Bill Text: NY S02874 | 2015-2016 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Requires the availability of and reimbursement for chiropractic care under the workers' compensation law to be provided on the same basis as care by a physician under such law.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-06-07 - PRINT NUMBER 2874A [S02874 Detail]

Download: New_York-2015-S02874-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 29, 2015
        Introduced  by  Sen.  SAVINO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Labor  --  recommitted  to
          the  Committee  on  Labor  in accordance with Senate Rule 6, sec. 8 --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the workers' compensation law, in relation to chiroprac-
          tic care
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Legislative intent. The legislature recognizes that  multi-
     2  ple  health professionals are trained and licensed to diagnose and treat
     3  the same or similar conditions through the use of modalities, therapies,
     4  treatments, services and  philosophies  that  vary  from  profession  to
     5  profession. It is the specific intent of this legislature to assure that
     6  workers'  compensation policies, plans and contracts that provide cover-
     7  age for the diagnosis and treatment of conditions, complaints, ailments,
     8  disorders or injuries, that may be diagnosed and treated by a doctor  of
     9  chiropractic,  must provide equivalent access, coverage and fees for the
    10  diagnosis and treatment of those conditions, complaints or injuries by a
    11  duly licensed doctor of chiropractic, within the lawful scope of chirop-
    12  ractic practice even if  different  terminology,  philosophy,  services,
    13  treatments or modalities are used by the various health professions; and
    14  such equivalent coverage shall not be abridged by any regulation.
    15    §  2.  Subdivision 2 of section 13-l of the workers' compensation law,
    16  as amended by chapter 473 of the laws of 2000, is  amended  to  read  as
    17  follows:
    18    2.  (a) An employee injured under circumstances which make such injury
    19  compensable under this article, when care  is  required  for  an  injury
    20  which  consists solely of a condition which may lawfully be treated by a
    21  chiropractor as defined in section sixty-five hundred fifty-one  of  the
    22  education  law  may  select to treat him or her, any duly registered and
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 2874--A                          2
     1  licensed chiropractor of the state of New York, authorized by the  chair
     2  to  render  chiropractic  care as hereinafter provided. If the injury or
     3  condition is one which is outside the limits prescribed by the education
     4  law  for  chiropractic care and treatment, the said chiropractor must so
     5  advise the said injured employee and instruct him or her  to  consult  a
     6  physician  of said employee's choice for appropriate care and treatment.
     7  Such physician shall thenceforth have supervision of  the  treatment  of
     8  said  condition including the future treatment to be administered to the
     9  patient by the chiropractor. A chiropractor licensed and  registered  to
    10  practice chiropractic in the state of New York, who is desirous of being
    11  authorized  to  render  chiropractic  care  under this section and/or to
    12  conduct independent medical examinations in  accordance  with  paragraph
    13  (b)  of  subdivision three of this section shall file an application for
    14  authorization under this section with the chiropractic practice  commit-
    15  tee.  In  such  application he or she shall agree to refrain from subse-
    16  quently treating for remuneration, as  a  private  patient,  any  person
    17  seeking  chiropractic treatment, or submitting to an independent medical
    18  examination, in connection with, or as a result of, any injury compensa-
    19  ble under this chapter, if he or she has been removed from the  list  of
    20  chiropractors authorized to render chiropractic care or to conduct inde-
    21  pendent  medical examinations under this chapter, or if the person seek-
    22  ing such treatment has been transferred from his or her care in  accord-
    23  ance  with  the  provisions of this section. This agreement shall run to
    24  the benefit of the injured person so treated, or examined, and shall  be
    25  available  to him or her as a defense in any action by such chiropractor
    26  for payment rendered by a chiropractor after he or she has been  removed
    27  from the list of chiropractors authorized to render chiropractic care or
    28  to conduct independent medical examinations under this section, or after
    29  the  injured  person  was transferred from his or her care in accordance
    30  with the provisions of this section. The chiropractic practice committee
    31  if it deems such licensed chiropractor duly qualified shall recommend to
    32  the chair that such be authorized to render chiropractic care and/or  to
    33  conduct independent medical examinations under this section. Such recom-
    34  mendations  shall be advisory to the chair only and shall not be binding
    35  or conclusive upon him or her. The chair shall prepare and  establish  a
    36  schedule  for  the  state, or schedules limited to defined localities of
    37  charges and fees for chiropractic treatment and care, to  be  determined
    38  in accordance with and to be subject to change pursuant to rules promul-
    39  gated  by  the chair.  The chiropractic fee schedule prepared and estab-
    40  lished by the chair shall provide for the payment of remuneration  which
    41  is equivalent to that applicable to care or treatment provided by physi-
    42  cians  in the diagnosis, treatment and management of the same or similar
    43  conditions, injuries, complaints, disorders or ailments, even if differ-
    44  ing nomenclature is used to describe the condition, injury, treatment or
    45  service. Before preparing such schedule for the state or  schedules  for
    46  limited  localities  the  chair  shall request the chiropractic practice
    47  committee to submit to him or her a report on the amount of remuneration
    48  deemed by such committee to be  fair  and  adequate  for  the  types  of
    49  chiropractic  care  to be rendered under this chapter, but consideration
    50  shall be given to the view of  other  interested  parties,  the  amounts
    51  payable  by  the  employer  for such treatment and services shall be the
    52  fees and charges established by such schedule.   Chiropractic  care  and
    53  treatment may be subject to reasonable utilization review, provided that
    54  any  such  review: (i) shall not discriminate against chiropractic care,
    55  and (ii) shall be no more restrictive than that applicable  to  care  or
    56  treatment provided by physicians in the diagnosis, treatment and manage-

