Bill Text: CT SB00451 | 2014 | General Assembly | Comm Sub

Bill Title: An Act Concerning Government Administration And State Contracting.

Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-04-17 - Referred by Senate to Committee on Appropriations [SB00451 Detail]

Download: Connecticut-2014-SB00451-Comm_Sub.html

General Assembly


Substitute Bill No. 451

    February Session, 2014




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Subsection (a) of section 10-29a of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is amended by adding subdivisions (66) and (67) as follows (Effective from passage):

(NEW) (66) The Governor shall proclaim October thirtieth of each year to be Are You Dense? Breast Cancer Awareness Day to heighten public awareness of the associated presentation and available treatments for breast cancer. Suitable exercises shall be held in the State Capitol and elsewhere as the Governor designates for the observance of the day.

(NEW) (67) The Governor shall proclaim October ninth of each year to be Neurological Disorders Awareness Day to heighten public awareness of the associated presentation and available treatments for neurological disorders. Suitable exercises shall be held in the State Capitol and elsewhere as the Governor designates for the observance of the day.

Sec. 2. Subsection (b) of section 10-298 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(b) The Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services may accept and receive any bequest or gift of money or personal property and, subject to the consent of the Governor and Attorney General as provided in section 4b-22, any devise or gift of real property made to the Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services, and may hold and use such money or property for the purposes, if any, specified in connection with such bequest, devise or gift.

Sec. 3. Section 4a-60g of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(a) As used in this section and sections 4a-60h to 4a-60j, inclusive, the following terms have the following meanings:

(1) "Small contractor" means any contractor, subcontractor, manufacturer, service company or nonprofit corporation (A) that maintains its principal place of business in the state, (B) that had gross revenues not exceeding fifteen million dollars in the most recently completed fiscal year prior to such application, and (C) that is independent. "Small contractor" does not include any person who is affiliated with another person if both persons considered together have a gross revenue exceeding fifteen million dollars.

(2) "Independent" means the viability of the enterprise of the small contractor does not depend upon another person, as determined by an analysis of the small contractor's relationship with any other person in regards to the provision of personnel, facilities, equipment, other resources and financial support, including bonding.

(3) "State agency" means each state board, commission, department, office, institution, council or other agency with the power to contract for goods or services itself or through its head.

(4) "Minority business enterprise" means any small contractor (A) fifty-one per cent or more of the capital stock, if any, or assets of which are owned by a person or persons who (i) exercise operational authority over the daily affairs of the enterprise, (ii) have the power to direct the management and policies and receive the beneficial interest of the enterprise, (iii) possess managerial and technical competence and experience directly related to the principal business activities of the enterprise, and (iv) are members of a minority, as such term is defined in subsection (a) of section 32-9n, or are individuals with a disability, or (B) which is a nonprofit corporation in which fifty-one per cent or more of the persons who (i) exercise operational authority over the enterprise, (ii) possess managerial and technical competence and experience directly related to the principal business activities of the enterprise, (iii) have the power to direct the management and policies of the enterprise, and (iv) are members of a minority, as defined in this subsection, or are individuals with a disability.

(5) "Affiliated" means the relationship in which a person directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with another person.

(6) "Control" means the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of any person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or through any other direct or indirect means. Control shall be presumed to exist if any person, directly or indirectly, owns, controls, holds with the power to vote, or holds proxies representing, twenty per cent or more of any voting securities of another person.

(7) "Person" means any individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, joint stock company, business trust, unincorporated organization or other entity.

(8) "Individual with a disability" means an individual (A) having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of the individual, which mental impairment may include, but is not limited to, having one or more mental disorders, as defined in the most recent edition of the American Psychiatric Association's "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders", or (B) having a record of such an impairment.

(9) "Nonprofit corporation" means a nonprofit corporation incorporated pursuant to chapter 602 or any predecessor statutes thereto.

(10) "Awarding authority" means the head of a state agency or the head of a political subdivision of the state other than an exempt municipality.

(11) "Small municipality" means a municipality with a population of less than seventy thousand residents as determined by the most recent decennial census.

(12) "Exempt municipality" means (A) a small municipality, or (B) a municipality that has a set-aside program where the percentage of contracts required to be set aside for minority business enterprises exceeds the percentage set forth in subsection (b) of this section.

(b) It is found and determined that there is a serious need to help small contractors, minority business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and individuals with disabilities to be considered for and awarded state and municipal contracts for the construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of public buildings, the construction and maintenance of highways and the purchase of goods and services. Accordingly, the necessity, in the public interest and for the public benefit and good, of the provisions of this section, sections 4a-60h to 4a-60j, inclusive, and sections 32-9i to 32-9p, inclusive, is declared as a matter of legislative determination. Notwithstanding any provisions of the general statutes, [to the contrary,] and except as set forth [herein] in this section, the head of each state agency and each political subdivision of the state other than [a] an exempt municipality shall set aside in each fiscal year, for award to small contractors, on the basis of competitive bidding procedures, contracts or portions of contracts for the construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of public buildings, the construction and maintenance of highways and the purchase of goods and services. Eligibility of nonprofit corporations under the provisions of this section shall be limited to predevelopment contracts awarded by the Commissioner of Housing for housing projects. The total value of such contracts or portions thereof to be set aside by each such [agency] awarding authority shall be at least twenty-five per cent of the total value of all contracts let by the [head of such agency] awarding authority in each fiscal year, provided that neither: (1) A contract that may not be set aside due to a conflict with a federal law or regulation; or (2) a contract for any goods or services which have been determined by the Commissioner of Administrative Services to be not customarily available from or supplied by small contractors shall be included. Contracts or portions thereof having a value of not less than twenty-five per cent of the total value of all contracts or portions thereof to be set aside shall be reserved for awards to minority business enterprises.

