Bill Text: NY A06909 | 2019-2020 | General Assembly | Amended
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Enacts the "consumer credit fairness act"; establishes a 3 year statute of limitations for commencement of a cause of action arising out of a consumer credit transaction where the defendant is a purchaser, borrower or debtor; establishes a notice of lawsuit which must be mailed to the defendant in such a cause of action; establishes certain requirements for the complaint in such an action; provides for arbitration of such actions.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 26-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2020-07-23 - amended on third reading 6909e [A06909 Detail]
Download: New_York-2019-A06909-Amended.html
Bill Title: Enacts the "consumer credit fairness act"; establishes a 3 year statute of limitations for commencement of a cause of action arising out of a consumer credit transaction where the defendant is a purchaser, borrower or debtor; establishes a notice of lawsuit which must be mailed to the defendant in such a cause of action; establishes certain requirements for the complaint in such an action; provides for arbitration of such actions.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 26-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2020-07-23 - amended on third reading 6909e [A06909 Detail]
Download: New_York-2019-A06909-Amended.html
STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ S. 4827--B A. 6909--B 2019-2020 Regular Sessions SENATE - ASSEMBLY March 26, 2019 ___________ IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sen. THOMAS -- read twice and ordered print- ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Judiciary -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee IN ASSEMBLY -- Introduced by M. of A. WEINSTEIN, JAFFEE, COLTON, GALEF, ABINANTI, ZEBROWSKI, O'DONNELL, FAHY, PEOPLES-STOKES, L. ROSENTHAL, M. G. MILLER, DINOWITZ, SEAWRIGHT, GLICK, WEPRIN, MOSLEY, TAYLOR, BARRON -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. CAHILL, COOK, CYMBROWITZ, EPSTEIN, GOTTFRIED, McDONOUGH, PERRY -- read once and referred to the Committee on Judiciary -- reported and referred to the Committee on Codes -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee -- reported and referred to the Committee on Rules -- Rules Committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to the Committee on Rules AN ACT to amend the civil practice law and rules and the judiciary law, in relation to consumer credit transactions The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as 2 the "consumer credit fairness act". 3 § 2. Section 105 of the civil practice law and rules is amended by 4 adding two new subdivisions (h-1) and (q-1) to read as follows: 5 (h-1) Finance charge. The term "finance charge" means the cost of 6 consumer credit as a dollar amount, includes any charge payable directly 7 or indirectly by the consumer and imposed directly or indirectly by the 8 creditor as an incident to or a condition of the extension of credit, 9 and does not include any charge of a type payable in a comparable cash 10 transaction. EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD00927-09-9S. 4827--B 2 A. 6909--B 1 (q-1) Original creditor. The term "original creditor" means the entity 2 that owned a consumer credit account at the date of default giving rise 3 to a cause of action. 4 § 3. Subdivision 2 of section 213 of the civil practice law and rules, 5 as amended by chapter 709 of the laws of 1988, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 2. an action upon a contractual obligation or liability, express or 8 implied, except as provided in section two hundred thirteen-a or two 9 hundred fourteen-h of this article or article 2 of the uniform commer- 10 cial code or article 36-B of the general business law; 11 § 4. The civil practice law and rules is amended by adding a new 12 section 214-h to read as follows: 13 § 214-h. Certain actions arising out of consumer credit transactions 14 to be commenced within three years. An action arising out of a consumer 15 credit transaction where a purchaser, borrower or debtor is a defendant 16 must be commenced within three years, except as provided in section two 17 hundred thirteen-a of this article or article 2 of the uniform commer- 18 cial code or article 36-B of the general business law. When the period 19 within which an action may be commenced under this section has expired, 20 the right to collect consumer credit debt is extinguished as well as the 21 remedy. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when the applicable 22 limitations period expires, any subsequent payment toward, written or 23 oral affirmation of or other activity on the debt does not revive or 24 extend the limitations period. 