.


     (7) This act shall also govern the negotiability of bonds


issued under this act. Any bonds issued under this act shall be


fully negotiable within the meaning and for all purposes of the

uniform commercial code. By accepting the bond or obligation, each


owner of a bond or other obligation of the authority shall be


conclusively considered to have agreed that the bond is and shall


be fully negotiable within the meaning and for all purposes of the


uniform commercial code.


     (8) In the discretion of the authority, any bonds may be


secured by a trust agreement or trust indenture by and between the


authority and a trustee, which may be any trust company or bank


having the powers of a trust company, whether located within or


without this state. A trust agreement or trust indenture authorized


under this subsection, or an authority resolution providing for the


issuance of bonds may provide for the creation and maintenance of


reserves as the authority shall determine to be proper and may


include covenants setting forth the duties of the authority in


relation to the bonds, the income to the authority, and the sale


agreement. A trust agreement or trust indenture authorized under


this subsection or an authority resolution may contain provisions


respecting the custody, safeguarding, and application of all money


and bonds and may contain provisions for protecting and enforcing


the rights and remedies under the sale agreement of the owners of


the bonds and benefited parties as may be reasonable and proper and


not in violation of law. It shall be lawful for any bank or trust


company incorporated under the laws of this state that may act as


depository of the proceeds of bonds or of any other funds or


obligations received on behalf of the authority to furnish


indemnifying bonds or to pledge obligations as may be required by


the authority. Any trust agreement or trust indenture authorized

under this subsection or an authority resolution may contain other


provisions as the authority may consider reasonable and proper for


priorities and subordination among the owners of bonds and


benefited parties.


     (9) A member of the board or an officer, appointee, or


employee of the authority shall not be subject to personal


liability when acting in good faith within the scope of his or her


authority or on account of liability of the authority. The board


may defend and indemnify a member of the board or an officer,


appointee, or employee of the authority against liability arising


out of the discharge of his or her official duties. The authority


may indemnify and procure insurance indemnifying members of the


board and other officers and employees of the authority from


personal loss or accountability for liability asserted by a person


with regard to bonds or other obligations of the authority, or from


any personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance


of the bonds or other obligations or by reason of any other action


taken or the failure to act by the authority. The authority may


also purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person


against the liability asserted against the person and incurred by


the person in any capacity or arising out of the status of the


person as a member of the board or an officer or employee of the


authority, whether or not the authority would have the power to


indemnify the person against that liability under this subsection.


     (10) A member, officer, employee or agent of the authority


shall not have an interest, either directly or indirectly, in any


business organization engaged in any business, contract or

transaction with the authority or in any contract of any other


person engaged in any business with the authority, or in the


purchase, sale, lease or transfer of any property to or from the




     (11) Bonds issued under this act are not subject to the


revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101 to




     (12) The issuance of bonds under this act is subject to the


agency financing reporting act, 2002 PA 470, MCL 129.171 to




     (13) A resolution of the authority authorizing bonds, or the


provisions of a trust agreement or trust indenture authorized by


resolution of the authority, may delegate to an officer or other


employee of the authority, or an agent designated by the authority,


for the period of time as the authority determines, the power to


cause the issue, sale, and delivery of the bonds within limits on


those bonds established by the authority as to any of the




     (a) The form.


     (b) The maximum interest rate or rates.


     (c) The maturity date or dates.


     (d) The purchase price.


     (e) The denominations.


     (f) The redemption premiums.


     (g) The nature of the security.


     (h) The selection of an applicable interest rate index.


     (i) Other terms and conditions with respect to the issuance of

the bonds as the authority shall prescribe.


     Sec. 9. Notwithstanding any restriction contained in any other


law, rule, regulation, or order to the contrary, this state and all


political subdivisions of this state, their officers, boards,


commissioners, departments or other agencies, governmental pension


funds, all banks, trust companies, savings banks and institutions,


building and loan associations, savings and loan associations,


investment companies and other persons carrying on a banking or


investment business, and all executors, administrators, guardians,


trustees and other fiduciaries, and all other persons whatsoever


who now are or may hereafter be authorized to invest in bonds or


other obligations of the state, may properly and legally invest any


sinking funds, money or other funds, including capital, belonging


to them or within their control, in any bond. Bonds issued by the


authority under this act are hereby made bonds that may properly


and legally be deposited with, and received by, any state municipal


officers or agency of this state, for any purpose for which the


deposit of bonds or other obligations of this state is now, or may


be, authorized by law.


     Sec. 10. The authority may be dissolved by act of the


legislature on condition that the authority has no debts or


obligations outstanding or that provision has been made for the


payment or retirement of all debts or obligations. Upon any such


dissolution of the authority, all property, funds, and assets of


the authority shall be vested in this state.


     Sec. 11. This act and all powers granted hereby shall be


liberally construed to effectuate its intent and their purposes,

without implied limitations on the powers of the authority, the


state budget director, and the state treasurer. This act shall


constitute full, complete, and additional authority for all things


that are contemplated in this act to be done. All rights and powers


granted in this act shall be cumulative with those derived from


other sources and shall not, except as expressly stated in this


act, be construed in limitation of those rights and powers. Insofar


as the provisions of this act are inconsistent with the provisions


of any other act, general or special, the provisions of this act


shall be controlling. If any clause, paragraph, section, or part of


this act is adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be


invalid, that judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the


remainder of the clause, paragraph, section, or part but shall be


applied in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph,


section, or part directly involved in the controversy in which the


judgment shall have been rendered.


     Sec. 12. (1) The authority shall annually file a written


report on its activities of the immediately preceding year with the


governor, each house of the legislature, and the chairperson of the


appropriations subcommittee of each house of the legislature that


has jurisdiction over military and veterans' affairs. This report


shall be submitted not later than 90 days following the end of the


fiscal year. This report shall specify all of the following:


     (a) The status of development of each veterans' facility.


     (b) A statement whether a veterans' facility will likely be


opening in the next fiscal year.


     (c) The census of each veterans' facility.

     (d) Accounting of all revenues received and expended.


     (e) Statistics on veterans who resided in each veterans'




     (f) Recommendations for improvements at each veterans'




     (g) Salaries and benefits costs of all staff positions within


the authority and at all veterans' facilities.


     (h) Any other matters the board considers pertinent.


     (2) If the authority indicates that a veterans' facility will


likely be opening in the next fiscal year under subsection (1)(a),


then the authority shall file a supplemental report on its


activities every 90 days until the veterans' facility is open and


operational. The supplemental report shall be filed with the


governor, each house of the legislature, and the chairperson of the


appropriations subcommittee of each house of the legislature that


has jurisdiction over military and veterans' affairs not later than


60 days following the 90-day period covered in the supplemental


report. The supplemental report shall specify all the items


described in subsection (1)(a) to (g).


     (3) The accounts of the authority shall be subject to annual


audits by the state auditor general or a certified public


accountant appointed by the auditor general. However, for the first


4 years of the authority's existence, the auditor general shall


conduct a financial audit for the first year and biennially


thereafter and shall conduct a performance audit for the second


year and biennially thereafter. After the initial 4-year period of


the authority's existence, the auditor general shall perform a

performance audit if a veterans' facility receives a Centers for


Medicare and Medicaid Services survey finding that indicates a


substandard quality of care as defined in 42 CFR 488.301, upon


request by either house of the legislature, or as otherwise


determined by the auditor general. Records shall be maintained


according to generally accepted auditing principles.
