Bill Text: IA HSB662 | 2017-2018 | 87th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities, and including retroactive applicability provisions.

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (N/A - Dead) 2018-02-14 - Subcommittee recommends passage. [HSB662 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2017-HSB662-Introduced.html
House Study Bill 662 - Introduced HOUSE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY BILL BY CHAIRPERSON NUNN) A BILL FOR An Act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust 1 language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 2 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete 3 temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, 4 update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities, and 5 including retroactive applicability provisions. 6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 7 TLSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj
H.F. _____ Section 1. Section 1.8, Code 2018, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 1.8 Applicability of statute. 3 Section 1.4 shall apply to all lands acquired under sections 4 1.5 to through 1.7 . 5 Sec. 2. Section 1.13, Code 2018, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 1.13 Existing trusts not affected. 8 Nothing in sections section 1.12 to , this section, 9 or section 1.14 or 1.15 shall authorize the alienation, 10 encumbrance, or taxation of any real or personal property, 11 including water rights, belonging to any Indian or Indian 12 tribe, band, or community that is held in trust by the United 13 States or is subject to a restriction against alienation 14 imposed by the United States; or shall authorize regulation 15 of the use of such property in a manner inconsistent with any 16 federal treaty, agreement, or statute or with any regulation 17 made pursuant thereto; or shall confer jurisdiction upon the 18 state to adjudicate, in probate proceedings or otherwise, 19 the ownership or right to possession of such property or any 20 interest therein. 21 Sec. 3. Section 1.14, Code 2018, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 1.14 Tribal ordinances or customs enforced. 24 Any tribal ordinance or custom heretofore or hereafter 25 adopted by the governing council of the Sac and Fox Indian 26 settlement in Tama county in the exercise of any authority 27 which it may possess shall, if not inconsistent with any 28 applicable civil law of the state, be given full force and 29 effect in the determination of civil causes of action pursuant 30 to sections 1.12 to , 1.13, this section, and 1.15 . 31 Sec. 4. Section 6A.22, subsection 2, paragraph a, 32 subparagraph (2), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 33 (2) The acquisition of any interest in property necessary to 34 the function of a public or private utility to the extent such 35 -1- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 1/ 106
H.F. _____ purpose does not include construction of aboveground merchant 1 lines, or necessary to the function of a common carrier , or 2 airport or airport system. 3 Sec. 5. Section 8B.21, subsection 6, Code 2018, is amended 4 to read as follows: 5 6. Annual report. On an annual basis, the office shall 6 prepare a report to the governor, the department of management, 7 and the general assembly regarding the total spending on 8 technology for the previous fiscal year, the total amount 9 appropriated for the current fiscal year, and an estimate of 10 the amount to be requested for the succeeding fiscal year for 11 all agencies. The report shall include a five-year projection 12 of technology cost savings, an accounting of the level of 13 technology cost savings for the current fiscal year, and a 14 comparison of the level of technology cost savings for the 15 current fiscal year with that of the previous fiscal year. The 16 report shall be filed as soon as possible after the close of a 17 fiscal year, and by no later than the second Monday of January 18 of each year. 19 Sec. 6. Section 8C.7A, subsection 3, paragraph a, 20 subparagraph (2), subparagraph division (b), Code 2018, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 (b) An authority that has adopted a municipal or county code 23 on or before July 1, 2017, which requires an application or 24 permit for the installation, placement, operation, maintenance, 25 or replacement of a micro wireless facility may continue the 26 application or permit requirement subsequent to July 1, 2017. 27 Sec. 7. Section 12C.5, Code 2018, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 12C.5 Refusal of deposits —— procedure. 30 If the approved depositories will not accept the deposits 31 under the conditions prescribed or authorized in this chapter , 32 the funds may be deposited, on the same or better terms as 33 were offered to the depositories, in one or more approved 34 depositories conveniently located within the state. 35 -2- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 2/ 106
H.F. _____ The treasurer of state may invest in any of the investments 1 authorized for the Iowa public employees’ retirement system in 2 section 97B.7A except that investment in common stocks shall 3 not be permitted. 4 Sec. 8. Section 15.293B, subsection 1, paragraph i, Code 5 2018, is amended to read as follows: 6 i. An applicant that is unsuccessful in receiving a tax 7 credit award during an annual application period may make 8 additional applications during subsequent annual application 9 periods. Such applicants shall be required to submit a new 10 application and , which shall be competitively reviewed and 11 scored in the same manner as other applicants applications in 12 that annual application period. 13 Sec. 9. Section 16.161, Code 2018, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 16.161 Authority to issue E911 911 program bonds and notes. 16 1. The authority shall assist the program manager, 17 appointed pursuant to section 34A.2A , as provided in chapter 18 34A, subchapter II , and the authority shall have all of the 19 powers delegated to it by a joint E911 911 service board or the 20 department of public defense in a chapter 28E agreement with 21 respect to the issuance and securing of bonds or notes and the 22 carrying out of the purposes of chapter 34A . 23 2. The authority shall provide a mechanism for the pooling 24 of funds of two or more joint E911 911 service boards to be 25 used for the joint purchasing of necessary equipment and 26 reimbursement of land-line and wireless service providers’ 27 costs for upgrades necessary to provide E911 911 service. When 28 two or more joint E911 911 service boards have agreed to pool 29 funds for the purpose of purchasing necessary equipment to be 30 used in providing E911 911 service, the authority shall issue 31 bonds and notes as provided in sections 34A.20 through 34A.22 . 32 Sec. 10. Section 20.3, subsections 3 and 8, Code 2018, are 33 amended to read as follows: 34 3. a. “Confidential employee” means any public employee who 35 -3- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 3/ 106
H.F. _____ works in the personnel offices of a public employer or who has 1 access to information subject to use by the public employer 2 in negotiating or who works in a close continuing working 3 relationship with public officers or representatives associated 4 with negotiating on behalf of the public employer. 5 b. “Confidential employee” also includes the personal 6 secretary of any of the following: 7 (1) Any elected official or person appointed to fill a 8 vacancy in an elective office , member . 9 (2) A member of any board or commission , the . 10 (3) The administrative officer, director, or chief 11 executive officer of a public employer or major division 12 thereof , or the . 13 (4) The deputy or first assistant of any of the foregoing 14 persons described in subparagraphs (1) through (3) . 15 8. “Professional employee” means any one of the following: 16 a. Any employee engaged in work to which all of the 17 following apply : 18 (1) Predominantly The work is predominantly intellectual 19 and varied in character as opposed to routine mental, manual, 20 mechanical or physical work ; . 21 (2) Involving The work involves the consistent exercise of 22 discretion and judgment in its performance ; . 23 (3) Of The work is of such a character that the output 24 produced or the result accomplished cannot be standardized in 25 relation to a given period of time ; and . 26 (4) Requiring The work requires knowledge of an advanced 27 type in a field of science or learning customarily acquired 28 by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction 29 and study in an institution of higher learning or a hospital, 30 as distinguished from a general academic education or from an 31 apprenticeship or from training in the performance of routine 32 mental, manual, or physical processes. 33 b. Any employee who to whom all of the following apply : 34 (1) Has The employee has completed the courses of 35 -4- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 4/ 106
H.F. _____ specialized intellectual instruction and study described in 1 paragraph “a” , subparagraph 4, of this subsection , and (4). 2 (2) Is The employee is performing related work under the 3 supervision of a professional person to qualify the employee 4 to become a professional employee as defined in paragraph “a” 5 of this subsection . 6 Sec. 11. Section 22.15, Code 2018, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 22.15 Personnel records —— discipline —— employee 9 notification. 10 A government body that takes disciplinary action against an 11 employee that may result in information described in section 12 22.7, subsection 11 , paragraph “a” , subparagraph (5), being 13 placed in the employee’s personnel record, prior to taking such 14 disciplinary action, shall notify the employee in writing that 15 the information placed in the employee’s personnel file record 16 as a result of the disciplinary action may become a public 17 record. 18 Sec. 12. Section 29A.27, subsection 5, Code 2018, is amended 19 to read as follows: 20 5. The provisions herein provided of this section shall 21 apply to all individuals receiving benefits under this section 22 or who subsequently may become entitled to such benefits. 23 Sec. 13. Section 30.3, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2018, are 24 amended to read as follows: 25 1. Material safety data sheets or a list of chemicals 26 required to be submitted to the department under section 311 27 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act, 42 28 U.S.C. §11021, shall be submitted to the department of natural 29 resources. Submission to that the department of natural 30 resources constitutes compliance with the requirement for 31 notification to the department. 32 2. Emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms 33 required to be submitted to the department under section 312 34 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act, 42 35 -5- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 5/ 106
H.F. _____ U.S.C. §11022, shall be submitted to the department of natural 1 resources. Submission to that the department of natural 2 resources constitutes compliance with the requirement for 3 notification to the department. 4 Sec. 14. Section 30.4, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended 5 to read as follows: 6 1. Emergency notifications of releases required to be 7 submitted to the department under section 304 of the Emergency 8 Planning and Community Right-to-know Act, 42 U.S.C. §11004, 9 shall be submitted to the department of natural resources. 10 Submission to that the department of natural resources 11 constitutes compliance with the requirement for notification 12 to the department. 13 Sec. 15. Section 34A.3, subsection 1, paragraph b, 14 subparagraph (2), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 15 (2) The program manager may order the inclusion of a 16 specific territory not serviced by surrounding 911 service 17 plan areas in an adjoining 911 service plan area to avoid the 18 creation by exclusion of a territory smaller than a single 19 county not serviced by surrounding 911 service plan areas 20 upon request of the joint 911 service board representing the 21 territory to avoid the creation by exclusion of a territory 22 smaller than a single county . 23 Sec. 16. Section 34A.8, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 24 2018, is amended to read as follows: 25 b. The director, program manager, joint 911 service board, 26 local emergency management commission established pursuant to 27 section 29C.9 , the designated 911 service provider, and the 28 public safety answering point, and their agents, employees, and 29 assigns shall use local exchange service information provided 30 by the local exchange service provider solely for the purposes 31 of providing 911 emergency telephone service or providing 32 related mass notification and emergency messaging services as 33 described in section 29C.17A utilizing only the subscriber’s 34 information, and it local exchange service information shall 35 -6- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 6/ 106
H.F. _____ otherwise be kept confidential. A person who violates this 1 section is guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 2 Sec. 17. Section 35C.5, Code 2018, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 35C.5 Appeals. 5 1. In addition to the remedy provided in section 35C.4 , 6 an appeal may be taken by any person belonging to any of the 7 classes of persons to whom a preference is hereby granted under 8 this chapter , from any refusal to allow said the preference, as 9 provided in this chapter , to the district court of the county 10 in which such the refusal occurs. 11 2. The appeal shall be made by serving upon the appointing 12 board within twenty days after the date of the refusal of 13 said the appointing officer, board, or persons to allow said 14 the preference, a written notice of such appeal stating the 15 grounds of the appeal ; and a demand in writing for a certified 16 transcript of the record , and all papers on file in the office 17 affecting or relating to said the appointment. Thereupon Upon 18 receipt of the notice and demand , said the appointing officer, 19 board, or person shall, within ten days, make, certify, and 20 deliver to the appellant such a the transcript ; and the . The 21 appellant shall, within five days thereafter, file the same 22 transcript and a copy of the notice of appeal with the clerk of 23 said court , and said . 24 3. The notice of appeal shall stand as the appellant’s 25 complaint and thereupon said the cause shall be accorded 26 such preference in its assignment for trial as to assure its 27 prompt disposition. The court shall receive and consider any 28 pertinent evidence, whether oral or documentary, concerning 29 said the appointment from which the appeal is taken , and if . 30 If the court shall find finds that the said applicant is 31 qualified as defined in section 35C.1 , to hold the position 32 for which the applicant has applied, said the court shall, by 33 its mandate, specifically direct the said appointing officer, 34 board , or persons as to their further action in the matter. 35 -7- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 7/ 106
H.F. _____ 4. An appeal may be taken from the judgment of the said 1 district court on any such appeal on the same terms as an 2 appeal is taken in civil actions. At their election parties 3 Parties entitled to appeal under this section may elect , in 4 the alternative, to maintain an action for judicial review in 5 accordance with the terms of the Iowa administrative procedure 6 Act, chapter 17A , if that is otherwise applicable to their the 7 case. 8 Sec. 18. Section 37.6, Code 2018, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 37.6 Bonds. 11 Bonds issued by a county for the purposes of this chapter 12 shall be issued under sections 331.441 to through 331.449 13 relating to general county purpose bonds. Bonds issued by a 14 city shall be issued in accordance with provisions of law under 15 sections 384.24 through 384.36 relating to general corporate 16 purpose bonds of a city. 17 Sec. 19. Section 43.5, Code 2018, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 43.5 Applicable statutes. 20 The provisions of chapters 39 , 39A , 47 , 48A , 49 , 50 , 52 , 21 53 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 61 , 62 , 68A , and 722 shall apply, so far as 22 applicable, to all primary elections, except as hereinafter 23 otherwise provided in this chapter . 24 Sec. 20. Section 43.20, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended 25 to read as follows: 26 2. In each of the above cases described in subsection 1 , the 27 vote to be taken for the purpose of computing the percentage 28 shall be the vote cast for president of the United States or 29 for governor, as the case may be. 30 Sec. 21. Section 43.78, subsection 5, paragraphs b and d, 31 Code 2018, are amended to read as follows: 32 b. In the office of the proper appropriate commissioner, at 33 least sixty-four days before the date of the election. 34 d. In the office of the proper appropriate commissioner or 35 -8- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 8/ 106
H.F. _____ the state commissioner, as applicable, in case of a special 1 election to fill vacancies, at least twenty-five days before 2 the day of election. 3 Sec. 22. Section 44.9, subsections 2, 5, and 6, Code 2018, 4 are amended to read as follows: 5 2. In the office of the proper appropriate commissioner, at 6 least sixty-four days before the date of the election, except 7 as otherwise provided in subsection 6 . 8 5. In the office of the proper appropriate commissioner 9 or school board secretary in case of a special election to 10 fill vacancies, at least twenty-five days before the day of 11 election. 12 6. In the office of the proper appropriate commissioner, at 13 least forty-two days before the regularly scheduled or special 14 city election. However, for those cities that may be required 15 to hold a primary election, at least sixty-three days before a 16 regularly scheduled or special city election. 17 Sec. 23. Section 49.11, subsection 3, paragraph d, 18 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2018, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 The commissioner may also consolidate Consolidate precincts 21 for any election under any of the following circumstances: 22 Sec. 24. Section 59.6, Code 2018, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 59.6 Power of general assembly. 25 Nothing herein contained in this chapter shall be construed 26 to abridge the right of either branch of the general assembly 27 to grant commissions to take depositions, or to send for and 28 examine any witness it may desire to hear on such trial. 29 Sec. 25. Section 68A.101, Code 2018, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 68A.101 Citation and administration. 32 This chapter may be cited as the “Campaign Disclosure 33 Income Tax Checkoff Act” . The Iowa ethics and campaign 34 disclosure board shall administer this chapter as provided in 35 -9- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 9/ 106
H.F. _____ sections 68B.32 , 68B.32A , 68B.32B , 68B.32C , and 68B.32D . 1 Sec. 26. Section 68A.102, subsection 21, Code 2018, is 2 amended by striking the subsection. 3 Sec. 27. Section 70A.26, Code 2018, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 70A.26 Disaster service volunteer leave. 6 1. An employee of an appointing authority who is a certified 7 disaster service volunteer of the American red cross may be 8 granted leave with pay from work for not more than fifteen 9 working days in any twelve-month period to participate in 10 disaster relief services for the American red cross at the 11 request of the American red cross for the services of that 12 employee and upon the approval of the employee’s appointing 13 authority without loss of seniority, pay, vacation time, 14 personal days, sick leave, insurance and health coverage 15 benefits, or earned overtime accumulation. The appointing 16 authority shall compensate an employee granted leave under this 17 section at the employee’s regular rate of pay for those regular 18 work hours during which the employee is absent from work. 19 2. An employee deemed to be on granted leave under this 20 section shall not be deemed to be an employee of the state for 21 purposes of workers’ compensation. An employee deemed to be 22 on granted leave under this section shall not be deemed to be 23 an employee of the state for purposes of the Iowa tort claims 24 Act, chapter 669 . 25 3. Leave under this section shall be granted only for 26 services relating to a disaster in the state of Iowa. 27 Sec. 28. Section 73.2, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 2018, 28 is amended to read as follows: 29 a. All requests hereafter made for bids and proposals for 30 materials, products, supplies, provisions, and other needed 31 articles to be purchased at public expense, shall be made in 32 general terms and by general specifications and not by brand, 33 trade name, or other individual mark. 34 Sec. 29. Section 84A.5, subsection 4, Code 2018, is amended 35 -10- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 10/ 106
H.F. _____ to read as follows: 1 4. The division of labor services is responsible for the 2 administration of the laws of this state under chapters 88 , 3 88A , 88B , 89 , 89A , 89B , 90A , 91 , 91A , 91C , 91D , 91E , 92 , and 4 94A , and section sections 73A.21 and 85.68. The executive head 5 of the division is the labor commissioner, appointed pursuant 6 to section 91.2 . 7 Sec. 30. Section 85.47, Code 2018, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 85.47 Basis of commutation. 10 When the commutation is ordered, the workers’ compensation 11 commissioner shall fix the lump sum to be paid at an amount 12 which will equal the total sum of the probable future payments 13 capitalized at their present value and upon the basis of 14 interest at the rate provided in section 535.3 for court 15 judgments and decrees. Upon the payment of such amount , the 16 employer shall be discharged from all further liability on 17 account of the injury or death, and be entitled to a duly 18 executed release , upon . Upon the filing which of the release, 19 the liability of the employer under any agreement, award, 20 finding, or judgment shall be discharged of record. 21 Sec. 31. Section 85.53, Code 2018, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 85.53 Notice to consular officer. 24 If such consular officer, or the officer’s duly appointed 25 representative, shall file with the workers’ compensation 26 commissioner evidence of the officer’s or representative’s 27 authority, the workers’ compensation commissioner shall notify 28 such consular officer or representative of the death of all 29 employees leaving an alien dependent , or dependents , residing 30 in the country of said consular officer so far as same that 31 shall come to the commissioner’s knowledge. 32 Sec. 32. Section 86.9, Code 2018, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 86.9 Reports. 35 -11- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 11/ 106
H.F. _____ 1. The director of the department of workforce development, 1 in consultation with the commissioner, shall, at the time 2 provided by law, make an annual report to the governor setting 3 forth in appropriate form the business and expense of the 4 division of workers’ compensation for the preceding year, the 5 number of claims processed by the division and the disposition 6 of the claims, and other matters pertaining to the division 7 which are of public interest, together with recommendations for 8 change or amendment of the laws in this chapter and chapters 9 85 , 85A , 85B , and 87 , and the recommendations, if any, shall be 10 transmitted by the governor to the first general assembly in 11 session after the report is filed. 12 2. The commissioner, after consultation with the director 13 of the department of workforce development, may compile an 14 annual report setting forth the final decisions, rulings, and 15 orders of the division for the preceding year and setting forth 16 other matters or information which the commissioner considers 17 desirable for publication. 18 3. These annual reports may be distributed by the state 19 on request to public officials as set forth in chapter 7A . 20 Members of the public may obtain the an annual report upon 21 payment of its cost as set by the commissioner. 22 Sec. 33. Section 88.1, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended 23 to read as follows: 24 3. Authorizing the labor commissioner to set mandatory 25 occupational safety and health standards applicable to 26 businesses, and by creating an providing for an adjudicatory 27 process through the employment appeal board within the 28 department of inspections and appeals for carrying out 29 adjudicatory functions under the chapter. 30 Sec. 34. Section 92.2, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 31 1, Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 32 A person over ten and under sixteen years of age cannot be 33 employed, with or without compensation, in street occupations 34 or migratory labor as defined provided in section 92.1 , unless 35 -12- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 12/ 106
H.F. _____ the person holds a work permit issued pursuant to this chapter . 1 Sec. 35. Section 96.3, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 1. Payment. Twenty-four months after the date when 4 contributions first accrue under this chapter , benefits shall 5 become payable from the fund; provided, that wages earned for 6 services defined in section 96.19, subsection 18 , paragraph 7 “g” , subparagraph (3), irrespective of when performed, shall 8 not be included for purposes of determining eligibility, under 9 section 96.4 or full-time weekly wages, under subsection 4 of 10 this section , for the purposes of any benefit year commencing 11 on or after July 1, 1939 , nor shall any benefits with respect 12 to unemployment occurring on and after July 1, 1939, be payable 13 under subsection 5 of this section on the basis of such wages. 14 All benefits shall be paid through employment offices in 15 accordance with such regulations as the department of workforce 16 development may prescribe. 17 Sec. 36. Section 99F.4, subsection 22, Code 2018, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 22. To require licensees to establish a process to allow 20 a person to be voluntarily excluded from the gaming floor of 21 an excursion gambling boat , and from the wagering area, as 22 defined in section 99D.2 , and from the gaming floor of all 23 other licensed facilities under this chapter and chapter 99D 24 as provided in this subsection . The process shall provide 25 that an initial request by a person to be voluntarily excluded 26 shall be for a period of five years or life and any subsequent 27 request following any five-year period shall be for a period 28 of five years or life. The process established shall require 29 that a person requesting to be voluntarily excluded be provided 30 information compiled by the Iowa department of public health 31 on gambling treatment options and shall also require that a 32 licensee disseminate information regarding persons voluntarily 33 excluded to all licensees under this chapter and chapter 99D . 34 The state and any licensee under this chapter or chapter 99D 35 -13- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 13/ 106
