Bill Text: NY A05544 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to short-term rental taxes, short-term rental hosts, and hosting platforms.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-01-05 - referred to ways and means [A05544 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A05544-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 19, 2021

        Introduced  by M. of A. DARLING -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Ways and Means

        AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to short-term rental taxes

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision (c) of section 1101 of the tax law, as added by
     2  chapter  93  of the laws of 1965, paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 6 as amended by
     3  section 2 of part AA of chapter 57 of the laws of 2010, paragraph  5  as
     4  amended  by chapter 575 of the laws of 1965, and paragraph 8 as added by
     5  section 3 of part AA of chapter 57 of the laws of 2010,  is  amended  to
     6  read as follows:
     7    (c)  When  used  in  this  article for the purposes of the tax imposed
     8  under subdivision (e) of section  eleven  hundred  five,  the  following
     9  terms shall mean:
    10    (1)  Hotel.  A  building  or portion of it which is regularly used and
    11  kept open as such for the lodging of guests. The term  "hotel"  includes
    12  [an  apartment] a hotel, a motel, boarding house or club, whether or not
    13  meals are served. This term shall not include a short-term  rental  unit
    14  as defined in paragraph nine of this subdivision.
    15    (2)  Occupancy.  The  use  or  possession,  or the right to the use or
    16  possession, of any room in a hotel or short-term rental unit. "Right  to
    17  the  use  or  possession"  includes  the  rights of a room remarketer as
    18  described in paragraph eight of this subdivision.
    19    (3) Occupant. A person who, for a consideration, uses,  possesses,  or
    20  has  the  right  to  use  or  possess, any room in a hotel or short-term
    21  rental unit under  any  lease,  concession,  permit,  right  of  access,
    22  license  to  use  or  other  agreement,  or  otherwise. "Right to use or
    23  possess" includes the rights of a room remarketer as described in  para-
    24  graph eight of this subdivision.
    25    (4)  Operator. Any person operating a hotel. Such term shall include a
    26  room remarketer and such room remarketer shall be deemed  to  operate  a

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5544                             2

     1  hotel,  or  portion  thereof,  with respect to which such person has the
     2  rights of a room remarketer. This term shall not include a hosting plat-
     3  form as defined in paragraph ten of this subdivision.
     4    (5)  Permanent  resident. Any occupant of any room or rooms in a hotel
     5  or short-term rental unit for at least ninety consecutive days shall  be
     6  considered  a permanent resident with regard to the period of such occu-
     7  pancy.
     8    (6) Rent. The consideration  received  for  occupancy,  including  any
     9  service or other charge or amount required by the operator or short-term
    10  rental  host  to  be paid as a condition for occupancy, valued in money,
    11  whether received in money or otherwise and whether [received]  collected
    12  by  the  operator [or a], short-term rental host, hosting platform, room
    13  remarketer or another person on behalf of [either] any of them.
    14    (7) Room. Any room or rooms of any kind in any part or  portion  of  a
    15  hotel  or  short-term rental unit, which is available for or let out for
    16  any purpose other than a place of assembly.
    17    (8) Room remarketer. A person who reserves, arranges for, conveys,  or
    18  furnishes  occupancy, whether directly or indirectly, to an occupant for
    19  rent in an amount determined by the room remarketer, directly  or  indi-
    20  rectly,  whether pursuant to a written or other agreement. Such person's
    21  ability or authority to reserve, arrange for, convey, or  furnish  occu-
    22  pancy,  directly or indirectly, and to determine rent therefor, shall be
    23  the "rights of a room remarketer". A room remarketer is not a  permanent
    24  resident  with respect to a room for which such person has the rights of
    25  a room remarketer.
    26    (9) Short-term rental unit. A room, group of rooms, or other living or
    27  sleeping space, or any other space let to occupants, including  but  not
    28  limited  to  private  dwellings,  residences, or buildings used as resi-
    29  dences. The term does not include a hotel.
    30    (10) Hosting platform. A person or entity who, pursuant to  an  agree-
    31  ment  with  an operator or short-term rental host, facilitates the occu-
    32  pancy of a hotel or short-term rental unit. A  person  "facilitates  the
    33  occupancy" by, in exchange for a fee, either: (A) providing the forum in
    34  which an operator or short-term rental host can list or advertise a room
    35  for  occupancy;  or  (B)  providing  the  forum in which, or by means of
    36  which, the offer for occupancy is accepted.
    37    (11) Short-term rental host. An owner, tenant, or occupant of a short-
    38  term rental unit who offers occupancy in such a short-term  rental  unit
    39  for rent.
    40    §  2.  Subdivision  (e)  of  section 1105 of the tax law is amended by
    41  adding a new paragraph 3 to read as follows:
    42    (3) Except within cities with a population of one million or more, the
    43  rent for every occupancy of a room or rooms in a short-term rental unit,
    44  except for a permanent resident or where the rent is not  more  than  at
    45  the rate of two dollars per day.
    46    §  3.  Subdivision  1  of  section  1131 of the tax law, as amended by
    47  section 2 of part G of chapter 59 of the laws of  2019,  is  amended  to
    48  read as follows:
    49    (1)  "Persons  required to collect tax" or "person required to collect
    50  any tax imposed by this article" shall include: every vendor of tangible
    51  personal property or services; every  recipient  of  amusement  charges;
    52  every  hosting  platform  with  respect to occupancies it facilitates as
    53  described in paragraph ten of subdivision (c) of section eleven  hundred
    54  one  of  this  article;  every  operator of a hotel or short-term rental
    55  host, except with respect to occupancies facilitated by a hosting  plat-
    56  form;  and  every marketplace provider with respect to sales of tangible

