Bill Text: NY A00706 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Relates to limitations on the use of electronic or computerized entry systems; restricts information that may be gathered on lessees, tenants, owners or guests.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 13-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-01-05 - referred to housing [A00706 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A00706-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY


                                     January 6, 2021

        Introduced  by  M.  of A. L. ROSENTHAL, DINOWITZ, EPSTEIN, SIMON, GLICK,
          WEPRIN  --  read  once  and  referred  to  the Committee on Housing --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted  to  said  committee -- again reported from said committee
          with amendments, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to  said
          committee  --  again  reported  from  said  committee with amendments,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the multiple dwelling law  and  the  multiple  residence
          law,  in  relation  to  the  use  of  electronic or computerized entry
          systems and the information that may be gathered from such systems

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  multiple  dwelling  law  is  amended by adding a new
     2  section 50-b to read as follows:
     3    § 50-b. Electronic or computerized entry systems. 1.  Definitions. For
     4  the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the follow-
     5  ing meanings:
     6    (a) "Account information" means information that is used  to  grant  a
     7  user  entry  or  access to any online tools that are used to manage user
     8  accounts related to an electronic and/or computerized entry system.
     9    (b) "Authentication data" means data generated or collected at a point
    10  of authentication in connection with granting a user entry to a class  A
    11  multiple  dwelling  or  common  area  with an electronic or computerized
    12  entry system, except that "authentication data" shall not  include  data
    13  generated  through or collected by a video or camera system that is used
    14  to monitor entrances but not to grant entry.
    15    (c) "Critical security vulnerability" means a  security  vulnerability
    16  that has a significant risk of resulting in an unauthorized access to an
    17  area secured by an electronic and/or computerized entry system.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 706--C                           2

     1    (d)  "Reference  data"  means information against which authentication
     2  data is verified at a point of authentication by a smart  access  system
     3  in order to grant a user entry to a smart access building or common area
     4  of such building.
     5    (e)  "Security breach" means any incident that results in unauthorized
     6  access of data,  applications,  services,  networks  and/or  devices  by
     7  bypassing  underlying  security  mechanisms.  A "security breach" occurs
     8  when an individual or an application illegitimately  enters  a  private,
     9  confidential or unauthorized logical information technology perimeter.
    10    2.  Entry.  a.  Where a landlord installs or plans to install an elec-
    11  tronic or computerized entry system on any  entrance  from  the  street,
    12  passageway,  court,  yard,  cellar,  or  other  common area of a class A
    13  multiple dwelling, such system shall not  rely  solely  on  a  web-based
    14  application to facilitate entrance but shall also include a key fob, key
    15  card, digital key or passcode for tenant use.
    16    b.  Landlords  may  provide  various  methods of entry into individual
    17  apartments including a mechanical key or an electronic  or  computerized
    18  entry  system  of  a key fob, key card or digital key, provided, however
    19  that such electronic or computerized entry system shall not rely  solely
    20  on a web-based application.
    21    c.  Notwithstanding  paragraph  a  or b of this subdivision, landlords
    22  shall provide a non-electronic means of entry  where  requested  by  the
    23  tenant due to a religious preference.
    24    d.  All lawful tenants and occupants shall be provided with a key, key
    25  fob, digital key or key card at no cost to such tenants. The term "occu-
    26  pants" shall include children under the age of  eighteen  who  shall  be
    27  issued  a  key, key fob, digital key or key card if a parent or guardian
    28  requests such child be provided with one. Tenants may also receive up to
    29  four additional keys, key fobs, digital key or key cards at no  cost  to
    30  the  tenant  for  employees  or  guests. The term "guests" shall include
    31  family members and friends who can reasonably be expected to visit on  a
    32  regular basis or visit as needed to care for the tenant or the apartment
    33  if  the  tenant  is away. Employees, including contractors, professional
    34  caregivers or other services providers,  may  have  an  expiration  date
    35  placed  on  their  key,  key  card, digital key or key fob, which may be
    36  extended upon the tenant's or occupant's request.  Tenants may request a
    37  new or replacement key, key fob, digital key or key  card  at  any  time
    38  throughout  the course of the tenancy.  The landlord or his or her agent
    39  shall provide the first replacement key, key fob,  digital  key  or  key
    40  card  to  the  tenant  free of charge. The cost of second and subsequent
    41  replacement cards shall not be more than what the landlord paid for  the
    42  replacement up to and not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
    43    e.  The landlord shall not set limits on the number of keys, key fobs,
    44  digital keys or key cards a lawful tenant or occupant may request.
    45    f. Any door that has an electronic or computerized entry system  shall
    46  have  backup  power  or an alternative means of entry to ensure that the
    47  entry system continues to operate during a power outage. A landlord,  or
    48  his  or  her  agent,  shall routinely inspect the backup power and shall
    49  replace according to system specifications.    Owners  or  their  agents
    50  shall  provide  lawful tenants and occupants with information about whom
    51  to contact in the event that the tenant, occupant  or  the  tenant's  or
    52  occupant's children, guests or employees become locked out.
    53    3.  Notice. Landlords or their agents shall provide notice to a tenant
    54  at the time the tenant signs  the  lease,  or  when  the  electronic  or
    55  computerized entry system is installed, of the provisions of subdivision
    56  two of this section.

