Indiana Representative Chris May [R]

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
INHB1002VetoEnforcement of equal educational opportunity. Defines "antisemitism", specifies that the public policy of the state is to provide educational opportunities free of religious discrimination, and provides that antisemitism is discrimination on the basi...
Vetoed by the Governor
INHB1158PassCounty contracts. Provides that for counties other than Marion County, contracts entered into by the county (including contracts executed by county elected officers) must meet certain requirements. Allows the county executive to adopt an ordinance th...
Public Law 139
INHB1004PassPension matters. Provides that a state employee may affirmatively elect to enroll in the deferred compensation plan prior to the auto enroll date on day 31 of the state employee's employment. Removes a provision that sets a maximum employer surcharge...
Public Law 129
INHB1001PassEducation and higher education matters. Amends the definition of "eligible student" to include a sibling of a student with a disability with regards to the education scholarship account program (ESA). Provides that the sibling may not use the ESA acc...
Public Law 127
INHB1108PassDevelopment restrictions on slopes. Prohibits a unit from preventing development exclusively on the basis of slope, if the predevelopment slope of the site is less than 25%, unless the site is within a watershed area of a reservoir that is a source o...
Public Law 52
INHB1027PassFire department work schedule. Provides that a fire department may deviate from the required maximum work hours for members of the fire department only if authorized by a collective bargaining agreement, memorandum of understanding, or other similar ...
Public Law 43

Sine Die
Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Ireland. Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and I...
Representatives Payne, Genda, Fleming, Smith V added as coauthors

Sine Die
Supporting Israel. Supporting Israel.
To House Public Policy Committee

Sine Die
Landlocked property. Defines "landlocked property" as real property that has been shut off from all public highways as a result of the vacation of one or more public highways. Provides that if an action of the state, or an agency or political subdivi...
To House Local Government Committee

Sine Die
Annexation. With certain exceptions, requires a municipality that initiates an annexation to file with the court an annexation petition approved by the signatures of: (1) at least 51% of the owners of non-tax exempt land in the annexation territory; ...
To House Local Government Committee

Sine Die
Dissolution or name change of town. Establishes the following procedure for dissolving a town or changing the name of a town: (1) Requires at least 5% of the registered voters of the town to file a petition for town dissolution or name change with th...
To House Local Government Committee
INSCR0013PassHonoring the Purple Heart recipients of Paoli. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring the Purple Heart recipients of the Town of Paoli.
Returned to the Senate
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