New Hampshire Legislature | 2024 | Regular Session | Adjourned Sine Die

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Active New Hampshire Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

SB553Requiring the investment advisor for the public deposit investment pool to maintain funds in a particular manner.2024-09-24
Executive Session: 10/23/2024 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 210-211
HB1595Relative to adjustment of the child support guidelines based on parenting time, medical support, and child care expenses.2024-09-24
Executive Session: 10/23/2024 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 210-211
SB239Relative to the use of harm reduction services to treat alcohol and other substance misuse.2024-09-24
Executive Session: 10/23/2024 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 210-211
SB453Making an appropriation to the statewide voter registration system.2024-09-24
Executive Session: 10/23/2024 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 210-211
HB1347Relative to administration of the New Hampshire refugee resettlement program.2024-09-20
Executive Session: 10/09/2024 01:00 pm Legislative Office Building 205-207
HB1693Relative to the use of psychedelics for therapeutic purposes.2024-09-20
Executive Session: 10/09/2024 01:00 pm Legislative Office Building 205-207
HB1661Relative to immunization reporting requirements.2024-09-20
Executive Session: 10/09/2024 01:00 pm Legislative Office Building 205-207
HB1067Relative to a patient's right to sterilization treatment.2024-09-20
Executive Session: 10/09/2024 01:00 pm Legislative Office Building 205-207
SB458Relative to the dispensing of certain medications.2024-09-20
Executive Session: 10/09/2024 01:00 pm Legislative Office Building 205-207
HB554Relative to treatment alternatives to opioids.2024-09-20
Executive Session: 10/09/2024 01:00 pm Legislative Office Building 205-207

Top New Hampshire Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
Rep. Ellen Read [D]59Syndicate content
Rep. Michael Moffett [R]58Syndicate content
Rep. Rosemarie Rung [D]50Syndicate content
Rep. Nancy Murphy [D]43Syndicate content
Rep. Jess Edwards [R]40Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. David Watters [D]240Syndicate content
Sen. Sharon Carson [R]159Syndicate content
Sen. Rebecca Perkins Kwoka [D]153Syndicate content
Sen. Donna Soucy [D]141Syndicate content
Sen. Kevin Avard [R]140Syndicate content

Most Viewed New Hampshire Bills

HB1700Prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation and making penalties for violation of such prohibition.Bill Text
HB1205Relative to women's school sports.Bill Text
HB1649Relative to prohibiting certain products with intentionally added PFAS and relative to civil actions for PFAS contamination, and relative to settlement of lawsuits against manufacturers of PFAS for impacts to public drinking water systems.Bill Text
HB396Permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain limited circumstances.Bill Text
HB1633Relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor.Bill Text
HB619To require a person to attain the age of majority for genital gender reassignment surgery.Bill Text
HB1569Relative to eliminating voter identification exceptions.Bill Text
HB1283Relative to end of life options.Bill Text
SB255Relative to the expectation of privacy.Bill Text
HB1312Requiring parental notification of student health or well-being and certain curricula by school districts.Bill Text

Most Monitored New Hampshire Bills

HB1700Prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation and making penalties for violation of such prohibition.Bill Text
HB1473Relative to social-emotional learning in public schools.Bill Text
HB1283Relative to end of life options.Bill Text
HB1205Relative to women's school sports.Bill Text
HB396Permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain limited circumstances.Bill Text
HB1633Relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor.Bill Text
HB619To require a person to attain the age of majority for genital gender reassignment surgery.Bill Text
HB1248Relative to restrictions on access to abortion.Bill Text
HB1291Relative to accessory dwelling unit uses allowed by right.Bill Text
HB1185Relative to sexual education instruction.Bill Text

New Hampshire Sessions

2024Regular Session1324379BrowseSearchDownload
2023Regular Session939254BrowseSearchDownload
2022Regular Session1213325BrowseSearchDownload
2021Regular Session776245BrowseSearchDownload
2020Regular Session122245BrowseSearchDownload
2019Regular Session1000360BrowseSearchDownload
2018Regular Session1112385BrowseSearchDownload
2017Regular Session872276BrowseSearchDownload
2016Regular Session1079335BrowseSearchDownload
2015Regular Session904292BrowseSearchDownload
2014Regular Session914333BrowseSearchDownload
2013Regular Session816313BrowseSearchDownload
2012Regular Session1063348BrowseSearchDownload
2011Regular Session872310BrowseSearchDownload
2010Regular Session986397BrowseSearchDownload