        A. 706--C                           3

     1    4.  Data  collection.  a.  If  an electronic and/or computerized entry
     2  system is utilized to gain entrance to a class A multiple dwelling,  the
     3  only  reference, authentication, and account information gathered by any
     4  electronic and/or computerized entry system shall be limited to  account
     5  information  used  to  grant  a user entry or to access any online tools
     6  used to manage user accounts related to the electronic and/or  computer-
     7  ized  entry  system,  or  reference data, such as the lessee or tenant's
     8  name, apartment number, the preferred method of contact for such  lessee
     9  or  tenant,  other  doors  or common areas to which the user has access,
    10  move-in and, if available move-out dates, and authentication  data  such
    11  as  time  and method of access for security purposes and a photograph of
    12  access events for security purposes.  For  electronic  and  computerized
    13  entry  systems  that  rely on the collection of biometric data and which
    14  have already been installed at the time this section shall have become a
    15  law, a biometric identifier may be collected pursuant to this section in
    16  order to register a lessee or tenant for an electronic and/or  computer-
    17  ized  entry system.  No new electronic and/or computerized entry systems
    18  that rely on the collection of biometric  data  shall  be  installed  in
    19  class  A  multiple dwellings for three years after the effective date of
    20  this section.
    21    (i) The owner of the multiple dwelling may collect  only  the  minimum
    22  data  required by the technology used in the electronic and/or computer-
    23  ized entry system to effectuate such entrance and  protect  the  privacy
    24  and security of such tenants.
    25    (ii)  The  owner or agent of the owner shall not request or retain, in
    26  any form, the social security number of any  tenant  or  occupant  as  a
    27  condition of use of the electronic or computerized entry system.
    28    (iii) The owner, agent of the owner, or the vendor of an electronic or
    29  computerized  entry system on behalf of the owner may record each time a
    30  key fob, key card, digital key or passcode is used to enter  the  build-
    31  ing, but shall not record any departures.
    32    (iv) A copy of such data may be retained for reference at the point of
    33  authentication  by the electronic and/or computerized entry system. Such
    34  reference data may be retained only for tenants or those  authorized  by
    35  the tenant or owner of the multiple dwelling.
    36    (v)  The  owner  of  the  multiple dwelling shall destroy or anonymize
    37  authentication data within a reasonable time, but not later than  ninety
    38  days after the date collected.
    39    (vi) Reference data for a tenant or those authorized by a tenant shall
    40  be  destroyed  or anonymized within ninety days of (1) the tenant perma-
    41  nently vacating the dwelling, or (2) a request by the tenant to withdraw
    42  authorization for those previously authorized by the tenant.
    43    b. (i) For the purposes of this section, "biometric identifier"  means
    44  a  retina or iris scan, fingerprint, voiceprint, or record of hand, face
    45  geometry or other similar feature.
    46    (ii) An entity may not capture a biometric identifier of an individual
    47  to gain entrance to a class A multiple dwelling unless the person  is  a
    48  tenant  or  person  authorized by the tenant, and informs the individual
    49  before capturing the biometric identifier; and  receives  their  express
    50  consent to capture the biometric identifier.
    51    (iii)  Any entity that possesses a biometric identifier of an individ-
    52  ual that is captured to gain entrance to a class A multiple dwelling:
    53    (1) May not sell, lease or otherwise disclose the biometric identifier
    54  to another person unless pursuant to a  grand  jury  subpoena  or  court
    55  ordered warrant, subpoena, or other authorized court ordered process.