H.F. _____ shall not be liable to any person for any claim which may arise 1 from this process. In addition to any other penalty provided 2 by law, any money or thing of value that has been obtained by, 3 or is owed to, a voluntarily excluded person by a licensee as a 4 result of wagers made by the person after the person has been 5 voluntarily excluded shall not be paid to the person but shall 6 be credited to the general fund of the state. 7 Sec. 37. Section 105.22, subsection 4, Code 2018, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 4. Conviction of a felony related to the profession or 10 occupation of the licensee or the conviction of any felony that 11 would affect the licensee’s ability to practice within the 12 profession. A copy of the record or of conviction or plea of 13 guilty shall be conclusive evidence of such conviction. 14 Sec. 38. Section 123.22, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 2. a. No A person, acting individually or through another 17 acting for the person , shall not directly or indirectly, or 18 upon any pretense , or by any device, manufacture do any of the 19 following: 20 (1) Manufacture , sell, exchange, barter, dispense, give 21 in consideration of the purchase of any property or of any 22 services or in evasion of this chapter , or keep for sale, or 23 have possession of any intoxicating liquor, except as provided 24 in this chapter ; or own . 25 (2) Own , keep, or be in any way concerned, engaged, or 26 employed in owning or keeping, any intoxicating liquor with 27 intent to violate any provision of this chapter , or authorize 28 or permit the same to be done ; or manufacture . 29 (3) Manufacture , own, sell, or have possession of any 30 manufactured or compounded article, mixture or substance, 31 not in a liquid form, and containing alcohol which may be 32 converted into a beverage by a process of pressing or straining 33 the alcohol therefrom, or any instrument intended for use 34 and capable of being used in the manufacture of intoxicating 35 -14- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 14/ 106
H.F. _____ liquor ; or own . 1 (4) Own or have possession of any material used exclusively 2 in the manufacture of intoxicating liquor ; or use . 3 (5) Use or have possession of any material with intent to 4 use it in the manufacture of intoxicating liquors ; however . 5 b. However , alcohol may be manufactured for industrial and 6 nonbeverage purposes by persons who have qualified for that 7 purpose as provided by the laws of the United States and the 8 laws of this state. Such alcohol, so manufactured, may be 9 denatured, transported, used, possessed, sold, and bartered 10 and dispensed, subject to the limitations, prohibitions and 11 restrictions imposed by the laws of the United States and this 12 state. 13 c. Any person may manufacture, sell, or transport 14 ingredients and devices other than alcohol for the making of 15 homemade wine or beer. 16 Sec. 39. Section 124.401, subsection 5, Code 2018, is 17 amended by adding the following new unnumbered paragraph after 18 unnumbered paragraph 2: 19 NEW UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH . A person may knowingly or 20 intentionally recommend, possess, use, dispense, deliver, 21 transport, or administer cannabidiol if the recommendation, 22 possession, use, dispensing, delivery, transporting, or 23 administering is in accordance with the provisions of chapter 24 124E. For purposes of this paragraph, “cannabidiol” means the 25 same as defined in section 124E.2. 26 Sec. 40. Section 125.34, subsections 3 and 6, Code 2018, are 27 amended to read as follows: 28 3. A person who arrives at a facility and voluntarily 29 submits to examination shall be examined by a licensed 30 physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon or 31 mental health professional as soon as possible after the person 32 arrives at the facility. The person may then be admitted as a 33 patient or referred to another health facility. The referring 34 facility shall arrange for transportation. 35 -15- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 15/ 106
H.F. _____ 6. If the physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician 1 and surgeon in charge of the facility determines it is for the 2 patient’s benefit, the patient shall be encouraged to agree to 3 further diagnosis and appropriate voluntary treatment. 4 Sec. 41. Section 125.75, subsection 2, paragraph c, 5 subparagraph (1), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 6 (1) A written statement of a licensed physician and 7 surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon or mental health 8 professional in support of the application. 9 Sec. 42. Section 125.78, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code 10 2018, is amended to read as follows: 11 b. Requiring an examination of the respondent, prior to 12 the hearing, by one or more licensed physicians physician 13 and surgeons or osteopathic physician and surgeons or mental 14 health professionals who shall submit a written report of the 15 examination to the court as required by section 125.80 . 16 Sec. 43. Section 125.80, Code 2018, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 125.80 Physician’s or mental health professional’s 19 examination —— report —— scheduling of hearing. 20 1. a. An examination of the respondent shall be conducted 21 within a reasonable time and prior to the commitment hearing 22 by one or more licensed physicians physician and surgeons 23 or osteopathic physician and surgeons or mental health 24 professionals as required by the court’s order. If the 25 respondent is taken into custody under section 125.81 , the 26 examination shall be conducted within twenty-four hours after 27 the respondent is taken into custody. If the respondent 28 desires, the respondent may have a separate examination by a 29 licensed physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and 30 surgeon or mental health professional of the respondent’s own 31 choice. The court shall notify the respondent of the right 32 to choose a licensed physician and surgeon or osteopathic 33 physician and surgeon or mental health professional for a 34 separate examination. The reasonable cost of the examinations 35 -16- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 16/ 106
H.F. _____ shall be paid from county funds upon order of the court if the 1 respondent lacks sufficient funds to pay the cost. 2 b. A licensed physician and surgeon or osteopathic 3 physician and surgeon or mental health professional conducting 4 an examination pursuant to this section may consult with or 5 request the participation in the examination of facility 6 personnel, and may include with or attach to the written report 7 of the examination any findings or observations by facility 8 personnel who have been consulted or have participated in the 9 examination. 10 c. If the respondent is not taken into custody under 11 section 125.81 , but the court is subsequently informed that the 12 respondent has declined to be examined by a licensed physician 13 and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon or mental 14 health professional pursuant to the court order, the court 15 may order limited detention of the respondent as necessary to 16 facilitate the examination of the respondent by the licensed 17 physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon or 18 mental health professional. 19 2. A written report of the examination by a court-designated 20 licensed physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and 21 surgeon or mental health professional shall be filed with 22 the clerk prior to the hearing date. A written report of an 23 examination by a licensed physician and surgeon or osteopathic 24 physician and surgeon or mental health professional chosen 25 by the respondent may be similarly filed. The clerk shall 26 immediately: 27 a. Cause a report to be shown to the judge who issued the 28 order. 29 b. Cause the respondent’s attorney to receive a copy 30 of the report of a court-designated licensed physician and 31 surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon or mental health 32 professional. 33 3. If the report of a court-designated licensed physician 34 and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon or mental 35 -17- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 17/ 106
H.F. _____ health professional is to the effect that the respondent is not 1 a person with a substance-related disorder, the court, without 2 taking further action, may terminate the proceeding and dismiss 3 the application on its own motion and without notice. 4 4. If the report of a court-designated licensed physician 5 and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon or mental 6 health professional is to the effect that the respondent is 7 a person with a substance-related disorder, the court shall 8 schedule a commitment hearing as soon as possible. The hearing 9 shall be held not more than forty-eight hours after the report 10 is filed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, unless 11 an extension for good cause is requested by the respondent, 12 or as soon thereafter as possible if the court considers that 13 sufficient grounds exist for delaying the hearing. 14 Sec. 44. Section 125.82, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 3. The person who filed the application and a licensed 17 physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon , 18 mental health professional, or certified alcohol and drug 19 counselor certified by the nongovernmental Iowa board of 20 substance abuse certification who has examined the respondent 21 in connection with the commitment hearing shall be present 22 at the hearing, unless the court for good cause finds that 23 their presence or testimony is not necessary. The applicant, 24 respondent, and the respondent’s attorney may waive the 25 presence or telephonic appearance of the licensed physician 26 and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon , mental 27 health professional, or certified alcohol and drug counselor 28 who examined the respondent and agree to submit as evidence 29 the written report of the licensed physician and surgeon or 30 osteopathic physician and surgeon , mental health professional, 31 or certified alcohol and drug counselor. The respondent’s 32 attorney shall inform the court if the respondent’s attorney 33 reasonably believes that the respondent, due to diminished 34 capacity, cannot make an adequately considered waiver decision. 35 -18- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 18/ 106
H.F. _____ “Good cause” for finding that the testimony of the licensed 1 physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon , 2 mental health professional, or certified alcohol and drug 3 counselor who examined the respondent is not necessary may 4 include, but is not limited to, such a waiver. If the court 5 determines that the testimony of the licensed physician and 6 surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon , mental health 7 professional, or certified alcohol and drug counselor is 8 necessary, the court may allow the licensed physician and 9 surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon , mental health 10 professional, or certified alcohol and drug counselor to 11 testify by telephone. The respondent shall be present at the 12 hearing unless prior to the hearing the respondent’s attorney 13 stipulates in writing that the attorney has conversed with the 14 respondent, and that in the attorney’s judgment the respondent 15 cannot make a meaningful contribution to the hearing, or that 16 the respondent has waived the right to be present, and the 17 basis for the attorney’s conclusions. A stipulation to the 18 respondent’s absence shall be reviewed by the court before the 19 hearing, and may be rejected if it appears that insufficient 20 grounds are stated or that the respondent’s interests would not 21 be served by the respondent’s absence. 22 Sec. 45. Section 125.91, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2018, are 23 amended to read as follows: 24 2. a. A peace officer who has reasonable grounds to 25 believe that the circumstances described in subsection 1 are 26 applicable may, without a warrant, take or cause that person 27 to be taken to the nearest available facility referred to in 28 section 125.81, subsection 2 , paragraph “b” or “c” . Such a 29 person with a substance-related disorder due to intoxication 30 or substance-induced incapacitation who also demonstrates 31 a significant degree of distress or dysfunction may also 32 be delivered to a facility by someone other than a peace 33 officer upon a showing of reasonable grounds. Upon delivery 34 of the person to a facility under this section , the attending 35 -19- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 19/ 106
H.F. _____ physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon 1 may order treatment of the person, but only to the extent 2 necessary to preserve the person’s life or to appropriately 3 control the person’s behavior if the behavior is likely to 4 result in physical injury to the person or others if allowed to 5 continue. The peace officer or other person who delivered the 6 person to the facility shall describe the circumstances of the 7 matter to the attending physician and surgeon or osteopathic 8 physician and surgeon . If the person is a peace officer, 9 the peace officer may do so either in person or by written 10 report. If the attending physician and surgeon or osteopathic 11 physician and surgeon has reasonable grounds to believe that 12 the circumstances in subsection 1 are applicable, the attending 13 physician shall at once communicate with the nearest available 14 magistrate as defined in section 801.4, subsection 10 . The 15 magistrate shall, based upon the circumstances described by 16 the attending physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician 17 and surgeon , give the attending physician and surgeon or 18 osteopathic physician and surgeon oral instructions either 19 directing that the person be released forthwith, or authorizing 20 the person’s detention in an appropriate facility. The 21 magistrate may also give oral instructions and order that the 22 detained person be transported to an appropriate facility. 23 b. If the magistrate orders that the person be detained, the 24 magistrate shall, by the close of business on the next working 25 day, file a written order with the clerk in the county where it 26 is anticipated that an application may be filed under section 27 125.75 . The order may be filed by facsimile if necessary. The 28 order shall state the circumstances under which the person 29 was taken into custody or otherwise brought to a facility 30 and the grounds supporting the finding of probable cause to 31 believe that the person is a person with a substance-related 32 disorder likely to result in physical injury to the person 33 or others if not detained. The order shall confirm the oral 34 order authorizing the person’s detention including any order 35 -20- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 20/ 106
H.F. _____ given to transport the person to an appropriate facility. The 1 clerk shall provide a copy of that order to the attending 2 physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon at 3 the facility to which the person was originally taken, any 4 subsequent facility to which the person was transported, and 5 to any law enforcement department or ambulance service that 6 transported the person pursuant to the magistrate’s order. 7 3. The attending physician and surgeon or osteopathic 8 physician and surgeon shall examine and may detain the person 9 pursuant to the magistrate’s order for a period not to exceed 10 forty-eight hours from the time the order is dated, excluding 11 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, unless the order is dismissed 12 by a magistrate. The facility may provide treatment which is 13 necessary to preserve the person’s life or to appropriately 14 control the person’s behavior if the behavior is likely to 15 result in physical injury to the person or others if allowed 16 to continue or is otherwise deemed medically necessary by 17 the attending physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician 18 and surgeon or mental health professional, but shall not 19 otherwise provide treatment to the person without the person’s 20 consent. The person shall be discharged from the facility and 21 released from detention no later than the expiration of the 22 forty-eight-hour period, unless an application for involuntary 23 commitment is filed with the clerk pursuant to section 125.75 . 24 The detention of a person by the procedure in this section , and 25 not in excess of the period of time prescribed by this section , 26 shall not render the peace officer, attending physician and 27 surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon , or facility 28 detaining the person liable in a criminal or civil action 29 for false arrest or false imprisonment if the peace officer, 30 attending physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician 31 and surgeon , mental health professional, or facility had 32 reasonable grounds to believe that the circumstances described 33 in subsection 1 were applicable. 34 Sec. 46. Section 125.92, subsection 4, Code 2018, is amended 35 -21- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 21/ 106
H.F. _____ to read as follows: 1 4. Enjoy all legal, medical, religious, social, political, 2 personal, and working rights and privileges, which the person 3 would enjoy if not detained, taken into immediate custody, 4 or committed, consistent with the effective treatment of the 5 person and of the other persons in the facility. If the 6 person’s rights are restricted, the physician’s physician and 7 surgeon’s or osteopathic physician and surgeon’s or mental 8 health professional’s direction to that effect shall be noted 9 in the person’s record. The person or the person’s next of 10 kin or guardian shall be advised of the person’s rights and 11 be provided a written copy upon the person’s admission to or 12 arrival at the facility. 13 Sec. 47. Section 135B.20, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 14 2018, is amended to read as follows: 15 Definitions as As used in this subchapter , unless the 16 context otherwise requires : 17 Sec. 48. Section 135B.32, Code 2018, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 135B.32 Construction. 20 Nothing herein in this subchapter shall deprive any hospital 21 of its tax exempt or nonprofit status. 22 Sec. 49. Section 135H.6, Code 2018, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 135H.6 Inspection —— conditions for issuance. 25 1. The department shall issue a license to an applicant 26 under this chapter if all the following conditions exist: 27 1. a. The department has ascertained that the applicant’s 28 medical facilities and staff are adequate to provide the care 29 and services required of a psychiatric institution. 30 2. b. The proposed psychiatric institution is accredited 31 by the joint commission on the accreditation of health 32 care organizations, the commission on accreditation of 33 rehabilitation facilities, the council on accreditation of 34 services for families and children, or by any other recognized 35 -22- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 22/ 106
H.F. _____ accrediting organization with comparable standards acceptable 1 under federal regulation. 2 3. c. The applicant complies with applicable state rules 3 and standards for a psychiatric institution adopted by the 4 department in accordance with federal requirements under 5 42C.F.R. §441.150 441.156 . 4. d. The applicant has been awarded a certificate of need 7 pursuant to chapter 135 , unless exempt as provided in this 8 section . 9 5. e. The department of human services has submitted 10 written approval of the application based on the department of 11 human services’ determination of need. The department of human 12 services shall identify the location and number of children in 13 the state who require the services of a psychiatric medical 14 institution for children. Approval of an application shall be 15 based upon the location of the proposed psychiatric institution 16 relative to the need for services identified by the department 17 of human services and an analysis of the applicant’s ability to 18 provide services and support consistent with requirements under 19 chapter 232 , particularly regarding community-based treatment. 20 If the proposed psychiatric institution is not freestanding 21 from a facility licensed under chapter 135B or 135C , approval 22 under this subsection paragraph shall not be given unless 23 the department of human services certifies that the proposed 24 psychiatric institution is capable of providing a resident with 25 a living environment similar to the living environment provided 26 by a licensee which is freestanding from a facility licensed 27 under chapter 135B or 135C . 28 6. The department of human services shall not give approval 29 to an application which would cause the total number of beds 30 licensed under this chapter for services reimbursed by the 31 medical assistance program under chapter 249A to exceed four 32 hundred thirty beds. 33 7. In addition to the beds authorized under subsection 6 , 34 the department of human services may establish not more than 35 -23- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 23/ 106
H.F. _____ thirty beds licensed under this chapter at the state mental 1 health institute at Independence. The beds shall be exempt 2 from the certificate of need requirement under subsection 4 . 3 8. The department of human services may give approval to 4 conversion of beds approved under subsection 6 , to beds which 5 are specialized to provide substance abuse treatment. However, 6 the total number of beds approved under subsection 6 and this 7 subsection shall not exceed four hundred thirty. Conversion 8 of beds under this subsection shall not require a revision of 9 the certificate of need issued for the psychiatric institution 10 making the conversion. Beds for children who do not reside 11 in this state and whose service costs are not paid by public 12 funds in this state are not subject to the limitations on the 13 number of beds and certificate of need requirements otherwise 14 applicable under this section . 15 9. f. The proposed psychiatric institution is under 16 the direction of an agency which has operated a facility 17 licensed under section 237.3, subsection 2 , paragraph “a” , as 18 a comprehensive residential facility for children for three 19 years or of an agency which has operated a facility for three 20 years providing psychiatric services exclusively to children or 21 adolescents and the facility meets or exceeds requirements for 22 licensure under section 237.3, subsection 2 , paragraph “a” , as a 23 comprehensive residential facility for children. 24 g. If a child has an emotional, behavioral, or mental health 25 disorder, the psychiatric institution does not require court 26 proceedings to be initiated or that a child’s parent, guardian, 27 or custodian must terminate parental rights over or transfer 28 legal custody of the child for the purpose of obtaining 29 treatment from the psychiatric institution for the child. 30 Relinquishment of a child’s custody shall not be a condition of 31 the child receiving services. 32 2. The department of human services shall not give approval 33 to an application which would cause the total number of beds 34 licensed under this chapter for services reimbursed by the 35 -24- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 24/ 106
H.F. _____ medical assistance program under chapter 249A to exceed four 1 hundred thirty beds. 2 3. In addition to the beds authorized under subsection 2, 3 the department of human services may establish not more than 4 thirty beds licensed under this chapter at the state mental 5 health institute at Independence. The beds shall be exempt 6 from the certificate of need requirement under subsection 1, 7 paragraph “d” . 8 4. The department of human services may give approval to 9 conversion of beds approved under subsection 2, to beds which 10 are specialized to provide substance abuse treatment. However, 11 the total number of beds approved under subsection 2 and this 12 subsection shall not exceed four hundred thirty. Conversion 13 of beds under this subsection shall not require a revision of 14 the certificate of need issued for the psychiatric institution 15 making the conversion. Beds for children who do not reside 16 in this state and whose service costs are not paid by public 17 funds in this state are not subject to the limitations on the 18 number of beds and certificate of need requirements otherwise 19 applicable under this section. 20 10. 5. A psychiatric institution licensed prior to July 1, 21 1999, may exceed the number of beds authorized under subsection 22 6 2 if the excess beds are used to provide services funded 23 from a source other than the medical assistance program under 24 chapter 249A. Notwithstanding subsections 4, 5 subsection 1, 25 paragraphs “d” and “e” , and 6 subsection 2 , the provision of 26 services using those excess beds does not require a certificate 27 of need or a review by the department of human services. 28 11. If a child has an emotional, behavioral, or mental 29 health disorder, the psychiatric institution does not require 30 court proceedings to be initiated or that a child’s parent, 31 guardian, or custodian must terminate parental rights over 32 or transfer legal custody of the child for the purpose of 33 obtaining treatment from the psychiatric institution for the 34 child. Relinquishment of a child’s custody shall not be a 35 -25- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 25/ 106
H.F. _____ condition of the child receiving services. 1 Sec. 50. Section 136.2, Code 2018, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 136.2 Appointment. 4 1. All members of the state board of health shall be 5 appointed by the governor to three-year staggered terms which 6 shall expire on June 30. 7 2. The Each year, the governor shall appoint annually 8 successors to the three board members whose terms expire that 9 year. A vacancy occurring on the board shall be filled by the 10 governor for the unexpired term of the vacancy. 11 Sec. 51. Section 136A.5B, subsection 2, Code 2018, is 12 amended to read as follows: 13 2. An attending health care provider shall provide to a 14 pregnant woman during the first trimester of the pregnancy 15 the informational materials published under this subsection 16 section . The center for congenital and inherited disorders 17 shall make the informational materials available to attending 18 health care providers upon request. 19 Sec. 52. Section 151.9, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2018, 20 is amended to read as follows: 21 A entry license or certificate to practice as a chiropractor 22 may be revoked or suspended when the licensee or certificate 23 holder is guilty of the following acts or offenses: 24 Sec. 53. Section 152.11, Code 2018, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 152.11 Investigators for nurses. 27 The board of nursing may appoint investigators, who shall 28 not be members of the board, to administer and aid in the 29 enforcement of the provisions of law related to those licensed 30 to practice nursing. The amount of compensation for the 31 investigators shall be determined pursuant to chapter 8A, 32 subchapter IV . Investigators authorized by the board of 33 nursing have the powers and status of peace officers when 34 enforcing this chapter and chapters 147 , 152E, and 272C . 35 -26- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 26/ 106
