Bill Text: NY A02900 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Directs the city comptroller of the city of New York to conduct annual audits of compliance with the affordable New York housing program.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 14-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-02-29 - print number 2900b [A02900 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A02900-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 1, 2023

        Introduced  by M. of A. GALLAGHER, L. ROSENTHAL, ZINERMAN, REYES, GONZA-
          SIMONE -- read once and referred to the Committee on Housing -- recom-
          mitted to the Committee on Housing in accordance with Assembly Rule 3,
          sec.  2  --  committee  discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted  to  said  committee  --  recommitted  to  the
          Committee  on  Housing  in  accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT to amend the real property tax law, in relation to directing the
          comptroller of the city of  New  York  to  conduct  annual  audits  of
          compliance with the affordable New York housing program

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 421-a of the real property tax law  is  amended  by
     2  adding two new subdivisions 18 and 19 to read as follows:
     3    18. (a) The comptroller of the city of New York shall conduct an annu-
     4  al audit of the affordable New York housing program established pursuant
     5  to  this  section  to  measure  compliance with the requirements of this
     6  section. The comptroller of the city of New York shall create a  program
     7  to  audit  and  review properties which receive benefits pursuant to the
     8  affordable New York housing program to confirm that owners of such prop-
     9  erties are complying with the  rent  registration,  affordability,  rent
    10  stabilization  and  application requirements of such program.  The divi-
    11  sion of housing and community renewal, the department of housing preser-
    12  vation and development, the New York city department of finance, and any
    13  owner of a property receiving benefits pursuant to  this  section  shall
    14  provide  any  and  all  information, data, or documentation to the comp-
    15  troller of the city of New York which is deemed necessary by  the  comp-
    16  troller  of  the city of New York in order to complete the audit process
    17  required by this section of law.  The initial audit shall  be  completed

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2900--B                          2

     1  on  or  before  December  thirty-first  of two thousand twenty-five. The
     2  comptroller of the city of New York shall publish  the  results  of  the
     3  audit  annually  on  or before December thirty-first and shall make such
     4  results publicly available on the comptroller's website.  All properties
     5  which are receiving or have received benefits pursuant to the affordable
     6  New  York housing program or prior programs established pursuant to this
     7  section shall be eligible for the initial audit; provided, however, that
     8  only properties which received benefits during the prior year  shall  be
     9  eligible  for  subsequent audits.   In the event that the affordable New
    10  York housing program is terminated or otherwise  discontinued,  a  final
    11  audit of the program shall be submitted one year after the last property
    12  subject  to  rent  registration,  affordability,  rent stabilization and
    13  application requirements of the program is no  longer  subject  to  such
    14  requirements.
    15    (b)  (i)  If an audit by the comptroller of the city of New York finds
    16  any units are not in compliance with the rent registration, affordabili-
    17  ty, rent stabilization, and application requirements of  the  affordable
    18  New  York housing program, the comptroller of the city of New York shall
    19  present evidence of such noncompliance to the division  of  housing  and
    20  community  renewal,  the department of housing preservation and develop-
    21  ment, and the New  York  city  department  of  finance  for  enforcement
    22  actions  as  provided.  Such notification of noncompliance shall be made
    23  within fifteen days after the results of the audit have  been  published
    24  on the comptroller's website.
    25    (ii)  The division of housing and community renewal, the department of
    26  housing preservation and development, and the New York  city  department
    27  of  finance  shall  enforce  and  remedy any noncompliance with the rent
    28  registration,  affordability,  rent   stabilization,   and   application
    29  requirements  as  provided  or  available  under any other law, rule, or
    30  regulation.
    31    19. During and on and after the expiration date of the affordable  New
    32  York housing program benefit provided pursuant to this section, provided
    33  such  project is required to comply with any affordability requirements,
    34  the department of housing preservation  and  development  shall  impose,
    35  after notice and an opportunity to be heard, a penalty for any violation
    36  of the affordability requirements of this section by such project.
    37    (a)  The  department  of  housing  preservation  and development shall
    38  establish a schedule and method of calculation of such penalties.
    39    (b) A penalty under this subdivision shall be imposed on the owner  of
    40  the  eligible  site  containing  such  project at the time the violation
    41  occurred.
    42    (c) A failure to pay such fine may result in a  lien  and  such  other
    43  remedies as may be available pursuant to applicable law and regulation.
    44    (d)  The  department  of  housing  preservation  and development shall
    45  ensure the minimum number of required affordable units  are  offered  in
    46  compliance  with the appropriate affordability requirements at all times
    47  such affordability requirements apply. This includes, but is not limited
    48  to, for each unit designated as an affordable unit found not  to  be  in
    49  compliance  with the affordability requirements, the department of hous-
    50  ing preservation and development  shall  either  bring  such  designated
    51  affordable  unit  into compliance with the affordability requirements or
    52  designate another unit of similar size as an affordable unit in  substi-
    53  tution of the original unit.
    54    §  2.  Subparagraph  (ii) of paragraph (f) of subdivision 2 of section
    55  421-a of the real property tax law, as amended by  chapter  289  of  the
    56  laws of 1985, is amended to read as follows:

        A. 2900--B                          3

     1    (ii)  with  respect to units which become subject to the provisions of
     2  this section after the effective date of  this  subparagraph,  such  tax
     3  benefit period as provided in the opening paragraph of this paragraph or
     4  applicable  law  or  act  shall  have  expired and either each lease and
     5  renewal thereof for such unit for the tenant in residence at the time of
     6  such  decontrol  has  included  a  notice  in at least twelve point type
     7  informing such tenant that the unit shall become subject to such  decon-
     8  trol  upon  the expiration of such tax benefit period as provided in the
     9  opening paragraph of this paragraph or applicable law or act and  states
    10  the approximate date on which such tax benefit period as provided in the
    11  opening paragraph of this paragraph is scheduled to expire; or such unit
    12  becomes  vacant  as  provided  under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph.
    13  Neither a landlord nor any person acting on behalf of the landlord shall
    14  include incorrect or  misleading  information  in  any  notice  provided
    15  pursuant to this subparagraph. A landlord or any person acting on behalf
    16  of  the landlord who willfully includes information they know or reason-
    17  ably know to be  misleading  or  incorrect  information  in  any  notice
    18  provided pursuant to this subparagraph or fails to provide the standard-
    19  ized  rider pursuant to paragraph (f-1) of this subdivision is guilty of
    20  a violation punishable by a fine of one thousand dollars.
    21    § 3. Subdivision 2 of section 421-a of the real property  tax  law  is
    22  amended by adding a new paragraph (f-1) to read as follows:
    23    (f-1)  The  commissioner of housing and community renewal shall stand-
    24  ardize the notice to be provided by landlords to their tenants  pursuant
    25  to  subparagraph  (ii) of paragraph (f) of this subdivision. Such notice
    26  shall be printed in at least twelve point type  and  shall  include  the
    27  following language:
    28                      "421-a Standard Rider Fact Sheet
    29  Any  housing  unit that receives tax benefits under section 421-a of the
    30  New York State Real Property Law may remain affordable for a  period  of
    31  time  depending  on  a variety of factors, including the location of the
    32  unit, the commencement of construction  and  the  affordability  in  the
    33  project. Failure to provide the initial standardized rider may result in
    34  the  unit  remaining  rent  stabilized  for the duration of the tenancy.
    35  Specific details related to your unit are  listed  on  the  next  sheet.
    36  While  your unit receives 421-a tax benefits, it will be subject to rent
    37  stabilization. New York State's rent regulation laws provide tenants  in
    38  rent-stabilized   apartments   with   a  variety  of  legal  rights  and
    39  protections. The owner of your building must provide  you  with  a  rent
    40  stabilized  lease  when  you  first move in and also each time you renew
    41  your lease for your choice of either a one or two year term, for as long
    42  as your apartment remains rent stabilized.
    43  You are entitled to continuous lease renewals while  your  apartment  is
    44  rent  stabilized.  When  you  renew  your  lease,  your rent may only be
    45  increased by an amount determined by New York  State's  rent  regulation
    46  laws,       which       may       be       found       by       visiting
    48  regulationlaws/, and permitted by applicable tax benefit laws.
    49  Rent increases for rent-stabilized tenants are  determined  by  the  New
    50  York  City  Rent  Guidelines Board, and may only increase by a specified
    51  amount within a one-year or two-year lease term. For  more  information,
    52  please  visit or call 311.
    53  Rent-stabilized tenants are also entitled to petition the New York State
    54  Homes and Community Renewal by visiting  or  calling
    55  (833)  499-0343  or  by  contacting  the appropriate rent administration
    56  borough office.

        A. 2900--B                          4

     1                          421-a Rider - Unit Number
     2  As  a  rent-regulated tenant, your rights are determined by 421-a of the
     3  New York State Real Property Law. For more information, you may  contact
     4  New  York  State Housing and Community Renewal by calling (833) 499-0343
     5  or visiting or the New York City Department of Hous-
     6  ing     Preservation      by      calling      311      or      visiting
     8  The  first rent as of date of initial lease commencement for unit apart-
     9  ment number___ is amount ___.
    10  Because unit number ____receives a 421-a tax abatement, it will be  rent
    11  regulated until at least MM/DD/YYYY.
    12  Construction  commenced  on  your  building,  located  at address ____on
    13  MM/DD/YYYY.
    14  Construction was completed on MM/DD/YYYY.
    15  On (MM/DD/YYYY specific to tenant), your landlord can begin to  increase
    16  the rent for unit number by 2.2% each year.
    17  The  421-a  benefits  for  unit number expire on (MM/DD/YYYY). After the
    18  expiration of the 421-a tax abatement, your unit will ___ (either remain
    19  rent-stabilized for the duration of  your  tenancy  or  continue  to  be
    20  protected due to additional programs outlined below).
    21  Unit  number also receives (list any other city, state, federal afforda-
    22  bility program) and (the  impact  that  has  on  the  unit's  continuing
    23  affordability, the date on which those benefits expire and the impact of
    24  the expiration of those benefits on the unit).
    25  If  you  believe  that any of the information contained in this rider is
    26  incorrect, contact New York State Homes and Community Renewal by calling
    27  (833) 499-0343 or visiting  or  the  New  York  City
    28  Department   of   Housing   Preservation  by  calling  311  or  visiting
    30    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.