Bill Text: IA SF2409 | 2023-2024 | 90th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to the powers, duties, and responsibilities of state government entities associated with the budget, financial control, and information technology, making penalties applicable, and making appropriations.(Formerly SF 2375, SSB 3173.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2024-04-19 - Withdrawn. S.J. 948. [SF2409 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2023-SF2409-Introduced.html
Senate File 2409 - Introduced SENATE FILE 2409 BY COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS (SUCCESSOR TO SF 2375) (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 3173) A BILL FOR An Act relating to the powers, duties, and responsibilities 1 of state government entities associated with the budget, 2 financial control, and information technology, making 3 penalties applicable, and making appropriations. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 5 TLSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh
S.F. 2409 DIVISION I 1 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL CONTROL —— INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2 Section 1. Section 8.2, Code 2024, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 8.2 Definitions. 5 When used in this chapter : 6 1. “Appropriated receipts” means receipts that have been 7 appropriated by the general assembly. 8 1. 2. “Block grant” means funds from the federal government 9 awarded in broad program areas within which the state is given 10 considerable latitude in determining how funds are used and for 11 which the state develops its own plan for spending according 12 to general federal guidelines. “Block grant” does not include 13 education research grants. 14 2. 3. “Budget” means the budget document required by this 15 chapter to be transmitted to the legislature general assembly . 16 3. 4. “Categorical grant” means federal funds applied 17 for and received by the state which are in the form of 18 entitlements, formula grants, discretionary grants, open-ended 19 entitlements , or another form that may be used only for 20 specific , narrowly defined activities , except funds for 21 student aid and assistance; grants, contracts , and cooperative 22 agreements for research and training for which no appropriated 23 matching funds are required; and reimbursements for services 24 rendered. 25 4. “Code” or “the Code” means the Code of Iowa. 26 5. “Custodial funds” means those funds from various 27 deposits, taxes, or other means that are properly collected 28 from, held for, and distributed to individuals, private 29 organizations, and other governments as provided by law. 30 5. 6. The terms “department and establishment” and 31 “department” or “establishment” , “department or establishment” 32 mean any executive department, commission, board, institution, 33 bureau, office, or other agency of the state government, by 34 whatever name called, that uses, expends, or receives any 35 -1- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 1/ 100
S.F. 2409 state government funds, including the state department of 1 transportation, except for funds which that are required 2 to match federal aid allotted to the state by the federal 3 government for highway special purposes, but excluding the 4 courts and the legislature general assembly . 5 7. “General fund” means the general fund of the state 6 established pursuant to section 444.21. 7 6. 8. “Government” means the government of the state of 8 Iowa. 9 7. “Private trust funds” means any and all endowment 10 funds and any and all moneys received by a department or 11 establishment from private persons to be held in trust and 12 expended as directed by the donor. 13 8. “Repayment receipts” means those moneys collected by a 14 department or establishment that supplement an appropriation 15 made by the legislature. 16 9. “Government funds” means all moneys appropriated by the 17 general assembly, or moneys collected by or for the state, or a 18 department or establishment of the state, pursuant to authority 19 granted by law. 20 10. “Private purpose trust funds” means trust arrangements 21 under which the principal and income benefit individuals, 22 private organizations, or other governments. “Private purpose 23 trust funds” does not include pension or other employee benefit 24 trust funds or investment trust funds. 25 9. 11. “Special fund” “Special revenue fund” means any 26 and all government fees and other revenue receipts earmarked 27 to finance a governmental agency to which no a general fund 28 appropriation is not made by the state. 29 10. “State funds” means any and all moneys appropriated by 30 the legislature, or money collected by or for the state, or an 31 agency thereof, pursuant to authority granted by any of its 32 laws. 33 11. 12. “Unencumbered balance” means the unobligated 34 balance of an appropriation after charging thereto to the 35 -2- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 2/ 100
S.F. 2409 appropriation all unpaid liabilities for goods and services and 1 all contracts or agreements payable from an the appropriation 2 or a special fund . 3 Sec. 2. Section 8.3A, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 2024, 4 is amended to read as follows: 5 a. “Capital project” means a project that consists 6 of nonroutine repairs and replacements unrelated to new 7 construction for which the cost is two hundred fifty thousand 8 dollars or more, new construction, infrastructure or site 9 development, equipment, or information technology, as defined 10 in section 8B.1. “Capital project” includes land acquisition 11 and projects that extend the useful life of or change the 12 functional use of a facility. “Capital project” does not 13 include highway and right-of-way projects or airport capital 14 projects undertaken by the state department of transportation 15 and financed from dedicated funds or capital projects funded 16 by nonstate grants, gifts, or contracts obtained at or through 17 state universities, if the projects do not require a commitment 18 of additional state resources for maintenance, operations, or 19 staffing. 20 Sec. 3. Section 8.4, Code 2024, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 8.4 Department of management. 23 The department of management is created, which is directly 24 attached to the office of the governor and under the general 25 direction, supervision, and control of the governor. The 26 office is in immediate charge of an officer to be known 27 as “the director”, who shall be appointed by the governor, 28 subject to confirmation by the senate, and shall hold office 29 at the governor’s pleasure and shall receive a salary as set 30 by the governor. The director may establish, abolish, and 31 consolidate divisions within the department of management 32 when necessary for the efficient performance of the various 33 functions and duties of the department of management. Before 34 entering upon the discharge of duties, the director shall 35 -3- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 3/ 100
S.F. 2409 take the constitutional oath of office and give a surety bond 1 in the penalty fixed by the governor, payable to the state, 2 which shall not be less than twenty-five thousand dollars, 3 conditioned upon the faithful discharge of the director’s 4 duties . The premium on the bond shall be paid out of the state 5 treasury. 6 Sec. 4. Section 8.5, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 7 by striking the subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the 8 following: 9 1. Personnel. Employ personnel as necessary for the 10 performance of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the 11 department of management. 12 Sec. 5. Section 8.5, Code 2024, is amended by adding the 13 following new subsections: 14 NEW SUBSECTION . 5. Investigations. Make such 15 investigations of the organization, activities, and methods of 16 procedure of the several departments and establishments as the 17 director of the department of management may be called upon to 18 make by the governor or general assembly. 19 NEW SUBSECTION . 6. Legislative assistance. 20 a. Furnish to any committee of either house of the general 21 assembly having jurisdiction over revenues or appropriations 22 such assistance and information regarding the financial affairs 23 of the government as the committee may request. 24 b. Develop and recommend legislative proposals deemed 25 necessary for the continued efficiency of the department of 26 management in performing information technology functions under 27 subchapter XI, and review legislative proposals generated 28 outside of the department which are related to matters within 29 the department’s purview. 30 NEW SUBSECTION . 7. Rules. Make such rules, subject to the 31 approval of the governor, as may be necessary for effectively 32 carrying on the work of the department of management. The 33 director may, with the approval of the executive council, 34 require any state official, agency, department, or commission, 35 -4- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 4/ 100
S.F. 2409 to require any applicant, registrant, filer, permit holder, 1 or license holder, whether individual, partnership, trust, or 2 corporation, to submit to said official, agency, department, 3 or commission, the social security number or the tax number or 4 both so assigned to said individual, partnership, trust, or 5 corporation. 6 NEW SUBSECTION . 8. Allotments. Perform the necessary work 7 involved in reviewing requests for allotments as are submitted 8 to the governor for approval. 9 NEW SUBSECTION . 9. Budget document. Prepare the budget 10 document and draft the legislation to make it effective. 11 NEW SUBSECTION . 10. Taxation transparency and 12 disclosure. Exercise the powers and perform the duties 13 and responsibilities of the director and the department as 14 authorized or required under chapter 8G. 15 NEW SUBSECTION . 11. General control. Perform such other 16 duties as may be required to effectively control the financial 17 operations of the government as limited by this chapter. 18 NEW SUBSECTION . 12. Capital project budgeting 19 requests. Compile annually all capital project budgeting 20 requests of all state agencies, as those terms are defined in 21 section 8.3A, and to consolidate the requests, with individual 22 state agency priorities noted, into a report for submission 23 with the budget documents by the governor pursuant to section 24 8.22. Any additional information regarding the capital 25 project budgeting requests or priorities shall be compiled and 26 submitted in the same report. 27 NEW SUBSECTION . 13. Capital project planning and budgeting 28 authority. Call upon any state agency, as defined in section 29 8.3A, for assistance the director may require in performing the 30 director’s duties under subsection 12. All state agencies, 31 upon the request of the director, shall assist the director and 32 are authorized to make available to the director any existing 33 studies, surveys, plans, data, and other materials in the 34 possession of the state agencies which are relevant to the 35 -5- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 5/ 100
S.F. 2409 director’s duties. 1 NEW SUBSECTION . 14. State tort claims —— risk management 2 coordinator. Designate a position within the department of 3 management to serve as the executive branch’s risk management 4 coordinator. 5 a. The risk management coordinator shall have all of the 6 following responsibilities: 7 (1) Coordinating and monitoring risk control policies and 8 programs in the executive branch, including but not limited 9 to coordination with the employees of departments who are 10 responsible for the workers’ compensation for state employees 11 and management of state property. 12 (2) Consulting with the attorney general with respect to 13 the risk control policies and programs and trends in claims and 14 liability of the state under chapter 669. 15 (3) Coordinating the state’s central data repository for 16 claims and risk information. 17 b. The costs of salary, benefits, and support for the risk 18 management coordinator shall be authorized by the state appeal 19 board established in chapter 73A and shall be paid as claims 20 for services furnished to the state under section 25.2. 21 NEW SUBSECTION . 15. Salary model administrator. Designate 22 a position within the department of management to serve as the 23 salary model administrator. 24 a. The salary model administrator shall work in conjunction 25 with the legislative services agency to maintain the state’s 26 salary model used for analyzing, comparing, and projecting 27 state employee salary and benefit information, including 28 information relating to employees of the state board of 29 regents. 30 b. The department of revenue, the department of 31 administrative services, the institutions governed by the state 32 board of regents pursuant to section 262.7, each judicial 33 district’s department of correctional services, and the state 34 department of transportation shall provide salary data to the 35 -6- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 6/ 100
S.F. 2409 department of management and the legislative services agency 1 to operate the state’s salary model. The format and frequency 2 of provision of the salary data shall be determined by the 3 department of management and the legislative services agency. 4 c. The information shall be used in collective bargaining 5 processes under chapter 20 and in calculating the funding needs 6 contained within any annual salary adjustment legislation. 7 A state employee organization as defined in section 20.3, 8 subsection 4, may request information produced by the model, 9 but the information provided shall not contain information 10 attributable to individual employees. 11 NEW SUBSECTION . 16. Chief information officer. Designate a 12 position within the department of management to serve as the 13 chief information officer for the department and supported 14 entities, as defined in section 8B.1, who shall be the sole 15 chief information officer for the department and supported 16 entities. 17 NEW SUBSECTION . 17. Gubernatorial advice. Provide advice 18 to the governor, including advice related to information 19 technology, as defined in section 8B.1. 20 NEW SUBSECTION . 18. Information technology 21 consultation. Consult with departments and establishments on 22 issues related to information technology, as defined in section 23 8B.1. 24 NEW SUBSECTION . 19. Cybersecurity. Exercise the sole 25 authority in the executive branch of state government for 26 convening cross-jurisdictional, multi-entity collaborations to 27 address cybersecurity issues for supported entities, as defined 28 in section 8B.1. 29 NEW SUBSECTION . 20. Designation of services —— funding —— 30 customer council. 31 a. Establish a process by which the department of 32 management, in consultation with the department of 33 administrative services, determines which services provided 34 by the department of administrative services shall be funded 35 -7- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 7/ 100
S.F. 2409 by an appropriation and which services shall be funded by the 1 governmental entity receiving the service. 2 b. Establish a process for determining whether the 3 department of administrative services shall be the sole 4 provider of a service for purposes of those services which the 5 department of management determines under paragraph “a” are to 6 be funded by the governmental entities receiving the service. 7 c. (1) Establish, by rule, a customer council responsible 8 for overseeing the services provided solely by the department 9 of administrative services. The rules adopted shall provide 10 for all of the following: 11 (a) The method of appointment of members to the council by 12 the governmental entities required to receive the services. 13 (b) The duties of the customer council which shall be as 14 follows: 15 (i) Annual review and approval of the department of 16 administrative services’ business plan regarding services 17 provided solely by the department of administrative services. 18 (ii) Annual review and approval of the procedure for 19 resolving complaints concerning services provided by the 20 department of administrative services. 21 (iii) Annual review and approval of the procedure 22 for setting rates for the services provided solely by the 23 department of administrative services. 24 (c) A process for receiving input from affected 25 governmental entities as well as for a biennial review by the 26 customer council of the determinations made by the department 27 of management of which services are funded by an appropriation 28 to the department of administrative services and which services 29 are funded by the governmental entities receiving the service, 30 including any recommendations as to whether the department of 31 administrative services shall be the sole provider of a service 32 funded by the governmental entities receiving the service. The 33 department of management, in consultation with the department 34 of administrative services, may change the determination of 35 -8- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 8/ 100
S.F. 2409 a service if the change is in the best interests of those 1 governmental entities receiving the service. 2 (2) If a service to be provided may also be provided to the 3 judicial branch or legislative branch, then the rules shall 4 provide that the chief justice of the supreme court may appoint 5 a member to the customer council, and the legislative council 6 may appoint a member from the senate and a member from the 7 house of representatives to the customer council, respectively, 8 at their discretion. 9 NEW SUBSECTION . 21. Annual report. On an annual basis, 10 the department of management shall prepare a report to the 11 governor and the general assembly regarding the total spending 12 on technology for the previous fiscal year, the total amount 13 appropriated for the current fiscal year, and an estimate of 14 the amount to be requested for the succeeding fiscal year 15 for all supported entities, as defined in section 8B.1. The 16 report must include a five-year projection of technology cost 17 savings, an accounting of the level of technology cost savings 18 for the current fiscal year, and a comparison of the level of 19 technology cost savings for the current fiscal year with that 20 of the previous fiscal year. The department shall file the 21 report as soon as possible after the close of a fiscal year, 22 and by no later than the second Monday of January of each year. 23 NEW SUBSECTION . 22. Other powers and duties. Exercise and 24 perform such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by 25 law. 26 Sec. 6. Section 8.8, Code 2024, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 8.8 Special olympics fund —— appropriation. 29 A special olympics fund is created in the office of the 30 treasurer of state under the control of the department of 31 management. There is appropriated annually from the general 32 fund of the state to the special olympics fund department of 33 management one hundred thousand dollars for distribution to 34 one or more organizations which administer special olympics 35 -9- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 9/ 100
S.F. 2409 programs benefiting the citizens of Iowa with disabilities. 1 Sec. 7. Section 8.9, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended to 2 read as follows: 3 1. The office of grants enterprise management is 4 established in the department of management. The function of 5 the office is to develop and administer a system process to 6 track , identify, advocate for, and coordinate nonstate block 7 grants as defined in section 8.2, subsections 1 and 3 8 and categorical grants . Staffing for the office of grants 9 enterprise management shall be provided by a facilitator 10 appointed by the director of the department of management. 11 Additional staff may be hired, subject to the availability of 12 funding. 13 Sec. 8. Section 8.10, Code 2024, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 8.10 Facilitator’s duties. 16 The specific duties of the facilitator of the office of 17 grants enterprise management may include the following: 18 1. Establish Coordinate a grants network representing all 19 state agencies to assist the grants enterprise management 20 office in an advisory capacity. Each state agency shall 21 designate an employee on the management or senior staff 22 level to serve as the agency’s federal funds coordinator and 23 represent the agency on the grants network. An agency may not 24 create a staff position for a federal funds coordinator. The 25 coordinator’s duties shall be in addition to the duties of the 26 employee of the agency. 27 2. Develop a plan for increased state access to funding 28 sources other than the general fund of the state. 29 3. Develop procedures to formally notify appropriate state 30 and local agencies of the availability of discretionary federal 31 funds and, when necessary, coordinate the application process. 32 4. 2. Establish an automated information system process 33 database for grants applied for and received and to track 34 congressional activity . 35 -10- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 10/ 100
