Bill Text: IA SF23 | 2023-2024 | 90th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act requiring primary elections for the nomination of candidates for city, school district, and merged area elections, and including applicability provisions.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2023-01-12 - Subcommittee: Cournoyer, Celsi, and Salmon. S.J. 119. [SF23 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2023-SF23-Introduced.html
Senate File 23 - Introduced SENATE FILE 23 BY ZAUN A BILL FOR An Act requiring primary elections for the nomination of 1 candidates for city, school district, and merged area 2 elections, and including applicability provisions. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns
S.F. 23 Section 1. Section 43.24, subsection 1, paragraph b, 1 subparagraph (4), Code 2023, is amended to read as follows: 2 (4) Those filed with the city clerk or the secretary of 3 the school board under this chapter , at least thirty-six days 4 before the city or school primary election. 5 Sec. 2. Section 43.24, subsection 3, Code 2023, is amended 6 by adding the following new paragraph: 7 NEW PARAGRAPH . d. Objections filed with the secretary of 8 the school board shall be considered by three members of the 9 school board against whom no objection exists chosen by the 10 school board by ballot, and a majority decision shall be final. 11 Sec. 3. Section 43.78, subsection 1, paragraph f, Code 2023, 12 is amended to read as follows: 13 f. For any other partisan office filled by the voters of a 14 subdivision of a county, by those members of the party’s county 15 central committee who represent the precincts lying within that 16 district, who shall be convened or reconvened as appropriate by 17 the county party chairperson. However, this paragraph shall 18 not apply to partisan city offices in special charter cities 19 for which candidates are nominated under this chapter , but such 20 ballot vacancies shall be filled as provided by section 43.116 . 21 Sec. 4. Section 43.112, Code 2023, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 43.112 Nominations in certain cities and school districts . 24 1. This chapter shall, so far as applicable, govern the 25 nominations of candidates by political parties for all offices 26 to be filled by a direct vote of the people in cities acting 27 under a special charter in 1973 and having a population of 28 over fifty thousand, except all such cities as choose by 29 special election to conduct nonpartisan city elections under 30 the provisions of chapter 44 , 45 , or 376 . An election on the 31 question of conducting city elections in such a special charter 32 city on a nonpartisan basis may be called by the city council 33 on its own initiative, and shall be called by the council upon 34 receipt of a petition of the voters which so requests and 35 -1- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 1/ 16
S.F. 23 is presented in conformity with section 362.4 , but a special 1 election on that question shall be held concurrently with any 2 election being held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday 3 in November of any odd-numbered year and school districts . 4 2. Sections 43.114 through 43.118 shall apply only to all 5 cities to which this chapter is made applicable by this section 6 and school districts . 7 Sec. 5. Section 43.114, Code 2023, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 43.114 Time of holding special charter city or school 10 district primary. 11 In special charter cities and school districts holding a 12 city or school district primary election under the provisions 13 of section 43.112 , the primary shall be held on the first 14 Tuesday in October of the year in which regular city or school 15 elections are held. 16 Sec. 6. Section 43.115, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended 17 to read as follows: 18 1. All candidates for nominations to be made in city primary 19 elections held pursuant to section 43.112 shall file nomination 20 papers with the city clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. forty days 21 before the date of the election as established by section 22 43.114 , except that candidates for precinct committee member 23 shall file affidavits of candidacy as required by section 24 420.130 376.16 . The number of eligible electors signing 25 petitions required for printing the name of a candidate upon 26 the official primary ballot shall be one hundred for an office 27 to be filled by the voters of the entire city and twenty-five 28 for an office to be filled by the voters of a subdivision of the 29 city. 30 Sec. 7. Section 43.115, Code 2023, is amended by adding the 31 following new subsection: 32 NEW SUBSECTION . 1A. All candidates for nominations to be 33 made in school district primary elections held pursuant to 34 section 43.112 shall file nomination papers with the secretary 35 -2- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 2/ 16
