Bill Text: NY A09028 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Requires the disclosure of political communication produced by artificial intelligence technology; defines terms; provides that any person who, with intent to damage a candidate or deceive the electorate, creates and disseminates artificial media shall be guilty of a class E felony; establishes the fair use of artificial intelligence code; makes related provisions.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-02-05 - referred to election law [A09028 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A09028-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 5, 2024

        Introduced by M. of A. NORRIS -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Election Law

        AN ACT to amend the election law, in relation to disclosure of political
          communication produced by artificial intelligence technology

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 14-106 of the election law is amended by  adding  a
     2  new subdivision 2-a to read as follows:
     3    2-a.  (a)  Political  communication  covered by this section which was
     4  produced by artificial intelligence  technology  or  that  includes  any
     5  artificial  media  shall  be  required  to disclose such use. Printed or
     6  digital  political  communications,  including  but   not   limited   to
     7  brochures,  flyers,  posters, mailings, electronic mailings, or internet
     8  advertising, must include a disclosure statement that reads as  follows:
     9  "This  political  communication was created by or with the assistance of
    10  artificial intelligence". Such statement is to be printed or typed in an
    11  appropriate legible and conspicuous manner. Disclosure on non-printed or
    12  digital political communications shall clearly and conspicuously display
    13  and/or speak the following statement: "This political communication  was
    14  created  by  or  with the assistance of artificial intelligence". In the
    15  case of a political communication that does not  use  visuals,  such  as
    16  radio  or automated telephone calls, clearly speaking the statement will
    17  satisfy the requirements of this subdivision.
    18    (b) For the purposes of this subdivision, "artificial media" means any
    19  text, image, audio, video, or recording that was generated  or  modified
    20  using artificial intelligence technology.
    21    (c)  For  the  purposes  of  this subdivision "artificial intelligence
    22  technology" means the development and application of a  computer  system
    23  or  computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human
    24  intelligence, which may involve  the  creation  of  algorithms,  models,
    25  and/or systems that enable machines to perceive, reason, learn, and make
    26  decisions autonomously or with minimal human intervention.
    27    §  2. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 1 of section 17-212 of the election
    28  law, as amended by chapter 481 of the laws of 2023, is amended  to  read
    29  as follows:
    30    (b)  A  violation of paragraph (a) of this subdivision shall be estab-
    31  lished if:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9028                             2

     1    (i) a person uses or threatens to use any force, violence,  restraint,
     2  abduction  or  duress,  or  inflicts or threatens to inflict any injury,
     3  damage, harm or loss, or in any other manner practices intimidation that
     4  causes or will reasonably have the effect of causing any person to  vote
     5  or  refrain  from  voting  in  general  or for or against any particular
     6  person or for or against any proposition submitted  to  voters  at  such
     7  election; to place or refrain from placing their name upon a registry of
     8  voters; or to request or refrain from requesting an early mail or absen-
     9  tee ballot; or
    10    (ii)  a  person  knowingly  uses  any  deceptive or fraudulent device,
    11  contrivance or communication, that impedes, prevents or otherwise inter-
    12  feres with the free exercise of the elective franchise by any person, or
    13  that causes or will reasonably have the effect of causing any person  to
    14  vote  or refrain from voting in general or for or against any particular
    15  person or for or against any proposition submitted  to  voters  at  such
    16  election; to place or refrain from placing their name upon a registry of
    17  voters; or to request or refrain from requesting an early mail or absen-
    18  tee ballot; or
    19    (iii) a person obstructs, impedes, or otherwise interferes with access
    20  to  any  polling  place  or  elections office, or obstructs, impedes, or
    21  otherwise interferes with any voter in any manner that  causes  or  will
    22  reasonably  have the effect of causing any delay in voting or the voting
    23  process, including the canvassing and tabulation of ballots.
    24    For the purposes of this paragraph, "deceptive or  fraudulent  device"
    25  and  "contrivance  or communication" shall include but not be limited to
    26  artificial media created or modified fully or  partially  by  artificial
    27  intelligence technology.
    28    §  3.  The  election  law is amended by adding a new section 17-172 to
    29  read as follows:
    30    § 17-172. Deceptive use of artificial media. 1. (a)  Any  person  who,
    31  with intent to damage a candidate or deceive the electorate, creates and
    32  disseminates artificial media shall be guilty of a class E felony.
    33    (b)  For the purposes of this section "artificial media" shall mean an
    34  image, video or audio recording that:
    35    (i) was generated or modified using artificial intelligence  technolo-
    36  gies;
    37    (ii) is indistinguishable from reality; and
    38    (iii)  deceptively renders or alters an image or recording which could
    39  reasonably mislead a person to assume such image or recording is authen-
    40  tic.
    41    (c)  "Disseminates"  shall  mean  to  provide,  deliver,  mail,  send,
    42  forward,  transfer,  or  transmit electronically or otherwise to another
    43  person or persons.
    44    § 4. The election law is amended by adding a new  section  3-106-a  to
    45  read as follows:
    46    § 3-106-a. Fair use of artificial intelligence code. 1. In addition to
    47  the  powers  and  duties elsewhere enumerated in this article, the state
    48  board of elections, after one or more public  hearings,  shall  adopt  a
    49  "fair  use of artificial intelligence code" setting forth ethical stand-
    50  ards of conduct for persons,  political  parties  and  committees  which
    51  intend   to  utilize  artificial  intelligence  technology  in  election
    52  campaigns including, but not limited to, specific  prohibitions  against
    53  certain practices.
    54    2.  Copies  of  such  code  shall be sent to each candidate, political
    55  party or political committee, upon request, by the  board  of  elections
    56  with  which  such  candidate,  party  or  committee  is required to file