25 For purposes of this section, "the right to collect consumer credit 26 debt" shall mean any attempts by the creditor, third party purchaser, or 27 other authorized third party to collect such debt including, but not 28 limited to, calls, mail or other attempts to collect. 29 § 5. The civil practice law and rules is amended by adding a new 30 section 306-d to read as follows: 31 § 306-d. Additional mailing of notice in an action arising out of a 32 consumer credit transaction. (a) At the time of filing with the clerk of 33 the proof of service of the summons and complaint in an action arising 34 out of a consumer credit transaction, the plaintiff shall submit to the 35 clerk a stamped unsealed envelope addressed to the defendant together 36 with a written notice in clear type of no less than twelve-point in 37 size, in both English and Spanish, and containing the following 38 language: 39 ADDITIONAL NOTICE OF LAWSUIT 40 (NAME OF COURT) 41 (COUNTY) 42 (STREET ADDRESS, ROOM NUMBER) 43 (CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) 44 (NAME OF DEFENDANT) 45 (ADDRESS OF DEFENDANT) 46 Plaintiff:__________________________________ 47 Defendant:__________________________________ 48 Name of original creditor, unless same:______________________________ 49 Index number:_______________________________ 50 Attention: a lawsuit has been filed against you claiming that you owe 51 money for an unpaid consumer debt. 52 You may wish to contact an attorney.S. 4827--B 3 A. 6909--B 1 You should respond to the lawsuit as soon as possible by filing an 2 "answer" which may be done at the court clerk's office listed above. 3 If you do not respond to the lawsuit, the court may enter a money 4 judgment against you. Once entered, a judgment is good and can be used 5 against you for twenty years, and your personal property and money, 6 including a portion of your paycheck and/or bank account, may be taken 7 from you. Also, a judgment may affect your credit score and can affect 8 your ability to rent a home, find a job, or take out a loan. 9 You CANNOT be arrested or sent to jail for owing a debt. 10 Additional information can be found at the court system website at: 11 12 Sources of information and assistance: 13 The court encourages you to inform yourself about your options as a 14 defendant in this lawsuit. In addition to seeking assistance from a 15 private attorney or legal aid office, there are free legal assistance 16 programs that you can use online to help you represent yourself in this 17 lawsuit. 18 For further information, or to locate an entity or program near you, you 19 may visit the New York state unified court system's "resources for 20 unrepresented litigants" website at: 21 22 (b) The face of the envelope shall be addressed to the defendant at 23 the address at which process was served, and shall contain the defend- 24 ant's name, address (including apartment number) and zip code. The face 25 of the envelope also shall state the appropriate clerk's office as its 26 return address. 27 (c) The clerk promptly shall mail to the defendant the envelope 28 containing the additional notice set forth in subdivision (a) of this 29 section. No default judgment based on the defendant's failure to answer 30 shall be entered unless there has been compliance with this section, and 31 at least twenty days have elapsed from the date of mailing by the clerk. 32 No default judgment based on the defendant's failure to answer shall be 33 entered if the additional notice is returned to the court as undelivera- 34 ble. Receipt of the additional notice by the defendant does not confer 35 jurisdiction on the court in the absence of proper service of process. 36 (d) The chief administrative judge shall issue a Spanish translation 37 of the notice in subdivision (a) of this section. 38 § 6. Subdivision (a) of section 3012 of the civil practice law and 39 rules is amended to read as follows: 40 (a) Service of pleadings. The complaint may be served with the 41 summons, except that in an action arising out of a consumer credit tran- 42 saction, the complaint shall be served with the summons. A subsequent 43 pleading asserting new or additional claims for relief shall be served 44 upon a party who has not appeared in the manner provided for service of 45 a summons. In any other case, a pleading shall be served in the manner 46 provided for service of papers generally. Service of an answer or reply 47 shall be made within twenty days after service of the pleading to which 48 it responds. 