S.F. 23 of the school board no later than 5:00 p.m. forty days before 1 the date of the election as established by section 43.114. The 2 number of eligible electors signing petitions required for 3 printing the name of a candidate upon the official primary 4 ballot shall be twenty-five for a seat to be filled by the 5 voters of the entire school district and ten for a seat to be 6 filled by the voters of a director district. 7 Sec. 8. Section 43.116, Code 2023, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 43.116 Ballot vacancies in special charter city and school 10 district elections. 11 1. A vacancy on the ballot for an election at which city 12 officers or school board members are to be chosen, and for 13 which candidates have been nominated under this chapter , exists 14 when any political party lacks a candidate for an office to be 15 filled at that election because: 16 a. Either no person filed at the time required by section 17 43.115 as a candidate for the party’s nomination for that 18 office in the city or school primary election held under 19 section 43.112 , or all persons who did so subsequently withdrew 20 as candidates, were found to lack the requisite requirements 21 for the office, or died before the date of the city or school 22 primary election, and no candidate received a number of 23 write-in votes sufficient for nomination under section 43.53 ; 24 or 25 b. The person nominated in the city or school primary 26 election as the party’s candidate for that office withdrew 27 by giving written notice to that effect to the city clerk or 28 secretary of the school board not later than 5:00 p.m. on the 29 day of the canvass of that city or school primary election. 30 2. A ballot vacancy as defined by this section may be 31 filled by the city or school district central committee of 32 the party on whose ticket the vacancy exists or, in the case 33 of an officer elected by the voters of a district within the 34 city or school district , by those members of the committee who 35 -3- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 3/ 16
S.F. 23 represent the precincts lying within that district. The name 1 of a candidate so designated to fill such a ballot vacancy 2 shall be submitted in writing to the city clerk or school 3 district not later than 5:00 p.m. on the seventh day following 4 the city or school primary election. 5 3. If a special election is held to fill a vacancy in an 6 elective city office or school board seat , nominations by 7 political parties shall be made following the provisions of 8 subsection 2 . 9 Sec. 9. Section 43.118, Code 2023, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 43.118 Expense. 12 1. The entire expense of conducting the city primary 13 election and preparation of election registers shall be audited 14 by the city council and paid by the city. 15 2. The entire expense of conducting the school primary 16 election and preparation of election registers shall be audited 17 by the school board and paid by the school district. 18 Sec. 10. Section 45.1, subsection 10, Code 2023, is amended 19 by striking the subsection. 20 Sec. 11. Section 49.31, subsection 2, paragraph d, Code 21 2023, is amended to read as follows: 22 d. On the regular and special city election and school 23 election ballots the names of candidates for city, school 24 district, and merged area offices shall be arranged by drawing 25 lots for position. The commissioner shall hold the drawing on 26 the second business day following the deadline for filing of 27 nomination papers or petitions under sections 260C.15 , 277.4 , 28 and 376.4 . If a candidate withdraws, dies, or is removed 29 from the ballot after the ballot position of names has been 30 determined, such candidate’s name shall be removed from the 31 ballot, and the order of the remaining names shall not be 32 changed. 33 Sec. 12. Section 50.48, subsection 1, paragraph a, 34 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2023, is amended to read as 35 -4- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 4/ 16
S.F. 23 follows: 1 The county board of canvassers shall order a recount of the 2 votes cast for a particular office or nomination in one or 3 more specified election precincts in that county if a written 4 request for a recount is made not later than 5:00 p.m. on the 5 third day following the county board’s canvass of the election 6 in question. For a city runoff election held pursuant to 7 section 376.9 , the written request must be made not later than 8 5:00 p.m. on the day following the county board’s canvass of 9 the city runoff election. The request shall be filed with the 10 commissioner of that county and shall be signed by either of 11 the following: 12 Sec. 13. Section 50.48, subsection 8, Code 2023, is amended 13 by striking the subsection. 14 Sec. 14. Section 69.12, subsection 1, paragraph b, 15 subparagraph (2), Code 2023, is amended to read as follows: 16 (2) The candidate filing deadline specified in section 17 376.4 for the regular city election or the filing deadline 18 specified in section 372.13, subsection 2 , for a special city 19 election. 20 Sec. 15. Section 260C.15, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2023, 21 are amended to read as follows: 22 2. A candidate for member of the board of directors of a 23 merged area shall be nominated by a petition signed by not 24 less than fifty eligible electors of the director district 25 from which the member is to be elected. The petition shall 26 state the number of the director district from which the 27 candidate seeks election, and the candidate’s name and status 28 as an eligible elector of the director district. Signers of 29 the petition, in addition to signing their names, shall show 30 their residence, including street and number if any, the school 31 district in which they reside, and the date they signed the 32 petition. A person may sign nomination petitions for more 33 than one candidate for the same office, and the signature 34 is not invalid solely because the person signed nomination 35 -5- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 5/ 16
