Bill Text: NY S00802 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Requires public disclosure of certain state agency materials, and authorizes the office for technology to publish a technical standards manual for the publishing of records on the internet by state agencies.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-01-03 - REFERRED TO INVESTIGATIONS AND GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS [S00802 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-S00802-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     January 6, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen. SERRANO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Investigations and Govern-
          ment Operations

        AN ACT to amend the public officers law, in relation to requiring public
          disclosure of certain state agency materials; and to amend  the  state
          technology  law,  in relation to authorizing the office of information
          technology services to publish a technical standards  manual  for  the
          publishing of records on the internet by state agencies

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  This act shall be known as and may be cited as  the  "Open
     2  New York Act".
     3    §  2.  Section 86 of the public officers law is amended by adding four
     4  new subdivisions 12, 13, 14 and 15 to read as follows:
     5    12. "Consensus" means general agreement, but not necessarily  unanimi-
     6  ty,  and  includes  a  process  for  attempting to resolve objections by
     7  interested parties, as long as all comments have been fairly considered.
     8    13. "Technical standard" means (a) the  common  and  repeated  use  of
     9  rules, conditions, guidelines or characteristics for products or related
    10  processes  and  production methods, and related management systems prac-
    11  tices and (b) the definition of  terms;  classification  of  components,
    12  delineation  of  procedures;  specifications  of  dimensions, materials,
    13  performance, designs or operations; measurement of quality and  quantity
    14  in describing materials, processes, products, systems, services or prac-
    15  tices;  test methods and sampling procedures; or descriptions of fit and
    16  measurements of size or strength.
    17    14. "Voluntary  consensus  standards"  means  standards  developed  or
    18  adopted  by  voluntary  consensus  standards  bodies,  both domestic and
    19  international. These standards include provisions requiring that  owners
    20  of  relevant intellectual property agree to make such intellectual prop-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 802                              2

     1  erty available  on  a  non-discriminatory,  royalty-free  or  reasonable
     2  royalty basis to all interested parties.
     3    15.  "Voluntary consensus standards bodies" means domestic or interna-
     4  tional organizations  which  plan,  develop,  establish,  or  coordinate
     5  voluntary consensus standards using agreed-upon procedures.
     6    §  3.  The  opening  paragraph  of  paragraph  (c) of subdivision 1 of
     7  section 87 of the public officers law, as added by chapter  223  of  the
     8  laws  of  2008, is amended and a new subdivision 2-a is added to read as
     9  follows:
    10    In determining the actual cost of reproducing a  physical  copy  of  a
    11  record, an agency may include only:
    12    2-a.  All records available pursuant to the provisions of this section
    13  shall be available in electronic form pursuant to the provisions of this
    14  section and in accordance with the provisions of section  eighty-seven-a
    15  of this article.
    16    §  4.  The public officers law is amended by adding a new section 87-a
    17  to read as follows:
    18    § 87-a. State internet records policy. 1. (a) The  committee  on  open
    19  government shall promulgate rules establishing an internet record policy
    20  for  the  state  of  New  York no later than January third, two thousand
    21  twenty-four, for the purposes of making agency records available on  the
    22  internet  and  ensuring  agency  compliance  with the provisions of this
    23  article. Such policy shall include, but not be limited to, guidelines to
    24  assist agencies in classifying their records either as immediate, prior-
    25  ity, legacy or exempt pursuant to the agency compliance  plan  described
    26  in subdivision two of this section.
    27    (b)  The committee on open government shall consult with the office of
    28  information technology services regarding the  preparation,  publication
    29  and periodic updating of a technical standards manual for the publishing
    30  of  records on the internet by state agencies as provided in subdivision
    31  twelve-c of section one hundred three of the state technology law.
    32    (c) Each state agency, in consultation with the office of  information
    33  technology  services  and the committee on open government, shall review
    34  all records under its control and  shall  classify  them  as  immediate,
    35  priority, legacy or exempt in accordance with the provisions of subdivi-
    36  sion three of this section.
    37    (d)  Each state agency, in consultation with the office of information
    38  technology services and the committee on open government,  shall  submit
    39  an  agency  compliance plan to the governor and the legislature no later
    40  than January third, two thousand twenty-five. Such plan  shall  describe
    41  how  such  agency intends to achieve full compliance with the provisions
    42  of this section by July seventh, two thousand  twenty-eight,  and  shall
    43  include an accounting of all records under the control of the agency and
    44  how  such  records  have  been classified pursuant to subdivision two of
    45  this section.
    46    2. (a)  Each  state  agency  shall  make  its  records  available  for
    47  inspection  by  the  public  on the internet through a single web portal
    48  pursuant to the timetable  established  by  the  agency  in  its  agency
    49  compliance plan.
    50    (b)  All  records shall be available on a permanent basis, in machine-
    51  readable and unprocessed electronic format and in their  complete  form,
    52  except  for  those  records  or portions of records classified as exempt
    53  pursuant to subdivision three of this section.
    54    (c) All records shall be available to the public without any registra-
    55  tion requirement, license requirement, fees, or  restrictions  on  their
    56  use unless otherwise provided by law.