        A. 5544                             3

     1  personal property it facilitates as described in paragraph one of subdi-
     2  vision (e) of section eleven hundred one of  this  article.  Said  terms
     3  shall also include any officer, director or employee of a corporation or
     4  of  a dissolved corporation, any employee of a partnership, any employee
     5  or manager of a limited liability company, or any employee of  an  indi-
     6  vidual proprietorship who as such officer, director, employee or manager
     7  is  under  a  duty  to  act  for  such corporation, partnership, limited
     8  liability company or individual proprietorship  in  complying  with  any
     9  requirement  of this article, or has so acted; and any member of a part-
    10  nership or limited liability  company.    Provided,  however,  that  any
    11  person who is a vendor solely by reason of clause (D) or (E) of subpara-
    12  graph  (i) of paragraph (8) of subdivision (b) of section eleven hundred
    13  one of this article shall not be a "person required to collect  any  tax
    14  imposed  by this article" until twenty days after the date by which such
    15  person is required to file a certificate  of  registration  pursuant  to
    16  section eleven hundred thirty-four of this part.
    17    §  4.  Section 1132 of the tax law is amended by adding a new subdivi-
    18  sion (m) to read as follows:
    19    (m) In carrying out the obligations  imposed  under  this  section,  a
    20  hosting  platform  shall have all the duties, benefits, and entitlements
    21  of a person required to collect tax under this article and article twen-
    22  ty-nine of this chapter with respect to the occupancies giving  rise  to
    23  the tax obligation, including the right to accept a certificate or other
    24  documentation  from an occupant substantiating an exemption or exclusion
    25  from tax, as if such hosting platform were the operator of the hotel  or
    26  short-term  rental  host  of  the short-term rental unit with respect to
    27  such occupancy, including the right to receive the refund authorized  by
    28  subdivision  (e)  of  this section and the credit allowed by subdivision
    29  (f) of section eleven hundred thirty-seven of this part.
    30    § 5. Section 1133 of the tax law is amended by adding a  new  subdivi-
    31  sion (g) to read as follows:
    32    (g) A hosting platform is relieved of liability under this article for
    33  failure  to  collect  the  correct  amount of tax to the extent that the
    34  hosting platform can show that the error was due to incorrect or  insuf-
    35  ficient  information  given  to  the hosting platform by the operator or
    36  short-term rental host, whether intentional or unintentional.
    37    § 6. Section 1137 of the tax law is amended by adding a  new  subdivi-
    38  sion (g) to read as follows:
    39    (g)  A  hosting  platform  who facilitates the occupancy of a hotel or
    40  short-term rental unit is relieved from the duty to remit to the commis-
    41  sioner the tax imposed by this article in regard to a  particular  occu-
    42  pancy if, pursuant to an agreement with an operator or short-term rental
    43  host  registered  with  the  commission  as  required  by section eleven
    44  hundred thirty-four of this part, the hosting platform and  operator  or
    45  short-term rental host agree that the operator or short-term rental host
    46  is required to remit the tax directly to the commissioner. In such situ-
    47  ation,  the operator or short-term rental host shall be treated as if it
    48  collected the tax and shall have  all  of  the  rights  and  obligations
    49  imposed  by  law  on  persons required to collect tax, including but not
    50  limited to the liability imposed by section eleven hundred  thirty-three
    51  of this part.
    52    §  7.  Section 1142 of the tax law is amended by adding a new subdivi-
    53  sion 16 to read as follows:
    54    16. Notwithstanding any provision of law to  the  contrary,  including
    55  but  not limited to subdivisions four, five, and six of this section, no
    56  hosting platform shall be required to list any operator of  a  hotel  or

