Bill Text: MI SB0897 | 2013-2014 | 97th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: Traffic control; violations; assessment of points for certain speeding violations; modify, and make other revisions. Amends secs. 320a, 606, 608, 609 & 610 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.320a et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0894'14, SB 0895'14, SB 0896'14, SB 0898'14

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 3-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-03-27 - Referred To Committee On Transportation [SB0897 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2013-SB0897-Introduced.html




















March 27, 2014, Introduced by Senators JONES, CASPERSON and PAPPAGEORGE and referred to the Committee on Transportation.




      A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled


"Michigan vehicle code,"


by amending sections 320a, 606, 608, 609, and 610 (MCL 257.320a,


257.606, 257.608, 257.609, and 257.610), section 320a as amended


by 2012 PA 592 and section 606 as amended by 1980 PA 518.




 1        Sec. 320a. (1) Within 5 days after receipt of a properly


 2  prepared abstract from a court of this state or another state,


 3  the secretary of state shall record the date of conviction, civil


 4  infraction determination, or probate court disposition, and the


 5  number of points for each, based on the following formula: ,


 6  except as otherwise provided in this section and section 629c:




     (a) Manslaughter, negligent homicide, or a


felony resulting from the operation of a motor


vehicle, ORV, or snowmobile............................6 points


     (b) A violation of section 601b(2) or (3),


601c(1) or (2), or 653a(3) or (4) or, beginning


October 31, 2010, a violation of section 601d..........6 points


     (c) A violation of section 625(1), (4), (5),


(7), or (8), section 81134 or 82127(1) of the


natural resources and environmental protection act,


1994 PA 451, MCL 324.81134 and 324.82127, or a law or


ordinance substantially corresponding to section


625(1), (4), (5), (7), or (8), or section 81134


or 82127(1) of the natural resources and


environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,


MCL 324.81134 and 324.82127............................6 points


     (d) Failing to stop and disclose identity


at the scene of an accident when required by law.......6 points


     (e) Operating a motor vehicle in violation


of section 626.........................................6 points


     (f) Fleeing or eluding an officer.................6 points


     (g) A violation of section 627(9) pertaining


to speed in a work zone described in that section


by exceeding the lawful maximum by more than


15 miles per hour......................................5 points


     (g) (h) A violation of any law other than the


law described in subdivision (g) or ordinance


pertaining to speed by exceeding the lawful


maximum by more than 15 miles per hour.................4 points


     (h) (i) A violation of section 625(3) or (6),


section 81135 or 82127(3) of the natural


resources and environmental protection act,


1994 PA 451, MCL 324.81135 and 324.82127,


or a law or ordinance substantially corresponding


to section 625(3) or (6) or section 81135


or 82127(3) of the natural resources and


environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,


MCL 324.81135 and 324.82127............................4 points


     (i) (j) A violation of section 626a or a law


or ordinance substantially corresponding to


section 626a...........................................4 points


     (j) (k) A violation of section 653a(2)............4 points


     (l) A violation of section 627(9) pertaining


to speed in a work zone described in that section


by exceeding the lawful maximum by more than 10


but not more than 15 miles per hour....................4 points


     (k) (m) Beginning October 31, 2010, a


moving violation resulting in an at-fault


collision with another vehicle, a person,


or any other object....................................4 points


     (l) (n) A violation of any law other than the


law described in subdivision (l) or ordinance


pertaining to speed by exceeding the lawful


maximum by more than 10 but not more than 15


miles per hour or careless Careless driving in violation


of section 626b or a law or ordinance substantially


corresponding to section 626b..........................3 points


     (m) (o) A violation of section 627(9) any law


or ordinance pertaining to speed in a work zone


described in that section by exceeding the lawful


maximum by more than 10 miles per hour or lessbut not


more than 15 miles per hour............................3 points


     (n) (p) A violation of any law other than the law


described in subdivision (o) or ordinance


pertaining to speed by exceeding the lawful maximum


by more than 5 miles per hour but not more than


10 miles per hour or less..............................2 points


     (o) (q) Disobeying a traffic signal or stop sign,


or improper passing....................................3 points


     (p) (r) A violation of section 624a, 624b, or


a law or ordinance substantially corresponding to


section 624a or 624b...................................2 points


     (q) (s) A violation of section 310e(4) or (6) or


a law or ordinance substantially corresponding to


section 310e(4) or (6).................................2 points


     (r) (t) All other moving violations pertaining to


the operation of motor vehicles reported under


this section...........................................2 points


     (s) (u) A refusal by a person less than 21 years of


age to submit to a preliminary breath test required


by a peace officer under section 625a..................2 points



23        (2) Points shall not be entered for a violation of section


24  310e(14), 311, 602b(1), 602c, 625m, 658, 710d, 717, 719, 719a, or


25  723.


