Bill Text: NY S08827 | 2017-2018 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Directs the police commissioner of the city of New York to assign a police officer at least one hour prior to the commencement of instructional hours at every school, public and/or private, within the city of New York (Part A); and establishes active shooter drills at public and private educational institutions (Part B); relates to photo speed violation monitoring systems in school speed zones in the city of New York; makes technical corrections relating to photo speed violation monitoring systems in school speed zones in the city of New York; and relates to the effectiveness of provisions of law relating to establishing in a city with a population of one million or more a school speed zones by means of photo devices (Part C); relates to establishing a temporary high-occupancy vehicle program on the Williamsburg bridge by means of mobile or stationary photo devices (Part D).

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2018-06-20 - COMMITTED TO RULES [S08827 Detail]

Download: New_York-2017-S08827-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK
            Cal. No. 1446
                    IN SENATE
                                      May 23, 2018
        Introduced  by  Sen.  FELDER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Cities -- reported favora-
          bly from said committee, ordered to first and second  report,  ordered
          to a third reading, amended and ordered reprinted, retaining its place
          in the order of third reading
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  administrative code of the city of New York, in
          relation to school safety measures in the city of New York  (Part  A);
          to amend the education law, in relation to establishing active shooter
          drills  at  public  and  private educational institutions (Part B); to
          amend the  vehicle  and  traffic  law,  in  relation  to  photo  speed
          violation  monitoring systems in school speed zones in the city of New
          York; to amend chapter 43 of the laws of 2014,  amending  the  vehicle
          and traffic law, the public officers law and the general municipal law
          relating  to  photo speed violation monitoring systems in school speed
          zones in the city  of  New  York,  in  relation  to  making  technical
          corrections  thereto;  and  to  amend chapter 189 of the laws of 2013,
          amending the vehicle and traffic  law  and  the  public  officers  law
          relating to establishing in a city with a population of one million or
          more  a  demonstration program implementing speed violation monitoring
          systems in school speed zones by means of photo devices,  in  relation
          to the effectiveness thereof (Part C); and to amend the public author-
          ities law, the vehicle and traffic law and the public officers law, in
          relation to establishing a temporary high-occupancy vehicle program on
          the  Williamsburg  bridge  by  means  of  mobile  or  stationary photo
          devices; and providing for the repeal of certain provisions upon expi-
          ration thereof (Part D)
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. This act enacts into law components of legislation relating
     2  to school safety. Each component is wholly contained within a Part iden-
     3  tified  as  Parts  A  through  D. The effective date for each particular
     4  provision contained within such Part is set forth in the last section of
     5  such Part. Any provision in any section contained within a Part, includ-
     6  ing the effective date of the Part, which makes a reference to a section
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8827--A                          2
     1  "of this act", when used in connection with that  particular  component,
     2  shall  be  deemed  to mean and refer to the corresponding section of the
     3  Part in which it is found. Section three of  this  act  sets  forth  the
     4  general effective date of this act.
     5                                   PART A
     6    Section  1. The administrative code of the city of New York is amended
     7  by adding a new section 10-179 to read as follows:
     8    § 10-179 School safety measures. The police commissioner of  the  city
     9  shall  assign  a police officer at least one hour prior to the commence-
    10  ment of instructional hours at every public school within  the  city  of
    11  New York. Such police officer shall remain on site to secure the perime-
    12  ter  and  exterior  of  such school during instructional hours and for a
    13  minimum one hour post instructional hours unless, in the  discretion  of
    14  the mayor of the city or the police commissioner of the city, a state of
    15  emergency  exists  requiring redeployment of a police officer during the
    16  required hours set forth in this section. Any  individual  school,  upon
    17  recommendation  of the principal and the parents' association or parent-
    18  teachers' association and with the approval of the police  commissioner,
    19  may  decline  the  assignment  of  a  police officer as required by this
    20  section, by a two-thirds vote of the community district education  coun-
    21  cil, as defined in section twenty-five hundred ninety-a of the education
    22  law, within which such school is located.
    23    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
    24                                   PART B
    25    Section  1.  Subdivision  1  of  section  807 of the education law, as
    26  amended by section 2 of part B of chapter 54 of the  laws  of  2016,  is
    27  amended to read as follows:
    28    1.  It shall be the duty of the principal or other person in charge of
    29  every public or private school or  educational  institution  within  the
    30  state,  other  than  colleges or universities, to instruct and train the
    31  pupils by means of drills, so that they may in  a  sudden  emergency  be
    32  able  to respond appropriately in the shortest possible time and without
    33  confusion or panic. Such drills shall be held at least twelve  times  in
    34  each  school  year, eight of which required drills shall be held between
    35  September first and December thirty-first of each such  year.  Eight  of
    36  all  such  drills  shall  be  evacuation  drills, four of which shall be
    37  through use of the fire escapes on  buildings  where  fire  escapes  are
    38  provided  or  through  the  use of identified secondary means of egress.
