Wyoming Senator Robert Ide [R] | All Sessions | Passed

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
WYSF0086PassAN ACT relating to education; creating the firearms on school property account; providing for reimbursement to school districts for costs related to possession of firearms on school property; authorizing rulemaking; providing a continuous appropriati...
Assigned Chapter Number 117
WYSF0099PassAN ACT relating to public health and safety; prohibiting physicians from performing procedures for children related to gender transitioning and gender reassignment; providing an exception; providing that gender transitioning and reassignment procedur...
Assigned Chapter Number 113
WYSF0105PassAN ACT relating to the administration of government; prohibiting disclosure or use of protected information relating to firearms and ammunition sales as specified; providing exceptions; providing requirements for disclosure; authorizing civil actions...
Assigned Chapter Number 115
WYSF0109PassAN ACT relating to the protection of constitutional rights; prohibiting the implementation or enforcement of a red flag gun seizure; preempting local law; providing definitions; providing for a civil action; providing a penalty; waiving sovereign imm...
Assigned Chapter Number 116
WYSF0114PassAN ACT relating to city, county, state and local powers; requiring local governments to recognize and grant reciprocity to contractor licenses issued by a Wyoming county, city or town; specifying conditions for reciprocity; and providing for an effec...
Assigned Chapter Number 71
WYSF0109PassAN ACT relating to abortions; prohibiting chemical abortions as specified; providing criminal penalties; providing definitions; specifying exceptions; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 190
WYHB0152PassAN ACT relating to abortion; creating the Life is a Human Right Act; providing findings and purposes; prohibiting abortion; specifying criminal and regulatory penalties and civil remedies; providing exceptions; specifying applicability and severabili...
Assigned Chapter Number 184
WYHB0104PassAN ACT relating to game and fish; allowing for the use of artificial light including thermal or infrared imaging or other imaging outside the normal visible light spectrum while hunting predatory animals at night; making conforming amendments; requir...
Assigned Chapter Number 88
WYSJ0007PassA JOINT RESOLUTION in support of Taiwan.
Governor Signed SEJR No. 0001
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