Bill Text: MS HB1529 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Armed Services Absentee Voting Law; bring forward code sections related to.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Failed) 2025-02-04 - Died In Committee [HB1529 Detail]
Download: Mississippi-2025-HB1529-Introduced.html
2025 Regular Session
To: Apportionment and Elections
By: Representative Newman
House Bill 1529
AN ACT TO BRING FORWARD SECTIONS 23-15-671, 23-15-673, 23-15-675, 23-15-677, 23-15-679, 23-15-681, 23-15-683, 23-15-685, 23-15-687, 23-15-691, 23-15-692, 23-15-693, 23-15-697, 23-15-699 AND 23-15-701, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, WHICH PROVIDE FOR THE ARMED SERVICES ABSENTEE VOTING LAW, FOR THE PURPOSE OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENT; AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES.
SECTION 1. Section 23-15-671, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-671. The title of Sections 23-15-671 through 23-15-697 shall be the Armed Services Absentee Voting Law.
SECTION 2. Section 23-15-673, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-673. (1) For the purposes of this subarticle, the term "absent voter" shall mean and include the following persons if they are absent from their county of residence and are otherwise qualified to vote in Mississippi:
(a) Any enlisted or commissioned members, male or female, of the United States Army, or any of its respective components or various divisions thereof; any enlisted or commissioned members, male or female, of the United States Navy, or any of its respective components or various divisions thereof; any enlisted or commissioned members, male or female, of the United States Air Force, or any of its respective components or various divisions thereof; any enlisted or commissioned members, male or female, of the United States Marines, or any of its respective components or various divisions thereof; or any persons in any division of the armed services of the United States; or any persons who are members of the United States Space Force, who are citizens of Mississippi;
(b) Any member of the Merchant Marine and the American Red Cross who is a citizen of Mississippi;
(c) Any disabled war veteran who is a patient in any hospital and who is a citizen of Mississippi;
(d) Any civilian attached to and serving outside of the United States with any branch of the Armed Forces or with the Merchant Marine or American Red Cross, and who is a citizen of Mississippi;
(e) Any trained or certified emergency response provider who is deployed during the time period authorized by law for absentee voting, on election day, or during any state of emergency declared by the President of the United States or any Governor of any state within the United States;
(f) Any citizen of Mississippi temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States and the District of Columbia;
(g) Any citizen of Mississippi enrolled as a student at the United States Naval Academy, the United States Coast Guard Academy, the United States Merchant Marine Academy, the United States Air Force Academy or the United States Military Academy.
(2) The spouse and dependents of any absent voter as set out in paragraphs (a) through (g) of subsection (1) of this section shall also be included in the meaning of absent voter and may register to vote and vote an absentee ballot as provided in this subarticle if also absent from the county of their residence on the date of the election and otherwise qualified to vote in Mississippi.
(3) For the purpose of this subarticle, the term "election" shall mean and include the following sets of elections: special and runoff special elections, preferential and general elections, first and second primary elections or general elections without preferential elections, whichever system is applicable.
SECTION 3. Section 23-15-675, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-675. Any absent voter, as defined in Section 23-15-673, who is otherwise qualified, may, upon compliance with the provisions of this subarticle, vote in any elections which are held in his voting precinct when he is absent for the reasons set forth in this subarticle.
SECTION 4. Section 23-15-677, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-677. (1) All absent voters as defined in Section 23-15-673(1) and (2) may use a duly executed federal postcard application (as provided for in the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, 42 USCS 1973ff et seq.) to request a ballot or to register to vote, or to do both simultaneously.
(2) An absent voter who registers to vote utilizing a federal postcard application or a Federal Write-In-Absentee Ballot may vote in an election if the voter was registered to vote ten (10) or more days prior to the date of the election.
SECTION 5. Section 23-15-679, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-679. The official absentee voter ballots shall be prepared and printed in the same form and shall be of the same size and texture as the regular official ballot except that they shall be printed on tinted paper of a tint different from that of the regular official ballot.
