Bill Text: AZ HB2088 | 2012 | Fiftieth Legislature 2nd Regular | Engrossed

Bill Title: ASRS; amendments

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Vetoed) 2012-04-11 - Governor Vetoed [HB2088 Detail]

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Senate Engrossed House Bill





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session










amending sections 38‑711, 38‑713, 38‑714 and 38‑715, Arizona Revised Statutes; repealing sections 38‑718 and 38‑719, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending title 38, chapter 5, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding a new section 38‑719; amending sections 38-721, 38‑740, 38‑744, 38‑745, 38‑755 and 38-760, Arizona Revised Statutes; providing for the delayed repeal of section 38‑761, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending sections 38‑762, 38‑783 and 38‑797.07, Arizona Revised Statutes; making an Appropriation; relating to the Arizona State Retirement System.






Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 38-711, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-711.  Definitions

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.  "Active member" means a member as defined in paragraph 23, subdivision (b) of this section who satisfies the eligibility criteria prescribed in section 38‑727 and who is currently making member contributions as prescribed in section 38‑736.

2.  "Actuarial equivalent" means equality in value of the aggregate amounts expected to be received under two different forms of payment, based on mortality and interest rate assumptions approved from time to time by the board.

3.  "ASRS" means the Arizona state retirement system established by this article.

4.  "Assets" means the resources of ASRS including all cash, investments or securities.

5.  "Average monthly compensation" means:

(a)  For a member whose membership in ASRS commenced before January 1, 1984 and who left the member's contributions on deposit or reinstated forfeited credited service pursuant to section 38‑742 for a period of employment that commenced before January 1, 1984, the higher of either:

(i)  The monthly average of compensation that is calculated pursuant to subdivision (b) of this paragraph.

(ii)  The monthly average of compensation on which contributions were remitted during a period of sixty consecutive months during which the member receives the highest compensation within the last one hundred twenty months of credited service.  Any month for which no contributions are reported to ASRS or that falls within a period of nonpaid or partially paid leave of absence or sabbatical leave shall be excluded from the computation.  The sixty consecutive months may entirely precede, may be both before and after or may be completely after any excluded months.  If the member was employed for less than sixty consecutive months, the average monthly compensation is based on the total consecutive months worked.  Payments for accumulated vacation or annual leave, sick leave, compensatory time or other forms of termination pay which, before August 12, 2005, constitute compensation for members whose membership in ASRS commenced before January 1, 1984, do not cease to be included as compensation if paid in the form of nonelective employer contributions under a 26 United States Code section 403(b) plan if all payments of employer and employee contributions are made at the time of termination.  Contributions shall be made to ASRS on these amounts pursuant to sections 38‑735, 38‑736 and 38‑737.

(b)  For a member whose membership in ASRS commenced on or after January 1, 1984 but before July 1, 2011, the monthly average of compensation on which contributions were remitted during a period of thirty‑six consecutive months during which a member receives the highest compensation within the last one hundred twenty months of credited service.  Any month for which no contributions are reported to ASRS or that falls within a period of nonpaid or partially paid leave of absence or sabbatical leave shall be excluded from the computation.  The thirty‑six consecutive months may entirely precede, may be both before and after or may be completely after any excluded months.  If the member was employed for less than thirty‑six consecutive months, the average monthly compensation shall be based on the total consecutive months worked. 

(c)  For a member whose membership in ASRS commenced on or after July 1, 2011, the monthly average of compensation on which contributions were remitted during a period of sixty consecutive months during which a member receives the highest compensation within the last one hundred twenty months of credited service.  Any month for which no contributions are reported to ASRS or that falls within a period of nonpaid or partially paid leave of absence or sabbatical leave shall be excluded from the computation.  The sixty consecutive months may entirely precede, may be both before and after or may be completely after any excluded months.  If the member was employed for less than sixty consecutive months, the average monthly compensation shall be based on the total consecutive months worked.

6.  "Board" means the ASRS board established in section 38‑713.

7.  "Compensation" means the gross amount paid to a member by an employer as salary or wages, including amounts that are subject to deferred compensation or tax shelter agreements, for services rendered to or for an employer, or that would have been paid to the member except for the member's election or a legal requirement that all or part of the gross amount be used for other purposes, but does not include amounts paid in excess of compensation limits established in section 38‑746.  Compensation includes amounts paid as salary or wages to a member by a second employer if the member meets the requirements prescribed in paragraph 23, subdivision (b) of this section with that second employer.  Compensation, as provided in paragraph 5, subdivision (b) or (c) of this section, does not include:

(a)  Lump sum payments, on termination of employment, for accumulated vacation or annual leave, sick leave, compensatory time or any other form of termination pay whether the payments are made in one payment or by installments over a period of time.

(b)  Damages, costs, attorney fees, interest or other penalties paid pursuant to a court order or a compromise settlement or agreement to satisfy a grievance or claim even though the amount of the payment is based in whole or in part on previous salary or wage levels, except that, if the court order or compromise settlement or agreement directs salary or wages to be paid for a specific period of time, the payment is compensation for that specific period of time.  If the amount directed to be paid is less than the actual salary or wages that would have been paid for the period if service had been performed, the contributions for the period shall be based on the amount of compensation that would have been paid if the service had been performed.

(c)  Payment, at the member's option, in lieu of fringe benefits that are normally paid for or provided by the employer.

(d)  Merit awards pursuant to section 38‑613 and performance bonuses paid to assistant attorneys general pursuant to section 41‑192.

(e)  Amounts that are paid as salary or wages to a member for which employer contributions have not been paid.

8.  "Contingent annuitant" means the person named by a member to receive retirement income payable following a member's death after retirement as provided in section 38‑760.

9.  "Credited service" means, subject to section 38‑739, the number of years standing to the member's credit on the books of ASRS during which the member made the required contributions.

10.  "Current annual compensation" means the greater of:

(a)  Annualized compensation of the typical pay period amount immediately before the date of a request to ASRS to purchase credited service pursuant to section 38‑743, 38-744 or 38‑745.  The typical pay period amount shall be determined by taking the five pay periods immediately before the date of a request, disregarding the highest and lowest compensation amount pay periods and averaging the three remaining pay periods.

(b)  Annualized compensation of the partial year, disregarding the first compensation amount pay period, if the member has less than twelve months total compensation on the date of a request to purchase credited service pursuant to section 38‑743, 38-744 or 38‑745.

(c)  The sum of the twelve months of compensation immediately before the date of a request to ASRS to purchase credited service pursuant to section 38‑743, 38-744 or 38‑745.

(d)  The sum of the thirty‑six months of compensation immediately before the date of a request to ASRS to purchase credited service pursuant to section 38‑743, 38-744 or 38‑745 divided by three. 

(e)  If the member has retired one or more times from ASRS, the average monthly compensation that was used for calculating the member's last pension benefit times twelve.

11.  "Early retirement" means retirement before a member's normal retirement date after five years of total credited service and attainment of age fifty.

12.  "Effective date" means July 1, 1970, except with respect to employers and members whose contributions to ASRS commence thereafter, the effective date of their membership in ASRS is as specified in the applicable joinder agreement.

13.  "Employer" means:

(a)  This state.

(b)  Participating political subdivisions.

(c)  Participating political subdivision entities.