S.F. 2409 5. Provide information and counseling to state agencies and 1 political subdivisions of the state concerning the availability 2 and means of obtaining state, federal, and private grants. 3 6. Provide grant application writing assistance and 4 training to state agencies and political subdivisions of the 5 state, directly or through interagency contracts, cooperative 6 agreements, or contracts with third-party providers. 7 7. 3. Monitor the federal register and other federal or 8 state publications to identify funding opportunities , with 9 special emphasis on discretionary grants or other funding 10 opportunities available to the state . 11 8. Periodically review the funding strategies and methods 12 of those states that rank significantly above the national 13 average in the per capita receipt of federal funds to determine 14 whether those strategies and methods could be successfully 15 employed by this state. 16 Sec. 9. Section 8.21, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 17 to read as follows: 18 1. Not later than February 1 of each legislative regular 19 session of the general assembly , the governor shall transmit 20 to the legislature general assembly a document to be known as 21 a budget, setting forth the governor’s financial program for 22 the ensuing fiscal year and having the character and scope set 23 forth in sections 8.22 through 8.29 this subchapter . 24 Sec. 10. Section 8.22, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 25 to read as follows: 26 1. Part I —— Governor’s budget message. Part I shall consist 27 of the governor’s budget message, in which the governor shall 28 set forth all of the following: 29 a. Part I shall consist of the governor’s budget message, in 30 which the governor shall set forth: 31 (1) (a) The governor’s program for meeting all the 32 expenditure needs of the government for the fiscal year, 33 indicating the classes of funds, general or special, from which 34 appropriations are to be made and the means through which 35 -11- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 11/ 100
S.F. 2409 the expenditures shall be financed. The governor’s program 1 shall include a single budget request for all capital projects 2 proposed by the governor. The request shall include but is not 3 limited to all of the following: 4 (b) The governor’s program shall include a single budget 5 request for all capital projects proposed by the governor. The 6 request shall include but is not limited to the following: 7 (i) (1) The purpose and need for each capital project. 8 (ii) (2) A priority listing of capital projects. 9 (iii) (3) The costs of acquisition, lease, construction, 10 renovation, or demolition of each capital project. 11 (iv) (4) The identification of the means and source of 12 funding each capital project. 13 (v) (5) The estimated operating costs of each capital 14 project after completion. 15 (vi) (6) The estimated maintenance costs of each capital 16 project after completion. 17 (vii) (7) The consequences of delaying or abandoning each 18 capital project. 19 (viii) (8) Alternative approaches to meeting the purpose or 20 need for each capital project. 21 (ix) (9) Alternative financing mechanisms. 22 (x) (10) A cost-benefit analysis or economic impact of each 23 capital project. 24 b. (1) Financial statements giving in summary form: 25 (a) The condition of the treasury at the end of the last 26 completed fiscal year, the estimated condition of the treasury 27 at the end of the year in progress, and the estimated condition 28 of the treasury at the end of the following fiscal year if the 29 governor’s budget proposals are put into effect. 30 (b) Statements showing the bonded indebtedness of the 31 government, debt authorized and unissued, debt redemption and 32 interest requirements, and condition of the sinking funds, if 33 any. 34 (c) A summary of appropriations recommended for the 35 -12- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 12/ 100
S.F. 2409 following fiscal year for each department and establishment 1 and for the government as a whole, in comparison with the 2 actual expenditures for the last completed fiscal year and the 3 estimated expenditures for the year in progress. 4 (d) A summary of the revenue, estimated to be received by 5 the government during the following fiscal year, classified 6 according to sources, in comparison with the actual revenue 7 received by the government during the last completed fiscal 8 year and estimated income during the year in progress. 9 (e) A statement of federal funds received in the form of 10 block or categorical grants which were not included in the 11 governor’s budget for the previous fiscal year and a statement 12 of anticipated block grants and categorical grants. The 13 budget shall indicate how the federal funds will be used and 14 the programs to which they will be allocated. The amount of 15 state government funds required to implement the programs to 16 which the federal funds will apply shall also be indicated. 17 The departments and establishments shall provide information 18 to the director on the anticipated federal block grants and 19 categorical grants to be received on or before November 1 of 20 each year. The director shall use this information to develop 21 an annual update of the statement of federal funds received 22 which shall be provided to the general assembly. 23 (f) Other financial statements, data, and comments as in the 24 governor’s opinion are necessary or desirable in order to make 25 known in all practicable detail the financial condition and 26 operation of the government and the effect that the budget as 27 proposed by the governor will have on the financial condition 28 and operation. 29 (g) A separate report containing a complete list of all 30 standing appropriations showing the amount or estimated 31 amount of each appropriation and the purpose for which the 32 appropriation is made. 33 (2) If the estimated revenues of the government for the 34 ensuing fiscal year as set forth in the budget on the basis of 35 -13- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 13/ 100
S.F. 2409 existing laws, plus the estimated amounts in the treasury at 1 the close of the year in progress, available for expenditure in 2 the ensuing fiscal year are less than the aggregate recommended 3 for the ensuing fiscal year as contained in the budget, the 4 governor shall make recommendations to the legislature in 5 respect to the manner in which the deficit shall be met, 6 whether by an increase in the state tax or the imposition of 7 new taxes, increased rates on existing taxes, or otherwise, 8 and if the aggregate of the estimated revenues, plus estimated 9 balances in the treasury, is greater than the recommended 10 appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year, the governor shall 11 make recommendations in reference to the application of the 12 surplus to the reduction of debt or otherwise, to the reduction 13 in taxation, or to such other action as in the governor’s 14 opinion is in the interest of the public welfare. 15 c. Supplemental estimates for such appropriations as in 16 the governor’s judgment may be necessary on account of laws 17 enacted after transmission of the budget, or as the governor 18 deems otherwise in the public interest. The governor shall 19 accompany such estimates with a statement of the reasons 20 therefor, including the reasons for their omission from the 21 budget. Whenever such supplemental estimates amount to an 22 aggregate which, if they had been contained in the budget, 23 would have required the governor to make a recommendation for 24 the raising of additional revenue, the governor shall make such 25 recommendation. 26 Sec. 11. Section 8.22A, subsection 5, paragraph b, Code 27 2024, is amended to read as follows: 28 b. The amount of revenue for the following fiscal year from 29 gambling revenues and from interest earned on the cash reserve 30 fund and the economic emergency fund to be deposited in the 31 rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund under section 8.57, subsection 32 5 , paragraph “e” “f” . 33 Sec. 12. Section 8.23, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 34 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 35 -14- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 14/ 100
S.F. 2409 On or before October 1, prior to each legislative regular 1 session of the general assembly , all departments and 2 establishments of the government shall transmit to the director 3 of the department of management , on blanks to be furnished 4 in a format designated by the director, estimates of their 5 expenditure requirements , including every proposed expenditure, 6 for the ensuing fiscal year, together with supporting data and 7 explanations as called for by the director after consultation 8 with the legislative services agency. 9 Sec. 13. Section 8.23, subsection 1, paragraphs a and d, 10 Code 2024, are amended to read as follows: 11 a. The estimates of expenditure requirements shall be 12 in a form specified by the director, and the expenditure 13 requirements shall include all proposed expenditures and shall 14 be prioritized by program or the results to be achieved. The 15 estimates shall be accompanied by performance measures for 16 evaluating the effectiveness of the programs or results. 17 d. The director shall furnish designate standard 18 budget request forms formats to each department or agency 19 establishment of state government. 20 Sec. 14. Section 8.26, Code 2024, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 8.26 Hearings. 23 Immediately upon the receipt of the tentative budget 24 provided for by section 8.25 the The governor shall make 25 provision for public hearings thereon on the estimates of 26 expenditure requirements required by section 8.23 , at which 27 the governor may require the attendance of the heads and other 28 officers of all departments, establishments , and other persons 29 receiving or requesting the grant of state government funds 30 and the giving by them of such explanations and suggestions as 31 they may be called upon to give or as they may desire to offer 32 in respect to items of requested appropriations in which they 33 are interested. The governor shall also extend invitations 34 to the governor-elect and the director of the department of 35 -15- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 15/ 100
S.F. 2409 management to be present at such hearings and to participate in 1 the hearings through the asking of questions or the expression 2 of opinion in regard to the items of the tentative budget 3 estimates . 4 Sec. 15. Section 8.29, Code 2024, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 8.29 Regents universities —— uniform accounting system. 7 The state board of regents, with the approval of the director 8 of the department of management, shall establish a uniform 9 budgeting and accounting system for the institutions of higher 10 education under its control, and shall require each of the 11 institutions of higher education to begin operating operate 12 under the uniform system not later than June 30, 1994 . 13 Sec. 16. Section 8.31, subsections 3 and 5, Code 2024, are 14 amended to read as follows: 15 3. The allotment requests of all departments and 16 establishments collecting governmental fees and other 17 revenue which supplement a state appropriation shall attach 18 to the summary of requests a statement showing how much 19 of the proposed allotments are to be financed from state 20 appropriations, stores, and repayment appropriated receipts. 21 5. If the governor determines that the estimated budget 22 resources during the fiscal year are insufficient to pay all 23 appropriations in full, the reductions shall be uniform and 24 prorated between all departments , agencies, and establishments 25 upon the basis of their respective appropriations. 26 Sec. 17. Section 8.32, Code 2024, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 8.32 Conditional availability of appropriations —— 29 applicability of chapter . 30 1. All appropriations made to any department or 31 establishment of the government as receive receivable or 32 collect collectable moneys available for expenditure by them 33 under present laws law , are declared to be in addition to such 34 repayment appropriated receipts, and such appropriations are 35 -16- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 16/ 100
S.F. 2409 to be available as and to the extent that such receipts are 1 insufficient to meet the costs of administration, operation, 2 and maintenance, or and public improvements of such departments 3 or establishments, provided all of the following conditions are 4 met : 5 a. Provided, that such Such receipts or collections shall be 6 are deposited in the state treasury as part of the general fund 7 or special revenue funds in all cases, except those collections 8 made by the state fair board, the institutions under the state 9 board of regents, and the natural resource commission. 10 b. Provided further, that no repayment Appropriated receipts 11 shall be are not available for expenditures until allotted as 12 provided in section 8.31 ; and . 13 c. Provided further, that the The collection of repayment 14 appropriated receipts by the state fair board and the 15 institutions under the state board of regents shall be are 16 deposited in a bank or banks duly designated and qualified as 17 state depositories, in the name of the state of Iowa, for the 18 use of such boards and institutions, and such funds shall be 19 are available only on the check of such boards or institutions 20 depositing them, which are hereby authorized to withdraw such 21 funds, but only after allotment by the governor as provided in 22 section 8.31 ; and . 23 d. 2. a. Provided further, that this This chapter shall 24 does not apply to endowment or private purpose trust funds or 25 to gifts to institutions owned or controlled by the state or to 26 the income from such endowment or private purpose trust funds, 27 or to private custodial funds belonging to students or inmates 28 of state institutions. 29 2. b. The provisions of this This chapter shall not be 30 construed to prohibit the state fair board from creating an 31 emergency or sinking fund out of the receipts of the state fair 32 and state appropriation for the purpose of taking care of any 33 emergency that might arise beyond the control of the board of 34 not to exceed three hundred thousand dollars. Neither shall 35 -17- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 17/ 100
S.F. 2409 this 1 c. This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the state 2 fair board from retaining an additional sum of not to exceed 3 three hundred fifty thousand dollars to be used in carrying out 4 the provisions of chapter 173 . 5 Sec. 18. Section 8.35, Code 2024, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 8.35 General supervisory control. 8 The governor and the director of the department of 9 management and any officer of the department of management, 10 when authorized by the governor, are hereby authorized to make 11 such inquiries regarding the receipts, custody, and application 12 of state government funds, existing organization, activities, 13 and methods of business of the departments and establishments, 14 assignments of particular activities to particular services 15 and regrouping of such services, as in the opinion of the 16 governor, will enable the governor to make recommendations to 17 the legislature general assembly , and, within the scope of the 18 powers possessed by the governor, to order action to be taken, 19 having for their purpose to bring about increased economy and 20 efficiency in the conduct of the affairs of government. 21 Sec. 19. Section 8.35A, subsection 4, Code 2024, is amended 22 to read as follows: 23 4. A government agency which receives state government 24 funds directly from the state or indirectly through a political 25 subdivision as directed by statute and which is not a city, 26 county, or school district is subject to this subsection . A 27 government agency which is subject to this subsection shall 28 submit a copy of its budget to the legislative services agency, 29 identifying it as being submitted under this subsection , when 30 the budget of that government agency has received approval 31 from the governing head or body of that agency. The copy of 32 the budget submitted to the legislative services agency shall 33 be on the budget forms provided in the format designated by 34 the department of management to state agencies under this 35 -18- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 18/ 100
S.F. 2409 chapter section 8.23 . The government agency shall also submit 1 a statement identifying any funds available to the agency which 2 are not included in the budget. 3 Sec. 20. NEW SECTION . 8.48 Local budgets —— forms and 4 procedures. 5 1. The director of the department of management shall 6 consult with all state officers and agencies which receive 7 reports and forms from county officers, in order to devise 8 standardized reports and forms which will permit computer 9 processing of the information submitted by county officers, 10 and prescribe forms on which each municipality, at the time 11 of preparing estimates required under section 24.3, shall be 12 required to compile in parallel columns all of the following 13 data and estimates for immediate availability to any taxpayer 14 upon request: 15 a. For the immediate prior fiscal year, revenue from all 16 sources, other than revenue received from property taxation, 17 allocated to each of the several funds and separately stated 18 as to each such source, and for each fund the unencumbered 19 cash balance thereof at the beginning and end of the year, the 20 amount received by property taxation allocated to each fund, 21 and the amount of actual expenditure for each fund. 22 b. For the current fiscal year, actual and estimated 23 revenue, from all sources, other than revenue received from 24 property taxation, and separately stated as to each such 25 source, allocated to each of the several funds, and for each 26 fund the actual unencumbered cash balance available at the 27 beginning of the year, the amount to be received from property 28 taxation allocated to each fund, and the amount of actual and 29 estimated expenditures, whichever is applicable. 30 c. For the proposed budget year, an estimate of revenue from 31 all sources, other than revenue to be received from property 32 taxation, separately stated as to each such source, to be 33 allocated to each of the several funds, and for each fund the 34 actual or estimated unencumbered cash balance, whichever is 35 -19- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 19/ 100