    39  Four of all such required drills shall be emergency attack drills,  with
    40  two  of  such drills being lock-down drills and two of such drills being
    41  active shooter drills. Upon request of the principal or other person  in
    42  charge  of  such public or private educational institution, the New York
    43  state school safety improvement teams, established pursuant  to  section
    44  twenty-eight  hundred  one-b  of this chapter, shall provide recommenda-
    45  tions on how to perform such lock-down and active shooter drills at such
    46  public or private educational institution.  Drills shall be conducted at
    47  different times of the school day. Pupils shall  be  instructed  in  the
    48  procedure  to  be  followed  in  the event that a fire occurs during the
    49  lunch  period  or  assembly,  provided  however,  that  such  additional
    50  instruction  may  be  waived  where  a  drill is held during the regular
    51  school lunch period or assembly. Four additional drills shall be held in
    52  each school year during the hours after sunset  and  before  sunrise  in

        S. 8827--A                          3
     1  school  buildings  in which students are provided with sleeping accommo-
     2  dations. At least two additional drills  shall  be  held  during  summer
     3  school  in  buildings  where summer school is conducted, and one of such
     4  drills shall be held during the first week of summer school.
     5    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
     6                                   PART C
     7    Section  1.  Paragraph  1  of subdivision (a) of section 1180-b of the
     8  vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter 43 of the laws  of  2014,
     9  is amended to read as follows:
    10    1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the city of New York is
    11  hereby authorized to establish a demonstration program imposing monetary
    12  liability  on  the owner of a vehicle for failure of an operator thereof
    13  to comply with posted maximum speed limits in a school speed zone within
    14  [the] such city (i) when a school speed limit is in effect  as  provided
    15  in  paragraphs  one and two of subdivision (c) of section eleven hundred
    16  eighty of this article or (ii) when other speed limits are in effect  as
    17  provided  in  subdivision (b), (d), (f) or (g) of section eleven hundred
    18  eighty of this article during the following times: (A)  on  school  days
    19  during  school  hours  and one hour before and one hour after the school
    20  day, and (B) a period during student activities at the school and up  to
    21  thirty  minutes  immediately before and up to thirty minutes immediately
    22  after such student activities. Such demonstration program shall  empower
    23  the city of New York to install photo speed violation monitoring systems
    24  within  no  more  than one hundred forty school speed zones within [the]
    25  such city at any one time and to operate such systems within such  zones
    26  (iii)  when  a school speed limit is in effect as provided in paragraphs
    27  one and two of subdivision (c) of section eleven hundred eighty of  this
    28  article  or  (iv)  when  other speed limits are in effect as provided in
    29  subdivision (b), (d), (f) or (g) of section  eleven  hundred  eighty  of
    30  this  article  during  the  following  times:  (A) on school days during
    31  school hours and one hour before and one hour after the school day,  and
    32  (B)  a  period  during student activities at the school and up to thirty
    33  minutes immediately before and up to thirty  minutes  immediately  after
    34  such  student activities.   In selecting a school speed zone in which to
    35  install and operate a photo speed violation monitoring system, the  city
    36  of  New  York shall consider criteria including, but not limited to, the
    37  speed data, crash history, and the roadway geometry applicable  to  such
    38  school  speed  zone.  Such  city shall prioritize the placement of photo
    39  speed violation monitoring systems in  school  speed  zones  based  upon
    40  speed  data  or  the crash history of a school speed zone. A photo speed
    41  violation monitoring system shall not be  installed  or  operated  on  a
    42  controlled-access highway exit ramp or within three hundred feet along a
    43  highway  that continues from the end of a controlled-access highway exit
    44  ramp.
    45    § 2. Paragraph 2 of subdivision (a) of section 1180-b of  the  vehicle
    46  and traffic law, as added by chapter 189 of the laws of 2013, is amended
    47  to read as follows:
    48    2.  No  photo  speed  violation  monitoring  system shall be used in a
    49  school speed zone unless (i) on the day it is to be used it has success-
    50  fully passed a self-test of its functions; and (ii) it has undergone  an
    51  annual  calibration  check  performed pursuant to paragraph four of this
    52  subdivision. The city [may] shall install signs  giving  notice  that  a
    53  photo  speed  violation  monitoring  system  is  in use to be mounted on
    54  advance warning signs notifying approaching motor vehicle  operators  of

        S. 8827--A                          4
     1  such  upcoming  school speed zone and/or on speed limit signs applicable
     2  within such school speed zone, in conformance with standards established
     3  in the MUTCD. Such advance warning  signs  shall  also,  to  the  extent
     4  authorized  by  the MUTCD, contain the words "speed camera ahead" and be
     5  no more than three hundred feet from such photo speed violation monitor-
     6  ing system.
     7    § 3. Subdivision (n) of section 1180-b of the vehicle and traffic law,
     8  as added by chapter 189 of the laws of  2013,  is  amended  to  read  as
     9  follows:
    10    (n) If the city adopts a demonstration program pursuant to subdivision
    11  [one]  (a)  of  this  section it shall conduct a study and submit [a] an
    12  annual report on the results of the use of photo devices to  the  gover-
    13  nor, the temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assem-
    14  bly  on or before June first, two thousand nineteen and on the same date
    15  in each succeeding year in which the demonstration program is  operable.