26        (3) Points shall not be entered for bond forfeitures.


27        (4) Points shall not be entered for overweight loads or for


28  defective equipment.


 1        (5) If more than 1 conviction, civil infraction


 2  determination, or probate court disposition results from the same


 3  incident, points shall be entered only for the violation that


 4  receives the highest number of points under this section.


 5        (6) If a person has accumulated 9 points as provided in this


 6  section, the secretary of state may call the person in for an


 7  interview as to the person's driving ability and record after due


 8  notice as to time and place of the interview. If the person fails


 9  to appear as provided in this subsection, the secretary of state


10  shall add 3 points to the person's record.


11        (7) If a person violates a speed restriction established by


12  an executive order issued during a state of energy emergency as


13  provided by 1982 PA 191, MCL 10.81 to 10.89, the secretary of


14  state shall enter points for the violation pursuant to under


15  subsection (1).


16        (8) The secretary of state shall enter 6 points upon the


17  record of a person whose license is suspended or denied pursuant


18  to under section 625f. However, if a conviction, civil infraction


19  determination, or probate court disposition results from the same


20  incident, additional points for that offense shall not be


21  entered.


22        (9) If a Michigan driver commits a violation in another


23  state that would be a civil infraction if committed in Michigan,


24  and a conviction results solely because of the failure of the


25  Michigan driver to appear in that state to contest the violation,


26  upon receipt of the abstract of conviction by the secretary of


27  state, the violation shall be noted on the driver's record, but


 1  no points shall be assessed against his or her driver's license.


 2        Sec. 606. (1) The provisions of this This chapter shall not


 3  be considered to does not prevent a local authorities authority


 4  with respect to streets or highways under the jurisdiction of the


 5  local authority and within the reasonable exercise of the police


 6  power from doing any of the following:


 7        (a) Regulating the standing or parking of vehicles.


 8        (b) Regulating the impoundment or immobilization of vehicles


 9  whose owner has failed to answer 6 or more parking violation


10  notices or citations regarding illegal parking.


11        (c) Regulating traffic by means of police officers or


12  traffic control signals.


13        (d) Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on


14  the highways or streets.


15        (e) Designating particular highways as 1-way highways and


16  requiring that all vehicles on those highways be moved in 1


17  specific direction.


18        (f) Regulating the speed of vehicles in public parks.


19        (f) (g) Designating any highway as a through highway and


20  requiring that all vehicles stop before entering or crossing the


21  through highway; designating any intersection as a stop


22  intersection and requiring all vehicles to stop at 1 or more


23  entrances to these intersections; the intersection; or


24  designating intersections at which vehicular traffic shall be


25  required any intersection as a yield intersection and requiring


26  all vehicles to yield the right of way at 1 or more entrances to


27  these intersections.the intersection.


 1        (g) (h) Restricting the use of highways as authorized in


 2  section 726.


 3        (h) (i) Regulating the operation of bicycles and requiring


 4  the registration and licensing of bicycles, including the


 5  requirement of a registration fee.


 6        (i) (j) Regulating or prohibiting the turning of vehicles at


 7  intersections.


 8        (k) Increasing the prima facie speed limits as authorized in


 9  this act.


10        (j) (l) Adopting other traffic regulations as are


11  specifically authorized by this chapter.


12        (2) All traffic regulations described in subsection (1)


13  shall be based on standard and accepted engineering practices as


14  specified in the Michigan manual on uniform traffic control


15  devices.


16        (3) (2) A local authority shall not erect or maintain a stop


17  sign or traffic control device at a location so as to require


18  that requires the traffic on any state trunk line highway to stop


19  before entering or crossing any intersecting highway unless


20  approval in writing has been first obtained from the director of


21  the state transportation department.


22        (4) (3) An ordinance or regulation enacted under subsection


23  (1)(a), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), or (i) , or (j) shall not be


24  enforceable until signs giving notice of the local traffic


25  regulations are posted upon or at the entrance to the highway or


26  street or part of the highway or street affected, as may be most


27  appropriate, and are sufficiently legible as to be seen by an


 1  ordinarily observant person. The posting of signs giving the


 2  notice shall not be required for a local ordinance which that


 3  does not differ from the provisions of this act regulating the


 4  parking or standing of vehicles; nor to ordinances of general


 5  application throughout the jurisdiction of the municipalities


 6  enacting the ordinances which that prohibit, limit, or restrict


 7  all night parking or parking during the early morning hours, if


 8  signs, approximately 3 feet by 4 feet, and sufficiently legible


 9  as to be seen by an ordinarily observant person, giving notice of


10  these ordinances relating to all night parking or parking during


11  the early morning hours, are posted on highways at the corporate


12  limits of the municipality.