S.F. 2409 applicable, to be available at the beginning of the year, the 1 amount proposed to be received from property taxation allocated 2 to each fund, and the amount proposed to be expended during 3 the year plus the amount of cash reserve, based on actual 4 experience of prior years, which shall be the necessary cash 5 reserve of the budget adopted exclusive of capital outlay 6 items. The estimated expenditures plus the required cash 7 reserve for the ensuing fiscal year less all estimated or 8 actual unencumbered balances at the beginning of the year and 9 less the estimated income from all sources other than property 10 taxation shall equal the amount to be received from property 11 taxes, and such amount shall be shown on the proposed budget 12 estimate. 13 2. To ensure uniformity, accuracy, and efficiency in the 14 preparation of budget estimates by municipalities subject to 15 chapter 24, the director shall prescribe the procedures to be 16 used and instruct the appropriate officials of the various 17 municipalities on implementation of the procedures. 18 Sec. 21. Section 8.55, subsection 3, paragraph f, Code 2024, 19 is amended by striking the paragraph. 20 Sec. 22. Section 8.56, subsections 1 and 3, Code 2024, are 21 amended to read as follows: 22 1. A cash reserve fund is created in the state treasury. 23 The cash reserve fund shall be separate from the general fund 24 of the state and shall not be considered part of the general 25 fund of the state except in determining the cash position of 26 the state as provided in subsection 3 . The moneys in the cash 27 reserve fund are not subject to section 8.33 and shall not 28 be transferred, used, obligated, appropriated, or otherwise 29 encumbered except as provided in this section . Notwithstanding 30 section 12C.7, subsection 2 , interest or earnings on moneys 31 deposited in the cash reserve fund shall be credited to the 32 rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund created in section 8.57 . 33 Moneys in the cash reserve fund may be used for cash flow 34 purposes during a fiscal year provided that any moneys so 35 -20- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 20/ 100
S.F. 2409 allocated are returned to the cash reserve fund by the end of 1 that fiscal year. 2 3. The moneys in the cash reserve fund shall only be used 3 pursuant to an appropriation made by the general assembly. An 4 appropriation shall be made in accordance with subsection 4 5 only for the fiscal year in which the appropriation is made. 6 The moneys shall only be appropriated by the general assembly 7 for nonrecurring emergency expenditures and shall not be 8 appropriated for payment of any collective bargaining agreement 9 or arbitrator’s decision negotiated or awarded under chapter 10 20 . Except as provided in section 8.58 , the cash reserve fund 11 shall be considered a special account for the purposes of 12 section 8.53 in determining the cash position of the general 13 fund of the state for the payment of state obligations. 14 Sec. 23. Section 8.57, subsections 1 and 3, Code 2024, are 15 amended to read as follows: 16 1. a. The “cash reserve goal percentage” for fiscal years 17 beginning on or after July 1, 2004, is seven and one-half 18 percent of the adjusted revenue estimate. For each fiscal year 19 in which the appropriation transfer of the surplus existing in 20 the general fund of the state at the conclusion of the prior 21 fiscal year pursuant to paragraph “b” was not sufficient for 22 the cash reserve fund to reach the cash reserve goal percentage 23 for the current fiscal year, there is appropriated transferred 24 from the general fund of the state an amount to be determined 25 as follows: 26 (1) If the balance of the cash reserve fund in the current 27 fiscal year is not more than six and one-half percent of 28 the adjusted revenue estimate for the current fiscal year, 29 the amount of the appropriation transfer under this lettered 30 paragraph is one percent of the adjusted revenue estimate for 31 the current fiscal year. 32 (2) If the balance of the cash reserve fund in the current 33 fiscal year is more than six and one-half percent but less than 34 seven and one-half percent of the adjusted revenue estimate 35 -21- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 21/ 100
S.F. 2409 for that fiscal year, the amount of the appropriation transfer 1 under this lettered paragraph is the amount necessary for the 2 cash reserve fund to reach seven and one-half percent of the 3 adjusted revenue estimate for the current fiscal year. 4 (3) The moneys appropriated transferred under this lettered 5 paragraph shall be credited in equal and proportionate amounts 6 in each quarter of the current fiscal year. 7 b. The surplus existing in the general fund of the state 8 at the conclusion of the fiscal year is appropriated for 9 distribution in the succeeding fiscal year as provided in 10 subsections 2 and 3 . Moneys credited to the cash reserve fund 11 from the appropriation made in this paragraph shall transferred 12 to the cash reserve fund, not to exceed the amount necessary 13 for the cash reserve fund to reach the cash reserve goal 14 percentage for the succeeding fiscal year. As used in this 15 paragraph, “surplus” means the excess of revenues and other 16 financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses 17 for the general fund of the state in a fiscal year. 18 c. The amount appropriated in this section is not subject 19 to the provisions of section 8.31 , relating to requisitions 20 and allotment, or to section 8.32 , relating to conditional 21 availability of appropriations. 22 3. To the extent that moneys appropriated transferred under 23 subsection 1 exceed the amounts necessary for the cash reserve 24 fund to reach its maximum balance and the amounts necessary to 25 eliminate Iowa’s GAAP deficit, including elimination of the 26 making of any appropriation in an incorrect fiscal year , the 27 moneys shall be appropriated transferred to the Iowa economic 28 emergency fund. 29 Sec. 24. Section 8.57, subsections 2, 4, and 6, Code 2024, 30 are amended by striking the subsections. 31 Sec. 25. Section 8.57, subsection 5, paragraph a, 32 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 A rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund is created under the 35 -22- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 22/ 100
S.F. 2409 authority of the department of management. The fund shall 1 consist of appropriations made to the fund and transfers of 2 interest, earnings, and moneys from other funds as provided by 3 law. The rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund shall be separate 4 from the general fund of the state and the balance in the 5 rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund shall not be considered part 6 of the balance of the general fund of the state. However, the 7 rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund shall be considered a special 8 account for the purposes of section 8.53 , relating to generally 9 accepted accounting principles. 10 Sec. 26. Section 8.57, subsection 5, paragraphs d and e, 11 Code 2024, are amended by striking the paragraphs. 12 Sec. 27. Section 8.57, subsection 5, paragraph f, 13 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (b), Code 2024, is 14 amended by striking the subparagraph division. 15 Sec. 28. Section 8.57, subsection 5, paragraph f, 16 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (d), subparagraph 17 subdivision (i), Code 2024, is amended by striking the 18 subparagraph subdivision. 19 Sec. 29. Section 8.57, subsection 5, paragraph f, 20 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (g), Code 2024, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 (g) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and for 23 each fiscal year thereafter, the total moneys in excess of the 24 moneys deposited under this paragraph “f” in the revenue bonds 25 debt service fund, the revenue bonds federal subsidy holdback 26 fund, the vision Iowa fund, the water quality infrastructure 27 fund, the Iowa skilled worker and job creation fund, and the 28 general fund of the state shall be deposited in the rebuild 29 Iowa infrastructure fund and shall be used as provided in this 30 section , notwithstanding section 8.60 . 31 Sec. 30. Section 8.57, subsection 5, paragraph g, Code 2024, 32 is amended by striking the paragraph. 33 Sec. 31. Section 8.57A, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 34 to read as follows: 35 -23- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 23/ 100
S.F. 2409 1. An environment first fund is created under the authority 1 of the department of management. The fund shall consist of 2 appropriations made to the fund and transfers of interest, 3 earnings, and moneys from other funds as provided by law. The 4 fund shall be separate from the general fund of the state 5 and the balance in the fund shall not be considered part of 6 the balance of the general fund of the state. However, the 7 fund shall be considered a special account for the purposes 8 of section 8.53 , relating to generally accepted accounting 9 principles. 10 Sec. 32. Section 8.57B, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 11 to read as follows: 12 2. The fund shall be separate from the general fund of the 13 state and the balance in the fund shall not be considered part 14 of the balance of the general fund of the state. However, the 15 fund shall be considered a special account for the purposes 16 of section 8.53 , relating to generally accepted accounting 17 principles. 18 Sec. 33. Section 8.57C, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 19 to read as follows: 20 1. A technology reinvestment fund is created under the 21 authority of the department of management. The fund shall 22 consist of appropriations made to the fund and transfers of 23 interest, earnings, and moneys from other funds as provided by 24 law. The fund shall be separate from the general fund of the 25 state and the balance in the fund shall not be considered part 26 of the balance of the general fund of the state. However, the 27 fund shall be considered a special account for the purposes 28 of section 8.53 , relating to generally accepted accounting 29 principles. 30 Sec. 34. Section 8.57C, subsection 3, paragraphs a, b, c, 31 d, e, f, g, h, i, and j, Code 2024, are amended by striking the 32 paragraphs. 33 Sec. 35. Section 8.57D, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 34 to read as follows: 35 -24- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 24/ 100
S.F. 2409 3. The levee improvement fund shall be separate from the 1 general fund of the state and the balance in the fund shall 2 not be considered part of the balance of the general fund of 3 the state. However, the fund shall be considered a special 4 account for the purposes of section 8.53 , relating to generally 5 accepted accounting principles. 6 Sec. 36. Section 8.57E, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 3. a. Moneys in the taxpayer relief fund may be used for 9 cash flow purposes during a fiscal year provided that any 10 moneys so allocated are returned to the fund by the end of that 11 fiscal year. 12 b. Except as provided in section 8.58 , the taxpayer relief 13 fund shall be considered a special account for the purposes of 14 section 8.53 in determining the cash position of the general 15 fund of the state for the payment of state obligations. 16 Sec. 37. Section 8.57F, subsection 1, paragraph d, Code 17 2024, is amended by striking the paragraph. 18 Sec. 38. Section 8.57G, subsections 3 and 4, Code 2024, are 19 amended to read as follows: 20 3. Except as provided in section 8.58 , the fund shall be 21 considered a special account for the purposes of section 8.53 22 in determining the cash position of the general fund of the 23 state for the payment of state obligations. Notwithstanding 24 section 8.33 , moneys in the fund that remain unencumbered or 25 unobligated at the close of a fiscal year shall not revert 26 but shall remain available for expenditure for the purposes 27 designated. Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2 , 28 interest or earnings on moneys in the fund shall be credited 29 to the fund. 30 4. This section is repealed July 1, 2025 2027 . 31 Sec. 39. Section 8.57H, subsections 3 and 4, Code 2024, are 32 amended to read as follows: 33 3. Except as provided in section 8.58 , the fund shall be 34 considered a special account for the purposes of section 8.53 35 -25- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 25/ 100
S.F. 2409 in determining the cash position of the general fund of the 1 state for the payment of state obligations. Notwithstanding 2 section 8.33 , moneys in the fund that remain unencumbered or 3 unobligated at the close of a fiscal year shall not revert 4 but shall remain available for expenditure for the purposes 5 designated. Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2 , 6 interest or earnings on moneys in the fund shall be credited 7 to the fund. 8 4. This section is repealed July 1, 2025 2027 . 9 Sec. 40. NEW SECTION . 8.57I Sports wagering receipts fund. 10 1. A sports wagering receipts fund is created in the state 11 treasury under the authority of the department of management. 12 The fund shall consist of appropriations made to the fund and 13 transfers of interest, earnings, and moneys from other funds 14 or sources as provided by law. The sports wagering receipts 15 fund shall be separate from the general fund of the state and 16 the balance in the sports wagering receipts fund shall not 17 be considered part of the balance of the general fund of the 18 state. 19 2. Moneys in the sports wagering receipts fund are not 20 subject to section 8.33. Notwithstanding section 12C.7, 21 subsection 2, interest or earnings on moneys in the sports 22 wagering receipts fund shall be credited to the fund. Moneys 23 in the sports wagering receipts fund may be used for cash flow 24 purposes during a fiscal year provided that any moneys so 25 allocated are returned to the fund by the end of that fiscal 26 year. 27 3. Moneys in the sports wagering receipts fund in a fiscal 28 year shall be used as directed by the general assembly. 29 4. Annually, on or before January 15 of each year, a 30 state agency that received an appropriation from the sports 31 wagering receipts fund shall report to the legislative services 32 agency and the department of management the status of all 33 projects completed or in progress. The report shall include 34 a description of the project, the progress of work completed, 35 -26- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 26/ 100
S.F. 2409 the total estimated cost of the project, a list of all revenue 1 sources being used to fund the project, the amount of funds 2 expended, the amount of funds obligated, and the date the 3 project was completed or an estimated completion date of the 4 project, where applicable. 5 5. Annually, on or before December 31 of each year, a 6 recipient of moneys from the sports wagering receipts fund 7 for any purpose shall report to the state agency to which the 8 moneys are appropriated the status of all projects completed 9 or in progress. The report shall include a description of the 10 project, the progress of work completed, the total estimated 11 cost of the project, a list of all revenue sources being used 12 to fund the project, the amount of funds expended, the amount 13 of funds obligated, and the date the project was completed or 14 an estimated completion date of the project, where applicable. 15 Sec. 41. Section 8.58, Code 2024, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 8.58 Exemption from automatic application. 18 1. To the extent that moneys appropriated transferred under 19 section 8.57 do not result in moneys being credited to the 20 general fund of the state under section 8.55, subsection 2 , 21 moneys appropriated transferred under section 8.57 and moneys 22 contained in the cash reserve fund, rebuild Iowa infrastructure 23 fund, environment first fund, Iowa economic emergency 24 fund, taxpayer relief fund, state bond repayment fund, Iowa 25 coronavirus fiscal recovery fund, and Iowa coronavirus capital 26 projects fund , sports wagering receipts fund, and Iowa skilled 27 worker and job creation fund shall not be considered in 28 the application of any formula, index, or other statutory 29 triggering mechanism which would affect appropriations, 30 payments, or taxation rates, contrary provisions of the Code 31 law notwithstanding. 32 2. To the extent that moneys appropriated transferred under 33 section 8.57 do not result in moneys being credited to the 34 general fund of the state under section 8.55, subsection 2 , 35 -27- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 27/ 100
S.F. 2409 moneys appropriated transferred under section 8.57 and moneys 1 contained in the cash reserve fund, rebuild Iowa infrastructure 2 fund, environment first fund, Iowa economic emergency 3 fund, taxpayer relief fund, state bond repayment fund, Iowa 4 coronavirus fiscal recovery fund, and Iowa coronavirus capital 5 projects fund , sports wagering receipts fund, and Iowa skilled 6 worker and job creation fund shall not be considered by an 7 arbitrator or in negotiations under chapter 20 . 8 Sec. 42. Section 8.70, Code 2024, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 8.70 Lean enterprise and change management office. 11 1. For purposes of this section , “lean” : 12 a. “Change management” means the application of a structured 13 approach to the transition of an organization and its workforce 14 from a current state to a future state to achieve expected 15 benefits. “Change management” includes preparing and supporting 16 employees, establishing the necessary steps for change, and 17 monitoring activities to ensure successful implementation. 18 b. “Lean” means a business-oriented system for organizing 19 and managing product development, operations, suppliers, and 20 customer relations to create precise customer value, expressed 21 as providing goods and services with higher quality and fewer 22 defects and errors, with less human effort, less space, less 23 capital, and less time than more traditional systems. 24 2. The office of lean enterprise and change management is 25 established in the department of management. The function 26 of the office is to ensure implementation of lean tools and 27 enterprises change management as a component components of 28 a performance management system for all executive branch 29 agencies. Staffing for the office of lean enterprise shall be 30 provided by an administrator appointed by the director of the 31 department of management. 32 3. The duties of the office of lean enterprise may include 33 the following: 34 a. Create a standardized approach to change that achieves 35 -28- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 28/ 100
S.F. 2409 expected benefits and organizational goals. 1 a. b. Create strategic and tactical approaches for lean 2 implementation, including integration into state governance and 3 operational systems. 4 b. c. Lead and develop state government’s capacity to 5 implement lean and change management tools and enterprises 6 structures , including design and development of instructional 7 materials as needed with the goal of integrating continuous 8 improvement and change management into the organizational 9 culture. 10 c. d. (1) Create demand for lean and change management 11 tools and enterprises initiatives in departments and 12 establishments . 13 (2) Communicate with agency directors, boards, commissions, 14 and senior management to create interest and organizational 15 will to implement lean and change management tools and 16 enterprises to improve agency results. 17 (3) Provide direction and advice to department heads and 18 senior management to plan and implement departmental lean and 19 change management programs. 20 (4) Direct and review plans for leadership and assist with 21 the selection of identifying and selecting process improvement 22 projects of key importance to agency goals, programs, and 23 missions. 24 d. (1) Identify and assist departments in identifying 25 potential lean projects. 26 (2) e. Continuously evaluate organizational performance 27 in meeting objectives, identify and structure the direction 28 the that change management and lean implementation should take 29 to provide greatest effectiveness, and justify critical and 30 far-reaching changes. 31 e. f. (1) Lead the collection and reporting of data and 32 learning related to lean and change management accomplishments. 33 (2) Widely disseminate lean and change management results 34 and learning with Iowans, stakeholders, and other members 35 -29- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 29/ 100