    16  Such report shall include:
    17    1. the locations where and dates when photo speed violation monitoring
    18  systems were used;
    19    2.  the  aggregate  number,  type and severity of crashes, fatalities,
    20  injuries and property damage reported  within  all  school  speed  zones
    21  within  the  city,  to  the  extent the information is maintained by the
    22  department of motor vehicles of this state;
    23    3. the aggregate number, type and  severity  of  crashes,  fatalities,
    24  injuries  and  property  damage reported within school speed zones where
    25  photo speed violation monitoring systems were used, to  the  extent  the
    26  information  is  maintained  by the department of motor vehicles of this
    27  state;
    28    4. the number of violations recorded within  all  school  speed  zones
    29  within the city, in the aggregate on a daily, weekly and monthly basis;
    30    5.  the  number  of  violations recorded within each school speed zone
    31  where a photo speed violation monitoring system is used, in  the  aggre-
    32  gate on a daily, weekly and monthly basis;
    33    6.  the  number  of  violations recorded within all school speed zones
    34  within the city that were:
    35    (i) more than ten but not more than twenty miles  per  hour  over  the
    36  posted speed limit;
    37    (ii) more than twenty but not more than thirty miles per hour over the
    38  posted speed limit;
    39    (iii) more than thirty but not more than forty miles per hour over the
    40  posted speed limit; and
    41    (iv) more than forty miles per hour over the posted speed limit;
    42    7.  the  number  of  violations recorded within each school speed zone
    43  where a photo speed violation monitoring system is used that were:
    44    (i) more than ten but not more than twenty miles  per  hour  over  the
    45  posted speed limit;
    46    (ii) more than twenty but not more than thirty miles per hour over the
    47  posted speed limit;
    48    (iii) more than thirty but not more than forty miles per hour over the
    49  posted speed limit; and
    50    (iv) more than forty miles per hour over the posted speed limit;
    51    8.  the  total  number  of  notices of liability issued for violations
    52  recorded by such systems;
    53    9. the number of fines and total amount of fines paid after the  first
    54  notice of liability issued for violations recorded by such systems;

        S. 8827--A                          5
     1    10. the number of violations adjudicated and the results of such adju-
     2  dications  including  breakdowns  of  dispositions  made  for violations
     3  recorded by such systems;
     4    11.  the  total  amount  of revenue realized by the city in connection
     5  with the program;
     6    12. the expenses incurred by the city in connection with the  program;
     7  [and]
     8    13. the quality of the adjudication process and its results; and
     9    14.  the effectiveness and adequacy of the hours of operation for such
    10  program to determine the impact on speeding violations and prevention of
    11  crashes.
    12    § 4. The opening paragraph of section 12 of chapter 43 of the laws  of
    13  2014,  amending the vehicle and traffic law, the public officers law and
    14  the general municipal law relating to photo speed  violation  monitoring
    15  systems  in  school  speed  zones in the city of New York, is amended to
    16  read as follows:
    17    This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after  it  shall  have
    18  become  a  law [and]; provided that sections one through ten of this act
    19  shall expire 4 years after such effective date when upon such  date  the
    20  provisions  of  such  sections of this act shall be deemed repealed; and
    21  provided further that any rules necessary for the implementation of this
    22  act on its effective date shall be promulgated on or before such  effec-
    23  tive date, provided that:
    24    § 5. The opening paragraph of section 15 of chapter 189 of the laws of
    25  2013,  amending  the vehicle and traffic law and the public officers law
    26  relating to establishing in a city with a population of one  million  or
    27  more  a  demonstration  program  implementing speed violation monitoring
    28  systems in school speed zones by means of photo devices, is  amended  to
    29  read as follows:
    30    This  act  shall  take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall have
    31  become a law and shall expire [5 years after such  effective  date  when
    32  upon  such date the provisions of this act shall] and be deemed repealed
    33  July 1, 2020; and provided further that  any  rules  necessary  for  the
    34  implementation of this act on its effective date shall be promulgated on
    35  or before such effective date, provided that:
    36    §  6. This act shall take effect immediately; provided that the amend-
    37  ments to section 1180-b of the vehicle and traffic law made by  sections
    38  one,  two  and  three  of  this  act shall not affect the repeal of such
    39  section and shall be deemed repealed  therewith;  and  provided  further
    40  that  the amendments to paragraph 2 of subdivision (a) of section 1180-b
    41  of the vehicle and traffic law made by section two  of  this  act  shall
    42  take effect on the ninetieth day after this act shall have become a law.
    43                                   PART D
    44    Section  1.  Section  1268 of the public authorities law is amended by
    45  adding a new subdivision 4 to read as follows:
    46    4. The authority and the New York city transit authority or any of its
    47  subsidiary corporations shall consult with and assist the  city  of  New
    48  York in implementing a temporary high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) program on
    49  the  Williamsburg  bridge pursuant to section eleven hundred eleven-f of
    50  the vehicle and traffic law.
    51    § 2. The vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding  a  new  section
    52  235-a to read as follows:
    53    §  235-a.  Jurisdiction;  Williamsburg bridge temporary high-occupancy
    54  vehicle program. Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provisions  of  any

        S. 8827--A                          6
     1  general, special or local law or administrative code to the contrary, in
     2  any  city  of a million or more which heretofore or hereafter is author-
     3  ized to establish a parking violations  bureau  having  jurisdiction  to
     4  hear  and determine complaints of traffic infractions constituting park-
     5  ing, standing or stopping violations  in  accordance  with  section  two
     6  hundred thirty-six of this article, such tribunal shall be authorized to
     7  adjudicate  the liability of owners for violations of subdivision (f) of
     8  section eleven hundred ten and section eleven hundred eleven-f  of  this
     9  chapter  for  violations  of  the temporary high-occupancy vehicle (HOV)
    10  program as defined in such section eleven  hundred  eleven-f,  and  such
    11  tribunal  and  the  rules  and  regulations  pertaining thereto shall be
    12  constituted in substantial conformance with the following sections.
