Bill Text: NY A05664 | 2011-2012 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to the lease of lands located at SUNY college at Farmingdale for the development and operation of a biotechnology and other technology-oriented office, research and manufacturing facility.

Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Passed) 2011-04-13 - signed chap.13 [A05664 Detail]

Download: New_York-2011-A05664-Introduced.html
                           S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
           S. 3536                                                  A. 5664
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                             S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y
                                   February 24, 2011
       IN  SENATE  --  Introduced  by  Sen. FUSCHILLO -- read twice and ordered
         printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee  on  Higher
       IN  ASSEMBLY -- Introduced by M. of A. SWEENEY -- read once and referred
         to the Committee on Higher Education
       AN ACT authorizing the lease of lands located at the state university of
         New York college at Farmingdale
    1    Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that the devel-
    2  opment, construction and operation of a biotechnology and other technol-
    3  ogy-oriented office, research and manufacturing park upon the grounds of
    4  the state university of New York college at Farmingdale is necessary and
    5  appropriate  to further the objectives and purposes of the state univer-
    6  sity of New York in its  support  of  the  college  at  Farmingdale  and
    7  fulfills  a  necessary  and  desirable  public  purpose. The legislature
    8  further finds that granting the trustees of the state university of  New
    9  York  the  authority  and  power to lease and otherwise contract to make
   10  available grounds and facilities of the campus of the  state  university
   11  of  New  York  college  at  Farmingdale  will  ensure  the  development,
   12  construction and operation of such biotechnology and  other  technology-
   13  oriented  office,  research  and manufacturing park and also promote the
   14  effective use of such grounds and facilities which  support  the  educa-
   15  tional and research activities of the college at Farmingdale.
   16    S  2.  As  used  in this act "BHBP" shall mean Broad Hollow Bioscience
   17  Park, Inc., which is a not-for-profit corporation organized pursuant  to
   18  the  laws of New York state, for the lease of lands described in section
   19  twelve of this act.  For the purposes of this act, the biotechnology and
   20  other technology-oriented office, research and  manufacturing  park  may
   21  include  structures  with  offices, common space, research laboratories,
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 3536                             2                            A. 5664
    1  manufacturing facilities, facilities for servicing businesses, incubator
    2  facilities and technical facilities related to biotechnology  and  other
    3  technology-oriented purposes.
    4    S  3.  For  the purposes of this act: (a) "project" shall mean work at
    5  the property authorized by this act to be leased to BHBP as described in
    6  section twelve of this  act  that  involves  the  design,  construction,
    7  reconstruction,  demolition,  excavating,  rehabilitation, repair, reno-
    8  vation, alteration or improvement of biotechnology and  other  technolo-
    9  gy-oriented office, research and manufacturing park.
   10    (b)  "project  labor  agreement"  shall  mean  a  pre-hire  collective
   11  bargaining agreement between a  contractor  and  a  labor  organization,
   12  establishing  the labor organization as the collective bargaining repre-
   13  sentative for all persons who will perform  work  on  the  project,  and
   14  which  provides that only contractors and subcontractors who sign a pre-
   15  negotiated agreement with the labor  organization  can  perform  project
   16  work.
   17    S  4. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the state univer-
   18  sity trustees are hereby authorized and empowered,  without  any  public
   19  bidding,  to  lease  and  otherwise contract to make available to BHBP a
   20  portion of the lands of the state university  of  New  York  college  at
   21  Farmingdale  generally described in this act for the purpose of develop-
   22  ing, constructing and operating a biotechnology and other technology-or-
   23  iented office, research and manufacturing park, and for uses in  support
   24  of campus activities; provided, however, that the development and opera-
   25  tion  of  a biotechnology and other technology-oriented office, research
   26  and manufacturing park shall be of benefit to the  college  at  Farming-
   27  dale.  Such  lease  or  contract  shall be for a period not exceeding 35
   28  years without any fee simple conveyance and  otherwise  upon  terms  and
   29  conditions  determined  by such trustees, subject to the approval of the
   30  director of the division of the budget, the  attorney  general  and  the
   31  state  comptroller.  In  the  event  that  the real property that is the
   32  subject of such lease or contract shall cease to be used for the purpose
   33  described in this act, such lease or contract shall  immediately  termi-
   34  nate  and the real property and any improvements thereon shall revert to
   35  the state university of New York. Any lease  or  contract  entered  into
   36  pursuant  to  this  act shall provide that the real property that is the
   37  subject of such lease or contract and  any  improvements  thereon  shall
   38  revert  to  the  state  university of New York on the expiration of such
   39  contract or lease.
