US Legislation | 2009-2010 | 111th Congress | Senate

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SB1963PassCaregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 - Title I: Caregiver Support - (Sec. 101) Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to establish a program of comprehensive assistance for family caregivers of any veteran who: (1) is u...
Became Public Law No: 111-163.

Sine Die
Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program Act of 2009 - Authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to provide financial assistance to Louisiana to pay the federal share of the cost of a pilot program to: (1) study the damage to wetlands in Loui...
Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 368.

Sine Die
Directs the Secretary of the Interior to suspend until a certain date: (1) all activities relating to the development of a new or revised five-year plan for the outer Continental Shelf (OCS); (2) new OCS exploration, development, and production activ...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Sine Die
Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund Improvement Act of 2010 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to permanently increase the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund financing rate to 9 cents a barrel. Suspends such financing rate in any calendar quarter in which the...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Sine Die
Requires the officials authorized to receive a restricted reporting by a member of the Armed Forces (member) of an allegation of sexual assault without resulting in the initiation of an official investigative process to include judge advocates. Direc...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

Sine Die
Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to authorize appropriations to the Director of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the Securing the Cities Initiative, including funding for: (1) each city in...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

Sine Die
Home Health Care Access Protection Act of 2010 - Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act, as amended by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, with respect to the prospective payment system (PPS) for home health services and...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Sine Die
No Child Left Behind Flexibility and Improvements Act - Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to revise requirements relating to annual yearly progress (AYP) of students and schools, statewide and local accountability syste...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Sine Die
Eliminating Disparities in Breast Cancer Treatment Act of 2010 - Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a breast cancer treatment quality performance system to: (1) a...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Sine Die
Nutria Eradication and Control Act of 2009 - (Sec. 4) Establishes a nutria eradication program under which the Secretary of the Interior may provide financial assistance on a cost-sharing basis to Maryland, Louisiana, and the "coastal states&quo...
Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 367.

Sine Die
Volunteer Emergency Services Recruitment and Retention Act of 2010 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow sponsors of certain deferred compensation plans to elect to include length of service award plans for bona fide volunteers providing firefi...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Sine Die
Amends the federal criminal code to expand the prohibition against the importation or shipment into the United States, or its territories and possessions, of any injurious animals to include any existing or subsequently discovered member of the speci...
Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 365.

Sine Die
Designates July 9, 2010, as Collector Car Appreciation Day.
Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3091, S3116-3117; text as passed Senate: CR S3116; text of measure as introduced: CR S3099)

Sine Die
Requires the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to delay the implementation of the final rules entitled "Lead; Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program; Lead Hazard Information Pamphlet; Notice of Availability; Final Rule...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Sine Die
Healthy Kids from Day One Act - Amends the Public Health Service Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to award competitive grants to five state health departments to help reduce and prevent obesity among children between bi...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Sine Die
Universal Right to Vote by Mail Act of 2010 - Amends the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to prohibit a state from imposing additional conditions or requirements on the eligibility of an individual to cast a vote in federal elections by mail, except to ...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3096-3097)

Sine Die
Vote by Mail Act of 2010 - Directs the Election Assistance Commission to establish a Vote by Mail program of grants to participating states solely for implementation of procedures for the conduct of all elections by mail at the state or local level. ...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3097-3098)

Sine Die
Online Voter Registration Act of 2010 - Directs the Election Assistance Commission to establish a program of Online Voter Registration grants to states to implement online voter registration systems.
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3098-3099)

Sine Die
Big Oil Bailout Prevention Trust Fund Act of 2010 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to eliminate: (1) the $1 billion per incident limitation on expenditures from the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund for cleanup of oil spills: and (2) restrictions on t...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Sine Die
Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act or the DISCLOSE Act - Amends the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (FECA) to prohibit: (1) independent expenditures and payments for electioneering communications by governme...
Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S3029-3031)
SB3253PassExtends through July 31, 2010, under the same terms and conditions, the authorization for any program, authority, or provision, including any pilot program, that is currently authorized through April 30, 2010, under the Small Business Act or the Smal...
Became Public Law No: 111-162.

Sine Die
Designates April 2010 as Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Encourages all people in the United States to consider the danger to others on the road and avoid distracted driving.
Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3014; text as passed Senate: CR S3014; text of measure as introduced: CR S3007)

Sine Die
Sunshine in the Courtroom Act of 2009 - Authorizes the presiding judge of a U.S. appellate court or U.S. district court to permit the photographing, electronic recording, broadcasting, or televising to the public of court proceedings over which that ...
Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 361.

Sine Die
Indian Development Finance Corporation Act - Establishes the Indian Development Finance Corporation to take certain actions, including: (1) providing development capital through financial services under this Act; (2) encouraging the development of ne...
Committee on Indian Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings printed: S.Hrg. 111-631.