14.  "Employer contributions" means all amounts paid into ASRS by an employer on behalf of a member.

15.  "Fiscal year" means the period from July 1 of any year to June 30 of the following year.

16.  "Inactive member" means a member who previously made contributions to ASRS and who satisfies each of the following:

(a)  Has not retired.

(b)  Is not eligible for active membership in ASRS.

(c)  Is not currently making contributions to ASRS.

(d)  Has not withdrawn contributions from ASRS.

17.  "Interest" means the assumed actuarial investment earnings rate approved by the board.

18.  "Internal revenue code" means the United States internal revenue code of 1986, as amended.

19.  "Investment management manager" means the persons, companies, banks, insurance company investment funds, mutual fund companies, management or any combinations of those entities that are appointed by ASRS and that have responsibility and authority for investment of the monies of ASRS.

20.  "Late retirement" means retirement after normal retirement.

21.  "Leave of absence" means any unpaid leave authorized by the employer, including leaves authorized for sickness or disability or to pursue education or training.

22.  "Life annuity" means equal monthly installments payable during the member's lifetime after retirement.

23.  "Member":

(a)  Means any employee of an employer on the effective date.

(b)  Means all employees of an employer who are eligible for membership pursuant to section 38‑727 and who are engaged to work at least twenty weeks in each fiscal year and at least twenty hours each week.

(c)  Means any person receiving a benefit under ASRS.

(d)  Means any person who is a former active member of ASRS and who has not withdrawn contributions from ASRS pursuant to section 38‑740.

(e)  Does not include any employee of an employer who is otherwise eligible pursuant to this article and who begins service in a limited appointment for not more than eighteen months on or after July 1, 1979.  If the employment exceeds eighteen months, the employee shall be covered by ASRS as of the beginning of the nineteenth month of employment.  In order to be excluded under this subdivision, classifications of employees designated by employers as limited appointments must be approved by the director.

(f)  Does not include any leased employee.  For the purposes of section 414(n) of the internal revenue code, "leased employee" means an individual who:

(i)  Is not otherwise an employee of an employer.

(ii)  Pursuant to a leasing agreement between the employer and another person, performs services for the employer on a substantially full‑time basis for at least one year.

(iii)  Performs services under the primary direction or control of the employer.

24.  "Member contributions" means all amounts paid to ASRS by a member.

25.  "Normal costs" means the sum of the individual normal costs for all active members for each fiscal year.  The normal cost for an individual active member is the cost that is assigned to the fiscal year using the projected unit credit method.

26.  "Normal retirement age" means the age at which a member reaches the member's normal retirement date.

27.  "Normal retirement date" means the earliest of the following:

(a)  For a member whose membership commenced before July 1, 2011:

(i)  A member's sixty‑fifth birthday.

(ii)  A member's sixty‑second birthday and completion of at least ten years of credited service.

(iii)  The first day that the sum of a member's age and years of total credited service equals eighty.

(b)  For a member whose membership commenced on or after July 1, 2011:

(i)  A member's sixty‑fifth birthday.

(ii)  A member's sixty‑second birthday and completion of at least ten years of credited service.

(iii)  A member's sixtieth birthday and completion of at least twenty‑five years of credited service.

(iv)  A member's fifty‑fifth birthday and completion of at least thirty years of credited service.

28.  "Political subdivision" means any political subdivision of this state and includes a political subdivision entity.

29.  "Political subdivision entity" means an entity:

(a)  That is located in this state.

(b)  That is created in whole or in part by political subdivisions, including instrumentalities of political subdivisions.

(c)  Where a majority of the membership of the entity is composed of political subdivisions.

(d)  Whose primary purpose is the performance of a government related service.

30.  "Retired member" means a member who is receiving retirement benefits pursuant to this article.

31.  "Service year" means fiscal year, except that:

(a)  If the normal work year required of a member is less than the full fiscal year but is for a period of at least nine months, the service year is the normal work year.

(b)  For a salaried member employed on a contract basis under one contract, or two or more consecutive contracts, for a total period of at least nine months, the service year is the total period of the contract or consecutive contracts.

(c)  In determining average monthly compensation pursuant to paragraph 5 of this section, the service year is considered to be twelve months of compensation.

32.  "State" means this state, including any department, office, board, commission, agency, institution or other instrumentality of this state.

33.  "Vested" means that a member is eligible to receive a future retirement benefit. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 38-713, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-713.  ASRS board; qualifications; term; compensation

A.  The ASRS board is established consisting of the following nine members appointed by the governor pursuant to section 38‑211:

1.  Five members from among the members of ASRS to represent the members of ASRS as follows:

(a)  An educator.

(b)  An employee of a political subdivision.

(c)  A retired member.

(d)  An employee of this state.

(e)  An at large member who may represent any ASRS member group.

2.  Four members who are not members of ASRS to represent the public.

B.  Four of the members shall have at least ten years' substantial experience as any one or a combination of the following:

1.  A portfolio manager acting in a fiduciary capacity.

2.  A securities analyst.

3.  An employee or principal of a trust institution, investment organization or endowment fund acting either in a management or an investment related capacity.

4.  A chartered financial analyst in good standing as determined by the association for investment management and research cfa institute.

5.  A professor at the university level teaching economics or investment related subjects.

6.  An economist.

7.  Any other professional engaged in the field of public or private finances.

C.  Each member who represents an ASRS member group shall have not less than five years of administrative management experience.

D.  The following persons are not eligible for membership on the board:

1.  A person who is a stockbroker or bond broker and who is actively engaged in the profession of a stockbroker or bond broker.

2.  A person who holds a real estate license pursuant to title 32, chapter 20.

E.  A member may be reappointed.  Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the balance of the term in the same manner as for initial appointment.  On the expiration of any term, the governor shall appoint a successor for a full term of three years that expires on the third Monday in January of the appropriate year.

F.  Board members are eligible to receive compensation for performing their duties in an amount of fifty dollars a day, but not more than one thousand dollars in any one fiscal year, and are eligible for reimbursement of expenses pursuant to chapter 4, article 2 of this title. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 38-714, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-714.  Powers and duties of ASRS and board

A.  ASRS shall have the powers and privileges of a corporation, shall have an official seal and shall transact all business in the name "Arizona state retirement system", and in that name may sue and be sued.

B.  The board is responsible for supervising the administration of this article by the director of ASRS, except the investment powers and duties of investment management.

C.  The board is responsible for the performance of fiduciary duties and other responsibilities required to preserve and protect the retirement trust fund established by section 38‑712.

D.  The board shall:

1.  Prescribe investment goals, objectives and policies that are consistent with the purposes of this article and the limitations and standard of care prescribed in section 38‑719, subsection B.

2.  Allocate assets to meet the investment goals, objectives and policies it prescribes.

3.  Adopt specific policy directives for the guidance of investment management.

4.  Meet with each investment manager at least annually or at the request of a board member to review the investment manager's performance and the investment manager's attainment of and adherence to the board's investment goals, objectives and policies.

E.  D.  The board shall not advocate for or against legislation providing for benefit modifications, except that the board shall provide technical and administrative information regarding the impact of benefit modification legislation.

F.  E.  The board may:

1.  Determine the rights, benefits or obligations of any person under this article and afford any person dissatisfied with a determination a hearing on the determination.