49 § 7. Rule 3016 of the civil practice law and rules is amended by 50 adding a new subdivision (j) to read as follows: 51 (j) Consumer credit transactions. In an action arising out of a 52 consumer credit transaction where a purchaser, borrower or debtor is a 53 defendant, the contract or other written instrument on which the action 54 is based shall be attached to the complaint and the following informa- 55 tion shall be set forth in the complaint: 56 (1) The name of the original creditor;S. 4827--B 4 A. 6909--B 1 (2) The last four digits of the account number at the date of the 2 default giving rise to a cause of action; 3 (3) The date and amount of the last payment or, if no payment was 4 made, a statement that the purchaser, borrower or debtor made no payment 5 on the account; 6 (4) If the complaint contains a cause of action based on an account 7 stated, the date that the final statement of account was mailed to the 8 defendant; 9 (5) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, an 10 itemization of the amount sought, by (i) principal; (ii) finance charge 11 or charges; (iii) fees imposed by the original creditor; (iv) collection 12 costs; (v) attorney's fees; (vi) interest; and (vii) any other fees and 13 charges. 14 (B) If the account was a revolving credit account, an itemization of 15 the amount sought, by (i) the balance at the date of default; (ii) 16 interest, fees and charges imposed after the date of default; (iii) 17 credits or payments made by or on behalf of the purchaser, borrower or 18 debtor after the date of default; and (iv) if applicable, the date of 19 charge off and balance at charge off, provided that any amount sought 20 for charges and costs after charge off are itemized as provided for in 21 subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; 22 (6) (A) Whether the plaintiff is the original creditor. 23 (B) If the plaintiff is not the original creditor, the complaint shall 24 also state (i) the date on which the debt was sold or assigned to the 25 plaintiff; (ii) the name of each previous owner of the account from the 26 original creditor to the plaintiff and the date on which the debt was 27 assigned to that owner by the original creditor or subsequent owner; and 28 (iii) the amount due at the time of the sale or assignment of the debt 29 by the original creditor; and 30 (7) Any matters required to be stated with particularity pursuant to 31 rule 3015 of this article. 32 § 8. Subdivision (e) of rule 3211 of the civil practice law and rules, 33 as amended by chapter 616 of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 (e) Number, time and waiver of objections; motion to plead over. At 36 any time before service of the responsive pleading is required, a party 37 may move on one or more of the grounds set forth in subdivision (a) of 38 this rule, and no more than one such motion shall be permitted. Any 39 objection or defense based upon a ground set forth in paragraphs one, 40 three, four, five and six of subdivision (a) of this rule is waived 41 unless raised either by such motion or in the responsive pleading. A 42 motion based upon a ground specified in paragraph two, seven or ten of 43 subdivision (a) of this rule may be made at any subsequent time or in a 44 later pleading, if one is permitted; an objection that the summons and 45 complaint, summons with notice, or notice of petition and petition was 46 not properly served is waived if, having raised such an objection in a 47 pleading, the objecting party does not move for judgment on that ground 48 within sixty days after serving the pleading, unless the court extends 49 the time upon the ground of undue hardship. The foregoing sentence shall 50 not apply in any proceeding to collect a debt arising out of a consumer 51 credit transaction where a consumer is a defendant or under subdivision 52 one or two of section seven hundred eleven of the real property actions 53 and proceedings law. The papers in opposition to a motion based on 54 improper service shall contain a copy of the proof of service, whether 55 or not previously filed. An objection based upon a ground specified in 56 paragraph eight or nine of subdivision (a) of this rule is waived if aS. 4827--B 5 A. 6909--B 1 party moves on any of the grounds set forth in subdivision (a) of this 2 rule without raising such objection or if, having made no objection 3 under subdivision (a) of this rule, he or she does not raise such 4 objection in the responsive pleading which, in any action to collect a 5 debt arising out of a consumer credit transaction where a consumer is a 6 defendant, includes any amended responsive pleading. 7 § 9. Rule 3212 of the civil practice law and rules is amended by 8 adding a new subdivision (j) to read as follows: 9 (j) Additional notice in any action to collect a debt arising out of 10 a consumer credit transaction where a consumer is a defendant. 