H.F. _____ Sec. 54. Section 154B.1, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended 1 to read as follows: 2 2. “Collaborative practice agreement” means a written 3 agreement between a prescribing psychologist and a licensed 4 physician that establishes clinical protocols, practice 5 guidelines, and care plans relevant to the scope of the 6 collaborative practice. The practice guidelines may include 7 limitations on the prescribing of psychotropic medications 8 by psychologists and protocols for prescribing to special 9 populations, including patients who are less than seventeen 10 years of age or over sixty-five years of age, patients who 11 are pregnant, and patients with serious medical conditions 12 including but not limited to heart disease, cancer, stroke, 13 or seizures, and patients with developmental disabilities and 14 intellectual disabilities. 15 Sec. 55. Section 155A.6A, subsection 2, Code 2018, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 2. A person who is or desires to be a pharmacy technician 18 in this state shall apply to the board for registration. The 19 application shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the 20 board. A pharmacy technician must be registered pursuant to 21 rules adopted by the board. Except as provided in subsection 22 3 , beginning July 1, 2010, all applicants for a new pharmacy 23 technician registration or for a pharmacy technician renewal 24 shall provide proof of current certification by a national 25 technician certification authority approved by the board. 26 Notwithstanding section 272C.2, subsection 1 , a pharmacy 27 technician registration shall not require continuing education 28 for renewal. 29 Sec. 56. Section 155A.6A, Code 2018, is amended by adding 30 the following new subsection: 31 NEW SUBSECTION . 3. A person who is in the process of 32 acquiring national certification as a pharmacy technician 33 and who is in training to become a pharmacy technician 34 shall register with the board as a pharmacy technician. The 35 -27- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 27/ 106
H.F. _____ registration shall be issued for a period not to exceed one 1 year and shall not be renewable. 2 Sec. 57. Section 155A.13C, subsection 5, paragraph d, Code 3 2018, is amended to read as follows: 4 d. Any violation of this chapter or chapter 124 , 124A , 124B , 5 126 , or 205 , or rule of the board. 6 Sec. 58. Section 161A.38, Code 2018, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 161A.38 New classification. 9 1. After a subdistrict has been established and the 10 improvements thereof constructed and put in operation, if the 11 governing body shall find that the original assessments are 12 not equitable as a basis for the expenses of any enlargement 13 or extension thereof which may have become necessary, they the 14 governing body shall order a new classification of all lands in 15 said subdistrict by resolution, and appoint three appraisers, 16 which shall meet the same requirements as set forth in section 17 161A.23 . 18 2. Upon the completion of the reclassification, those 19 affected by such reclassification shall have the right to 20 appeal as hereinabove set forth in this subchapter . 21 Sec. 59. Section 161A.42, subsection 2, Code 2018, is 22 amended to read as follows: 23 2. “Conservation agreement” means a commitment by the 24 owner or operator of a farm unit to implement a farm unit soil 25 conservation plan or, with the approval of the commissioners of 26 the soil and water conservation district within which the farm 27 unit is located, a portion of a farm unit soil conservation 28 plan. The commitment shall be conditioned on the furnishing 29 by the soil and water conservation district of technical or 30 planning assistance in the establishment of , and cost sharing 31 cost-sharing or other financial assistance for establishment 32 and maintenance of the soil and water conservation practices 33 necessary to implement the plan , or a portion of the plan. 34 Sec. 60. Section 161A.43, Code 2018, is amended to read as 35 -28- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 28/ 106
H.F. _____ follows: 1 161A.43 Duty of property owners —— liability. 2 1. To conserve the fertility, general usefulness, and 3 value of the soil and soil resources of this state, and to 4 prevent the injurious effects of soil erosion, it is hereby 5 made the duty of the owners of real property in this state to 6 establish and maintain soil and water conservation practices or 7 erosion control practices, as required by the regulations of 8 the commissioners of the respective soil and water conservation 9 districts. As used in this section , “owners of real property 10 in this state” includes each state government agency, each 11 political subdivision of the state , and each agency of such 12 a political subdivision which has under its control publicly 13 owned land, including but not limited to agricultural land, 14 forests, parks, the grounds of state educational, penal and 15 human service institutions, public highways, roads and streets, 16 and other public rights-of-way. 17 2. A landowner shall not be liable for a claim based upon or 18 arising out of a claim of negligent design or specification, 19 negligent adoption of design or specification, or negligent 20 installation, construction, or reconstruction of a soil and 21 water conservation practice or an erosion control practice that 22 was installed, constructed, or reconstructed in accordance 23 with generally recognized engineering or safety standards, 24 criteria, or design theory in existence at the time of the 25 installation, construction, or reconstruction. A soil and 26 water conservation practice or an erosion control practice 27 installed, constructed, or reconstructed in compliance with 28 rules adopted by the division and currently in effect shall be 29 deemed to be installed, constructed, or reconstructed according 30 to generally recognized engineering or safety standards, 31 criteria, or design theory in existence at the time of the 32 installation, construction, or reconstruction. A claim shall 33 not be allowed for failure to upgrade, improve, or alter any 34 aspect of an existing soil and water conservation practice or 35 -29- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 29/ 106
H.F. _____ erosion control practice to a new, changed, or altered design 1 standard. This paragraph subsection does not apply to a claim 2 based on a failure of a landowner to upgrade, improve, or alter 3 a soil and water conservation practice or erosion control 4 practice in violation of law. This paragraph subsection does 5 not apply to claims based upon gross negligence. 6 Sec. 61. Section 166A.2, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 2. For good and sufficient grounds the department may refuse 9 to grant a license to any applicant , and it . The department 10 may also revoke a license obtained by a dealer for a violation 11 of any provision of this chapter , or for the refusal or failure 12 of a dealer to obey the lawful directions of the department. 13 Sec. 62. Section 166D.7, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 14 2018, is amended to read as follows: 15 b. Before being added to the herd , new swine , including 16 swine returning to the herd after contact with nonherd swine, 17 shall be isolated until the new swine react negatively to a 18 test conducted thirty days or more after the swine has been 19 placed in isolation. Swine from a herd of unknown status must 20 react negatively to a test not more than thirty days prior 21 to movement from the herd of unknown status and retested in 22 isolation at least thirty days after movement onto the premises 23 where the qualified negative herd is located. 24 Sec. 63. Section 194.2, Code 2018, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 194.2 Enforcement —— rules. 27 1. The secretary of agriculture shall enforce the 28 provisions hereof of this chapter , and to this end may adopt 29 such rules and regulations pursuant to chapter 17A as may 30 appear necessary, but not inconsistent herewith with this 31 chapter . 32 2. The secretary may adopt by rule requirements recommended 33 by the United States Department of Agriculture for the 34 production and processing of milk for manufacturing purposes, 35 -30- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 30/ 106
H.F. _____ including , but not limited to , requirements for the inspection 1 and certification of grade “B” dairy farms and grade “B” dairy 2 plants. 3 Sec. 64. Section 194.4, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended 4 to read as follows: 5 2. Any raw milk that which shows an abnormal condition 6 including , but not limited to , curdled, ropy, clotted , 7 and bloody , or that ; which contains extraneous matter or ; 8 which shows significant bacterial deterioration , or ; which 9 contains matter evidencing production from a mastitic cow; or 10 which contains chemicals, medicines, or radioactive agents 11 deleterious to health is unlawful milk and shall be rejected 12 to the producer, seller, or shipper and shall not be used in 13 the processing or manufacturing of dairy products for human 14 consumption. 15 Sec. 65. Section 208.7, Code 2018, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 208.7 Mining license —— fees and expiration. 18 An operator shall not engage in mining as defined by section 19 208.2 without first obtaining a license from the division. 20 A license shall be issued and renewed upon approval by the 21 division following the submission of a completed application 22 by the operator. An application shall be submitted on a form 23 provided by the division and shall be accompanied by a license 24 fee of fifty dollars. Each applicant shall be required to 25 furnish on the form information necessary to identify the 26 applicant. The initial license shall expire on December 31 27 of the year of issue. An initial license shall be renewed by 28 the division as required by the division. The renewed license 29 shall expire the last day of the second December following 30 the date of issue. The division shall renew a license upon 31 approving an application submitted within thirty days prior to 32 the expiration date. The application for a renewed license 33 must be accompanied by a fee of twenty dollars. However, a A 34 political subdivision shall not be required to pay a license 35 -31- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 31/ 106
H.F. _____ fee. 1 Sec. 66. Section 212.3, Code 2018, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 212.3 Disposition of delivery tickets. 4 One duplicate delivery ticket described in section 5 212.3 212.2 shall be delivered to the vendee and the other 6 duplicative delivery ticket shall be returned to the vendor 7 or retained electronically by the vendor if approval from the 8 department has previously been granted. Upon demand of the 9 department the person in charge of the load shall surrender one 10 of the duplicate delivery tickets to the person making such 11 demand. If the duplicative delivery ticket is retained, an 12 official weight slip shall be delivered by the department to 13 the vendee or the vendee’s agent. 14 Sec. 67. Section 216.6, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 15 2018, is amended to read as follows: 16 a. Person to refuse to hire, accept, register, classify, 17 or refer for employment, to discharge any employee, or to 18 otherwise discriminate in employment against any applicant 19 for employment or any employee because of the age, race, 20 creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, 21 national origin, religion, or disability of such applicant or 22 employee, unless based upon the nature of the occupation. If a 23 person with a disability is qualified to perform a particular 24 occupation, by reason of training or experience, the nature of 25 that occupation shall not be the basis for exception to the 26 unfair or discriminating discriminatory practices prohibited 27 by this subsection . 28 Sec. 68. Section 216.6, subsection 1, paragraph c, 29 subparagraph (1), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 30 (1) If a person with a disability is qualified to perform a 31 particular occupation by reason of training or experience, the 32 nature of that occupation shall not be the basis for exception 33 to the unfair or discriminating discriminatory practices 34 prohibited by this subsection . 35 -32- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 32/ 106
H.F. _____ Sec. 69. Section 216.13, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended 1 to read as follows: 2 1. However, a retirement plan or benefit system shall 3 not require the involuntary retirement of a person under the 4 age of seventy because of that person’s age. This paragraph 5 subsection does not prohibit the following: 6 a. The involuntary retirement of a person who has attained 7 the age of sixty-five and has for the two prior years been 8 employed in a bona fide executive or high policymaking position 9 and who is entitled to an immediate, nonforfeitable annual 10 retirement benefit from a pension, profit-sharing, savings, 11 or deferred compensation plan of the employer which equals 12 twenty-seven thousand dollars. This retirement benefit test 13 may be adjusted according to the regulations prescribed by 14 the United States secretary of labor pursuant to Pub. L. No. 15 95-256, section 3. 16 b. The involuntary retirement of a person covered by a 17 collective bargaining agreement which was entered into by a 18 labor organization and was in effect on September 1, 1977. 19 This exemption does not apply after the termination of that 20 agreement or January 1, 1980, whichever first occurs. 21 Sec. 70. Section 225.30, Code 2018, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 225.30 Blanks —— audit. 24 The medical faculty of the university of Iowa college of 25 medicine shall prepare blanks containing such questions and 26 requiring such information as may be necessary and proper to 27 be obtained by the physician or mental health professional who 28 examines a person or respondent whose referral to the state 29 psychiatric hospital is contemplated. A judge may request 30 that a physician or mental health professional who examines a 31 respondent as required by section 229.10 complete such blanks 32 in duplicate in the course of the examination. A physician who 33 proposes to file information under section 225.10 shall obtain 34 and complete such blanks in duplicate and file them with the 35 -33- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 33/ 106
H.F. _____ information. The blanks shall be printed by the state and a 1 supply of the blanks shall be made available to counties. The 2 director of the department of administrative services shall 3 audit, allow, and pay the cost of the blanks as other bills for 4 public printing are allowed and paid. 5 Sec. 71. Section 235B.3A, subsection 3, Code 2018, is 6 amended to read as follows: 7 3. Providing a dependent adult with immediate and adequate 8 notice of the dependent adult’s rights. The notice shall 9 consist of handing the dependent adult a document that includes 10 the telephone numbers of shelters, support groups, and 11 crisis lines operating in the area and contains a copy of the 12 following written statement of rights ; requesting the dependent 13 adult to read the card document ; and asking the dependent adult 14 whether the dependent adult understands the rights: 15 [1] You have the right to ask the court for the following 16 help on a temporary basis: 17 [a] Keeping the alleged perpetrator away from you, your 18 home, and your place of work. 19 [b] The right to stay at your home without interference from 20 the alleged perpetrator. 21 [c] Professional counseling for you, your family, or 22 household members, and the alleged perpetrator of the dependent 23 adult abuse. 24 [2] If you are in need of medical treatment, you have the 25 right to request that the peace officer present assist you in 26 obtaining transportation to the nearest hospital or otherwise 27 assist you. 28 [3] If you believe that police protection is needed for 29 your physical safety, you have the right to request that the 30 peace officer present remain at the scene until you and other 31 affected parties can leave or safety is otherwise ensured. 32 Sec. 72. Section 235E.3, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended 33 to read as follows: 34 3. Providing a dependent adult with immediate and adequate 35 -34- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 34/ 106
H.F. _____ notice of the dependent adult’s rights. The notice shall 1 consist of handing the dependent adult a document that includes 2 the telephone numbers of shelters, support groups, and 3 crisis lines operating in the area and contains a copy of the 4 following written statement of rights ; requesting the dependent 5 adult to read the card document ; and asking the dependent adult 6 whether the dependent adult understands the rights: 7 [1] You have the right to ask the court for the following 8 help on a temporary basis: 9 [a] Keeping the alleged perpetrator away from you, your 10 home, your facility, and your place of work. 11 [b] The right to stay at your home or facility without 12 interference from the alleged perpetrator. 13 [c] Professional counseling for you, your family, or 14 household members, and the alleged perpetrator of the dependent 15 adult abuse. 16 [2] If you are in need of medical treatment, you have the 17 right to request that the peace officer present assist you in 18 obtaining transportation to the nearest hospital or otherwise 19 assist you. 20 [3] If you believe that police protection is needed for 21 your physical safety, you have the right to request that the 22 peace officer present remain at the scene until you and other 23 affected parties can leave or safety is otherwise ensured. 24 Sec. 73. Section 236.12, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code 25 2018, is amended to read as follows: 26 c. Providing an abused person with immediate and adequate 27 notice of the person’s rights. The notice shall consist of 28 handing the person a document that includes the telephone 29 numbers of shelters, support groups, and crisis lines operating 30 in the area and contains a copy of the following statement 31 of rights written in English and Spanish; asking the person 32 to read the card document ; and asking whether the person 33 understands the rights: 34 [1] You have the right to ask the court for the following 35 -35- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 35/ 106
H.F. _____ help on a temporary basis: 1 [a] Keeping your attacker away from you, your home and your 2 place of work. 3 [b] The right to stay at your home without interference from 4 your attacker. 5 [c] Getting custody of children and obtaining support for 6 yourself and your minor children if your attacker is legally 7 required to provide such support. 8 [d] Professional counseling for you, the children who are 9 members of the household, and the defendant. 10 [2] You have the right to seek help from the court to seek 11 a protective order with or without the assistance of legal 12 representation. You have the right to seek help from the 13 courts without the payment of court costs if you do not have 14 sufficient funds to pay the costs. 15 [3] You have the right to file criminal charges for threats, 16 assaults, or other related crimes. 17 [4] You have the right to seek restitution against your 18 attacker for harm to yourself or your property. 19 [5] If you are in need of medical treatment, you have 20 the right to request that the officer present assist you in 21 obtaining transportation to the nearest hospital or otherwise 22 assist you. 23 [6] If you believe that police protection is needed for your 24 physical safety, you have the right to request that the officer 25 present remain at the scene until you and other affected 26 parties can leave or until safety is otherwise ensured. 27 Sec. 74. Section 236A.13, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code 28 2018, is amended to read as follows: 29 c. Providing an abused person with immediate and adequate 30 notice of the person’s rights. The notice shall consist of 31 handing the person a document that includes the telephone 32 numbers of shelters, support groups, and crisis lines operating 33 in the area and contains a copy of the following statement 34 of rights written in English and Spanish; asking the person 35 -36- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 36/ 106
H.F. _____ to read the card document ; and asking whether the person 1 understands the rights: 2 [1] You have the right to ask the court for the following 3 help on a temporary basis: 4 [1] [a] Keeping your attacker away from you, your home, and 5 your place of work. 6 [2] [b] The right to stay at your home without interference 7 from your attacker. 8 [2] You have the right to seek help from the court to seek 9 a protective order with or without the assistance of legal 10 representation. You have the right to seek help from the 11 courts without the payment of court costs if you do not have 12 sufficient funds to pay the costs. 13 [3] You have the right to file criminal complaints for 14 threats, assaults, or other related crimes. 15 [4] You have the right to seek restitution against your 16 attacker for harm to yourself or your property. 17 [5] If you are in need of medical treatment, you have 18 the right to request that the officer present assist you in 19 obtaining transportation to the nearest hospital or otherwise 20 assist you. 21 [6] If you believe that police protection is needed for your 22 physical safety, you have the right to request that the officer 23 present remain at the scene until you and other affected 24 persons can leave or until safety is otherwise ensured. 25 Sec. 75. Section 256I.7, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 26 2018, is amended to read as follows: 27 a. The early childhood Iowa initiative functions for an area 28 shall be performed under the authority of an early childhood 29 Iowa area board. The members of an area board shall be elected 30 officials or members of the public who are not employed by a 31 provider of services to or for the area board. In addition, 32 the membership of an area board shall include representation 33 from education, health, human services, business, and faith 34 interests, and at least one parent, grandparent, or guardian of 35 -37- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 37/ 106
H.F. _____ a child from zero through age five. However, not more than one 1 member shall represent the same entity or interest. 2 Sec. 76. Section 256I.8, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 3 2018, is amended to read as follows: 4 b. Administer early childhood Iowa grant moneys available 5 from the state to the area board as provided by law and other 6 federal, state, local, and private moneys made available to 7 the area board. Eligibility for receipt of early childhood 8 Iowa grant moneys shall be limited to those early childhood 9 Iowa area boards that have developed an approved community 10 plan in accordance with this chapter . An early childhood Iowa 11 area board may apply to the state board for any private moneys 12 received by the early childhood Iowa initiative outside of a 13 state appropriation. 14 Sec. 77. Section 256I.8, subsection 1, paragraph d, Code 15 2018, is amended to read as follows: 16 d. Submit an annual report on the effectiveness of the 17 community plan in addressing school readiness and children’s 18 health and safety needs to the state board and to the local 19 government bodies in the area. The annual report shall 20 indicate the effectiveness of the area board in addressing 21 state and locally determined goals and the progress on each 22 of the community-wide indicators identified by the area board 23 under paragraph “c” , subparagraph (5). The report shall 24 include an annual budget developed for the following fiscal 25 year for the area’s comprehensive school ready children grant 26 for providing services for children from birth zero through 27 age five years of age , and provide other information specified 28 by the state board, including budget amendments, as needed. 29 In addition, each area board must comply with reporting 30 provisions and other requirements adopted by the state board 31 in implementing section 256I.9 . 32 Sec. 78. Section 256I.12, subsection 1, Code 2018, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 1. Alliance created. An early childhood stakeholders 35 -38- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 38/ 106
H.F. _____ alliance is created to support the state board in addressing 1 the early care, health, and education systems that affect 2 children ages zero through age five in Iowa. 3 Sec. 79. Section 260C.22, subsection 1, paragraph e, Code 4 2018, is amended to read as follows: 5 e. This law subsection shall be construed as supplemental 6 and in addition to existing statutory authority and as 7 providing an independent method of financing the cost of 8 acquiring school facilities for which a tax has been voted 9 under this section and for the borrowing of money and execution 10 of loan agreements in connection therewith and shall not be 11 construed as subject to the provisions of any other law. The 12 fact that a merged area may have previously borrowed money and 13 entered into loan agreements under authority herein contained 14 shall not prevent such merged area from borrowing additional 15 money and entering into further loan agreements provided that 16 the aggregate of the amount payable under all of such loan 17 agreements does not exceed the proceeds of the voted tax. All 18 acts and proceedings heretofore taken by the board of directors 19 or by any official of any merged area for the exercise of any 20 of the powers granted by this section are hereby legalized and 21 validated in all respects. 22 Sec. 80. Section 261.9, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2018, 23 is amended to read as follows: 24 When used in this part subchapter , unless the context 25 otherwise requires: 26 Sec. 81. Section 262.21, Code 2018, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 262.21 Annuity contracts. 29 1. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise 30 requires, “annuity contract” includes any custodial account 31 which meets the requirements of section 403(b)(7) of the 32 Internal Revenue Code, as defined in section 422.3. 33 2. At the request of an employee through contractual 34 agreement the board may arrange for the purchase of group 35 -39- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 39/ 106