(c) The [head of any state agency or political subdivision of the state other than a municipality] awarding authority may, in lieu of setting aside any contract or portions thereof, require any general or trade contractor or any other entity authorized by such [agency] awarding authority to award contracts, to set aside a portion of any contract for subcontractors who are eligible for set-aside contracts under this section. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to diminish the total value of contracts which are required to be set aside by any state agency or political subdivision of the state other than [a] an exempt municipality pursuant to this section.

(d) The heads of all state agencies and of each political subdivision of the state other than a municipality shall notify the Commissioner of Administrative Services of all contracts to be set aside pursuant to subsection (b) or (c) of this section at the time that bid documents for such contracts are made available to potential contractors.

(e) The awarding authority shall require that a contractor or subcontractor awarded a contract or a portion of a contract under this section perform not less than thirty per cent of the work with the workforces of such contractor or subcontractor and shall require that not less than fifty per cent of the work be performed by contractors or subcontractors eligible for awards under this section. A contractor awarded a contract or a portion of a contract under this section shall not subcontract with any person with whom the contractor is affiliated. No person who is affiliated with another person shall be eligible for awards under this section if both affiliated persons considered together would not qualify as a small contractor or a minority business enterprise under subsection (a) of this section. The awarding authority shall require that a contractor awarded a contract pursuant to this section submit, in writing, an explanation of any subcontract to such contract that is entered into with any person that is not eligible for the award of a contract pursuant to this section, prior to the performance of any work pursuant to such subcontract.

(f) The awarding authority may require that a contractor or subcontractor awarded a contract or a portion of a contract under this section furnish the following documentation: (1) A copy of the certificate of incorporation, certificate of limited partnership, partnership agreement or other organizational documents of the contractor or subcontractor; (2) a copy of federal income tax returns filed by the contractor or subcontractor for the previous year; and (3) evidence of payment of fair market value for the purchase or lease by the contractor or subcontractor of property or equipment from another contractor who is not eligible for set-aside contracts under this section.

(g) The awarding authority or the Commissioner of Administrative Services or the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities may conduct an audit of the financial, corporate and business records and conduct an investigation of any small contractor or minority business enterprise which applies for or is awarded a set-aside contract for the purpose of determining eligibility for awards or compliance with the requirements established under this section.

(h) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any [state agency or political subdivision of the state other than a municipality] awarding authority for which the total value of all contracts or portions of contracts of the types enumerated in subsection (b) of this section is anticipated to be equal to ten thousand dollars or less.

(i) In lieu of a performance, bid, labor and materials or other required bond, a contractor or subcontractor awarded a contract under this section may provide to the awarding authority, and the awarding authority shall accept, a letter of credit. Any such letter of credit shall be in an amount equal to ten per cent of the contract for any contract that is less than one hundred thousand dollars and in an amount equal to twenty-five per cent of the contract for any contract that exceeds one hundred thousand dollars.

(j) (1) Whenever the awarding authority has reason to believe that any contractor or subcontractor awarded a set-aside contract has wilfully violated any provision of this section, the awarding authority shall send a notice to such contractor or subcontractor by certified mail, return receipt requested. Such notice shall include: (A) A reference to the provision alleged to be violated; (B) a short and plain statement of the matter asserted; (C) the maximum civil penalty that may be imposed for such violation; and (D) the time and place for the hearing. Such hearing shall be fixed for a date not earlier than fourteen days after the notice is mailed. The awarding authority shall send a copy of such notice to the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.

(2) The awarding authority shall hold a hearing on the violation asserted unless such contractor or subcontractor fails to appear. The hearing shall be held in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54. If, after the hearing, the awarding authority finds that the contractor or subcontractor has wilfully violated any provision of this section, the awarding authority shall suspend all set-aside contract payments to the contractor or subcontractor and may, in its discretion, order that a civil penalty not exceeding ten thousand dollars per violation be imposed on the contractor or subcontractor. If such contractor or subcontractor fails to appear for the hearing, the awarding authority may, as the facts require, order that a civil penalty not exceeding ten thousand dollars per violation be imposed on the contractor or subcontractor. The awarding authority shall send a copy of any order issued pursuant to this subsection by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the contractor or subcontractor named in such order. The awarding authority may cause proceedings to be instituted by the Attorney General for the enforcement of any order imposing a civil penalty issued under this subsection.

(k) (1) On or before January 1, 2000, the Commissioner of Administrative Services shall establish a process for certification of small contractors and minority business enterprises as eligible for set-aside contracts. Each certification shall be valid for a period not to exceed two years. Any paper application for certification shall be no longer than six pages. The Department of Administrative Services shall maintain on its web site an updated directory of small contractors and minority business enterprises certified under this section.

