Bill Text: NY A10716 | 2017-2018 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Relates to the equalization of retirement benefits for police officers across New York state.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2018-06-13 - print number 10716b [A10716 Detail]

Download: New_York-2017-A10716-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 15, 2018
        Introduced by M. of A. ABBATE -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on  Governmental  Employees  --  committee  discharged,  bill amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and  recommitted  to  said  committee  --
          again  reported from said committee with amendments, ordered reprinted
          as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the retirement and social security law, in  relation  to
          the equalization of retirement benefits for police officers across New
          York state
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivision c of section 500 of the retirement  and  social
     2  security  law, as amended by section 9-a of part A of chapter 504 of the
     3  laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
     4    c. If the comptroller certifies that the contribution rate under  this
     5  article  for  any  participating  employer  who  is participating on the
     6  effective date hereof would be at least one percent higher than the rate
     7  which would be applicable to  such  employer  for  an  employee  who  is
     8  subject  to  article  eleven  of this chapter and who was hired prior to
     9  July first, nineteen hundred seventy-six, the provisions of this article
    10  shall not apply with respect to such participating  employer,  provided,
    11  however  that members who first join the New York state and local police
    12  and fire retirement system on or after January first, two  thousand  ten
    13  and police/fire members, as that term is defined in section five hundred
    14  one  of  this  article,  who  have made an election to be subject to the
    15  provisions of article twenty-two of this chapter pursuant to subdivision
    16  b or c of section twelve hundred five of  this  chapter,  shall  not  be
    17  subject to the provisions of this article. In such event, the provisions
    18  of  article eleven and article twenty-two of this chapter shall continue
    19  to be applicable to such participating employer and  its  employees,  as
    20  provided  in  section  four  hundred fifty-one of this chapter. If, as a
    21  result of actuarial experience, such employer's contribution rate should
    22  increase to the extent that it is not at least one  percent  lower  than
    23  the  contribution  rate  under this article, then, upon certification of
    24  such fact by the comptroller, the provisions of this  subdivision  shall
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10716--B                         2
     1  no longer apply with respect to the employees of such employer who ther-
     2  eafter first join or rejoin a public retirement system.
     3    §  2. Section 1200 of the retirement and social security law, as added
     4  by section 1 of part A of chapter 504 of the laws of 2009, is amended to
     5  read as follows:
     6    § 1200. Definitions. For purposes of this article the terms:
     7    a. "Member" shall mean a person who is employed as a police officer or
     8  firefighter by any employer other than the city of New  York  who  first
     9  joins  [the] a retirement system on or after January first, two thousand
    10  ten or a police/fire member, as that term is  defined  in  section  five
    11  hundred  one  of  this  chapter,  who  has made an election, pursuant to
    12  subdivision b or c of section twelve hundred five of this article, to be
    13  subject to the provisions of this article.
    14    b. "Retirement system" shall mean the New York state and local  police
    15  and  fire  retirement  system, the New York city police pension fund, or
    16  the New York city fire department pension fund.
    17    § 3. Section 1201 of the retirement and social security law, as  added
    18  by section 1 of part A of chapter 504 of the laws of 2009, is amended to
    19  read as follows:
    20    §  1201.  Applicability.  Notwithstanding  any provision of law to the
    21  contrary, the provisions of this article  shall  be  applicable  to  all
    22  [employees  in  the retirement system who first joined such system on or
    23  after January first, two thousand ten] members of a retirement system as
    24  those terms are defined in section twelve hundred of this article.
    25    § 4.   Section 1202 of the  retirement  and  social  security  law  is
    26  amended by adding a new subdivision d to read as follows:
    27    d.  Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary in any other law, the
    28  amount of the vested retirement benefit for any member who has  made  an
    29  election  to  be  subject  to the provisions of this article pursuant to
    30  subdivision b or c of section twelve hundred five of this article, shall
    31  be equal to one-sixtieth of the member's final  average  salary  on  the
    32  date  of  his  or  her discontinuance of service, multiplied by a number
    33  equal to the number of years of service credited to the  member  on  the
    34  date of such discontinuance.
