Bill Text: CT HB07034 | 2017 | General Assembly | Comm Sub

Bill Title: An Act Transforming The School Construction Program.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 4-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2017-04-25 - Tabled for the Calendar, House [HB07034 Detail]

Download: Connecticut-2017-HB07034-Comm_Sub.html

General Assembly


Substitute Bill No. 7034

    January Session, 2017




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Subsection (a) of section 10-220 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):

(a) Each local or regional board of education shall maintain good public elementary and secondary schools, implement the educational interests of the state, as defined in section 10-4a, and provide such other educational activities as in its judgment will best serve the interests of the school district; provided any board of education may secure such opportunities in another school district in accordance with provisions of the general statutes and shall give all the children of the school district, including children receiving alternative education, as defined in section 10-74j, as nearly equal advantages as may be practicable; shall provide an appropriate learning environment for all its students which includes (1) adequate instructional books, supplies, materials, equipment, staffing, facilities and technology, (2) equitable allocation of resources among its schools, (3) proper maintenance of facilities, and (4) a safe school setting; shall, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (f) of this section, maintain records of allegations, investigations and reports that a child has been abused or neglected by a school employee, as defined in section 53a-65, employed by the local or regional board of education; shall have charge of the schools of its respective school district; shall make a continuing study of the need for school facilities and of a long-term school building program and from time to time make recommendations based on such study to the town; shall adopt and implement an indoor air quality program that provides for ongoing maintenance and facility reviews necessary for the maintenance and improvement of the indoor air quality of its facilities; shall adopt and implement a green cleaning program, pursuant to section 10-231g, that provides for the procurement and use of environmentally preferable cleaning products in school buildings and facilities; on and after July 1, [2011] 2021, and [triennially] every five years thereafter, shall report to the Commissioner of Administrative Services on the condition of its facilities and the action taken to implement its long-term school building program, indoor air quality program and green cleaning program, which report the Commissioner of Administrative Services shall use to prepare a [triennial] report every five years that said commissioner shall submit in accordance with section 11-4a to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to education; shall advise the Commissioner of Administrative Services of the relationship between any individual school building project pursuant to chapter 173 and such long-term school building program; shall have the care, maintenance and operation of buildings, lands, apparatus and other property used for school purposes and at all times shall insure all such buildings and all capital equipment contained therein against loss in an amount not less than eighty per cent of replacement cost; shall determine the number, age and qualifications of the pupils to be admitted into each school; shall develop and implement a written plan for minority staff recruitment for purposes of subdivision (3) of section 10-4a; shall employ and dismiss the teachers of the schools of such district subject to the provisions of sections 10-151 and 10-158a; shall designate the schools which shall be attended by the various children within the school district; shall make such provisions as will enable each child of school age residing in the district to attend some public day school for the period required by law and provide for the transportation of children wherever transportation is reasonable and desirable, and for such purpose may make contracts covering periods of not more than five years; may provide alternative education, in accordance with the provisions of section 10-74j, or place in another suitable educational program a pupil enrolling in school who is nineteen years of age or older and cannot acquire a sufficient number of credits for graduation by age twenty-one; may arrange with the board of education of an adjacent town for the instruction therein of such children as can attend school in such adjacent town more conveniently; shall cause each child five years of age and over and under eighteen years of age who is not a high school graduate and is living in the school district to attend school in accordance with the provisions of section 10-184, and shall perform all acts required of it by the town or necessary to carry into effect the powers and duties imposed by law.

Sec. 2. Subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 10-283 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):