(2) The Commissioner of Administrative Services may revoke such certification for cause after notice and an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54. Any person aggrieved by the commissioner's decision to revoke such certification may appeal such decision to the Superior Court, in accordance with the provisions of section 4-183.

(3) Whenever the Commissioner of Administrative Services has reason to believe that a small contractor or minority business enterprise who has applied for or received certification under this section has included a materially false statement in his or her application, the commissioner may impose a penalty not exceeding ten thousand dollars after notice and a hearing held in accordance with chapter 54. Such notice shall include (A) a reference to the statement or statements contained in the application alleged to be false, (B) the maximum civil penalty that may be imposed for such misrepresentation, and (C) the time and place of the hearing. Such hearing shall be fixed for a date not later than fourteen days from the date such notice is sent. The commissioner shall send a copy of such notice to the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.

(4) The commissioner shall hold a hearing prior to such revocation or denial or the imposition of a penalty, unless such contractor or subcontractor fails to appear. If, after the hearing, the commissioner finds that the contractor or subcontractor has wilfully included a materially false statement in his or her application for certification under this subsection, the commissioner shall revoke or deny the certification and may order that a civil penalty not exceeding ten thousand dollars be imposed on the contractor or subcontractor. If such contractor or subcontractor fails to appear for the hearing, the commissioner may, as the facts require, revoke or deny the certification and order that a civil penalty not exceeding ten thousand dollars be imposed on the contractor or subcontractor. The commissioner shall send a copy of any order issued pursuant to this subsection to the contractor or subcontractor named in such order. The commissioner may cause proceedings to be instituted by the Attorney General for the enforcement of any order imposing a civil penalty issued under this subsection.

(l) On or before August 30, [2007] 2015, and annually thereafter, each state agency and each political subdivision of the state other than [a] an exempt municipality setting aside contracts or portions of contracts shall prepare a report establishing small and minority business set-aside program goals for the twelve-month period beginning July first in the same year. Each such report shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Administrative Services, the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities and the cochairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to planning and development and government administration. [and elections.]

(m) On or before November 1, 1995, and quarterly thereafter, each state agency and each political subdivision of the state, other than a municipality, setting aside contracts or portions of contracts and on or before November 1, 2015, and quarterly thereafter, each political subdivision of the state, other than an exempt municipality, setting aside contracts or portions of contracts, shall prepare a status report on the implementation and results of its small business and minority business enterprise set-aside program goals during the three-month period ending one month before the due date for the report. Each report shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Administrative Services and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities. Any state agency or political subdivision of the state, other than [a] an exempt municipality, that achieves less than fifty per cent of its small contractor and minority business enterprise set-aside program goals by the end of the second reporting period in any twelve-month period beginning on July first, shall provide a written explanation to the Commissioner of Administrative Services and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities detailing how the agency or political subdivision will achieve its goals in the final reporting period. The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities shall: (1) Monitor the achievement of the annual goals established by each state agency and political subdivision of the state other than [a] an exempt municipality; and (2) prepare a quarterly report concerning such goal achievement. The report shall be submitted to each state agency and political subdivision that submitted a report, the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, the Commissioner of Administrative Services and the cochairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to planning and development and government administration. [and elections.] Failure by any state agency or political subdivision of the state other than a municipality to submit any reports required by this section shall be a violation of section 46a-77.

(n) Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to the janitorial or service contracts awarded pursuant to subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, of section 4a-82, as amended by this act.

(o) The Commissioner of Administrative Services may adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 to implement the provisions of this section.

Sec. 4. Section 4a-60h of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(a) The Commissioner of Administrative Services shall be responsible for the administration of the set-aside program. The commissioner shall conduct regular training sessions, as the commissioner deems necessary, for state agencies and municipalities to explain the set-aside program and to specify the factors that must be addressed in calculating agency or municipal goals under the program. The commissioner shall conduct informational workshops to inform businesses of set-aside opportunities and responsibilities.

(b) The commissioner shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 to carry out the purposes of sections 4a-60g to 4a-60j, inclusive, as amended by this act. Such regulations shall include (1) provisions concerning the application of the program to individuals with a disability; (2) guidelines for a legally acceptable format for, and content of, letters of credit authorized under subsection (j) of section 4a-60g, as amended by this act; (3) procedures for random site visits to the place of business of an applicant for certification at the time of application and at subsequent times, as necessary, to ensure the integrity of the application process; and (4) time limits for approval or disapproval of applications.

(c) On or before January 1, 1994, the Commissioner of Administrative Services shall, by regulations adopted in accordance with chapter 54, establish a process to ensure that small contractors, small businesses and minority business enterprises have fair access to all competitive contracts outside of the set-aside program.

Sec. 5. Section 4a-60i of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

Nothing in sections 4a-60g to 4a-60i, inclusive, as amended by this act, shall be construed to interfere with the responsibilities of the heads of all state agencies or municipalities to directly negotiate and approve all such contracts.