2.  Determine the amount, manner and time of payment of any benefits under this article.

3.  Assign, transfer and deliver all stocks, bonds and other investments owned by ASRS if it is not inconsistent with or does not in any way contravene the authority of investment management for investing, reinvesting, purchasing and selling stocks, bonds and other investments.

4.  3.  Recommend amendments to this article and articles 2.1 and 7 of this chapter that are required for efficient and effective administration.

5.  4.  Adopt, amend or repeal rules for the administration of the plan, this article and articles 2.1 and 7 of this chapter.

6.  Prescribe investment diversification programs and assign investment management responsibilities regarding those programs as it deems appropriate to achieve its investment goals, objectives and policies.

G.  F.  The board shall submit to the governor and legislature for each fiscal year no later than eight months after the close of the fiscal year a report of its operations and the operations of ASRS.  The report shall follow generally accepted accounting principles and generally accepted financial reporting standards and shall include:

1.  A report on an actuarial valuation of ASRS assets and liabilities.

2.  Any other statistical and financial data that may be necessary for the proper understanding of the financial condition of ASRS and the results of board operations.

3.  On request of the governor or the legislature, a list of investments owned.  This list shall be provided in electronic format.

H.  G.  The board shall:

1.  Prepare and publish a synopsis of the annual report for the information of ASRS members.

2.  Contract for a study of the mortality, disability, service and other experiences of the members and employers participating in ASRS.  The study shall be conducted for fiscal year 1990‑1991 and for at least every fifth fiscal year thereafter.  A report of the study shall be completed within eight months of the close of the applicable fiscal year and shall be submitted to the governor and the legislature.

3.  Conduct an annual actuarial valuation of ASRS assets and liabilities.

I.  H.  The auditor general may make an annual audit of ASRS and transmit the results to the governor and the legislature. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 38-715, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-715.  Director; powers and duties

A.  The board shall appoint a director.  The term of the director is one year and expires on June 30.  On expiration of a director's term, the board may reappoint the director for another term.  The board may remove the director at any time for cause.

B.  The director shall appoint a deputy director and assistant directors with the approval of the board.

C.  The director, under the supervision of the board, shall:

1.  Administer this article, except the investment powers and duties of investment management.

2.  Hire employees and services the director deems necessary and prescribe their duties.

3.  Prescribe procedures to be followed by members and their beneficiaries in filing applications for benefits.

4.  Prescribe procedures to be followed by employers for remitting data and monies to ASRS and for receiving data and monies from ASRS.

4.  5.  Be responsible for:

(a)  Income and the collection of income and the accuracy of all expenditures.

(b)  Maintaining books and maintaining and processing records of ASRS.

(c)  The investment of temporary surplus monies only in obligations of the United States government or agencies whose obligations are guaranteed by the United States government, commercial paper or banker's acceptances for a term of not more than fifteen days.

(d)  (c)  Providing continuing education programs for the board to keep the board members informed of current issues and information needed to carry out their duties.

5.  6.  Perform additional powers and duties as may be prescribed by the board and delegated to the director.

D.  The director, under the supervision and approval of the board, may:

1.  Delegate duties and responsibilities to such state departments as the director deems feasible and desirable to administer this article.

2.  Appoint a custodian for the safekeeping of all investments owned by ASRS and register stocks, bonds and other investments in the name of a nominee.

3.  Invest marketable securities owned by ASRS by entering into security loan agreements with one or more security lending entities.  For the purpose of this paragraph:

(a)  "Marketable securities" means securities that are freely and regularly traded on recognized exchanges or marketplaces.

(b)  "Security loan agreement" means a written contract under which ASRS, as lender, agrees to lend specific marketable securities for a period of not more than one year.  ASRS, under a security loan agreement, shall retain the right to collect from the borrower all dividends, interest, premiums and rights and any other distributions to which ASRS otherwise would have been entitled.  During the term of a security loan agreement ASRS shall waive the right to vote the securities that are the subject of the agreement. A security loan agreement shall provide for termination by either party on terms mutually acceptable to the parties.  The borrower shall deliver collateral to ASRS or its designated representative.  At all times during the term of any security loan agreement the collateral shall be in an amount equal to at least one hundred per cent of the market value of the loaned securities.  A security loan agreement shall provide for payment of additional collateral on a daily basis, or at such other less frequent intervals as the value of the loaned securities increases.  A security loan agreement with a security lending entity shall contain the terms and conditions of the fees to be paid to a security lending entity for servicing the security loan agreement.  ASRS shall pay the fees approved by the board to the security lending entity for servicing a security loan agreement from the revenues of the security lending program.

4.  3.  Establish one or more reserve holding accounts, into which the board shall close periodically the account balances of inactive accounts.  If any person files a claim and furnishes proof of ownership of any amounts in any inactive account the claim shall be paid from the reserve holding account on the same basis as if no action had been taken under this paragraph. Interest and supplemental credits shall be allocated to each reserve holding account on June 30 of each year, as determined by the board.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "inactive account" means an account to which contributions have not been paid for six months or more.

5.  4.  Make retirement under this article effective retroactively to on or after the day following the date employment is terminated if the member was unable to apply before the retroactive effective date through no fault of the member.

E.  The director, under supervision of the governing committee for tax deferred annuity and deferred compensation plans, may hire and supervise employees and obtain services the director deems necessary to administer article 5 of this chapter.  The tax deferred annuity and deferred compensation programs established pursuant to article 5 of this chapter shall bear the costs for these employees and services.

F.  The director and all persons employed by the director are not subject to section 38‑611 or title 41, chapter 4, article 5 or 6. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Repeal

Sections 38-718 and 38-719, Arizona Revised Statutes, are repealed.

Sec. 6.  Title 38, chapter 5, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section 38-719, to read:

START_STATUTE38-719.  Investment managers; general powers and duties; investment of monies; limitations

A.  ASRS shall appoint and may remove multiple investment managers to invest and reinvest the assets of ASRS.  The board may authorize the director to retain and manage staff to make investments as an investment manager.

B.  An investment manager shall be qualified to make the type of investments for which the investment manager is appointed.

C.  The ASRS shall:

1.  Prescribe investment goals and policies that are consistent with the purposes of this article and the limitations and standard of care prescribed in this section.

2.  Allocate assets and use investment strategies to meet the investment goals and policies ASRS prescribes.

3.  Adopt specific directives for the guidance of investment managers.

4.  Review the performance of each investment manager at least annually or at the request of a board member.

D.  An investment manager shall discharge the duties of the position with the care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with the same matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims as that of ASRS.

E.  An investment manager may invest and reinvest in the name of ASRS all ASRS monies assigned to the investment manager and shall purchase and sell in the name of ASRS any of the securities and investments held by ASRS under this article.  An investment manager may hold, purchase, sell, assign, loan, borrow, transfer and dispose of any of the securities and investments in which any of its account monies are invested, subject to the specific directives determined by ASRS.  An investment manager shall redeposit the proceeds of sales, maturities and calls in the ASRS depository.

F.  The ASRS may enter into security loan agreements with one or more security lending entities.

G.  No more than eighty per cent of ASRS assets may be invested at any given time in equities, measured at market value.

H.  No more than forty per cent of ASRS assets may be invested in non united states public investments, measured at market value.