S.F. 23 petitions for one or more other candidates for the office. The 1 petition shall include the affidavit of the candidate being 2 nominated, stating the candidate’s name and residence, and 3 that the individual is a candidate, is eligible for the office 4 sought, and if elected will qualify for the office as provided 5 in section 277.4 . 6 3. Nomination papers on behalf of candidates for member of 7 the board of directors of a merged area shall be filed with 8 the secretary of the board not earlier than seventy-one days 9 nor later than 5:00 p.m. on the forty-seventh day prior to 10 the election at which members of the board are to be elected. 11 On the day following the last day on which certificates of 12 nomination petitions can be filed, and no later than 5:00 p.m. 13 on that day, the secretary shall deliver all certificates 14 of nomination petitions so filed, together with the text of 15 any public measure being submitted by the board of directors 16 to the electorate, to the merged area’s controlling county 17 commissioner of elections under section 47.2 . That controlling 18 commissioner shall certify the names of candidates, and the 19 text and summary of any public measure being submitted to the 20 electorate, to all county commissioners of elections in the 21 merged area by the forty-second day prior to the election. 22 Sec. 16. Section 260C.15, subsection 4, paragraphs a and b, 23 Code 2023, are amended to read as follows: 24 a. Objections to the legal sufficiency of a nomination 25 petition or to the eligibility of a candidate may be filed by 26 any person who would have the right to vote for a candidate for 27 the office in question. 28 b. The objection must be filed with the secretary of the 29 board at least forty-two days before the day of the election 30 at which members of the board are elected. When objections 31 are filed, notice shall immediately be given to the candidate 32 affected, addressed to the candidate’s place of residence as 33 given on the candidate’s affidavit, stating that objections 34 have been made to the legal sufficiency of the petition or to 35 -6- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 6/ 16
S.F. 23 the eligibility of the candidate, and also stating the time and 1 place the objections will be considered. The board secretary 2 shall also attempt to notify the candidate by telephone if 3 the candidate provided a telephone number on the candidate’s 4 affidavit. 5 Sec. 17. Section 275.25, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 6 2023, is amended to read as follows: 7 b. The election shall be conducted as provided in section 8 sections 277.3 , and nomination petitions shall be filed 9 pursuant to section 277.4 , except as otherwise provided in 10 this subsection . Nomination petitions shall be filed with the 11 secretary of the board of the existing school district in which 12 the candidate resides not less than twenty-eight days before 13 the date set for the special school election. The secretary of 14 the board, or the secretary’s designee, shall be present in the 15 secretary’s office until 5:00 p.m. on the final day to file the 16 nomination papers. The nomination papers shall be delivered to 17 the commissioner no later than 5:00 p.m. on the twenty-seventh 18 day before the election. 19 Sec. 18. Section 277.4, Code 2023, is amended by striking 20 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: 21 277.4 Nominations —— primary elections. 22 Nominations shall be made by primary elections held pursuant 23 to sections 43.112 through 43.118 and 277.8 through 277.19. 24 Sec. 19. Section 277.5, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended 25 to read as follows: 26 1. Objections to the legal sufficiency of a nomination 27 petition or to the eligibility of a candidate may be filed by 28 any person who would have the right to vote for a candidate for 29 the office in question. The objection must be filed with the 30 secretary of the school board at least forty-two days before 31 the day of the school election. When objections are filed 32 notice shall forthwith be given to the candidate affected, 33 addressed to the candidate’s place of residence as given on the 34 candidate’s affidavit, stating that objections have been made 35 -7- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 7/ 16