Sec. 6. Section 4a-62 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(a) There is established a Minority Business Enterprise Review Committee. The committee shall consist of two members of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker of the House, two members of the House appointed by the minority leader of the House, two members of the Senate appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, and two members of the Senate appointed by the minority leader of the Senate. The committee shall conduct an ongoing study of contract awards, loans and bonds made or guaranteed by the state or any political subdivision of the state [other than a municipality] for the purpose of determining the extent of compliance with the provisions of the general statutes concerning contract awards, loans and bonds for minority business enterprises, including the set-aside program for such business enterprises.

(b) The committee may request any agency of the state authorized to award public works contracts or to enter into purchase of goods or services contracts or any municipality subject to the set-aside program in accordance with section 4a-60g, as amended by this act, to submit such information on compliance with sections 4a-60 and 4a-60g, as amended by this act, and at such times as the committee may require. The committee shall consult with the Departments of Administrative Services, Transportation and Economic and Community Development and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities concerning compliance with the state programs for minority business enterprises. The committee shall report annually on or before February first to the Joint Committee on Legislative Management on the results of its ongoing study and include its recommendations, if any, for legislation.

Sec. 7. Section 4a-82 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(a) For the purposes of this section:

(1) "Person with a disability" means any individual with a disability, excluding blindness, as such term is applied by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Department of Developmental Services, the Department of Rehabilitation Services or the Veterans' Administration and who is certified by the Department of Rehabilitation Services as qualified to participate in a qualified partnership, as described in subsections (e) to (l), inclusive, of this section;

(2) "Vocational rehabilitation service" means any goods and services necessary to render a person with a disability employable, in accordance with Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USC 701 et seq., as amended from time to time;

(3) "Community rehabilitation program" means any entity or individual that provides directly for or facilitates the provision of vocational rehabilitation services to, or provides services in connection with, the recruiting, hiring or managing of the employment of persons with disabilities based on an individualized plan and budget for each worker with a disability;

(4) "Commercial [janitorial] contractor" means any for-profit proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation, limited liability company, trust, association or other privately owned entity that employs persons to perform janitorial work or contractual services, and that enters into contracts to provide janitorial services or contractual services;

(5) "Janitorial work" means work performed in connection with the care or maintenance of buildings, including, but not limited to, work customarily performed by cleaners, porters, janitors and handypersons;

(6) "Janitorial contract" means a contract or subcontract to perform janitorial work for a department or agency of the state;

(7) "Person with a disadvantage" means any individual who is determined by the Labor Department, or its designee, to be eligible for employment services in accordance with the Workforce Investment Act or whose verified individual gross annual income during the previous calendar year was not greater than two hundred per cent of the federal poverty level for a family of four; [and]

(8) "Awarding authority" means the Commissioner of Administrative Services, Chief Court Administrator of the Judicial Branch and president of the Board of Regents for Higher Education, as applicable; [.] and

(9) "Contractual services" includes, but is not limited to, any and all laundry and cleaning services, mail supply room staffing, data entry, telephone call center staffing and other services specified by the Commissioner of Administrative Services under subsection (b) of this section.

(b) (1) The Commissioner of Administrative Services shall establish a program to create and expand janitorial work job opportunities for persons with a disability and persons with a disadvantage. The program shall create full-time jobs or full-time equivalents at standard wage rates for persons with disabilities and persons with disadvantages. The Judicial Branch and Board of Regents for Higher Education may participate in such program.

(2) The Commissioner of Administrative Services shall expand such program to include contractual services that the commissioner deems appropriate and shall post a list of such services on the department's Internet web site.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of the general statutes, under such program, the awarding authority may award janitorial contracts or contracts for contractual services pursuant to the following procedures: (1) Upon receipt of a request for janitorial services or a contractual service that the Commissioner of Administrative Services has deemed appropriate for inclusion in the program by an agency or department of the state, the awarding authority shall notify each qualified partnership, as described in subsections (e) to (l), inclusive, of this section, of such request and invite each qualified partnership in good standing to submit a bid proposal for such janitorial contract or service contract to the awarding authority in a manner and form as prescribed by the awarding authority; (2) in the event that only one such qualified partnership submits a bid or proposal for such janitorial or service contract, the awarding authority shall award such contract to such qualified partnership, provided such bid or proposal does not exceed the fair market value for such contract, as determined by the awarding authority; (3) if more than one qualified partnership submits a bid or proposal, the awarding authority shall award the contract to the lowest responsible qualified bidder or most advantageous proposer, as described in section 4a-59; and (4) in the event that a qualified partnership does not submit a bid or proposal or is not awarded such contract, the awarding authority shall award such contract in accordance with the provisions of sections 4a-59, 17b-656, as amended by this act, 4a-52a and 10a-151b or title 51, as applicable. No awarding authority shall award a contract under the provisions of this subsection at a site where employees are employed pursuant to an existing collective bargaining agreement or where a contract has been awarded pursuant to section 17b-656, as amended by this act, unless a contract has been previously awarded to a qualified partnership pursuant to this section at such site.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of the general statutes, the responsibilities of the Commissioner of Administrative Services, Chief Court Administrator or president of the Board of Regents for Higher Education as established in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, may not be delegated to an outside vendor.