11 1. At the time of service of a notice of motion any part of which 12 requests summary judgment in whole or in part, where the moving party 13 is a plaintiff and the respondent is a consumer defendant in an action 14 to collect a debt arising out of a consumer credit transaction, and 15 where the consumer defendant against whom summary judgment is sought is 16 not represented by an attorney, the plaintiff shall serve, together with 17 the notice of motion, the following additional notice in English and 18 Spanish to be printed in clear type no less than twelve-point in size: 19 Important notice to pro se defendants 20 (Name of court) 21 (Street address, room number) 22 (City, state, zip code) 23 Plaintiff: 24 Defendant: 25 Index number: 26 Motion return date and time: 27 Attention CPLR Rule 3212 motion for summary judgment 28 This notice is to advise you that the plaintiff in this case has filed a 29 motion for summary judgment against you pursuant to CPLR Rule 3212, 30 which means that summary judgment will be granted if the court finds 31 that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the 32 plaintiff is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. 33 Failure to respond to this motion for summary judgment may result in a 34 money judgment being entered against you in favor of the plaintiff. 35 Once entered, a judgment is good and can be used against you for twenty 36 years, and your personal property and money, including a portion of your 37 paycheck and/or bank account, may be taken from you. Also, a judgment 38 may affect your credit score and can affect your ability to rent a 39 home, find a job, or take out a loan. You CANNOT be arrested or sent to 40 jail for owing a debt. 41 Opposing this motion for summary judgment: 42 If you wish to oppose the plaintiff's request for judgment, you should 43 set forth in a written response the reasons that the plaintiff has not 44 shown that it is entitled to judgment as a matter of law, and any facts 45 that you believe show that you are not liable to the plaintiff or have a 46 defense. You should submit affidavits or exhibits supporting any facts 47 that you assert show that you are not liable or have a defense. Each 48 affidavit should set forth relevant facts and show that the personS. 4827--B 6 A. 6909--B 1 submitting the affidavit has personal knowledge of those facts. If you 2 rely on exhibits, you should attach copies of them to an affidavit that 3 explains what they are and how they show that you are not liable or have 4 a defense. You should bring your opposition papers to court on the 5 court date and mail a copy to the plaintiff's attorney in advance of the 6 court date. You should also attend court on the return date. 7 Sources of information and assistance: 8 The court encourages you to inform yourself about your options as a 9 defendant in this lawsuit. In addition to seeking assistance from a 10 private attorney or legal aid office, there may be free legal assist- 11 ance programs that you may contact for help in representing yourself in 12 this lawsuit. 13 For further information, or to locate an entity or program near you, you 14 may visit the New York state unified court system's "resources for 15 unrepresented litigants" website at: 16 17 2. The plaintiff seeking summary judgment shall file proof of service 18 of the additional notice with the court, and no motion for which this 19 additional notice is required shall be granted unless such proof of 20 service has been filed. 21 3. The chief administrative judge shall issue a Spanish translation of 22 the notice in paragraph one of this subdivision. 23 § 10. Section 3213 of the civil practice law and rules, as amended by 24 chapter 210 of the laws of 1969, is amended to read as follows: 25 § 3213. Motion for summary judgment in lieu of complaint. When an 26 action is based upon an instrument for the payment of money only or upon 27 any judgment, the plaintiff may serve with the summons a notice of 28 motion for summary judgment and the supporting papers in lieu of a 29 complaint. The summons served with such motion papers shall require the 30 defendant to submit answering papers on the motion within the time 31 provided in the notice of motion. The minimum time such motion shall be 32 noticed to be heard shall be as provided by subdivision (a) of rule 320 33 for making an appearance, depending upon the method of service. If the 34 plaintiff sets the hearing date of the motion later than the minimum 35 time therefor, he may require the defendant to serve a copy of his 36 answering papers upon him within such extended period of time, not 37 exceeding ten days, prior to such hearing date. No default judgment may 38 be entered pursuant to subdivision (a) of section 3215 prior to the 39 hearing date of the motion. If the motion is denied, the moving and 40 answering papers shall be deemed the complaint and answer, respectively, 41 unless the court orders otherwise. The additional notice required by 42 subdivision (j) of rule 3212 shall be applicable to a motion made pursu- 43 ant to this section in any action to collect a debt arising out of a 44 consumer credit transaction where a consumer is a defendant. 