        A. 706--C                           4

     1    (2)  Shall  store,  transmit and protect from disclosure the biometric
     2  identifier using reasonable care and in a manner that is the same as  or
     3  more  protective  than  the manner in which the person stores, transmits
     4  and protects confidential information the person possesses; and
     5    (3)  Shall  destroy the biometric identifier within a reasonable time,
     6  but not later than forty-eight hours after the  date  collected,  except
     7  for reference data.  If any prohibited information is collected, such as
     8  the  likeness  of  a  minor  or  a  non-tenant, the information shall be
     9  destroyed immediately.
    10    c. The owner of the multiple dwelling, or  the  managing  agent,  must
    11  develop  written  procedures  which  describe  the  process  used to add
    12  persons authorized by the tenant to electronic and/or computerized entry
    13  systems on a temporary or permanent basis, such as  visitors,  children,
    14  their employees, and caregivers to such building.
    15    (i) The procedures must clearly establish the owner's retention sched-
    16  ule  and  guidelines  for permanently destroying or anonymizing the data
    17  collected.
    18    (ii) The procedures cannot limit time or place  of  entrance  by  such
    19  people authorized by the tenant except as requested by the tenant.
    20    5.  Prohibitions.  a.  No form of location tracking, including but not
    21  limited to satellite location based services, shall be included  in  any
    22  equipment,  key, or software provided to tenants or guests as part of an
    23  electronic and/or computerized entry system.
    24    b. It shall be prohibited to  collect  through  an  electronic  and/or
    25  computerized  entry system the likeness of a minor occupant, information
    26  on the relationship status of tenants, lessees and/or guests, or to  use
    27  a smart access system to collect or track information about the frequen-
    28  cy and time of use of such system by a tenant and/or guests to harass or
    29  evict  a  tenant  or  for any other purpose not expressly related to the
    30  operation of the smart access system.
    31    c. Information that is acquired via the use of  an  electronic  and/or
    32  computerized  entry system shall not be used for any purposes other than
    33  monitoring building entrances and shall not be  used  as  the  basis  or
    34  support  for an action to evict a lessee or tenant, or an administrative
    35  hearing seeking a change in regulatory coverage  for  an  individual  or
    36  unit.  However, a tenant may authorize their information to be used by a
    37  third  party, but such a request must clearly state who will have access
    38  to such information, for what purpose it will be used, and  the  privacy
    39  policies  which  will  protect their information. Under no circumstances
    40  may a lease or a renewal be contingent upon authorizing such use.  Elec-
    41  tronic  and/or  computerized systems may use third-party services to the
    42  extent required to maintain and operate system infrastructure, including
    43  cloud-based hosting and storage. The provider or providers of third-par-
    44  ty infrastructure services must meet or exceed the  privacy  protections
    45  set  forth in this section and will be subject to the same liability for
    46  breach of any of the requirements of this section.
    47    d. Information and data collected shall not be made available  to  any
    48  third  party,  unless  authorized  as described above, including but not
    49  limited to law enforcement, except upon a grand jury subpoena or a court
    50  ordered warrant, subpoena, or other authorized court ordered process.
    51    6. Storage of information. Any information or data collected shall  be
    52  stored in a secure manner to prevent unauthorized access by both employ-
    53  ees  and  contractors  and those unaffiliated with the landlord or their
    54  agents, except as otherwise provided in this section. Future or continu-
    55  ing tenancy shall not be conditioned upon consenting to the  use  of  an
    56  electronic and/or computerized entry system.