(e) The Connecticut Community Providers Association shall designate a commercial [janitorial] contractor and a community rehabilitation program as a "qualified partnership" whenever the following criteria have been established: (1) Such commercial [janitorial] contractor has entered into a binding agreement with such community rehabilitation program in which such contractor agrees to fill not less than one-third of the jobs from a successful bid for a janitorial or service contract under the program established in subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, of this section with persons with disabilities and not less than one-third of such jobs with persons with a disadvantage; (2) such contractor employs not less than two hundred persons who perform janitorial work or contractual services in the state; and (3) such contractor certifies, in writing, that it will pay the standard wage to employees, including persons with disabilities, under such janitorial or service contract. Any partnership between a commercial [janitorial] contractor and a community rehabilitation program that has been denied designation as a qualified partnership may appeal such denial, in writing, to the Commissioner of Administrative Services and said commissioner may, after review of such appeal, designate such program as a qualified partnership.

(f) The requirement established in subsection (e) of this section to fill not less than one-third of the jobs from a successful bid for a janitorial or service contract with persons with disabilities and one-third with persons with a disadvantage shall be met whenever such [janitorial] contractor employs the requisite number of persons with disabilities and persons with a disadvantage throughout the entirety of its operations in the state provided any persons with disabilities employed by such [janitorial] contractor prior to the commencement date of any such contract shall not be counted for the purpose of determining the number of persons with disabilities employed by such [janitorial] contractor.

(g) The number of persons with disabilities and the number of persons with a disadvantage that such [janitorial] contractor is required to employ pursuant to the provisions of subsection (e) of this section shall be employed not later than six months after the commencement of janitorial work or the contractual service under the terms of any contract awarded pursuant to the provisions of subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, of this section, provided such contractor shall fill any vacancy for janitorial work or contractual service that arises during the first six months of any such contract with persons with disabilities and persons with disadvantages.

(h) The Connecticut Community Providers Association shall develop an application process and submit a list of employees who have applied to participate in a partnership to the Department of Rehabilitation Services for certification. Such association shall maintain a list of certified employees who are persons with disabilities and community rehabilitation programs.

(i) Any qualified partnership awarded a janitorial or service contract pursuant to the provisions of subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, of this section shall provide to the Connecticut Community Providers Association, not later than six months after the commencement date of such contract and annually thereafter, a list of the persons with disabilities and persons with a disadvantage employed by such contractor that includes the date of hire and employment location for each such person. Such association shall certify annually to the Department of Administrative Services, the Judicial Branch or the Board of Regents for Higher Education, as applicable, in such manner and form as prescribed by the Commissioner of Administrative Services, Chief Court Administrator or the president of the Board of Regents for Higher Education, that the requisite number of persons with disabilities for such contract continue to be employed by such contractor in positions equivalent to those created under such [janitorial] contract and have been integrated into the general workforce of such contractor.

(j) Notwithstanding any other provision of the general statutes, the responsibilities of the Department of Rehabilitation Services, as established in subsections (e) to (l), inclusive, of this section, may not be delegated to an outside vendor.

(k) The Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services may adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, to undertake the certification requirements established pursuant to subsections (e) to (l), inclusive, of this section.

(l) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (e) of this section, the Commissioner of Administrative Services shall authorize certified small and minority businesses to participate in such program.

(m) The joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to government administration shall study the effectiveness of such program, including, but not limited to, the effectiveness of such program to create integrated work settings for persons with disabilities. Additionally, said committee shall study ways to provide incentives for municipalities and businesses to utilize such program if such program is determined by the committee to be effective.

(n) Each exclusive contract awarded prior to October 1, 2013, pursuant to section 17b-656, as amended by this act, shall remain in effect until such time as either party terminates the contract in such party's own best interest, with not less than sixty days written notice. Each such contract may be amended to include updated terms and conditions, but shall not allow for any price increases except statutory or mandated increases to the minimum wage and standard wage. If either party exercises his or her right to terminate any such contract, the next contract solicitation may be awarded pursuant to this section or sections 4a-59 and 17b-656, as amended by this act. Additionally, any new janitorial contract awarded pursuant to section 17b-656, as amended by this act, shall be limited to not more than four full-time employees per contract.

(o) Any person employed under a janitorial contract let: (1) On or before October 1, 2006, or thereafter if such contract constitutes a successor contract to such janitorial contract let on or before October 1, 2006, and (2) pursuant to section 4a-57, as amended by this act, or 10a-151b or by the judicial or legislative departments or pursuant to subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, of this section shall have the same rights conferred upon an employee by section 31-57g for the duration of the program described in subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, of this section. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any new janitorial contract with not more than four full-time employees per contract, as described in subsection (n) of this section.

(p) If a position is not available at a job site for a janitorial or service contract awarded pursuant to subsection (c) of this section and a person with a disability or a person with a disadvantage is placed at an alternate job site in the operations of the [janitorial] contractor pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, such person with a disability or person with a disadvantage shall be paid the wage applicable at such alternate site, provided when a position at the job site for a janitorial or service contract awarded pursuant to subsection (c) of this section becomes available, such person with a disability or person with a disadvantage shall be transferred to the job site for a janitorial or service contract awarded pursuant to subsection (c) of this section and shall be paid the applicable standard wage for such site.

