Bill Text: NY A07646 | 2015-2016 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Authorizes local authorities to establish owner liability for failure of an operator of a motor vehicle to obey a signal indicating the approach of a train utilizing photo monitoring devices.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-05-16 - print number 7646a [A07646 Detail]

Download: New_York-2015-A07646-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 21, 2015
        Introduced  by  M. of A. ABINANTI, BUCHWALD -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Transportation -- recommitted  to  the  Committee  on
          Transportation in accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the public officers law,
          in  relation  to  authorizing  local  authorities  to establish demon-
          stration programs, implementing  railroad  grade  crossing  monitoring
          systems by means of photo devices
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The vehicle and traffic law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
     2  section 135-a to read as follows:
     3    §  135-a.  Railroad  grade  crossing. A location where railroad tracks
     4  intersect a public or private highway, roadway or sidewalk.
     5    § 2. The vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding  a  new  section
     6  1170-a to read as follows:
     7    § 1170-a. Owner liability for failure of operator to obey signal indi-
     8  cating approach of train.  (a) 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of
     9  law, any local authority is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt and
    10  amend  a local law, ordinance or resolution establishing a demonstration
    11  program imposing monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for  fail-
    12  ure of an operator thereof to comply with section eleven hundred seventy
    13  of  this  article.  Such  demonstration  program  shall  empower a local
    14  authority to install and operate railroad grade  crossing  photo  viola-
    15  tion-monitoring devices at any railroad sign or signal.
    16    2.  Such demonstration program shall utilize necessary technologies to
    17  ensure, to the extent practicable, that  photographs  produced  by  such
    18  railroad  grade  crossing  photo  violation-monitoring systems shall not
    19  include images that identify the driver, the passengers or the  contents
    20  of  the  vehicle.  Provided, however, that no notice of liability issued
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7646--A                          2
     1  pursuant to this section shall be dismissed solely because a  photograph
     2  or  photographs  allow for the identification of the contents of a vehi-
     3  cle, provided that such local authority has made a reasonable effort  to
     4  comply with the provisions of this paragraph.
     5    (b)  Within  the  jurisdiction  of  any such local authority which has
     6  adopted a local law, ordinance or resolution pursuant to subdivision (a)
     7  of this section, the owner of a vehicle shall be liable  for  a  penalty
     8  imposed  pursuant  to  this section if such vehicle was used or operated
     9  with the permission of the owner, express or implied,  in  violation  of
    10  section  eleven  hundred  seventy of this article, and such violation is
    11  evidenced by information obtained from a railroad grade  crossing  photo
    12  violation-monitoring system; provided, however, that no owner of a vehi-
    13  cle shall be liable for a penalty imposed pursuant to this section where
    14  the  operator  of  such  vehicle  has  been  convicted of the underlying
    15  violation of section eleven hundred seventy of this article.
    16    (c) For purposes of this  section,  "owner"  shall  have  the  meaning
    17  provided in article two-B of this chapter. For purposes of this section,
    18  "railroad grade crossing photo violation-monitoring system" shall mean a
    19  vehicle  sensor installed to work in conjunction with a railroad sign or
    20  signal which automatically produces two or more photographs, two or more
    21  microphotographs, a videotape or other recorded images of  each  vehicle
    22  at  the  time  it  is  used  or  operated in violation of section eleven
    23  hundred seventy of this article.
    24    (d) A certificate, sworn to or affirmed by a  technician  employed  by
    25  the  local  authority  in  which  the  charged  violation occurred, or a
    26  facsimile thereof, based upon  inspection  of  photographs,  microphoto-
    27  graphs,  videotape or other recorded images produced by a railroad grade
    28  crossing  photo  violation-monitoring  system,  shall  be  prima   facie
    29  evidence  of  the  facts contained therein. Any photographs, microphoto-
    30  graphs, videotape or other recorded images evidencing such  a  violation
    31  shall  be  available  for inspection in any proceeding to adjudicate the
    32  liability for such violation pursuant  to  a  local  law,  ordinance  or
    33  resolution adopted pursuant to this section.
    34    (e)  An owner liable for a violation of section eleven hundred seventy
    35  of this article pursuant to a local law, ordinance or resolution adopted
    36  pursuant to this section shall  be  liable  for  monetary  penalties  in
    37  accordance  with  a schedule of fines and penalties to be established in
    38  such local law, ordinance or resolution.  The  liability  of  the  owner
    39  pursuant  to  this section shall not exceed one hundred dollars for each
    40  violation; provided, however, that an adjudicating authority may provide
    41  for an additional penalty of not in excess of  twenty-five  dollars  for
    42  each violation for the failure to respond to a notice of liability with-
    43  in the prescribed period of time.