        A. 9028                             3

     1  disclosures of artificial intelligence use pursuant to article  fourteen
     2  of this chapter.
     3    3.  The  state  board  of  elections,  on  its own initiative, or upon
     4  complaint or otherwise, may investigate any  alleged  violation  of  the
     5  fair  use of artificial intelligence code and, in appropriate cases, may
     6  apply for an order, as provided in this article.
     7    4. In addition to any other civil or criminal  penalty  which  may  be
     8  provided  for by law, the state board may impose a civil penalty, not to
     9  exceed one thousand five hundred dollars,  upon  any  person,  political
    10  party or committee found by the board, after a hearing, to have violated
    11  any of the provisions of such code.
    12    5.  Any  such  finding  by  the board may only be made after a hearing
    13  conducted by it upon reasonable written notice, as the board may  deter-
    14  mine,  to  such  person  and  affording  such person, political party or
    15  committee a reasonable opportunity to be heard and present  and  examine
    16  witnesses thereat.
    17    §  5.  The  election  law is amended by adding a new section 14-103 to
    18  read as follows:
    19    § 14-103. Disclosure  of  artificial  intelligence  use  by  political
    20  committees  and candidates. 1. Any political committee and any candidate
    21  for election to public office, or for nomination for public office at  a
    22  contested  primary  election  or  convention, or for election to a party
    23  position at a primary election, that intends to use artificial  intelli-
    24  gence  technology  for  the  purpose of political communications, as set
    25  forth by section 14-106 of this article, shall file statements sworn, or
    26  subscribed and bearing a form notice that false statements made  therein
    27  are  punishable  as  a class A misdemeanor pursuant to section 210.45 of
    28  the penal law, of such intention with the state board of elections prior
    29  to use.
    30    2. Statements by any political party, committee or  candidate  may  be
    31  filed electronically with the state board of elections.
    32    3.  The  state  board  of  elections shall promulgate regulations with
    33  respect to the reporting and disclosure methods to be applied in prepar-
    34  ing the statements required by the provisions of this section and  shall
    35  provide forms suitable for such statements.
    36    4.  The  state  board  of  elections,  on  its own initiative, or upon
    37  complaint or otherwise, may investigate any alleged  violation  of  this
    38  section  and,  in appropriate cases, may apply for an order, as provided
    39  in this article.
    40    5. In addition to any other civil or criminal  penalty  which  may  be
    41  provided  for by law, the state board may impose a civil penalty, not to
    42  exceed one thousand dollars, upon any person, political party or commit-
    43  tee found by the board, after a hearing, to have violated any  provision
    44  of this section.
    45    6.  Any  such  finding  by  the board may only be made after a hearing
    46  conducted by it upon reasonable written notice, as the board may  deter-
    47  mine,  to  such  person  and  affording  such person, political party or
    48  committee a reasonable opportunity to be heard and present  and  examine
    49  witnesses thereat.
    50    § 6. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    51  it  shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amend-
    52  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    53  tation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be  made  and
    54  completed on or before such effective date.