H.F. _____ or individual annuity contracts for any of its employees, 1 which annuity contracts are issued by a nonprofit corporation 2 issuing retirement annuities exclusively for educational 3 institutions and their employees or are purchased from any 4 company the employee chooses that is authorized to do business 5 in this state or through an Iowa-licensed salesperson that 6 the employee selects, on a group or individual basis, for 7 retirement or other purposes, and may make payroll deductions 8 in accordance with the arrangements for the purpose of paying 9 the entire premium due and to become due under the contract. 10 The deductions shall be made in the manner which will qualify 11 the annuity premiums for the benefits under section 403(b) of 12 the Internal Revenue Code, as defined in section 422.3 . The 13 employee’s rights under the annuity contract are nonforfeitable 14 except for the failure to pay premiums. As used in this 15 section , unless the context otherwise requires, “annuity 16 contract” includes any custodial account which meets the 17 requirements of section 403(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, 18 as defined in section 422.3 . 19 3. Whenever an existing tax-sheltered annuity contract is 20 to be replaced by a new contract the agent or representative 21 of the company shall submit a letter of intent to the company 22 being replaced, to the commissioner of insurance, and to the 23 agent’s or representative’s own company at least thirty days 24 prior to any action. Each required letter of intent shall 25 be sent by registered mail. This letter of intent shall 26 contain the policy number and description of the contract being 27 replaced and a description of the replacement contract. 28 Sec. 82. Section 262.56, Code 2018, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 262.56 Authorization —— contracts —— title. 31 Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this 32 subchapter the state board of regents is hereby authorized to 33 undertake and carry out any project as hereinbefore defined 34 in section 262.55 at the state university of Iowa, Iowa state 35 -40- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 40/ 106
H.F. _____ university of science and technology, and the university of 1 northern Iowa and to operate, control, maintain and manage 2 student residence halls and dormitories, including dining and 3 other incidental facilities, and additions to such buildings at 4 each of said institutions. All contracts for the construction, 5 reconstruction, completion, equipment, improvement, repair or 6 remodeling of any buildings, additions or facilities shall 7 be let in accordance with the provisions of section 262.34 . 8 The title to all real estate acquired under the provisions of 9 this subchapter and the improvements erected thereon shall be 10 taken and held in the name of the state of Iowa. The board 11 is authorized to rent the rooms in such residence halls and 12 dormitories to the students, officers, guests and employees 13 of said institutions at such rates, fees or rentals as will 14 provide a reasonable return upon the investment, but which will 15 in any event produce net rents, profits and income sufficient 16 to insure the payment of the principal of and interest on all 17 bonds or notes issued to pay any part of the cost of any project 18 and refunding bonds or notes issued pursuant to the provisions 19 of this subchapter . 20 Sec. 83. Section 263.2, Code 2018, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 263.2 Degrees. 23 1. No one A person shall not be admitted to courses of 24 instruction in the university who if the person has not 25 completed the elementary instruction in such branches as are 26 taught in the common public or accredited nonpublic schools 27 throughout the state. 28 2. Graduates of the university shall receive degrees or 29 diplomas, or other evidences of distinction such as are usually 30 conferred and granted by universities and are authorized by the 31 state board of regents. 32 Sec. 84. Section 263.10, Code 2018, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 263.10 Persons admitted. 35 -41- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 41/ 106
H.F. _____ Every resident of the state who is not more than twenty-one 1 years of age, who has such severe disabilities as to be unable 2 to acquire an education in the common public or accredited 3 nonpublic schools, and every such person who is twenty-one and 4 under thirty-five years of age who has the consent of the state 5 board of regents, shall be entitled to receive an education, 6 care, and training in the university of Iowa hospitals 7 and clinics center for disabilities and development, and 8 nonresidents similarly situated may be entitled to an education 9 and care at the center upon such terms as may be fixed by the 10 state board of regents. The fee for nonresidents shall be not 11 less than the average expense of resident pupils and shall be 12 paid in advance. Residents and persons under the care and 13 control of a director of a division of the department of human 14 services who have severe disabilities may be transferred to the 15 center upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the state board 16 of regents and the director. 17 Sec. 85. Section 270.6, Code 2018, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 270.6 Certification Certificate to auditor —— collection. 20 The superintendent shall, at the time of sending the 21 certificate to the director of the department of administrative 22 services, send a duplicate copy to the auditor of the county of 23 the pupil’s residence, who shall, when ordered by the board of 24 supervisors, proceed to collect the same amounts due by action 25 if necessary, in the name of the county, and when so collected, 26 shall pay the same amounts into the county treasury. 27 Sec. 86. Section 270.7, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended 28 to read as follows: 29 2. If a county fails to pay these bills within sixty days 30 from the date of the certificate from the superintendent, the 31 director of the department of administrative services shall 32 charge the delinquent county a penalty of three-fourths of one 33 percent per month on and after sixty days from the date of the 34 certificate until paid. The penalties shall be credited to the 35 -42- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 42/ 106
H.F. _____ general fund of the state. 1 Sec. 87. Section 272.2, subsection 20, Code 2018, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 20. Establish by rule Adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A 4 establishing endorsements and authorizations for computer 5 science instruction, including traditional and nontraditional 6 pathways for obtaining such endorsements or authorizations. 7 Sec. 88. Section 274.2, Code 2018, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 274.2 General applicability. 10 The provisions of law relative to common public or 11 accredited nonpublic schools shall apply alike to all 12 districts, except when otherwise clearly stated, and the powers 13 given to one form of corporation, or to a board in one kind 14 of corporation, shall be exercised by the other in the same 15 manner, as nearly as practicable. But school boards shall not 16 incur original indebtedness by the issuance of bonds until 17 authorized by the voters of the school corporation. 18 Sec. 89. Section 274.39, Code 2018, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 274.39 Sale of land to government. 21 Whenever the federal government, or any agency or department 22 thereof shall have heretofore located or shall hereafter locate 23 of the federal government, locates in any county an ordnance 24 plant or other project which may be deemed desirable for the 25 development of the national defense or for the purpose of flood 26 control, and for the purpose of so locating such plant or 27 project shall have heretofore determined, or shall hereafter 28 determine, determines that real property and improvements 29 thereon on the property owned by school districts is are 30 required, the board of directors of such school districts by 31 resolution is hereby authorized to sell and convey such the 32 property at a price and upon terms as may be agreed upon , any 33 such . The instruments of conveyance to shall be executed on 34 behalf of such the school districts by the president of such 35 -43- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 43/ 106
H.F. _____ each district. 1 Sec. 90. Section 275.4, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 2 2018, is amended to read as follows: 3 a. In developing studies and surveys the area education 4 agency board shall consult with the officials of school 5 districts in the area and other citizens, and shall from time 6 to time hold public hearings, and may employ such research and 7 other assistance as it may determine reasonably necessary in 8 order to properly carry on its survey and prepare definite 9 plans of reorganization. 10 Sec. 91. Section 275.9, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended 11 to read as follows: 12 1. When any school district is enlarged, reorganized, 13 or changes its boundaries pursuant to the plans hereinabove 14 provided for under sections 275.2 through 275.8 , such 15 enlargement, reorganization, or boundary change shall be 16 accomplished by the method hereinafter provided in this 17 subchapter . 18 Sec. 92. Section 275.13, Code 2018, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 275.13 Affidavit —— presumption. 21 Such petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit showing 22 the number of registered voters living in each affected 23 district or portion thereof described in the petition and 24 signed by a registered voter residing in the territory, and if 25 parts of the territory described in the petition are situated 26 in different area education agencies, the affidavit shall show 27 separately as to each agency, the number of registered voters 28 in the part of the agency included in the territory described. 29 The affidavit shall be taken as true unless objections to it 30 are filed on or before the time fixed for filing objections as 31 provided in section 275.14 hereof . 32 Sec. 93. Section 275.27, Code 2018, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 275.27 Community school districts —— part of area education 35 -44- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 44/ 106
H.F. _____ agency. 1 School districts created or enlarged under this chapter are 2 community school districts and are part of the area education 3 agency in which the greatest number of registered voters of the 4 district reside at the time of the special election called for 5 in section 275.18 , and sections of the Code applicable to the 6 common public or accredited nonpublic schools generally are 7 applicable to these districts in addition to the powers and 8 privileges conferred by this chapter . If a school district, 9 created or enlarged under this chapter and assigned to an area 10 education agency under this section , can demonstrate that 11 students in the district were utilizing a service or program 12 prior to the formation of the new or enlarged district that is 13 unavailable from the area education agency to which the new or 14 enlarged district is assigned, the district may be reassigned 15 to the area education agency which formerly provided the 16 service or program, upon an affirmative majority vote of the 17 boards of the affected area education agencies to permit the 18 change. 19 Sec. 94. Section 275.33, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended 20 to read as follows: 21 1. The terms of employment of superintendents, principals, 22 and teachers, for the school year following the effective date 23 of the formation of the new district shall not be affected by 24 the formation of the new district, except in accordance with 25 the provisions of sections 279.15 to through 279.18 and 279.24 26 and the authority and responsibility to offer new contracts or 27 to continue, modify, or terminate existing contracts pursuant 28 to sections 279.12 , 279.13 , 279.15 to through 279.21 , 279.23 , 29 and 279.24 for the school year beginning with the effective 30 date of the reorganization shall be transferred from the boards 31 of the existing districts to the board of the new district 32 on the third Tuesday of January prior to the school year the 33 reorganization is effective. 34 Sec. 95. Section 277.32, Code 2018, is amended to read as 35 -45- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 45/ 106
H.F. _____ follows: 1 277.32 Penalties. 2 Any school officer willfully violating any law relative to 3 common public or accredited nonpublic schools, or willfully 4 failing or refusing to perform any duty imposed by law, 5 shall forfeit and pay into the treasury of the particular 6 school corporation in which the violation occurs the sum of 7 twenty-five dollars, action to recover which shall be brought 8 in the name of the proper school corporation, and be applied to 9 the use of the schools therein. 10 Sec. 96. Section 279.16, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended 11 to read as follows: 12 3. The board shall not be bound by common law or statutory 13 rules of evidence or by technical or formal rules of procedure, 14 but it shall hold the hearing in such manner as is best 15 suited to ascertain and conserve the substantial rights of 16 the parties. Process and procedure under sections 279.13 to 17 through 279.19 shall be as summary as reasonably may be. 18 Sec. 97. Section 279.36, Code 2018, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 279.36 Publication procedures and fee. 21 1. The requirements of section 279.35 are satisfied by 22 publication in at least one newspaper published in the district 23 or, if there is none, in at least one newspaper having general 24 circulation within the district. 25 2. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987, the fee for 26 publications required under section 279.35 shall not exceed 27 three-fifths of the legal publication fee provided by statute 28 for the publication of legal notices. For the fiscal year 29 beginning July 1, 1988, the fee for the publications shall 30 not exceed three-fourths of that legal publication fee. For 31 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989, and each fiscal year 32 thereafter, the fee for the publications shall be the legal 33 publication fee provided by statute. 34 Sec. 98. Section 280.2, Code 2018, is amended to read as 35 -46- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 46/ 106
H.F. _____ follows: 1 280.2 Definitions. 2 The term “public school” means any school directly supported 3 in whole or in part by taxation. The term “nonpublic 4 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise 5 requires: 6 1. “Nonpublic school” means any other school , other than a 7 public school, which is accredited pursuant to section 256.11 . 8 2. “Public school” means any school directly supported in 9 whole or in part by taxation. 10 Sec. 99. Section 282.18, subsection 11, Code 2018, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 11. a. A pupil who participates in open enrollment for 13 purposes of attending a grade in grades nine through twelve 14 in a school district other than the district of residence is 15 ineligible to participate in varsity interscholastic athletic 16 contests and athletic competitions during the pupil’s first 17 ninety school days of enrollment in the district except that 18 the district. However, a pupil may participate immediately in 19 a varsity interscholastic sport if under any of the following 20 circumstances: 21 (1) If the pupil is entering grade nine for the first 22 time and did not participate in an interscholastic athletic 23 competition for another school or school district during the 24 summer immediately following eighth grade , if . 25 (2) If the district of residence and the other school 26 district jointly participate in the sport , if . 27 (3) If the sport in which the pupil wishes to participate is 28 not offered in the district of residence , if . 29 (4) If the pupil chooses to use open enrollment to attend 30 school in another school district because the district in which 31 the student previously attended school was dissolved and merged 32 with one or more contiguous school districts under section 33 256.11, subsection 12 , if . 34 (5) If the pupil participates in open enrollment because the 35 -47- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 47/ 106
H.F. _____ pupil’s district of residence has entered into a whole grade 1 sharing agreement with another district for the pupil’s grade , 2 if . 3 (6) If the parent or guardian of the pupil participating 4 in open enrollment is an active member of the armed forces and 5 resides in permanent housing on government property provided by 6 a branch of the armed services , or if . 7 (7) If the district of residence determines that the pupil 8 was previously subject to a founded incident of harassment or 9 bullying as defined in section 280.28 while attending school 10 in the district of residence. 11 b. A pupil who has paid tuition and attended school, or 12 has attended school pursuant to a mutual agreement between the 13 two districts, in a district other than the pupil’s district 14 of residence for at least one school year is also eligible to 15 participate immediately in interscholastic athletic contests 16 and athletic competitions under this section , but only as a 17 member of a team from the district that pupil had attended. 18 c. For purposes of this subsection , “school days of 19 enrollment” does not include enrollment in summer school. For 20 purposes of this subsection , “varsity” means the same as defined 21 in section 256.46 . 22 Sec. 100. Section 284.1, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2018, 23 is amended to read as follows: 24 A student achievement and teacher quality program is 25 established to promote high student achievement. The program 26 shall consist of the following four major elements: 27 Sec. 101. Section 284.3A, subsection 3, Code 2018, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 3. A school district or area education agency shall not 30 be required to maintain a separate account within its budget 31 based on source of funds for payments received and expenditures 32 made pursuant to this section . The school district or area 33 education agency shall annually certify to the department of 34 education that funding received pursuant to sections 257.10 and 35 -48- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 48/ 106
H.F. _____ 257.37A was expended on salaries for qualified teachers. 1 Sec. 102. Section 284.6, subsection 9, Code 2018, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 9. Moneys received pursuant to section 257.10, subsection 4 10 , or section 257.37A, subsection 2 , shall be maintained 5 as a separate listing within a school district’s or area 6 education agency’s budget for funds received and expenditures 7 made pursuant to this subsection . The department shall not 8 require a school district or area education agency to allocate 9 a specific amount or percentage of moneys received pursuant to 10 section 257.10, subsection 10 , or section 257.37A, subsection 11 2 , for professional development related to implementation of 12 the core curriculum under section 256.7, subsection 26 . A 13 school district shall certify to the department of education 14 how the school district allocated the funds and that moneys 15 received under this subsection were used to supplement, not 16 supplant, the professional development opportunities the school 17 district would otherwise make available. For budget years 18 beginning on or after July 1, 2017, all or a portion of the 19 moneys received pursuant to section 257.10, subsection 10 , that 20 remain unexpended and unobligated at the end of a fiscal year 21 may, pursuant to section 257.10, subsection 10 , paragraph “d” , 22 be transferred for deposit in the school district’s flexibility 23 account established under section 298A.2, subsection 2 . 24 Sec. 103. Section 284.13, subsection 1, paragraph d, 25 subparagraph (1), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2018, is amended 26 to read as follows: 27 For the following years, to the department of education , for 28 purposes of teacher leadership supplemental aid payments to 29 school districts for implementing the career paths, leadership 30 roles, and compensation framework or comparable system approved 31 in accordance with section 284.15, subsection 6 , the following 32 amounts: 33 Sec. 104. Section 284.13, subsection 1, paragraph g, Code 34 2018, is amended to read as follows: 35 -49- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 49/ 106
H.F. _____ g. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and for each 1 subsequent fiscal year, to the department of education , ten 2 million dollars for purposes of implementing the supplemental 3 assistance for high-need schools provisions of section 284.11 . 4 Annually, of the moneys allocated to the department for 5 purposes of this paragraph, up to one hundred thousand dollars 6 may be used by the department for administrative purposes and 7 for not more than one full-time equivalent position. 8 Sec. 105. Section 294.1, Code 2018, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 294.1 Qualifications —— compensation prohibited. 11 1. No A person shall not be employed as a teacher in a 12 common public or accredited nonpublic school without having a 13 certificate issued by some officer duly authorized by law. 14 2. No compensation Compensation shall not be recovered by a 15 teacher for services rendered while without such certificate. 16 Sec. 106. Section 303.8, Code 2018, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 303.8 Powers and duties of board and division department . 19 1. The state historical society board of trustees shall: 20 a. Recommend to the state historical society a 21 comprehensive, coordinated, and efficient policy to preserve, 22 research, interpret, and promote to the public an awareness and 23 understanding of local, state, and regional history. 24 b. Make recommendations to the division administrator on 25 historically related matters. 26 c. Review and recommend to the director or the director’s 27 designee policy decisions regarding the division. 28 d. Recommend to the state historic preservation officer for 29 approval the state preservation plan. 30 e. Perform other functions prescribed by law to further 31 historically related matters in the state. 32 2. The department shall: 33 a. Have authority to acquire by fee simple title historic 34 properties by gift, purchase, devise, or bequest; preserve, 35 -50- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 50/ 106
H.F. _____ restore, transfer, and administer historic properties; and 1 charge reasonable admission to historic properties. 2 b. Maintain research centers in Des Moines and Iowa City. 3 Sec. 107. Section 303.18, subsection 1, Code 2018, is 4 amended to read as follows: 5 1. The state historic preservation officer shall only 6 recommend that a rural electric cooperative or a municipal 7 utility constructing electric distribution and transmission 8 facilities for which it is receiving federal funding conduct 9 an archeological site survey of its proposed route when, based 10 upon a review of existing information on historic properties 11 within the area of potential effects of the construction, the 12 state historic preservation officer has determined that a 13 historic property, as defined by the federal National Historic 14 Preservation Act of 1966, Pub. L. No. 89-665, as amended and 15 codified at 16 U.S.C. §470 et seq. , is likely to exist within 16 the proposed route. 17 Sec. 108. Section 314.21, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 18 2018, is amended to read as follows: 19 a. The living roadway trust fund is created in the office 20 of the treasurer of state. The moneys in this fund shall 21 be used exclusively for the development and implementation 22 of integrated roadside vegetation plans. Except as provided 23 in subsections 2 and 3 , the moneys shall only be expended 24 for areas on or adjacent to road, street, and highway 25 right-of-ways. The state department of transportation in 26 consultation with the department of natural resources shall 27 establish standards relating to the type of projects available 28 for assistance. For the fiscal period beginning July 1, 1988, 29 and ending March 31, 1990, the moneys in the fund shall be 30 expended as follows: fifty-six percent on state department of 31 transportation projects; thirty percent on county projects; and 32 fourteen percent on city projects. 33 Sec. 109. Section 321.105, subsection 5, Code 2018, is 34 amended to read as follows: 35 -51- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 51/ 106
H.F. _____ 5. Seriously disabled veterans who have been provided with 1 an automobile or other vehicle by the United States government 2 under the provisions of §1901 1903, Tit. 38 of the United 3 States Code, 38 U.S.C. §1901 et seq. (1970) §3901 3904 , shall 4 be exempt from payment of the registration fee provided in this 5 chapter for that vehicle, and shall be provided, without fee, 6 with one set of regular registration plates or one set of any 7 type of special registration plates associated with service in 8 the United States armed forces for which the disabled veteran 9 qualifies under section 321.34 . The disabled veteran, to be 10 able to claim the benefit, must be a resident of the state 11 of Iowa. In lieu of the set of regular or special military 12 registration plates available without fee, the disabled veteran 13 may obtain a set of nonmilitary special registration plates or 14 personalized plates issued under section 321.34 by paying the 15 additional fees associated with those plates. 16 Sec. 110. Section 321.145, subsection 2, paragraph a, 17 subparagraph (3), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 18 (3) The amounts required to be transferred pursuant to 19 section 321.34 from revenues available under this subsection 20 shall be transferred and credited as provided in section 21 321.34 , subsections 7, 10, 10A, 11, 11A, 11B, 13, 16, 17, 22 18, 19, 20, 20A, 20B, 20C, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 for the 23 various purposes specified in those subsections that section . 24 Sec. 111. Section 321.237, Code 2018, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 321.237 Signs —— requirement —— notice. 27 1. A traffic ordinance or regulation enacted under section 28 321.236, subsection 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, or 13 , shall not be 29 effective until signs, giving notice of such local traffic 30 regulations as specified in the department manual on uniform 31 traffic-control devices, are posted upon or at the entrances to 32 the highway or part thereof affected as may be most appropriate 33 and shall be erected at the expense of the local authority. 34 2. When a city has adopted an ordinance as authorized 35 -52- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 52/ 106