I.  No more than sixty per cent of ASRS assets may be invested internally, measured at market value.

J.  No more than five per cent of ASRS assets may be invested in securities issued by any one institution, agency or corporation, other than securities issued as direct obligations of or fully guaranteed by the United States government or mortgage backed securities and agency debentures issued by federal agencies, measured at market value.

K.  No more than ten per cent of ASRS assets may be invested in bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of those multinational development banks in which the United States is a member nation, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, measured at market value.

L.  If a limitation in subsection G, H, i, j or k of this section is reached, ASRS is not required to sell assets, but shall not make any further investments of that type until the limit is no longer exceeded.

M.  Notwithstanding any other law, ASRS is not required to invest in any type of investment that is intended to fund economic development projects, public works or social programs but may consider such economically targeted investments pursuant to its fiduciary responsibility.

N.  For the purpose of exercising the investment responsibilities prescribed in this section, ASRS may enter into contracts that may be interpreted and enforced under the laws of a jurisdiction other than this state and are not subject to section 35-214 or 38-511 or title 41, chapter 23.

O.  Proprietary commercial information that is provided to the board, director, investment manager, employees of the director and attorneys of the board or the director relating to investments in which an investment manager has invested or has considered for investment is confidential and not a public record if the information is information that customarily would not be released to the public by the person or entity from whom the information was obtained.

P.  A financial institution serving as an investment manager does not have a conflict of interest because it is also a depository in which ASRS monies are deposited.END_STATUTE

Sec. 7.  Section 38-721, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-721.  Administration account

A.  ASRS shall maintain an administration account consisting of all monies for administrative purposes.  The following monies shall be deposited in the administration account:

1.  All monies appropriated by the legislature to pay administrative expenses of ASRS.

2.  All monies received for proportionate shares of administrative expenses from departments that pay the salaries of their officers and employees wholly or in part from monies received from sources other than appropriations from the state general fund.

3.  All monies received for proportionate shares of administrative expenses from political subdivisions paying employer contributions.

4.  Monies that the director transfers from the investment account and that are necessary for the payment of expenditures made pursuant to subsections C and D of this section.

B.  Except as provided in subsection C of this section, expenditures from the administration account shall be made in accordance with board directives, subject to legislative appropriation.

C.  Expenditures for the following are continuously appropriated and shall be paid from the administration account in the amount deemed necessary by the board:

1.  Investment management fees and related consulting fees necessary to meet the board's investment objectives.

2.  Rent.

3.  Actuarial consulting fees.

4.  Retiree payroll.

D.  With the approval of the board, the director:

1.  May expend monies from the administration account for staff, expenses and related consulting fees necessary to implement section 38‑714, subsection E, paragraphs 1 and 6 and subsection H, paragraphs 2 and 3 and sections 38‑755 and 38‑756.

2.  Shall pay from the administration account the costs for administering the health insurance program for retired members pursuant to section 38‑782, the cost of continuing education programs for the board and the cost of legal counsel. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8.  Section 38-740, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-740.  Return of contributions

A.  A member whose membership commenced before July 1, 2011 and who leaves employment other than by retirement or death may elect to receive a return of the contributions as follows:

1.  If the member has less than five years of credited service, the member shall receive all of the member's contributions.

2.  If a member has five or more years of credited service, the member shall receive the member's contributions and an amount equal to a percentage of the employer contributions paid on behalf of the member.  This amount excludes payments made by an employer pursuant to section 38‑738, subsection B, paragraph 3, unless the member has made the payment required by section 38‑738, subsection B, paragraph 1.  The percentage of employer contributions paid on behalf of the member shall be as follows:

(a)  5.0 to 5.9 years of credited service, twenty‑five per cent.

(b)  6.0 to 6.9 years of credited service, forty per cent.

(c)  7.0 to 7.9 years of credited service, fifty‑five per cent.

(d)  8.0 to 8.9 years of credited service, seventy per cent.

(e)  9.0 to 9.9 years of credited service, eighty‑five per cent.

(f)  10.0 or more years of credited service, one hundred per cent.

3.  Interest on the returned contributions as determined by the board.

B.  A member whose membership commenced on or after July 1, 2011 and who leaves employment other than by retirement or death may elect to receive a return of all of the member's contributions with interest as determined by the board.

C.  Notwithstanding subsection B of this section, if a member has five or more years of credited service and the member is terminated solely because of an employer reduction in force by reason of a lack of monies or elimination of the member's position, the member is entitled to receive the amounts prescribed in subsection A of this section.

D.  Withdrawal of contributions with interest constitutes a withdrawal from membership in ASRS and results in a forfeiture of all other benefits under ASRS.

E.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a member who has not received a return of contributions pursuant to this section may combine any two or more periods of service for purposes of determining the member's benefits.

F.  If a member receives more than the amount due to a member pursuant to this section, the member shall repay the amount of the overpayment together with interest at the interest rate earned on ASRS investments as reported on a quarterly basis, but not less than the valuation rate established by the board, from the time of overpayment to the settlement of the debt. END_STATUTE

Sec. 9.  Section 38-744, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-744.  Leave of absence; credit for leave without pay

A.  If an active member of ASRS or a member who is receiving benefits pursuant to section 38‑797.07 is officially granted a leave of absence from employment without pay and returns to employment with the same employer, unless employment could not be resumed because of disability or nonavailability of a position, the member may elect to be credited with service for retirement purposes for not more than one year of the leave, but not more than a total of sixty months under this section, by paying to ASRS the amounts as provided in subsection B of this section, if the member has not withdrawn contributions from ASRS and the member's employer has certified that the leave of absence benefits or is in the best interests of the employer.

A.  A member may elect to be credited with service for retirement purposes for an officially granted leave of absence from employment without pay if all of the following apply:

1.  At the time the absence was granted the member was an active member of ASRS or a member who was receiving benefits pursuant to section 38-797.07.

2.  At the time the credit is requested the member is an active member of ASRS, receiving benefits pursuant to section 38-797.07 or a former active member of ASRS who has not withdrawn contributions from ASRS pursuant to section 38-740 and who was unable to resume employment because a position is not available.

3.  The member returns to employment with the same employer, unless employment could not be resumed because of disability or a position was not available.

4.  The member elects not more than one year of the leave and not more than a total of sixty months pursuant to this section.

5.  The member pays the amount provided in subsection B of this section.

6.  The member's employer has certified that the leave of absence benefits or is in the best interests of the employer.

B.  A member who elects to be credited with a leave period as provided in subsection A of this section shall pay to ASRS an amount equal to the present value of the additional benefit that is derived from the purchased credited service using the actuarial assumptions that are approved by the board.

C.  A member who previously was a member of another public employee retirement system and who receives or is eligible to receive a retirement benefit from that system for any period of employment is ineligible to receive retirement benefits from ASRS for the same period.

D.  A member shall have at least ten years of credited service in ASRS before electing to receive credit for service pursuant to this section.

E.  For the purposes of subsection A of this section, each employer shall adopt rules establishing guidelines for a leave of absence that benefits or is in the best interests of the employer. END_STATUTE

Sec. 10.  Section 38-745, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-745.  Credit for military service

A.  An active member of ASRS or a member who is receiving benefits pursuant to section 38‑797.07 may purchase up to sixty months of credited service in ASRS for active military service if all of the following apply:

1.  The member was honorably separated from the military service.

2.  The member submits a copy of the member's military service record (DD‑214) or its equivalent with the member's application for military service credit.