        A. 706--C                           5

     1    7.  Software issues. Whenever a company that produces, makes available
     2  or installs electronic or computerized entry systems discovers a securi-
     3  ty breach or critical security vulnerability  in  their  software,  such
     4  company shall notify customers of such vulnerability within a reasonable
     5  time  of  discovery  but no later than twenty-four hours after discovery
     6  and shall make software updates available and take any other  action  as
     7  may  be  necessary to repair the vulnerability within a reasonable time,
     8  but not longer than thirty days after discovery.   Smart access  systems
     9  and  vendors shall implement and maintain reasonable security procedures
    10  and practices appropriate to the nature of the information collected. In
    11  the event that a security breach or critical security vulnerability that
    12  pertains to the embedded  software  or  firmware  on  the  smart  access
    13  systems is discovered, smart access systems and their vendors shall:
    14    a.  be  able  to create updates to the firmware to correct the vulner-
    15  abilities;
    16    b. contractually commit to customers that the smart access  system  or
    17  vendor will create updates to the embedded software or firmware to reme-
    18  dy the vulnerabilities; and
    19    c.  make  such security-related software or firmware updates available
    20  for free to customers for the duration of  the  contract  between  smart
    21  access buildings and smart access systems.
    22    8.  Waiver  of  rights; void. Any agreement by a lessee or tenant of a
    23  dwelling waiving or modifying his or her rights as  set  forth  in  this
    24  section shall be void as contrary to public policy.
    25    9.  Penalties.  (a) A person who violates this section is subject to a
    26  civil penalty of not more than five thousand dollars for each violation.
    27  The attorney general may bring an action to recover the  civil  penalty.
    28  An individual injured by a violation of this section may bring an action
    29  to recover damages. A court may also award attorneys' fees to a prevail-
    30  ing plaintiff.
    31    (b) Where a landlord or his or her agent uses an electronic or comput-
    32  erized  entry  system  to  harass  or  otherwise deprive a tenant of any
    33  rights available under law, such landlord or agent shall be subject to a
    34  civil penalty of ten thousand dollars for each violation.
    35    (c) For purposes of this subdivision, each day  the  violation  occurs
    36  shall be considered a separate violation.
    37    10. Rent regulated dwellings. Installation of an electronic or comput-
    38  erized  entry system pursuant to this section in a rent regulated dwell-
    39  ing shall constitute a modification of services requiring  the  landlord
    40  of such dwelling or his or her agent to apply to the division of housing
    41  and  community renewal for approval before performing such installation.
    42  Such installation shall not qualify as a basis for rent reduction.
    43    11. Exemptions. a. Nothing herein shall apply  to  multiple  dwellings
    44  owned  or  managed  by an entity subject to 42 U.S.C. § 1437 et seq., or
    45  any of its subsidiaries.
    46    b. Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of  the  division
    47  of  housing  and  community  renewal  to  impose additional requirements
    48  regarding electronic or computerized entry systems installed in multiple
    49  dwellings for which the division is required to approve substitutions or
    50  modifications of services.
    51    § 2. The multiple residence law is amended by  adding  a  new  section
    52  130-a to read as follows:
    53    § 130-a. Electronic or computerized entry systems. 1. Definitions. For
    54  the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the follow-
    55  ing meanings:

        A. 706--C                           6

     1    (a)  "Account  information"  means information that is used to grant a
     2  user entry or access to any online tools that are used  to  manage  user
     3  accounts related to an electronic and/or computerized entry system.
     4    (b) "Authentication data" means data generated or collected at a point
     5  of  authentication in connection with granting a user entry to a class A
     6  multiple dwelling or common area  with  an  electronic  or  computerized
     7  entry  system,  except that "authentication data" shall not include data
     8  generated through or collected by a video or camera system that is  used
     9  to monitor entrances but not to grant entry.
    10    (c)  "Critical  security vulnerability" means a security vulnerability
    11  that has a significant risk of resulting in an unauthorized access to an
    12  area secured by an electronic and/or computerized entry system.
    13    (d) "Reference data" means information  against  which  authentication
    14  data  is  verified at a point of authentication by a smart access system
    15  in order to grant a user entry to a smart access building or common area
    16  of such building.
    17    (e) "Security breach" means any incident that results in  unauthorized
    18  access  of  data,  applications,  services,  networks  and/or devices by
    19  bypassing underlying security mechanisms.  A  "security  breach"  occurs
    20  when  an  individual  or an application illegitimately enters a private,
    21  confidential or unauthorized logical information technology perimeter.
    22    2. Entry. (a) Where a landlord installs or plans to install  an  elec-
    23  tronic  or  computerized  entry  system on any entrance from the street,
    24  passageway, court, yard, cellar, or other  common  area  of  a  class  A
    25  multiple  dwelling,  such  system  shall  not rely solely on a web-based
    26  application to facilitate entrance but shall also include a key fob, key
    27  card, digital key or passcode for tenant use.
    28    (b) Landlords may provide various methods  of  entry  into  individual
    29  apartments  including  a mechanical key or an electronic or computerized
    30  entry system of a key fob, key card or digital  key,  provided,  however
    31  that  such electronic or computerized entry system shall not rely solely
    32  on a web-based application.
    33    (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) or (b) of  this  subdivision,  land-
    34  lords  shall  provide a non-electronic means of entry where requested by
    35  the tenant due to a religious preference.
    36    (d) All lawful tenants and occupants shall be provided with a key, key
    37  fob, digital key or key card at no cost to such tenants. The term "occu-
    38  pants" shall include children under the age of  eighteen  who  shall  be
    39  issued  a  key, key fob, digital key or key card if a parent or guardian
    40  requests such child be provided with one. Tenants may also receive up to
    41  four additional keys, key fobs, digital key or key cards at no  cost  to
    42  the  tenant  for  employees  or  guests. The term "guests" shall include
    43  family members and friends who can reasonably be expected to visit on  a
    44  regular basis or visit as needed to care for the tenant or the apartment
    45  if  the  tenant  is away. Employees, including contractors, professional
    46  caregivers or other services providers,  may  have  an  expiration  date
    47  placed  on  their  key,  key  card, digital key or key fob, which may be
    48  extended upon the tenant's or occupant's request. Tenants may request  a
    49  new  or  replacement  key,  key fob, digital key or key card at any time
    50  throughout the course of the tenancy. The landlord or his or  her  agent
    51  shall  provide  the  first  replacement key, key fob, digital key or key
    52  card to the tenant free of charge. The cost  of  second  and  subsequent
    53  replacement  cards shall not be more than what the landlord paid for the
    54  replacement up to and not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
    55    (e) The landlord shall not set limits on the number of keys, key fobs,
    56  digital keys or key cards a lawful tenant or occupant may request.

        A. 706--C                           7

     1    (f) Any door that has an electronic or computerized entry system shall
     2  have backup power or an alternative means of entry to  ensure  that  the
     3  entry  system continues to operate during a power outage. A landlord, or
     4  his or her agent, shall routinely inspect the  backup  power  and  shall
     5  replace according to system specifications. Owners or their agents shall
     6  provide  lawful  tenants  and  occupants  with information about whom to
     7  contact in the event that the tenant, occupant or the tenant's or  occu-
     8  pant's children, guests or employees become locked out.
     9    3.  Notice. Landlords or their agents shall provide notice to a tenant
    10  at the time the tenant signs  the  lease,  or  when  the  electronic  or
    11  computerized entry system is installed, of the provisions of subdivision
    12  two of this section.
    13    4.  Data  collection.  (a)  If an electronic and/or computerized entry
    14  system is utilized to gain entrance to a class A multiple dwelling,  the
    15  only  reference, authentication, and account information gathered by any
    16  electronic and/or computerized entry system shall be limited to  account
    17  information  used  to  grant  a user entry or to access any online tools
    18  used to manage user accounts related to the electronic and/or  computer-
    19  ized  entry  system,  or  reference data, such as the lessee or tenant's
    20  name, apartment number, the preferred method of contact for such  lessee
    21  or  tenant,  other  doors  or common areas to which the user has access,
    22  move-in and, if available move-out dates, and authentication  data  such
    23  as  time  and method of access for security purposes and a photograph of
    24  access events for security purposes.  For  electronic  and  computerized
    25  entry  systems  that  rely on the collection of biometric data and which
    26  have already been installed at the time this section shall have become a
    27  law, a biometric identifier may be collected pursuant to this section in
    28  order to register a lessee or tenant for an electronic and/or  computer-
    29  ized  entry  system. No new electronic and/or computerized entry systems
    30  that rely on the collection of biometric  data  shall  be  installed  in
    31  class  A  multiple dwellings for three years after the effective date of
    32  this section.
    33    (i) The owner of the multiple dwelling may collect  only  the  minimum
    34  data  required by the technology used in the electronic and/or computer-
    35  ized entry system to effectuate such entrance and  protect  the  privacy
    36  and security of such tenants.
    37    (ii)  The  owner or agent of the owner shall not request or retain, in
    38  any form, the social security number of any  tenant  or  occupant  as  a
    39  condition of use of the electronic or computerized entry system.
    40    (iii) The owner, agent of the owner, or the vendor of an electronic or
    41  computerized  entry system on behalf of the owner may record each time a
    42  key fob, key card, digital key or passcode is used to enter  the  build-
    43  ing, but shall not record any departures.
    44    (iv) A copy of such data may be retained for reference at the point of
    45  authentication by the electronic and/or computerized entry system.  Such
    46  reference  data  may be retained only for tenants or those authorized by
    47  the tenant or owner of the multiple dwelling.
    48    (v) The owner of the multiple  dwelling  shall  destroy  or  anonymize
    49  authentication  data within a reasonable time, but not later than ninety
    50  days after the date collected.
    51    (vi) Reference data for a tenant or those authorized by a tenant shall
    52  be destroyed or anonymized within ninety days of (1) the  tenant  perma-
    53  nently vacating the dwelling, or (2) a request by the tenant to withdraw
    54  authorization for those previously authorized by the tenant.