H.F. _____ in section 321.236, subsection 12 , or an ordinance which 1 prohibits standing or parking of vehicles upon a street or 2 streets during any time when snow-removal operations are in 3 progress and before such operations have resulted in the 4 removal or clearance of snow from such street or streets, 5 signs as specified in the above department manual on uniform 6 traffic-control devices , posted as hereinabove provided 7 in subsection 1 , shall be deemed sufficient notice of the 8 existence of such restrictions. 9 Sec. 112. Section 321.278, Code 2018, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 321.278 Drag racing prohibited. 12 1. a. No A person shall engage not do any of the following: 13 (1) Engage in any motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition 14 of speed on any street or highway of this state and no person 15 shall aid . 16 (2) Aid or abet any motor vehicle speed contest or speed 17 exhibition of speed on any street or highway of this state , 18 except that a . 19 b. A passenger shall not be considered as aiding and 20 abetting. Motor vehicle speed contest 21 c. As used in this section, “motor vehicle speed contest” 22 or exhibition of speed are defined as “exhibition of speed” 23 means one or more persons competing in speed in excess of the 24 applicable speed limit in vehicles on the public streets or 25 highways. 26 2. Any person who violates the provisions of this section 27 shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 28 Sec. 113. Section 321.290, Code 2018, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 321.290 Special restrictions. 31 1. Whenever the department shall determine upon the basis of 32 an engineering and traffic investigation that any speed limit 33 hereinbefore set forth in this chapter is greater or less than 34 is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at 35 -53- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 53/ 106
H.F. _____ any intersection or other place or upon any part of the primary 1 road system or upon any part of a primary road extension, 2 said the department shall determine and declare a reasonable 3 and safe speed limit thereat which shall be effective when 4 appropriate signs giving notice thereof of the speed limit are 5 erected at such intersection or other place or part of the 6 highway. 7 2. Whenever the council in any city shall determine upon 8 the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any 9 speed limit hereinbefore set forth in this chapter is greater 10 or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found 11 to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of 12 the city street system, except primary road extensions, said 13 council shall determine and adopt by ordinance such higher or 14 lower speed limit as it deems reasonable and safe thereat . 15 Such speed limit shall be effective when proper and appropriate 16 signs giving notice thereof of the speed limit are erected at 17 such intersections or other place or part of the street. 18 Sec. 114. Section 321E.12, subsection 3, Code 2018, is 19 amended to read as follows: 20 3. Vehicles, while being used for the transportation of 21 buildings other than mobile homes and factory-built structures, 22 may be registered for the combined gross weight of the vehicle 23 and load on a single-trip basis. The fee is five cents per ton 24 exceeding the weight registered under section 321.122 per mile 25 of travel. Fees shall not be prorated for fractions of miles. 26 This provision subsection does not exempt these vehicles from 27 any other provision of this chapter . 28 Sec. 115. Section 321G.13, subsection 2, paragraph b, 29 subparagraph (2), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 30 (2) If a A person may operate or ride on a snowmobile with 31 a loaded pistol or revolver, whether concealed or not, if the 32 person is operating or riding a the snowmobile on land that is 33 not owned or possessed by the person , the person may operate or 34 ride the snowmobile with a loaded pistol or revolver, whether 35 -54- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 54/ 106
H.F. _____ concealed or not , and the person’s conduct is otherwise lawful. 1 Sec. 116. Section 321I.14, subsection 2, paragraph b, 2 subparagraph (2), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 3 (2) If a A person may operate or ride on an all-terrain 4 vehicle with a loaded pistol or revolver, whether concealed or 5 not, if the person is operating or riding an the all-terrain 6 vehicle on land that is not owned or possessed by the person , 7 the person may operate or ride the all-terrain vehicle with a 8 loaded pistol or revolver, whether concealed or not , and the 9 person’s conduct is otherwise lawful. 10 Sec. 117. Section 321J.20, subsection 3, Code 2018, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 3. If a In addition to other penalties provided by law, a 13 person’s temporary restricted license shall be revoked if the 14 person is required to install an ignition interlock device or 15 participate in a program established pursuant to chapter 901D 16 operates and the person does any of the following: 17 a. Operates a motor vehicle which does not have an approved 18 ignition interlock device or . 19 b. Operates a motor vehicle while not in compliance with the 20 program , or if the person tampers . 21 c. Tampers with or circumvents an ignition interlock device , 22 in addition to other penalties provided, the person’s temporary 23 restricted license shall be revoked . 24 Sec. 118. Section 321L.2, subsection 5, Code 2018, is 25 amended to read as follows: 26 5. A seriously disabled veteran who has been provided with 27 an automobile or other vehicle by the United States government 28 under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. §1901 et seq. (1970) §3901 29 3904 is not required to apply for a persons with disabilities 30 parking permit under this section unless the veteran has been 31 issued special registration plates or personalized plates for 32 the vehicle. The regular registration plates issued for the 33 disabled veteran’s vehicle without fee pursuant to section 34 321.105 entitle the disabled veteran to all of the rights and 35 -55- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 55/ 106
H.F. _____ privileges associated with persons with disabilities parking 1 permits under this chapter . 2 Sec. 119. Section 327G.79, subsection 1, Code 2018, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 1. The department of inspections and appeals’ determination 5 and order shall be just and equitable and , in the case of the 6 determination of the fair market value of the property, shall 7 be based in part upon at least three independent appraisals 8 prepared by certified appraisers. Each party shall select one 9 appraiser and each appraisal shall be paid for by the party 10 for whom the appraisal is prepared. The two appraisers shall 11 select a third appraiser and the costs of this appraisal shall 12 be divided equally between the parties. If the appraisers 13 selected by the parties cannot agree on selection of a third 14 appraiser, the state department of transportation shall appoint 15 a third appraiser and the costs of this appraisal shall be 16 divided equally between the parties. 17 Sec. 120. Section 350.10, Code 2018, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 350.10 Statutes applicable. 20 Sections 461A.35 through 461A.57 apply to all lands and 21 waters under the control of a county conservation board, in 22 the same manner as if the lands and waters were state parks, 23 lands, or waters. As used in sections 461A.35 through 461A.57 , 24 “natural resource commission” includes a county conservation 25 board, and “director” includes a county conservation board 26 or its director, with respect to lands or waters under the 27 control of a county conservation board. However, sections 28 461A.35 through 461A.57 may be modified or superseded by rules 29 regulations adopted as provided in section 350.5 . 30 Sec. 121. Section 351.36, Code 2018, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 351.36 Enforcement. 33 Local health and law enforcement officials shall enforce 34 the provisions of sections 351.33 to , 351.35, this section, 35 -56- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 56/ 106
H.F. _____ and sections 351.37 through 351.43 relating to vaccination 1 and impoundment of dogs. Such public officials shall not be 2 responsible for any accident or disease of a dog resulting from 3 the enforcement of the provisions of said sections. 4 Sec. 122. Section 351.42, Code 2018, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 351.42 Exempt dogs. 7 Dogs that are under the control of the owner or handlers and 8 which are in transit, or are to be exhibited shall be exempt 9 from the vaccination provisions of these sections if they are 10 within the state for less than thirty days. Dogs assigned 11 to a research institution or a like facility shall be exempt 12 from the provisions of sections 351.33 to and 351.35, sections 13 351.36 through 351.41, this section, and section 351.43 . 14 Sec. 123. Section 351.43, Code 2018, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 351.43 Penalty. 17 Any person refusing to comply with the provisions of 18 sections section 351.33 to , or sections 351.35 through 351.42 19 or violating any of their provisions, shall be deemed guilty 20 of a simple misdemeanor. 21 Sec. 124. Section 358.11, Code 2018, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 358.11 Sanitary district to be a body corporate. 24 1. Each sanitary district organized under this chapter 25 shall be a body corporate and politic, with the name and 26 style under which it was organized, and by such name and 27 style may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, 28 acquire and hold real and personal property necessary for 29 corporate purposes, adopt a corporate seal and alter the same 30 at pleasure, and exercise all the powers conferred in this 31 chapter . 32 2. All courts of this state shall take judicial notice of 33 the existence of sanitary districts organized hereunder under 34 this chapter . 35 -57- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 57/ 106
H.F. _____ Sec. 125. Section 400.21, Code 2018, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 400.21 Notice of appeal. 3 If the appeal be taken by the person removed, discharged, 4 demoted, or suspended, notice thereof of the appeal , signed by 5 the appellant and specifying the ruling appealed from, shall be 6 filed with the clerk of the commission ; if . If the appeal is 7 taken by the person making such removal, discharge, demotion, 8 or suspension, such notice shall also be served upon the person 9 removed, discharged, demoted, or suspended. 10 Sec. 126. Section 400.27, subsection 4, Code 2018, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 4. The appeal to the district court shall be perfected 13 by filing a notice of appeal with the clerk of the district 14 court within the time prescribed in this section and by serving 15 notice of appeal on the clerk of the civil service commission, 16 from whose ruling or decision the appeal is taken. 17 Sec. 127. Section 411.6C, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code 18 2018, is amended to read as follows: 19 b. The eligible member’s selection of a plan termination 20 date. The plan termination date shall be either three, 21 four, or five years after the date the eligible member 22 commences membership in the plan. However, for the two-year 23 period beginning with the first of the month following the 24 implementation date of this section April 1, 2007 , an eligible 25 member between sixty-two and sixty-four years of age may also 26 select a plan termination date that is one or two years after 27 the date the eligible member commences membership in the plan. 28 Sec. 128. Section 420.207, Code 2018, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 420.207 Taxation in general. 31 Sections 426A.11 through 426A.15 , 427.1 , 427.8 to through 32 427.11 , 428.4 , 428.20 , 428.22 , 428.23 , 437.1 , 437.3 , 441.21 , 33 443.1 to through 443.3 , 444.2 through 444.4 , and 447.9 to 34 through 447.13 , so far as applicable, apply to cities acting 35 -58- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 58/ 106
H.F. _____ under special charters. 1 Sec. 129. Section 422.7, subsection 2, paragraph i, Code 2 2018, is amended to read as follows: 3 i. Iowa finance authority E911 911 program bonds pursuant to 4 section 34A.20, subsection 6 . 5 Sec. 130. Section 422.32, subsection 2, Code 2018, is 6 amended to read as follows: 7 2. The words, terms, and phrases defined in section 422.4, 8 subsections 4 to through 6, 8, 9, 13, and 15 to through 17 , when 9 used in this division , shall have the meanings ascribed to them 10 in said section except where the context clearly indicates a 11 different meaning. 12 Sec. 131. Section 422D.3, Code 2018, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 422D.3 Administration. 15 1. A local income surtax shall be imposed January 1 of 16 the fiscal year in which the favorable election was held for 17 tax years beginning on or after January 1, and is repealed as 18 provided in section 422D.1, subsection 4 , as of December 31 for 19 tax years beginning after December 31. 20 2. The director of revenue shall administer the local 21 income surtax as nearly as possible in conjunction with the 22 administration of state income tax laws. The director shall 23 provide on the regular state tax forms for reporting local 24 income surtax. 25 3. An ordinance imposing a local income surtax shall adopt 26 by reference the applicable provisions of the appropriate 27 sections of chapter 422, division II . All powers and 28 requirements of the director in administering the state income 29 tax law apply to the administration of a local income surtax, 30 including but not limited to, the provisions of sections 422.4 , 31 422.20 to through 422.31 , 422.68 , 422.70 , and 422.72 to through 32 422.75 . Local officials shall confer with the director of 33 revenue for assistance in drafting the ordinance imposing a 34 local income surtax. A certified copy of the ordinance shall 35 -59- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 59/ 106
H.F. _____ be filed with the director as soon as possible after passage. 1 4. The director, in consultation with local officials, 2 shall collect and account for a local income surtax and any 3 interest and penalties. The director shall credit local income 4 surtax receipts and any interest and penalties collected from 5 returns filed on or before November 1 of the calendar year 6 following the tax year for which the local income surtax is 7 imposed to a “local local income surtax fund” fund established 8 in the department of revenue. All local income surtax receipts 9 and any interest and penalties received or refunded from 10 returns filed after November 1 of the calendar year following 11 the tax year for which the local income surtax is imposed shall 12 be deposited in or withdrawn from the state general fund and 13 shall be considered part of the cost of administering the local 14 income surtax. 15 Sec. 132. Section 423.3, subsection 47A, Code 2018, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 47A. a. Subject to paragraph “b” , the The sales price from 18 the sale or rental of central office equipment or transmission 19 equipment primarily used by local exchange carriers and 20 competitive local exchange service providers as defined in 21 section 476.96 ; by franchised cable television operators, 22 mutual companies, municipal utilities, cooperatives, and 23 companies furnishing communications services that are not 24 subject to rate regulation as provided in chapter 476 ; by 25 long distance companies as defined in section 477.10 ; or for 26 a commercial mobile radio service as defined in 47 C.F.R.§20.3 27 in the furnishing of telecommunications services on a commercial basis. For the purposes of this subsection , 29 “central office equipment” means equipment utilized in the 30 initiating, processing, amplifying, switching, or monitoring 31 of telecommunications services. “Transmission equipment” means 32 equipment utilized in the process of sending information from 33 one location to another location. “Central office equipment” 34 and “transmission equipment” also include ancillary equipment 35 -60- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 60/ 106
H.F. _____ and apparatus which support, regulate, control, repair, test, 1 or enable such equipment to accomplish its function. 2 b. The exemption in this subsection shall be phased in by 3 means of tax refunds as follows: 4 (1) If the sale or rental occurs on or after July 1, 2006, 5 through June 30, 2007, one-seventh of the state tax on the 6 sales price shall be refunded. 7 (2) If the sale or rental occurs on or after July 1, 2007, 8 through June 30, 2008, two-sevenths of the state tax on the 9 sales price shall be refunded. 10 (3) If the sale or rental occurs on or after July 1, 2008, 11 through June 30, 2009, three-sevenths of the state tax on the 12 sales price shall be refunded. 13 (4) If the sale or rental occurs on or after July 1, 2009, 14 through June 30, 2010, four-sevenths of the state tax on the 15 sales price shall be refunded. 16 (5) If the sale or rental occurs on or after July 1, 2010, 17 through June 30, 2011, five-sevenths of the state tax on the 18 sales price shall be refunded. 19 (6) If the sale or rental occurs on or after July 1, 2011, 20 through June 30, 2012, six-sevenths of the state tax on the 21 sales price shall be refunded. 22 (7) If the sale or rental occurs on or after July 1, 2012, 23 the sales price is exempt and no payment of tax and subsequent 24 refund are required. 25 c. For sales or rentals occurring on or after July 1, 2006, 26 through June 30, 2012, a refund of the tax paid as provided in 27 paragraph “b” , subparagraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), or (6), 28 must be applied for, not later than six months after the month 29 in which the sale or rental occurred, in the manner and on the 30 forms provided by the department. Refunds shall only be of the 31 state tax collected. Refunds authorized shall accrue interest 32 at the rate in effect under section 421.7 from the first day of 33 the second calendar month following the date the refund claim 34 is received by the department. 35 -61- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 61/ 106
H.F. _____ Sec. 133. Section 423.3, subsection 69A, Code 2018, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 69A. The sales price from surcharges paid for E911 911 3 service and wireless E911 911 service pursuant to chapter 34A . 4 Sec. 134. Section 423.8, Code 2018, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 423.8 Legislative finding and intent. 7 1. The general assembly finds that Iowa should enter into 8 an agreement with one or more states to simplify and modernize 9 sales and use tax administration in order to substantially 10 reduce the burden of tax compliance for all sellers and for all 11 types of commerce. 12 2. It is the intent of the general assembly that 13 entering into this agreement will lead to simplification 14 and modernization of the sales and use tax law and not to 15 the imposition of new taxes or an increase or decrease in 16 the existing number of exemptions, unless such a result 17 is unavoidable under the terms of the agreement. Entering 18 into this agreement should not cause businesses to sustain 19 additional administrative burden. 20 3. It is the intent of the general assembly to provide 21 Iowa sellers impacted by the agreement with the assistance 22 necessary to alleviate administrative burdens that result 23 in participation in the agreement. The director and the 24 Iowa streamlined sales tax advisory council shall provide 25 recommendations to address the new administrative burden 26 identified in the Iowa streamlined sales tax advisory council 27 2005 report submitted to the Iowa general assembly. The 28 recommendations must be submitted to the general assembly by 29 January 1, 2007, and shall include the expenses associated and 30 all relevant data including but not limited to the number of 31 intrastate sellers impacted by the agreement. 32 Sec. 135. Section 425.9, Code 2018, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 425.9 Credits in excess of tax —— appeals —— refunds. 35 -62- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 62/ 106
H.F. _____ 1. If the amount of credit apportioned to any homestead 1 under the provisions of this chapter in any year shall exceed 2 the total tax, exclusive of any special assessments levied 3 against said homestead, then such excess shall be remitted 4 by the county treasurer to the department of revenue to be 5 redeposited in the homestead credit fund and be reallocated the 6 following year by the department as provided hereunder in this 7 chapter . 8 2. If any claim for credit made hereunder has been denied 9 by the board of supervisors, and such action is subsequently 10 reversed on appeal, the credit shall be allowed on the 11 homestead involved in said appeal, and the director of revenue, 12 the county auditor, and the county treasurer shall make such 13 credit and change their books and records accordingly. 14 3. In the event the appealing taxpayer has paid one or both 15 of the installments of the tax payable in the year or years in 16 question on such homestead valuation, remittance shall be made 17 to such taxpayer of the amount of such credit. 18 4. The amount of such credit shall be allocated and paid 19 from the surplus redeposited in the homestead credit fund 20 provided for in the first paragraph of this section subsection 21 1 . 22 Sec. 136. Section 425.10, Code 2018, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 425.10 Reversal of allowed claim. 25 In the event any claim is allowed, and subsequently reversed 26 on appeal, any credit made thereunder shall be void, and the 27 amount of such credit shall be charged against the property in 28 question, and the director of revenue, the county auditor, and 29 the county treasurer are authorized and directed to correct 30 their books and records accordingly. The amount of such 31 erroneous credit, when collected, shall be returned by the 32 county treasurer to the homestead credit fund to be reallocated 33 the following year as provided herein in this chapter . 34 Sec. 137. Section 426A.13, subsection 1, Code 2018, is 35 -63- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 63/ 106
H.F. _____ amended to read as follows: 1 1. A person named in section 426A.11 , who is a resident of 2 and domiciled in the state of Iowa, shall receive a reduction 3 equal to the exemption, to be made from any property owned by 4 the person or owned by a family farm corporation of which the 5 person is a shareholder and occupant of the property and so 6 designated by proceeding as provided in the this section. To 7 be eligible to receive the exemption, the person claiming it 8 shall have recorded in the office of the county recorder of 9 the county in which is located the property designated for the 10 exemption, evidence of property ownership by that person or the 11 family farm corporation of which the person is a shareholder 12 and the military certificate of satisfactory service, order 13 transferring to inactive status, reserve, retirement, order of 14 separation from service, honorable discharge or a copy of any 15 of these documents of the person claiming or through whom is 16 claimed the exemption. In the case of a person claiming the 17 exemption as a veteran described in section 35.1, subsection 2 , 18 paragraph “b” , subparagraph (6) or (7), the person shall file 19 the statement required by section 35.2 . 20 Sec. 138. Section 427.1, subsection 21A, Code 2018, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 21A. Dwelling unit property owned by community housing 23 development organization. Dwelling unit property owned and 24 managed by a community housing development organization, as 25 recognized by the state of Iowa and the federal government 26 pursuant to criteria for community housing development 27 organization designation contained in the HOME program of 28 the federal National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, if the 29 organization is also a nonprofit organization exempt from 30 federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 31 Revenue Code and owns and manages more than one hundred fifty 32 dwelling units that are located in a city with a population 33 of more than one hundred ten thousand. For the 2005 and 2006 34 assessment years, an application is not required to be filed to 35 -64- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 64/ 106
H.F. _____ receive the exemption. For the 2007 and subsequent assessment 1 years, an application for exemption must be filed with the 2 assessing authority not later than February 1 of the assessment 3 year for which the exemption is sought. Upon the filing and 4 allowance of the claim, the claim shall be allowed on the 5 property for successive years without further filing as long as 6 the property continues to qualify for the exemption. 7 Sec. 139. Section 427B.17, subsections 5 and 8, Code 2018, 8 are amended to read as follows: 9 5. Property assessed pursuant to this section shall not be 10 eligible to receive a partial exemption under sections 427B.1 11 to 427B.6 through 427B.5 . 12 8. a. This section shall not apply to property assessed 13 by the department of revenue pursuant to sections 428.24 to 14 through 428.29 , or chapters 433 , 434 , 437 , 437A , 437B , and 15 438 , and such property shall not receive the benefits of this 16 section . 17 b. Any electric power generating plant which operated during 18 the preceding assessment year at a net capacity factor of more 19 than twenty percent, shall not receive the benefits of this 20 section or of section 15.332 . 21 Sec. 140. Section 453A.47A, subsection 6, Code 2018, is 22 amended to read as follows: 23 6. Issuance. Cities may issue retail permits to retailers 24 located within their respective limits. County boards of 25 supervisors may issue retail permits to retailers located in 26 their respective counties, outside of the corporate limits of 27 cities. The city or county shall submit a duplicate of any 28 application for a retail permit to the alcoholic beverages 29 division of the department of commerce within thirty days of 30 issuance of a permit . The alcoholic beverages division of the 31 department of commerce shall submit the current list of all 32 retail permits issued to the Iowa department of public health 33 by the last day of each quarter of a state fiscal year. 34 Sec. 141. Section 455A.9, Code 2018, is amended to read as 35 -65- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 65/ 106
H.F. _____ follows: 1 455A.9 Fees —— publications. 2 1. The department may establish a schedule of fees for 3 subscriptions to publications produced by the department, 4 including periodicals. However, this subsection section does 5 not apply to application forms and materials intended for 6 general distribution which explain departmental programs or 7 duties. 8 2. Fees shall be based on the amount required to recover the 9 reasonable costs of producing a publication, including costs 10 relating to preparing, printing, publishing, and distributing 11 the publication. 12 Sec. 142. Section 455G.31, subsection 3, Code 2018, is 13 amended to read as follows: 14 3. a. A retail dealer may use a dispenser that does not 15 satisfy the requirement in subsection 2 to dispense ethanol 16 blended gasoline classified as higher than E-10 if any of the 17 following applies: 18 a. Reserved. 19 b. (1) The the dispenser’s manufacturer has submitted the 20 dispenser to an independent testing laboratory to be listed as 21 compatible for use with E-85 gasoline. In addition, the retail 22 dealer must install an under-dispenser containment system with 23 electronic monitoring. The under-dispenser containment system 24 shall comply with applicable rules adopted by the department of 25 natural resources and the state fire marshal. 26 (2) b. If within ten years from the date that a dispenser 27 described in subparagraph (1) paragraph “a” is installed, 28 the same model of dispenser is listed as compatible for use 29 with E-85 gasoline by an independent testing laboratory, 30 the dispenser shall be deemed as compatible for use with 31 ethanol blended gasoline classified as E-9 or higher up to 32 and including E-85 by the department of natural resources 33 and the state fire marshal. However, if after that time, 34 the same model of dispenser is not listed as compatible for 35 -66- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 66/ 106