3.  A member has at least ten years of credited service in ASRS.

4.  Except as provided by 10 United States Code section 12736, the member is not yet eligible for a military retirement benefit.

B.  The cost to purchase military service credit is an amount equal to the present value of the additional benefit that is derived from the purchased credited service using the actuarial assumptions that are approved by the board.

C.  An active member of ASRS who is called to active military service may receive credited service for not more than sixty months of active military service, except as provided by the uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act (38 United States Code section 4312(c)).  The member's employer shall make employer contributions and member contributions for the member if the member meets the following requirements:

1.  Was an active member of ASRS on the day before the member began active military service.

2.  Is a member of the Arizona national guard or is a member of the reserves of any military establishment of the United States.

3.  Volunteers or is ordered into active military service of the United States as part of a military call‑up.

4.  One of the following occurs:

(a)  Is honorably separated from active military service and returns to employment for the same employer from which the member left for active military service within ninety days after the date active military service is terminated.

(b)  Is hospitalized as a result of military service and returns to employment for the same employer from which the member left for active military service within ninety days after release from service related hospitalization.

(c)  Becomes disabled as a result of or during the military service and is unable to return to the same employer.

(d)  Dies as a result of or during the military service.

D.  Contributions made pursuant to subsection C of this section shall be for the period of time beginning on the date the member began active military service and ending on the later of one of the following dates:

1.  The date the member returns to employment or the date the member should have returned to employment pursuant to 20 Code of Federal Regulations section 1002.115, whichever date is earlier.

2.  The date the member is released from service related hospitalization or two years after initiation of service related hospitalization, whichever date is earlier.

3.  One year after the date of disability.

4.  The date the member dies as a result of or during active military service.

E.  Notwithstanding any other law, on payment of the contributions made pursuant to subsection C of this section, the member shall be credited with service for retirement purposes for the period of time of active military service of not more than sixty months.

F.  The employer shall make contributions pursuant to subsection C of this section as follows:

1.  Contributions shall be based on the compensation that a member would have received but for the period that the member was ordered into active military service.

2.  If the employer cannot reasonably determine a member's rate of compensation for the period that the member was ordered into active military service, the employer shall make contributions based on the member's average rate of compensation during the twelve-month period immediately preceding the period of active military service.

3.  If a member has been employed less than twelve months before being ordered into active military service, the employer shall make contributions based on the employment period immediately preceding the period of active military service.

4.  Employer contributions shall be made in a lump sum and without penalty when the member returns to employment, when it is determined that the member is unable to return to employment because of a disability as a result of or that occurred during military service or on receipt of the member's death certificate.  If a member suffers a service related death, the employer shall make the employer and member contributions up to and including the date of the member's death.  Death benefits shall be calculated as prescribed by law.

G.  In computing the length of total credited service of a member for the purpose of determining retirement benefits or eligibility, the period of military service, as prescribed by this section, shall be included.

H.  Notwithstanding any other law, the member is not required to reimburse the member's employer or ASRS for any contribution made pursuant to subsection C of this section.

I.  In addition to, but not in duplication of, the provisions of subsection C of this section, contributions, benefits and credited service provided pursuant to this section shall be provided in accordance with section 414(u) of the internal revenue code.

J.  A member who does not currently perform services for an employer by reason of qualified military service, as that term is defined in section 414(u) of the internal revenue code, and who is receiving differential wage payments, as that term is defined in section 3401(h)(2) of the internal revenue code, shall not be considered as having a severance from employment for all purposes under ASRS during the period the differential wages are being paid by the employer to the employee. END_STATUTE

Sec. 11.  Section 38-755, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-755.  Information as to member's status; spousal notification

A.  Subject to rules prescribed by the board, on application of a member, the board shall furnish information concerning the member's status. In addition, the board shall annually furnish to each member an account statement, that may be electronic or online, showing the status of the member's account including the name of the member's beneficiary as last listed with the board.  

B.  The member may change the member's beneficiary at any time pursuant to rules adopted by the board and on forms furnished by the board in a manner established by asrs.

C.  A member shall notify the member's current spouse before the member names a beneficiary other than the member's current spouse or before the member changes the member's beneficiary if the member's current spouse is the beneficiary at the time of the change.END_STATUTE

Sec. 12.  Section 38-760, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-760.  Optional forms of retirement benefits

A.  On retirement, members may elect an optional form of retirement benefit as provided in this section.

B.  The optional retirement benefits available under this section include the following:

1.  Joint and survivor annuity in a reduced amount payable to the retiring member during life, with the provisions that after the member's death all, two‑thirds or one‑half of the retirement income, as the member elects, shall be continued during the lifetime of the contingent annuitant designated by the retiring member subject to the restrictions prescribed in section 38‑764.  The amount of retirement income shall be the actuarial equivalent of the retirement income to which the member would be entitled under normal or early retirement.  The election in a manner prescribed by the board shall name the contingent annuitant.  The election may be revoked at any time before the member's effective date of retirement.  At any time after benefits have commenced, the member may name a different contingent annuitant or rescind the election by written notice to the board as follows:

(a)  If a different contingent annuitant is named, the annuity of the member under the same joint and survivor annuity option previously elected shall be adjusted to the actuarial equivalent of the original annuity, based on the age of the new contingent annuitant.  The adjustment shall include all postretirement increases in retirement income that are authorized by law after the member's date of retirement.  Payment of this adjusted annuity shall continue under the provisions of the option previously elected by the member.

(b)  If the member rescinds the election, the member shall thereafter receive a straight life annuity equal to what the member would otherwise be entitled to receive if the member had not elected the joint and survivor annuity option, including all postretirement increases in retirement income that are authorized by law after the date of retirement.  The increased payment shall continue during the remainder of the member's lifetime.

(c)  If a member whose original date of retirement is before the effective date of this amendment to this section July 1, 2008 rescinds the joint and survivor annuity option previously elected and receives the straight life annuity pursuant to subdivision (b) of this paragraph, the member may again elect the same joint and survivor annuity option previously elected subject to the same restrictions prescribed in subdivision (a) of this paragraph.

(d)  A member whose original date of retirement is on or after the effective date of this amendment to this section July 1, 2008 may exercise a one-time election to rescind the joint and survivor annuity option elected by the member if the contingent annuitant dies or ceases to be a contingent annuitant pursuant to the terms of a qualified domestic relations order.

(e)  If the member's contingent annuitant is the member's current spouse, the member shall notify the contingent annuitant before the member names a new contingent annuitant or before the member rescinds the election.