S.F. 2409 of the public to demonstrate the benefits and return on 1 investment. 2 f. g. (1) Evaluate the effect of unforeseen developments 3 on plans and programs and present to agency directors, boards, 4 commissions, and senior management suggested changes in overall 5 direction. 6 (2) Provide input related to proposals regarding new or 7 revised legislation, regulations, and related changes which 8 have a direct impact over the implementation. 9 g. h. Lead the development of alliances and partnerships 10 with the business community, associations, consultants, and 11 other stakeholders to enhance external support and advance 12 the implementation of lean and change management tools and 13 enterprises in state government. 14 h. i. Lead relations with the general assembly and staff 15 to build support for and understanding of lean and change 16 management work in state government. 17 Sec. 43. Section 8.75, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 2. The Iowa skilled worker and job creation fund shall be 20 separate from the general fund of the state and the balance 21 in the Iowa skilled worker and job creation fund shall not 22 be considered part of the balance of the general fund of the 23 state. However, the Iowa skilled worker and job creation 24 fund shall be considered a special account for the purposes 25 of section 8.53 , relating to generally accepted accounting 26 principles. Moneys in the fund may be used for cash flow 27 purposes during a fiscal year provided that any moneys so 28 allocated are returned to the fund by the end of that fiscal 29 year. Notwithstanding section 8.33 , moneys in the fund at the 30 end of each fiscal year shall not revert to any other fund but 31 shall remain in the fund for expenditure in subsequent fiscal 32 years. 33 Sec. 44. Section 8B.1, Code 2024, is amended by adding the 34 following new subsections: 35 -30- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 30/ 100
S.F. 2409 NEW SUBSECTION . 4A. “Department” means the department of 1 management. 2 NEW SUBSECTION . 4B. “Director” means the director of the 3 department of management. 4 Sec. 45. Section 8B.1, subsection 8, paragraph b, 5 subparagraphs (9) and (10), Code 2024, are amended to read as 6 follows: 7 (9) Information technology planning and standards policies . 8 (10) Establishment of local area network and workstation 9 management standards policies . 10 Sec. 46. Section 8B.1, subsection 9, Code 2024, is amended 11 to read as follows: 12 9. “Information technology staff” includes any employees 13 performing information technology services, including but not 14 limited to agency department or establishment employees in 15 information technology classifications, contractors, temporary 16 workers, and any other employees providing information 17 technology services. 18 Sec. 47. Section 8B.1, subsection 10, paragraph e, Code 19 2024, is amended to read as follows: 20 e. Network services, including equipment and software 21 which support local area networks, campus area networks, wide 22 area networks, and metro area networks. Network services 23 also include data network services such as routers, switches, 24 firewalls, virtual private networks, intrusion detection 25 systems, access control, internet protocol load balancers, 26 event logging and correlation, and content caching. Network 27 services do not include services provided by the public 28 broadcasting division of the department of education. 29 Sec. 48. Section 8B.1, subsection 10, paragraph l, Code 30 2024, is amended by striking the paragraph and inserting in 31 lieu thereof the following: 32 l. Cloud computing solutions including but not limited 33 to solutions based on software as a service, platform as a 34 service, and infrastructure as a service. 35 -31- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 31/ 100
S.F. 2409 Sec. 49. Section 8B.1, subsection 10, Code 2024, is amended 1 by adding the following new paragraph: 2 NEW PARAGRAPH . m. Other similar or related services as 3 determined by the director. 4 Sec. 50. Section 8B.1, subsection 11, Code 2024, is amended 5 by striking the subsection. 6 Sec. 51. Section 8B.1, subsection 12, Code 2024, is amended 7 by striking the subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the 8 following: 9 12. “Supported entity” means a unit of state government, 10 which is an authority, board, commission, committee, council, 11 department, or independent agency as defined in section 7E.4, 12 including but not limited to each principal central department 13 enumerated in section 7E.5. However, “supported entity” does 14 not mean any of the following: 15 a. The office of the governor or the office of an elective 16 constitutional or statutory officer. 17 b. The general assembly, or any office or unit under its 18 administrative authority. 19 c. The judicial branch, as provided in section 602.1102. 20 d. A political subdivision of the state or its offices 21 or units, including but not limited to a county, city, or 22 community college. 23 e. The state board of regents and institutions operated 24 under its authority. 25 Sec. 52. Section 8B.1, subsection 13, paragraph a, 26 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 A United States census bureau census block located in this 29 state, including any crop operation located within the census 30 block, or other geographic unit the office department sets by 31 rule, within which no communications service provider offers 32 or facilitates broadband service at or above the tier 1, tier 33 2, or tier 3 download and upload speeds. As used in this 34 subsection : 35 -32- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 32/ 100
S.F. 2409 Sec. 53. Section 8B.1, subsection 13, paragraph b, Code 1 2024, is amended to read as follows: 2 b. Any geographic area, as the office department sets by 3 rule, that is materially underserved by broadband service such 4 that tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 download and upload speeds are 5 not meaningfully available. The office’s department’s power 6 to determine the geographic area by rule under this paragraph 7 includes the power to define and interpret standards policies 8 as to whether a geographic area is materially underserved and 9 broadband service is meaningfully available. 10 Sec. 54. Section 8B.1, subsection 15, Code 2024, is amended 11 to read as follows: 12 15. “Value-added services” means services that offer or 13 provide unique, special, or enhanced value, benefits, or 14 features to the customer or user including but not limited to 15 services in which information technology is specially designed, 16 modified, or adapted to meet the special or requested needs 17 of the user or customer; services involving the delivery, 18 provision, or transmission of information or data that require 19 or involve additional processing, formatting, enhancement, 20 compilation, or security; services that provide the customer 21 or user with enhanced accessibility, security, or convenience; 22 research and development services; and services that are 23 provided to support technological or statutory requirements 24 imposed on participating agencies supported entities and other 25 governmental entities, businesses, and the public. 26 Sec. 55. Section 8B.4A, Code 2024, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 8B.4A Background checks. 29 An applicant for employment with the office department , 30 or an applicant for employment with a participating agency 31 supported entity for a position as information technology 32 staff, may be subject to a background investigation by the 33 office department . The background investigation may include, 34 without limitation, a work history, financial review, request 35 -33- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 33/ 100
S.F. 2409 for criminal history data, and national criminal history check 1 through the federal bureau of investigation. In addition, 2 a contractor, vendor, employee, or any other individual 3 performing work for the office department , or an individual 4 on the information technology staff of a participating agency 5 supported entity , may be subject to a national criminal history 6 check through the federal bureau of investigation at least once 7 every ten years, including, without limitation, any time the 8 office department or participating agency supported entity 9 has reason to believe an individual has been convicted of a 10 crime. The office department may request the national criminal 11 history check and, if requested, shall provide the individual’s 12 fingerprints to the department of public safety for submission 13 through the state criminal history repository to the federal 14 bureau of investigation. The individual shall authorize 15 release of the results of the national criminal history check 16 to the office department and the applicable participating 17 agency supported entity . The office department shall pay the 18 actual cost of the fingerprinting and national criminal history 19 check, if any, unless otherwise agreed as part of a contract 20 between the office department or participating agency supported 21 entity and a vendor or contractor performing work for the 22 office department or participating agency supported entity . 23 The results of a criminal history check conducted pursuant to 24 this section shall not be considered a public record under 25 chapter 22 . 26 Sec. 56. Section 8B.6, Code 2024, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 8B.6 Acceptance of funds. 29 The office department of management may receive and accept 30 donations, grants, gifts, and contributions in the form of 31 moneys, services, materials, or otherwise, from the United 32 States or any of its agencies, from this state or any of its 33 agencies, or from any other person, and expend such moneys, 34 services, materials, or other contributions, or issue grants, 35 -34- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 34/ 100
S.F. 2409 in carrying out the operations of the office department . All 1 federal grants to and the federal receipts of the office 2 department are appropriated for the purpose set forth in such 3 federal grants or receipts. The office department shall report 4 annually to the general assembly on or before September 1 the 5 donations, grants, gifts, and contributions with a monetary 6 value of one thousand dollars or more that were received during 7 the most recently concluded fiscal year. 8 Sec. 57. Section 8B.10, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2024, are 9 amended to read as follows: 10 1. The determination of whether a communications service 11 provider facilitates broadband service meeting the tier 12 1, tier 2, or tier 3 download and upload speeds specified 13 in the definition of targeted service area in section 8B.1 14 shall be determined or ascertained by reference to broadband 15 availability maps or data sources that are identified 16 by the office department by rule. The office department 17 shall periodically make renewed determinations of whether 18 a communications service provider facilitates broadband 19 service at or above the tier 1, tier 2, or tier 3 download 20 and upload speeds specified in the definition of targeted 21 service area in section 8B.1 , which shall, to the extent 22 updated maps and data sources are available at the time, 23 include making such determinations prior to each round of grant 24 applications solicited by the office department pursuant to 25 section 8B.11 . The office department is not required to make 26 renewed determinations of whether a communications service 27 provider facilitates broadband service at or above the tier 28 1, tier 2, or tier 3 download and upload speeds specified in 29 the definition of targeted service area in section 8B.1 more 30 frequently than once in any calendar year. 31 2. The office department shall establish procedures to 32 allow challenges to the office’s department’s finding on 33 whether an area meets the definition of targeted service area. 34 Sec. 58. Section 8B.11, Code 2024, is amended to read as 35 -35- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 35/ 100
S.F. 2409 follows: 1 8B.11 Empower rural Iowa —— broadband grants —— fund. 2 1. The office department shall administer a broadband 3 grant program designed to reduce or eliminate unserved and 4 underserved areas in the state, leveraging federal funds and 5 public and private partnerships where possible, by awarding 6 grants to communications service providers that reduce or 7 eliminate targeted service areas by installing broadband 8 infrastructure that facilitates broadband service in accordance 9 with the following: 10 a. The broadband infrastructure facilitates broadband 11 service that provides a minimum download speed of one hundred 12 megabits per second and a minimum upload speed of one hundred 13 megabits per second in a targeted service area within which no 14 communications service provider offers or facilitates broadband 15 service that provides download and upload speeds less than or 16 equal to the tier 1 download and upload speeds specified in the 17 definition of targeted service area in section 8B.1 . 18 b. The broadband infrastructure facilitates broadband 19 service that provides a minimum download speed of one hundred 20 megabits per second and a minimum upload speed of one hundred 21 megabits per second in a targeted service area within which no 22 communications service provider offers or facilitates broadband 23 service that provides any of the following: 24 (1) Download speeds less than or equal to the tier 2 25 download speed specified in the definition of targeted service 26 area in section 8B.1 . 27 (2) Download speeds less than or equal to the tier 3 28 download speed specified in the definition of targeted service 29 area in section 8B.1 . 30 2. a. An empower rural Iowa broadband grant fund is 31 established in the state treasury under the authority of the 32 office department . The fund shall consist of moneys available 33 to and obtained or accepted by the office department . Moneys 34 in the fund are appropriated to the office department to be 35 -36- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 36/ 100
S.F. 2409 used for the grant program, including for broadband mapping and 1 the administration and operation of the grant program, and for 2 the fiberoptic network conduit installation program established 3 in section 8B.25 . 4 b. The office department shall use moneys in the fund to 5 provide grants to communications service providers pursuant 6 to this section and to lead and coordinate the fiberoptic 7 network conduit installation program pursuant to section 8 8B.25 . The office department may use not more than two and 9 one-half percent of the moneys in the fund at the beginning of 10 the fiscal year to pay the costs and expenses associated with 11 the administration and operation of the grant program and the 12 fiberoptic network conduit installation program. The office 13 department shall use moneys in the fund to leverage available 14 federal moneys if possible. 15 c. Notwithstanding section 8.33 , moneys in the fund 16 that remain unencumbered or unobligated at the close of the 17 fiscal year shall not revert but shall remain available for 18 expenditure for the purposes designated until three years 19 following the last day of the fiscal year in which the funds 20 were originally appropriated. 21 d. Notwithstanding paragraph “c” or any provision to the 22 contrary, moneys in the fund that have been awarded but not 23 paid to a communications service provider shall not revert but 24 shall remain available to the office department for purposes of 25 administering the award in a manner consistent with the terms 26 and conditions of any corresponding contract or grant agreement 27 governing the administration of the award. 28 3. Communications service providers may apply to the 29 office department for a grant pursuant to this section for 30 the installation of broadband infrastructure that facilitates 31 broadband service in targeted service areas. The office 32 department shall make available a public internet site 33 identifying all publicly available information contained in the 34 applications and any results of performance testing conducted 35 -37- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 37/ 100
S.F. 2409 after the project is completed. The office department 1 shall devote one full-time equivalent position to evaluate 2 applications submitted under this section and provide technical 3 assistance to communications service providers in completing 4 applications for federal funds, or any other funds from any 5 public or private sources, related to improving broadband 6 infrastructure. 7 4. a. The office department shall award grants on 8 a competitive basis for the installation of broadband 9 infrastructure that facilitates broadband service as provided 10 in subsection 3 in targeted service areas after considering the 11 following: 12 (1) The relative need for broadband infrastructure in the 13 area and the existing broadband service speeds, including 14 whether the project serves a rural area or areas. 15 (2) The applicant’s total proposed budget for the project, 16 including all of the following: 17 (a) The amount or percentage of local or federal matching 18 funds, if any, and any funding obligations shared between 19 public and private entities. 20 (b) The percentage of funding provided directly from the 21 applicant, including whether the applicant requested from the 22 office department an amount less than the maximum amount the 23 office department could award pursuant to subsection 5 and, if 24 so, the percentage of the project cost that the applicant is 25 requesting. 26 (3) The relative download and upload speeds of proposed 27 projects for all applicants. 28 (4) The specific product attributes resulting from the 29 proposed project, including technologies that provide higher 30 qualities of service, such as service levels, latency, 31 and other service attributes as determined by the office 32 department . 33 (5) The percentage of the homes, farms, schools, and 34 businesses in the targeted service area that will be provided 35 -38- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 38/ 100
S.F. 2409 access to broadband service. 1 (6) The proportion of proposed projects that will result 2 in the installation of broadband infrastructure in a targeted 3 service area within which the only broadband service available 4 provides the tier 1 download and upload speeds specified in the 5 definition of targeted service area in section 8B.1 . 6 (7) Other factors the office department deems relevant. 7 b. In considering the factors listed in paragraph “a” for 8 awarding grants pursuant to this section , the office department 9 shall afford the greatest weight to the factors described in 10 paragraph “a” , subparagraphs (1) through (3), and subparagraph 11 (6). 12 5. The total amount of the grants the office department 13 awards from the empower rural Iowa broadband grant fund 14 pursuant to this section shall not exceed any of the following 15 amounts: 16 a. Seventy-five percent of a communications service 17 provider’s project costs for projects that will result in the 18 installation of broadband infrastructure in a targeted service 19 area within which no communications service provider offers or 20 facilitates broadband service that provides download and upload 21 speeds less than or equal to the tier 1 download and upload 22 speeds specified in the definition of targeted service area in 23 section 8B.1 . 24 b. Fifty percent of a communications service provider’s 25 project costs for projects that will result in the installation 26 of broadband infrastructure in a targeted service area within 27 which no communications service provider offers or facilitates 28 broadband service that provides download speeds less than or 29 equal to the tier 2 download speeds specified in the definition 30 of targeted service area in section 8B.1 . 31 c. Thirty-five percent of a communications service 32 provider’s project costs for projects that will result in the 33 installation of broadband infrastructure in a targeted service 34 area within which no communications service provider offers or 35 -39- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 39/ 100