    35    § 5.  Section 1203 of the retirement and social security law, as added
    36  by section 1 of part A of chapter 504 of the laws of 2009, is amended to
    37  read as follows:
    38    §  1203. Overtime. A member's final average salary shall be calculated
    39  in accordance with such provisions of article eight or article eleven of
    40  this chapter as govern the member's benefits, except that earnings clas-
    41  sified as overtime compensation  in  an  amount  in  excess  of  fifteen
    42  percent  of  a  member's annual wages not classified as overtime compen-
    43  sation shall be excluded from such calculation. "Overtime  compensation"
    44  shall  mean,  for  purposes of this section, compensation paid under any
    45  law or policy under which employees are paid  at  a  rate  greater  than
    46  their  standard  rate for additional hours worked beyond those required,
    47  including compensation paid under section one hundred thirty-four of the
    48  civil service law and section ninety of the general municipal law.   The
    49  provisions  of  this  section  limiting  earnings classified as overtime
    50  compensation shall not apply to a police/fire member, as  that  term  is
    51  defined  in  section  five  hundred one of this chapter, who has made an
    52  election pursuant to subdivision b or c of section twelve  hundred  five
    53  of  this  article to be subject to the provisions of this article and is
    54  employed by either the New York city police department as a detective or
    55  at a rank of sergeant or higher or the fire department of  the  city  of
    56  New York at a rank of lieutenant or higher.

        A. 10716--B                         3
     1    §  6.    Section  1204  of  the retirement and social security law, as
     2  amended by chapter 18 of the  laws  of  2012,  is  amended  to  read  as
     3  follows:
     4    §   1204.  Member  contributions.  Members  who  are  subject  to  the
     5  provisions of this article shall  contribute  three  percent  of  annual
     6  wages  to  the  retirement  system in which they have membership, except
     7  that beginning April first, two thousand thirteen for members who  first
     8  become  members  of the New York state and local police and fire retire-
     9  ment system on or after April first, two thousand  twelve;  for  members
    10  who  have made an election to be subject to the provisions of this arti-
    11  cle pursuant to subdivision b of section twelve  hundred  five  of  this
    12  article,  beginning  on  the  date  that such election is filed with the
    13  administrative head of the retirement system; and for members  who  have
    14  made  an election to be subject to the provisions of this article pursu-
    15  ant to subdivision c of section twelve hundred  five  of  this  article,
    16  beginning  on  the date that the member joins the retirement system, the
    17  rate at which each such member shall contribute in any current plan year
    18  (April first to March thirty-first) shall be determined by reference  to
    19  the  wages  of such member in the second plan year (April first to March
    20  thirty-first) preceding such current plan year as follows:
    21    a. members with wages of forty-five thousand dollars per annum or less
    22  shall contribute three per centum of annual wages;
    23    b. members with wages greater than forty-five thousand per annum,  but
    24  not  more  than fifty-five thousand per annum shall contribute three and
    25  one-half per centum of annual wages;
    26    c. members with wages greater than fifty-five thousand per annum,  but
    27  not  more than seventy-five thousand per annum shall contribute four and
    28  one-half per centum of annual wages;
    29    d. members with wages greater than seventy-five thousand per annum but
    30  not more than one hundred thousand per annum shall contribute  five  and
    31  three-quarters per centum of annual wages; and
    32    e.  members  with  wages  greater  than one hundred thousand per annum
    33  shall contribute six per centum of annual wages.
    34    Notwithstanding the foregoing, during each of  the  first  three  plan
    35  years  (April  first  to  March  thirty-first)  in which such member has
    36  established membership in [the New York state and local police and fire]
    37  a retirement system, such member shall contribute a percentage of annual
    38  wages in accordance with the preceding schedule based upon a  projection
    39  of  annual  wages  provided  by the employer. Effective April first, two
    40  thousand twelve, all members subject to the provisions of  this  article
    41  shall  not  be  required  to  make  member contributions on annual wages
    42  excluded from the  calculation  of  final  average  salary  pursuant  to
    43  section  [1203]  twelve  hundred  three of this article. Nothing in this
    44  section, however, shall be construed  or  deemed  to  allow  members  to
    45  receive a refund of any member contributions on such wages paid prior to
    46  April first, two thousand twelve.
    47    Members  who  are enrolled in a retirement plan that limits the amount
    48  of creditable service a member can accrue shall not be required to  make
    49  contributions pursuant to this section after accruing the maximum amount
    50  of  service  credit  allowed  by  the  retirement plan in which they are
    51  enrolled. The state comptroller, or for the New York city police pension
    52  fund and the New York city fire department pension fund,  the  board  of
    53  trustees,  shall  promulgate  such  regulations  as may be necessary and
    54  appropriate with respect to the  deduction  of  such  contribution  from
    55  members' wages and for the maintenance of any special fund or funds with
    56  respect  to  amounts so contributed. In no way shall the member contrib-

        A. 10716--B                         4
     1  utions made pursuant to this section be  used  to  provide  for  pension
     2  increases or annuities of any kind.
