New Hampshire Representative Wayne MacDonald [R]

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Sine Die
Relative to insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome.
[Hearing: Oct 17 @ 10:00 am]

Executive Session: 10/17/2024 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 302-304
NHSB331PassRelative to certain historic commemorations.
Signed by the Governor on 07/26/2024; Chapter 0279; Effective 07/26/2024
NHHB1114PassExtending the commission to investigate and analyze the environmental and public health impacts relating to releases of perfluorinated chemicals in the air, soil, and groundwater in Merrimack, Bedford, Londonderry, Hudson and Litchfield.
Signed by Governor Sununu 07/12/2024; Chapter 187; eff. 07/12/2024
NHSB377PassEstablishing the achieving a better life experience (ABLE) savings account program administrative fund.
Signed by the Governor on 06/14/2024; Chapter 0083; Effective 06/14/2024
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