   40    S 5. Any contract or lease entered into pursuant to this act shall  be
   41  deemed  to  be  a state contract for the purposes of article 15-A of the
   42  executive law, and any contractor, subcontractor,  lessee  or  subleasee
   43  entering  into  such contract or lease for the construction, demolition,
   44  reconstruction, excavation, rehabilitation, repair,  renovation,  alter-
   45  ation  or  improvement authorized pursuant to this act shall be deemed a
   46  state agency for the purposes of article 15-A of the executive  law  and
   47  subject to the provisions of such article.
   48    S  6.  Notwithstanding  any  general, special or local law or judicial
   49  decision to the contrary, all work performed on a project authorized  by
   50  this  act where all or any portion thereof involves a lease or agreement
   51  for  construction,  demolition,  reconstruction,  excavation,  rehabili-
   52  tation,  repair,  renovation,  alteration or improvement shall be deemed
   53  public work and shall be subject to and performed in accordance with the
   54  provisions of article 8 of the labor law to the same extent and  in  the
   55  same  manner  as  a  contract  of the state, and compliance with all the
   56  provisions of article 8 of the  labor  law  shall  be  required  of  any
       S. 3536                             3                            A. 5664
    1  lessee,  sublessee,  contractor  and/or  subcontractor performing on the
    2  project including the enforcement of prevailing wage requirements by the
    3  fiscal officer as defined in paragraph e of subdivision 5 of section 220
    4  of the labor law to the same extent as a contract of the state.
    5    S  7.    Nothing  in  this  act shall be deemed to waive or impair any
    6  rights or benefits of employees of the state university of New York that
    7  otherwise would be available to them pursuant to the terms of agreements
    8  between the certified representatives of such employees and the state of
    9  New York pursuant to article 14 of  the  civil  service  law;  all  work
   10  performed on such property that ordinarily would be performed by employ-
   11  ees  subject to article 14 of the civil service law shall continue to be
   12  performed by such employees.
   13    S 8.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special, or local
   14  law or judicial decision to the contrary:
   15    (a) BHBP may require a contractor  awarded  a  contract,  subcontract,
   16  lease,  grant,  bond, covenant or other agreement for a project to enter
   17  into a project labor agreement during and for  the  work  involved  with
   18  such project when such requirement is part of BHBP request for proposals
   19  for  the project and when BHBP determines that the record supporting the
   20  decision to enter into such an agreement establishes that the  interests
   21  underlying  the  competitive  bidding  laws  are best met by requiring a
   22  project labor agreement including: obtaining the best work at the lowest
   23  possible price; preventing favoritism, fraud and corruption; the  impact
   24  of  delay;  the  possibility  of  cost savings; and any local history of
   25  labor unrest.
   26    (b) If BHBP does not require  a  project  labor  agreement,  then  any
   27  contractor,  subcontractor, lease, grant, bond, covenant or other agree-
   28  ments for a project shall be awarded pursuant  to  section  135  of  the
   29  state finance law.
   30    S 9. Without limiting the determination of the terms and conditions of
   31  such contracts or leases, such term and conditions may provide for leas-
   32  ing,  subleasing, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improve-
   33  ment, operation and management of and provision of services and  assist-
   34  ance and the granting of licenses, easements and other arrangements with
   35  regard  to  such grounds and facilities by BHBP, and parties contracting
   36  with BHBP, and, in connection with such  activities,  the  obtaining  of
   37  funding  or  financing,  whether public or private, unsecured or secured
   38  (including, but not limited  to,  secured  by  leasehold  mortgages  and
   39  assignments  of  rents and leases), by BHBP and parties contracting with
   40  BHBP for the purposes of completing the project described in this act.
   41    S 10. Such lease shall include  an  indemnity  provision  whereby  the
   42  lessee  or sublessee promises to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the
   43  lessor against all claims, suits, actions, and liability to all  persons
   44  on  the leased premises, including tenant, tenant's agents, contractors,
   45  subcontractors, employees, customers, guests,  licensees,  invitees  and
   46  members of the public, for damage to any such person's property, whether
   47  real  or  personal, or for personal injuries arising out of tenant's use
   48  or occupation of the demised premises.