S.F. 2409 facilitates broadband service that provides download speeds 1 less than or equal to the tier 3 download speed specified in 2 the definition of targeted service area in section 8B.1 . 3 6. Notwithstanding subsections 3 and 5 , communications 4 service providers may apply to the office department for 5 a grant pursuant to this section for the installation of 6 broadband infrastructure that facilitates broadband service 7 providing a minimum download speed of one hundred megabits per 8 second and a minimum upload speed of twenty megabits per second 9 in targeted service areas pursuant to this subsection . The 10 office department shall make available a public internet site 11 identifying all publicly available information contained in the 12 applications and any results of performance testing conducted 13 after the project is completed. 14 a. The office department shall award grants under this 15 subsection on a competitive basis after considering the factors 16 provided in subsection 4 and affording weight to the factors 17 pursuant to subsection 4 , paragraph “b” . 18 b. The total amount of the grants the office department 19 shall award pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed fifty 20 percent of a communications service provider’s project costs 21 for projects that will result in the installation of broadband 22 infrastructure in a targeted service area within which no 23 communications service provider offers or facilitates broadband 24 service that provides download and upload speeds less than or 25 equal to the tier 1 download and upload speeds specified in the 26 definition of targeted service area in section 8B.1 . 27 7. Notwithstanding subsections 5 and 6 , at least twenty 28 percent of the total amount of the grants the office department 29 awards from the empower rural Iowa broadband grant fund 30 pursuant to this section shall be allocated to projects that 31 will result in the installation of broadband infrastructure 32 in difficult to serve targeted service areas within which no 33 communications service provider offers or facilitates broadband 34 service that provides download and upload speeds less than 35 -40- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 40/ 100
S.F. 2409 or equal to the tier 1 download and upload speeds specified 1 in the definition of targeted service area in section 8B.1 . 2 For purposes of this subsection , a targeted service area is 3 difficult to serve if the soil conditions, topography, or 4 other local conditions make the installation of broadband 5 infrastructure in the targeted service area more time-consuming 6 or labor-intensive compared to other areas of the state. 7 8. The office department shall provide public notice 8 regarding the application process and receipt of funding. 9 9. The office department may adopt rules pursuant to 10 chapter 17A interpreting this chapter subchapter or necessary 11 for administering this chapter subchapter , including but not 12 limited to rules relating to the broadband grant program 13 process, management, and measurements as deemed necessary by 14 the office department . 15 10. The office department shall adopt rules establishing 16 procedures to allow aggrieved applicants an opportunity to 17 challenge the office’s department’s award of grants under this 18 section . 19 Sec. 59. Section 8B.12, subsections 1 and 3, Code 2024, are 20 amended to read as follows: 21 1. The chief information officer director shall enter 22 into agreements with state agencies supported entities , and 23 may enter into agreements with any other governmental entity , 24 including a local governmental entity or entity created 25 pursuant to chapter 28E, or with a nonprofit organization, to 26 furnish services and facilities of the office department to the 27 applicable governmental entity or nonprofit organization under 28 this subchapter . The agreement shall must provide for the 29 reimbursement to the office department of the reasonable cost 30 of the services and facilities furnished. All governmental 31 entities of this state may enter into such agreements. For 32 purposes of this subsection , “nonprofit organization” means a 33 nonprofit entity which is exempt from federal income taxation 34 pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and 35 -41- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 41/ 100
S.F. 2409 which is funded in whole or in part by public funds. 1 3. The state board of regents shall not be required to 2 obtain any service for the state board of regents or any 3 institution under the control of the state board of regents 4 that is provided by the office department pursuant to this 5 chapter subchapter without the consent of the state board of 6 regents. 7 Sec. 60. Section 8B.13, Code 2024, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 8B.13 Office Department internal service funds —— information 10 technology . 11 1. Activities of the office shall be accounted for 12 within the general fund of the state, except that the chief 13 information officer The department may establish and maintain 14 internal service funds in accordance with generally accepted 15 accounting principles , as defined in section 8.57, subsection 16 4 , for activities of the office department which are primarily 17 funded from billings to governmental entities for services 18 rendered by the office department under this subchapter . The 19 establishment of an internal service fund is subject to the 20 approval of the director of the department of management and 21 the concurrence of the auditor of state. At least ninety days 22 prior to the establishment of an internal service fund pursuant 23 to this section , the chief information officer department 24 shall notify in writing the general assembly, including the 25 legislative council, legislative fiscal committee, and the 26 legislative services agency. 27 2. Internal service funds shall be administered by the 28 office department and shall consist of moneys collected by 29 the office department from billings issued in accordance with 30 section 8B.15 , fees collected under section 8B.24, and any 31 other moneys obtained or accepted by the office department 32 under this subchapter , including but not limited to gifts, 33 loans, donations, grants, and contributions, which are 34 designated to support the activities of the individual internal 35 -42- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 42/ 100
S.F. 2409 service funds in accordance with this subchapter . 1 3. The proceeds of an internal service fund established 2 pursuant to this section shall be used by the office department 3 for the operations of the office department pursuant to and 4 consistent with this chapter subchapter . The chief information 5 officer director may appoint the personnel necessary to ensure 6 the efficient provision of services funded pursuant to an 7 internal service fund established under this section . However, 8 this usage requirement shall not limit or restrict the office 9 department from using proceeds from gifts, loans, donations, 10 grants, and contributions in conformance with any conditions, 11 directions, limitations, or instructions attached or related 12 thereto. 13 4. a. (1) Section 8.33 does not apply to any moneys in 14 internal service funds established pursuant to this section . 15 (2) This paragraph does not apply to moneys annually 16 appropriated to the department by the general assembly in an 17 Act of the general assembly. Such moneys shall be subject to 18 reversion as otherwise provided by law. 19 b. Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2 , interest or 20 earnings on moneys deposited in these funds shall be credited 21 to these funds. 22 5. The office department shall submit an annual report not 23 later than October 1 to the members of the general assembly and 24 the legislative services agency of the activities funded by and 25 expenditures made from an internal service fund established 26 pursuant to this section during the preceding fiscal year. 27 Sec. 61. Section 8B.15, Code 2024, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 8B.15 Billing —— credit card payments. 30 1. The chief information officer director may bill a 31 governmental entity for services rendered by the office 32 department in accordance with the duties of the office 33 department as provided in this chapter subchapter . Bills may 34 include direct, indirect, and developmental costs which have 35 -43- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 43/ 100
S.F. 2409 not been funded by an appropriation to the office department . 1 The office department shall periodically render a billing 2 statement to a governmental entity outlining the cost of 3 services provided to the governmental entity. The amount 4 indicated on the statement shall be paid by the governmental 5 entity and amounts received by the office department shall 6 be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined in 7 section 8.2 , and deposited into the accounts of the office 8 department . 9 2. In addition to other forms of payment, a person may pay 10 by credit card for services provided by the office department , 11 according to rules adopted by the treasurer of state. The 12 credit card fees to be charged shall not exceed those permitted 13 by statute. A governmental entity may adjust its payment to 14 reflect the costs of processing as determined by the treasurer 15 of state. The discount charged by the credit card issuer may 16 be included in determining the fees to be paid for completing 17 a financial transaction under this section by using a credit 18 card. All credit card payments shall be credited to the fund 19 used to account for the services provided. 20 Sec. 62. Section 8B.16, Code 2024, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 8B.16 Office Department debts and liabilities —— 23 appropriation request. 24 If a service provided by the office department and funded 25 from an internal service fund established under section 26 8B.13 ceases to be provided and insufficient funds remain in 27 the internal service fund to pay any outstanding debts and 28 liabilities relating to that service, the chief information 29 officer director shall notify the department of management and 30 the general assembly and request that moneys be appropriated 31 from the general fund of the state to pay such debts and 32 liabilities. 33 Sec. 63. Section 8B.21, subsections 1, 2, and 3, Code 2024, 34 are amended to read as follows: 35 -44- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 44/ 100
S.F. 2409 1. Powers and duties of office the chief information 1 officer . The powers and duties of the office chief information 2 officer as it relates to information technology services shall 3 include but are not limited to all of the following: 4 a. Approving information technology for use by agencies 5 supported entities and other governmental entities. 6 b. Directing, developing, and implementing policies, 7 procedures, and organization measures designed to ensure the 8 efficient administration of information technology. 9 b. c. Implementing the strategic information technology 10 plan. 11 d. Prescribing and adopting information technology 12 policies, procedures, and rules that are binding on all 13 supported entities and that represent best practices for other 14 governmental entities in the state that are not supported 15 entities. 16 c. e. Developing and implementing a business continuity 17 plan, as the chief information officer director determines is 18 appropriate, to be used if a disruption occurs in the provision 19 of information technology to participating agencies supported 20 entities and other governmental entities. 21 d. f. Prescribing standards policies and adopting rules 22 relating to cyber security cybersecurity , geospatial systems, 23 application development, and information technology and 24 procurement, including but not limited to system design and 25 systems integration, and interoperability, which shall apply to 26 are binding on all participating agencies supported entities 27 except as otherwise provided in this chapter subchapter, 28 and which represent best practices for other governmental 29 entities in the state that are not supported entities . The 30 office department shall implement information technology 31 standards policies as established pursuant to this chapter 32 which subchapter that are applicable to information technology 33 procurements for participating agencies supported entities . 34 g. Providing continuous monitoring through a security 35 -45- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 45/ 100
S.F. 2409 operations center for supported entities, which the department 1 may also make available to other governmental entities. 2 e. h. Establishing an enterprise strategic and project 3 management function for oversight of all information 4 technology-related projects and resources of participating 5 agencies supported entities that require prior approval by 6 rule . 7 f. i. (1) Developing and maintaining security policies 8 and systems to ensure the integrity of the state’s information 9 resources and to prevent the disclosure of confidential 10 records. The office department shall ensure that the security 11 policies and systems be consistent with the state’s data 12 transparency efforts by developing and implementing policies 13 and systems for the sharing of data and information by 14 participating agencies supported entities . 15 (2) Establishing statewide standards policies , to include 16 periodic review and compliance measures, for information 17 technology security to maximize the functionality, security, 18 and interoperability of the state’s distributed information 19 technology assets, including but not limited to communications 20 and encryption technologies. 21 (3) Requiring all information technology security services, 22 solutions, hardware, and software purchased or used by a 23 participating agency supported entity to be subject to approval 24 by the office department in accordance with security standards 25 policies . 26 g. j. Developing and implementing effective and efficient 27 strategies for the use and provision of information technology 28 and information technology staff for participating agencies 29 supported entities and other governmental entities. 30 h. k. Coordinating and managing the acquisition of 31 information technology goods and services by participating 32 agencies supported entities in furtherance of the purposes of 33 this chapter subchapter . The office department shall institute 34 procedures to ensure effective and efficient compliance with 35 -46- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 46/ 100
S.F. 2409 the applicable standards policies established pursuant to this 1 chapter subchapter . 2 i. Entering into contracts, leases, licensing agreements, 3 royalty agreements, marketing agreements, memorandums of 4 understanding, or other agreements as necessary and appropriate 5 to administer this chapter . 6 l. Selecting the chief information security officer in 7 consultation with the director, and selecting other information 8 technology staff deemed necessary for the administration of the 9 department’s information technology functions as provided in 10 this chapter. 11 j. m. Determining and implementing statewide efforts 12 to standardize data elements, determine data ownership 13 assignments, and implement the sharing of data. 14 k. n. Requiring that a participating agency supported 15 entity provide such information as is necessary to establish 16 and maintain an inventory of information technology used by 17 participating agencies, and such participating agency supported 18 entities. A supported entity shall provide such information to 19 the office department in a timely manner . The , in a form and 20 content of the containing information to be provided shall be 21 as determined by the office department . 22 l. o. Requiring participating agencies supported 23 entities to provide the full details of the agency’s entity’s 24 information technology and operational requirements upon 25 request, report information technology security incidents to 26 the office department in a timely manner, provide comprehensive 27 information concerning the information technology security 28 employed by the agency entity to protect the agency’s entity’s 29 information technology, and forecast the parameters of the 30 agency’s entity’s projected future information technology 31 security needs and capabilities. 32 m. p. Charging reasonable fees, costs, expenses, charges, 33 or other amounts to an agency, governmental entity, public 34 official, or person or entity related to the provision, sale, 35 -47- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 47/ 100
S.F. 2409 use, or utilization of, or cost sharing with respect to, 1 information technology and any intellectual property interests 2 related thereto; research and development; proprietary 3 hardware, software, and applications; and information 4 technology architecture and design. The office department may 5 enter into nondisclosure agreements and take any other legal 6 action reasonably necessary to secure a right to an interest 7 in information technology development by or on behalf of the 8 state of Iowa and to protect the state of Iowa’s proprietary 9 information technology and intellectual property interests. 10 The provisions of chapter 23A relating to noncompetition 11 by state agencies and political subdivisions with private 12 enterprise shall do not apply to office department activities 13 authorized under this paragraph. 14 n. q. Charging reasonable fees, costs, expenses, charges, 15 or other amounts to an agency, governmental entity, public 16 official, or other person or entity to or for whom information 17 technology or other services have been provided by or on behalf 18 of, or otherwise made available through, the office department . 19 o. r. Providing, selling, leasing, licensing, transferring, 20 or otherwise conveying or disposing of information technology, 21 or any intellectual property or other rights with respect 22 thereto, to agencies, governmental entities, public officials, 23 or other persons or entities. 24 p. s. Entering into partnerships, contracts, leases, or 25 other agreements with public and private entities for the 26 evaluation and development of information technology pilot 27 projects. 28 q. t. Initiating and supporting the development of 29 electronic commerce, electronic government, and internet 30 applications across participating agencies supported entities 31 and in cooperation with other governmental entities. The 32 office department shall foster joint development of electronic 33 commerce and electronic government involving the public and 34 private sectors, develop customer surveys and citizen outreach 35 -48- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 48/ 100
S.F. 2409 and education programs and material, and provide for citizen 1 input regarding the state’s electronic commerce and electronic 2 government applications. 3 u. Working with all governmental entities in an effort to 4 achieve information technology goals. 5 v. Developing systems and methodologies to review, evaluate, 6 and prioritize information technology projects. 7 w. Streamlining, consolidating, and coordinating the access 8 to and availability of broadband and broadband infrastructure 9 throughout the state, including but not limited to facilitating 10 public-private partnerships, ensuring that all departments’ 11 and establishments’ broadband and broadband infrastructure 12 policies are aligned, resolving issues that arise with regard 13 to implementation efforts, and collecting data and developing 14 metrics or policies against which the data may be measured and 15 evaluated regarding broadband infrastructure installation and 16 deployment. 17 x. Administering the broadband grant program pursuant 18 to section 8B.11, and providing technical assistance to 19 communications service providers related to grant applications 20 under section 8B.11. 21 y. Coordinating the fiberoptic network conduit installation 22 program established in section 8B.25. 23 2. Responsibilities. The responsibilities of the office 24 chief information officer as it relates to information 25 technology services include all of the following: 26 a. Coordinate the activities of the office in promoting, 27 integrating, and supporting Promote, integrate, and support 28 information technology in all business aspects of state 29 government. 30 b. Provide for server systems, including mainframe and 31 other server operations, desktop support, and applications 32 integration. 33 c. Provide applications development, support, and training, 34 and advice and assistance in developing and supporting business 35 -49- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 49/ 100
