Bill Text: IA SSB1142 | 2021-2022 | 89th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to affordable housing, disaster housing assistance, and redevelopment tax credits by creating an Iowa housing tax credit program, modifying distribution of real estate transfer taxes, modifying workforce housing tax incentives, including a downtown loan guarantee program, creating a disaster housing recovery assistance program and an eviction prevention program, providing for a fee, and including effective date and applicability provisions.(See SF 295.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2021-02-09 - Committee report approving bill, renumbered as SF 295. [SSB1142 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2021-SSB1142-Introduced.html
Senate Study Bill 1142 - Introduced SENATE/HOUSE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED GOVERNOR BILL) A BILL FOR An Act relating to affordable housing, disaster housing 1 assistance, and redevelopment tax credits by creating an 2 Iowa housing tax credit program, modifying distribution of 3 real estate transfer taxes, modifying workforce housing tax 4 incentives, including a downtown loan guarantee program, 5 creating a disaster housing recovery assistance program and 6 an eviction prevention program, providing for a fee, and 7 including effective date and applicability provisions. 8 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 9 TLSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ DIVISION I 1 IOWA HOUSING TAX CREDIT PROGRAM 2 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 16.37A Definitions. 3 For purposes of this section and sections 16.37B through 4 16.37G, unless the context otherwise requires: 5 1. “Compliance period” means the period of fifteen years 6 beginning with the first taxable year of the credit period. 7 2. “Credit period” means the period of ten tax years 8 beginning with the tax year in which a qualified development 9 is placed in service and the Iowa housing tax credit may be 10 claimed. If a qualified development consists of more than 11 one building, the qualified development is placed in service 12 in the tax year in which the last building of the qualified 13 development is placed in service. 14 3. “Department” means the Iowa department of revenue. 15 4. “Qualified allocation plan” means the qualified 16 allocation plan adopted by the authority pursuant to section 17 42(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. 18 5. “Qualified basis” means the qualified basis determined 19 under section 42(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. 20 6. “Qualified development” means a qualified low-income 21 housing project under section 42(g) of the Internal Revenue 22 Code that is financed with tax-exempt bonds, pursuant to 23 section 42(i)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, and located in 24 this state. 25 7. “Taxpayer” means an individual, a person, firm, 26 corporation, or other entity that owns an interest, direct 27 or indirect, in a qualified development and who claims a tax 28 credit under section 16.37C. 29 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION . 16.37B Application —— review —— 30 authorization. 31 1. The authority shall develop a system for the application, 32 review, and authorization of Iowa housing tax credits awarded 33 pursuant to this part and shall control the issuance of all tax 34 credit certificates to taxpayers pursuant to this part. 35 -1- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 1/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ 2. Applications for Iowa housing tax credits shall be 1 accepted during an application period established by the 2 authority. 3 3. The authority may authorize the tax credit if all of the 4 following conditions are satisfied: 5 a. The tax credit certificate is issued to a taxpayer who 6 has an ownership interest in the qualified development. 7 b. The tax credit amount is allocated pursuant to a 8 qualified allocation plan. 9 c. The tax credit is necessary for the financial feasibility 10 of the qualified development. 11 d. The amount of the tax credit allocated to an owner 12 does not exceed thirty percent of the qualified basis of the 13 qualified development. 14 e. The qualified development is the subject of a recorded 15 restrictive covenant requiring that, for the compliance period 16 or for a longer period agreed to by the authority and the 17 owner of the qualified development, the development shall be 18 maintained and operated as a qualified development and shall be 19 in compliance with Tit. VIII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 20 1968, as amended. 21 4. Upon review of an application, the authority may approve 22 the qualified development for the tax credit program provided 23 in section 16.37C, and issue a tax credit certificate stating 24 the amount of the tax credit the authority determines the 25 taxpayer is eligible to claim for each year of the credit 26 period. 27 5. Unless otherwise provided in this section or the context 28 clearly requires otherwise, the authority shall determine 29 eligibility for a credit and allocate credits in accordance 30 with the standards and requirements set forth in section 42 of 31 the Internal Revenue Code. 32 6. An applicant that is unsuccessful in receiving a tax 33 credit award during an application period may make additional 34 applications during subsequent application periods. Such 35 -2- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 2/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ applicants shall be required to submit a new application which 1 shall be reviewed in the same manner as other applications in 2 that application period. 3 Sec. 3. NEW SECTION . 16.37C Iowa housing tax credits —— 4 limits. 5 1. An Iowa housing tax credit shall be allowed against 6 the taxes imposed in chapter 422, subchapters II, III, and V, 7 and in chapter 432, and against the moneys and credits tax 8 imposed in section 533.329, in the amount determined by the 9 authority pursuant to this part. Any tax credit in excess of 10 the taxpayer’s liability for the tax year is not refundable but 11 may be credited to the tax liability for the following five 12 years or until depleted, whichever is earlier. 13 2. An individual may claim a tax credit under this section 14 of a partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, 15 estate, or trust electing to have income taxed directly to 16 the individual. The amount claimed by the individual shall 17 be based upon the pro rata share of the individual’s earnings 18 from the partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, 19 estate, or trust. 20 3. In any calendar year, the aggregate amount of all tax 21 credits allocated by the authority shall not exceed fifteen 22 million dollars, plus the sum of the following amounts: 23 a. The total of all unallocated tax credits, if any, for the 24 preceding calendar years. 25 b. The total amount of all previously allocated tax credits 26 that have been recaptured, revoked, canceled, or otherwise 27 recovered by the authority. 28 4. a. To claim a tax credit under this section, a taxpayer 29 shall include one or more tax credit certificates issued by the 30 authority with the taxpayer’s tax return. 