Bill Text: NY A09339 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Mandates remote access to public meetings; establishes a fund to assist in implementing such access.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-03-06 - referred to governmental operations [A09339 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A09339-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      March 6, 2024

        Introduced by M. of A. KELLES -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Governmental Operations

        AN  ACT to amend the public officers law, the state finance law, and the
          state technology law, in relation to mandating remote access to public
          meetings and establishing a fund  to  assist  in  implementation;  and
          providing for the repeal of certain provisions upon expiration thereof

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "public meeting modernization act".
     3    §  2. The public officers law is amended by adding a new section 103-b
     4  to read as follows:
     5    § 103-b. Remote access for open meetings. 1.  For the purposes of this
     6  section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
     7    (a) "Hybrid meeting" shall mean a meeting held by a public body  which
     8  is  conducted  simultaneously  in  a  space  that is open and physically
     9  accessible to the public and via remote access.
    10    (b) "Remote access" shall mean  access  through  the  internet,  video
    11  conferencing  or  other video technology that allows a person to attend,
    12  observe, listen, and, when permitted or required, to  participate  in  a
    13  meeting of a public body.
    14    (c)  "Public  body" shall have the same meaning as defined in subdivi-
    15  sion two of section one hundred two of this article.
    16    (d) "Meeting" shall have the same meaning as  defined  in  subdivision
    17  one of section one hundred two of this article.
    18    2.  All open meetings conducted by a public body shall be conducted as
    19  hybrid meetings, except for public bodies  operating  under  a  hardship
    20  waiver as defined in section one hundred ten of this article.
    21    3. When conducting hybrid meetings, public bodies shall:
    22    (a) allow members of the public to attend, observe, and participate in
    23  real-time, to the extent practicable;
    24    (b)  be  freely  accessible  in  all  available  formats  with no paid
    25  subscription or toll;

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9339                             2

     1    (c) use technology and conduct the meeting in compliance with  section
     2  five hundred eight of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1990 Americans
     3  with Disabilities Act, as amended, and any federal, state, or local law.
     4  For  the  purposes  of this section, "disability" shall be as defined in
     5  subdivision  twenty-one  of section two hundred ninety-two of the execu-
     6  tive law;
     7    (d) include in any public notice for a meeting pursuant to section one
     8  hundred four of this article information on the date, time, agenda,  and
     9  access information for the meeting, including any necessary login infor-
    10  mation  or  access  codes or any physical locations in which the meeting
    11  will take place;
    12    (e) have at least the minimum number of members present to fulfill the
    13  public body's quorum  requirement  in  the  same  physical  location  or
    14  locations where the public can attend the meeting in person;
    15    (f) ensure that all of the body's members can be heard and observed by
    16  members  of the public, either via remote access or in person, while the
    17  meeting is conducted;
    18    (g) ensure that members of the public attending  meetings  via  remote
    19  access  have the same opportunity to provide public comment or testimony
    20  as those participating in person, when such public comment or  testimony
    21  is authorized; and
    22    (h)  record such meeting and link or post such recording to the public
    23  website of the public body within five business days following the meet-
    24  ing, and keep such recording available for a minimum of five years ther-
    25  eafter. Such recordings shall be transcribed upon request.
    26    § 3. Sections 110 and 111 of the public officers law, as renumbered by
    27  chapter 652 of the laws of 1983, are renumbered sections 111 and 112 and
    28  a new section 110 is added to read as follows:
    29    § 110. Procedure for hardship waivers. 1. On behalf of  a  non-elected
    30  local  public  body within its jurisdiction, a municipality may submit a
    31  request for an economic hardship waiver to the New York state  committee
    32  on  open  government  to  provide  a  virtual option for public meetings
    33  pursuant to section one hundred three-b of this article.
    34    2. The municipality shall demonstrate in its request to the  committee
    35  on open government that, despite best efforts, the public body is unable
    36  to  conduct  hybrid  meetings  due  to insufficient staff, resources, or
    37  infrastructure.
    38    3. A public body that is granted a hardship waiver shall  be  relieved
    39  of  the  obligation to conduct hybrid meetings and shall instead conduct
    40  its meetings via remote access. If  the  committee  on  open  government
    41  determines  that  the  public body is unable to conduct its meetings via
    42  remote access despite best efforts, the public body  shall  conduct  its
    43  open  meetings  in  a  public place that is physically accessible to the
    44  public.
    45    4. A hardship waiver may be renewed annually upon a written finding by
    46  the committee on open government, provided  that  the  municipality  has
    47  demonstrated effort in good faith to secure funding to enhance the tech-
    48  nical  and  staffing capacity of the public body to conduct its meetings
    49  in a hybrid manner, including  applying  to  the  hybrid  meeting  grant
    50  program  established  in  subdivision twenty-four of section one hundred
    51  three of the state technology law.
    52    5. The committee on open government shall establish criteria  for  the
    53  granting and renewing of hardship waivers, which shall take into account
    54  factors including but not limited to the economic hardship of the public
    55  body, the lack of affordable technological solutions, the feasibility of