S.F. 23 to the legal sufficiency of the petition or to the eligibility 1 of the candidate, and also stating the time and place the 2 objections will be considered. 3 Sec. 20. NEW SECTION . 277.8 School district convention. 4 Political parties in school districts shall hold a school 5 district convention within the school district on the second 6 Friday following the primary election. The school district 7 central committee shall set the time and place of the 8 convention and shall file the same in the office of the school 9 board at least ten days prior to the convention. 10 Sec. 21. NEW SECTION . 277.9 School district convention —— 11 delegates elected. 12 Delegates to school district conventions of their respective 13 political parties shall be elected at precinct caucuses held 14 at 8:00 p.m. on the third Monday in August of the same year in 15 which the school election is conducted. The precinct caucuses 16 shall be convened within the boundaries of each precinct at 17 places designated by the school district central committee. 18 The chairperson of the school district central committee shall 19 file with the school board a certified list of places where the 20 precinct caucuses will be held not later than ten days prior 21 to the date of the caucus and shall cause the time and place of 22 said caucus to be published in two newspapers within the school 23 district not later than ten days prior to the convening of the 24 precinct caucus. 25 Sec. 22. NEW SECTION . 277.10 School district convention 26 —— chairperson and secretary. 27 The school district precinct caucus shall elect, by a 28 majority vote of those present, a chairperson and secretary 29 who shall certify to the school district central committee 30 and school board the names and addresses of those elected as 31 delegates to the school district convention. The number of 32 delegates from each voting precinct shall be determined by 33 a ratio adopted by the respective political party’s school 34 district central committee, and the chairperson of the school 35 -8- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 8/ 16
S.F. 23 district central committee shall file with the school board a 1 statement designating the number of delegates for each voting 2 precinct in the school district not less than twenty-five days 3 before the date of the precinct caucuses. If the chairperson 4 of the school district central committee fails to so act, the 5 county chairperson shall designate the number of delegates 6 to be elected from each voting precinct and shall cause such 7 information to be published in two newspapers within the school 8 district at least ten days prior to holding the precinct 9 caucuses. 10 Sec. 23. NEW SECTION . 277.11 School district convention 11 delegates —— term. 12 The delegates shall hold office from the day following the 13 election for a period of two years. 14 Sec. 24. NEW SECTION . 277.12 School district precinct 15 candidates —— affidavit of candidacy. 16 Candidates for school district precinct committee member 17 shall cause their names to be printed on the primary ballot by 18 filing an affidavit as provided for in section 43.18 with the 19 county commissioner of elections at least forty days prior to 20 the day fixed for conducting the primary election. 21 Sec. 25. NEW SECTION . 277.13 Members from each school 22 district precinct. 23 Two persons for each political party shall be elected from 24 each precinct to the school district central committee at 25 the primary election. They shall hold office for a period 26 of two years immediately following the adjournment of the 27 school district convention, or until their successors are duly 28 elected and qualified, unless sooner removed by the school 29 district central committee for failing to perform the duties 30 of committee members, incompetency, or failing to support the 31 ticket nominated by their respective party. 32 Sec. 26. NEW SECTION . 277.14 School district committee 33 meetings —— vacancies. 34 The school district central committee shall commence 35 -9- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 9/ 16
S.F. 23 performing their duties on the day of the school district 1 convention and vacancies occurring therein may be filled by 2 the school district chairperson subject to confirmation of the 3 central committee. 4 Sec. 27. NEW SECTION . 277.15 School district central 5 committee —— returns of election. 6 Election judges shall make returns of the election of 7 members of the school district central committee in the same 8 manner as returns are conducted for other officers except that 9 the election judges shall canvass the returns as to members 10 of the school district central committee, and certify the 11 results thereof to the county commissioner of elections with 12 the returns. 13 Sec. 28. NEW SECTION . 277.16 School district central 14 committee —— certified list of those elected. 15 After the canvass of votes by the county board of 16 supervisors, the county commissioner of elections shall notify 17 the members of the school district central committee who have 18 been elected of the time and place of holding the school 19 district convention, and shall deliver a certified list of 20 those elected to the chairperson of their respective political 21 party’s central committee in the school district on or before 22 the second Thursday following the primary election. 23 Sec. 29. NEW SECTION . 277.17 School district convention —— 24 elected delegates. 25 The school district convention shall be composed of the 26 delegates elected at the last preceding school district 27 precinct caucus, and the secretary of the school board shall 28 forward a certified list of said elected delegates at least ten 29 days prior to the school district convention to the chairperson 30 of the school district central committee. 31 Sec. 30. NEW SECTION . 277.18 Duties of school board 32 secretary. 33 The secretary of the school board shall keep a certified 34 list of delegates to the school district convention elected at 35 -10- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 10/ 16