31 b. The tax credit certificate shall contain the taxpayer’s 32 name, address, tax identification number, the amount of the 33 credit including the amount the authority determines the 34 taxpayer is eligible to claim for each year of the credit 35 -3- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 3/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ period, the name of the qualified development, any other 1 information required by the department of revenue, and a place 2 for the name and tax identification number of a transferee and 3 the amount of the tax credit being transferred. 4 c. Tax credit certificates issued under this section may 5 be transferred to any person or entity. Within ninety days 6 of transfer, the transferee shall submit the transferred tax 7 credit certificate to the authority along with a statement 8 containing the transferee’s name, tax identification number, 9 and address, the denomination that each replacement tax credit 10 certificate is to carry, and any other information required by 11 the department of revenue. 12 d. Within thirty days of receiving the transferred tax 13 credit certificate and the transferee’s statement, the 14 authority shall issue one or more replacement tax credit 15 certificates to the transferee. Each replacement tax credit 16 certificate must contain the information required for the 17 original tax credit certificate and must have the same 18 expiration date that appeared in the transferred tax credit 19 certificate. Tax credit certificate amounts of less than the 20 minimum amount established by rule of the authority shall not 21 be transferable. 22 e. A tax credit shall not be claimed by a transferee 23 under this section until a replacement tax credit certificate 24 identifying the transferee as the proper holder has been 25 issued. The transferee may use the amount of the tax credit 26 transferred against the taxes imposed in chapter 422, 27 subchapters II, III, and V, and in chapter 432, and against the 28 moneys and credits tax imposed in section 533.329, for any tax 29 year the original transferor could have claimed the tax credit. 30 Any consideration received for the transfer of the tax credit 31 shall not be included as income under chapter 422, subchapters 32 II, III, and V. Any consideration paid for the transfer of the 33 tax credit shall not be deducted from income under chapter 422, 34 subchapters II, III, and V. 35 -4- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 4/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ Sec. 4. NEW SECTION . 16.37D Recapture. 1 1. As of the last day of any tax year during the compliance 2 period, if the amount of the qualified basis of a qualified 3 development owned by a taxpayer claiming the credit is less 4 than the amount of the qualified basis as of the last day of the 5 immediately preceding tax year, the amount of the taxpayer’s 6 liability under chapter 422, subchapter II, III, or V, chapter 7 432, or section 533.329, as applicable, shall be increased by 8 the recapture amount determined using the method under section 9 42(j) of the Internal Revenue Code. 10 2. If a recapture event occurs, the taxpayer shall include 11 the recaptured proportion of the credit on the return submitted 12 for the tax year in which the recapture event is identified. 13 Sec. 5. NEW SECTION . 16.37E Compliance monitoring. 14 The authority shall monitor and oversee compliance with 15 sections 16.37A through 16.37D and shall report specific 16 occurrences of noncompliance to the department. 17 Sec. 6. NEW SECTION . 16.37F Report to the general assembly. 18 On or before January 31 of each year, the authority shall 19 submit to the general assembly a report that includes all of 20 the following: 21 1. A statement of the number of qualified developments for 22 which the authority issued tax certificates the prior year. 23 2. A description of each qualified development for which the 24 authority issued a tax certificate the prior year, including 25 the geographic location of the development, the household type 26 and any specific demographic information available concerning 27 the residents intended to be served by the development, 28 the income levels of residents intended to be served by the 29 development, and the rents or set-asides authorized for each 30 development. 31 Sec. 7. NEW SECTION . 16.37G Rules. 32 The authority and the department shall adopt rules pursuant 33 to chapter 17A as necessary for the implementation and 34 administration of this part. 35 -5- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 5/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ Sec. 8. NEW SECTION . 422.10C Iowa housing tax credit. 1 The taxes imposed under this subchapter, less the credits 2 allowed under section 422.12, shall be reduced by an Iowa 3 housing tax credit allowed under section 16.37C. 4 Sec. 9. Section 422.33, Code 2021, is amended by adding the 5 following new subsection: 6 NEW SUBSECTION . 17. The taxes imposed under this subchapter 7 shall be reduced by an Iowa housing tax credit as allowed under 8 section 16.37C. 9 Sec. 10. Section 422.60, Code 2021, is amended by adding the 10 following new subsection: 11 NEW SUBSECTION . 14. The taxes imposed under this subchapter 12 shall be reduced by an Iowa housing tax credit as allowed under 13 section 16.37C. 14 Sec. 11. NEW SECTION . 432.12N Iowa housing tax credit. 15 The taxes imposed under this chapter shall be reduced by an 16 Iowa housing tax credit allowed under section 16.37C. 17 Sec. 12. Section 533.329, subsection 2, Code 2021, is 18 amended by adding the following new paragraph: 19 NEW PARAGRAPH . l. The moneys and credits tax imposed under 20 this section shall be reduced by an Iowa housing tax credit 21 allowed under section 16.37C. 22 Sec. 13. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE. The Code editor shall 23 designate sections 16.37A through 16.37G, as enacted by 24 this division of this Act, as a new part within chapter 16, 25 subchapter VII, and may redesignate the new and preexisting 26 parts, replace references to sections 16.37A through 16.37G 27 with references to the new part, and correct internal 28 references as necessary, including references in subchapter or 29 part headnotes. 30 Sec. 14. EFFECTIVE DATE. This division of this Act takes 31 effect January 1, 2022. 32 Sec. 15. APPLICABILITY. This division of this Act applies 33 to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2022. 34 DIVISION II 35 -6- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 6/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ HOUSING TRUST FUND 1 Sec. 16. Section 428A.8, subsection 3, Code 2021, is amended 2 by striking the subsection. 3 DIVISION III 4 WORKFORCE HOUSING TAX INCENTIVES 5 Sec. 17. Section 15.119, subsection 2, paragraph g, Code 6 2021, is amended to read as follows: 7 g. (1) The workforce housing tax incentives program 8 administered pursuant to sections 15.351 through 15.356 . 9 In allocating tax credits pursuant to this subsection , the 10 authority shall not allocate more than twenty-five million 11 dollars for purposes of this paragraph. Of the moneys 12 allocated under this paragraph, ten million dollars shall be 13 reserved for allocation to qualified housing projects in small 14 cities, as defined in section 15.352 , that are registered on 15 or after July 1, 2017. 16 (2) (a) Notwithstanding subparagraph (1), in allocating 17 tax credits pursuant to this subsection for each fiscal 18 year of the period beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 19 30, 2024, the authority shall not allocate more than fifty 20 million dollars for purposes of this paragraph. Of the moneys 21 allocated under this paragraph for each fiscal year of the 22 period beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2024, twenty 23 million dollars shall be reserved for allocation to qualified 24 housing projects in small cities, as defined in section 15.352, 25 that are registered on or after July 1, 2017. 