(q) If a person with a disability or a person with a disadvantage is transferred pursuant to subsection (p) of this section and such person subsequently leaves such position, the position shall be filled with another person with a disability or person with a disadvantage.

Sec. 8. Subsection (f) of section 4a-57 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to the award of janitorial or service contracts pursuant to the provisions of subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, of section 4a-82, as amended by this act.

Sec. 9. Section 17b-656 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

Whenever any products made or manufactured by or services provided by persons with disabilities through community rehabilitation programs described in subsection (b) of section 17b-655 or in any workshop established, operated or funded by nonprofit and nonsectarian organizations for the purpose of providing persons with disabilities training and employment suited to their abilities meet the requirements of any department, institution or agency supported in whole or in part by the state as to quantity, quality and price such products shall have preference over products or services from other providers, except (1) articles produced or manufactured by Department of Correction industries as provided in section 18-88, (2) emergency purchases made under section 4-98, and (3) janitorial or contractual services provided by a qualified partnership, pursuant to the provisions of subsections (b) to (d), inclusive, of section 4a-82, as amended by this act. All departments, institutions and agencies supported in whole or in part by the state shall purchase such articles made or manufactured and services provided by persons with disabilities from the Department of Rehabilitation Services. Any political subdivision of the state may purchase such articles and services through the Department of Rehabilitation Services. A list describing styles, designs, sizes and varieties of all such articles made by persons with disabilities and describing all available services provided by such persons shall be prepared by the Connecticut Community Providers Association.

Sec. 10. (NEW) (Effective October 1, 2014) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, the Commissioner of Administrative Services may select manufacturers or fabricators to be on a list established for the purpose of providing any manufacturing or metal fabricating services. Such list shall be established as provided in sections 4b-56 of the general statutes, as amended by this act, and 4b-57 of the general statutes, as amended by this act. The commissioner may enter into a contract with any manufacturer or fabricator on such list to perform a range of manufacturing or fabricating services for the state or to perform a range of tasks pursuant to a task letter detailing services to be performed under such contract.

Sec. 11. Section 4b-55 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

As used in this section, section 4b-1, section 10 of this act and sections 4b-56 to 4b-59, inclusive, as amended by this act, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

(a) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Administrative Services;

(b) "Consultant" means (1) any architect, professional engineer, landscape architect, land surveyor, accountant, interior designer, environmental professional or construction administrator, who is registered or licensed to practice such person's profession in accordance with the applicable provisions of the general statutes, or (2) any planner or financial specialist;

(c) "Consultant services" [shall include] includes those professional services rendered by architects, professional engineers, landscape architects, land surveyors, accountants, interior designers, environmental professionals, construction administrators, planners or financial specialists, as well as incidental services that members of these professions and those in their employ are authorized to perform;

(d) "University of Connecticut library project" means a project to renovate and improve the Homer Babbidge Library at The University of Connecticut;

(e) "Firm" means any individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association or other legal entity (1) authorized by law to practice the profession of architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, land surveying, accounting, interior design, environmental or construction administration, or (2) practicing the profession of planning or financial specialization;

(f) "Priority higher education facility project" means any project which is part of a state program to repair, renovate, enlarge, equip, purchase or construct (1) instructional facilities, (2) academic core facilities, including library, research and laboratory facilities, (3) student residential or related student dining facilities, or (4) utility systems related to such projects, which are or will be operated under the jurisdiction of the board of trustees of any constituent unit of the state system of higher education, except The University of Connecticut provided the project is included in the comprehensive facilities master plan of the constituent unit in the most recent state facility plan of the Office of Policy and Management pursuant to section 4b-23;

(g) "Project" means any state program requiring consultant, manufacturer or fabricator services if the cost of such services is estimated to exceed three hundred thousand dollars;

(h) "Selection panel" or "panel" means the State Construction Services Selection Panel established pursuant to subsection (a) of section 4b-56 or, in the case of a Connecticut Health and Education Facilities Authority project pursuant to section 10a-186a, means the Connecticut Health and Education Facilities Authority Construction Services Panel established pursuant to subsection (c) of section 4b-56;

(i) "User agency" means the state department or agency requesting the project or the agency for which such project is being undertaken pursuant to law;

(j) "Community court project" means (1) any project to renovate and improve a facility designated for the community court established pursuant to section 51-181c, and (2) the renovation and improvement of other state facilities required for the relocation of any state agency resulting from the placement of the community court;

(k) "Connecticut Juvenile Training School project" means a project (1) to develop on a designated site new facilities for a Connecticut Juvenile Training School in Middletown including, but not limited to, preparing a feasibility study for, designing, constructing, reconstructing, improving or equipping said facility for use by the Department of Children and Families, which is an emergency project because there is an immediate need for completion of said project to remedy overcrowding at Long Lane School; said school shall have an annual average daily population of not more than two hundred forty residents; or (2) to develop a separate facility for girls including, but not limited to, acquiring of land or buildings, designing, constructing, reconstructing, improving or equipping said facility for use by the Department of Children and Families;

(l) "Downtown Hartford higher education center project" means a project to develop a higher education center, as defined in subparagraph (B) of subdivision (2) of section 32-600, and as described in subsection (a) of section 32-612, for the regional community-technical college system;

(m) "Correctional facility project" means any project (1) which is part of a state program to repair, renovate, enlarge or construct facilities which are or will be operated by the Department of Correction, and (2) for which there is an immediate need for completion in order to remedy prison and jail overcrowding; [and]

(n) "Juvenile detention center project" means any project (1) which is part of a state program to repair, renovate, enlarge or construct juvenile detention centers which are or will be operated by the Judicial Department, and (2) for which there is an immediate need for completion in order to remedy overcrowding; [.]