S.F. 23 the precinct caucuses and a record of the precinct committee 1 members elected at the primary election. The secretary of the 2 school board shall maintain a current list of all members of 3 the school district central committee. The certified list and 4 records shall be maintained by the secretary of the school 5 district for at least two years subsequent to the election 6 of the delegates and precinct committee members and shall be 7 available for public inspection. 8 Sec. 31. NEW SECTION . 277.19 Applicable laws. 9 All laws governing political parties and the nomination of 10 candidates in elections shall, as far as applicable, govern the 11 political parties and nomination and election of candidates in 12 school districts. 13 Sec. 32. Section 279.6, subsection 1, paragraph b, 14 subparagraph (1), Code 2023, is amended to read as follows: 15 (1) If within fourteen days after publication of a notice 16 required pursuant to paragraph “a” for a vacancy that occurs 17 more than one hundred eighty days before the next regular 18 school election, or after the filing period closes pursuant 19 to section 277.4, subsection 1, for the next regular school 20 election, there is filed with the secretary of the school board 21 a petition requesting a special election to fill the vacancy, 22 an appointment to fill the vacancy is temporary until a 23 successor is elected and qualified, and the board shall call a 24 special election pursuant to section 279.7 , to fill the vacancy 25 for the remaining balance of the unexpired term. 26 Sec. 33. Section 279.7, subsection 4, Code 2023, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 4. Nomination petitions Nominations shall be filed made in 29 the manner provided in section 277.4 , except that the petitions 30 shall be filed not less than twenty-five days before the date 31 set for the election . 32 Sec. 34. Section 331.383, Code 2023, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 331.383 Duties and powers relating to elections. 35 -11- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 11/ 16
S.F. 23 The board shall ensure that the county commissioner of 1 elections conducts primary, general, city, school, and special 2 elections in accordance with applicable state law. The board 3 shall canvass elections in accordance with sections 43.49 4 through 43.51 , 43.60 through 43.62 , 46.24 , 50.13 , 50.24 through 5 50.29 , 50.44 through 50.47 , 260C.39 , 275.25 , 277.20 , 376.1 , 6 and 376.7 , and 376.9 . The board shall prepare and deliver a 7 list of persons nominated in accordance with section 43.55 , 8 provide for a recount in accordance with section 50.48 , provide 9 for election precincts in accordance with sections 49.3 , 49.4 , 10 49.6 through 49.8 , and 49.11 , pay election costs as provided 11 in section 47.3 , participate in election contests as provided 12 in sections 62.1A and 62.9 , and perform other election duties 13 required by state law. The board shall provide for the use of 14 an optical scan voting system as provided in sections 52.2 and 15 52.3 , and exercise other election powers as provided by state 16 law. 17 Sec. 35. Section 376.3, Code 2023, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 376.3 Nominations. 20 Candidates for elective city offices must be nominated as 21 provided in sections 376.4 through 376.9 unless by ordinance 22 a city chooses the provisions of chapter 44 or 45 . However, 23 a city acting under a special charter in 1973 and having a 24 population of over fifty thousand shall continue to hold 25 partisan elections as provided in sections 43.112 through 26 43.118 and sections 420.126 376.12 through 420.137 unless the 27 city by election as provided in section 43.112 chooses to 28 conduct city elections under this chapter or chapter 44 or 45 29 376.23 . The choice of one of these options by such a special 30 charter city does not otherwise affect the validity of the 31 city’s charter. However, special charter cities which choose 32 to exercise the option to conduct nonpartisan city elections 33 may choose in the same manner the original decision was made, 34 to resume holding city elections on a partisan basis. 35 -12- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 12/ 16
S.F. 23 Sec. 36. Section 376.4, subsections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, 1 Code 2023, are amended by striking the subsections. 2 Sec. 37. Section 376.5, Code 2023, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 376.5 Publication of ballot. 5 Notice for each regular, special, primary, or runoff city 6 election shall be published by the county commissioner of 7 elections as provided in section 362.3 , except that notice of a 8 regular, primary, or runoff election may be published not less 9 than four days before the date of the election. The published 10 notice must list the names of all candidates , and must not 11 contain any party designations . The published notice must 12 include any question to be submitted to the voters. The notice 13 may contain one or more facsimiles of the portion of the ballot 14 containing the first arrangement of candidates as prescribed 15 by section 49.31, subsection 2 . 