26 (b) This subparagraph is repealed July 1, 2024. 27 Sec. 18. Section 15.353, subsection 3, Code 2021, is amended 28 to read as follows: 29 3. a. Except as provided in paragraph “b” , the The average 30 dwelling unit cost does not exceed two hundred thousand dollars 31 per dwelling unit an amount determined by the authority by 32 rule. In determining the average dwelling unit cost the 33 authority shall consider, at a minimum, building materials, 34 labor, site development, and land or property acquisition 35 -7- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 7/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ costs . 1 b. (1) The average dwelling unit cost does not exceed 2 two hundred fifty thousand dollars per dwelling unit if the 3 project involves the rehabilitation, repair, redevelopment, 4 or preservation of property described in section 404A.1, 5 subsection 8 , paragraph “a” . 6 (2) The average dwelling unit cost for the project does not 7 exceed two hundred fifteen thousand dollars per dwelling unit 8 if the project is located in a small city. 9 Sec. 19. Section 15.354, subsection 3, paragraph d, Code 10 2021, is amended to read as follows: 11 d. Upon completion of a housing project, an a housing 12 business shall submit all of the following to the authority: 13 (1) An examination of the project in accordance with the 14 American institute of certified public accountants’ statements 15 on standards for attestation engagements, completed by a 16 certified public accountant authorized to practice in this 17 state , shall be submitted to the authority . 18 (2) A statement of the final amount of qualifying new 19 investment for the housing project. 20 (3) Any information the authority deems necessary to ensure 21 compliance with the agreement signed by the housing business 22 pursuant to paragraph “a” , the requirements of this part, 23 and rules the authority and the department of revenue adopt 24 pursuant to section 15.356. 25 Sec. 20. Section 15.354, subsection 3, paragraph e, 26 subparagraph (1), Code 2021, is amended to read as follows: 27 (1) Upon review of the examination , and verification of 28 the amount of the qualifying new investment, and review of 29 any other information submitted pursuant to paragraph “d” , 30 subparagraph (3), the authority may notify the housing business 31 of the amount that the housing business may claim as a refund 32 of the sales and use tax under section 15.355, subsection 2 , 33 and may issue a tax credit certificate to the housing business 34 stating the amount of workforce housing investment tax credits 35 -8- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 8/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ under section 15.355 , subsection 3 , the eligible housing 1 business may claim. The sum of the amount that the housing 2 business may claim as a refund of the sales and use tax and 3 the amount of the tax credit certificate shall not exceed the 4 amount of the tax incentive award. 5 Sec. 21. Section 15.354, subsection 6, paragraphs b and c, 6 Code 2021, are amended to read as follows: 7 b. Notwithstanding subsection 1 , the authority may accept 8 applications for disaster recovery housing projects on a 9 continuous basis establish a disaster recovery application 10 period following the declaration of a major disaster by the 11 president of the United States for a county in Iowa . 12 c. Notwithstanding subsection 2 , paragraphs “a” , “b” , and 13 “d” , upon Upon review of a housing business’s application , 14 and scoring of all applications received during a disaster 15 recovery application period, the authority may make a tax 16 incentive award to a disaster recovery housing project. The 17 tax incentive award shall represent the maximum amount of tax 18 incentives that the disaster recovery housing project may 19 qualify for under the program. In determining a tax incentive 20 award, the authority shall not use an amount of project costs 21 that exceeds the amount included in the application of the 22 housing business. Tax incentive awards shall be approved by 23 the director of the authority. 24 Sec. 22. Section 15.355, subsection 2, Code 2021, is amended 25 to read as follows: 26 2. A housing business may claim a refund of the sales and 27 use taxes paid under chapter 423 that are directly related to 28 a housing project and specified in the agreement. The refund 29 available pursuant to this subsection shall be as provided in 30 section 15.331A , excluding subsection 2 , paragraph “c” , of 31 that section. For purposes of the program, the term “project 32 completion” , as used in section 15.331A , shall mean the date 33 on which the authority notifies the department of revenue that 34 all applicable requirements of an the agreement entered into 35 -9- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 9/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ pursuant to section 15.354 , subsection 3, paragraph “a” , and 1 all applicable requirements of this part, including the rules 2 the authority and the department of revenue adopted pursuant to 3 section 15.356, are satisfied. 4 DIVISION IV 5 DOWNTOWN LOAN GUARANTEE PROGRAM 6 Sec. 23. NEW SECTION . 15.431 Downtown loan guarantee 7 program. 8 1. The economic development authority, in partnership with 9 the Iowa finance authority, shall establish and administer a 10 downtown loan guarantee program to encourage Iowa downtown 11 businesses and banks to reinvest and reopen following the 12 COVID-19 pandemic. 13 2. In order for a loan to be guaranteed, all of the 14 following conditions must be true: 15 a. The loan finances an eligible downtown resource center 16 community catalyst building remediation grant project or main 17 street Iowa challenge grant within a designated district. 18 b. The loan finances a rehabilitation project, or finances 19 acquisition or refinancing costs associated with the project. 20 c. At least twenty-five percent of the project costs are 21 used for construction on the project or renovation. 22 d. The project includes a housing component. 23 e. The loan is used for construction of the project, 24 permanent financing of the project, or both. 25 f. A federally insured financial lending institution issued 26 the loan. 27 g. The loan does not reimburse the borrower for working 28 capital, operations, or similar expenses. 29 h. The project meets downtown resource center and main 30 street Iowa design review. 31 3. a. For a loan amount less than or equal to five hundred 32 thousand dollars, the economic development authority may 33 guarantee up to fifty percent of the loan amount. 34 b. For a loan amount greater than five hundred thousand 35 -10- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 10/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ dollars, the economic development authority may provide a 1 maximum loan guarantee of up to two hundred fifty thousand 2 dollars. 3 4. A project loan must be secured by a mortgage against the 4 project property. 5 5. The economic development authority may guarantee loans 6 for up to five years. The economic development authority 7 may extend the loan guarantee for an additional five years 8 if an underwriting review finds that an extension would be 9 beneficial. 