13        (5) (4) A local authority, in providing by ordinance for the


14  impounding of any motor vehicle parked contrary to a local


15  ordinance, shall not require a bond or cash deposit by the owner


16  of the motor vehicle in excess of $500.00 in order to recover the


17  possession of the motor vehicle pending final adjudication of the


18  case.


19        Sec. 608. The state highway commissioner transportation


20  department and commissioner department of state police shall


21  adopt a manual and specifications for a uniform system of


22  traffic-control traffic control devices consistent with the


23  provisions of this chapter for use upon highways within this


24  state. Such uniform system The manual shall correlate with and so


25  far as possible conform to the system federal manual then current


26  as approved by the American Association of State Highway


27  Officials and such manual United States department of


 1  transportation, federal highway administration, and may be


 2  revised whenever necessary to carry out the provisions of this


 3  act. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the this state of


 4  Michigan to achieve, insofar as is practicable, uniformity in the


 5  design, and shape, and color scheme of traffic signs, signals,


 6  and guide posts erected and maintained upon the streets and


 7  highways within the this state with other states. Definitions and


 8  meanings found in the manual adopted under this section are


 9  supplemental to the definitions in chapter I. However, if a


10  definition or meaning found in the manual adopted under this


11  section conflicts with a definition in chapter I, the definition


12  in chapter I prevails.


13        Sec. 609. (1) (a) The state highway commission


14  transportation department shall place or require to be placed,


15  and maintain or require to be maintained, such traffic-control


16  devices, conforming to said manual and specifications, upon all


17  state highways traffic control devices as it shall deem considers


18  necessary to indicate and to carry out the provisions of this


19  chapter or to regulate, warn, or guide traffic. A traffic control


20  device placed and maintained under this subsection shall conform


21  to the most current Michigan manual on uniform traffic control


22  devices.


23        (2) (b) No A local authority shall not place or maintain any


24  traffic-control a traffic control device upon any a trunk line


25  highway under the jurisdiction of the state highway commissioner


26  transportation department, except by the latter's permission, or


27  upon any a county road without the permission of the county road


 1  commission having jurisdiction thereof. over that road. With the


 2  approval of the department of state highways, state


 3  transportation department, the board of county road commissioners


 4  of any a county, at its option, may install and maintain uniform


 5  traffic-control traffic control devices according to the


 6  standards promulgated by the department of state highways and as


 7  required by the commission on trunk line highways, conforming to


 8  the Michigan manual on uniform traffic control devices if the


 9  cost would be less than that estimated by the state highway


10  commission, billing transportation department and bill the state


11  highway commission transportation department for its share of the


12  cost of installation.


13        Sec. 610. (1) (a) Local authorities and county road


14  commissions in their respective jurisdictions shall place and


15  maintain such the traffic control devices upon highways under


16  their jurisdiction as they may deem that they consider necessary


17  to indicate and to carry out the provisions of this chapter or


18  local traffic ordinances or to regulate, warn, or guide traffic.


19  All such traffic control devices hereafter erected shall conform


20  to the state manual and specifications.Michigan manual on uniform


21  traffic control devices.


22        (2) (b) The state highway commissioner transportation


23  department shall withhold from any township, incorporated


24  village, city, or county , failing that fails to comply with the


25  provisions of sections 606, 608, 609, 612, and 613, the share of


26  weight fuel and gasoline vehicle tax refunds revenue that would


27  otherwise be due the township, incorporated village, city, or


 1  county under section 10 of 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.660. Notice of


 2  such failure to comply, and a reasonable 1 year's time to comply


 3  therewith, after notice, shall first be given.


 4        (3) (c) A person, firm, or corporation shall not sell or


 5  offer for sale to local authorities and local authorities shall


 6  not purchase or manufacture any traffic control device which that


 7  does not conform to the Michigan manual of on uniform traffic


 8  control devices, except by with the permission of the director of


 9  the state transportation department. of state highways.


10        Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


11  unless all of the following bills of the 97th Legislature are


12  enacted into law:


13        (a) Senate Bill No. 894.                                   




15        (b) Senate Bill No. 896.                                   




17        (c) Senate Bill No. 898.                                   




19        (d) Senate Bill No. 895.                                   