16 Sec. 38. Section 376.7, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended 17 to read as follows: 18 1. If a primary election is necessary, it The primary 19 election shall be held on the Tuesday four weeks before the 20 date of the regular city election. For each office on the 21 ballot, a voter shall only vote for the number of persons to 22 be elected to that office at the regular city election. The 23 county board of supervisors shall publicly canvass the tally 24 lists of the vote cast in the primary election, following the 25 procedures prescribed in section 50.24 , at a meeting to be held 26 on the second day following the primary election, and beginning 27 no earlier than 1:00 p.m. on that day. 28 Sec. 39. Section 376.8, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2023, are 29 amended by striking the subsections. 30 Sec. 40. Section 376.11, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended 31 to read as follows: 32 2. Except in cities where the council has chosen a runoff 33 election in lieu of a primary, following Following the 34 resignation of a person who was elected by write-in votes, 35 -13- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 13/ 16
S.F. 23 the city clerk shall notify the person who received the next 1 highest number of votes cast for the office that the person 2 may assume the office. If there is more than one person who 3 received the next highest number of votes cast for the office, 4 lots shall be drawn pursuant to section 50.44 to determine the 5 person who received the next highest number of votes. If the 6 person accepts the position, the person shall be considered the 7 duly elected officer unless, within ten days after the clerk 8 has given notice, a petition requesting a special election 9 is filed by eligible electors of the city equal in number to 10 twenty-five percent of the number of persons who voted for the 11 office at the election. If the person declines, the person 12 shall do so in writing to the city clerk within ten days and the 13 office shall be considered vacant at the end of the term. The 14 vacancy shall be filled pursuant to the provisions of section 15 372.13, subsection 2 . If the council chooses to appoint, the 16 appointment may be made before the end of the current term. 17 Sec. 41. Section 376.11, subsections 4 and 5, Code 2023, are 18 amended by striking the subsections. 19 Sec. 42. Section 420.126, Code 2023, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 420.126 City convention. 22 Political parties in special charter cities having a 23 population of fifty thousand or more a city shall hold a city 24 convention within the city on the second Friday following the 25 primary election. The city central committee shall set the 26 time and place of the convention and shall file the same in 27 the office of the city clerk at least ten days prior to the 28 convention. 29 Sec. 43. Section 420.137, Code 2023, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 420.137 Applicable laws. 32 All laws governing political parties and the nomination of 33 candidates in elections shall, as far as applicable, govern the 34 political parties and nomination and election of candidates 35 -14- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 14/ 16
S.F. 23 in cities acting under a special charter in 1973 and having a 1 population of fifty thousand or more, except where such a city 2 by election chooses to conduct city elections under chapter 44 , 3 45 , or 376 . 4 Sec. 44. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE. 5 1. The Code editor is directed to make the following 6 transfers: 7 a. Section 420.126, as amended by this Act, to section 8 376.12. 9 b. Section 420.127 to section 376.13. 10 c. Section 420.128 to section 376.14. 11 d. Section 420.129 to section 376.15. 12 e. Section 420.130 to section 376.16. 13 f. Section 420.131 to section 376.17. 14 g. Section 420.132 to section 376.18. 15 h. Section 420.133 to section 376.19. 16 i. Section 420.134 to section 376.20. 17 j. Section 420.135 to section 376.21. 18 k. Section 420.136 to section 376.22. 19 l. Section 420.137, as amended by this Act, to section 20 376.23. 21 2. The Code editor shall correct internal references in the 22 Code and in any enacted legislation as necessary due to the 23 enactment of this section. 24 Sec. 45. REPEAL. Sections 376.4A, 376.6, and 376.9, Code 25 2023, are repealed. 26 Sec. 46. APPLICABILITY. This Act applies to elections held 27 on or after January 1, 2025. 28 EXPLANATION 29 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 30 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 31 This bill relates to nominations of candidates for elections 32 to city, school district, and merged area offices. The bill 33 requires candidates for such elections to be nominated by 34 primary elections held pursuant to Code chapter 43 (partisan 35 -15- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 15/ 16
S.F. 23 nominations —— primary election). Currently such elections 1 are nonpartisan except for special charter cities under Code 2 chapter 420. The bill repeals other methods for the nomination 3 of candidates, including nominations by petition and runoff 4 elections. The bill requires political parties in school 5 districts to hold conventions for the nomination of members 6 to the school district central committee for the purpose of 7 holding primary elections in school districts and merged areas. 8 The bill applies to elections held on or after January 1, 2025. 9 -16- LSB 1303XS (4) 90 ss/ns 16/ 16