     3    §  7. Section 1205 of the retirement and social security law, as added
     4  by section 1 of part A of chapter 504 of the laws of 2009, is amended to
     5  read as follows:
     6    § 1205. Recalculation of  benefits.    a.  Notwithstanding  any  other
     7  provision of law, any member who has joined the New York state and local
     8  police  and fire retirement system pursuant to the provisions of article
     9  fourteen of this chapter on or after July first, two thousand  nine  may
    10  elect to have his or her retirement benefits calculated pursuant to this
    11  article  by  filing within one hundred twenty days of the effective date
    12  of [this section] the chapter of the laws of two thousand eighteen  that
    13  amended this subdivision a request for such calculation with the retire-
    14  ment system in the form and manner prescribed by the state comptroller.
    15    b.   Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  law  to  the  contrary,  any
    16  police/fire member, as that term is defined in section five hundred  one
    17  of  this chapter who joined the New York state and local police and fire
    18  retirement system between July first, two  thousand  nine  and  December
    19  thirty-first,  two  thousand ten, or who joined the New York city police
    20  pension fund or the New York city fire department pension  fund  between
    21  July first, two thousand nine and the effective date of this subdivision
    22  may  make  an irrevocable election that shall be duly executed and filed
    23  with the administrative head of the retirement system no later than  one
    24  hundred  twenty  days after the effective date of this subdivision to be
    25  subject to the provisions of this article and have his or her retirement
    26  benefits calculated pursuant to this article.  Nothing in this  subdivi-
    27  sion,  however,  shall  be  construed  or  deemed to allow a police/fire
    28  member who makes an irrevocable election pursuant to this subdivision to
    29  receive a refund of any member contributions for credited  service  that
    30  occurred  before  the  date that such election is filed by a police/fire
    31  member with the New York city police pension fund or New York city  fire
    32  department pension fund, as applicable to such member.
    33    c.   Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  law  to  the  contrary,  any
    34  police/fire member, as that term is defined in section five hundred  one
    35  of  this chapter, who first becomes a member of the New York city police
    36  pension fund or the New York city fire department pension fund after the
    37  effective date of this subdivision may make an irrevocable election that
    38  shall be duly executed and filed with the  administrative  head  of  the
    39  retirement system no later than thirty days after joining the retirement
    40  system  to  be subject to the provisions of this article and have his or
    41  her retirement benefits calculated pursuant to this article.
    42    § 8. Section 1206 of the retirement and social security law, as  added
    43  by section 1 of part A of chapter 504 of the laws of 2009, is amended to
    44  read as follows:
    45    §  1206.  Conflicting provisions. Except as otherwise provided in this
    46  article, or in conflict therewith, the provisions of article  eleven  of
    47  this  chapter  and title thirteen of the administrative code of the city
    48  of New York, including any plan that has been elected by the employer or
    49  is otherwise applicable under article eight of  this  chapter  or  title
    50  thirteen of the administrative code of the city of New York shall govern
    51  the retirement benefits provided under this article. In the event of any
    52  conflict  between the provisions of this article and any other provision
    53  of law, this article shall govern.
    54    § 9. Paragraph 2 of subdivision a of section 1207  of  the  retirement
    55  and social security law, as added by chapter 303 of the laws of 2017, is
    56  amended to read as follows:

        A. 10716--B                         5
     1    2. A member who first joins such system on or after January first, two
     2  thousand eighteen in active service who has credit for at least one year
     3  of member service may borrow, no more than once during each twelve month
     4  period,  an  amount,  not less than one thousand dollars and which would
     5  not  cause  the  balance  owed  pursuant  to this section, including any
     6  amounts borrowed then outstanding, to exceed (i) fifty  percent  of  the
     7  member's  total  contributions  made  pursuant  to section [five hundred
     8  seventeen of this chapter] twelve hundred four of this  article  or  any
     9  other  article  of this chapter (including interest credited at the rate
    10  set forth in subdivision c of [such] section five hundred  seventeen  of
    11  this  chapter  compounded  annually);  or  (ii)  fifty thousand dollars,
    12  whichever is less.