    13    § 3. Section 236 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a
    14  new subdivision 1-a to read as follows:
    15    1-a. Creation.  In any city of a million or more  as  hereinbefore  or
    16  hereafter  authorized  such  tribunal when created shall be known as the
    17  parking violations bureau and shall have jurisdiction of traffic infrac-
    18  tions which constitute a parking violation and shall adjudicate  liabil-
    19  ity  of  owners  in  accordance  with  subdivision (f) of section eleven
    20  hundred ten and section eleven hundred  eleven-f  of  this  chapter  for
    21  violations  of  the  temporary  high-occupancy  vehicle (HOV) program as
    22  defined in such section eleven hundred eleven-f.  For  the  purposes  of
    23  this  article,  a parking violation is the violation of any law, rule or
    24  regulation providing for or regulating the parking, stopping or standing
    25  of a vehicle. In addition for purposes of this  article,  "commissioner"
    26  shall  mean  and  include  the commissioner of traffic of the city or an
    27  official possessing authority as such a commissioner.
    28    § 4. Section 237 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a
    29  new subdivision 16 to read as follows:
    30    16. To adjudicate the liability of owners for violations  of  subdivi-
    31  sion  (f)  of  section  eleven  hundred  ten  and section eleven hundred
    32  eleven-f of this chapter.
    33    § 5. Subdivision 1 of section 239 of the vehicle and  traffic  law  is
    34  amended by adding a new paragraph f-1 to read as follows:
    35    f-1.  "Notice  of violation" means a notice of violation as defined in
    36  subdivision nine of section two hundred thirty-seven of this article and
    37  shall not be deemed to include a notice of liability issued pursuant  to
    38  authorization set forth in subdivision (f) of section eleven hundred ten
    39  and section eleven hundred eleven-f of this chapter.
    40    §  6.  Section 240 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding
    41  three new subdivisions 1-b, 1-c and 2-a to read as follows:
    42    1-b. Notice of hearing. Whenever a person  alleged  to  be  liable  in
    43  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  subdivision (f) of section eleven
    44  hundred ten and section eleven hundred eleven-f of this chapter enters a
    45  plea of not guilty or contests such  an  allegation,  the  bureau  shall
    46  advise  such  person  personally by such form of first class mail as the
    47  director may direct of the date on which he or she must appear to answer
    48  the charge at a hearing. The form and content of such notice of  hearing
    49  shall  be  prescribed  by  the  director, and shall contain a warning to
    50  advise the person so pleading or contesting that failure  to  appear  on
    51  the  date  designated,  or  on  any  subsequent adjourned date, shall be
    52  deemed an admission of liability, and that a  default  judgment  may  be
    53  entered thereon.
    54    1-c.  Fines  and  penalties.  Whenever  a  plea of not guilty has been
    55  entered, or the bureau has been notified that an allegation of liability
    56  in accordance with subdivision (f) of section  eleven  hundred  ten  and

        S. 8827--A                          7
     1  section eleven hundred eleven-f of this chapter is being contested, by a
     2  person  in  a  timely  fashion  and  a  hearing  on  the merits has been
     3  demanded, but has not yet been held, the  bureau  shall  not  issue  any
     4  notice  of fine or penalty to that person prior to the date of the hear-
     5  ing.
     6    2-a. Conduct of hearings. a. Every hearing for an adjudication  of  an
     7  allegation  of  liability  in accordance with subdivision (f) of section
     8  eleven hundred ten and section eleven hundred eleven-f of  this  chapter
     9  shall  be  held  before  a hearing examiner in accordance with rules and
    10  regulations promulgated by the bureau.
    11    b. No charge may be  established  except  upon  proof  by  substantial
    12  evidence.
    13    c. The hearing examiner shall not be bound by the rules of evidence in
    14  the conduct of the hearing, except rules relating to privileged communi-
    15  cations.
    16    d.  The hearing examiner shall at the request of the person charged on
    17  a showing of good cause  and  need  therefor,  or  in  his  or  her  own
    18  discretion,  issue  a  subpoena to compel the appearance at a hearing of
    19  the officer who served the notice of violation or of  other  persons  to
    20  give  testimony,  and  may  issue  a  subpoena duces tecum to compel the
    21  production for examination or introduction into evidence, of  any  book,
    22  paper or other thing relevant to the charges.
    23    e.  In  the  case of a refusal to obey a subpoena, the bureau may make
    24  application to  the  Supreme  Court  pursuant  to  section  twenty-three
    25  hundred  eight of the civil practice law and rules, for an order requir-
    26  ing such appearance, testimony or production of evidence.
    27    f. The hearing examiner shall not examine the prior  violation  record
    28  of a person charged before making a determination.
    29    g. A record shall be made of a hearing on a plea of not guilty or of a
    30  hearing at which liability in accordance with subdivision (f) of section
    31  eleven  hundred  ten and section eleven hundred eleven-f of this chapter
    32  is contested. Recording devices may  be  used  for  the  making  of  the
    33  record.
    34    §  7.  Section 241 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding
    35  two new subdivisions 1-a and 2-a to read as follows:
    36    1-a. The hearing examiner shall make a determination on  the  charges,
    37  either  sustaining or dismissing them. Where the hearing examiner deter-
    38  mines that the charges have been sustained he or she may examine  either
    39  the  prior  parking  violations  record  or  the  record  of liabilities
    40  incurred in accordance with enforcement of subdivision  (f)  of  section
    41  eleven  hundred  ten and section eleven hundred eleven-f of this chapter
    42  of the person charged prior to rendering a  final  determination.  Final
    43  determinations  sustaining  or  dismissing charges shall be entered on a
    44  final determination roll maintained by the bureau together with  records
    45  showing payment and nonpayment of penalties.