10 6. The lender shall pay an annual loan guarantee fee as set 11 forth by rule. 12 7. The economic development authority reserves the right 13 to deny a loan guarantee for unreasonable bank loan fees or 14 interest rate. 15 8. The loan must not be insured or guaranteed by another 16 local, state, or federal guarantee program. 17 9. The loan guarantee is not transferable if the loan or the 18 project is sold or transferred. 19 10. In the event of a loss due to default, the loan 20 guarantee proportionally pays the guarantee percentage of the 21 loss to the lender. 22 11. Moneys for the program may consist of any moneys 23 appropriated by the general assembly for purposes of this 24 section, and any other moneys that are lawfully available to 25 the authority, including moneys transferred or deposited from 26 other funds created pursuant to section 15.106A, subsection 1, 27 paragraph “o” . 28 DIVISION V 29 DISASTER RECOVERY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND FUND 30 Sec. 24. NEW SECTION . 16.57A Transfer of unobligated or 31 unencumbered funds —— report. 32 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the 33 contrary, the authority may transfer any unobligated and 34 unencumbered moneys in any revolving loan program fund created 35 -11- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 11/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ pursuant to section 16.46, 16.47, 16.48, or 16.49, for deposit 1 in the disaster recovery housing assistance fund created in 2 section 16.57B. 3 2. Notwithstanding section 8.39, and any other law to 4 the contrary, with the prior written consent and approval of 5 the governor, the executive director of the authority may 6 transfer any unobligated and unencumbered moneys in any fund 7 created pursuant to section 16.5, subsection 1, paragraph 8 “s” , for deposit in the disaster recovery housing assistance 9 fund created in section 16.57B. The prior written consent and 10 approval of the director of the department of management shall 11 not be required to transfer the unobligated and unencumbered 12 moneys. 13 3. Notwithstanding section 8.39, and any other law to the 14 contrary, with the prior written approval of the governor, the 15 director of the economic development authority may transfer 16 any unobligated and unencumbered moneys in any fund created 17 pursuant to section 15.106A, subsection 1, paragraph “o” , 18 for deposit in the disaster recovery housing assistance fund 19 created in section 16.57B. 20 4. Any transfer made under this section shall be reported in 21 the same manner as provided in section 8.39, subsection 5. 22 Sec. 25. NEW SECTION . 16.57B Disaster recovery housing 23 assistance program —— fund. 24 1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context 25 otherwise requires: 26 a. Disaster-affected home” means any of the following: 27 (1) A primary residence that is destroyed or damaged due 28 to a natural disaster that occurs on or after the effective 29 date of this division of this Act, and the primary residence is 30 located in a county that is the subject of a state of disaster 31 emergency proclamation by the governor that authorizes disaster 32 recovery housing assistance. 33 (2) A primary residence that is destroyed or damaged due to 34 a natural disaster that occurred on or after March 12, 2019, 35 -12- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 12/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ but before the effective date of this division of this Act, and 1 is located in a county that has been declared a major disaster 2 by the president of the United States on or after March 12, 3 2019, but before the effective date of this division of this 4 Act, and is located in a county where individuals are eligible 5 for federal individual assistance. 6 b. “Fund” means the disaster recovery housing assistance 7 fund. 8 c. “Local program administrator” means any of the following: 9 (1) The cities of Ames, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Council 10 Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque, Iowa City, Waterloo, 11 and West Des Moines. 12 (2) A council of governments whose territory includes at 13 least one county that is the subject of a state of disaster 14 emergency proclamation by the governor that authorizes disaster 15 recovery housing assistance or the eviction prevention program 16 under section 16.57C on or after the effective date of this 17 division of this Act. 18 (3) A community action agency as defined in section 216A.91 19 and whose territory includes at least one county that is the 20 subject of a state of disaster emergency proclamation by the 21 governor that authorizes disaster recovery housing assistance 22 or the eviction prevention program under section 16.57C on or 23 after the effective date of this division of this Act. 24 (4) A qualified local organization or governmental entity 25 as determined by rules adopted by the authority. 26 d. “Program” means the disaster recovery housing assistance 27 program. 28 e. “Replacement housing” means housing purchased 29 by a homeowner or leased by a renter needed to replace 30 a disaster-affected home that is destroyed or damaged 31 beyond reasonable repair as determined by a local program 32 administrator. 33 f. “State of disaster emergency” means the same as described 34 in section 29C.6, subsection 1. 35 -13- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 13/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ 2. Fund. 1 a. (1) A disaster recovery housing assistance fund is 2 created within the authority. The moneys in the fund shall be 3 used by the authority for the development and operation of a 4 forgivable loan and grant program for homeowners and renters 5 with disaster-affected homes, and for the eviction prevention 6 program pursuant to section 16.57C. 7 (2) Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2, interest 8 or earnings on moneys deposited in the fund shall be credited 9 to the fund. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys credited to 10 the fund shall not revert at the close of a fiscal year. 11 b. Moneys transferred by the authority for deposit in the 12 fund, moneys appropriated to the fund, and any other moneys 13 available to and obtained or accepted by the authority for 14 placement in the fund shall be deposited in the fund. 15 c. The authority shall not use more than five percent of 16 the moneys in the fund on July 1 of a fiscal year for purposes 17 of administrative costs and other program support during the 18 fiscal year. 19 3. Program. 20 a. The authority shall establish and administer a disaster 21 recovery housing assistance program and shall use moneys in 22 the fund to award forgivable loans to eligible homeowners and 23 grants to eligible renters of disaster-affected homes. Moneys 24 in the fund may be expended following a state of disaster 25 emergency proclamation by the governor pursuant to section 26 29C.6 that authorizes disaster recovery housing assistance. 27 b. The authority may enter into an agreement with one or 28 more local program administrators to administer the program. 29 4. Registration required. To be considered for a forgivable 30 loan or grant under the program, a homeowner or renter must 31 register for the disaster case management program established 32 pursuant to section 29C.20B. The disaster case manager may 33 refer the homeowner or renter to the appropriate local program 34 administrator. 35 -14- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 14/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ 5. Homeowners. 