        A. 706--C                           8

     1    (b) (i) For the purposes of this section, "biometric identifier" means
     2  a  retina or iris scan, fingerprint, voiceprint, or record of hand, face
     3  geometry or other similar feature.
     4    (ii) An entity may not capture a biometric identifier of an individual
     5  to  gain  entrance to a class A multiple dwelling unless the person is a
     6  tenant or person authorized by the tenant, and  informs  the  individual
     7  before  capturing  the  biometric identifier; and receives their express
     8  consent to capture the biometric identifier.
     9    (iii) Any entity that possesses a biometric identifier of an  individ-
    10  ual that is captured to gain entrance to a class A multiple dwelling:
    11    (1) May not sell, lease or otherwise disclose the biometric identifier
    12  to  another  person  unless  pursuant  to a grand jury subpoena or court
    13  ordered warrant, subpoena, or other authorized court ordered process.
    14    (2) Shall store, transmit and protect from  disclosure  the  biometric
    15  identifier  using reasonable care and in a manner that is the same as or
    16  more protective than the manner in which the  person  stores,  transmits
    17  and protects confidential information the person possesses; and
    18    (3)  Shall  destroy the biometric identifier within a reasonable time,
    19  but not later than forty-eight hours after the  date  collected,  except
    20  for  reference data. If any prohibited information is collected, such as
    21  the likeness of a minor  or  a  non-tenant,  the  information  shall  be
    22  destroyed immediately.
    23    (c)  The  owner  of the multiple dwelling, or the managing agent, must
    24  develop written procedures  which  describe  the  process  used  to  add
    25  persons authorized by the tenant to electronic and/or computerized entry
    26  systems  on  a temporary or permanent basis, such as visitors, children,
    27  their employees, and caregivers to such building.
    28    (i) The procedures must clearly establish the owner's retention sched-
    29  ule and guidelines for permanently destroying or  anonymizing  the  data
    30  collected.
    31    (ii)  The  procedures  cannot  limit time or place of entrance by such
    32  people authorized by the tenant except as requested by the tenant.
    33    5. Prohibitions. (a) No form of location tracking, including  but  not
    34  limited  to  satellite location based services, shall be included in any
    35  equipment, key, or software provided to tenants or guests as part of  an
    36  electronic and/or computerized entry system.
    37    (b)  It  shall  be  prohibited to collect through an electronic and/or
    38  computerized entry system the likeness of a minor occupant,  information
    39  on  the relationship status of tenants, lessees and/or guests, or to use
    40  a smart access system to collect or track information about the frequen-
    41  cy and time of use of such system by a tenant and/or guests to harass or
    42  evict a tenant or for any other purpose not  expressly  related  to  the
    43  operation of the smart access system.
    44    (c)  Information  that is acquired via the use of an electronic and/or
    45  computerized entry system shall not be used for any purposes other  than
    46  monitoring  building  entrances  and  shall  not be used as the basis or
    47  support for an action to evict a lessee or tenant, or an  administrative
    48  hearing  seeking  a  change  in regulatory coverage for an individual or
    49  unit. However, a tenant may authorize their information to be used by  a
    50  third  party, but such a request must clearly state who will have access
    51  to such information, for what purpose it will be used, and  the  privacy
    52  policies  which  will  protect their information. Under no circumstances
    53  may a lease or a renewal be contingent upon authorizing such use.  Elec-
    54  tronic  and/or  computerized systems may use third-party services to the
    55  extent required to maintain and operate system infrastructure, including
    56  cloud-based hosting and storage. The provider or providers of third-par-