    46    2-a. Where an operator or owner fails to enter a plea to or contest an
    47  allegation  of  liability  in accordance with subdivision (f) of section
    48  eleven hundred ten and section eleven hundred eleven-f of  this  chapter
    49  or  fails to appear on a designated hearing date or subsequent adjourned
    50  date or fails after a hearing to comply  with  the  determination  of  a
    51  hearing examiner, as prescribed by this article or by rule or regulation
    52  of  the bureau, such failure to plead, appear or comply shall be deemed,
    53  for all purposes, an admission of liability and  shall  be  grounds  for
    54  rendering  and  entering a default judgment in an amount provided by the
    55  rules and regulations of the bureau. However, after  the  expiration  of
    56  the  original  date  prescribed for entering a plea and before a default

        S. 8827--A                          8
     1  judgment may be rendered, in such case the bureau shall pursuant to  the
     2  applicable provisions of law notify such operator or owner, by such form
     3  of  first  class mail as the commission may direct: (1) of the violation
     4  charged or liability in accordance with subdivision (f) of section elev-
     5  en  hundred  ten  and  section  eleven  hundred eleven-f of this chapter
     6  alleged, (2) of the impending default judgment, (3) that  such  judgment
     7  will  be  entered in the Civil Court of the city in which the bureau has
     8  been established, or other court of  civil  jurisdiction  or  any  other
     9  place  provided for the entry of civil judgments within the state of New
    10  York, and (4) that a default may  be  avoided  by  entering  a  plea  or
    11  contesting  an allegation of liability in accordance with section eleven
    12  hundred eleven-f of this chapter or making an appearance  within  thirty
    13  days  of  the  sending  of such notice. Pleas entered within that period
    14  shall be in the manner prescribed in the notice and not subject to addi-
    15  tional penalty or fee. Such notice of impending default  judgment  shall
    16  not  be required prior to the rendering and entry thereof in the case of
    17  operators or owners who are non-residents of the state of New  York.  In
    18  no  case  shall  a  default  judgment  be rendered or, where required, a
    19  notice of impending default judgment be sent, more than two years  after
    20  the expiration of the time prescribed for entering a plea. When a person
    21  has  demanded  a  hearing,  no  fine or penalty shall be imposed for any
    22  reason prior to the holding of the  hearing.  If  the  hearing  examiner
    23  shall  make  a  determination on the charges, sustaining them, he or she
    24  shall impose no greater penalty or fine than those upon which the person
    25  was originally charged.
    26    § 8. Subdivision 5-a of section 401 of the vehicle and traffic law  is
    27  amended by adding a new paragraph a-1 to read as follows:
    28    a-1. If at the time of application for a registration or renewal ther-
    29  eof  there is a certification from a court or administrative tribunal of
    30  appropriate jurisdiction that the registrant or  his  or  her  represen-
    31  tative  failed  to appear on the return date or any subsequent adjourned
    32  date or failed to comply with the rules and regulations of  an  adminis-
    33  trative  tribunal  following  entry of a final decision in response to a
    34  total of three or more summonses or  other  process  in  the  aggregate,
    35  issued within an eighteen-month period, charging that the registrant was
    36  liable  in accordance with subdivision (f) of section eleven hundred ten
    37  and section eleven hundred eleven-f of this chapter for a  violation  of
    38  the  temporary  high-occupancy  vehicle (HOV) program as defined in such
    39  section eleven hundred eleven-f, the commissioner or his  or  her  agent
    40  shall  deny  the registration or renewal application until the applicant
    41  provides proof from the court or  administrative  tribunal  wherein  the
    42  charges are pending that an appearance or answer has been made or in the
    43  case  of an administrative tribunal that he or she has complied with the
    44  rules and regulations of said tribunal following entry of a final  deci-
    45  sion.  Where  an  application  is  denied  pursuant to this section, the
    46  commissioner may, in his or  her  discretion,  deny  a  registration  or
    47  renewal  application  to  any  other person for the same vehicle and may
    48  deny a registration or renewal application for any other  motor  vehicle
    49  registered  in  the  name  of  the  applicant where the commissioner has
    50  determined that such registrant's intent has been to evade the  purposes
    51  of this subdivision and where the commissioner has reasonable grounds to
    52  believe that such registration or renewal will have the effect defeating
    53  the  purposes  of  this  subdivision.  Such  denial shall only remain in
    54  effect as long as the summonses remain unanswered, or in the case of  an
    55  administrative  tribunal,  the registrant fails to comply with the rules
    56  and regulations following entry of a final decision.

        S. 8827--A                          9
     1    § 9. Section 1110 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by  adding
     2  a new subdivision (f) to read as follows:
     3    (f)  Every person shall obey the instructions of any official traffic-
     4  control  device  placed  to  delineate   high-occupancy   vehicle   lane
     5  restrictions  pursuant  to section eleven hundred eleven-f of this chap-
     6  ter, unless otherwise directed by a traffic or police  officer,  subject
     7  to  the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle
     8  in this title.