S.F. 2409 applications throughout state government. 1 3. Information technology charges. The office department 2 shall render a statement to an agency, governmental entity, 3 public official, or other person or entity to or for whom 4 information technology, value-added services, or other items or 5 services have been provided by or on behalf of, or otherwise 6 made available through, the office department . Such an agency, 7 governmental entity, public official, or other person or entity 8 shall pay an amount indicated on such statement in a manner 9 determined by the office department . 10 Sec. 64. Section 8B.21, subsection 4, Code 2024, is amended 11 by striking the subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the 12 following: 13 4. Exclusion. The department of public defense is not 14 required to obtain any information technology services pursuant 15 to this subchapter where such services involve or impact 16 interconnections with federal networks and systems. 17 Sec. 65. Section 8B.21, subsections 5 and 6, Code 2024, are 18 amended by striking the subsections. 19 Sec. 66. Section 8B.22, Code 2024, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 8B.22 Digital government. 22 1. The office department is responsible for initiating and 23 supporting the development of electronic commerce, electronic 24 government, mobile applications, and internet applications 25 across participating agencies supported entities and in 26 cooperation with other governmental entities. 27 2. In developing the concept of digital government, the 28 office department shall do all of the following: 29 a. Establish standards policies , consistent with other 30 state law, for the implementation of electronic commerce, 31 including standards policies for the technical implementation 32 of electronic signatures pursuant to chapter 554D , electronic 33 currency, and other items associated with electronic commerce. 34 b. Establish guidelines for the appearance and functioning 35 -50- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 50/ 100
S.F. 2409 of applications. 1 c. Establish standards policies for the integration of 2 electronic data across state agencies. 3 d. Foster joint development of electronic commerce and 4 electronic government involving the public and private sectors. 5 e. Develop customer surveys and citizen outreach and 6 education programs and material, and provide for citizen input 7 regarding the state’s electronic commerce and electronic 8 government applications. 9 f. Assist participating agencies supported entities in 10 converting printed government materials to electronic materials 11 which can be accessed through an internet searchable database. 12 g. Encourage participating agencies supported entities 13 to utilize duplex printing and a print on demand strategy 14 to reduce printing costs, publication overruns, excessive 15 inventory, and obsolete printed materials. 16 Sec. 67. Section 8B.23, Code 2024, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 8B.23 Information technology standards policies . 19 1. The office department shall develop and adopt 20 information technology standards policies applicable to the 21 procurement of information technology by all participating 22 agencies supported entities . Such standards policies , unless 23 waived by the office department , shall apply to all information 24 technology procurements for participating agencies supported 25 entities . 26 2. The office of the governor or the office of an elective 27 constitutional or statutory officer shall consult with the 28 office department prior to procuring information technology and 29 consider the information technology standards policies adopted 30 by the office department , and provide a written report to the 31 office department relating to the other office’s decision 32 regarding such acquisitions. 33 Sec. 68. Section 8B.24, Code 2024, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -51- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 51/ 100
S.F. 2409 8B.24 Procurement of information technology. 1 1. Standards Policies established by the office department , 2 unless waived by the office department , shall apply to all 3 information technology procurements for participating agencies 4 supported entities . 5 2. The office department shall institute procedures to 6 ensure effective and efficient compliance with standards 7 policies established by the office department . 8 3. The office department shall develop policies and 9 procedures that apply to all information technology goods and 10 services acquisitions, and shall ensure the compliance of 11 all participating agencies supported entities . The office 12 department shall also be the sole provider of infrastructure 13 information technology goods and services for participating 14 agencies supported entities, the sole authority in state 15 government for the procurement of information technology goods 16 and services for supported entities, the sole authority in 17 state government for the establishment of master agreements 18 for information technology goods and services, and the 19 sole authority in state government for determining whether 20 any particular procurement is an information technology 21 procurement . 22 4. The office department , by rule, may implement a 23 prequalification procedure for contractors with which the 24 office department has entered or intends to enter into 25 agreements regarding the procurement of information technology. 26 5. Notwithstanding the provisions governing purchasing as 27 provided in chapter 8A, subchapter III , the office department 28 may procure information technology as provided in this section . 29 The office department may cooperate with other governmental 30 entities in the procurement of information technology in an 31 effort to make such procurements in a cost-effective, efficient 32 manner as provided in this section . The office department , as 33 deemed appropriate and cost effective, may procure information 34 technology using any of the following methods: 35 -52- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 52/ 100
S.F. 2409 a. Cooperative procurement agreement. The office department 1 may enter into a cooperative procurement agreement with another 2 governmental entity relating to the procurement of information 3 technology, whether such information technology is for the use 4 of the office department or other governmental entities. The 5 cooperative procurement agreement shall must clearly specify 6 the purpose of the agreement and the method by which such 7 purpose will be accomplished. Any power exercised under such 8 agreement shall not exceed the power granted to any party to 9 the agreement. 10 b. Negotiated contract. The office department may enter 11 into an agreement for the purchase of information technology if 12 any of the following applies apply : 13 (1) The contract price, terms, and conditions are pursuant 14 to the current federal supply contract, and the purchase order 15 adequately identifies the federal supply contract under which 16 the procurement is to be made. 17 (2) The contract price, terms, and conditions are no less 18 favorable than the contractor’s current federal supply contract 19 price, terms, and conditions; the contractor has indicated 20 in writing a willingness to extend such price, terms, and 21 conditions to the office department ; and the purchase order 22 adequately identifies the contract relied upon. 23 (3) The contract is with a vendor who has a current 24 exclusive or nonexclusive price agreement with the state for 25 the information technology to be procured, and such information 26 technology meets the same standards and specifications as the 27 items to be procured and both all of the following apply: 28 (a) The quantity purchased does not exceed the quantity 29 which may be purchased under the applicable price agreement. 30 (b) The purchase order adequately identifies the price 31 agreement relied upon. 32 c. Contracts let by another governmental entity. The office, 33 on its own behalf or on the behalf of another participating 34 agency or governmental entity, may procure information 35 -53- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 53/ 100
S.F. 2409 technology under a contract let by another agency or other 1 governmental entity, or approve such procurement in the same 2 manner by a participating agency or governmental entity. 3 The office, on its own behalf or on the behalf of another 4 participating agency or governmental entity, may also procure 5 information technology by leveraging an existing competitively 6 procured contract, other than a contract associated with the 7 state board of regents or an institution under the control of 8 the state board of regents. The department may contract for 9 information technology by leveraging an existing, competitively 10 procured contract established by any other governmental entity 11 or cooperative purchasing organization. 12 d. Reverse auction. 13 (1) The office department may enter into an agreement for 14 the purchase of information technology utilizing a reverse 15 auction process. Such process shall result in the purchase of 16 information technology from the vendor submitting the lowest 17 responsible bid amount for the information technology to be 18 acquired. The office department , in establishing a reverse 19 auction process, shall do all of the following: 20 (a) Determine the specifications and requirements of the 21 information technology to be acquired. 22 (b) Identify and provide notice to potential vendors 23 concerning the proposed acquisition. 24 (c) Establish prequalification requirements to be met by a 25 vendor to be eligible to participate in the reverse auction. 26 (d) Conduct the reverse auction in a manner as deemed 27 appropriate by the office department and consistent with rules 28 adopted by the office department . 29 (2) Prior to conducting a reverse auction, the office 30 department shall establish a threshold amount which shall be 31 the maximum amount that the office department is willing to pay 32 for the information technology to be acquired. 33 (3) The office department shall enter into an agreement with 34 a vendor who is the lowest responsible bidder which meets the 35 -54- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 54/ 100
S.F. 2409 specifications or description of the information technology to 1 be procured, or the office department may reject all bids and 2 begin the process again. In determining the lowest responsible 3 bidder, the office department may consider various factors 4 including but not limited to the past performance of the vendor 5 relative to quality of product or service, the past experience 6 of the office department in relation to the product or service, 7 the relative quality of products or services, the proposed 8 terms of delivery, and the best interest of the state. 9 e. Competitive bidding. The office department may enter 10 into an agreement for the procurement or acquisition of 11 information technology in the same manner as provided under 12 chapter 8A, subchapter III , for the purchasing of service. The 13 department may also contract for the purchase of information 14 technology goods or services using a competitive bidding 15 process that includes a vendor selection process that focuses 16 on realized, efficiency-based competition models. 17 f. Other agreement. In addition to the competitive 18 bidding procedure provided for under paragraph “e” , the office 19 department may enter into an agreement for the purchase, 20 disposal, or other disposition of information technology in the 21 same manner and subject to the same limitations as otherwise 22 provided in this chapter subchapter . The office, by rule, 23 shall provide for such procedures. 24 6. The office department shall adopt rules pursuant to 25 chapter 17A to implement the procurement methods and procedures 26 provided for in subsections 2 through 5. 27 7. The department may establish and collect administrative 28 fees associated with purchases made from department information 29 technology agreements. The department may retain fees 30 collected under this subsection in a fund created pursuant to 31 section 8B.13. 32 Sec. 69. Section 8B.25, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2024, are 33 amended to read as follows: 34 2. The office department shall lead and coordinate a program 35 -55- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 55/ 100
S.F. 2409 to provide for the installation of fiberoptic network conduit 1 where such conduit does not exist. The chief information 2 officer director shall consult and coordinate with applicable 3 agencies and entities, including public utilities as defined 4 in section 476.1 , the state department of transportation, the 5 economic development authority, county boards of supervisors, 6 municipal governing bodies, the farm-to-market review board, 7 county conservation boards, and the boards, commissions, or 8 agencies in control of state parks, as determined appropriate 9 to ensure that the opportunity is provided to lay or install 10 fiberoptic network conduit wherever a state-funded construction 11 project involves trenching, boring, a bridge, a roadway, 12 or opening of the ground, or alongside any state-owned 13 infrastructure. 14 3. Contingent upon the provision of funding for such 15 purposes by the general assembly, the office department may 16 contract with a nongovernmental third party to manage, lease, 17 install, or otherwise provide fiberoptic network conduit 18 access for projects described in this section . This section 19 does not require coordination with or approval from the 20 office department pursuant to this program or installation of 21 fiberoptic conduit as required by this section for construction 22 projects not using public funding. 23 Sec. 70. Section 8B.31, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 24 to read as follows: 25 1. IowAccess. The office department shall establish 26 IowAccess as a service to the citizens of this state that 27 is the gateway for one-stop electronic access to government 28 information and transactions, whether federal, state, or local. 29 Except as provided in this section , IowAccess shall be a 30 state-funded service providing access to government information 31 and transactions. The office department , in establishing the 32 fees for value-added services, shall consider the reasonable 33 cost of creating and organizing such government information 34 through IowAccess. 35 -56- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 56/ 100
S.F. 2409 Sec. 71. Section 8B.31, subsection 2, unnumbered paragraph 1 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 2 The office department shall do all of the following: 3 Sec. 72. Section 8B.31, subsection 2, paragraph b, 4 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 Approve and establish the priority of projects associated 7 with IowAccess. The determination may also include 8 requirements concerning funding for a project proposed by 9 a political subdivision of the state or an association, 10 the membership of which is comprised solely of political 11 subdivisions of the state. Prior to approving a project 12 proposed by a political subdivision, the office department 13 shall verify that all of the following conditions are met: 14 Sec. 73. Section 8B.31, subsection 2, paragraph d, Code 15 2024, is amended to read as follows: 16 d. Establish the IowAccess total budget request and 17 ensure that such request reflects the priorities and goals of 18 IowAccess as established by the office department . 19 Sec. 74. Section 8B.32, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 20 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 21 Moneys paid to a participating agency supported entity from 22 persons who complete an electronic financial transaction with 23 the agency entity by accessing IowAccess shall be transferred 24 to the treasurer of state for deposit in the general fund of 25 the state, unless the disposition of the moneys is specifically 26 provided for under other law. The moneys may include all of 27 the following: 28 Sec. 75. Section 8B.33, Code 2024, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 8B.33 IowAccess revolving fund. 31 1. An IowAccess revolving fund is created in the state 32 treasury. The revolving fund shall be administered by the 33 office department and shall consist of moneys collected by the 34 office department as fees, moneys appropriated by the general 35 -57- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 57/ 100
S.F. 2409 assembly, and any other moneys obtained or accepted by the 1 office department for deposit in the revolving fund. The 2 proceeds of the revolving fund are appropriated to and shall be 3 used by the office department to maintain, develop, operate, 4 and expand IowAccess consistent with this chapter subchapter . 5 2. The office department shall submit an annual report not 6 later than January 31 to the members of the general assembly 7 and the legislative services agency of the activities funded 8 by and expenditures made from the revolving fund during the 9 preceding fiscal year. Section 8.33 does not apply to any 10 moneys in the revolving fund, and, notwithstanding section 11 12C.7, subsection 2 , earnings or interest on moneys deposited 12 in the revolving fund shall be credited to the revolving fund. 13 Sec. 76. Section 28D.3, subsection 4, Code 2024, is amended 14 to read as follows: 15 4. Persons employed by the department of management, 16 department of natural resources, department of administrative 17 services, and the or Iowa communications network under 18 this chapter are not subject to the twenty-four-month time 19 limitation specified in subsection 2 . 20 Sec. 77. Section 97B.4, subsection 2, paragraph d, Code 21 2024, is amended by striking the paragraph. 22 Sec. 78. 2021 Iowa Acts, chapter 172, section 28, is amended 23 to read as follows: 24 SEC. 28. REPEAL. The section of this division of this Act 25 amending section 8.58 is repealed July 1, 2025 2027 . 26 Sec. 79. 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 71, section 137, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 SEC. 137. Section 8.6 8.5 , Code 2023, is amended by adding 29 the following new subsection: 30 NEW SUBSECTION . 17. 15A. County and city bond issuance. To 31 annually prepare and file with the general assembly by December 32 January 1 a report specifying the updated population thresholds 33 as adjusted under section 331.442, subsection 5 , and section 34 384.26, subsection 5 , and detailing the use of the bond 35 -58- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 58/ 100
S.F. 2409 issuance procedures under section 331.442, subsection 5 , and 1 section 384.26, subsection 5 , including the usage of such 2 procedures by counties and cities based on the population-based 3 limitations and the amount of bonds issued for each such usage. 4 Sec. 80. REPEAL. Sections 8.6, 8.25, 8.28, 8.43, 8.53, 5 8.59, 8.60, 8.61, 8B.2, 8B.3, 8B.4, 8B.5, and 8B.9, Code 2024, 6 are repealed. 7 Sec. 81. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE. For all of the following 8 terminology changes, the Code editor is directed to make 9 changes in any Code sections amended or enacted by any other 10 Act to correspond with the changes made in this division of 11 this Act if there appears to be no doubt as to the proper method 12 of making the changes and the changes would not be contrary to 13 or inconsistent with the purposes of this Act or any other Act: 14 1. “Repayment receipts” to “appropriated receipts”. 15 2. “Participating agency” to “supported entity” for 16 purposes associated with chapter 8B, Code 2024. 17 Sec. 82. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE. 18 1. The Code editor is directed to make the following 19 transfers: 20 a. Section 8.7 to section 68B.22A. 21 b. Section 8.75 to section 8.57J. 22 c. Section 8B.1 to section 8.76. 23 d. Section 8B.4A to section 8.78. 24 e. Section 8B.6 to section 8.12. 25 f. Section 8B.7 to section 8.7A. 26 g. Section 8B.10 to section 8.79. 27 h. Section 8B.11 to section 8.91. 28 i. Section 8B.12 to section 8.80. 29 j. Section 8B.13 to section 8.92. 30 k. Section 8B.15 to section 8.81. 31 l. Section 8B.16 to section 8.82. 32 m. Section 8B.21 to section 8.77. 33 n. Section 8B.22 to section 8.83. 34 o. Section 8B.23 to section 8.84. 35 -59- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 59/ 100
