Mississippi Code | Chapter 23 Article 15 Section 651

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MSHB586FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide The Time For The Early Voting Period; To Provide That Early Voting Shall Be For Each Primary, General, Runoff, Special And Municipal Election For Public Office; To Provide The ...
Died In Committee
MSSB2067FailAn Act To Amend Section 23-15-631, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Absentee Mail-in Ballots Be Received By Mail Or Common Carrier No Later Than 7:00 Pm On The Day Of An Election; To Amend Sections 23-15-637, 23-15-639, 23-15-651 And 23-15-721, M...
Died In Committee
MSHB1309FailAn Act To Amend Sections 23-15-639, 23-15-645, 23-15-591, 23-15-581, 23-15-517 And 23-15-595, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That The Processing And Counting Of Absentee Ballots Shall Begin On The Monday Before The Election But The Absentee Bal...
Died In Committee
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