        A. 9339                             3

     1  partnering  with  other  entities  to  provide a virtual option, and the
     2  impact on public participation if a waiver is granted.
     3    6.  State  public  bodies shall not be permitted to receive a hardship
     4  waiver.
     5    7. The committee on open government shall not issue or renew  a  hard-
     6  ship waiver to be effective beyond January first, two thousand thirty.
     7    § 4. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 99-rr to
     8  read as follows:
     9    §  99-rr.  Municipal  hybrid  meeting  trust  fund. 1. There is hereby
    10  established in the joint  custody  of  the  state  comptroller  and  the
    11  commissioner  of  taxation and finance a special fund to be known as the
    12  "municipal hybrid meeting trust fund".
    13    2. The fund shall be credited with appropriations,  bond  proceeds  or
    14  other money authorized or transferred to such fund from the general fund
    15  and  local assistance account, or any other monies required to be trans-
    16  ferred or deposited pursuant to law, and any  interest  earned  on  such
    17  money.  Revenues deposited in the fund that are unexpended at the end of
    18  a  fiscal  year shall not revert to the general fund and shall be avail-
    19  able for expenditure in the following fiscal year.
    20    3. Monies of the fund shall be expended jointly by  the  committee  on
    21  open  government  and  the office of information technology services for
    22  the purpose of assisting municipalities expand their remote  and  hybrid
    23  meeting  capabilities  for non-elected municipal bodies so that they may
    24  better serve their constituents. Monies in the trust fund may be used to
    25  support the replication and the dissemination of best  practices  gener-
    26  ated through the competitive grant program outlined in subdivision twen-
    27  ty-four of section one hundred three of the state technology law.
    28    §  5.  Section  103 of the state technology law is amended by adding a
    29  new subdivision 24 to read as follows:
    30    24. To develop and administer a competitive grant program for  munici-
    31  palities to support hybrid meeting implementation among their non-elect-
    32  ed  local public bodies. To this end, funds for such grant program shall
    33  be drawn from the municipal hybrid meeting  trust  fund  established  in
    34  section  ninety-nine-rr of the state finance law. Such competitive grant
    35  program shall be subject to the following criteria:
    36    (a) All applications for a grant  shall  include,  but  shall  not  be
    37  limited  to, a plan for enabling the public body to conduct hybrid meet-
    38  ings and an estimate of the projected costs of the plan.
    39    (b) In approving grant applications, the office of  information  tech-
    40  nology services may give preference to rural areas.
    41    (c)  Municipalities  which  are awarded funds through such competitive
    42  grant program shall submit  to  the  office  of  information  technology
    43  services  and  the  committee for open government a report detailing how
    44  such funds have been expended  and  the  progress  that  has  been  made
    45  towards the implementation of hybrid meetings within the municipality.
    46    (d) Annually, not later than December first, the office of information
    47  technology  services  shall  submit a report detailing expenditures from
    48  the trust fund to the clerks of the senate and assembly, the  chairs  of
    49  the  senate  and  assembly  committees  on  ways and means, the assembly
    50  subcommittee on internet and new technology,  and  the  senate  standing
    51  committee on internet and technology.
    52    §  6. This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become a
    53  law; provided, however, that the provisions of sections three, four  and
    54  five  of  this  act shall expire on the first of January, 2030 when upon
    55  such date the provisions of such  sections  shall  be  deemed  repealed.
    56  Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any rule

        A. 9339                             4

     1  or regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its effec-
     2  tive  date  are  authorized  to  be made and completed on or before such
     3  date.