1 a. To be eligible for a forgivable loan under the program, 2 all of the following requirements shall apply: 3 (1) The homeowner’s disaster-affected home must have 4 sustained damage greater than the damage that is covered by the 5 homeowner’s property and casualty insurance policy insuring the 6 home plus any other state or federal disaster-related financial 7 assistance that the homeowner is eligible to receive. 8 (2) A local program administrator must either deem the 9 disaster-affected home suitable for rehabilitation or damaged 10 beyond reasonable repair. 11 (3) The disaster-affected home is not eligible for buyout by 12 the county or city where the disaster-affected home is located, 13 or the disaster-affected home is eligible for a buyout by the 14 county or city where the disaster-affected home is located, but 15 the homeowner is requesting a forgivable loan for the repair 16 or rehabilitation of the homeowner’s disaster-affected home in 17 lieu of a buyout. 18 (4) Assistance under the program must not duplicate 19 benefits provided by any local, state, or federal disaster 20 recovery assistance program. 21 b. If a homeowner is referred to the authority or to a 22 local program administrator by the disaster case manager of the 23 homeowner, the authority may award a forgivable loan to the 24 eligible homeowner for any of the following purposes: 25 (1) Repair or rehabilitation of the disaster-affected home. 26 (2) (a) Down payment assistance on the purchase of 27 replacement housing, and the cost of reasonable repairs to be 28 performed on the replacement housing to render the replacement 29 housing decent, safe, sanitary, and in good repair. 30 (b) Replacement housing shall not be located in a 31 one-hundred-year floodplain. 32 (c) For purposes of this subparagraph, “decent, safe, 33 sanitary, and in good repair” means the same as described in 24 34 C.F.R. §5.703. 35 -15- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 15/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ c. The authority shall determine the interest rate for the 1 forgivable loan. 2 d. If a homeowner who has been awarded a forgivable loan 3 sells a disaster-affected home or replacement housing for which 4 the homeowner received the forgivable loan prior to the end 5 of the loan term, the remaining principal on the forgivable 6 loan shall be due and payable pursuant to rules adopted by the 7 authority. 8 6. Renters. 9 a. To be eligible for a grant under the program, all of the 10 following requirements shall apply: 11 (1) A local program administrator either deems 12 the disaster-affected home of the renter suitable for 13 rehabilitation but unsuitable for current short-term 14 habitation, or the disaster-affected home is damaged beyond 15 reasonable repair. 16 (2) Assistance under the program must not duplicate 17 benefits provided by any local, state, or federal disaster 18 recovery assistance program. 19 b. If a renter is referred to the authority or to a local 20 program administrator by the disaster case manager of the 21 renter, the authority may award a grant to the eligible renter 22 to provide short-term financial assistance for the payment of 23 rent for replacement housing. 24 7. Report. On or before January 31 of each year, the 25 authority shall submit a report to the general assembly 26 that identifies all of the following for the calendar year 27 immediately preceding the year of the report: 28 a. The date of each state of disaster emergency proclamation 29 by the governor that authorized disaster recovery housing 30 assistance under this section. 31 b. The total number of forgivable loans and grants awarded. 32 c. The total number of forgivable loans, and the amount of 33 each loan awarded for repair or rehabilitation. 34 d. The total number of forgivable loans, and the amount of 35 -16- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 16/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ each loan, awarded for down payment assistance on the purchase 1 of replacement housing and the cost of reasonable repairs to be 2 performed on the replacement housing to render the replacement 3 housing decent, safe, sanitary, and in good repair. 4 e. The total number of grants, and the amount of each grant, 5 awarded for rental assistance. 6 f. The total number of forgivable loans and grants awarded 7 in each county in which at least one homeowner or renter has 8 been awarded a forgivable loan or grant. 9 g. Each local program administrator involved in the 10 administration of the program. 11 h. The total amount of forgivable loan principal repaid. 12 Sec. 26. NEW SECTION . 16.57C Eviction prevention program. 13 1. a. “Eligible renter” means a renter whose income meets 14 the qualifications of the program, who is at risk of eviction, 15 and who resides in a county that is the subject of a state of 16 disaster emergency proclamation by the governor that authorizes 17 the eviction prevention program. 18 b. “Eviction prevention partner” means a qualified local 19 organization or governmental entity as determined by rule by 20 the authority. 21 2. The authority shall establish and administer an eviction 22 prevention program. Under the eviction prevention program, 23 the authority shall award grants to eligible renters and to 24 eviction prevention partners for purposes of this section. 25 Grants may be awarded upon a state of disaster emergency 26 proclamation by the governor that authorizes the eviction 27 prevention program. Eviction prevention assistance shall be 28 paid out of the fund established in section 16.57B. 29 3. a. Grants awarded to eligible renters pursuant to this 30 section shall be used for short-term financial rent assistance 31 to keep eligible renters in the current residences of such 32 renters. 33 b. Grants awarded to eviction prevention partners pursuant 34 to this section shall be used to pay for rent or services 35 -17- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 17/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ provided to eligible renters for the purpose of preventing the 1 eviction of eligible renters. 2 4. The authority may enter into an agreement with one or 3 more local program administrators to administer the program. 4 Sec. 27. NEW SECTION . 16.57D Rules. 5 The authority shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to 6 implement and administer this part, including rules to do all 7 of the following: 8 1. Establish the maximum forgivable loan and grant amounts 9 awarded under the program. 10 2. Establish the terms of any forgivable loan provided under 11 the program. 12 3. Income qualifications of eligible renters in the 13 eviction prevention program. 14 Sec. 28. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE. The Code editor shall 15 designate sections 16.57A through 16.57D, as enacted by 16 this division of this Act, as a new part within chapter 16, 17 subchapter VIII, and may redesignate the new and preexisting 18 parts, replace references to sections 16.57A through 16.57D 19 with references to the new part, and correct internal 20 references as necessary, including references in subchapter or 21 part headnotes. 22 Sec. 29. EFFECTIVE DATE. This division of this Act, being 23 deemed of immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment. 24 DIVISION VI 25 BROWNFIELDS AND GRAYFIELDS 26 Sec. 30. Section 15.119, subsection 3, Code 2021, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 3. In allocating the amount of tax credits authorized 29 pursuant to subsection 1 among the programs specified in 30 subsection 2 , the authority shall not allocate more than ten 31 twenty million dollars for purposes of subsection 2 , paragraph 32 “f” . 