2.  A period certain and life annuity actuarially reduced with payments for five, ten or fifteen years that are not dependent on the continued lifetime of the member but whose payments continue for the member's lifetime beyond the five, ten or fifteen year period.  At the time of electing this option the member shall name a period certain beneficiary or beneficiaries who are entitled to receive the payments for any portion of the period certain beyond the lifetime of the member.  The member may name a different beneficiary at any time.  If no beneficiary survives the member, any remaining payments are the property of the member's estate.  A member who retires after August 9, 2001 and before the effective date of this amendment to this section July 1, 2008 may rescind the election of a period certain and life annuity.  If the member rescinds the election of a period certain and life annuity, the member shall thereafter receive a straight life annuity equal to what the member would otherwise be entitled to receive if the member had not elected the period certain and life annuity option, including all postretirement increases in retirement income that are authorized by law after the date of retirement.  The increased payment shall continue during the remainder of the member's lifetime.  If the member reverts to a straight life annuity pursuant to this paragraph, the member may again elect a period certain and life annuity subject to the same provisions of the period certain and life annuity previously elected by the member.  A member whose original date of retirement is on or after the effective date of this amendment to this section July 1, 2008 may exercise a one-time election to rescind the period certain and life annuity option elected by the member if the beneficiary dies or ceases to be a beneficiary pursuant to the terms of a qualified domestic relations order or at the expiration of the member's period certain term.  If the member's contingent annuitant is the member's current spouse, the member shall notify the contingent annuitant before the member rescinds the election of a period certain and life annuity or again elects a period certain and life annuity pursuant to this paragraph.

3.  Beginning on July 1, 2002, a lump sum payment equal to not more than thirty‑six months of the member's retirement benefits under the benefit option elected by the member based on the actuarial equivalent of the retirement income to which the member would be entitled under normal or early retirement.  The member's benefit shall be actuarially reduced to provide for the lump sum payment.  The lump sum payment shall be made at the time of retirement.  Any benefit increase granted to a member who elects a lump sum payment pursuant to this paragraph is subject to the following conditions:

(a)  If the benefit increase is a percentage increase of the member's retirement benefit, the increase shall be based on the actuarially reduced retirement benefit of the member.

(b)  If the benefit increase is pursuant to section 38‑767, the amount of the member's benefit increase shall be calculated without regard to the lump sum payment pursuant to this paragraph.

4.  Other forms of actuarially reduced optional benefits prescribed by the board. END_STATUTE

Sec. 13.  Delayed repeal

Section 38-761, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed from and after June 30, 2013.

Sec. 14.  Section 38-762, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-762.  Survivor benefits before retirement; definitions

A.  On the death of any active or inactive member before retirement, the designated beneficiary of the member shall be paid a survivor benefit equal to the sum of both of the following:

1.  The member's contribution and interest and the employer's contribution and interest to the defined benefit plan established by this article for credited service that a member earned by working for an employer, plus all contributions and interest made for the purchase of military service, leave without pay or other public service credit.  This amount excludes payments made by an employer pursuant to section 38‑738, subsection B, paragraph 3, unless the member has made the payment required by section 38‑738, subsection B, paragraph 1.

2.  The amount of the member's employee account and the member's employer account together with supplemental credits, if any, transferred from the defined contribution program administered by ASRS to the defined benefit program established by this article.

B.  Subsection A, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section shall be accumulated at compound interest at a rate determined by the board through the day of the payment of the benefit.

C.  In lieu of a single payment, a designated beneficiary who is eligible for a survivor benefit pursuant to subsection A of this section of more than five thousand dollars may elect to receive the actuarial equivalent of the survivor benefit pursuant to one of the following options:

1.  A monthly income for five, ten or fifteen years certain and for life thereafter.

2.  Another form of optional benefits approved by the board.

D.  On the death of an active or inactive member who has reached an early retirement date applicable to the member or who has a minimum of fifteen years of credited service and whose designated beneficiary is a spouse, a member's natural or adopted child under the age of twenty‑one or a member's natural or adopted child of any age who is disabled, ASRS shall pay the designated beneficiary a survivor benefit equal to the present value, on the date following the date of the member's death, of the life annuity that would have been payable to the designated beneficiary if the member had retired on the date of the member's death and elected to receive an annuity in the form of a joint and survivor annuity providing the same amount of annuity to the surviving beneficiary as the reduced amount that would have been payable during the lifetime of the member.  If there is more than one designated beneficiary under this subsection, ASRS shall determine the amount of the annuity and its present value as if the oldest of the beneficiaries was the sole beneficiary.  Payment under this subsection shall be in lieu of, but not less than, any payment under subsection A of this section.  Payment under this subsection, at the election of the designated beneficiary, may be made in a single sum or may be made in accordance with subsection C of this section.  A beneficiary may not elect this option unless a benefit of twenty‑five dollars or more per month is payable to the designated beneficiary or the designated beneficiary's estate.

E.  If a member dies before distribution of the member's benefits commences, the member's entire benefits shall be distributed within the required distribution provisions of section 401(a)(9) of the internal revenue code and the regulations that are issued under that section by the United States secretary of the treasury as prescribed in section 38‑775.

F.  If a deceased member did not designate a beneficiary or the beneficiary named by a member predeceases the member, ASRS shall pay the member's survivor benefit to the following persons in the following order of priority:

1.  The member's surviving spouse.

2.  The member's surviving natural or adopted children in equal shares.

3.  The member's surviving parents in equal shares.

4.  The member's estate.

G.  Any payment pursuant to this section is payment for the account of the member or the member's beneficiary and all persons entitled to payment and, to the extent of the payment, is a full and complete discharge of all liability of the board or ASRS, or both, under or in connection with ASRS.

H.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Designated beneficiary" means any individual designated by the member as the member's beneficiary.

2.  "Disabled" means a person is incapable of self‑sustaining employment by reason of mental or physical handicap and is chiefly dependent on the member for support. END_STATUTE

Sec. 15.  Section 38-783, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-783.  Retired members; dependents; health insurance; premium payment; separate account; definitions

A.  Subject to subsections F, G and H g, h and i of this section, the board shall pay from ASRS assets part of the single coverage premium of any health and accident insurance for each retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member of ASRS if the member elects to participate in the coverage provided by ASRS or section 38‑651.01 or elects to participate in a health and accident insurance program provided or administered by an employer or paid for, in whole or in part, by an employer to an insurer.  A contingent annuitant must be receiving a monthly retirement benefit from ASRS in order to obtain any premium payment provided by this section.  The board shall pay:

1.  Up to one hundred fifty dollars per month for a member of ASRS who is not eligible for medicare if the retired or disabled member has ten or more years of credited service.

2.  Up to one hundred dollars per month for each member of ASRS who is eligible for medicare if the retired or disabled member has ten or more years of credited service.

B.  Subject to subsections F, G and H g, h and i of this section, the board shall pay from ASRS assets part of the family coverage premium of any health and accident insurance for a retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member of ASRS who elects family coverage and who otherwise qualifies for payment pursuant to subsection A of this section.  If a member of ASRS and the member's spouse are both either retired or disabled under ASRS and apply for family coverage, the member who elects family coverage is entitled to receive the payments under this section as if they were both applying under a single coverage premium unless the payment under this section for family coverage is greater.  Payment under this subsection is in the following amounts:

1.  Up to two hundred sixty dollars per month if the member of ASRS and one or more dependents are not eligible for medicare.

2.  Up to one hundred seventy dollars per month if the member of ASRS and one or more dependents are eligible for medicare.

3.  Up to two hundred fifteen dollars per month if either:

(a)  The member of ASRS is not eligible for medicare and one or more dependents are eligible for medicare.

(b)  The member of ASRS is eligible for medicare and one or more dependents are not eligible for medicare.