     9    § 10. The vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a  new  section
    10  1111-f to read as follows:
    11    §  1111-f.  Owner  liability  for  failure  of operator to comply with
    12  temporary high-occupancy vehicle program restrictions.  (a) 1.  Notwith-
    13  standing  any  other provision of law, the city of New York in consulta-
    14  tion with the metropolitan transportation authority is hereby authorized
    15  and empowered to establish  a  temporary  high-occupancy  vehicle  (HOV)
    16  program  on  the  Williamsburg bridge. Such program will impose monetary
    17  liability on the owner of a vehicle for failure of an  operator  thereof
    18  to  comply  with  HOV  restrictions  in such city in accordance with the
    19  provisions of this section. The New York city department of  transporta-
    20  tion,  for purposes of the implementation of such program, shall operate
    21  HOV photo devices only within designated HOV areas on  the  Williamsburg
    22  bridge  in  such  city.   Such HOV photo devices shall be stationary and
    23  shall be activated at locations determined by such department.
    24    2. Any image produced by an HOV photo device shall not be used for any
    25  purpose other than as specified in this section  in  the  absence  of  a
    26  court order requiring such image to be produced.
    27    3.  The  city  of New York shall adopt and enforce measures to protect
    28  the privacy of drivers, passengers, pedestrians and cyclists whose iden-
    29  tity and identifying information may be captured by an HOV photo device,
    30  provided, however, that no notice of liability issued pursuant  to  this
    31  section  shall  be  dismissed solely because an image produced by an HOV
    32  photo device allows for the identification of the  driver,  the  passen-
    33  gers,  or  the  contents  of  a  vehicle. Such protective measures shall
    34  include:
    35    (i) a prohibition on the use or  dissemination  of  vehicles'  license
    36  plate information and other information and images captured by HOV photo
    37  devices  except:  (A)  as  required  to  establish  liability under this
    38  section or collect payment of penalties; (B) as required by court order;
    39  (C) as required pursuant to a search warrant issued in  accordance  with
    40  the  criminal  procedure law or a subpoena; or (D) as otherwise required
    41  by law;
    42    (ii) the installation of signage in advance of entry points to  desig-
    43  nated  HOV  areas stating that HOV photo devices are used to enforce HOV
    44  restrictions; and
    45    (iii) oversight procedures to ensure  compliance  with  the  aforemen-
    46  tioned privacy protection measures.
    47    4. Within the city of New York, such HOV photo devices used in accord-
    48  ance with the temporary HOV program shall only be operated within desig-
    49  nated  HOV  areas on the Williamsburg bridge during periods to be deter-
    50  mined by the New York city department of transportation in  consultation
    51  with  the  metropolitan  transportation authority in order to facilitate
    52  traffic management. Determination of such periods shall be made based on
    53  factors that include, but are not limited to, empirical traffic analyses
    54  conducted by such department, input from the public, and  guidance  from
    55  appropriate government entities regarding mitigation strategies.

        S. 8827--A                         10
     1    (b)  If  the  city of New York has established a temporary HOV program
     2  pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section,  the  owner  of  a  vehicle
     3  shall  be  liable for a penalty imposed pursuant to this section if such
     4  vehicle was used or operated with the permission of the  owner,  express
     5  or  implied,  in  violation of any HOV restrictions that apply, and such
     6  violation is evidenced by information obtained from a HOV photo  device;
     7  provided however that no owner of a vehicle shall be liable for a penal-
     8  ty  imposed  pursuant to this section where the operator of such vehicle
     9  has been convicted of the underlying violation of any HOV restrictions.
    10    (c) For purposes of this section, the following terms shall  have  the
    11  following meanings:
    12    1.  "Owner"  shall  have the meaning provided in article two-B of this
    13  chapter.
    14    2. "High-occupancy vehicle" or "HOV" shall mean vehicles with three or
    15  more occupants.
    16    3. "HOV photo device" shall mean a device that is capable of operating
    17  independently of an enforcement officer and produces one or more  images
    18  of each vehicle at the time it is in violation of HOV restrictions.
    19    4.  "HOV  restrictions"  shall mean restrictions, within the temporary
    20  HOV program, on the use of designated areas of the Williamsburg  bridge,
    21  during  time  periods  to  be defined by the New York city department of
    22  transportation, by a vehicle other than: (i)  an  HOV;  (ii)  a  vehicle
    23  registered  as  a commercial vehicle pursuant to part one hundred six of
    24  title fifteen of the New York codes, rules  and  regulations;  (iii)  an
    25  authorized  emergency  vehicle; (iv) an access-a-ride vehicle as defined
    26  in chapter five of title thirty-four of the rules of  the  city  of  New
    27  York; or (v) a bus.
    28    5.  "Temporary  HOV program" shall mean a temporary program that oper-
    29  ates exclusively within designated HOV areas on the Williamsburg  bridge
    30  during  periods  of high-traffic volume to be determined by the New York
    31  city department of transportation. Determination of such  periods  shall
    32  be made based on factors that include, but are not limited to, empirical
    33  traffic  analyses  conducted  by such department, input from the public,
    34  and guidance from appropriate government entities  regarding  mitigation
    35  strategies.
    36    (d)  A  certificate,  sworn to or affirmed by a technician employed by
    37  the city of New York, or a facsimile thereof, based upon  inspection  of
    38  photographs,   microphotographs,  videotape  or  other  recorded  images
    39  produced by an HOV photo device, shall be prima facie  evidence  of  the
    40  facts  contained  therein. Subject to paragraph three of subdivision (g)
    41  of this section, any photographs, microphotographs, videotape  or  other
    42  recorded  images  evidencing  such  a  violation  shall be available for
    43  inspection in any  proceeding  to  adjudicate  the  liability  for  such
    44  violation pursuant to this section.