45 § 11. Subdivision (f) of section 3215 of the civil practice law and 46 rules, as amended by chapter 453 of the laws of 2006, is amended and a 47 new subdivision (j) is added to read as follows: 48 (f) Proof. On any application for judgment by default, the applicant 49 shall file proof of service of the summons and the complaint, or a 50 summons and notice served pursuant to subdivision (b) of rule 305 or 51 subdivision (a) of rule 316 of this chapter, and proof of the facts 52 constituting the claim, the default and the amount due by affidavit made 53 by the party, or where the state of New York is the plaintiff, by affi-S. 4827--B 7 A. 6909--B 1 davit made by an attorney from the office of the attorney general who 2 has or obtains knowledge of such facts through review of state records 3 or otherwise. Where a verified complaint has been served, it may be used 4 as the affidavit of the facts constituting the claim and the amount due; 5 in such case, an affidavit as to the default shall be made by the party 6 or the party's attorney. In an action arising out of a consumer credit 7 transaction, if the plaintiff is not the original creditor, the appli- 8 cant shall include: (1) an affidavit by the original creditor of the 9 facts constituting the debt, the default in payment, the sale or assign- 10 ment of the debt, and the amount due at the time of sale or assignment; 11 (2) for each subsequent assignment or sale of the debt to another enti- 12 ty, an affidavit of sale of the debt by the debt seller, completed by 13 the seller or assignor; and (3) an affidavit of a witness of the plain- 14 tiff, which includes a chain of title of the debt, completed by the 15 plaintiff or plaintiff's witness. The chief administrative judge shall 16 issue form affidavits to satisfy the requirements of this subdivision 17 for consumer credit transactions. When jurisdiction is based on an 18 attachment of property, the affidavit must state that an order of 19 attachment granted in the action has been levied on the property of the 20 defendant, describe the property and state its value. Proof of mailing 21 the notice required by subdivision (g) of this section, where applica- 22 ble, shall also be filed. 23 (j) Affidavit. A request for a default judgment entered by the clerk, 24 must be accompanied by an affidavit by the plaintiff or plaintiff's 25 attorney stating that after reasonable inquiry, he or she has reason to 26 believe that the statute of limitations has not expired. 27 § 12. The civil practice law and rules is amended by adding a new 28 section 7516 to read as follows: 29 § 7516. Confirmation of an award based on a consumer credit trans- 30 action. In any proceeding under section 7510 of this article to confirm 31 an award based on a consumer credit transaction, the party seeking to 32 confirm the award shall plead the actual terms and conditions of the 33 agreement to arbitrate. The party shall attach to its petition (a) the 34 agreement to arbitrate; (b) the demand for arbitration or notice of 35 intention to arbitrate, with proof of service; and (c) the arbitration 36 award, with proof of service. If the award does not contain a statement 37 of the claims submitted for arbitration, of the claims ruled upon by the 38 arbitrator, and of the calculation of figures used by the arbitrator in 39 arriving at the award, then the petition shall contain such a statement. 40 The court shall not grant confirmation of an award based on a consumer 41 credit transaction unless the party seeking to confirm the award has 42 complied with this section. 43 § 13. Subdivision 2 of section 212 of the judiciary law is amended by 44 adding a new paragraph (aa) to read as follows: 45 (aa) Not later than January first, two thousand twenty, make available 46 Spanish translations of the additional notices in consumer credit trans- 47 action actions and proceedings required by section 306-d of the civil 48 practice law and rules and subdivision (i) of rule 3212 of the civil 49 practice law and rules, and make available form affidavits required for 50 a motion for default judgment in a consumer credit transaction action or 51 proceeding required by subdivision (f) of section 3215 of the civil 52 practice law and rules. 53 § 14. This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that 54 sections two, three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and 55 twelve shall take effect on the first of January next succeeding the 56 date on which it shall have become a law and shall apply to actions andS. 4827--B 8 A. 6909--B 1 proceedings commenced on or after such date; and provided, further, that 2 section four of this act shall take effect on the one hundred fiftieth 3 day after this act shall have become a law.