        S. 2874--A                          3
     1  ment  of the same or similar conditions, injuries, complaints, disorders
     2  or ailments, even if differing nomenclature  is  used  to  describe  the
     3  condition,  injury,  treatment  or  service. Nothing in this subdivision
     4  shall  be  construed  as  impeding or preventing either the provision or
     5  coverage of chiropractic care and treatment by duly licensed doctors  of
     6  chiropractic,  within  the  lawful  scope  of  chiropractic practice, in
     7  hospital facilities on staff or employee basis.
     8    (b) Every policy which includes coverage for physician services  in  a
     9  physician's  office,  other  than  a  policy  that provides managed care
    10  coverage, shall provide coverage for care provided in  the  practice  of
    11  chiropractic,  as defined in section sixty-five hundred fifty-one of the
    12  education law, provided by a doctor of chiropractic licensed pursuant to
    13  article one hundred thirty-two of the education law, in connection  with
    14  the  detection or correction by manual or mechanical means of structural
    15  imbalance, distortion or subluxation in the human body for  the  purpose
    16  of  removing  nerve  interference,  and  the effects thereof, where such
    17  interference is the result of or related to distortion, misalignment  or
    18  subluxation  of  or  in  the  vertebral  column.  Chiropractic  care and
    19  services may be subject  to  reasonable  fee  schedules  and  reasonable
    20  utilization  review,  provided  that  any such schedules and review: (i)
    21  shall not discriminate against chiropractic care, and (ii)  individually
    22  and  collectively  shall  be  no  more restrictive than those applicable
    23  under the same policy to care or services provided by physicians in  the
    24  diagnosis,  treatment  and management of the same or similar conditions,
    25  injuries, complaints, disorders or ailments, even if differing nomencla-
    26  ture is used to describe the condition, injury, complaint, treatment  or
    27  service.  Nothing  in this subdivision shall be construed as impeding or
    28  preventing either the provision or coverage  of  chiropractic  care  and
    29  services  by  duly  licensed  doctors of chiropractic, within the lawful
    30  scope of chiropractic practice, in hospital facilities  on  a  staff  or
    31  employee basis.
    32    (c) The coverage required by this subdivision shall not be abridged by
    33  any regulation promulgated by the chair, the board or the superintendent
    34  of financial services.
    35    §  3. The workers' compensation law is amended by adding a new section
    36  356 to read as follows:
    37    § 356. Preferred provider organizations; chiropractic treatment.    1.
    38  Each preferred provider organization shall provide coverage for care and
    39  treatment  provided  in  the  course of the practice of chiropractic, as
    40  defined in section sixty-five hundred fifty-one of  the  education  law,
    41  provided  by  a  doctor of chiropractic licensed pursuant to article one
    42  hundred  thirty-two  of  the  education  law,  in  connection  with  the
    43  detection  or  correction  by  manual  or mechanical means of structural
    44  imbalance, distortion or subluxation in the human body for  the  purpose
    45  of  removing  nerve  interference,  and  the effects thereof, where such
    46  interference is the result of or related to distortion, misalignment  or
    47  subluxation  of or in the vertebral column. Chiropractic care and treat-
    48  ment may be subject to reasonable fee schedules, and reasonable utiliza-
    49  tion review, provided that any such schedules and review: (a) shall  not
    50  discriminate against chiropractic care; and (b) individually and collec-
    51  tively  shall  be  no  more restrictive than those applicable within the
    52  preferred provider organization to care or treatment provided by  physi-
    53  cians  in the diagnosis, treatment and management of the same or similar
    54  conditions, injuries or complaints, even if  differing  nomenclature  is
    55  used to describe the condition, injury, complaint, treatment or service.
    56  Nothing  in  this  section  shall be construed as impeding or preventing

        S. 2874--A                          4
     1  either the provision or coverage of chiropractic care and  treatment  by
     2  duly  licensed  doctors  of  chiropractic,  within  the  lawful scope of
     3  chiropractic practice, in hospital facilities on  a  staff  or  employee
     4  basis.
     5    2.  Each  preferred  provider  organization shall include a sufficient
     6  number of chiropractors within each geographic area to assure access  to
     7  chiropractic treatment that is equal to that available to medical treat-
     8  ment within the same preferred provider organization.
     9    3.  An  employee  may  seek  chiropractic  treatment  from outside the
    10  preferred provider organization thirty days after his or her visit to  a
    11  preferred provider organization provider. In the event that such employ-
    12  ee seeks chiropractic treatment outside the preferred provider organiza-
    13  tion,  the  employer may require a second opinion from a provider within
    14  the preferred provider organization.
    15    4. An employee may seek a second opinion with respect to such  chirop-
    16  ractic  treatment  from  another  provider within the preferred provider
    17  organization at any time.
    18    5. The coverage required by this section shall not be abridged by  any
    19  regulation promulgated by the chair or the board.
    20    §  4.  This  act  shall take effect January 1, 2017 and shall apply to
    21  policies and contracts issued, renewed, modified, altered or amended  on
    22  or after such effective date.