C.  In addition each retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member of ASRS with less than ten years of credited service and a dependent of such a retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member who elects to participate in the coverage provided by ASRS or section 38‑651.01 or who elects to participate in a health and accident insurance program provided or administered by an employer or paid for, in whole or in part, by an employer to an insurer is entitled to receive a proportion of the full benefit prescribed by subsection A or B of this section according to the following schedule:

1.  9.0 to 9.9 years of credited service, ninety per cent.

2.  8.0 to 8.9 years of credited service, eighty per cent.

3.  7.0 to 7.9 years of credited service, seventy per cent.

4.  6.0 to 6.9 years of credited service, sixty per cent.

5.  5.0 to 5.9 years of credited service, fifty per cent.

6.  Those with less than five years of credited service do not qualify for the benefit.

D.  The board shall not pay more than the amount prescribed in this section for a member of ASRS.

E.  Notwithstanding subsections A, B and C of this section, for a member who retires on or after the effective date of this amendment to this section, the board shall not make a payment under this section to a retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member who is enrolled in an employer's active employee group health and accident insurance program either as the insured or as a dependent, except that if the retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member is enrolled as a dependent and the premium paid to the employer's active employee group health and accident insurance program is not subsidized by the employer, the retired, contingent annuitant or disabled member is entitled to receive the amount provided in subsection A of this section.

E.  f.  The board shall establish a separate account that consists of the benefits provided by this section.  The board shall not use or divert any part of the corpus or income of the account for any purpose other than the provision of benefits under this section unless the liabilities of ASRS to provide the benefits are satisfied.  If the liabilities of ASRS to provide the benefits described in this section are satisfied, the board shall return any amount remaining in the account to the employer.

F.  g.  Payment of the benefits provided by this section is subject to the following conditions:

1.  The payment of the benefits is subordinate to the payment of retirement benefits payable by ASRS.

2.  The total of contributions for the benefits and actual contributions for life insurance protection, if any, shall not exceed twenty‑five per cent of the total actual employer and employee contributions to ASRS, less contributions to fund past service credits, after the day the account is established.

3.  The board shall deposit the benefits provided by this section in the account.

4.  The contributions by the employer to the account shall be reasonable and ascertainable.

G.  h.  A member who elects to receive a retirement benefit pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 1 may elect at the time of retirement an optional form of health and accident insurance premium benefit payment pursuant to this subsection as follows:

1.  The optional premium benefit payment shall be an amount prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that is actuarially reduced to the retiring member for life.  The amount of the optional premium benefit payment shall be the actuarial equivalent of the premium benefit payment to which the retired member would otherwise be entitled.  The election in a manner prescribed by the board shall name the contingent annuitant and may be revoked at any time before the retiring member's effective date of retirement.  At any time after benefits have commenced, the member may name a different contingent annuitant or rescind the election by written notice to the board as follows:

(a)  If the retired member names a different contingent annuitant, the optional premium benefit payment shall be adjusted to the actuarial equivalent of the original premium benefit payment based on the age of the new contingent annuitant.  The adjustment shall include all postretirement increases or decreases in amounts prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that are authorized by law after the retired member's date of retirement.  Payment of this adjusted premium benefit payment shall continue under the provisions of the optional premium benefit payment previously elected by the retired member.  A retired member cannot name a different contingent annuitant if the retired member has at any time rescinded the optional form of health and accident insurance premium benefit payment.

(b)  If the retired member rescinds the election, the retired member shall thereafter receive the premium benefit payment that the retired member would otherwise be entitled to receive if the retired member had not elected the optional premium benefit payment, including all postretirement increases or decreases in amounts prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that are authorized by law after the member's date of retirement.  The increased benefit payment shall continue during the remainder of the retired member's lifetime.  The decision to rescind shall be irrevocable.

2.  If, at the time of the retired member's death:

(a)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is eligible for family health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section times the reduction factor applied to the retired member's premium benefit payment times the joint and survivor option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 1.

(b)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is eligible for single health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section times the reduction factor applied to the retired member's premium benefit payment times the joint and survivor option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 1.

(c)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is not eligible for family health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section times the reduction factor applied to the retired member's premium benefit payment times the joint and survivor option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 1.

H.  i.  A member who elects to receive a retirement benefit pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 2 may elect at the time of retirement an optional form of health and accident insurance premium benefit payment pursuant to this subsection as follows:

1.  The optional premium benefit payment shall be an amount prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that is actuarially reduced with payments for five, ten or fifteen years that are not dependent on the continued lifetime of the retired member but whose payments continue for the retired member's lifetime beyond the five, ten or fifteen year period.  The election in a manner prescribed by the board shall name the contingent annuitant and may be revoked at any time before the retiring member's effective date of retirement.  At any time after benefits have commenced, the member may name a different contingent annuitant or rescind the election by written notice to the board.  If the retired member rescinds the election, the retired member shall thereafter receive the premium benefit payment that the retired member would otherwise be entitled to receive if the retired member had not elected the optional premium benefit payment, including all postretirement increases or decreases in amounts prescribed by subsection A, B or C of this section that are authorized by law after the member's date of retirement.  The increased benefit payment shall continue during the remainder of the retired member's lifetime.  The decision to rescind shall be irrevocable.

2.  If, at the time of the retired member's death:

(a)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is eligible for family health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section times the period certain and life option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 2.

(b)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is eligible for single health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section times the period certain and life option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 2.

(c)  The retired member was receiving a reduced premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection B or C of this section and the contingent annuitant is not eligible for family health and accident insurance coverage, the contingent annuitant is entitled to receive a premium benefit payment based on an amount prescribed in subsection A or C of this section times the period certain and life option reduction factor elected by the retired member at the time of retirement pursuant to section 38‑760, subsection B, paragraph 2.

I.  j.  If, at the time of retirement, a retiring member does not elect to receive a reduced premium benefit payment pursuant to subsection G or H or i of this section, the retired member's contingent annuitant is not eligible at any time for the optional premium benefit payment.

J.  k.  A contingent annuitant is not eligible for any premium benefit payment if the contingent annuitant was not enrolled in an eligible health and accident insurance plan at the time of the retired member's death or if the contingent annuitant is not the dependent beneficiary or insured surviving dependent as provided in section 38‑782.

K.  l.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Account" means the separate account established pursuant to subsection F of this section.

2.  "Credited service" includes prior service.

3.  "Prior service" means service for this state or a political subdivision of this state before membership in the defined contribution program administered by ASRS.

4.  "Subsidized" means a portion of the total premium is paid by the employer, but does not necessarily mean a plan in which the employer uses blended rates to determine the total premium. END_STATUTE

Sec. 16.  Section 38-797.07, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE38-797.07.  LTD program benefits; limitations; definitions

A.  The LTD program is subject to the following limitations:

1.  Except as provided in paragraph 9 of this subsection, monthly LTD program benefits shall not exceed two‑thirds of a member's monthly compensation at the time disability commences, reduced by:

(a)  For a member whose disability commences before July 1, 2008, sixty‑four per cent of social security disability benefits that the member and the member's dependents are eligible to receive.

(b)  For a member whose disability commences on or after July 1, 2008, eighty‑five per cent of social security disability benefits that the member and the member's dependents are eligible to receive, but not including:

(i)  The amount of attorney fees approved pursuant to social security administration rules and reasonable documented costs paid to an attorney to secure that disability benefit.