    13    § 10. Section 1209 of the retirement and social security law, as added
    14  by chapter 18 of the laws of 2012, is amended to read as follows:
    15    § 1209. Final average salary.  For members who first become members of
    16  the New York state and local police and fire  retirement  system  on  or
    17  after  April  first,  two  thousand twelve, and members who have made an
    18  election to be subject to the provisions of  this  article  pursuant  to
    19  subdivision  b  or  c  of section twelve hundred five of this article, a
    20  member's final average salary shall be equal to one-fifth of the highest
    21  total wages earned by  such  member  during  any  continuous  period  of
    22  employment  for which the member was credited with five years of service
    23  credit; provided, however, if the wages earned during any year of  cred-
    24  ited  service  included  in  the  period used to determine final average
    25  salary exceeds the average of the wages of the previous  four  years  of
    26  credited  service  by more than ten percent, the amount in excess of ten
    27  percent shall be excluded from the computation of final average  salary.
    28  Wages  in  excess  of the annual salary paid to the governor pursuant to
    29  section three of  article  four  of  the  state  constitution  shall  be
    30  excluded  from  the  computation of final average salary for members who
    31  first become members of the New York state and  local  police  and  fire
    32  retirement  system  on  or  after  April  first,  two  thousand  twelve,
    33  provided, however, that such exclusion of wages from the computation  of
    34  final  average  salary  shall not apply to a police/fire member, as that
    35  term is defined in section five hundred one of  this  chapter,  who  has
    36  made  an  election  pursuant  to subdivision b of section twelve hundred
    37  five of this chapter to be subject to the provisions of this article and
    38  is employed by either the New York city police department as a detective
    39  or at a rank of sergeant or higher or the fire department of the city of
    40  New York at a rank of lieutenant or higher.
    41    § 11. Section 1210 of the retirement and social security law, as added
    42  by chapter 18 of the laws of 2012, is amended to read as follows:
    43    § 1210. Wages.  For members who first become members of the  New  York
    44  state  and  local  police  and  fire retirement system on or after April
    45  first, two thousand twelve, and members who have made an election to  be
    46  subject to the provisions of this article pursuant to subdivision b or c
    47  of  section  twelve  hundred  five  of this article, the following items
    48  shall not be included in the definition of wages: a. wages in excess  of
    49  the  annual  salary  paid  to  the governor pursuant to section three of
    50  article four of the state constitution,  provided,  however,  that  such
    51  exclusion  of  wages  shall  not  apply  to  a police/fire member who is
    52  employed by either the New York city police department as a detective or
    53  at a rank of sergeant or higher or the fire department of  the  city  of
    54  New  York  at  a  rank of lieutenant or higher, b. lump sum payments for
    55  deferred compensation, sick leave, accumulated vacation or other credits
    56  for time not worked, c. any form of termination pay, d.  any  additional

        A. 10716--B                         6
     1  compensation  paid  in anticipation of retirement, and e. in the case of
     2  employees who receive wages from three or more  employers  in  a  twelve
     3  month period, the wages paid by the third and each successive employer.
     4    § 12. This act shall take effect immediately.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          This  bill  would  allow  certain  police  and  fire employees who are
        members of certain public retirement systems to become covered under the
        provisions of Article 22 of the  Retirement  and  Social  Security  Law.
        Insofar  as  this  bill  affects the New York State and Local Police and
        Fire Retirement System (PFRS), an individual who became a PFRS member on
        or after July 1, 2009 and before January 9, 2010 to elect to be  covered
        by  the  provisions  of Article 22 of the Retirement and Social Security
        Law. Any member who becomes covered under a non-contributory plan  would
        no  longer  be  required  to make member contributions. Affected members
        shall not receive a refund of their member contributions
          If this bill is enacted, there would not be any cost to the  State  of
        New York and the participating employers in the New York State and Local
        Police and Fire Retirement System.
          Summary of relevant resources:
          The  membership  data  used  in  measuring  the impact of the proposed
        change was the same as that used in the March 31, 2017  actuarial  valu-
        ation.    Distributions  and  other  statistics can be found in the 2017
        Report of the  Actuary  and  the  2017  Comprehensive  Annual  Financial
          The  actuarial assumptions and methods used are described in the 2015,
        2016, and 2017 Annual Report to the  Comptroller  on  Actuarial  Assump-
        tions,  and  the  Codes  Rules and Regulations of the State of New York:
        Audit and Control.