H.F. _____ use with E-85 gasoline by an independent testing laboratory, 1 subparagraph (1) paragraph “a” no longer applies , and the retail 2 dealer must do any of the following: 3 (a) Upgrade upgrade or replace the dispenser as necessary to 4 be listed as compatible for use with E-85 gasoline. 5 (b) Comply with the requirements in paragraph “a” . 6 Sec. 143. Section 465C.3, Code 2018, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 465C.3 Membership. 9 1. The board shall be composed of seven members, six of 10 which shall be appointed by the governor. The commission, the 11 conservation committee of the Iowa academy of science, and the 12 state historical society shall submit to the governor a list of 13 possible appointments. Members shall be selected from persons 14 with a demonstrated interest in the preservation of natural 15 lands and waters, and historic sites. The director shall serve 16 as one member of the board. Any vacancies on the board shall be 17 filled, for the remainder of the term vacated, by appointment 18 by the governor provided by this chapter . 19 2. The first members appointed after the effective date 20 of this chapter shall serve as follows: Two members to serve 21 until July 1, 1968; two members to serve until July 1, 1969; 22 two members to serve until July 1, 1970, and the director shall 23 serve as long as the director is director. Members shall 24 serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. The 25 director shall serve as long as the director is director. As 26 terms of members so appointed expire, their successors shall 27 be appointed for terms to expire three years thereafter. Any 28 member who has served two consecutive full terms will not be 29 eligible for reappointment for a period of one year following 30 the expiration of the member’s second term. 31 Sec. 144. Section 466B.31, subsection 3, paragraph c, Code 32 2018, is amended to read as follows: 33 c. Facilitating the implementation of total maximum daily 34 loads, urban storm water control programs, and nonpoint source 35 -67- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 67/ 106
H.F. _____ management practices required or authorized under the federal 1 Water Pollution Control Act. This paragraph shall not be 2 construed to obviate the requirement to develop a total maximum 3 daily load for waters that do not meet water quality standards 4 as required by section 303(d) of the federal Water Pollution 5 Control Act or to delay implementation of a total maximum 6 daily load that has been approved by the department of natural 7 resources and the director. 8 Sec. 145. Section 476.44, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 9 2018, is amended to read as follows: 10 a. An electric utility subject to this subchapter , except 11 a utility that elects rate regulation pursuant to section 12 476.1A , shall not be required to own or purchase, at any one 13 time, more than its share of one hundred five megawatts of 14 power from alternative alternate energy production facilities 15 or small hydro facilities at the rates established pursuant to 16 section 476.43 . The board shall allocate the one hundred five 17 megawatts based upon each utility’s percentage of the total 18 Iowa retail peak demand, for the year beginning January 1, 19 1990, of all utilities subject to this section . If a utility 20 undergoes reorganization as defined in section 476.76 , the 21 board shall combine the allocated purchases of power for each 22 utility involved in the reorganization. 23 Sec. 146. Section 476.46, subsection 2, paragraph d, 24 subparagraph (1), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 25 (1) A gas or electric utility that is not required to be 26 rate-regulated shall not be eligible for a loan under this 27 section . However, gas and electric utilities not required 28 to be rate-regulated shall be eligible for loans from moneys 29 remitted to the fund except as provided in subsection 3 . Such 30 loans shall be limited to a maximum of five hundred thousand 31 dollars per applicant and shall be limited to one loan every 32 two years. 33 Sec. 147. Section 478.19, Code 2018, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -68- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 68/ 106
H.F. _____ 478.19 Manner of construction. 1 1. Such Transmission lines shall be built of strong and 2 proper wires attached to strong and sufficient supports 3 properly insulated at all points of attachment; all wires, 4 poles, and other devices which by ordinary wear or other causes 5 are no longer safe shall be removed and replaced by new wires, 6 poles, or other devices, as the case may be, and all abandoned 7 wires, poles, or other devices shall be at once removed. Where 8 wires carrying current are carried across, either above or 9 below wires used for other service, the said transmission 10 line shall be constructed in such manner as to eliminate, so 11 far as practicable, damages to persons or property by reason 12 of said crossing. There shall also be installed sufficient 13 devices to automatically shut off electric current through 14 said transmission line whenever connection is made whereby 15 current is transmitted from the wires of said transmission line 16 to the ground, and there shall also be provided a safe and 17 modern improved device for the protection of said line against 18 lightning. The utilities board shall have power to make and 19 enforce such further and additional rules relating to location, 20 construction, operation and maintenance of said transmission 21 line lines as may be reasonable. 22 2. All transmission lines, wires or cables outside of 23 cities for the transmission, distribution or sale of electric 24 current at any voltage shall be constructed and maintained in 25 accordance with standards adopted by rule by the utilities 26 board. 27 Sec. 148. Section 479.7, Code 2018, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 479.7 Hearing —— notice. 30 1. Upon the filing of said the petition , the board shall 31 fix a date for hearing thereon on the petition and shall cause 32 notice thereof of hearing to be published in some newspaper 33 of general circulation in each county through which said the 34 proposed line or lines or gas storage facilities will extend ; 35 -69- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 69/ 106
H.F. _____ said . The notice to shall be published for two consecutive 1 weeks. 2 2. Where a petition seeks the use of the right of eminent 3 domain over specific parcels of real property, the board shall 4 prescribe the notice to be served upon the owners of record and 5 parties in possession of the property over which the use of the 6 right of eminent domain is sought. The notice shall include 7 the statement of individual rights required pursuant to section 8 6B.2A . 9 Sec. 149. Section 480.4, subsection 1, paragraph c, 10 subparagraph (8), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 11 (8) If known, the quarter section, E911 911 address and 12 global positioning system coordinate, name of property owner, 13 name of housing development with street address or block and 14 lot numbers, or both. 15 Sec. 150. Section 481A.32, Code 2018, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 481A.32 Violations —— penalties. 18 1. Whoever shall take, catch, kill, injure, destroy, have 19 A person who does any of the following is guilty of a simple 20 misdemeanor and shall be assessed a minimum fine of twenty 21 dollars for each offense for which no other punishment is 22 provided: 23 a. Takes, catches, kills, injures, destroys, has in 24 possession, buy, sell, ship, or transport buys, sells, ships, 25 or transports any frogs, fish, mussels, birds, their nests, 26 eggs, or plumage, fowls, game, or animals or their fur or raw 27 pelt in violation of the provisions of this chapter or of 28 administrative rules of the commission or whoever shall use . 29 b. Uses any device, equipment, seine, trap, net, tackle, 30 firearm, drug, poison, explosive, or other substance or means, 31 the use of which is prohibited by this chapter , or use the 32 same . 33 c. Uses any device, equipment, seine, trap, net, tackle, 34 firearm, drug, poison, explosive, or other substance or means 35 -70- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 70/ 106
H.F. _____ at a time, place, or in a manner or for a purpose prohibited , 1 or do . 2 d. Does any other act in violation of the provisions of 3 this chapter or of administrative rules of the commission for 4 which no other punishment is provided, is guilty of a simple 5 misdemeanor and shall be assessed a minimum fine of twenty 6 dollars for each offense . 7 2. Each fish, fowl, bird, bird’s nest, egg, or plumage, and 8 animal unlawfully caught, taken, killed, injured, destroyed, 9 possessed, bought, sold, or shipped shall be a separate 10 offense. 11 3. A person convicted of taking a deer, antelope, moose, 12 buffalo, or elk with a prohibited weapon as defined by rules 13 of the department, is subject to a fine of one hundred dollars 14 for each offense committed while taking the animal with the 15 prohibited weapon. 16 Sec. 151. Section 481A.47, Code 2018, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 481A.47 Importing fish and game —— permits. 19 1. It shall be unlawful except as otherwise provided for any 20 Unless application is first made in writing to the commission 21 for a permit and a permit is granted, a person, firm , or 22 corporation , to shall not, except as otherwise provided, bring 23 into the state of Iowa for the purpose of propagating or 24 introducing, or to place or introduce into any of the inland or 25 boundary waters of the state, any fish or spawn thereof that 26 are not native to such waters, or introduce or stock any bird 27 or animal unless application is first made in writing to the 28 commission for a permit therefor and such permit granted . 29 2. Such A permit shall be granted only after the commission 30 has made such investigation or inspection of the fish, birds , 31 or animals as it the commission may deem necessary to determine 32 whether or not such fish, birds , or animals are free from 33 disease and whether or not such introduction will be beneficial 34 or detrimental to the native wildlife and the people of the 35 -71- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 71/ 106
H.F. _____ state, and may or may not approve such planting, releasing , or 1 introduction according to its findings. 2 3. Nothing in the above this section shall prohibit licensed 3 game breeders from securing native or exotic birds or animals 4 from outside the state and bringing them into the state and 5 they a game breeder shall not be required to have a permit as 6 provided above in this section when such birds or animals are 7 not released to the wild but are held on the game breeder’s 8 premises as breeding stock. 9 Sec. 152. Section 481A.59, Code 2018, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 481A.59 Pigeons —— interference prohibited. 12 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, except 13 the owner or the owner’s representatives, to shoot, kill, maim, 14 injure, steal, capture, detain, or to interfere with any homing 15 pigeon, commonly called “carrier pigeon”, which shall at the 16 time, have the name, initials, or other identification of its 17 owner, stamped, marked, or attached thereon; or to remove any 18 mark, band, or other means of identification from such pigeon 19 which has the name, initials, or emblem of the owner stamped 20 or marked upon it. 21 2. Whoever shall violate A person who violates the 22 provisions of this section shall be punished as is provided in 23 section 481A.32 . 24 Sec. 153. Section 488.1205, Code 2018, is amended to read 25 as follows: 26 488.1205 Savings clause. 27 This chapter does not affect an action commenced, proceeding 28 brought, or right accrued before this chapter takes effect 29 January 1, 2005 . 30 Sec. 154. Section 496C.10, Code 2018, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 496C.10 Issuance of shares. 33 1. Shares of a professional corporation may be issued, and 34 treasury shares may be disposed of, only to individuals who are 35 -72- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 72/ 106
H.F. _____ licensed to practice in this state, or in any other state or 1 territory of the United States or in the District of Columbia, 2 a profession which the corporation is authorized to practice. 3 2. Unless otherwise provided in the articles of 4 incorporation or bylaws, the affirmative vote or consent in 5 writing of all of the outstanding shareholders entitled to 6 vote, or such lesser proportion as may be provided in the 7 articles or bylaws, is necessary in order to authorize the 8 issuance of any shares or the disposal of any treasury shares, 9 and to fix the consideration for shares or treasury shares. 10 3. No shares of a professional corporation shall at any 11 time be issued in, transferred into, or held in joint tenancy, 12 tenancy in common, or any other form of joint ownership or 13 co-ownership. 14 4. The Iowa securities law , chapter 502, shall not be 15 applicable to nor govern any transaction relating to any shares 16 of a professional corporation. 17 Sec. 155. Section 496C.20, Code 2018, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 496C.20 Foreign professional corporation. 20 1. A foreign professional corporation may practice a 21 profession in this state if it complies with the provisions 22 of the Iowa business corporation Act, chapter 490 , on foreign 23 corporations. The secretary of state may prescribe forms for 24 such purpose. 25 2. A foreign professional corporation may practice a 26 profession in this state only through shareholders, directors, 27 officers, employees, and agents who are licensed to practice 28 the profession in this state. The provisions of this chapter 29 with respect to the practice of a profession by a professional 30 corporation apply to a foreign professional corporation. 31 3. The certificate of authority of a foreign professional 32 corporation may be revoked by the secretary of state as 33 provided in the Iowa business corporation Act, chapter 490 , if 34 the foreign professional corporation fails to comply with any 35 -73- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 73/ 106
H.F. _____ provision of this chapter . 1 4. This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the 2 practice of a profession in this state by an individual who 3 is a shareholder, director, officer, employee, or agent of 4 a foreign professional corporation if the individual could 5 lawfully practice the profession in this state in the absence 6 of any relationship to a foreign professional corporation. 7 The preceding sentence This subsection shall apply regardless 8 of whether or not the foreign professional corporation is 9 authorized to practice a profession in this state. 10 Sec. 156. Section 508.29, Code 2018, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 508.29 Authority to write other insurance. 13 1. Any life insurance company organized on the stock or 14 mutual plan and authorized by its charter or articles of 15 incorporation so to do, may in addition to such life insurance, 16 insure, either individually or on the group plan, the health of 17 persons and against personal injuries, disablement or death, 18 resulting from traveling or general accidents by land or water, 19 and insure employers against loss in consequence of accidents 20 or casualties of any kind to employees or other persons, or 21 to property resulting from any act of the employee or any 22 accident or casualty to persons or property, or both, occurring 23 in or connected with the transaction of their business, or 24 from the operation of any machinery connected therewith, but 25 nothing herein contained in this section shall be construed to 26 authorize any life insurance company to insure against loss 27 or injury to person, or property, or both, growing out of 28 explosion or rupture of steam boilers. An insurer may contract 29 with health care service providers and offer different levels 30 of benefits to policyholders based upon the provider contracts. 31 2. A company insuring risks authorized by this section shall 32 invest or hold in cash, funds equal to seventy-five percent of 33 the aggregate reserves and policy and contract claims for such 34 risks. Investments required by this paragraph subsection shall 35 -74- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 74/ 106
H.F. _____ only be made in securities enumerated in section 511.8 , and are 1 subject to the same limitations as provided for the investment 2 of legal reserve, and are subject to section 511.8, subsections 3 16, 17, and 21 . 4 Sec. 157. Section 514C.14, subsections 1 and 3, Code 2018, 5 are amended to read as follows: 6 1. Except as provided under subsection 2 or 3 , a carrier, 7 as defined in section 513B.2 , or a plan established pursuant 8 to chapter 509A for public employees, which that terminates 9 its contract with a participating health care provider, 10 shall continue to provide coverage under the contract to a 11 covered person in the second or third trimester of pregnancy 12 for continued care from such health care provider. Such 13 persons may continue to receive such treatment or care through 14 postpartum care related to the child birth and delivery. 15 Payment for covered benefits and benefit levels shall be 16 according to the terms and conditions of the contract. 17 3. A carrier or a plan established under chapter 509A , 18 which that terminates the contract of a participating health 19 care provider for cause shall not be liable to pay for health 20 care services provided by the health care provider to a covered 21 person following the date of termination. 22 Sec. 158. Section 543B.16, subsection 1, Code 2018, is 23 amended to read as follows: 24 1. Every applicant for a real estate license shall apply in 25 writing upon blanks prepared or furnished by the real estate 26 commission. The real estate commission shall not require 27 that a recent photograph of the applicant be attached to the 28 application. The real estate commission shall only require an 29 applicant to disclose on the application criminal convictions 30 for crimes classified as indictable offenses. 31 Sec. 159. Section 543B.43, Code 2018, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 543B.43 Penalties. 34 Any person found guilty of violating a provision of sections 35 -75- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 75/ 106
H.F. _____ 543B.1 to through 543B.24 and sections 543B.27 through 543B.41 1 in a first offense shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 2 Sec. 160. Section 543B.46, subsection 4, Code 2018, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 4. Each broker required to maintain a trust account pursuant 5 to this section shall only deposit trust funds as directed by 6 the principal of a transaction constituting dealing in real 7 estate as defined described in section 543B.6 in the common 8 trust account and shall not commingle the broker’s personal 9 funds or other funds in the trust account with the exception 10 that a broker may deposit and keep a sum not to exceed one 11 thousand dollars in the account from the broker’s personal 12 funds, which sum shall be specifically identified and deposited 13 to cover bank service charges relating to the trust account. 14 Sec. 161. Section 544A.5, Code 2018, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 544A.5 Duties. 17 The architectural examining board shall enforce this 18 chapter , shall make adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A 19 for the examination of applicants for the license provided 20 by this chapter , and shall, after due public notice, hold 21 meetings each year for the purpose of examining applicants for 22 licensure and the transaction of business pertaining to the 23 affairs of the board. Examinations shall be given as often 24 as deemed necessary, but not less than annually. Action at a 25 meeting shall not be taken without the affirmative votes of a 26 majority of the members of the board. The administrator of the 27 professional licensing and regulation bureau of the banking 28 division of the department of commerce shall hire and provide 29 staff to assist the board with implementing this chapter . 30 Sec. 162. Section 544A.16, subsection 11, Code 2018, is 31 amended to read as follows: 32 11. “Professional consultant” means a person who is 33 required by the laws of this state to hold a current and valid 34 certificate of registration or license in the field of the 35 -76- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 76/ 106
H.F. _____ person’s professional practice, and who is employed by the 1 architect to perform, or who offers to perform professional 2 services as a consultant to the architect, in connection with 3 the design, preparation of construction documents or other 4 technical submissions, or construction of one or more buildings 5 or structures, and the space within and surrounding the 6 buildings or structures. 7 Sec. 163. Section 556F.18, Code 2018, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 556F.18 Failure to comply. 10 If any person shall take up any boat or vessel, or any logs 11 or lumber, or shall find any goods, money, bank notes, or other 12 things, and shall fail to comply with the requirements of this 13 chapter , the person shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty 14 dollars, to be recovered in an action by any person who will 15 sue for the same, one half for the use of the person suing and 16 the other half to be deposited in the county treasury for the 17 use of the common schools school districts ; but nothing herein 18 contained shall prevent the owner from having and maintaining 19 an action for the recovery of any damage the owner may sustain. 20 Sec. 164. Section 559.1, Code 2018, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 559.1 Release by donee of power. 23 1. A power to appoint which is exercisable by deed, by 24 will, by deed or will, or otherwise, in whole or to any extent 25 in favor of the donee of the power, the donee’s estate, the 26 donee’s creditors, the creditors of the donee’s estate, or 27 others, is releasable, either with or without consideration, by 28 written instrument executed by the donee. If such instrument 29 shall be executed and acknowledged in the manner provided for 30 the execution and acknowledgment of instruments affecting real 31 estate and recorded with the county recorder in the county in 32 which the donee of the power resides or the county of last 33 residence of the donor of the power of the county in which 34 any real estate which may be subject to the power is located, 35 -77- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 77/ 106
H.F. _____ such recording shall be deemed a sufficient delivery of such 1 release. 2 2. A power to appoint described herein in this section 3 is releasable with respect to the whole or any part of the 4 property subject to such power and is also releasable in such 5 manner as to reduce or limit the persons or objects, or classes 6 of persons or objects in whose favor such power would otherwise 7 be exercisable. 8 3. It is hereby declared that such releases are in 9 accordance with the public policy of this state and are valid 10 and effectual whether heretofore or hereafter when made. 11 Sec. 165. Section 587.12, subsection 1, Code 2018, is 12 amended to read as follows: 13 1. In all actions or in proceedings in probate where an 14 order, judgment , or decree has been entered prior to July 1, 15 1970, based upon service of notice by publication as provided 16 by rule 60 of the Iowa rules of civil procedure , Iowa court 17 rules, third edition Code 1966 , or any statute authorizing 18 publication of notice or upon service of notice by publication 19 or posting pursuant to authorization or direction of any court 20 of competent jurisdiction in the state of Iowa, all such 21 orders, judgments, or decrees are hereby declared valid and 22 of full force and effect, unless an action shall be commenced 23 within the time provided in subsection 2 hereof to question 24 such order, judgment, or decree, or any right or status 25 created, confirmed, or existing thereunder. 26 Sec. 166. Section 602.1610, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code 27 2018, is amended to read as follows: 28 c. The mandatory retirement age is seventy-two years for 29 all district associate judges, associate juvenile judges, 30 associate probate judges, and judicial magistrates. However, 31 the mandatory retirement age does not apply to an associate 32 juvenile judge or associate probate judge who is seventy-two 33 years of age or older on July 1, 1996. 34 Sec. 167. Section 602.6404, subsection 3, Code 2018, is 35 -78- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 78/ 106
H.F. _____ amended to read as follows: 1 3. A magistrate shall be an attorney licensed to practice 2 law in this state. However, a magistrate not admitted to 3 the practice of law in this state and who is holding office 4 on April 1, 2009, shall be eligible to be reappointed as a 5 magistrate in the same county for a term commencing August 1, 6 2009, and subsequent successive terms. 7 Sec. 168. Section 607A.35, Code 2018, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 607A.35 Notice to report. 10 After the list or lists jurors have been drawn identified in 11 the manner provided in section 607A.33 , and immediately upon 12 the request of the court, the clerk shall issue a notice to 13 report, by regular mail, to the persons identified to appear at 14 the courthouse at times as the court prescribes, for service as 15 petit or grand jurors. 16 Sec. 169. Section 607A.41, Code 2018, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 607A.41 Method of subsequent drawing. 19 The names of the new or additional jurors shall be drawn from 20 the jurors identified under sections 607A.39 and 607A.40 shall 21 be drawn by the electronic data processing system that was used 22 to draw the original jury pool or panel. 23 Sec. 170. Section 704.2A, subsection 1, paragraph a, 24 subparagraph (1), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows: 25 (1) Unlawfully entering by force or stealth the dwelling, 26 place of business or employment, or occupied vehicle of the 27 person using force by force or stealth , or has unlawfully 28 entered by force or stealth and remains within the dwelling, 29 place of business or employment, or occupied vehicle of the 30 person using force. 31 Sec. 171. Section 707.11, subsection 5, paragraph b, Code 32 2018, is amended to read as follows: 33 b. For purposes of determining the category of sentence 34 under section 903A.2 , the fact finder shall determine whether 35 -79- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 79/ 106