    44    (f)  An imposition of liability under a local law, ordinance or resol-
    45  ution adopted pursuant to this section shall not be deemed a  conviction
    46  as an operator and shall not be made part of the operating record of the
    47  person  upon  whom  such  liability  is imposed nor shall it be used for
    48  insurance purposes in the provision of motor vehicle insurance coverage.
    49    (g) 1. A notice of liability shall be sent by first class mail to each
    50  person alleged to be liable as an owner for a violation of section elev-
    51  en hundred seventy of this article pursuant to this section.    Personal
    52  delivery  on  the  owner  shall  not  be required. A manual or automatic
    53  record of mailing prepared in the ordinary course of business  shall  be
    54  prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein.
    55    2.  A  notice  of  liability shall contain the name and address of the
    56  person alleged to be liable as an owner for a violation of section elev-

        A. 7646--A                          3
     1  en hundred seventy of this article pursuant to this section, the  regis-
     2  tration  number  of the vehicle involved in such violation, the location
     3  where such violation took place, the date and time of such violation and
     4  the  identification number of the camera which recorded the violation or
     5  other document locator number.
     6    3. The notice of liability  shall  contain  information  advising  the
     7  person charged of the manner and the time in which he or she may contest
     8  the liability alleged in the notice. Such notice of liability shall also
     9  contain  a  warning to advise the person charged that failure to contest
    10  in the manner and time provided shall be deemed an admission of  liabil-
    11  ity and that a default judgment may be entered thereon.
    12    4.  The  notice of liability shall be prepared and mailed by the local
    13  authority, or by any other entity authorized by such local authority  to
    14  prepare and mail such notification of violation.
    15    (h)  Adjudication of the liability imposed upon owners by this section
    16  shall be by the court  having  jurisdiction  over  traffic  infractions,
    17  except  that  if  such local authority has established an administrative
    18  tribunal to hear and determine complaints of traffic infractions consti-
    19  tuting parking, standing or stopping  violations  such  local  authority
    20  may, by local law, authorize such adjudication by such tribunal.
    21    (i)  If  an  owner  receives  a  notice  of liability pursuant to this
    22  section for any time period during which the vehicle was reported  to  a
    23  law  enforcement  agency  as  having  been  stolen,  it shall be a valid
    24  defense to an allegation of liability for a violation of section  eleven
    25  hundred  seventy of this article pursuant to this section that the vehi-
    26  cle had been reported to the police as stolen  prior  to  the  time  the
    27  violation occurred and had not been recovered by such time. For purposes
    28  of asserting the defense provided by this subdivision it shall be suffi-
    29  cient  that a certified copy of a police report on the stolen vehicle be
    30  sent by first class mail to the court  having  jurisdiction  or  parking
    31  violations bureau.
    32    (j)  1.  In  such  local authority where the adjudication of liability
    33  imposed upon owners pursuant to this section is by a court having juris-
    34  diction, an owner who is a lessor of a vehicle  to  which  a  notice  of
    35  liability  was  issued pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section shall
    36  not be liable for the violation of section  eleven  hundred  seventy  of
    37  this  article,  provided that he or she sends to the court having juris-
    38  diction a copy of the rental, lease  or  other  such  contract  document
    39  covering  such  vehicle  on the date of the violation, with the name and
    40  address of the lessee clearly legible, within  thirty-seven  days  after
    41  receiving  notice from the court of the date and time of such violation,
    42  together with the other information contained in the original notice  of
    43  liability.    Failure  to send such information within such thirty-seven
    44  day time period shall render the owner liable for the penalty prescribed
    45  by this section. Where the lessor complies with the provisions  of  this
    46  paragraph,  the  lessee  of  such  vehicle on the date of such violation
    47  shall be deemed to be the owner of such vehicle  for  purposes  of  this
    48  section,  shall  be  subject  to  liability for the violation of section
    49  eleven hundred seventy of this article  pursuant  to  this  section  and
    50  shall  be sent a notice of liability pursuant to subdivision (g) of this
    51  section.