(o) "Manufacturer" means any business entity that is engaged in the business of manufacturing, as defined in subdivision (72) of section 12-81;

(p) "Fabricator" means any business entity that is engaged in the business of making, building, creating, producing or assembling components made of metal in a new or different manner;

(q) "Manufacturer services" includes professional services rendered by manufacturers as well as incidental services that manufacturers and those in their employ are authorized to perform; and

(r) "Fabricator services" includes professional services rendered by fabricators as well as incidental services that fabricators and those in their employ are authorized to perform.

Sec. 12. Subsection (e) of section 4b-56 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(e) There shall be established, within the Department of Administrative Services, a State Construction Services Selection Panel that shall consist of three members. Such members shall be appointed by the commissioner, shall be current employees of the Department of Administrative Services or any agency for which consultant, manufacturer or fabricator services may be contracted, and shall serve only for deliberations involving the selection of consultants under subsection (d) of section 4b-51 or the selection of manufacturers or fabricators under section 10 of this act for which the employees are appointed.

Sec. 13. Section 4b-57 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(a) Whenever consultant, manufacturer or fabricator services are required by the commissioner in fulfilling the responsibilities under section 4b-1, and in the case of each project, the commissioner shall invite responses from such firms by advertisements inserted at least once in one or more newspapers having a circulation in each county in the state except that the commissioner may receive consultant services under a contract entered into pursuant to subsection (d) of section 4b-51 or manufacturer or fabricator services under a contract entered into pursuant to section 10 of this act. The commissioner shall prescribe, by regulations adopted in accordance with chapter 54, the advance notice required for, the manner of submission, and conditions and requirements of, such responses.

(b) In the case of a project where consultant services are required, the responses received shall be considered by the selection panel. The panel shall select from among those responding no fewer than three firms, which such panel determines in accordance with criteria established by the commissioner are most qualified to perform the required consultant services. In the case of any project that requires consultant services by an architect or professional engineer, additional criteria to be considered by such panel in selecting a list of the most qualified firms shall include: (1) Such firm's knowledge of this state's building and fire codes, and (2) the geographic location of such firm in relation to the geographic location of the proposed project. The selection panel shall submit a list of the most qualified firms to the commissioner for the commissioner's consideration unless fewer than three responses for a particular project have been received, in which case the panel shall submit the names of all firms who have submitted responses.

(c) In the case of a project where manufacturer or fabricator services are required, the responses received shall be considered by the selection panel. The panel shall select from among those responding no fewer than three manufacturers or three fabricators, which such panel determines in accordance with criteria established by the commissioner are most qualified to perform the required manufacturer or fabricator services. In selecting a list of the most qualified manufacturers or fabricators, the panel shall also consider the geographic location of such manufacturer or fabricator in relation to the geographic location of the proposed project. The selection panel shall submit a list of the most qualified manufacturers or fabricators to the commissioner for the commissioner's consideration unless fewer than three responses for a particular project have been received, in which case the panel shall submit the names of all manufacturers or all fabricators who have submitted responses.

[(c)] (d) In the case of consultants selected under subsection (d) of section 4b-51 or manufacturers or fabricators selected under section 10 of this act, the responses received shall be considered by the selection panel. The panel shall select, from among those persons responding, a list of those persons most qualified to perform the consultant, manufacturer or fabricator services. Knowledge of the state building and fire code and whether the consultant is a micro business, as defined in subsection (c) of section 4a-59, shall be considered in determining a consultant's qualifications.