          The Market Assets and GASB Disclosures are found in the March 31, 2017
        New York State and Local  Retirement  System  Financial  Statements  and
        Supplementary Information.
          I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Quali-
        fication Standards to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.
          This  estimate, dated March 13, 2018, and intended for use only during
        the 2018 Legislative Session, is Fiscal Note No.  2018-74,  prepared  by
        the Actuary for the New York State and Local Retirement System.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          SUMMARY  OF  BILL:  The proposed legislation would amend Article 22 of
        the Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL)  to  permit  existing  and
        incoming  New  York  City Police Pension Fund (POLICE) and New York City
        Fire Department Pension Fund (FIRE) members subject to Article 14 of the
        RSSL (the Article 14 of Current  Plans)  to  voluntarily  elect,  within
        certain  time  periods,  a new retirement plan. The proposed legislation
        would provide these members with benefits, subject  to  applicable  RSSL
        Article 22 restrictions, pursuant to relevant Tier 2 provisions in Title
        13 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York (ACCNY) as limited
        by RSSL Article 11 (the Article 22 or Proposed Plan).
          The  new  Article  22  Plan  would provide similar service, death, and
        disability benefits, including  applicable  statutory  presumptions  for
        Accidental  Disability  Retirement  (ADR), ADR benefit calculations, and
        Ordinary Disability Retirement  (ODR)  benefit  calculations,  as  those
        provided  to  Tier  2 POLICE and FIRE members. However, all benefits and
        obligations  would  be  subject  to  Article  22  provisions,  including
        restrictions, except for certain superior officers that include New York
        City  Police  Department at a rank of Detective or above, on pensionable

        A. 10716--B                         7
        wages and Final Average Salary (FAS), as  well  as  member  contribution
        rates enacted by Chapter 18 of the Laws of 2012.
          The  Article 22 Plan would provide neither annuity nor increased-take-
        home-pay (ITHP) benefits, would not apply  Article  14  social  security
        offsets,  and  would apply, or continue to apply where applicable, cost-
        of-living adjustments under Chapter 125 of the Laws of 2000 (COLA) rath-
        er than any applicable Article 14 escalation.   Article  22  POLICE  and
        FIRE  members would remain eligible to receive Variable Supplements Fund
        (VSF)  benefits,  would  also  become  eligible,  subject   to   certain
        restrictions, to take loans on member contributions, would be subject to
        a  lower  vested  benefit  calculation, and would be entitled to earlier
        service and vested retirement payability.
          Effective date: Upon enactment.
          For purposes of this Fiscal Note, POLICE and FIRE members  subject  to
        Article 14 of the RSSL, which include New York City Police/Fire, Revised
        Plan  and Enhanced Plan Members, as defined in RSSL Section 501, will be
        collectively referred to as Article 14 POLICE and FIRE Members.
          All Article 14 POLICE and FIRE Members who elect the Article  22  Plan
        will be referred to as Article 22 POLICE  and FIRE Members.
          IMPACT  ON  ELIGIBILITY  FOR  BENEFITS: Existing Article 14 POLICE and
        FIRE Members would have 120 days from  the  enactment  of  the  proposed
        legislation  to  elect  to  participate in the Article 22 Plan. Incoming
        Article 14 POLICE and FIRE Members would have 30 days  from  appointment
        to elect to participate in the Article 22 Plan. The changes in eligibil-
        ity requirements to receive benefits between the Article 14 Plan and the
        Article 22 Plan are summarized below.
          * The Current Plans, depending on title and plan, require contribution
        rates  equal  to 3% of salary, plus up to an additional 3% of salary for
        Enhanced Plan participation, until the earlier of separation or 25 years
        of service.
          * The Proposed Plan requires contribution rates  for  all  pensionable
        service  and  salary  that  are based on historical salary, or projected
        salary, bands as follows:
        Annual Wages During Plan Year                  Contribution Rate
               Up to $45,000                                 3.00%
              $45,001 to $55,000                             3.50%
              $55,001 to $75,000                             4.50%
              $75,001 to $100,000                            5.75%
              Greater than $100,000                          6.00%
          Allowable Service Credit:
          * Current Plans restrict service credit to City  and  State  uniformed
        Police and Fire service, which includes certain military service.