        S. 802                              3

     1    3. State agency records shall be classified as follows:
     2    (a)  immediate: any record in possession of an agency as of the effec-
     3  tive date of this section and any record such agency acquires or creates
     4  after such effective date through January third,  two  thousand  twenty-
     5  five,  that  can  be  made  available  on  the  internet pursuant to the
     6  provisions of section eighty-seven of this article within thirty days of
     7  the agency acquiring or creating such  record  shall  be  classified  as
     8  immediate. Agencies should make best efforts to classify as many records
     9  as  immediate as is possible. Any record acquired or created after Janu-
    10  ary third, two thousand twenty-seven, shall be classified as  immediate,
    11  and shall be made available pursuant to the provisions of section eight-
    12  y-seven of this article in as close to real-time as possible;
    13    (b)  legacy: any record that, due to its size or complexity, or due to
    14  technology constraints, cannot be made available on the internet  pursu-
    15  ant  to  the  provisions of section eighty-seven of this article by July
    16  seventh, two thousand twenty-eight, shall be classified as legacy. Agen-
    17  cies shall make best efforts to avoid placing records  into  the  legacy
    18  classification;
    19    (c)  priority:  any record that is not classified as immediate, legacy
    20  or exempt shall be classified as priority; or
    21    (d) exempt: any record or portion of a record which is not required to
    22  be disclosed pursuant to the provisions of subdivision  two  of  section
    23  eighty-seven of this article shall be classified as exempt.
    24    4.  State  agency  records  shall  be  made  available on the internet
    25  according to the following schedule:
    26    (a) records classified as immediate shall be available no  later  than
    27  July fourth, two thousand twenty-five;
    28    (b)  records  classified  as priority shall be available no later than
    29  July second, two thousand twenty-six;
    30    (c) records classified as legacy shall be available no later than July
    31  seventh, two thousand twenty-seven;
    32    (d) records or portions of records specified as exempt shall be exempt
    33  from the provisions of this section.
    34    5. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (c) of subdivision  one
    35  of  section  eighty-seven  of  this  article, no fees may be charged for
    36  physical copies of records:
    37    (a) which are classified as immediate according to the  provisions  of
    38  this  section and which are not available pursuant to provisions of this
    39  section on or after July fourth, two thousand twenty-five;
    40    (b) which are classified as priority according to  the  provisions  of
    41  this  section and which are not available pursuant to provisions of this
    42  section on or after July second, two thousand twenty-six; or
    43    (c) which are classified as legacy according to the provisions of this
    44  section and which are not  available  pursuant  to  provisions  of  this
    45  section on or after July seventh, two thousand twenty-seven.
    46    §  5. Section 103 of the state technology law is amended by adding two
    47  new subdivisions 5-a and 12-c to read as follows:
    48    5-a. To establish, oversee,  manage,  coordinate  and  facilitate  the
    49  planning,  design  and  implementation of a single web portal for use by
    50  state agencies in making records available to the public as provided  in
    51  section eighty-seven-a of the public officers law;
    52    12-c.  In  consultation  with  the  committee  on  open government, to
    53  prepare and publish a technical standards manual for the  publishing  of
    54  records  on the internet by state agencies as provided in article six of
    55  the public officers law no later than January third, two thousand  twen-
    56  ty-five,  and  shall  base  such  manual  on technical standards for web

        S. 802                              4

     1  publishing and e-government that  have  been  developed  or  adopted  by
     2  voluntary  consensus  standards  bodies. Such manual shall be updated by
     3  the office, in conjunction with the committee  on  open  government,  as
     4  necessary.  The  office shall consult with voluntary consensus standards
     5  bodies and shall, when such participation is  feasible,  in  the  public
     6  interest  and  is  compatible  with  agency  and  departmental missions,
     7  authorities, priorities, and budget  resources,  participate  with  such
     8  bodies  in  the  development  of technical standards.   The office shall
     9  promulgate and adopt all necessary rules and regulations to ensure  that
    10  state  agencies publish their records on the internet in accordance with
    11  such technical standards manual;
    12    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.