(ii)  Any cost‑of‑living adjustments that are granted after the member commences benefits under this section.

(c)  For a member whose disability commences before July 1, 2008, eighty‑three per cent of social security retirement benefits that the member is eligible to receive.

(d)  For a member whose disability commences on or after July 1, 2008, eighty‑five per cent of social security retirement benefits that the member is eligible to receive, but not including any cost‑of‑living adjustments that are granted after the member commences benefits under this section.

(e)  All of any workers' compensation benefits.

(f)  All of any payments for a veteran's disability if both of the following apply:

(i)  The veteran's disability payment is for the same condition or a condition related to the condition currently causing the member's total disability.

(ii)  The veteran's disability is due to, or a result of, service in the armed forces of the United States.

(g)  All of any other benefits by reason of employment that are financed partly or wholly by an employer, including payments for sick leave. This subdivision does not include any retirement benefit that is received by the member pursuant to a state retirement system or plan other than ASRS.

(h)  Fifty per cent of any salary, wages, commissions or other employment related pay that the member receives or is entitled to receive from any gainful employment in which the member actually engages.

2.  For a member whose disability commences on or after the effective date of this amendment to this section, a member's monthly income from the monthly ltd program benefits and sources listed in paragraph 1 of this subsection shall not exceed one hundred per cent of the member's monthly compensation at the time disability commences.  ASRS shall offset the member's monthly ltd program benefits by the amount necessary to reduce the member's total monthly income to meet the limit prescribed in this paragraph.

2.  3.  Monthly LTD program benefits are not payable until a member has been totally disabled for a period of six consecutive months.

3.  4.  Monthly LTD program benefits are not payable to a member who files an initial claim for disability more than twelve months after the date of the member's date of disability unless the member demonstrates to ASRS good cause for not filing the initial claim within twelve months after the date of disability.

4.  5.  Monthly LTD program benefits are not payable to a member who is receiving retirement benefits from ASRS.

5.  6.  Monthly LTD program benefits are not payable to a member whose disability is due to, or a result of, any of the following:

(a)  An intentionally self‑inflicted injury.

(b)  War, whether declared or not.

(c)  An injury incurred while engaged in a felonious criminal act or enterprise.

(d)  For a member whose most recent membership in the LTD program commences before July 1, 2008, an injury or sickness for which the member received medical treatment within three months before the date of the member's coverage under the LTD program.  This subdivision does not apply to a member who either:

(i)  Has been an active member of an employer for twelve continuous months.

(ii)  Is employed by an employer before July 1, 1988.

(e)  For a member whose most recent membership in the LTD program commences on or after July 1, 2008, an injury or sickness for which the member received medical treatment within six months before the date of the member's coverage under the LTD program.  This subdivision does not apply to a member who has been an active member of an employer for twelve continuous months.

6.  7.  Monthly LTD program benefits cease to be payable to a member at the earliest of the following:

(a)  The date the member ceases to be totally disabled.

(b)  The date the member:

(i)  Ceases to be under the direct care of a doctor.

(ii)  Refuses to undergo any medical examination or refuses to participate in any work rehabilitation program for which the member is reasonably qualified by education, training or experience and that is requested by the insurance company or claims administrator that is selected by the board to administer the LTD program.

(c)  The date the member withdraws employee contributions with interest and ceases to be a member.

(d)  The later of the following:

(i)  The member's normal retirement date.

(ii)  The month following sixty months of payments if disability occurs before sixty‑five years of age.

(iii)  The month following attainment of seventy years of age if disability occurs at sixty‑five years of age or after but before sixty‑nine years of age.

(iv)  The month following twelve months of payments if disability occurs at or after sixty‑nine years of age.

(e)  If the member is convicted of a criminal offense and sentenced to more than six months in a jail, prison or other penal institution, the first day of the month following the first thirty continuous days of the member's confinement for the remainder of the confinement.

7.  8.  Monthly LTD program benefits are payable only for disabilities that commence on or after July 1, 1988.

8.  9.  The minimum benefit for a member who is entitled to receive monthly LTD program benefits is fifty dollars per month.

9.  10.  Members are eligible to receive the LTD program benefits and payments described in paragraph 1 of this subsection, and the reductions provided by paragraph 1 of this subsection apply even though the social security benefits are not actually paid as follows:

(a)  For primary and dependent social security benefits, the members are eligible for the social security benefits until the social security benefits are actually awarded, or if the social security benefits are denied, until the member pursues the social security appeal process through a hearing before a social security administrative law judge or until the insurance company or claims administrator determines that the member is not eligible for social security benefits.

(b)  For benefits and payments from any other source provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection, the members are eligible for the benefits if it is reasonable to believe that those benefits will be paid on proper completion of the claim or would have been paid except for the failure of the member to pursue the claim in time.

10.  11.  A member shall be considered totally disabled if based on objective medical evidence:

(a)  During the first thirty months of a period of disability, the member is unable to perform all duties of the position held by the member when the member became totally disabled.

(b)  For a member who has received monthly LTD program benefits for twenty‑four months within a five‑year period, the member is unable to perform any work for compensation or gain for which the member is reasonably qualified by education, training or experience in an amount at least equal to the scheduled LTD program benefits prescribed in paragraph 1 of this subsection.

B.  A member who receives monthly LTD program benefits is entitled to receive service credit pursuant to article 2 of this chapter from the time disability commences until LTD program benefits cease to be payable, except that for a member who receives monthly LTD program benefits on or after June 30, 1999 the number of years of service credited to the member's retirement account during the period the member receives LTD program benefit payments shall not cause the member's total credited service for retirement benefits to exceed the greater of thirty years or the total years of service credited to the member's retirement account on the commencement of disability.

C.  This section does not prohibit a member whose disability has been established to the satisfaction of the board from relying on treatment by prayer through spiritual means in accordance with the tenets and practice of a recognized church, religious denomination or Native American traditional medicine by a duly accredited practitioner of the church, denomination or Native American traditional medicine without suffering reduction or suspension of the member's monthly LTD program benefits.

D.  ASRS may suspend or terminate benefits under this article if a member fails to provide information, data, paperwork or other materials that are requested by ASRS or the insurance company or claims administrator that is selected by the board to administer the LTD program.  If the member provides the information requested, ASRS shall retroactively reinstate the benefits or claim for which the member qualifies under this article.

E.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Objective medical evidence" means evidence that established facts and conditions, as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices or interpretations, and includes x-rays, quantitative tests, laboratory findings, data, records, reports from the attending physician and reports from a consulting physician, as applicable.

1.  2.  "Received medical treatment" means that the member consulted with or received the advice of a licensed medical or dental practitioner, including advice given during a routine examination, and it includes situations in which the member received medical or dental care, treatment or services, including the taking of drugs, medication, insulin or similar substances.

2.  3.  "Social security" and "social security disability" includes the railroad retirement act of 1974 (P.L. 93‑445; 88 Stat. 1305; 45 United States Code sections 231 through 231u). END_STATUTE

Sec. 17.  Appropriation; ASRS; purpose; exemption

A.  The sum of $47,000 is appropriated from the Arizona state retirement system administration account in fiscal year 2012-2013 to the Arizona state retirement system for the implementation of this act.

B.  The appropriation made in subsection A of this section is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.