    52    2. (I) In such local authority which has authorized  the  adjudication
    53  of liability imposed upon owners by this section by a parking violations
    54  bureau,  an  owner  who  is  a  lessor of a vehicle to which a notice of
    55  liability was issued pursuant to subdivision (g) of this  section  shall

        A. 7646--A                          4
     1  not  be  liable  for  the violation of section eleven hundred seventy of
     2  this article, provided that:
     3    (A)  prior  to  the violation, the lessor has filed with the bureau in
     4  accordance with the provisions of section  two  hundred  thirty-nine  of
     5  this chapter; and
     6    (B) within thirty-seven days after receiving notice from the bureau of
     7  the  date  and  time of a liability, together with the other information
     8  contained in the original notice of liability, the lessor submits to the
     9  bureau the correct name and address of the lessee of the vehicle identi-
    10  fied in the notice of liability at the time of such violation,  together
    11  with such other additional information contained in the rental, lease or
    12  other  contract  document,  as  may be reasonably required by the bureau
    13  pursuant to regulations that may be promulgated for such purpose.
    14    (II) Failure to comply with clause (B) of  subparagraph  (I)  of  this
    15  paragraph  shall  render  the owner liable for the penalty prescribed in
    16  this section.
    17    (III) Where the lessor complies with the provisions of this paragraph,
    18  the lessee of such vehicle on the date of such violation shall be deemed
    19  to be the owner of such vehicle for purposes of this section,  shall  be
    20  subject  to  liability  for  such violation pursuant to this section and
    21  shall be sent a notice of liability pursuant to subdivision (g) of  this
    22  section.
    23    (k)  1.  If the owner liable for a violation of section eleven hundred
    24  seventy of this article pursuant to this section was not the operator of
    25  the vehicle at the time of the violation,  the  owner  may  maintain  an
    26  action for indemnification against the operator.
    27    2.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no owner of a
    28  vehicle shall be subject to a monetary fine  imposed  pursuant  to  this
    29  section if the operator of such vehicle was operating such vehicle with-
    30  out  the consent of the owner at the time such operator failed to obey a
    31  railroad sign or signal  indicating  the  approach  of  a  train.    For
    32  purposes of this subdivision there shall be a presumption that the oper-
    33  ator  of such vehicle was operating such vehicle with the consent of the
    34  owner at the time such operator failed to obey a railroad sign or signal
    35  indicating the approach of a train.
    36    (l) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the  liability
    37  of  an operator of a vehicle for any violation of section eleven hundred
    38  seventy of this article.
    39    (m) In any such local authority which adopts a  demonstration  program
    40  pursuant  to subdivision (a) of this section, such local authority shall
    41  submit an annual report on the results of the use of  a  railroad  grade
    42  crossing  photo  violation-monitoring system to the governor, the tempo-
    43  rary president of the senate and the  speaker  of  the  assembly  on  or
    44  before  June  first,  two thousand eighteen and on the same date in each
    45  succeeding year in which the demonstration  program  is  operable.  Such
    46  report shall include, but not be limited to:
    47    1.  a description of the locations where railroad grade crossing photo
    48  violation-monitoring systems were used;
    49    2. the aggregate number, type and severity of  accidents  reported  at
    50  intersections where a railroad grade crossing photo violation-monitoring
    51  system  is  used for the year preceding the installation of such system,
    52  to the extent the information is maintained by the department;
    53    3. the aggregate number, type and severity of  accidents  reported  at
    54  intersections where a railroad grade crossing photo violation-monitoring
    55  system  is  used,  to  the  extent  the information is maintained by the
    56  department;

        A. 7646--A                          5
     1    4. the number of violations recorded  at  each  intersection  where  a
     2  railroad grade crossing photo violation-monitoring system is used and in
     3  the aggregate on a daily, weekly and monthly basis;
     4    5.  the  total  number  of  notices of liability issued for violations
     5  recorded by such systems;
     6    6. the number of fines and total amount  of  fines  paid  after  first
     7  notice of liability issued for violations recorded by such systems;
     8    7.  the  number  of violations adjudicated and results of such adjudi-
     9  cations  including  breakdowns  of  dispositions  made  for   violations
    10  recorded by such systems;
    11    8.  the  total amount of revenue realized by such local authority from
    12  such adjudications;
    13    9. expenses incurred by such local authority in  connection  with  the
    14  program; and
    15    10. quality of the adjudication process and its results.
    16    (n)  It  shall  be  a  defense  to  any prosecution for a violation of
    17  section eleven hundred seventy of this article pursuant to a  local  law
    18  or  ordinance  adopted pursuant to this section that the railroad signal
    19  indications were malfunctioning at the time of the alleged violation.
    20    § 3. Subdivision 2 of section 87 of the public officers law is amended
    21  by adding a new paragraph (p) to read as follows:
    22    (p) are photographs, microphotographs,  videotape  or  other  recorded
    23  images  prepared under the authority of section eleven hundred seventy-a
    24  of the vehicle and traffic law.
    25    § 4. This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day  after  it  shall
    26  have become a law.