          *  Under  the Proposed Plan, Article 22 POLICE and FIRE Members would,
        in addition to City and State uniformed  Police  and  Fire  service,  be
        permitted  to  use certain prior uniformed or peace officer service with
        the New York City Employees' Retirement System or the  State  retirement
        systems, along with certain Child Care Leave purchased pursuant to Chap-
        ter 594 of the Laws of 2000, as allowable service credit.
          Minimum Service Credit Requirements:
          *  The  Current Plans require 20 years of service for an early service
        retirement, 22 years for a normal service retirement, and  25  years  of
        service,  or deferral of payability to such point in time, for a service
        retirement with full escalation.

        A. 10716--B                         8
          * The Proposed Plan would reduce the minimum requirement for a service
        retirement for Article 22  POLICE  and  FIRE  Members  to  20  years  of
          * In the Current Plans, members are required to complete five years of
        service  before  becoming eligible to receive, upon payability, a vested
          * In the Proposed Plan, members are required to complete 10  years  of
        service  before  becoming eligible to receive, upon payability, a vested
          * The Current Plans require five years of service to  be  eligible  to
        apply for ODR.
          * The Proposed Plan permits an application for ODR regardless of years
        of service.
          *  In the Current Plans, non-Enhanced Plan Members must waive applica-
        ble statutory presumptions to apply for disability retirement.  Enhanced
        Plan  Members  are  eligible  to  utilize  applicable  presumptions  for
        purposes of ADR.
          * Under the Proposed Plan, all Article  22  POLICE  and  FIRE  Members
        would  be eligible for applicable statutory presumptions for purposes of
        ADR benefits upon becoming Article 22 Plan Members.
        Death Benefits:
          * Eligibility for Ordinary Death Benefits (ODB) and  Accidental  Death
        Benefits (ADB) would remain unchanged.
        IMPACT ON BENEFITS PAYABLE: Under the proposed legislation, the benefits
        provided would neither include an annuity component nor a benefit due to
        ITHP currently available to Tier 2 POLICE and FIRE Members, would not be
        subject  to  any  applicable  social  security offset applied to certain
        Article 14 Plan benefits, and would apply, or continue  to  apply  where
        applicable, COLA rather than escalation (for those currently eligible to
        receive escalation). The remaining significant changes in benefit calcu-
        lations  between the Article 14 Plans and the Article 22 Plan are summa-
        rized below.
        Pensionable Wages:
          * In the Current Plans, wages are generally  not  limited,  except  as
        described below, for purposes of calculating the FAS.
          *  The  Proposed Plan limits wages to the Governor's annual salary for
        purposes of determining member contributions and  the  FAS,  and  limits
        from  the  FAS  any  overtime  earnings that exceed 15% of annual wages.
        Police members in the rank of Detective or above, and  Fire  Members  in
        the  rank  of  Lieutenant  or  above, would not be subject to either the
        salary or overtime cap for purposes  of  determining  contributions  and
          FAS Calculation:
          * In the Current Plans, the FAS, depending on Plan and type of retire-
        ment,  is  either  a  three-year  average  (FAS3) or a five-year average
        (FAS5), and if the wages earned in one year of the FAS exceed the  aver-
        age  of  the previous two or four years, respectively, by more than 10%,
        the amount exceeding 10% is excluded from the FAS.
          * In the Proposed Plan, all members are subject  to  a  FAS5  for  all
        retirement  benefits,  and  if  the  wages earned in one year of the FAS

        A. 10716--B                         9
        exceed the average of the previous four years  by  more  than  10%,  the
        amount exceeding 10% is excluded from the FAS.
          Service Retirement Benefit Calculation:
          *  Current  Plans  limit  service  credit  to City and State Uniformed
        Police and Fire service, and cap the service retirement benefit  at  50%
        of  the  FAS at 22 years of service (with full escalation at 25 years of
        service or deferred payability until such time).
          * The Proposed Plan would permit Article 22 POLICE and FIRE Members to
        retire at 50% of FAS5 after 20 years of service, and  provide  an  addi-
        tional  benefit  of 1/60th of total earnings after their respective 20th
        anniversary of allowable service credit plus 75% times  1/60th  of  FAS5
        for all prior non-uniform City and State service.
          ADR Benefit Calculation:
          * Current Plans provide ADR benefits ranging from 50% to 75% of either
        a FAS3 of FAS5.
          *  The  Proposed Plan would provide Article 22 POLICE and FIRE Members
        with an ADR benefit of 75% of FAS5, plus 1/60th of total earnings  after
        their respective 20th anniversary of allowable service credit.