        A. 706--C                           9

     1  ty infrastructure services must meet or exceed the  privacy  protections
     2  set  forth in this section and will be subject to the same liability for
     3  breach of any of the requirements of this section.
     4    (d)  Information and data collected shall not be made available to any
     5  third party, unless authorized as described  above,  including  but  not
     6  limited to law enforcement, except upon a grand jury subpoena or a court
     7  ordered warrant, subpoena, or other authorized court ordered process.
     8    6.  Storage of information. Any information or data collected shall be
     9  stored in a secure manner to prevent unauthorized access by both employ-
    10  ees and contractors and those unaffiliated with the  landlord  or  their
    11  agents, except as otherwise provided in this section. Future or continu-
    12  ing  tenancy  shall  not be conditioned upon consenting to the use of an
    13  electronic and/or computerized entry system.
    14    7. Software issues. Whenever a company that produces, makes  available
    15  or installs electronic or computerized entry systems discovers a securi-
    16  ty  breach  or  critical  security vulnerability in their software, such
    17  company shall notify customers of such vulnerability within a reasonable
    18  time of discovery but no later than twenty-four  hours  after  discovery
    19  and  shall  make software updates available and take any other action as
    20  may be necessary to repair the vulnerability within a  reasonable  time,
    21  but  not  longer  than thirty days after discovery. Smart access systems
    22  and vendors shall implement and maintain reasonable security  procedures
    23  and practices appropriate to the nature of the information collected. In
    24  the event that a security breach or critical security vulnerability that
    25  pertains  to  the  embedded  software  or  firmware  on the smart access
    26  systems is discovered, smart access systems and their vendors shall:
    27    (a) be able to create updates to the firmware to correct  the  vulner-
    28  abilities;
    29    (b)  contractually commit to customers that the smart access system or
    30  vendor will create updates to the embedded software or firmware to reme-
    31  dy the vulnerabilities; and
    32    (c) make such security-related software or firmware updates  available
    33  for  free  to  customers  for the duration of the contract between smart
    34  access buildings and smart access systems.
    35    8. Waiver of rights; void. Any agreement by a lessee or  tenant  of  a
    36  dwelling  waiving  or  modifying  his or her rights as set forth in this
    37  section shall be void as contrary to public policy.
    38    9. Penalties. (a) A person who violates this section is subject  to  a
    39  civil penalty of not more than five thousand dollars for each violation.
    40  The  attorney  general may bring an action to recover the civil penalty.
    41  An individual injured by a violation of this section may bring an action
    42  to recover damages. A court may also award attorneys' fees to a prevail-
    43  ing plaintiff.
    44    (b) Where a landlord or his or her agent uses an electronic or comput-
    45  erized entry system to harass or  otherwise  deprive  a  tenant  of  any
    46  rights available under law, such landlord or agent shall be subject to a
    47  civil penalty of ten thousand dollars for each violation.
    48    (c)  For  purposes  of this subdivision, each day the violation occurs
    49  shall be considered a separate violation.
    50    10. Rent regulated dwellings. Installation of an electronic or comput-
    51  erized entry system pursuant to this section in a rent regulated  dwell-
    52  ing  shall  constitute a modification of services requiring the landlord
    53  of such dwelling or his or her agent to apply to the division of housing
    54  and community renewal for approval before performing such  installation.
    55  Such installation shall not qualify as a basis for rent reduction.

        A. 706--C                          10

     1    11.  Exemptions.  (a) Nothing herein shall apply to multiple dwellings
     2  owned or managed by an entity subject to 42 U.S.C. § 1437  et  seq.,  or
     3  any of its subsidiaries.
     4    (b)  Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the division
     5  of housing and  community  renewal  to  impose  additional  requirements
     6  regarding electronic or computerized entry systems installed in multiple
     7  dwellings for which the division is required to approve substitutions or
     8  modifications of services.
     9    § 3. Severability. If any provision of this act, or any application of
    10  any  provision of this act, is held to be invalid, that shall not affect
    11  the  validity or effectiveness of any other provision of this act, or of
    12  any other application of any provision of this act, which can  be  given
    13  effect  without  that  provision  or  application;  and to that end, the
    14  provisions and applications of this act are severable.
    15    § 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    16  it shall have become a law.