33 Sec. 31. Section 15.293A, subsection 8, Code 2021, is 34 amended to read as follows: 35 -18- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 18/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ 8. This section is repealed on June 30, 2021 2031 . 1 Sec. 32. Section 15.293B, Code 2021, is amended by adding 2 the following new subsection: 3 NEW SUBSECTION . 5A. a. Tax credits revoked under 4 subsection 3 including tax credits revoked up to five years 5 prior to the effective date of this Act, and tax credits 6 not awarded under subsection 4 or 5, may be awarded in the 7 next annual application period established in subsection 1, 8 paragraph “c” . 9 b. Tax credits awarded pursuant to paragraph “a” shall not 10 be counted against the limit under section 15.119, subsection 11 3. 12 Sec. 33. Section 15.293B, subsection 7, Code 2021, is 13 amended to read as follows: 14 7. This section is repealed on June 30, 2021 2031 . 15 Sec. 34. EFFECTIVE DATE. The following, being deemed of 16 immediate importance, take effect upon enactment: 17 1. The section of this division of this Act amending section 18 15.293A, subsection 8. 19 2. The section of this division of this Act amending section 20 15.293B, subsection 7. 21 EXPLANATION 22 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 23 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 24 This bill relates to affordable housing, disaster housing 25 assistance, and redevelopment tax credits by creating an 26 Iowa housing tax credit program, modifying distribution of 27 real estate transfer taxes, modifying workforce housing tax 28 incentives, and creating a disaster housing recovery assistance 29 program, modifying redevelopment tax credits, and including 30 effective date and applicability provisions. 31 IOWA HOUSING TAX CREDIT PROGRAM. The bill creates an Iowa 32 housing tax credit program available against the individual and 33 corporate income taxes, franchise tax, insurance premium tax, 34 and moneys and credits tax. 35 -19- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 19/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ The bill requires the Iowa finance authority (authority) to 1 develop a system for the application, review, and authorization 2 of Iowa housing tax credits. A tax credit may be claimed by 3 a taxpayer for a “qualified development” defined to mean a 4 qualified low-income housing project under section 42(g) of the 5 Internal Revenue Code that is financed by tax-exempt bonds. 6 An Iowa housing tax credit may be authorized by the authority 7 if all of the following apply: the tax credit is issued to 8 a taxpayer who has an ownership interest in the qualified 9 development; the tax credit amount is allocated pursuant to 10 a qualified allocation plan adopted by the authority; the 11 tax credit is necessary for the financial feasibility of the 12 qualified development; the amount of the tax credit allocated 13 to an owner does not exceed 30 percent of the qualified basis 14 of the qualified development; and the qualified development is 15 the subject of a recorded restrictive covenant requiring the 16 qualified development be maintained and operated as a qualified 17 development for a certain number of years. 18 The amount of an Iowa housing tax credit award is determined 19 by the authority and may be claimed during the credit period 20 (10 years), and any credit in excess of the taxpayer’s 21 liability for the tax year is not refundable but may be 22 credited to the tax liability for the following five years. 23 In any calendar year, the bill limits the aggregate amount 24 of the tax credit to $15 million plus the sum of the total of 25 unallocated tax credits from the preceding calendar year and 26 the previously allocated tax credits that have been revoked, 27 canceled, or recaptured. 28 A taxpayer shall claim the credit by including one or more 29 tax certificates issued by the authority with the taxpayer’s 30 return. The bill allows a tax credit certificate to be 31 transferred to any person or entity. The bill requires the 32 transferee to submit the transferred tax credit certificate to 33 the authority within 90 days of the transfer, and requires the 34 authority to issue a replacement tax credit certificate within 35 -20- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 20/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ 30 days of receiving the transferred tax credit certificate. 1 The bill allows the authority to recapture tax credit 2 amounts from previously issued tax credits. The bill provides 3 that if on the last day of a taxable year during the compliance 4 period (15 years) the amount of the qualified basis of a 5 qualified development owned by a taxpayer claiming the credit 6 is less than the amount of the qualified basis as of the last 7 day of the immediately preceding tax year, then the amount of 8 the taxpayer’s liability shall be increased by the recapture 9 amount determined using the method under section 42(j) of the 10 Internal Revenue Code. If a recapture event occurs, the bill 11 requires the taxpayer to include the recaptured amount on the 12 return submitted for the tax year in which the recapture event 13 is identified. 14 The bill requires the authority to submit a report to the 15 general assembly by January 31 each year, detailing the Iowa 16 housing tax credit program. The division takes effect January 17 1, 2022, and applies to tax years beginning on or after that 18 date. 19 HOUSING TRUST FUND. Currently, the treasurer of state 20 transfers 30 percent of real estate transfer tax receipts 21 received by the treasurer of state to the housing trust fund up 22 to $3 million. The bill removes the $3 million cap placed on 23 the transfer of the real estate transfer tax receipts to the 24 housing trust fund by the treasurer of state. 25 WORKFORCE HOUSING TAX INCENTIVES. Code section 15.119 sets 26 an aggregate tax credit amount limit for certain economic 27 development programs. Under current law, workforce housing 28 tax incentive programs administered under Code sections 15.351 29 through 15.356 shall not be allocated more than $25 million 30 in tax credits, and of the tax credits allocated to these 31 programs, $10 million of the tax credits is reserved for 32 allocation to qualified housing projects in small cities. The 33 bill increases the workforce housing tax credit allocations 34 from $25 million to $50 million. Of the moneys allocated 35 -21- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 21/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ to workforce housing tax credits, the bill increases the tax 1 credits reserved for qualified housing projects in small 2 cities from $10 million to $20 million. The increased amounts 3 for workforce housing and small city tax credit allocations 4 established in the bill are repealed July 1, 2024. 5 The bill strikes the requirement that the average dwelling 6 unit costs of a proposed housing development not exceed certain 7 dollar amounts per dwelling unit in order to receive workforce 8 housing tax incentives. The bill allows the authority to set 9 the average dwelling unit costs by rule as a requirement for a 10 project to receive workforce housing tax incentives, based upon 11 building materials, labor, site development, and acquisition 12 costs. 