S.F. 2409 p. Section 8B.24 to section 8.85. 1 q. Section 8B.25 to section 8.86. 2 r. Section 8B.26 to section 8.87. 3 s. Section 8B.31 to section 8.88. 4 t. Section 8B.32 to section 8.89. 5 u. Section 8B.33 to section 8.90. 6 2. The Code editor shall correct internal references in the 7 Code and in any enacted legislation as necessary due to the 8 enactment of this section. 9 3. The Code editor shall designate sections 8.76 through 10 8.99 as a new subchapter XI within chapter 8 entitled 11 “Information Technology”. 12 Sec. 83. TRANSITION. Any rule, regulation, form, order, or 13 directive promulgated by the office of the chief information 14 officer shall continue in full force and effect until amended, 15 repealed, or supplemented by affirmative action of the 16 department of management. 17 DIVISION II 18 CONFORMING AMENDMENTS 19 Sec. 84. Section 2.47A, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 20 2024, is amended to read as follows: 21 b. Receive the reports of all capital project budgeting 22 requests of all state agencies, with individual state agency 23 priorities noted, pursuant to section 8.6 8.5 , subsection 12 . 24 Sec. 85. Section 8A.101, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, 25 is amended to read as follows: 26 As used in this chapter and chapter 8B , unless the context 27 otherwise requires: 28 Sec. 86. Section 8A.104, subsection 7, Code 2024, is amended 29 by striking the subsection. 30 Sec. 87. Section 8A.123, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 31 to read as follows: 32 1. Activities of the department shall be accounted 33 for within the general fund of the state, except that the 34 director may establish and maintain internal service funds , 35 -60- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 60/ 100
S.F. 2409 in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, 1 as defined in section 8.57, subsection 4 , for activities of 2 the department which are primarily funded from billings to 3 governmental entities for services rendered by the department. 4 The establishment of an internal service fund is subject to 5 the approval of the director of the department of management 6 and the concurrence of the auditor of state. At least ninety 7 days prior to the establishment of an internal service fund 8 pursuant to this section , the director shall notify in writing 9 the general assembly, including the legislative council, 10 legislative fiscal committee, and the legislative services 11 agency. 12 Sec. 88. Section 8A.125, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 13 to read as follows: 14 1. The director may bill a governmental entity for services 15 rendered by the department in accordance with the duties 16 of the department as provided in this chapter . Bills may 17 include direct, indirect, and developmental costs which have 18 not been funded by an appropriation to the department. The 19 department shall periodically render a billing statement to a 20 governmental entity outlining the cost of services provided to 21 the governmental entity. The amount indicated on the statement 22 shall be paid by the governmental entity and amounts received 23 by the department shall be considered repayment appropriated 24 receipts as defined in section 8.2 , and deposited into the 25 accounts of the department. 26 Sec. 89. Section 8A.502, subsection 7, Code 2024, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 7. Accounts. To keep the central budget and proprietary 29 control accounts of the general fund of the state and special 30 revenue funds, as defined in section 8.2 , of the state 31 government. Upon elimination of the state deficit under 32 generally accepted accounting principles, including the payment 33 of items budgeted in a subsequent fiscal year which under 34 generally accepted accounting principles should be budgeted 35 -61- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 61/ 100
S.F. 2409 in the current fiscal year, the The recognition of revenues 1 received and expenditures paid and transfers received and paid 2 within the time period required pursuant to section 8.33 shall 3 be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. 4 Budget accounts are those accounts maintained to control 5 the receipt and disposition of all funds, appropriations, 6 and allotments. Proprietary accounts are those accounts 7 relating to assets, liabilities, income, and expense. For each 8 fiscal year, the financial position and results of operations 9 of the state shall be reported in an annual comprehensive 10 financial report prepared in accordance with generally accepted 11 accounting principles, as established by the governmental 12 accounting standards board. 13 Sec. 90. Section 8A.502, subsection 8, paragraph b, Code 14 2024, is amended to read as follows: 15 b. By charging all collections made by the educational 16 institutions and state fair board to the respective advance 17 accounts of the institutions and state fair board, and by 18 crediting all such repayment collections appropriated receipts 19 to the respective appropriations and special revenue funds. 20 Sec. 91. Section 8D.3, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 2024, 21 is amended to read as follows: 22 b. The auditor of state or the auditor’s designee and the 23 chief information officer selected designated pursuant to 24 section 8B.2 8.5 or the chief information officer’s designee 25 shall serve as nonvoting, ex officio members of the commission. 26 Sec. 92. Section 10A.107, Code 2024, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 10A.107 Repayment Appropriated receipts. 29 The department may charge state departments, agencies, and 30 commissions for services rendered and the payment received 31 shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined 32 in section 8.2 . 33 Sec. 93. Section 10A.503, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 34 amended to read as follows: 35 -62- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 62/ 100
S.F. 2409 2. The department and the licensing boards referenced in 1 subsection 1 may expend funds in addition to amounts budgeted, 2 if those additional expenditures are directly the result of 3 actual examination and exceed funds budgeted for examinations. 4 Before the department or a licensing board expends or encumbers 5 an amount in excess of the funds budgeted for examinations, 6 the director of the department of management shall approve the 7 expenditure or encumbrance. Before approval is given, the 8 department of management shall determine that the examination 9 expenses exceed the funds budgeted by the general assembly to 10 the department or board and the department or board does not 11 have other funds from which examination expenses can be paid. 12 Upon approval of the department of management, the department 13 or licensing board may expend and encumber funds for excess 14 examination expenses. The amounts necessary to fund the excess 15 examination expenses shall be collected as fees from additional 16 examination applicants and shall be treated as repayment 17 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 18 Sec. 94. Section 10A.506, subsection 4, Code 2024, is 19 amended to read as follows: 20 4. The department may expend additional funds, including 21 funds for additional personnel, if those additional 22 expenditures are directly the cause of actual examination 23 expenses exceeding funds budgeted for examinations. Before 24 the department expends or encumbers an amount in excess of 25 the funds budgeted for examinations, the director of the 26 department of management shall approve the expenditure or 27 encumbrance. Before approval is given, the director of the 28 department of management shall determine that the examination 29 expenses exceed the funds budgeted by the general assembly to 30 the department and the department does not have other funds 31 from which the expenses can be paid. Upon approval of the 32 director of the department of management, the department may 33 expend and encumber funds for excess examination expenses. The 34 amounts necessary to fund the examination expenses shall be 35 -63- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 63/ 100
S.F. 2409 collected as fees from additional examination applicants and 1 shall be treated as repayment appropriated receipts as defined 2 in section 8.2 , subsection 8 . 3 Sec. 95. Section 10A.801, subsection 9, Code 2024, is 4 amended to read as follows: 5 9. The division may charge agencies for services rendered 6 and the payment received shall be considered repayment 7 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 8 Sec. 96. Section 10A.902, subsection 5, Code 2024, is 9 amended to read as follows: 10 5. The department shall adopt rules regarding minimum 11 requirements for lead inspector, lead abater, and lead-safe 12 renovator training programs, certification, work practice 13 standards, and suspension and revocation requirements, and 14 shall implement the training and certification programs. Rules 15 adopted pursuant to this subsection shall comply with chapter 16 272C . The department shall seek federal funding and shall 17 establish fees in amounts sufficient to defray the cost of the 18 programs. The fees shall be used for any of the department’s 19 duties under this subchapter , including but not limited 20 to the costs of full-time equivalent positions for program 21 services and investigations. Fees received shall be considered 22 repayment appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 23 Sec. 97. Section 11.5B, subsection 14, Code 2024, is amended 24 by striking the subsection. 25 Sec. 98. Section 12.89, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 26 2024, is amended to read as follows: 27 b. The revenues required to be deposited into the fund 28 pursuant to section 8.57, subsection 5 , paragraph “e” , 29 subparagraphs (1) and (2) “f” . 30 Sec. 99. Section 12.89A, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 31 2024, is amended to read as follows: 32 a. The revenues required to be deposited in the fund 33 pursuant to section 8.57, subsection 5 , paragraph “e” , 34 subparagraphs (1) and (2) “f” . 35 -64- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 64/ 100
S.F. 2409 Sec. 100. Section 13B.8, subsection 4, paragraph b, Code 1 2024, is amended to read as follows: 2 b. The state public defender may enter into agreements with 3 the office of the chief information officer created in chapter 4 8B department of management to provide or procure suitable 5 computer networks and other information technology services 6 to or for each office of the state public defender, including 7 the central administrative office and the office of the state 8 appellate defender, and to each office of the local public 9 defender. 10 Sec. 101. Section 15E.311, subsection 3, paragraph a, Code 11 2024, is amended to read as follows: 12 a. At the end of each fiscal year, moneys in the fund 13 shall be transferred into separate accounts within the fund 14 and designated for use by each county in which no licensee 15 authorized to conduct gambling games under chapter 99F was 16 located during that fiscal year. Moneys transferred to 17 county accounts shall be divided equally among the counties. 18 Moneys transferred into an account for a county shall be 19 transferred by the department to an eligible county recipient 20 for that county. Of the moneys transferred, an eligible county 21 recipient shall distribute seventy-five percent of the moneys 22 as grants to charitable organizations for charitable purposes 23 in that county and shall retain twenty-five percent of the 24 moneys for use in establishing a permanent endowment fund 25 for the benefit of charitable organizations for charitable 26 purposes. In addition, of the moneys transferred from moneys 27 appropriated to the fund from the sports wagering receipts fund 28 created in section 8.57, subsection 6, 8.57I and distributed, 29 eligible county recipients shall give consideration for grants, 30 upon application, to a charitable organization that operates 31 a racetrack facility that conducts automobile races in that 32 county. Of the amounts distributed, eligible county recipients 33 shall give special consideration to grants for projects that 34 include significant vertical infrastructure components designed 35 -65- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 65/ 100
S.F. 2409 to enhance quality of life aspects within local communities. 1 In addition, as a condition of receiving a grant, the governing 2 body of a charitable organization receiving a grant shall 3 approve all expenditures of grant moneys and shall allow a 4 state audit of expenditures of all grant moneys. 5 Sec. 102. Section 16.50, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 6 to read as follows: 7 1. A workforce housing assistance grant fund is created 8 under the control of the authority. The fund shall consist of 9 appropriations made to the fund. The fund shall be separate 10 from the general fund of the state and the balance in the fund 11 shall not be considered part of the balance of the general fund 12 of the state. However, the fund shall be considered a special 13 account for the purposes of section 8.53 , relating to generally 14 accepted accounting principles. 15 Sec. 103. Section 16.81, subsection 2, paragraph d, Code 16 2024, is amended to read as follows: 17 d. The amount of application fees collected by the 18 authority under this subsection shall be considered repayment 19 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 20 Sec. 104. Section 17A.6B, subsection 1, Code 2024, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 1. The office of the chief information officer department of 23 management shall establish and maintain a user-friendly state 24 services fee database and internet site for use by the public. 25 Each agency shall make available through the internet site the 26 current fees, rates, and charges imposed by the agency on the 27 public. 28 Sec. 105. Section 20.33, Code 2024, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 20.33 Retention of costs and fees. 31 1. All moneys paid in advance by the board and subsequently 32 taxed as a cost to a party or parties pursuant to section 20.6, 33 subsection 6 , and section 20.11, subsection 3 , shall, when 34 reimbursed by the party or parties taxed under those sections, 35 -66- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 66/ 100
S.F. 2409 be retained by the board as repayment appropriated receipts , as 1 defined in section 8.2, and used exclusively to offset the cost 2 of the certified shorthand reporter reporting the proceeding 3 and of any transcript requested by the board. 4 2. All fees established and collected by the board pursuant 5 to section 20.6, subsection 7 , shall be retained by the board 6 as repayment appropriated receipts , as defined in section 8.2, 7 and used exclusively for the purpose of covering the cost of 8 elections required pursuant to section 20.15 , including payment 9 for the services of any vendor retained by the board to conduct 10 or assist in the conduct of such an election. 11 Sec. 106. Section 22.3A, subsection 2, paragraph f, 12 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 A government body may establish payment rates and procedures 15 required to provide access to data processing software, 16 regardless of whether the data processing software is separated 17 from or combined with a public record. Proceeds from payments 18 may be considered repayment appropriated receipts, as defined 19 in section 8.2 . The payment amount shall be calculated as 20 follows: 21 Sec. 107. Section 23A.2, subsection 8, paragraph o, Code 22 2024, is amended to read as follows: 23 o. The performance of an activity authorized pursuant to 24 section 8B.21, subsection 1 , paragraph “m” “p” . 25 Sec. 108. Section 29C.8, subsection 5, Code 2024, is amended 26 to read as follows: 27 5. The department may charge fees for the repair, 28 calibration, or maintenance of radiological detection equipment 29 and may expend funds in addition to funds budgeted for the 30 servicing of the radiological detection equipment. The 31 department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A providing 32 for the establishment and collection of fees for radiological 33 detection equipment repair, calibration, or maintenance 34 services and for entering into agreements with other public and 35 -67- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 67/ 100
S.F. 2409 private entities to provide the services. Fees collected for 1 repair, calibration, or maintenance services shall be treated 2 as repayment appropriated receipts as defined in section 3 8.2 and shall be used for the operation of the department’s 4 radiological maintenance facility or radiation incident 5 response training. 6 Sec. 109. Section 35D.7, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 2. Sums paid to and received by the department for the 9 support of members of the home shall be considered repayment 10 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 and credited to 11 the Iowa veterans home account referred to in section 35D.18, 12 subsection 3 . 13 Sec. 110. Section 35D.18, subsection 3, unnumbered 14 paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 15 Revenues received that are attributed to the Iowa veterans 16 home during a fiscal year shall be credited to the Iowa 17 veterans home account and shall be considered repayment 18 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 , including but 19 not limited to all of the following: 20 Sec. 111. Section 35D.18, subsection 4, Code 2024, is 21 amended by striking the subsection. 22 Sec. 112. Section 68A.405A, subsection 1, paragraph a, 23 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 Except as provided in sections 29C.3 and 29C.6 , a statewide 26 elected official or member of the general assembly shall not 27 permit the expenditure of public moneys under the control 28 of the statewide elected official or member of the general 29 assembly, including but not limited to moneys held in a private 30 purpose trust fund as defined by section 8.2 , for the purpose 31 of any paid advertisement or promotion bearing the written 32 name, likeness, or voice of the statewide elected official or 33 member of the general assembly distributed through any of the 34 following means: 35 -68- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 68/ 100
S.F. 2409 Sec. 113. Section 68A.405A, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 2. A person who willfully violates this section shall be 3 subject to a civil penalty of an amount up to the amount of 4 moneys withdrawn from a public account or private purpose trust 5 fund as defined in section 8.2 used to fund the communication 6 found to be in violation of this section by the board or, for 7 members of the general assembly, by an appropriate legislative 8 ethics committee. A penalty imposed pursuant to this section 9 shall be paid by the candidate’s committee. Such penalty shall 10 be determined and assessed by the board or, for a member of the 11 general assembly, the appropriate legislative ethics committee, 12 and paid into the account from which such moneys were 13 withdrawn. Additional criminal or civil penalties available 14 under section 68A.701 or established by the board pursuant to 15 section 68B.32A may also be determined and assessed by the 16 board for violations of this section . Nothing in this section 17 shall prevent the imposition of any penalty or sanction for a 18 violation of this section by a legislative ethics committee. 19 Sec. 114. Section 80.28, subsection 2, paragraph a, 20 subparagraph (7), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 21 (7) One member representing the office of the chief 22 information officer created in section 8B.2 department of 23 management . 24 Sec. 115. Section 80B.15, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 25 amended to read as follows: 26 2. The director of the academy shall assess a fee for 27 use of law enforcement media resources supplied or loaned by 28 the academy. The fees shall be established by rules adopted 29 pursuant to chapter 17A . The fees shall be considered as 30 repayment appropriated receipts , as defined in section 8.2 . 31 Sec. 116. Section 80B.19, subsection 1, Code 2024, is 32 amended to read as follows: 33 1. Activities of the academy shall be accounted for within 34 the general fund of the state, except the academy may establish 35 -69- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 69/ 100