    45    (e)  An  owner liable for a violation of an HOV restriction imposed on
    46  the Williamsburg bridge in accordance with  the  temporary  HOV  program
    47  shall  be liable for monetary penalties in accordance with a schedule of
    48  fines and penalties promulgated by the parking violations bureau of  the
    49  city  of  New  York;  provided,  however,  that the monetary penalty for
    50  violating an HOV  restriction  shall  not  exceed  thirty-five  dollars;
    51  provided,  further,  than  an  owner  shall  be liable for an additional
    52  penalty not to exceed twenty-five dollars for  each  violation  for  the
    53  failure  to  respond to a notice of liability within the prescribed time
    54  period.  All monetary penalties imposed by this  section  shall,  within
    55  the  first  ten days of the month next succeeding the collection of such
    56  penalties, be paid by the collecting authority to the state  comptroller

        S. 8827--A                         11
     1  to  be  deposited in the outer borough transportation account of the New
     2  York city transportation assistance fund established by  paragraph  (ii)
     3  of  subdivision  1  of  section  twelve  hundred seventy-I of the public
     4  authorities law.
     5    (f)  An  imposition of liability pursuant to this section shall not be
     6  deemed a conviction of an operator and shall not be  made  part  of  the
     7  operating  record of the person upon whom such liability is imposed, nor
     8  shall it be used for insurance purposes in the provision of motor  vehi-
     9  cle insurance coverage.
    10    (g) 1. A notice of liability shall be sent by first class mail to each
    11  person alleged to be liable as an owner for a violation of the temporary
    12  HOV  program.  Personal  delivery  to the owner shall not be required. A
    13  manual or automatic record of mailing prepared in the ordinary course of
    14  business shall be prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein.
    15    2. A notice of liability shall contain the name  and  address  of  the
    16  person alleged to be liable as an owner for a violation of the temporary
    17  HOV  program,  the  registration  number of the vehicle involved in such
    18  violation, the location where such violation took  place,  one  or  more
    19  images  identifying  the  violation, the date and time of such violation
    20  and the identification number of the HOV photo device which recorded the
    21  violation or other document locator number.
    22    3. The notice of liability  shall  contain  information  advising  the
    23  person charged of the manner and the time in which he or she may contest
    24  the liability alleged in the notice. Such notice of liability shall also
    25  contain  a  warning to advise the person charged that failure to contest
    26  in the manner and time provided shall be deemed an admission of  liabil-
    27  ity and that a default judgment may be entered thereon.
    28    4.  The notice of liability shall be prepared and mailed by the agency
    29  or agencies designated by the city of New  York,  or  any  other  entity
    30  authorized  by  such  city  to  prepare  and  mail  such notification of
    31  violation.
    32    5. Adjudication of the liability imposed upon owners by  this  section
    33  shall be by the New York city parking violations bureau.
    34    (h)  If  an owner of a vehicle receives a notice of liability pursuant
    35  to this section for any  time  period  during  which  such  vehicle  was
    36  reported  to  the police department as having been stolen, it shall be a
    37  valid defense to an allegation of  liability  for  a  violation  of  the
    38  temporary  HOV  program that the vehicle had been reported to the police
    39  as stolen prior to the time the violation  occurred  and  had  not  been
    40  recovered  by  such time. For purposes of asserting the defense provided
    41  by this subdivision it shall be sufficient that a certified copy of  the
    42  police  report  on the stolen vehicle be sent by first class mail to the
    43  parking violations bureau of such city.
    44    (i) 1. An owner who is a lessor of a vehicle  to  which  a  notice  of
    45  liability  was  issued pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section shall
    46  not be liable for the violation of the temporary HOV  program,  provided
    47  that:
    48    (i)  prior  to  the  violation, the lessor has filed with such parking
    49  violations bureau in accordance with the provisions of  paragraph  f-one
    50  of  subdivision  one of section two hundred thirty-nine of this chapter;
    51  and
    52    (ii) within thirty-seven days after receiving notice from such  bureau
    53  of the date and time of a liability, together with the other information
    54  contained  in  the  original  notice of liability, the lessor submits to
    55  such bureau the correct name and address of the lessee  of  the  vehicle
    56  identified  in  the  notice  of liability at the time of such violation,

        S. 8827--A                         12
     1  together with such other additional information contained in the rental,
     2  lease or other contract document, as may be reasonably required by  such
     3  bureau pursuant to regulations that may be promulgated for such purpose.
     4    2.  Failure  to comply with subparagraph (ii) of paragraph one of this
     5  subdivision shall render the lessor liable for the penalty prescribed in
     6  this section.
     7    3. Where the lessor complies with the provisions of paragraph  one  of
     8  this  subdivision,  the  lessee  of  such  vehicle  on  the date of such
     9  violation shall be deemed to be the owner of such vehicle  for  purposes
    10  of this section, shall be subject to liability for such violation pursu-
    11  ant to this section, and shall be sent a notice of liability pursuant to
    12  subdivision (g) of this section.
    13    (j)  If  the owner liable for a violation of the temporary HOV program
    14  was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of  the  violation,  the
    15  owner may maintain an action for indemnification against the operator.