13 Currently, upon completion of a housing project, a housing 14 business (housing developer, contractor, or nonprofit that 15 completes a housing project) submits an examination of the 16 project in accordance with the American institute of certified 17 public accountants to the authority. In addition to an 18 examination by certified public accountants, the bill requires 19 the housing business to submit the following to the authority 20 upon completion of a housing project: a statement of the 21 final amount of the qualifying new investment for the housing 22 project and any information the authority deems necessary to 23 ensure compliance with the agreement between the authority and 24 the housing business including any rules the authority and the 25 department of revenue adopt pursuant to Code section 15.356. 26 The bill also requires the authority to review the information 27 submitted by the housing business prior to notifying the 28 housing business of tax incentive awards. 29 The bill permits the authority to establish a disaster 30 housing recovery period following the declaration of a major 31 disaster by the president of the United States. Currently, the 32 authority may accept applications for disaster recovery housing 33 projects on a continuous basis. 34 DOWNTOWN LOAN GUARANTEE PROGRAM. The bill creates a 35 -22- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 22/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ downtown loan guarantee program to be administered by the 1 economic development authority and the Iowa finance authority. 2 The purpose of the program is to encourage downtown businesses 3 and banks to reinvest and reopen following the COVID-19 4 pandemic. 5 In order for a loan to be guaranteed under the program, 6 numerous conditions apply, including the following: the loan 7 finances an eligible downtown resources center community 8 catalyst building remediation grant project or main street 9 Iowa challenge grant within a designated district; the loan 10 finances a rehabilitation project or acquisition or refinancing 11 costs associated with the project; 25 percent of the project 12 cost is used for construction on the project or renovation; 13 the financed project includes a housing component; the loan is 14 used for the construction or permanent financing of a project; 15 a federally insured financial lending institution issued the 16 loan; the loan does not reimburse the borrower for working 17 capital or operations; and the project meets certain design 18 reviews. 19 The bill requires the loan to be secured by a mortgage 20 against the project property, prohibits the loan guarantee to 21 be transferred, and charges the lender an annual loan guarantee 22 fee as set forth by rule. 23 The bill limits the amount of the loan guarantee as follows: 24 for a loan amount of less than or equal to $500,000, the loan 25 guarantee shall not exceed 50 percent of the loan; for a loan 26 amount greater than $500,000, the authority may provide a 27 maximum loan guarantee of up to $250,000. 28 The authority may guarantee the loan for up to five years, 29 which may be extended by the authority for an additional five 30 years. The authority may also deny a loan guarantee for any 31 unreasonable bank loan fees or interest rate. 32 In the event of a loss due to default, the bill requires the 33 loan guarantee to proportionally pay the guarantee percentage 34 of the loss to the lender. 35 -23- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 23/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ Moneys available for the program may consist of moneys 1 appropriated for use in the program, and any other moneys that 2 are lawfully available to the economic development authority, 3 including moneys transferred or deposited from other funds 4 created pursuant to Code section 15.106A(1)(o). 5 DISASTER RECOVERY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM —— TRANSFERS. 6 The bill permits the authority to transfer unobligated moneys 7 in Code section 16.46 (senior living revolving loan program 8 fund), 16.47 (home and community-based services revolving loan 9 program fund), 16.48 (transitional housing revolving loan 10 program fund), or 16.49 (community housing and services for 11 persons with disabilities revolving loan program fund) to the 12 disaster recovery housing assistance fund created in the bill. 13 After the prior written consent and approval of the 14 governor, the bill permits the executive director of the Iowa 15 finance authority to transfer any unobligated moneys in any 16 fund created pursuant to Code section 16.5(1)(s), for deposit 17 in the fund. The bill waives the prior written consent and 18 approval of the director of the department of management to 19 transfer the unobligated moneys. 20 After prior written approval of the governor, the bill 21 permits the director of the Iowa economic development authority 22 to transfer any unobligated and unencumbered moneys in any fund 23 created pursuant to Code section 15.106A(1)(o), for deposit in 24 the fund. 25 The bill requires any transfer to be reported to the 26 legislative fiscal committee of the legislative council on a 27 monthly basis. 28 DISASTER RECOVERY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM —— FUND. The 29 bill creates a disaster recovery housing assistance fund 30 (fund) within the authority. The purpose of the fund is for 31 the development and operation of a forgivable loan and grant 32 program for homeowners and renters with disaster-affected 33 homes, and for an eviction prevention program created in the 34 bill. The bill prohibits the authority from using more than 35 -24- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 24/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ 5 percent of the moneys in the fund on July 1 of a fiscal year 1 for purposes of administrative costs and other program support 2 during the fiscal year. 3 The bill directs the authority to establish and administer 4 a disaster recovery assistance program (program) and to 5 use the moneys in the fund to provide forgivable loans to 6 eligible homeowners and grants to eligible renters with 7 disaster-affected homes. “Disaster-affected home” is defined 8 in the bill as a primary residence that is destroyed or damaged 9 due to a natural disaster that occurs on or after the effective 10 date of the division, and that is located in a county that due 11 to the natural disaster is the subject of a state of disaster 12 emergency proclamation by the governor that authorizes disaster 13 recovery housing assistance; or a primary residence that is 14 destroyed or damaged due to a natural disaster that occurred 15 on or after March 12, 2019, but before the effective date of 16 the division, and is located in a county that has been declared 17 a major disaster by the president of the United States on or 18 after March 12, 2019, but before the effective date of the 19 division, and is located in a county where individuals are 20 eligible for federal individual assistance. 