          ODR Benefit Calculation:
          *  Current  Plans  provide ODR benefits of 33-1/3% of either a FAS3 or
          * The Proposed Plan would provide Article 22 POLICE and  FIRE  Members
        with  less  than  10  years of service with an ODR benefit of 33-1/3% of
        FAS5, with 10 or more years of service with an ODR  benefit  of  50%  of
        FAS5,  and  with 20 or more years of service an ODR benefit of 1/40th of
        FAS5 multiplied by years of service.
          Vested Retirement Benefit Calculation:
          * Current Plans provide vested retirement benefits, after 5  years  of
        service, of 2.1% of FAS3 or FAS5 times years of service, payable without
        escalation  at  what  would  have  been the member's 20th anniversary of
        allowable service credit, or payable with partial  or  full  escalation,
        respectively, on the 22nd or 25th anniversary.
          * The Proposed Plan would permit Article 22 POLICE and FIRE Members to
        receive  vested  benefits,  after 10 years of service, of 1/60th of FAS5
        multiplied by years of service, plus 75% of 1/60th of FAS5 for all prior
        non-uniform City and State service, at what would have been the member's
        20th anniversary of allowable service credit. However, in no event shall
        a vested benefit be less than the actuarial  equivalent  of  accumulated
        member contributions with 5% interest compounded annually.
          ODB Calculation:
          * Current Plans provide an ODB of three times salary rounded up to the
        nearest $1,000.
          *  The  Proposed Plan would provide Article 22 POLICE and FIRE Members
        with less than 20 years of service an ODB of three times salary  rounded
        up  to  the nearest $1,000, and a death gamble for those with 20 or more
        years of service. A death gamble is a lump sum present value  equivalent
        of  a  presumed  lifetime  service  retirement  benefit  of the deceased
          ADB Calculation:
          * The ADB calculation, aside from the FAS applied, is essentially  the
        same  in  the  Current and Proposed Plans comprised of 50% of salary and
        the Special Accidental Death Benefit (SADB), which, when  combined  with
        the ADB, is approximately 100% of a determined salary.
        accordance  with  ACCNY  Section  13-638.2(k-2),  new  Unfunded  Accrued
        Liability  (UAL)  attributable to benefit changes are to be amortized as

        A. 10716--B                        10
        determined by the Actuary but generally over the remaining working life-
        time of those impacted by the benefit changes. As of June 30,  2017,  if
        this  proposed legislation is enacted, the remaining working lifetime of
        Article  14  POLICE  and  FIRE members, assuming Article 22 Plan partic-
        ipation, is approximately 15 years and 21 years, respectively.
          For this proposed legislation the change in UAL was amortized  over  a
        15-year  period  (14  payments  under  the  OYLM)  for POLICE and over a
        21-year period (20 payments under the OYLM) for FIRE using level  dollar
          Since it cannot be precisely determined how many Article 14 POLICE and
        FIRE  Members  will elect to participate in the Article 22 Plan, results
        are shown assuming that all existing and incoming Article 14 POLICE  and
        FIRE Members will elect to participate in the Article 22 Plan.
        The  following  Table  1  presents  an  estimate of the increases in the
        employer contributions to POLICE and FIRE for Fiscal Years 2019  through
        2023  due  to  the  changes in provisions for Article 22 POLICE and FIRE
        Members based on the applicable actuarial assumptions and methods  noted
                                         Table 1
                  Fiscal Year                Increase in Employer Contributions*
                                                      ($ Millions)
                    2019                               $24.3
                    2020                                30.2
                    2021                                36.2
                    2022                                42.2
                    2023                                48.6
          *  The  increase  in  employer  contributions  is, in part, due to the
        shorter expected working lifetime of Article 22 POLICE and FIRE  members
        which decreases the period over which the costs are spread.
          CONTRIBUTION  TIMING:  For purposes of this Fiscal Note, it is assumed
        that the changes in the employer contributions would  be  reflected  for
        the  first  time in the June 30, 2017 actuarial valuations of POLICE and
        FIRE. Under the One-Year Lag Methodology (OYLM), the first  fiscal  year
        in  which  these changes in benefits would impact employer contributions
        would be Fiscal Year 2019.
          OTHER COSTS: Not measured in this Fiscal Note are the following:
          * The initial, additional administrative costs of POLICE and  FIRE  to
        implement the proposed legislation.