        A. 5544                             4

     1  short-term  rental  host  of  a  short-term  rental  unit  on any return
     2  required to be filed with the commissioner under the applicable tax laws
     3  and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Information provided by  a
     4  hosting  platform to the commissioner shall be confidential. Such confi-
     5  dential information shall not be disclosed by  the  commissioner  unless
     6  the  hosting  platform has given written consent to make such disclosure
     7  or there is an agreement between the hosting platform  and  the  commis-
     8  sioner to make such disclosure. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary,
     9  information provided by a hosting platform shall not be subject to arti-
    10  cle  six  of  the  public  officers law and shall not be provided to any
    11  other agency of the state, locality, or any other government  entity  or
    12  political subdivision. Audits of any hosting platform shall be conducted
    13  solely  on  the  basis  of the tax identification number associated with
    14  each hosting platform and shall not be conducted directly or  indirectly
    15  on  any  operator  of  a  hotel,  short-term rental host of a short-term
    16  rental unit, or any occupant to whom occupancy is rented from an  opera-
    17  tor  of  a  hotel or short-term rental unit of a short-term rental host,
    18  nor shall any hosting platform be required to  disclose  any  personally
    19  identifiable information relating to any operator of a hotel, short-term
    20  rental  host  of a short-term rental unit, or occupant to whom occupancy
    21  is rented from an operator of a hotel or short-term  rental  host  of  a
    22  short-term  rental  unit.  Provided, however, that if a hosting platform
    23  and operator or short-term rental host have entered  into  an  agreement
    24  pursuant  to  section  eleven  hundred thirty-six of this part, only the
    25  operator or short-term rental host shall be  subject  to  audit  by  the
    26  commissioner.
    27    § 8.  Clause 1 of subparagraph (i) of the opening paragraph of section
    28  1210  of  the tax law, as amended by chapter 200 of the laws of 2009, is
    29  amended to read as follows:
    30    (1) any such city having a population of one million or more is hereby
    31  authorized and empowered to adopt and amend local  laws,  ordinances  or
    32  resolutions  imposing  such  taxes in any such city, at the rate of four
    33  and one-half percent, except that tax shall not be imposed on short-term
    34  rental units as defined in paragraph nine of subdivision (c) of  section
    35  eleven hundred one of this chapter;
    36    §  9.  Section 1243 of the tax law is amended by adding a new subdivi-
    37  sion (c) to read as follows:
    38    (c) No determination or proposed determination of tax or determination
    39  on any application for refund shall be enjoined or reviewed by an action
    40  for declaratory judgment, an action for money had and  received,  or  by
    41  any  action or proceeding other than a proceeding under article seventy-
    42  eight of the civil practice law and rules, except as otherwise  provided
    43  in subdivision (a) or (b) of this section.
    44    §  10. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to taxa-
    45  ble years beginning on or after January 1, 2022.