Sec. 14. Section 4b-58 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(a) (1) Except in the case of a project, a priority higher education facility project, a project, as defined in subdivision (16) of section 10a-109c, undertaken by The University of Connecticut, a community court project, a correctional facility project, a juvenile detention center project, and the downtown Hartford higher education center project, the commissioner shall negotiate a contract for consultant services with the firm most qualified and in the case of a contract for manufacturer or fabricator services, the manufacturer or fabricator most qualified, in the commissioner's judgment, at compensation which the commissioner determines is both fair and reasonable to the state. (2) In the case of a project, the commissioner shall negotiate a contract for such services with the most qualified firm from among the list of firms, or most qualified manufacturer or fabricator from among the list of manufacturers or fabricators, submitted by the panel at compensation which the commissioner determines in writing to be fair and reasonable to the state. If the commissioner is unable to conclude a contract with any of the firms, manufacturers or fabricators recommended by the panel, the commissioner shall, after issuing written findings of fact documenting the reasons for such inability, negotiate with those firms, manufacturers or fabricators, which the commissioner determines to be most qualified, at fair and reasonable compensation, to render the particular consultant, manufacturer or fabricator services under consideration. (3) Whenever consultant, manufacturer or fabricator services are required for a priority higher education facility project, a project involving the construction, repair or alteration of a building or premises under the supervision of the Office of the Chief Court Administrator or property where the Judicial Department is the primary occupant, a community court project, a correctional facility project, a juvenile detention center project, or the downtown Hartford higher education center project, the commissioner shall select and interview at least three consultants or firms and shall negotiate a contract for consultant services with the firm most qualified, and in the case of a contract for manufacturer or fabricator services, the commissioner shall select and interview at least three manufacturers or fabricators and shall negotiate a contract for manufacturer or fabricator services with the manufacturer or fabricator most qualified, in the commissioner's judgment, at compensation which the commissioner determines is both fair and reasonable to the state, except that if, in the opinion of the commissioner, the Connecticut Juvenile Training School project needs to be expedited in order to meet the needs of the Department of Children and Families, the commissioner may waive such selection requirement. Except for the downtown Hartford higher education center project, the commissioner shall notify the State Properties Review Board of the commissioner's action not later than five business days after such action for its approval or disapproval in accordance with subsection (i) of section 4b-23, as amended by this act, except that if, not later than fifteen days after such notice, a decision has not been made, the board shall be deemed to have approved such contract.

(b) In determining fair and reasonable compensation to be paid in accordance with subsection (a) of this section, the commissioner shall consider, in the following order of importance, the professional competence of the consultant, manufacturer or fabricator, the technical merits of the proposal, the ability of the firm, manufacturer or fabricator to perform the required services within the time and budgetary limits of the contract and the price for which the services are to be rendered.

Sec. 15. Subsection (i) of section 4b-23 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2014):

(i) As used in this subsection, (1) "project" means any state program, except the downtown Hartford higher education center project, as defined in subsection (l) of section 4b-55, requiring consultant, manufacturer or fabricator services if the cost of such services is estimated to exceed one hundred thousand dollars or, in the case of a constituent unit of the state system of higher education, the cost of such services is estimated to exceed three hundred thousand dollars, or in the case of a building or premises under the supervision of the Office of the Chief Court Administrator or property where the Judicial Department is the primary occupant, the cost of such services is estimated to exceed three hundred thousand dollars; (2) "consultant" means "consultant" as defined in section 4b-55, as amended by this act; [and] (3) "consultant services" means "consultant services" as defined in section 4b-55, as amended by this act; (4) "manufacturer" means "manufacturer" as defined in section 4b-55, as amended by this act; (5) "fabricator" means "fabricator" as defined in section 4b-55, as amended by this act; (6) "manufacturer services" means "manufacturer services" as defined in section 4b-55, as amended by this act; and (7) "fabricator services" means "fabricator services" as defined in section 4b-55, as amended by this act. Any contracts entered into by the Commissioner of Administrative Services with any consultants, manufacturers or fabricators for employment (A) for any project under the provisions of this section, (B) in connection with a list established under subsection (d) of section 4b-51 or section 10 of this act, or (C) by task letter issued by the Commissioner of Administrative Services to any consultant, manufacturer or fabricator on such list pursuant to which the consultant, manufacturer or fabricator will provide services valued in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, shall be subject to the approval of the Properties Review Board prior to the employment of such consultant, manufacturer or fabricator or consultants, manufacturers or fabricators by the commissioner. The Properties Review Board shall, not later than thirty days after receipt of such selection of or contract with any consultant, manufacturer or fabricator approve or disapprove the selection of or contract with any consultant, manufacturer or fabricator made by the Commissioner of Construction Services pursuant to sections 4b-1 and 4b-55 to 4b-59, inclusive, as amended by this act. If upon the expiration of the thirty-day period a decision has not been made, the Properties Review Board shall be deemed to have approved such selection or contract.

Sec. 16. Section 4b-4 of the 2014 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

[(a) No] Each nonclerical employee in the unit in the Department of Administrative Services that is responsible for acquiring, leasing and selling real property on behalf of the state [shall be directly involved in any enterprise that does business with the state or be directly or indirectly involved in any enterprise concerned with real estate acquisition or development. Each] and each member of the State Properties Review Board [and each such employee of the Department of Administrative Services] shall file, with the Office of State Ethics, a statement of financial interests pursuant to the provisions of section 1-83.

[(b) The provisions of sections 1-82, 1-82a and 1-88 shall apply to any alleged violation of this section.]

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

from passage


Sec. 2

from passage


Sec. 3

October 1, 2014


Sec. 4

October 1, 2014


Sec. 5

October 1, 2014


Sec. 6

October 1, 2014


Sec. 7

October 1, 2014


Sec. 8

October 1, 2014


Sec. 9

October 1, 2014


Sec. 10

October 1, 2014

New section

Sec. 11

October 1, 2014


Sec. 12

October 1, 2014


Sec. 13

October 1, 2014


Sec. 14

October 1, 2014


Sec. 15

October 1, 2014


Sec. 16

from passage


Statement of Legislative Commissioners:

Section 9 was deleted as duplicative of section 3 and in section 13(b) "where consultant services are required" was inserted for consistency with the provisions of section 13(c).


Joint Favorable Subst.
