Bill Text: NY S02081 | 2011-2012 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Eliminates the power of a limited-profit housing company to remove a person or family in occupancy of a dwelling unit who exceed prescribed maximum income limitations from such dwelling unit.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2011-01-18 - REFERRED TO HOUSING, CONSTRUCTION AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT [S02081 Detail]

Download: New_York-2011-S02081-Introduced.html
                           S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                   January 18, 2011
       Introduced  by  Sen.  KRUGER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed to the Committee on Housing, Construction  and
         Community Development
       AN  ACT  to  amend  the  private housing finance law, in relation to the
         elimination of power to remove tenants who exceed maximum income limi-
         tations and repealing subdivision 5 of section 31 of such law relating
    1    Section  1. Subdivision 3 of section 31 of the private housing finance
    2  law, as amended by chapter 778 of the laws of 1971, is amended  to  read
    3  as follows:
    4    3.  [In  the  event that the income of a person or family in occupancy
    5  should increase and exceed the maximum prescribed by law  for  admission
    6  or  for  continued occupancy, based on the latest existing rent, by more
    7  than twenty-five per centum, such person or family shall be  subject  to
    8  removal from the dwelling, non-housekeeping, aged care accommodations or
    9  non-housekeeping accommodations for handicapped persons provided, howev-
   10  er,  that  such person or family may be permitted to remain in occupancy
   11  until such income exceeds the maximum prescribed by  law  by  more  than
   12  fifty  per centum, if the company, with the approval of the commissioner
   13  or the supervising agency, shall  determine  that  removal  would  cause
   14  hardship  to  such  person or family.] Any person or family in occupancy
   15  whose income exceeds the maximum prescribed by law shall  pay  a  rental
   16  surcharge  in accordance with a schedule of surcharges to be promulgated
   17  by the company with the approval of the commissioner or the  supervising
   18  agency,  as  the  case  may be, provided, however, such rental surcharge
   19  shall in no event exceed fifty per centum of the existing rent.
   20    S 2. Subdivision 5 of section 31 of the private housing finance law is
   21  REPEALED.
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 2081                             2
    1    S 3. Paragraphs (a) and (a-1) of subdivision 1 of section 125  of  the
    2  private  housing finance law, paragraph (a) as amended by chapter 566 of
    3  the laws of 1993 and paragraph (a-1) as added by chapter 140 of the laws
    4  of 1987, are amended to read as follows:
    5    (a)  The local legislative body of any municipality in which a project
    6  of such company is or is to be located may by contract  agree  with  any
    7  redevelopment  company  to  exempt from local and municipal taxes, other
    8  than assessments for local improvements, all or part of the value of the
    9  property included in such project which represents an increase over  the
   10  assessed  valuation  of  the  real property, both land and improvements,
   11  acquired for the project at the time of its acquisition by the  redevel-
   12  opment company which originally undertook the project and for such defi-
   13  nite period of years as such contract may provide, except that where the
   14  real  property in a project was acquired for purposes of rehabilitation,
   15  the local legislative body either may utilize the foregoing  formula  or
   16  may  agree  to  exempt  from  such taxes all or part of the value of the
   17  property included in such project on condition that the amount  of  such
   18  taxes  to  be  paid  shall not be less than ten per centum of the annual
   19  shelter rent or carrying charges of such rehabilitation project. The tax
   20  exemption shall not operate for a period of more than twenty-five years,
   21  commencing in each instance from the date on which the benefits of  such
   22  exemption  first become available and effective; provided, however, that
   23  with respect to a project either  acquired  by  a  mutual  redevelopment
   24  company  pursuant  to  section one hundred twenty-six OF THIS ARTICLE or
   25  owned and continuing to be owned by a mutual redevelopment company which
   26  would require substantial increases in carrying charges after the period
   27  of tax exemption is ended unless relief is provided, the local  legisla-
   28  tive  body may contract with such mutual redevelopment company to extend
   29  such tax exemption for not more than twenty-five additional years  at  a
   30  rate  of  tax  exemption  not  to  exceed an average of fifty per centum
   31  during such additional period, provided that the  tax  exemption  during
   32  the first two years of such additional period shall continue at the rate
   33  of  the  tax  exemption of such project immediately preceding the termi-
   34  nation of the initial twenty-five year period and that the tax exemption
   35  thereafter shall be decreased in equal biennial decrements, the first of
   36  which shall occur  immediately  following  such  two  year  period,  and
   37  provided  that such contract shall contain provisions as to income limi-
   38  tations relating to admission and continued occupancy of the project and
   39  provisions as to rental surcharges to the same effect as  are  contained
   40  in  subdivisions two, three[,] AND four [and five] of section thirty-one
   41  OF THIS CHAPTER, except that in the case of projects owned and  continu-
   42  ing  to  be owned by mutual redevelopment companies, persons or families
   43  whose probable aggregate annual income does not exceed the median income
   44  for families of the same size in the same metropolitan area  shall  also
   45  be  eligible  for admission to the project on the understanding that any
   46  person or family becoming  eligible  by  reason  hereof  whose  probable
   47  aggregate annual income at the time of admission or during the period of
   48  occupancy exceeds, the greater of (i) the median income for such persons
   49  or  families  for the metropolitan statistical area in which the project
   50  is located, or if a project is located outside  a  metropolitan  statis-
   51  tical area, the median income for such persons or families for the coun-
   52  ty  in  which the project is located, as most recently determined by the
   53  United States department of housing and urban development, in which case
   54  any person or family becoming eligible for admission  pursuant  to  this
   55  subparagraph  shall  pay, from the time of admission, a rental surcharge
   56  as provided for in subdivision three of section thirty-one of this chap-
       S. 2081                             3
    1  ter, computed on the basis of the income limitations applicable to  such
    2  persons  or  families  in  the absence of this subparagraph, or (ii) six
    3  times the rental shall be liable for payment of rental surcharges  here-
    4  under  computed  on  the basis of such ratio, except that in the case of
    5  families with three or more dependents such ratio shall be seven to one;
    6  and provided further that with respect to a project which is or is to be
    7  permanently financed by a federally-aided mortgage,  the  tax  exemption
    8  shall  operate  for  so  long as such mortgage is outstanding, but in no
    9  event for a period of more than forty years, commencing in each instance
   10  from the date on which the  benefits  of  such  exemption  first  become
   11  available  and  effective;  and  provided further that with respect to a
   12  project which is or is to be permanently financed by a loan from the New
   13  York city housing development corporation, the tax exemption shall oper-
   14  ate for so long as such loan is outstanding.
   15    (a-1) Where the redevelopment contract between a mutual  redevelopment
   16  company  and  the  local  legislative  body  under which the initial tax
   17  exemption was granted contains provisions different from those in subdi-
   18  visions two, three[,] AND four [and five] of section thirty-one of  this
   19  chapter,  then  a contract to extend the tax exemption for an additional
   20  period under paragraph (a) of this subdivision may  provide  that  those
   21  provisions  of  the redevelopment contract shall continue to apply (with
   22  such modifications as the supervising agency of such  mutual  redevelop-
   23  ment  company  shall  approve)  during  the additional period as if such
   24  additional period were the initial period  of  tax  exemption  for  such
   25  mutual  redevelopment  company,  notwithstanding the provisions of para-
   26  graph (a) of this subdivision to the contrary.
   27    S 4. This act shall take effect on the sixtieth  day  after  it  shall
   28  have become a law.