SECTION 6. Section 23-15-681, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-681. Except as otherwise provided in this subarticle, all official absentee ballots shall be sent out and returned in envelopes on which there is printed across the face two (2) parallel horizontal bars, each one-fourth (1/4) of an inch wide, extending from one side of the envelope to the other side, with an intervening space of one-fourth (1/4) of an inch, the top bar to be one and one-fourth (1-1/4) inches from the top of the envelope, and with the words "OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOTING MATERIAL-VIA AIR MAIL" between the bars. In the upper right corner of each such envelope there shall be printed in a box the words "FREE OF U.S. POSTAGE, INCLUDING AIR MAIL." All printing on the face of such envelopes shall be in black, and there shall be printed in black in the upper left corner of all such ballot envelopes an appropriate inscription for the return address of the sender.
SECTION 7. Section 23-15-683, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-683. In any elections, as soon as the deadline for the qualification of candidates has passed, or forty-five (45) days prior to the election, whichever is later, absentee ballots shall be prepared and printed for the elections, and both of said ballots shall have printed thereon the names of all candidates who originally qualify as candidates. However, such ballots shall be printed on paper of different tints or colors and shall be styled so as to show which ballot is to be used for the first election and which ballot is to be used for the second election. When the proper application is made as is otherwise provided herein, the registrar shall send to the absent voter the proper absent voter ballots for the elections as is otherwise provided herein, and with such ballots there shall be sent also separate official envelopes for the return thereof. No additional ballot shall be thereafter sent to the absent voter for the second election but the absent voter shall ascertain which of the candidates who originally qualified are candidates in the second election and he or she may vote for his choice between them on the second election ballot previously sent him. If an absentee voter shall vote for any candidate on the second election ballot who is not a candidate in the second election, his vote for that office shall be disregarded.
SECTION 8. Section 23-15-685, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-685. Within forty-five (45) days next prior to any election upon application first made to the registrar of the county by any absent voter as defined in this subarticle, such person shall be sent an absentee voter ballot of the county of which he is a citizen and resident. The registrar shall send to such absent voter a proper absentee voter ballot containing the names of all candidates who qualify or the proposition to be voted upon in such elections, and with such ballot there shall be sent an official envelope containing upon it in printed form the recitals and data hereinafter required.
SECTION 9. Section 23-15-687, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-687. (1) The registrar shall keep all applications for absentee ballots and shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, if possible, send to the absent voter on whose behalf the application is made, the proper affidavit and the proper ballot or ballots applicable to the elections. Such information shall be processed through the Statewide Election Management System.
(2) One (1) application for an absentee ballot shall serve as a request by the applicant for an absentee ballot for:
(a) The next federal general election, including all primary elections associated with the election;
(b) All state and county primary and general elections that occur after the receipt of the application by the registrar through the date of the next federal general election that occurs after the receipt of the application by the registrar.
(3) The registrar shall preserve all applications for absentee ballots for one (1) year as a record to be furnished to any court or other duly constituted authority for inspection or evidence if properly requested.
(4) If the registrar rejects an application for an absentee ballot or denies a request to register to vote from a uniformed services applicant or an overseas voter, the registrar shall provide the person with the reasons for the rejection.
(5) Any runoff election for a federal election shall be considered a continuation of such federal election.
(6) An absent voter as defined in Section 23-15-673(1) may sign an absentee ballot application by electronic signature. The Secretary of State shall adopt rules necessary to implement this subsection.
SECTION 10. Section 23-15-691, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-691. As soon as possible after the printing of the official absentee ballot for any election, the registrar of the county shall send to any absent voter as defined in this subarticle, who shall, upon proper application, have requested same, the official absentee voter ballot or ballots provided for in this subarticle and the instructions for voting and returning the ballot. If the ballot is sent by mail the registrar shall send a self-addressed envelope or envelopes with the ballot and the instructions.
If the ballot is sent by mail, the gummed flap of the envelope provided for the return of the ballot must be separated by wax paper or other appropriate protective insert from the remaining balloting material. The voting instructions shall require a notation of the facts on the back of the envelope duly signed by the voter.