21 The authority may enter into an agreement with one or 22 more local program administrators to administer the program 23 and moneys in the fund may be expended following a state of 24 disaster emergency proclamation by the governor that authorizes 25 disaster recovery housing assistance or the eviction prevention 26 program. “Local program administrator” is defined in the bill 27 as cities of Ames, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, 28 Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque, Iowa City, Waterloo, and West 29 Des Moines; a council of governments whose territory includes 30 at least one county that is the subject of the state of 31 disaster emergency proclamation by the governor that authorizes 32 disaster recovery housing assistance or the eviction prevention 33 program; a community action agency as defined in Code section 34 216A.91 and whose territory includes at least one county that 35 -25- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 25/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ is the subject of the state of disaster emergency proclamation 1 by the governor that authorizes disaster recovery housing 2 assistance or the eviction prevention program; or a qualified 3 local organization or governmental entity as determined by rule 4 by the authority. 5 To be considered for a forgivable loan or grant under the 6 program, the homeowner or renter must register for the disaster 7 case management program established pursuant to Code section 8 29C.20B. The disaster case manager may refer the homeowner or 9 renter to the appropriate local program administrator. 10 DISASTER RECOVERY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM —— HOMEOWNERS. 11 To be eligible for a forgivable loan under the program, 12 the bill requires a homeowner to own a disaster-affected 13 home located in a county that has been proclaimed a state 14 of disaster emergency by the governor; the home must have 15 sustained damage greater than the damage that is covered by the 16 homeowner’s property and casualty insurance policy insuring the 17 home plus any other state or federal disaster-related financial 18 assistance that the homeowner is eligible to receive; an 19 administrator must deem the home suitable for rehabilitation or 20 damaged beyond reasonable repair; if the homeowner is seeking 21 a forgivable loan for the repair or rehabilitation of the 22 homeowner’s disaster-affected home, the home cannot be proposed 23 for buyout by the county or city in which the home is located, 24 or the disaster-affected home is eligible for a buyout, but 25 the homeowner is requesting a forgivable loan for the repair 26 or rehabilitation of the homeowner’s disaster-affected home 27 in lieu of a buyout; and the assistance does not duplicate 28 benefits provided by other disaster assistance programs. 29 If a homeowner is referred to an administrator by the 30 homeowner’s case manager, the bill allows the authority to 31 award a forgivable loan to the eligible homeowner for repair 32 or rehabilitation of the disaster-affected home, or for down 33 payment assistance on the purchase of replacement housing, 34 and the cost of reasonable repairs to be performed on the 35 -26- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 26/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ replacement housing to render it decent, safe, sanitary, and 1 in good repair. Replacement housing purchased by a homeowner 2 cannot be located in a 100-year floodplain. “Decent, safe, 3 sanitary, and in good repair” is defined in the bill to mean 4 the same as described in 24 C.F.R. §5.703. “Replacement 5 housing” is defined in the bill as housing purchased by a 6 homeowner to replace a disaster-affected home that is destroyed 7 or damaged beyond reasonable repair as determined by a local 8 program administrator. 9 The authority shall determine the interest rate for the 10 forgivable loan. 11 If a homeowner who has been awarded a forgivable loan sells 12 a disaster-affected home or replacement housing for which the 13 homeowner received the forgivable loan prior to the end of the 14 loan term, the remaining principal on the forgivable loan shall 15 be due and payable. 16 DISASTER RECOVERY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM —— RENTERS. 17 To be eligible for a grant under the program, the bill 18 requires the local program administrator to either deem 19 the disaster-affected home of the renter suitable for 20 rehabilitation but unsuitable for current short-term 21 habitation, or damaged beyond reasonable repair; and the 22 assistance does not duplicate benefits provided by any other 23 disaster assistance program. 24 DISASTER RECOVERY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM —— REPORT. The 25 bill requires the authority to annually submit a report to 26 the general assembly detailing the disaster recovery housing 27 assistance program. 28 EVICTION PREVENTION PROGRAM. The bill requires the 29 authority to establish and administer an eviction prevention 30 program. Under the eviction prevention program, the authority 31 awards grants from the disaster recovery housing assistance 32 fund to eligible renters and eviction prevention partners. 33 Grants may be awarded upon a state of disaster emergency 34 proclamation by the governor that authorizes the eviction 35 -27- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 27/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ prevention program. The bill defines “eligible renter” to mean 1 a renter whose income meets the qualifications of the program, 2 who is at risk of eviction, and who resides in a county that 3 is the subject of a state of disaster emergency proclamation 4 by the governor that also authorizes the eviction prevention 5 program. The bill defines “eviction prevention partner” to 6 mean a qualified local organization or governmental entity as 7 determined by rule by the authority. 8 The bill requires grants awarded to eligible renters to be 9 used for short-term financial rent assistance to keep eligible 10 renters in the current residence of the renter. Grants awarded 11 to eviction prevention partners are to be used to pay for rent 12 or services provided to eligible renters for the purpose of 13 preventing the eviction of eligible renters. 14 DISASTER RECOVERY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM —— RULES. The 15 authority shall adopt rules pursuant to Code chapter 17A to 16 implement and administer the program including establishing 17 the maximum forgivable loan and grant amounts, the terms of 18 forgivable loans, and income qualifications of eligible renters 19 in the eviction prevention program. 20 BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Current law provides 21 that the economic development authority (authority) cannot 22 allocate more than $10 million in tax credits in a fiscal year 23 to the brownfield redevelopment program (brownfields). The 24 division increases the maximum allocation to $20 million. The 25 division provides that tax credits that are not awarded or 26 that are revoked (including revoked within the previous five 27 years) under brownfields may be awarded during the next annual 28 application period, and those tax credits do not count against 29 the $20 million tax credit maximum. Under current law, Code 30 section 15.293A, redevelopment tax credits, is repealed on June 31 30, 2021. The division changes the repeal date to June 30, 32 2031, and the repeal date is effective upon enactment of the 33 division. Under current law, Code section 15.293B, related to 34 the application, review, registration, and authorization of 35 -28- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 28/ 29
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ projects awarded tax credits under brownfields is repealed on 1 June 30, 2021. The division changes the repeal date to June 2 30, 2031, and the repeal date is effective upon enactment of 3 the division. 4 -29- LSB 1978XL (9) 89 jm/jh 29/ 29