(2) The Commissioner of Education shall assign each school building project to a category on the basis of whether such project is primarily required to: (A) Create new facilities or alter existing facilities to provide for mandatory instructional programs pursuant to this chapter, for physical education facilities in compliance with Title IX of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1972 where such programs or such compliance cannot be provided within existing facilities or for the correction of code violations which cannot be reasonably addressed within existing program space; (B) create new facilities or alter existing facilities to enhance mandatory instructional programs pursuant to this chapter or provide comparable facilities among schools to all students at the same grade level or levels within the school district unless such project is otherwise explicitly included in another category pursuant to this section; and (C) create new facilities or alter existing facilities to provide supportive services, provided in no event shall such supportive services include swimming pools, auditoriums, outdoor athletic facilities, tennis courts, elementary school playgrounds, site improvement or garages or storage, parking or general recreation areas. All applications submitted prior to July first shall be reviewed promptly by the Commissioner of Administrative Services. The Commissioner of Administrative Services shall estimate the amount of the grant for which such project is eligible, in accordance with the provisions of section 10-285a, provided an application for a school building project determined by the Commissioner of Education to be a project that will assist the state in meeting the goals of the 2008 stipulation and order for Milo Sheff, et al. v. William A. O'Neill, et al., as extended, or the goals of the 2013 stipulation and order for Milo Sheff, et al. v. William A. O'Neill, et al., as extended, shall have until September first to submit an application for such a project and may have until December first of the same year to secure and report all local and state approvals required to complete the grant application. The Commissioner of Administrative Services shall annually prepare a listing of all such eligible school building projects listed by category together with the amount of the estimated grants for such projects and shall submit the same to the Governor, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and the General Assembly on or before the fifteenth day of December, except as provided in section 10-283a, with a request for authorization to enter into grant commitments. On or before December thirty-first annually, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall submit comments and recommendations regarding each eligible project on such listing of eligible school building projects to the school construction committee, established pursuant to section 10-283a. [Each such listing submitted after December 15, 2005, until December 15, 2010, inclusive, shall include a separate schedule of authorized projects which have changed in scope or cost to a degree determined by the Commissioner of Education once, and a separate schedule of authorized projects which have changed in scope or cost to a degree determined by said commissioner twice. Any such listing submitted after December 15, 2010, until December 15, 2011, inclusive, shall include a separate schedule of authorized projects which have changed in scope or cost to a degree determined by the Commissioner of Administrative Services once, and a separate schedule of authorized projects which have changed in scope or cost to a degree determined by said commissioner twice. For the period beginning July 1, 2011, and ending December 31, 2013, each such listing shall include a report on the review conducted by the Commissioner of Education of the enrollment projections for each such eligible project. On and after January 1, 2014, each such listing shall include a report on the review conducted by the Commissioner of Administrative Services of the enrollment projections for each such eligible project.] Each such listing shall include a report on the following factors for each eligible project: (i) An enrollment projection and the capacity of the school, (ii) a substantiation of the estimated total project costs, (iii) the readiness of such eligible project to begin construction, (iv) efforts made by the local or regional board of education to redistrict, reconfigure, merge or close schools under the jurisdiction of such board prior to submitting an application under this section, (v) efforts made by such board to collaborate with other boards of education to reduce underenrollment in the schools under the jurisdiction of such board, (vi) enrollment and capacity information for all of the schools under the jurisdiction of such board for the five years prior to application for a school building project grant, (vii) enrollment projections and capacity information for all of the schools under the jurisdiction of such board for the eight years following the date such application is submitted, and (viii) the state's education priorities relating to reducing racial and economic isolation for the school district. For the period beginning July 1, 2006, and ending June 30, 2012, no project, other than a project for a technical high school, may appear on the separate schedule of authorized projects which have changed in cost more than twice. On and after July 1, 2012, no project, other than a project for a technical high school, may appear on the separate schedule of authorized projects which have changed in cost more than once, except the Commissioner of Administrative Services may allow a project to appear on such separate schedule of authorized projects a second time if the town or regional school district for such project can demonstrate that exigent circumstances require such project to appear a second time on such separate schedule of authorized projects. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, no projects which have changed in scope or cost to the degree determined by the Commissioner of Administrative Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education, shall be eligible for reimbursement under this chapter unless it appears on such list. The percentage determined pursuant to section 10-285a at the time a school building project on such schedule was originally authorized shall be used for purposes of the grant for such project. On and after July 1, 2006, a project that was not previously authorized as an interdistrict magnet school shall not receive a higher percentage for reimbursement than that determined pursuant to section 10-285a at the time a school building project on such schedule was originally authorized. The General Assembly shall annually authorize the Commissioner of Administrative Services to enter into grant commitments on behalf of the state in accordance with the commissioner's categorized listing for such projects as the General Assembly shall determine. The Commissioner of Administrative Services may not enter into any such grant commitments except pursuant to such legislative authorization. Any regional school district which assumes the responsibility for completion of a public school building project shall be eligible for a grant pursuant to subdivision (5) or (6), as the case may be, of subsection (a) of section 10-286 when such project is completed and accepted by such regional school district.