If applicable, the instructions shall indicate that the ballot shall be marked in ink or indelible pencil.
SECTION 11. Section 23-15-692, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-692. (1) An absent voter who resides outside the United States, who is a member of the United States Armed Forces or who is a family member of a member of the Armed Forces, and who is a registered voter of the State of Mississippi, may use the Federal Write-In-Absentee Ballot as provided for by 42 USCS 1973ff-2 in general, special, primary and runoff elections for local, state and federal offices.
(2) Upon receipt of a Federal Write-In-Absentee Ballot executed by a person who is a registered voter or whose information on the form is sufficient to register or update the registration of that person, the Federal Write-In-Absentee Ballot shall be considered as an absentee ballot request. Nothing in this subsection shall suspend the voter registration deadlines otherwise provided by law.
SECTION 12. Section 23-15-693, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-693. The absent voter, upon receipt of the absentee ballot, shall complete the declaration specified in the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, 42 USC Section 1973ff et seq.
SECTION 13. Section 23-15-697, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-697. When the absentee ballot has been voted and the envelope sealed, signed and certified to as provided above, the absentee voter shall mail the envelope containing the ballot to the registrar.
Hand-delivery of ballots to a voter or from a voter shall be prohibited, and the use of drop boxes or other mechanisms to submit a completed absentee ballot other than by mail or common carrier, shall be prohibited.
SECTION 14. Section 23-15-699, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-699. (1) Absent voters who have requested to receive absentee ballots and balloting materials may choose to receive such ballots and balloting materials by mail, facsimile device (FAX) or electronic mail delivery (e-mail). The Secretary of State shall establish procedures that allow an absent voter to make the choice authorized by this subsection.
(2) Consistent with the choice that the absent voter exercises pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the registrar shall, in addition to mail, be authorized to use electronic facsimile (FAX) devices and electronic mail delivery (e-mail) to transmit balloting materials and absentee ballots. If the absent voter does not indicate a preference, delivery of such information shall be by mail.
(3) The registrar is authorized to receive by electronic facsimile (FAX) devices and electronic mail delivery (e-mail):
(a) Voted absentee ballots;
(b) Completed federal postcard applications as described in Section 23-15-677, which shall serve to request absentee ballots or to register to vote or to do both simultaneously; and
(c) Completed Federal Write-In-Absentee Ballots as described in Section 23-15-692.
(4) Once the registrar has received a voted absentee ballot pursuant to this section, he shall place the ballot in an absentee ballot envelope designated for absentee ballots under this subarticle and fill out the required information on the envelope. The registrar shall then notate on the envelope that the ballot was received under this section and a signature across the flap of the envelope shall not be required. Except as provided in this section, absentee ballots received under this subsection shall be treated in the same manner as other absentee ballots received under this subarticle.
(5) Access to voted absentee ballots before they are placed in an absentee ballot envelope shall be strictly limited to election officials who must process the ballot and any election official who views the ballots before they are placed in the envelope shall have the duty to protect the secrecy of the ballot choices; however, the failure of an election official to comply with this subsection shall not invalidate the ballot.
(6) Each circuit clerk shall furnish a suitable electronic mail delivery (e-mail) address that can be used to allow absent voters to comply with the provisions of this subarticle. Absentee ballots returned by mail by any absent voter as defined in Section 23-15-673 must be received by the registrar by the deadline for receipt of mail absentee ballots provided for in Section 23-15-637.
SECTION 15. Section 23-15-701, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
23-15-701. (1) The Secretary of State shall adopt such rules which are necessary and essential to implement this subarticle and to bring the state into compliance with the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, 42 USCS Section 1973ff et seq. The Secretary of State shall furnish the Legislature with a copy of such rules sixty (60) days after adoption by the Secretary of State.
(2) The Secretary of State may exercise emergency powers concerning absentee voting and registration of military personnel over any election during an armed conflict or other military contingencies involving United States Armed Forces or mobilization of those forces, including state national guard or reserve components. The Secretary of State shall adopt rules describing the emergency powers and the situations in which the powers will be exercised.
SECTION 16. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2025.