    16    (k)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the liability
    17  of an operator of a vehicle for any violation of HOV restrictions.
    18    (l) On and after the date of restoration of regular  subway  passenger
    19  service  in  the  Canarsie  tunnel,  the  city  of New York shall not be
    20  authorized or empowered to establish or continue a temporary HOV program
    21  on the Williamsburg bridge pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision  (a)
    22  of  this section; provided that any violations issued prior to such date
    23  may be adjudicated after such date. On and after the date of restoration
    24  of regular subway passenger service in the Canarsie tunnel, the New York
    25  city department of transportation shall not be authorized to operate HOV
    26  photo devices pursuant to paragraph  one  of  subdivision  (a)  of  this
    27  section;  provided  that any violations issued prior to such date may be
    28  adjudicated after such date.
    29    § 11. Section 1809-e of the vehicle traffic law is amended by adding a
    30  new subdivision 4 to read as follows:
    31    4. The provisions of this section  authorizing  the  imposition  of  a
    32  surcharge  shall not apply to adjudications conducted in accordance with
    33  section eleven hundred eleven-f of this chapter.
    34    § 12. Subdivision 2 of section  87  of  the  public  officers  law  is
    35  amended by adding a new paragraph (p) to read as follows:
    36    (p)  are  photographs,  microphotographs,  videotape or other recorded
    37  images prepared under authority of section eleven  hundred  eleven-f  of
    38  the vehicle and traffic law.
    39    §  13. The New York city department of transportation shall: (i) prior
    40  to implementing a  temporary high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) program on the
    41  Williamsburg bridge as authorized by section 1111-f of the  vehicle  and
    42  traffic  law,  as  added by section ten of this act, and in consultation
    43  with the  metropolitan  transportation  authority,  in  accordance  with
    44  subdivision 4 of section 1268 of the public authorities law, as added by
    45  section  one  of  this  act,  communicate  to  the public, including the
    46  affected communities in New York and Kings counties, the  plan  for  HOV
    47  restrictions  so as to maximize awareness of such temporary HOV program;
    48  (ii) for at least 40 days  prior  to  implementing  such  temporary  HOV
    49  program, send by first class mail notice of such upcoming implementation
    50  to  the owner of any vehicle that is not a bus, a commercial vehicle, an
    51  authorized emergency vehicle, or an access-a-ride vehicle, identified as
    52  having been driven on the Williamsburg  bridge  with  fewer  than  three
    53  occupants during time periods defined by the New York city department of
    54  transportation  in  accordance  with the provisions of section 1111-f of
    55  the vehicle and traffic law, as added by section ten of  this  act;  and
    56  (iii)  take  such  measures as are necessary to implement such temporary

        S. 8827--A                         13
     1  HOV program prior to  its  implementation,  including  promulgating  any
     2  rules  and  regulations  necessary  for  the implementation of this act.
     3  Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall  not  affect
     4  the  validity  or implementation of the temporary HOV program authorized
     5  by section 1111-f of the vehicle and traffic law, as  added  by  section
     6  ten of this act.
     7    §  14.  (a) This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however,
     8  that sections one through twelve of this act shall take effect April  1,
     9  2019,  and shall expire six months after the metropolitan transportation
    10  authority restores regular subway  passenger  service  in  the  Canarsie
    11  tunnel,  or April 1, 2021, whichever is earlier, when upon such date the
    12  provisions of this act shall be deemed repealed; provided that  the  New
    13  York city department of transportation shall notify the legislative bill
    14  drafting  commission  upon  the  occurrence of such restoration in order
    15  that the commission may maintain an accurate and timely effective  data-
    16  base of the official text of the laws of the state of New York in furth-
    17  erance  of  effectuating the provisions of section 44 of the legislative
    18  law and section 70-b of the public officers law.
    19    (b) On and after the date the  metropolitan  transportation  authority
    20  restores  regular  subway  passenger  service in the Canarsie tunnel, or
    21  April 1, 2021, whichever is earlier, the city of New York shall  not  be
    22  authorized or empowered to establish or continue a temporary HOV program
    23  on the Williamsburg bridge pursuant to paragraph 1 of subdivision (a) of
    24  section  1111-f  of the vehicle and traffic law, as added by section ten
    25  of this act. On and after the date  of  restoration  of  regular  subway
    26  passenger service in the Canarsie tunnel, or April 1, 2021, whichever is
    27  earlier,  the  New  York  city department of transportation shall not be
    28  authorized to operate HOV photo  devices  pursuant  to  paragraph  1  of
    29  subdivision  (a)  of  section  1111-f of the vehicle and traffic law, as
    30  added by section ten of this act.
    31    (c) Notwithstanding the expiration and repeal of certain provisions of
    32  this act, any violations issued prior to  the  date  of  restoration  of
    33  regular  subway  passenger service in the Canarsie tunnel may be adjudi-
    34  cated after such date.
    35    § 2. Severability. If any clause,  sentence,  paragraph,  subdivision,
    36  section  or part of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent
    37  jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,  impair,  or
    38  invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation
    39  to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or part thereof
    40  directly  involved  in the controversy in which such judgment shall have
    41  been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of the legislature
    42  that this act would have been enacted even if  such  invalid  provisions
    43  had not been included herein.
    44    §  3.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    45  the applicable effective date of Parts A through D of this act shall  be
    46  as specifically set forth in the last section of such Parts.