Sec. 3. Subsection (b) of section 10-283 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):

(b) (1) Notwithstanding the application date requirements of this section, at any time within the limit of available grant authorization and within the limit of appropriated funds, the Commissioner of Administrative Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education, may approve applications for grants [to] and make payments for such grants, for any of the following reasons: (A) To assist school building projects to remedy damage from fire and catastrophe, (B) to correct safety, health and other code violations, (C) to replace roofs, including the replacement or installation of skylights as part of the roof replacement project, (D) to remedy a certified school indoor air quality emergency, (E) to install insulation for exterior walls and attics, or (F) to purchase and install a limited use and limited access elevator, windows, photovoltaic panels, wind generation systems, building management systems, a public school administrative or service facility or portable classroom buildings, [at any time within the limit of available grant authorization and make payments thereon within the limit of appropriated funds,] provided portable classroom building projects shall not create a new facility or cause an existing facility to be modified so that the portable buildings comprise a substantial percentage of the total facility area, as determined by the commissioner.

(2) Not later than seven calendar days following the discovery of a reason described in subparagraphs (A) to (F), inclusive, of subdivision (1) of this subsection, the superintendent of schools of a town or regional school district shall notify the Commissioner of Administrative Services in writing of such reason in order to be eligible for a grant under this subsection. Such superintendent shall submit an application to the commissioner not later than six months following such notification in order to receive a grant under this subsection.

Sec. 4. Subsection (c) of section 10-287 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):

(c) If the [commissioner] Commissioner of Administrative Services determines that a building project has not met the approved conditions of the original application, the [State Board of Education] Department of Administrative Services may withhold subsequent state grant payments for said project until appropriate action, as determined by the commissioner, is taken to cause the building project to be in compliance with the approved conditions or may require repayment of all state grant payments for said project when such appropriate action is not undertaken within a reasonable time.

Sec. 5. Section 10-287i of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):

A grant under this chapter for any school building project authorized by the General Assembly on or after July 1, 1996, or for any project for which application is made pursuant to subsection (b) of section 10-283, as amended by this act, on or after July 1, 1997, shall be paid as follows: Applicants shall request progress payments for the state share of eligible project costs calculated pursuant to sections 10-65, 10-76e and 10-286, at such time and in such manner as the Commissioner of Administrative Services shall prescribe provided no payments shall commence until the applicant has filed a notice of authorization of funding for the local share of project costs, and provided further no payments other than those for architectural planning and site acquisition shall be made prior to approval of the final architectural plans pursuant to section 10-292. The Department of Administrative Services shall withhold [five] eleven per cent of a grant pending completion of an audit pursuant to section 10-287, as amended by this act, provided, if the department is unable to complete the required audit within six months of the date a request for final payment is filed, the applicant may have an independent audit performed and include the cost of such audit in the eligible project costs.

Sec. 6. Section 10-63f of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):

Such withdrawal or dissolution shall not impair the obligation of the withdrawing town or the district to the holders of any bonds or other outstanding indebtedness issued prior to withdrawal or dissolution under authority of this part, including any responsibilities or financial obligations related to a school building project pursuant to chapter 173. The regional board of education and the board of education of the town or towns involved may make agreements for the payment of money to or from the district and said towns in accordance with the final plan of withdrawal, except any such agreement or final plan of withdrawal shall not relieve a withdrawing town from its responsibilities or financial obligations related to a school building project pursuant to chapter 173.

Sec. 7. Subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of section 10-285b of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):

(a) (1) Any incorporated or endowed high school or academy approved by the State Board of Education, pursuant to section 10-34, may apply and be eligible to subsequently [to] be considered for a school [construction] building project grant [commitments] commitment from the state, [pursuant to] provided the school building project complies with the provisions of this chapter.

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

July 1, 2017


Sec. 2

July 1, 2017


Sec. 3

July 1, 2017


Sec. 4

July 1, 2017


Sec. 5

July 1, 2017


Sec. 6

July 1, 2017


Sec. 7

July 1, 2017



Joint Favorable Subst.



Joint Favorable