          *  The  impact  of  this  proposed legislation on Other Postemployment
        Benefit (OPEB) costs.
          CENSUS DATA: The  starting  census  data  used  for  the  calculations
        presented  herein  is  the  census data used in the Preliminary June 30,
        2017 (Lag) actuarial valuations of POLICE  and  FIRE  to  determine  the
        Preliminary Fiscal Year 2019 employer contributions.
          The Article 14 POLICE Members had an average age of approximately 29.7
        years, average service of approximately 3.3 years, and an average salary
        of  approximately  $75,000  as  of  June  30,  2017. The Article 14 FIRE
        Members had an average age of approximately 30.0 years, average  service
        of  approximately  2.2  years,  and  an  average salary of approximately
        $59,000 as of June 30, 2017.
          ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS: The  additional  employer  contrib-
        utions presented herein have been calculated based on the same actuarial
        assumptions  and methods in effect for the June 30, 2017 (Lag) actuarial
        valuations used to determine the Preliminary Fiscal Year  2019  employer

        A. 10716--B                        11
        contributions  of  POLICE  and  FIRE  with the exception of the overtime
        assumption used for POLICE which was  adjusted  to  reflect  the  higher
        levels  of  overtime earned by Detectives. Please note these assumptions
        and  methods  are  subject to change as this valuation is not considered
        final until the end of the Fiscal Year 2019.
          In determining the change in employer contributions, the probabilities
        of accidental disability used to value the  Proposed  Plan  equal  those
        currently  used  for Tier 2 POLICE and FIRE members who are not eligible
        for World Trade Center benefits.
          For purposes of estimating the impact of substituting COLA  for  esca-
        lation  for certain Article 22 POLICE and FIRE Members, an assumption of
        2.5% was used for escalation, which is consistent  with  the  underlying
        Consumer  Price  Inflation  (CPI)  assumption  of  2.5%  per  year. This
        compares with the current COLA assumption of 1.5% per year (i.e. 50%  of
        CPI  adjusted to recognize a 1.0% minimum and 3.0% maximum) on the first
        $18,000 of benefit.
          New entrants were projected to replace the members expected  to  leave
        the active population to maintain a steady-state population. New entrant
        salaries  and  future  salary  increases are consistent with those to be
        used in projections for the New York City Office of Management and Budg-
        et in April 2018 (Preliminary Projections).
          The following Table 2a presents the total number of  active  employees
        of  POLICE used in the projections, assuming a level work force, and the
        cumulative number (i.e. net of withdrawals) of Article 14 POLICE Members
        as of each June 30 from 2017 through 2021.
                                        TABLE 2a
                       June 30   Tier 1 & 2     Tier 3     Total
                        2017       23,334       12,831    36,165
                        2018       21,227       14,938    36,165
                        2019       19,345       16,820    36,165
                        2020       17,799       18,366    36,165
                        2021       16,017       20,148    36,165
          The following Table 2b presents the total number of  active  employees
        of  FIRE  used  in the projections, assuming a level work force, and the
        cumulative number (i.e. net of withdrawals) of Article 14  FIRE  Members
        as of each June 30 from 2017 through 2021.
                                        TABLE 2b
                       June 30   Tier 1 & 2     Tier 3     Total
                        2017        8,581        2,510    11,091
                        2018        7,995        3,096    11,091
                        2019        7,485        3,606    11,091
                        2020        7,001        4,090    11,091
                        2021        6,557        4,534    11,091

        A. 10716--B                        12
          STATEMENT  OF ACTUARIAL OPINION: I, Sherry S. Chan, am the Chief Actu-
        ary for, and independent of, the New York City  Retirement  Systems  and
        Pension  Funds.  I  am a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, an Enrolled
        Actuary under the Employee Retirement Income and Security  Act  of  1974
        (ERISA),  a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a Fellow of
        the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. I meet the Qualification  Stand-
        ards  of the American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opin-
        ion contained herein. To the best of my knowledge, the results contained
        herein have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuari-
        al principles and procedures and with the Actuarial Standards  of  Prac-
        tice issued by the Actuarial Standards Board.
          FISCAL  NOTE  IDENTIFICATION:  This Fiscal Note 2018-36 dated June 12,
        2018, was prepared by the Chief Actuary for the  New  York  City  Police
        Pension  Fund and the New York City Fire Pension Fund.  This estimate is
        intended for use only during the 2018 Legislative Session.