Sine Die
Meth Project Prevention Campaign Grant Program Act of 2010 - Authorizes the Attorney General, acting through the Director of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, to make matching grants to states, units of local government, or private ...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Sine Die
Small Business Environmental Stewardship Assistance Act of 2010 - Amends the Small Business Act to reauthorize for FY2011-FY2015 the national small business tree planting program (planting trees on land owned or controlled by state or local governmen...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Sine Die
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 - Authorizes appropriations for the Department of Defense (DOD) for FY2011. Authorizes appropriations to DOD for: (1) procurement, including aircraft, missiles, weapons and tracked combat vehicl...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

Sine Die
Student Loan Forgiveness and Repayment Assistance Act of 2010 - Amends the Higher Education Act of 1965 to lower the cap on annual, income-based student loan repayments for new borrowers of Direct Loans after July 1, 2014, from 10% to 7% of the amoun...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Sine Die
Amends the Internal Revenue Code to extend through 2012 the work opportunity tax credit for the hiring of unemployed veterans.
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Sine Die
Distinguished Flying Cross National Memorial Act - Designates a memorial currently under construction at March Field Air Museum in Riverside, California, as the Distinguished Flying Cross National Memorial, in honor of current and former members of t...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Sine Die
Prohibits the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from revising, updating, or publishing any flood insurance rate map under its Flood Map Modernization Program for any counties that are protected by a structure built or ma...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

Sine Die
Achievements of the GI Bill Gold Medal Act - Directs the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate to arrange for the presentation of a single gold medal in honor of the recipients of assistance under the Ser...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

Sine Die
Smuggled Tobacco Prevention Act of 2010 or the STOP Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to restrict the sale, lease, importation, or delivery of tobacco production machines to persons lawfully engaged in: (1) the sale, lease, or delivery of such m...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Sine Die
Sustainable Property Grants Act of 2010 - Amends the American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009 to allow real estate investment trusts to qualify for energy property grants under such Act without affecting limitations on dividend payments app...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Sine Die
Weekends Without Hunger Act - Amends the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to implement a five-year pilot program providing commodities to nonprofits for the provision of nutritious food to at-risk sc...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

Sine Die
Eunice Kennedy Shriver Act - Reauthorizes the Special Olympics Sport and Empowerment Act of 2004 for FY2011-FY2015. Directs the Secretary of State to act through the Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs in awarding grant...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S2809-2811)

Sine Die
Homeless Veterans and Other Veterans Health Care Authorities Act of 2010 - Title I: Homeless Veterans Matters - (Sec. 101) Allows grants made by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) for comprehensive services programs for veterans to be used for th...
Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 360.

Sine Die
Commends public servants for their outstanding contributions to the nation during Public Service Recognition Week and throughout the year. Honors government employees who have given their lives in service to their country.Encourages efforts to promot...
Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S2983)

Sine Die
Congratulates the Duke University team for winning the 2010 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament.
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Designates May 2010 as National X and Y Chromosomal Variations Awareness Month.
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Designates April 30, 2010, as Dia de los Niños: Celebrating Young Americans.
Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2983-2984; text as passed Senate: CR S2983-2984; text of measure as introduced: CR S2812)

Sine Die
Designates April 2010 as National STD Awareness Month. Recognizes the human toll of sexually transmitted infections and the importance of making the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of such infections an urgent public health priority. Urges all s...
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Voluntary Protection Program Act - Directs the Secretary of Labor to enter into cooperative agreements with employers to: (1) encourage establishment of comprehensive safety and health management systems to protect employees from occupational hazards...
Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S2753-2754)

Sine Die
Motor Vehicle Safety Integrity Employment Act - Prohibits National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) employees, during the 36-month period following the employee's termination of employment with NHTSA, from commencing employment with, or ...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

Sine Die
Safe Teen and Novice Driver Uniform Protection Act of 2010 or the STANDUP Act - Authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to award incentive grants to states with graduated driver licensing laws that require novice drivers younger than age 21 to com...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Sine Die
Amends the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act to include the county of Mohave, Arizona, among affected areas for purposes of payments to individuals with certain medical conditions who were exposed to fallout emitted during the U.S. government's atm...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Sine Die
Close the Revolving Door Act of 2010 - Amends the federal criminal code to impose a permanent ban (currently, a two-year ban) on lobbying contacts by any former Member of Congress or elected officer of the Senate or the House of Representatives with ...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

Sine Die
Southern Border Security Assistance Act - Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) providing financial assistance for law enforcement initiatives with our Mexican partners is important; and (2) Congress must provide, in addition to such assistance, ...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Sine Die
Amends the Controlled Substances Act to revise the definition of "dispense" to include the delivery of a controlled substance through the use of an intrathecal pump by a practitioner acting in the usual course of professional practice.
Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Sine Die
Haiti Economic Lift Program Act of 2010 - Amends the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) (as amended by the United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act, the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 20...
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
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