Legislative Research: MI SJRG | 2019-2020 | 100th Legislature

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
102nd Legislature

(Introduced - Dead)
Crimes: other; exception to prohibition on slavery; eliminate. Amends sec. 9, art. I of the state constitution.
[SJRG 2023 Detail][SJRG 2023 Text][SJRG 2023 Comments]
Referred To Committee On Civil Rights, Judiciary, And Public Safety
101st Legislature

Public employees and officers: other; certain state employee communications with members of the legislature; protect under certain circumstances. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 9 to art. XI.
[SJRG 2021 Detail][SJRG 2021 Text][SJRG 2021 Comments]
Postponed For The Day
100th Legislature

Criminal procedure: warrants; search and seizure protections; expand to include search and seizure of electronic communications and data. Amends sec. 11, art. I to the state constitution.
[SJRG 2019 Detail][SJRG 2019 Text][SJRG 2019 Comments]
Filed With Secretary Of State 06/30/2020 11:00 Am
99th Legislature

(Introduced - Dead)
Natural resources; hunting; right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife; recognize in constitution. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I.
[SJRG 2017 Detail][SJRG 2017 Text][SJRG 2017 Comments]
Referred To Committee On Outdoor Recreation And Tourism
98th Legislature

(Introduced - Dead)
Crimes; homicide; death penalty for first degree murder of a peace officer or corrections officer while in the line of duty; permit. Amends sec. 46, art. IV of the state constitution.
[SJRG 2015 Detail][SJRG 2015 Text][SJRG 2015 Comments]
Referred To Committee On Judiciary
97th Legislature

(Introduced - Dead)
Public employees and officers; other; constitutional amendment creating the independent redistricting commission; provide for. Amends secs. 2, 3 & 6, art. IV of the state constitution.
[SJRG 2013 Detail][SJRG 2013 Text][SJRG 2013 Comments]
Referred To Committee On Government Operations
96th Legislature

(Introduced - Dead)
Legislature; legislative agencies; fiscal impact statement; prohibit bill from being considered until house and senate fiscal agencies have prepared. Amends sec. 26, art. IV of the state constitution.
[SJRG 2011 Detail][SJRG 2011 Text][SJRG 2011 Comments]
Referred To Committee On Government Operations
95th Legislature

(Introduced - Dead)
Legislature; legislators; term limits and rules regarding chairing legislative committees; modify. Amends secs. 16 & 54, art. IV of the state constitution.
[SJRG 2009 Detail][SJRG 2009 Text][SJRG 2009 Comments]
Referred To Committee On Government Operations And Reform

References Online

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[Senator James Runestad MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Peter Lucido MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Tom Barrett MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Jon Bumstead MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Ruth Johnson MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Roger Victory MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Dale Zorn MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Michael MacDonald MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Ed McBroom MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Jeff Irwin MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Marshall Bullock MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Curtis Hertel MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Mallory McMorrow MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Dan Lauwers MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Kenneth Horn MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Ricky Outman MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Paul Wojno MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Kimberly LaSata MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Betty Jean Alexander MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Jeremy Moss MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Sylvia Santana MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Rosemary Bayer MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Dayna Polehanki MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Winnie Brinks MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator James Ananich MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Adam Hollier MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Aric Nesbitt MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Peter MacGregor MI]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart

Legislative Citation

MI SJRG | 2019-2020 | 100th Legislature. (2020, June 30). LegiScan. Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/MI/bill/SJRG/2019
"MI SJRG | 2019-2020 | 100th Legislature." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 30 Jun. 2020. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/MI/bill/SJRG/2019>.
"MI SJRG | 2019-2020 | 100th Legislature." June 30, 2020 LegiScan. Accessed February 23, 2025. https://legiscan.com/MI/bill/SJRG/2019.
LegiScan. MI SJRG | 2019-2020 | 100th Legislature. 30 June 2020. https://legiscan.com/MI/bill/SJRG/2019 (accessed February 23, 2025).


Michigan State Sources