   49    S 11. Any contracts entered into pursuant to this act between BHBP and
   50  parties contracting with BHBP shall be awarded by a competitive process.
   51    S 12. The property authorized by this act to  be  leased  to  BHBP  is
   52  generally  described  as  that parcel of real property with improvements
   53  thereon, consisting of a total of approximately 38.5 acres, situated  on
   54  the  campus  of the state university of New York college at Farmingdale.
   55  The description in this section of  the  parcel  to  be  made  available
   56  pursuant  to  this  act  is  not meant to be a legal description, but is
       S. 3536                             4                            A. 5664
    1  intended only to identify the parcel: All the tract, piece or parcel  of
    2  land  situate  in  the Town of Huntington and Town of Babylon, County of
    3  Suffolk, State of New York,  and  being  more  particularly  bounded  as
    4  described as follows: All that tract, piece or parcel of land situate in
    5  the  Town of Huntington and Town of Babylon, County of Suffolk, State of
    6  New York, and being more particularly bounded as described  as  follows:
    7  Beginning  at  a  point  on  the westerly right of way of New York State
    8  Route 110 per NYSDOT Map 3T Parcel 3 at the southeast corner of a NYSDOT
    9  detention pond shown on Map 289 T Parcel 324,
   10    Thence South 00 deg. 22 min. 45 sec East along said westerly right  of
   11  way, 573.44 ft to a point;
   12    Then  through  the lands now or formerly of the People of the State of
   13  New York for the State University of New York at Farmingdale Campus  the
   14  following seven (7) courses 1) South 11 deg. 37 min. 49 sec. West 211.11
   15  ft  to  a point of curvature; thence 2) along the arc of a tangent curve
   16  to the right of radius 390.49 ft. and length of 422.88 ft. to  a  point;
   17  thence  3)  North  45 deg. 00 min. 49 sec. West 964.56 ft. to a point of
   18  curvature; thence 4) along the arc of a tangent curve  to  the  left  of
   19  radius  462.83  ft. and length of 724.84 ft. to a point; thence 5) North
   20  44 deg. 41 min. 38 sec West 60.00 ft.  to a point; thence  6)  North  45
   21  deg., 15 min. 20 sec. East 184.68 ft to a point; and 7) North 27 deg. 04
   22  min.    59  sec. East 1,274.60 ft. to its intersection with the division
   23  line between the lands now or formally of Long Island Power Authority on
   24  the northeast and the lands now or formerly of the People of  the  State
   25  of  New  York for the State University of New York at Farmingdale Campus
   26  on the southwest;
   27    Thence along said division line the  following  two  (2)  courses:  1)
   28  South 63 deg. 20 min. 42 sec. East 300.00 ft to a point; and 2) South 60
   29  deg.  51 min. 31 sec. East 300.28 ft. to its intersection with the divi-
   30  sion line between the lands now or formerly of Long Island Power Author-
   31  ity  on  the  northeast  and  WRD Mellville, LLC in part by each, on the
   32  northeast, and the lands now or formerly of the People of the  State  of
   33  New  York  for the State University of New York at Farmingdale Campus on
   34  the southwest;
   35    Thence South 67 deg. 16 min. 36 sec. East along  said  division  line,
   36  336.05  ft  to its intersection with the division line between the lands
   37  now or formerly of WRD Mellville, LLC on the east and lands now formerly
   38  of the People of the State of New York for the State University  of  New
   39  York at Farmingdale Campus on the west;
   40    Thence  South  14  deg.  59 min. 39 sec East along said division line,
   41  150.00 ft. to its intersection with the NYSDOT detention pond  shown  on
   42  Map 289T Parcel 324;
   43    Thence  around  the NYSDOT detention pond shown on Map 289T Parcel 324
   44  the following three (3) courses: 1) North 66 deg. 52 min. 02  sec.  West
   45  160.84  ft.  to  a  point,  thence 2) South 00 deg. 25 min. 27 sec. East
   46  424.00 ft to a point;
   47    And 3) North 89 deg. 34 min 33 sec. East 243.06 ft. to  the  point  of
   48  beginning.
   49    S 13. The state university of New York shall not lease lands described
   50  in  this  act unless any such lease shall be executed within three years
   51  of the effective date of this act.
   52    S 14. Insofar as the provisions of this act are inconsistent with  the
   53  provisions of any law, general, special or local, the provisions of this
   54  act shall be controlling.
   55    S 15. This act shall take effect immediately.