H.F. _____ the attempt to commit murder was committed against a peace 1 officer, with the knowledge that the person against whom the 2 attempt to commit murder was committed was a peace officer 3 acting in the officer’s official capacity. 4 Sec. 172. Section 709.22, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code 5 2018, is amended to read as follows: 6 c. Providing a victim with immediate and adequate notice 7 of the victim’s rights. The notice shall consist of handing 8 the victim a document that includes the telephone numbers of 9 shelters, support groups, and crisis lines operating in the 10 area and contains a copy of the following statement of rights 11 written in English and Spanish; asking the victim to read the 12 statement document ; and asking whether the victim understands 13 the rights: 14 [1] You have the right to ask the court for help with any of 15 the following on a temporary basis: 16 [a] Keeping your attacker away from you, your home, and your 17 place of work. 18 [b] The right to stay at your home without interference from 19 your attacker. 20 [c] The right to seek a no-contact order under section 664A.3 21 or 915.22 , if your attacker is arrested for sexual assault. 22 [2] You have the right to register as a victim with the 23 county attorney under section 915.12 . 24 [3] You have the right to file a complaint for threats, 25 assaults, or other related crimes. 26 [4] You have the right to seek restitution against your 27 attacker for harm to you or your property. 28 [5] You have the right to apply for victim compensation. 29 [6] You have the right to contact the county attorney or 30 local law enforcement to determine the status of your case. 31 [7] If you are in need of medical treatment, you have 32 the right to request that the officer present assist you in 33 obtaining transportation to the nearest hospital or otherwise 34 assist you. 35 -80- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 80/ 106
H.F. _____ [8] You have the right to a sexual assault examination 1 performed at state expense. 2 [9] You have the right to request the presence of a victim 3 counselor, as defined in section 915.20A , at any proceeding 4 related to an assault including a medical examination. 5 [10] If you believe that police protection is needed for your 6 physical safety, you have the right to request that the officer 7 present remain at the scene until you and other affected 8 parties can leave or until safety is otherwise ensured. 9 Sec. 173. Section 714.19, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 10 2018, is amended to read as follows: 11 The provisions of sections 714.17 to and 714.18, this 12 section, and sections 714.20 and 714.21 shall not apply to the 13 following: 14 Sec. 174. Section 716.7, subsection 2, paragraph a, 15 subparagraph (2), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2018, is amended 16 to read as follows: 17 Entering or remaining upon or in property without 18 justification after being notified or requested to abstain from 19 entering or to remove or vacate therefrom by the owner, lessee, 20 or person in lawful possession, or the agent or employee of 21 the owner, lessee, or person in lawful possession, or by any 22 peace officer, magistrate, or public employee whose duty it is 23 to supervise the use or maintenance of the property. A person 24 has received notice been notified to abstain from entering 25 or remaining upon or in property within the meaning of this 26 subparagraph (2) if any of the following is applicable: 27 Sec. 175. Section 716.8, subsection 7, Code 2018, is amended 28 to read as follows: 29 7. Any person who intentionally trespasses commits a 30 trespass as defined in section 716.7, subsection 2 , paragraph 31 “a” , subparagraph (7), commits a serious misdemeanor. 32 Sec. 176. Section 724.3, Code 2018, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 724.3 Unauthorized possession of offensive weapons. 35 -81- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 81/ 106
H.F. _____ Any person, other than a person authorized herein in this 1 chapter , who knowingly possesses an offensive weapon commits a 2 class “D” felony. 3 Sec. 177. Section 724.5, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended 4 to read as follows: 5 2. A person charged with a violation of subsection 1 who 6 produces to the clerk of the district court prior to the 7 date of the person’s court appearance proof that the person 8 possesses a valid permit to carry weapons which was valid at 9 the time of the alleged offense, shall not be convicted of a 10 violation of subsection 1 and the charge shall be dismissed by 11 the court. Upon dismissal, the court shall assess the costs 12 of the action against the person named on the indictment or 13 information complaint . 14 Sec. 178. Section 730.5, subsection 11, paragraph f, Code 15 2018, is amended to read as follows: 16 f. Testing or taking action against an individual employee 17 or prospective employee with a confirmed positive test result 18 due to the individual’s employee’s or prospective employee’s 19 use of medical cannabidiol as authorized under chapter 124E . 20 Sec. 179. Section 805.8A, subsection 5, paragraph b, Code 21 2018, is amended to read as follows: 22 b. Excessive speed in whatever amount by a school bus is 23 not a scheduled violation under any section listed in this 24 punishable as provided in subsection 10 . 25 Sec. 180. REPEAL. Sections 15.106E, 96.7A, 105.31, and 26 105.32, Code 2018, are repealed. 27 Sec. 181. 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 136, is amended by adding 28 the following new section: 29 NEW SECTION . SEC. 15A. Section 34A.15, subsection 4, Code 30 2017, is amended to read as follows: 31 4. The council may provide grants, subject to available 32 moneys in the E911 911 emergency communications fund, to public 33 safety answering points agreeing to consolidate pursuant to 34 section 34A.7A, subsection 2 , paragraph “h” . 35 -82- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 82/ 106
H.F. _____ Sec. 182. RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY. The following apply 1 retroactively to July 1, 2017: 2 1. The section of this Act amending section 124.401. 3 2. The sections of this Act amending section 155A.6A. 4 3. The section of this Act amending 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 5 136. 6 EXPLANATION 7 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 8 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 9 This bill contains statutory corrections that adjust 10 language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 11 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete 12 temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, 13 update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities. The Code 14 sections amended include the following: 15 Sections 1.8, 1.13, and 1.14: Changes “to” to “through” 16 in string citations to clarify that the last Code section 17 referenced is included in the citation in these provisions 18 which relate to the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the state. 19 In sections 1.13 and 1.14, numeric self-references are also 20 replaced with the words “this section”. 21 Section 6A.22: Repeats initial qualifying language to 22 improve the readability of language defining “public use”, 23 “public purpose”, or “public improvement” under the eminent 24 domain Code chapter. When 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 170, 25 section 58, added a new qualifying phrase to the portion of the 26 language relating to functions of public utilities, the grammar 27 of the rest of the series in the sentence was inadvertently 28 disrupted. 29 Section 8B.21: Supplies, consistent with other language in 30 the section, missing language indicating that it is the office 31 of chief information officer which is responsible for preparing 32 an annual report to the governor, department of management, and 33 the general assembly regarding the total spending on technology 34 for the previous fiscal year. 35 -83- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 83/ 106
H.F. _____ Section 8C.7A: Adds initial July 1, 2017, deadline 1 language, which appears to be implied by a later July 1, 2 2017, cutoff date, in language specifying the date by which 3 governmental authorities must have adopted municipal or county 4 codes requiring an application or permit for the installation, 5 placement, operation, maintenance, or replacement of a 6 micro wireless facility in order to continue to impose that 7 requirement. 8 Section 12C.5: Deletes redundant language that replicates 9 a requirement currently contained in Code section 12B.10, 10 subsection 4, paragraph “a”, subparagraph (6). This language 11 originally modified other language establishing requirements 12 for investments if money could not be deposited in any approved 13 depository, but that other language was stricken by 1984 Iowa 14 Acts, chapter 1230, section 9. 15 Section 15.106E: Repeals this Code section which provided 16 for a review of the economic development authority and its 17 activities by the general assembly and the issuance of a report 18 by January 1, 2015. 19 Section 15.293B: Revises the language of subsection 20 1, paragraph “i”, relating to additional applications for 21 redevelopment tax credits, to conform that language to similar 22 language in subsection 2, paragraph “g”, which indicates that 23 it is the applications for funds, not the applicants, that are 24 reviewed and scored by the economic development authority. 25 Sections 16.161, 422.7, 423.3, and 480.4: Corrects 26 references to the 911 program and bonds issued under the 911 27 program in Code chapter 34A, based on similar changes made to 28 the program name by 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 136, and numbers 29 unnumbered paragraphs in one Code section. 30 Section 20.3: Numbers an unnumbered paragraph and 31 enumerates the items which currently appear after a colon 32 and conforms other language to more current Code style in 33 the definitions of the terms “confidential employee” and 34 “professional employee” which apply to the Code chapter 35 -84- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 84/ 106
H.F. _____ governing collective bargaining. 1 Section 22.15: Conforms terminology to other uses within 2 this same Code section relating to information that is placed 3 in employee personnel records. 4 Section 29A.27: Updates an archaic internal reference 5 describing the applicability of the pay and benefits 6 requirements in this Code section regarding pay and allowances 7 that must be paid to officers and enlisted persons while on 8 state active duty. 9 Sections 30.3 and 30.4: Adds the words “of natural 10 resources” after references to “department” in several places, 11 because “department” is defined for purposes of Code chapter 30 12 as meaning the department of homeland security and emergency 13 management and because the department of natural resources 14 is being referred to in these instances in these provisions 15 outlining the duties of various departments in the case of a 16 chemical emergency. 17 Section 34A.3: Restructures, to clarify the language of 18 this provision relating to the circumstances under which 19 the 911 program manager may order the combining of certain 20 territories into an adjacent 911 service area. 21 Section 34A.8: Replaces the word “it” with the words 22 “local exchange service information” to clarify the meaning of 23 language describing what information must be kept confidential 24 by a joint 911 service board, other state and local officials, 25 designated 911 service providers, public safety answering 26 points, and their agents, employees, and assigns. 27 Section 35C.5: Divides this single paragraph Code section 28 into numbered subsections based upon Code section content, 29 updates archaic language, and divides run-on sentences in two 30 to improve the readability of this provision regarding appeals 31 from administrative and judicial proceedings related to a 32 denial of veterans preference to an individual entitled to that 33 preference. 34 Section 37.6: Changes “to” to “through” in a string citation 35 -85- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 85/ 106
H.F. _____ to clarify that the last Code section referenced is included in 1 the citation and substitutes specific Code section references 2 for “in accordance with provisions of law” to clarify the 3 meaning of this Code section relating to issuance of bonds by 4 counties and cities. 5 Section 43.5: Substitutes “otherwise provided in this 6 chapter” for “hereinafter provided” to clarify the meaning 7 of language describing the extent of the exception to the 8 applicability of various Code chapters to primary elections. 9 Section 43.20: Substitutes a specific reference to 10 subsection 1 for the word “above”, in language describing how 11 to derive the number of signatures required for nomination 12 papers for candidates for certain public offices. 13 Sections 43.78 and 44.9: Conforms terminology used to 14 refer to commissioners of elections and other officers to 15 the terminology used elsewhere in the Code. The terminology 16 substituted may also be found in Code section 43.78, subsection 17 4. 18 Section 49.11: Conforms the style of the lead-in paragraph 19 phraseology to the phraseology used in the other paragraphs 20 of the same subsection in this provision outlining the 21 circumstances under which a county commissioner of elections 22 may change or consolidate election precincts. 23 Section 59.6: Substitutes the words “in this chapter” for 24 the word “herein” to clarify the meaning of this provision 25 limiting the applicability this Code chapter relating to the 26 contest of seats in the general assembly to the rights of the 27 general assembly to grant commissions, take depositions, or to 28 send for or examine witnesses in a trial in such a contest. 29 Section 68A.101: Corrects, effective July 1, 2018, the name 30 of this Code chapter governing campaign disclosure to reflect 31 the repeal of the income tax checkoff and the Iowa election 32 campaign fund on July 1, 2018, by 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 144, 33 sections 13 and 14. 34 Section 68A.102: Strikes, effective July 1, 2018, the 35 -86- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 86/ 106
H.F. _____ definition of the term “state income tax liability” from 1 this Code chapter governing campaign disclosure to reflect 2 the repeal of the income tax checkoff and the Iowa election 3 campaign fund on July 1, 2018, by 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 144, 4 sections 13 and 14. 5 Section 70A.26: Changes the words “deemed to be on” to 6 “granted” to conform to the terminology used elsewhere in this 7 Code section and divides this single paragraph Code section 8 relating to disaster service volunteer leave to separate the 9 leave provisions from provisions relating to tort claims and 10 other qualifying language. 11 Section 73.2: Strikes the archaic term, “hereafter” in this 12 Code section relating to preferences in advertisements for bids 13 and requests for proposals in public contracts. The language 14 was enacted in 1927 Iowa Acts, chapter 27, and “hereafter” 15 referred to April 14, 1927. 16 Section 84A.5: Adds a reference to Code section 73A.21 to 17 a list of Code chapters and sections which are administered 18 by the division of labor services based on language of Code 19 section 73A.21, which indicates that the labor commissioner and 20 the division of labor are responsible for the administration 21 and enforcement of the reciprocal resident bidder and labor 22 force preferences contained in that Code section. 23 Section 85.47: Splits a run-on sentence relating to 24 discharges of employer liability for payment of workers’ 25 compensation benefits after the ordering of a commutation by 26 the workers’ compensation commissioner. 27 Section 85.53: Conforms language relating to alien 28 dependents to similar language in Code section 85.51 and 29 replaces archaic language with more current language to improve 30 the grammar and readability of this provision relating to 31 notice by the workers’ compensation commissioner to consular 32 agents of foreign countries of the death of an employee who 33 leaves one or more alien dependents. 34 Section 86.9: Numbers existing paragraphs, divides the 35 -87- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 87/ 106
H.F. _____ last paragraph to place language relating to distribution and 1 obtaining of reports in a separate subsection, and changes the 2 word “the annual report” to “an annual report” to eliminate 3 an inconsistency in the meaning of the second sentence when 4 compared to the first sentence in this Code section relating 5 to reports by the director of the department of workforce 6 development and commissioner of labor. 7 Section 88.1: Replaces the words “creating an” with 8 “providing for an adjudicatory process through the” which 9 appear before “employment appeal board” in language describing 10 the public policy which forms the basis for the provisions of 11 Code chapter 88, pertaining to occupational safety and health, 12 because the employment appeal board is created in Code section 13 10A.601, not Code chapter 88. 14 Section 92.2: Replaces the word “defined” with the word 15 “provided” in language establishing a prohibition against 16 employment of persons over 10 and under 16 years of age in 17 certain occupations described in Code section 92.1, because 18 although Code section 92.1 contains prohibitions against 19 employment in certain described occupations, the Code section 20 does not define those occupations. 21 Section 96.3: Deletes archaic references to July 1, 1939, 22 which are no longer needed to describe the applicability of 23 language regarding payment of unemployment benefits. 24 Section 96.7A: Repeals an obsolete Code section relating to 25 workforce development field offices which were eliminated by 26 the end of fiscal year 2006-2007. 27 Section 99F.4: Adds a comma, strikes the word “and”, and 28 adds the word “from” to improve the readability of a series 29 describing the areas from which a person may be voluntarily 30 excluded under a process established by persons holding a 31 license to own or operate or conduct a gambling game operation, 32 a gambling structure, or excursion gambling boat. 33 Section 105.22: Corrects a typographical error in language 34 relating to the method by which a proof of a conviction of a 35 -88- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 88/ 106
H.F. _____ felony may be established for purposes of denial of a license 1 to practice to or discipline of a licensed contractor or 2 plumbing, mechanical, HVAC-refrigeration, sheet metal, or 3 hydronic professional. 4 Sections 105.31 and 105.32: Repeals two obsolete provisions 5 containing temporary transition provisions regarding the 6 expiration, renewal, and reissuance of licenses to practice as 7 a contractor or plumbing, mechanical, HVAC-refrigeration, sheet 8 metal, or hydronic professional. 9 Section 123.22: Separates and numbers the elements of the 10 prohibited acts described in this provision within the Code 11 chapter relating to alcoholic beverage control, and separates 12 those elements from the exceptions to the prohibitions. 13 Section 124.401: Reenacts an unnumbered paragraph as 14 amended by 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 162, section 2, which was 15 inadvertently allowed to lapse under a delayed automatic repeal 16 in order to reinstate the language permitting the possession, 17 use, delivery, and administration of cannabidiol as provided 18 in the 2017 Iowa Act. The reenactment is made retroactively 19 applicable to July 1, 2017. 20 Sections 125.34, 125.75, 125.78, 125.80, 125.82, 125.91, 21 and 125.92: Adds the words “and surgeon or osteopathic 22 physician and surgeon” after the word “physician” to conform 23 to a terminology change made by 1982 Iowa Acts, chapter 1212, 24 section 24, and to mirror the terminology used elsewhere in 25 the Code in language relating to involuntary hospitalization 26 proceedings for substance-related disorders. 27 Section 135B.20: Conforms the terminology used in the 28 lead-in paragraph for the Code section containing the 29 definitions for the Code chapter governing the licensure and 30 regulation of hospitals to terminology used elsewhere in 31 similar provisions in the Code. 32 Section 135B.32: Replaces the word “herein” with the word 33 “subchapter” to clarify the meaning of language restricting 34 the applicability of provisions relating to the provision of 35 -89- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 89/ 106
H.F. _____ pathology and radiology services in hospitals to the tax-exempt 1 or nonprofit status of hospitals. 2 Section 135H.6: Restructures and renumbers this Code 3 section relating to the conditions for licensure of a proposed 4 psychiatric institution for children to conform to the 5 substance of the language in the Code section. 6 Section 136.2: Numbers paragraphs, modifies language 7 relating to annual appointments, and eliminates a reference 8 to the number of members whose terms expire in a given year 9 in this provision relating to the appointment of members to 10 the state board of health to reflect the 2005 addition of two 11 more members to that board’s roster, which would result in the 12 expiration of more than three members’ terms in certain years. 13 Section 136A.5B: Changes the word “subsection” to “section” 14 in this provision relating to the provision of certain 15 informational materials to pregnant women to reflect the 16 fact that the language describing the informational material 17 contents is in subsection 1 of this Code section, and the 18 publication mechanism requirements are in subsection 3. 19 Section 151.9: Changes the word “entry” to “license or 20 certificate” and adds the words “or certificate holder” to 21 conform to the content of the balance of this Code section and 22 Code chapter governing the practice of chiropractic to the 23 types of permissions to persons who practice chiropractic. 24 Section 152.11: Conforms a series of citations describing 25 the enforcement authority of the board of nursing to similar 26 language in Code section 152.4, by including a reference to 27 Code chapter 152E. 28 Section 154B.1: Adds the missing word “or” before the last 29 word in a series in this provision relating to registration of 30 pharmacy technicians who provide some services to patients with 31 serious medical conditions. 32 Section 155A.6A: Corrects two errors made when the changes 33 contained in 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 29, section 45, were 34 enacted. The 2017 Iowa Act inadvertently struck language 35 -90- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 90/ 106
H.F. _____ that established a temporary pharmacy technician registration 1 program when striking obsolete language establishing a 2 temporary time frame within which certain pharmacy technicians 3 or pharmacy technician trainees could attain certification, 4 but also failed to strike an internal reference to the 5 obsolete language. The changes made to this Code section are 6 retroactively applicable to July 1, 2017. 7 Section 155A.13C: Strikes a reference to Code chapter 8 124A in this provision regulating pharmaceutical outsourcing 9 facilities. Code chapter 124A was repealed by 2017 Iowa Acts, 10 chapter 145, section 23, and subsumed, in part, into Code 11 chapter 124, which is still referenced in this provision. 12 Section 161A.38: Numbers paragraphs and changes 13 “hereinabove” to “subchapter” to clarify the meaning of 14 language relating to appeal rights of owners of land affected 15 by changes in assessments by the governing body under a 16 reclassification of lands within a soil and water conservation 17 subdistrict. 18 Section 161A.42: Conforms the hyphenation of the word 19 “cost-sharing” to the hyphenation used in the term defined in 20 this Code section and strikes a comma in language describing 21 the conditions for the establishment of a conservation 22 agreement related to a soil conservation plan or portion of 23 that plan. 24 Section 161A.43: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and 25 corrects an internal reference in language relating to the 26 duty and liability of property owners within a soil and water 27 conservation district to establish and maintain soil and water 28 conservation practices or erosion control practices. 29 Section 166A.2: Splits a sentence to separate and improve 30 the readability of language relating to refusal to grant a 31 license application or revocation of the existing licenses of 32 sheep dealers under this Code chapter 166A, concerning the 33 control of scabies in sheep. 34 Section 166D.7: Adds two commas to set off prefatory and 35 -91- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 91/ 106
H.F. _____ independent clauses to improve the readability of language 1 relating to control of pseudorabies in swine. 2 Section 194.2: Numbers paragraphs, replaces “hereof” and 3 “herewith” with specific references to the Code chapter, adds 4 a reference to Code chapter 17A after language regarding 5 adoption of rules, and removes two commas to update and improve 6 the clarity of this provision relating to the enforcement of 7 requirements pertaining to the inspection and certification of 8 milk. 9 Section 194.4: Replaces “or” with semicolons in two places, 10 makes consistent the usage of the word “which”, removes two 11 commas, and then adds a comma to a series to improve the 12 readability of this provision describing the conditions under 13 which milk is deemed to be unlawful. 14 Section 208.7: Strikes the word “However” based upon 15 Code section content indicating that the mining license fee 16 referenced is not just the fee for renewal of a mining license. 17 Section 212.3: Changes an internal self-reference to 18 the correct reference to Code section 212.2 describing bulk 19 commodity duplicate delivery tickets. 20 Section 216.6: Conforms terminology regarding 21 discriminatory practices in two instances to match the 22 terminology used elsewhere in this Code section regarding 23 unfair employment practices. 24 Section 216.13: Strikes obsolete language relating to the 25 involuntary retirement before January 1, 1980, of persons 26 covered by certain labor agreements and combines the rest 27 of language establishing the remaining criteria under which 28 certain persons may be required to retire involuntarily. 29 Section 225.30: Adds the words “or mental health 30 professional” to conform the language of this Code section to 31 changes made by 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 34, in similar language 32 within Code section 229.10, which is referenced in this Code 33 section. 34 Sections 235B.3A, 235E.3, 236.12, 236A.13, and 709.22: 35 -92- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 92/ 106
H.F. _____ Conforms language of all of these provisions internally to 1 improve the readability and consistency of language describing 2 form documents which are provided to victims of abuse or other 3 criminal acts. 4 Sections 256I.7, 256I.8, and 256I.12: Includes language to 5 conform references to the early childhood Iowa initiative, the 6 initiative’s programs and activities, and the ages of children 7 served by the initiative’s programs and activities to other 8 references throughout the Code chapter. 9 Section 260C.22: Changes the word “law” to “subsection” 10 to clarify the meaning of language regarding construction of 11 language authorizing certain tax levies for the financing of 12 community college facilities. 13 Section 261.9: Changes the word “part” to “subchapter” in 14 the lead-in paragraph of this definitions section in the Code 15 chapter governing the activities of the college student aid 16 commission to reflect the fact that several of the definitions, 17 including the definition of the term “tuition grant”, contained 18 in this Code section are used in and apply to other parts of 19 this subchapter. 20 Section 262.21: Moves a definition to the beginning of this 21 Code section regarding annuity contracts for employees of board 22 of regents institutions and numbers the resulting paragraphs 23 to facilitate citation. 24 Section 262.56: Replaces the word “hereinbefore” with a 25 specific reference to section 262.55 to clarify the meaning of 26 this Code section authorizing the state board of regents to 27 undertake certain projects and to operate, control, maintain, 28 and manage student residence halls and dormitories. Code 29 section 262.55 is the definitions section for the subchapter 30 relating to self-liquidating dormitories, which includes Code 31 section 262.56. 32 Sections 263.2, 263.10, 274.2, 275.27, 277.32, and 294.1: 33 Replaces references to the “common schools” which were 34 eliminated in favor of the current system of public and 35 -93- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 93/ 106
H.F. _____ accredited nonpublic schools sometime in the early 1900s, with 1 references to “public or accredited nonpublic schools”. In 2 Code sections 263.2 and 294.1, unnumbered paragraphs are also 3 numbered to facilitate citation and archaic language is also 4 updated. 5 Sections 270.6 and 270.7: Conforms terminology used and 6 updates archaic language in these two provisions regarding the 7 process used for certification of amounts due from counties for 8 certain costs incurred for students at the school for the deaf. 9 Section 272.2: Conforms language used to describe certain 10 rulemaking procedures of the board of educational examiners to 11 language used elsewhere in the Code to describe rulemaking by 12 other state agencies under Code chapter 17A. 13 Section 274.39: Updates and simplifies archaic language 14 relating to the sale of land for national defense or flood 15 control purposes by a school district to the federal 16 government. 17 Section 275.4: Strikes an unnecessary “and” from a series 18 that describes the responsibilities of area education agencies 19 when developing school district reorganization studies and 20 surveys. 21 Section 275.9: Replaces a reference to “hereinabove” with a 22 series of specific citations, and replaces “hereinafter” with 23 the words “in this subchapter”, to clarify language describing 24 the method by with the enlargement, reorganization, or boundary 25 change of a school district may be accomplished. 26 Section 275.13: Strikes an unnecessary “hereof” to update 27 and clarify language describing the affidavit which must 28 accompany a petition to enlarge, reorganize, or change the 29 boundaries of a school district. 30 Section 275.33: Changes “to” to “through” in two string 31 citations to clarify that the last Code section referenced 32 is included in the citation in this provision relating 33 to employment terms of superintendents, principals, and 34 teachers for school years following the effective date of the 35 -94- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 94/ 106
H.F. _____ enlargement of, reorganization of, or changes to the boundaries 1 of a school district. 2 Section 279.16: Changes “to” to “through” in string 3 citations to clarify that the last Code section referenced 4 is included in the citation in this provision governing the 5 procedures to be followed in hearings related to a termination 6 of a teacher’s contract for employment. 7 Section 279.36: Strikes obsolete language related to fees 8 applicable to legal publications published prior to July 1, 9 1989, and numbers paragraphs in this provision establishing the 10 procedures and fee for publication of the record of proceedings 11 of boards of directors of school districts. 12 Section 280.2: Places definitions in alphabetical order, 13 and adds a prefatory paragraph describing the applicability of 14 the definitions, to conform the style of this definitions Code 15 section to other definitions provisions elsewhere in the Code. 16 Section 282.18: Separates and numbers the elements 17 of a series outlining the exceptions to the general rule 18 prohibiting pupils who are participating in open enrollment 19 from participating in a varsity interscholastic sport, and 20 letters the remaining, resulting paragraphs. 21 Section 284.1: Strikes the word “four” in language 22 describing the major elements of the student achievement 23 and teacher quality program. 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 172, 24 section 32, eliminated one of the four elements and this change 25 eliminates the need to adjust this portion of the statute if 26 other elements are added or deleted in the future. 27 Sections 284.3A, 284.6, and 284.13: Strikes the words 28 “of education” to conform to the definition of the term 29 “department” in Code section 284.2, and to similar changes made 30 by 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 172, in this Code section relating 31 to appropriations for supplemental assistance for high-need 32 schools. 33 Section 303.8: Conforms a headnote to the language of this 34 Code section which outlines the powers and duties of the state 35 -95- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 95/ 106
H.F. _____ historical society board of trustees and the department of 1 cultural affairs. 2 Section 303.18: Adds public law and a United States Code 3 citation after a reference to a federal Act to facilitate 4 citation to and review of that federal Act in language 5 relating to the circumstances under which the state historic 6 preservation officer must recommend that a rural electric 7 cooperative or a municipal utility, which is constructing 8 certain electric distribution and transmission facilities, 9 conduct an archeological site survey of the proposed route. 10 Section 314.21: Strikes obsolete language relating to the 11 allocation and expenditure of funds from the living roadway 12 trust fund during the fiscal period beginning July 1, 1988, and 13 ending March 31, 1990. 14 Section 321.105: Updates the United States Code citation 15 to federal provisions under which seriously disabled veterans 16 are provided with an automobile or other vehicle by the United 17 States government to reflect the 1991 renumbering of those 18 federal provisions in this provision governing the provision 19 of one set of free vehicle registration plates to seriously 20 disabled veterans. 21 Section 321.145: Strikes a series of subsection references 22 in language relating to expenditure of funds for different 23 types of motor vehicle registration plates, but leaves a 24 reference to Code section 321.34. Code section 321.34 was 25 amended in 2014 to add a new subsection 27, but this provision 26 was not updated to reflect the addition. The change will 27 obviate the need for the continual updating of this Code 28 section each time Code section 321.34 is changed to add or 29 eliminate a particular registration plate and expenditure 30 requirement. 31 Section 321.237: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and 32 clarifies archaic language in this Code section relating to the 33 manual used by cities when regulating vehicular traffic and the 34 manner in which traffic control signs must be posted. 35 -96- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 96/ 106
H.F. _____ Section 321.278: Updates the language establishing the 1 crime of drag racing by separately enumerating the elements of 2 the crime, designating defined terms as such, and numbering and 3 lettering the resulting paragraphs. 4 Section 321.290: Numbers paragraphs and updates and 5 clarifies archaic language in this provision establishing the 6 circumstances under which the department of transportation or a 7 city may deviate from the speed limits generally established 8 under Code chapter 321 for a particular road or intersection. 9 Section 321E.12: Replaces the word “provision” with 10 “subsection” to clarify the extent of the exemption provided 11 in this Code section relating to special registration and fees 12 that apply to vehicles used to transport buildings other than 13 mobile homes or factory-built structures. 14 Section 321G.13: Restructures a subparagraph permitting a 15 person to operate or ride on a snowmobile with a loaded pistol 16 or revolver to clarify the meaning and to match the style of 17 the immediately preceding subparagraph. 18 Section 321I.14: Restructures a subparagraph permitting 19 a person to operate or ride on an all-terrain vehicle with a 20 loaded pistol or revolver to clarify the meaning and to match 21 the style of the immediately preceding subparagraph. 22 Section 321J.20: Restructures this provision relating to 23 revocation of a person’s temporary restricted license under 24 the Code chapter relating to the offense of operating while 25 intoxicated to separately enumerate the actions which would 26 give rise to the revocation. 27 Section 321L.2: Updates the United States Code citation 28 to federal provisions under which seriously disabled veterans 29 are provided with an automobile or other vehicle by the United 30 States government to reflect the 1991 renumbering of those 31 provisions in this provision entitling those same veterans to 32 the rights and privileges given to persons with disability 33 parking permits. 34 Section 327G.79: Adds a comma to clarify a sentence relating 35 -97- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 97/ 106
H.F. _____ to appraisal of railway property interests that are adjacent 1 to a railroad right-of-way that has been abandoned and are the 2 subject of a dispute as to value. 3 Section 350.10: Changes the word “rules” to “regulations” 4 to conform this provision relating to the statutes applicable 5 to lands and waters under the control of a county conservation 6 board to the language of Code section 350.5. 7 Section 351.36: Changes “to” to “through” in a string 8 citation to clarify that the last Code section referenced is 9 included in the citation and to eliminate both a self-reference 10 and reference to a repealed provision in this Code section 11 relating to enforcement of requirements relating to rabies 12 vaccination and control and confinement of dogs. 13 Section 351.42: Changes “to” to “through” in a string 14 citation to clarify that the last Code section referenced 15 is included in the citation and to eliminate both a numeric 16 self-reference and reference to a repealed Code section in this 17 Code section exempting certain dogs from requirements relating 18 to rabies vaccination and control and confinement. 19 Section 351.43: Changes “to” to “through” in a string 20 citation to clarify that the last Code section referenced 21 is included in the citation and to eliminate a reference to 22 a repealed Code section in this Code section establishing 23 penalties for persons who violate the requirements relating to 24 rabies vaccination and control and confinement of dogs. 25 Section 358.11: Numbers paragraphs and replaces the word 26 “hereunder” with “under this chapter” to clarify the meaning of 27 and improve the citation to this provision declaring sanitary 28 districts organized under Code chapter 358 to be corporate 29 entities entitled to judicial notice and corporate powers and 30 authority. 31 Section 400.21: Updates old language and divides a run-on 32 sentence to clarify and improve the readability of this Code 33 section pertaining to the filing of notices of appeal under the 34 civil service Code chapter. 35 -98- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 98/ 106
H.F. _____ Section 400.27: Adds the word “and” to correct an error made 1 by 1991 Iowa Acts, chapter 55, section 2, in this provision 2 describing how an appeal to the district court from a decision 3 of the civil service commission may be perfected. 4 Section 411.6C: Replaces the words “with the first month 5 following the implementation date of this section” with “April 6 1, 2007”. According to the administrator for the retirement 7 system for police officers and fire fighters, the system 8 received approval from the federal government in March of 2007. 9 Section 420.207: Changes “to” to “through” in a string 10 citation to clarify that the last Code section referenced is 11 included in the citation in this Code section providing for 12 the applicability of certain Code provisions relating to the 13 taxation of property to cities acting under special charters. 14 Section 422.32: Changes “to” to “through” in two string 15 citations to clarify that the last Code section referenced 16 is included in the citation in language relating to the 17 applicability of certain defined terms within the Code chapter 18 division governing business tax on corporations. 19 Section 422D.3: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs, changes “to” 20 to “through” in a string citation to clarify that the last Code 21 section referenced is included in the citation, and removes 22 quotation marks from around a fund name to conform to current 23 Code style in this Code section relating to the administration 24 of local income surtaxes. 25 Section 423.3(47A): Strikes obsolete language relating to 26 the phase-in of a sales tax exemption for the sales price from 27 the sale or rental of central office equipment or transmission 28 equipment used by certain communication service providers. 29 Section 423.8: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to improve 30 citation and strikes language referencing a report by 31 the streamlined sales tax advisory council regarding the 32 administrative burden posed by the streamline sales and use tax 33 Act that was filed in 2006 and updated in 2007. 34 Section 425.9: Numbers paragraphs to facilitate citation, 35 -99- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 99/ 106
H.F. _____ replaces the word “hereunder” with the words “in this chapter”, 1 and replaces a reference to “the first paragraph of this 2 section” with “subsection 1” to clarify the meaning of this 3 provision regarding the application of the homestead credit to 4 any taxes due on a homestead. 5 Section 425.10: Replaces the word “herein” with the words 6 “in this chapter” to clarify the meaning of this provision 7 governing the process to be used in the event of an allowance 8 and subsequent reversal of an erroneous claim for a homestead 9 credit. 10 Section 426A.13: Replaces the words “the section” with 11 “this section” to clarify the meaning of language outlining 12 the process to be used by persons claiming a military tax 13 exemption. 14 Section 427.1: Strikes obsolete language eliminating the 15 requirement of filing an application to obtain a property 16 exemption for the 2005 and 2006 assessment years for certain 17 dwelling units owned by community housing development 18 organizations. 19 Section 427B.17: Changes “to” to “through” in two string 20 citations to clarify that the last Code section referenced 21 is included in the citation in this Code section relating to 22 property subject to special valuation. In the first of the two 23 string citations, the last Code section reference is changed 24 because Code section 427B.6 prohibits the granting of dual 25 exemptions, and not the granting of partial exemptions. 26 Section 453A.47A: Adds the words “of a permit” at the end of 27 a sentence to clarify that only applications for retail permits 28 which are actually issued to retailers of tobacco, tobacco 29 products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products for 30 permits need be submitted by a city or county to the alcoholic 31 beverages division. 32 Section 455A.9: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and replaces 33 an incorrect current reference to “subsection” with the word 34 “section” in this provision relating to fees charged by the 35 -100- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 100/ 106
H.F. _____ department of natural resources. 1 Section 455G.31: Renumbers, combines provisions, and 2 corrects internal references in this Code section relating 3 to E-85 gasoline storage and dispensing infrastructure 4 to eliminate a reserved paragraph that formerly contained 5 transition language and that was stricken by its own terms in 6 2015. 7 Section 465C.3: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 8 citation and strikes obsolete language in this Code section 9 relating to the composition and appointment of the state 10 advisory board for preserves. 11 Section 466B.31: Adds the words “of natural resources” 12 after the word “department” to clarify which department 13 is referenced in this provision establishing the watershed 14 planning advisory council. 15 Section 476.44: Replaces the word “alternative” with 16 “alternate” to conform terminology regarding alternate energy 17 production facilities used in this Code section providing 18 exceptions to requirements imposed on certain public utilities 19 to the terminology everywhere else in Code chapter 476. 20 Section 476.46: Strikes a reference to and exception 21 contained in subsection 3, which was stricken by 2017 Iowa 22 Acts, chapter 169, section 43, in language allowing certain gas 23 and electric utilities which are not rate-regulated to receive 24 loans under the alternate energy revolving loan program. 25 Section 478.19: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 26 citation and updates archaic language to improve the 27 readability of this provision establishing standards for the 28 construction of electric transmission lines. 29 Section 479.7: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 30 citation and updates archaic language to improve the 31 readability of this provision regarding hearings on petitions 32 seeking to use eminent domain to secure property rights for the 33 construction, maintenance, and operation of gas underground 34 storage facilities and pipelines. 35 -101- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 101/ 106
H.F. _____ Section 481A.32: Restructures to enumerate the acts 1 constituting a hunting and fishing offense under this Code 2 section, and numbers the unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 3 citation and to separate the offense of taking a deer, 4 antelope, moose, buffalo, or elk with a prohibited weapon from 5 the initial enumerated prohibited acts. 6 Section 481A.47: Splits a paragraph into multiple 7 subsections to separate language creating a crime from language 8 relating to the granting of a permit and an exception to the 9 statute’s requirements, and restructures and updates archaic 10 language in this provision establishing restrictions on the 11 importing of fish and game. 12 Section 481A.59: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 13 facilitate citation and updates archaic language in the former 14 second paragraph to reflect current style in this prohibition 15 against interfering with any homing pigeon. 16 Section 488.1205: Replaces, in this savings provision, the 17 words “this chapter takes effect” with “January 1, 2005” to 18 reflect the date on which Code chapter 488, establishing the 19 uniform limited partnership Act, took effect. The Act which 20 enacted Code chapter 488, 2004 Iowa Acts, chapter 1021, took 21 effect on that date, with the exception of section 117 of that 22 Act. None of the provisions that were affected by section 117 23 of that Act were contained in Code chapter 488. 24 Section 496C.10: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 25 facilitate citation and adds a reference to Code chapter 26 502 after a reference to the “Iowa securities law” in this 27 provision regulating the issuance of shares by professional 28 corporations. 29 Section 496C.20: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 30 facilitate citation and replaces an internal reference to “the 31 preceding sentence” with a reference to “this subsection” in 32 this provision governing foreign professional corporations. 33 Section 508.29: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 34 citation, changes an internal reference from “paragraph” to 35 -102- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 102/ 106
H.F. _____ “subsection” because of the numbering, and replaces the words 1 “herein contained” to “contained in this section” to clarify 2 the meaning of language in this Code section relating to the 3 authority of life insurance companies to write other insurance. 4 Section 514C.14: Replaces the word “which” with the 5 word “that” to clarify that both the carrier and the plan 6 are covered by this language relating to coverage of health 7 care services for the pregnancy of a covered person after 8 termination of a contract with a participating health care 9 provider. 10 Section 543B.16: Strikes the words “real estate” which 11 appear before the word “license” to conform the terminology 12 usage to usage of terminology elsewhere in Code chapter 543B 13 to reference the licenses that are issued by the real estate 14 commission to real estate brokers or salespersons. 15 Section 543B.43: Divides a string citation and employs 16 “through” instead of “to” in the resulting string citations 17 to clarify that the last of the Code section citations are 18 intended to be included in the strings and to eliminate 19 reference to repealed Code section 543B.25 in this provision 20 establishing a penalty for violation of the Code chapter 21 governing real estate brokers and salespersons. 22 Section 543B.46: Changes the word “defined” to “described” 23 to clarify a reference to Code section 543B.6, which does not 24 contain a definition, but does describe the acts which would 25 constitute acting as a real estate salesperson or broker. 26 Section 544A.5: Changes the word “make” to “adopt” and adds 27 a citation to Code chapter 17A to match standard rule-making 28 language in this provision charging the architectural examining 29 board with the duty to adopt rules for the examination of 30 applicants for licensure. 31 Section 544A.16: Adds the word “or license” after the 32 words “certificate of registration” to reflect that engineers, 33 landscape architects, and some contractors, who may be 34 considered as professional consultants to an architect, are 35 -103- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 103/ 106
H.F. _____ licensed professionals. 1 Section 556F.18: Replaces the archaic words “common 2 schools” with the words “school districts” in language relating 3 to disposition of certain funds for failure of a person to 4 comply with the procedures for asserting a claim for lost 5 property that the person has found. The common schools 6 were eliminated in favor of the current system of public and 7 accredited nonpublic schools sometime during the early 1900s. 8 Section 559.1: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 9 citation, replaces the word “herein” with “in this section”, 10 and eliminates archaic language in this provision relating to 11 the validity of a release by a donee of a power of appointment 12 exercisable by deed or will or otherwise. 13 Section 587.12: Corrects the reference to the publication 14 which contained former court rule 60, and which would have 15 been in effect prior to July 1, 1970. During this time frame, 16 the Iowa court rules would still have been contained within 17 the Code. Because there was no intervening Code publication 18 between 1966 and 1971, the correct reference would have to be 19 to the court rules which appeared in the Code of 1966. 20 Section 602.1610: Strikes obsolete language exempting 21 certain associate juvenile and associate probate judges from 22 this provision relating to the mandatory retirement age for 23 judicial officers. 24 Section 602.6404: Strikes obsolete language relating 25 to non-lawyer magistrates in this provision relating to 26 qualifications for magistrates. 27 Section 607A.35: Conforms the language of this provision 28 to the language of Code section 607A.33, and language which 29 appears later in this Code section, relating to the issuance of 30 a notice to report to jurors who have been identified to appear 31 for service as petit or grand jurors. 32 Section 607A.41: Revises the language of this provision 33 relating to the method of drawing the names of new or 34 additional jurors to reflect the language contained in Code 35 -104- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 104/ 106
H.F. _____ sections 607A.39 and 607A.40, which are referenced in this Code 1 section. 2 Section 704.2A: Moves the phrase “by force or stealth” to 3 improve the readability of language identifying two of the 4 circumstances under which a person would be presumed to be 5 reasonable in believing that use of deadly force is needed to 6 avoid injury or risk, and to match the construction of similar 7 language which appears later in the amended language. 8 Section 707.11: Adds the word “committed” before the 9 words “against a peace officer” to improve the readability of 10 language describing the facts that a fact finder must determine 11 exist in order to determine the nature of the sentence which 12 will apply to an act which constitutes attempt to commit 13 murder. 14 Section 714.19: Rewrites and changes “to” to “through” 15 in a string citation to eliminate a self-reference to this 16 Code section and to clarify that the last Code section is 17 included in the string citation in language specifying that 18 the requirements relating to certain providers of educational 19 courses contained in the specified Code sections do not apply 20 to certain schools and educational programs. 21 Section 716.7: Changes the words “received notice” to 22 “been notified” to conform the language describing when the 23 prescribed notification requirements have been met to earlier 24 language describing the elements constituting this type of 25 trespass. 26 Section 716.8: Changes “intentionally trespasses” to 27 “commits a trespass” to conform this penalty provision to 28 the elements, including intention, described in Code section 29 716.7, subsection 1, paragraph “a”, subparagraph (7), which is 30 specifically referenced. 31 Section 724.3: Replaces “herein” with “in this chapter” to 32 clarify the extent of the exception that applies to certain 33 persons who may lawfully possess an offensive weapon. 34 Section 724.5: Changes the words “indictment or 35 -105- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 105/ 106
H.F. _____ information” to “complaint” to reflect the fact that the 1 offense referenced is a simple misdemeanor, which is not 2 charged by indictment or information, but rather by complaint. 3 Section 730.5: Changes two references to an “individual” 4 to refer to employees or prospective employees in this Code 5 section regulating employer testing of employees or prospective 6 employees for drugs or alcohol. 7 Section 805.8A: Conforms language in a paragraph to reflect 8 the language of another subsection which provides that some of 9 the speeding violations under the listed Code sections, when 10 committed by a school bus driver, are scheduled violations. 11 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 136: Corrects 2017 Iowa Acts, 12 chapter 136, by adding a correction to a reference to the 13 program and bonds issued under the 911 program in Code chapter 14 34A, to conform to similar changes made to the program name 15 elsewhere in Code chapter 34A by that Act. The correction is 16 retroactive to July 1, 2017. 17 -106- LSB 5784HC (4) 87 lh/rj 106/ 106