S.F. 2409 and maintain an internal training clearing fund , in accordance 1 with generally accepted accounting principles, as defined in 2 section 8.57, subsection 4 , for activities of the academy 3 which are primarily from billings to governmental entities for 4 services rendered by the academy. 5 Sec. 117. Section 84A.5, subsection 9, Code 2024, is amended 6 to read as follows: 7 9. The director of the department of workforce development 8 may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to charge and collect 9 fees for enhanced or value-added services provided by the 10 department of workforce development which are not required by 11 law to be provided by the department and are not generally 12 available from the department of workforce development. Fees 13 shall not be charged to provide a free public labor exchange. 14 Fees established by the director of the department of workforce 15 development shall be based upon the costs of administering the 16 service, with due regard to the anticipated time spent, and 17 travel costs incurred, by personnel performing the service. 18 The collection of fees authorized by this subsection shall 19 be treated as repayment appropriated receipts as defined in 20 section 8.2 . 21 Sec. 118. Section 99D.14, subsection 2, paragraphs b and c, 22 Code 2024, are amended to read as follows: 23 b. Notwithstanding sections 8.60 and section 99D.17 , the 24 portion of the fee paid pursuant to paragraph “a” relating 25 to the costs of special agents plus any direct and indirect 26 support costs for the agents, for the division of criminal 27 investigation’s racetrack activities, shall be deposited 28 into the gaming enforcement revolving fund established in 29 section 80.43 . However, the department of public safety shall 30 transfer, on an annual basis, the portion of the regulatory 31 fee attributable to the indirect support costs of the special 32 agents to the general fund of the state. 33 c. Notwithstanding sections 8.60 and section 99D.17 , the 34 portion of the fee paid pursuant to paragraph “a” relating to 35 -70- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 70/ 100
S.F. 2409 the costs of the commission shall be deposited into the gaming 1 regulatory revolving fund established in section 99F.20 . 2 Sec. 119. Section 99D.17, Code 2024, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 99D.17 Use of funds. 5 Funds received pursuant to sections 99D.14 and 99D.15 6 shall be deposited as provided in section 8.57, subsection 7 5 , and shall be subject to the requirements of section 8.60 . 8 These funds shall first be used to the extent appropriated 9 by the general assembly. The commission is subject to the 10 budget requirements of chapter 8 and the applicable auditing 11 requirements and procedures of chapter 11 . 12 Sec. 120. Section 99D.22, subsection 3, paragraph d, Code 13 2024, is amended to read as follows: 14 d. Establish a registration fee imposed on each horse which 15 is a thoroughbred, quarter horse, or standardbred which shall 16 be paid by the breeder of the horse. The department shall not 17 impose the registration fee more than once on each horse. The 18 amount of the registration fee shall not exceed thirty dollars. 19 The moneys paid to the department from registration fees shall 20 be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined in 21 section 8.2 , and shall be used for the administration and 22 enforcement of this subsection . 23 Sec. 121. Section 99D.22, subsection 4, paragraph b, Code 24 2024, is amended to read as follows: 25 b. The moneys paid to the department from registration fees 26 as provided in paragraph “a” shall be considered repayment 27 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 , and shall be 28 used for the administration and enforcement of programs for the 29 promotion of native dogs. 30 Sec. 122. Section 99E.5, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 31 to read as follows: 32 3. The annual license fee to conduct internet fantasy sports 33 contests shall be one thousand dollars or, for a licensed 34 internet fantasy sports contest service provider with total 35 -71- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 71/ 100
S.F. 2409 annual internet fantasy sports contest adjusted revenues for 1 the year prior to the annual license fee renewal date of 2 one hundred fifty thousand dollars or greater, five thousand 3 dollars. Moneys collected by the commission from the license 4 fees paid under this section shall be considered repayment 5 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 6 Sec. 123. Section 99E.5, subsection 4, paragraph c, Code 7 2024, is amended to read as follows: 8 c. Notwithstanding section 8.60 , the The portion of the 9 fee paid pursuant to paragraph “a” relating to the costs of 10 the commission shall be deposited into the gaming regulatory 11 revolving fund established in section 99F.20 . 12 Sec. 124. Section 99E.6, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 13 to read as follows: 14 2. The taxes imposed by this section for internet fantasy 15 sports contests authorized under this chapter shall be paid by 16 the internet fantasy sports contest service provider to the 17 treasurer of state as determined by the commission and shall be 18 credited as provided in section 8.57, subsection 6 8.57I . 19 Sec. 125. Section 99F.4, subsections 2 and 27, Code 2024, 20 are amended to read as follows: 21 2. To license qualified sponsoring organizations, to 22 license the operators of excursion gambling boats, to identify 23 occupations engaged in the administration, control, and conduct 24 of gambling games and sports wagering which require licensing, 25 and to adopt standards for licensing the occupations including 26 establishing fees for the occupational licenses and licenses 27 for qualified sponsoring organizations. The fees shall be 28 paid to the commission and deposited in the general fund of 29 the state. All revenue received by the commission under 30 this chapter from license fees and regulatory fees shall be 31 deposited in the general fund of the state and shall be subject 32 to the requirements of section 8.60 . 33 27. To adopt standards under which all sports wagering is 34 conducted, including the scope and type of wagers allowed, 35 -72- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 72/ 100
S.F. 2409 to identify occupations within sports wagering which require 1 licensing, and to adopt standards for licensing and background 2 qualifications for occupations including establishing fees 3 for the occupational license. All revenue received by the 4 commission under this chapter from license fees shall be 5 deposited in the general fund of the state and shall be subject 6 to the requirements of section 8.60 . All revenue received by 7 the commission from regulatory fees shall be deposited into the 8 gaming regulatory revolving fund established in section 99F.20 . 9 Sec. 126. Section 99F.10, subsection 4, paragraphs b and c, 10 Code 2024, are amended to read as follows: 11 b. Notwithstanding sections 8.60 and section 99F.4 , the 12 portion of the fee paid pursuant to paragraph “a” relating to 13 the costs of special agents and officers plus any direct and 14 indirect support costs for the agents and officers, for the 15 division of criminal investigation’s excursion gambling boat 16 or gambling structure activities, shall be deposited into the 17 gaming enforcement revolving fund established in section 80.43 . 18 However, the department of public safety shall transfer, on an 19 annual basis, the portion of the regulatory fee attributable 20 to the indirect support costs of the special agents and gaming 21 enforcement officers to the general fund of the state. 22 c. Notwithstanding sections 8.60 and section 99F.4 , the 23 portion of the fee paid pursuant to paragraph “a” relating to 24 the costs of the commission shall be deposited into the gaming 25 regulatory revolving fund established in section 99F.20 . 26 Sec. 127. Section 99F.11, subsection 5, paragraph b, Code 27 2024, is amended to read as follows: 28 b. The taxes imposed by this subsection for sports wagering 29 authorized under this chapter shall be paid by the licensed 30 operator to the treasurer of state as determined by the 31 commission and shall be credited as provided in section 8.57, 32 subsection 6 8.57I . 33 Sec. 128. Section 99G.39, subsection 6, paragraph a, Code 34 2024, is amended to read as follows: 35 -73- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 73/ 100
S.F. 2409 a. Notwithstanding subsection 1 , if gaming revenues under 1 sections 99D.17 and 99F.11 are insufficient in a fiscal year to 2 meet the total amount of such revenues directed to be deposited 3 in the vision Iowa fund during the fiscal year pursuant to 4 section 8.57, subsection 5 , paragraph “e” “f” , the difference 5 shall be paid from lottery revenues prior to deposit of the 6 lottery revenues in the general fund, transfer of lottery 7 revenues to the veterans trust fund as provided in subsection 8 3 , and the transfer of lottery revenues to the public safety 9 survivor benefits fund as provided in subsection 4 . If 10 lottery revenues are insufficient during the fiscal year to pay 11 the difference, the remaining difference shall be paid from 12 lottery revenues prior to deposit of lottery revenues in the 13 general fund, the transfer of lottery revenues to the veterans 14 trust fund as provided in subsection 3 , and the transfer of 15 lottery revenues to the public safety survivor benefits fund 16 as provided in subsection 4 in subsequent fiscal years as such 17 revenues become available. 18 Sec. 129. Section 100B.4, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 19 amended to read as follows: 20 2. Notwithstanding section 8.33 , repayment appropriated 21 receipts , as defined in section 8.2, collected by the division 22 of state fire marshal for the fire service training bureau 23 that remain unencumbered or unobligated at the close of the 24 fiscal year shall not revert but shall remain available for 25 expenditure for the purposes designated until the close of the 26 succeeding fiscal year. 27 Sec. 130. Section 100C.9, subsection 1, Code 2024, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 1. All fees assessed pursuant to this chapter shall be 30 retained as repayment appropriated receipts , as defined in 31 section 8.2, by the department and such fees received shall 32 be used exclusively to offset the costs of administering this 33 chapter . 34 Sec. 131. Section 100D.7, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 35 -74- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 74/ 100
S.F. 2409 amended to read as follows: 1 2. All fees assessed pursuant to this chapter shall be 2 retained as repayment appropriated receipts , as defined in 3 section 8.2, by the department and such fees received shall 4 be used exclusively to offset the costs of administering this 5 chapter . 6 Sec. 132. Section 123.17, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 3. Notwithstanding subsection 2 , if gaming revenues under 9 sections 99D.17 and 99F.11 are insufficient in a fiscal year to 10 meet the total amount of such revenues directed to be deposited 11 in the revenue bonds debt service fund and the revenue bonds 12 federal subsidy holdback fund during the fiscal year pursuant 13 to section 8.57, subsection 5 , paragraph “e” “f” , the difference 14 shall be paid from moneys deposited in the beer and liquor 15 control fund prior to transfer of such moneys to the general 16 fund pursuant to subsection 2 and prior to the transfer of such 17 moneys pursuant to subsections 5 and 6 . If moneys deposited in 18 the beer and liquor control fund are insufficient during the 19 fiscal year to pay the difference, the remaining difference 20 shall be paid from moneys deposited in the beer and liquor 21 control fund in subsequent fiscal years as such moneys become 22 available. 23 Sec. 133. Section 124.553, subsection 6, Code 2024, is 24 amended to read as follows: 25 6. The board shall not charge a fee to a pharmacy, 26 pharmacist, veterinarian, or prescribing practitioner for the 27 establishment, maintenance, or administration of the program, 28 including costs for forms required to submit information to or 29 access information from the program, except that the board may 30 charge a fee to an individual who requests the individual’s own 31 program information. A fee charged pursuant to this subsection 32 shall not exceed the actual cost of providing the requested 33 information and shall be considered a repayment receipt 34 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 35 -75- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 75/ 100
S.F. 2409 Sec. 134. Section 124E.10, Code 2024, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 124E.10 Fees. 3 All fees collected by the department under this chapter 4 shall be retained by the department for operation of the 5 medical cannabidiol registration card program and the medical 6 cannabidiol manufacturer and medical cannabidiol dispensary 7 licensing programs. The moneys retained by the department 8 shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined 9 in section 8.2 and shall be used for any of the department’s 10 duties under this chapter , including but not limited to the 11 addition of full-time equivalent positions for program services 12 and investigations. Notwithstanding section 8.33 , moneys 13 retained by the department pursuant to this section shall 14 not revert to the general fund of the state but shall remain 15 available for expenditure only for the purposes specified in 16 this section . 17 Sec. 135. Section 124E.19, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 18 2024, is amended to read as follows: 19 b. The department shall charge an applicant for a medical 20 cannabidiol manufacturer license or a medical cannabidiol 21 dispensary license a fee determined by the department of public 22 safety and adopted by the department by rule to defray the 23 costs associated with background investigations conducted 24 pursuant to the requirements of this section . The fee shall 25 be in addition to any other fees charged by the department. 26 The fee may be retained by the department of public safety and 27 shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined 28 in section 8.2 . 29 Sec. 136. Section 135C.7, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 30 amended to read as follows: 31 2. In addition to the license fees listed in this section , 32 there shall be an annual assessment assessed to each licensee 33 in an amount to cover the cost of independent reviewers 34 provided pursuant to section 135C.42 . The department shall, in 35 -76- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 76/ 100
S.F. 2409 consultation with licensees, establish the assessment amount 1 by rule based on the award of a request for proposals. The 2 assessment shall be retained by the department as a repayment 3 receipt appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 and 4 used for the purpose of paying the cost of the independent 5 reviewers. 6 Sec. 137. Section 135Q.2, subsection 1, Code 2024, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 1. A health care employment agency operating in the state 9 shall register annually with the department. Each separate 10 location of a health care employment agency shall register 11 annually with and pay an annual registration fee of five 12 hundred dollars to the department. The department shall issue 13 each location a separate certification of registration upon 14 approval of registration and payment of the fee. The annual 15 registration fees shall be retained by the department as 16 repayment appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 17 Sec. 138. Section 135R.3, subsection 4, Code 2024, is 18 amended to read as follows: 19 4. The fees collected under this section shall be considered 20 repayment appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 and 21 shall be used by the department to administer this chapter . 22 Sec. 139. Section 136C.10, subsection 4, Code 2024, is 23 amended to read as follows: 24 4. Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be retained 25 by the department, shall be considered repayment appropriated 26 receipts as defined in section 8.2 , and shall be used for the 27 purposes described in this section , including but not limited 28 to the addition of full-time equivalent positions for program 29 services and investigations. Notwithstanding section 8.33 , 30 moneys retained by the department pursuant to this subsection 31 are not subject to reversion to the general fund of the state. 32 Sec. 140. Section 147A.6, subsection 1, Code 2024, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 1. The department, upon initial application and receipt 35 -77- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 77/ 100
S.F. 2409 of the prescribed initial application fee, shall issue 1 a certificate to an individual who has met all of the 2 requirements for emergency medical care provider certification 3 established by the rules adopted under section 147A.4, 4 subsection 2 . All fees received pursuant to this section shall 5 be retained by the department. The moneys retained by the 6 department shall be used for any of the department’s duties 7 under this chapter , including but not limited to the addition 8 of full-time equivalent positions for program services and 9 investigations. Revenues retained by the department pursuant 10 to this section shall be considered repayment appropriated 11 receipts as defined in section 8.2 . Notwithstanding section 12 8.33 , moneys retained by the department pursuant to this 13 section are not subject to reversion to the general fund of the 14 state. 15 Sec. 141. Section 155A.40, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 2. A request for criminal history data shall be submitted 18 to the department of public safety, division of criminal 19 investigation, pursuant to section 692.2, subsection 1 . 20 The board may also require such applicants, licensees, and 21 registrants to provide a full set of fingerprints, in a form 22 and manner prescribed by the board. Such fingerprints may 23 be submitted to the federal bureau of investigation through 24 the state criminal history repository for a national criminal 25 history check. The board may authorize alternate methods or 26 sources for obtaining criminal history record information. The 27 board may, in addition to any other fees, charge and collect 28 such amounts as may be incurred by the board, the department 29 of public safety, or the federal bureau of investigation in 30 obtaining criminal history information. Amounts collected 31 shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined 32 in section 8.2 . 33 Sec. 142. Section 162.2B, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 34 amended to read as follows: 35 -78- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 78/ 100
S.F. 2409 2. The department shall retain all fees that it collects 1 under this section for the exclusive purpose of administering 2 and enforcing the provisions of this chapter . The fees shall 3 be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined in 4 section 8.2 . The general assembly shall appropriate moneys 5 to the department each state fiscal year necessary for the 6 administration and enforcement of this chapter . 7 Sec. 143. Section 192.111, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 8 amended to read as follows: 9 3. Fees collected under this section and section 194.20 10 shall be deposited in the general fund of the state. All 11 moneys deposited under this section are appropriated to the 12 department for the costs of inspection, sampling, analysis, and 13 other expenses necessary for the administration of this chapter 14 and chapter 194 , and shall be subject to the requirements of 15 section 8.60 . 16 Sec. 144. Section 198.9, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 17 to read as follows: 18 3. Fees collected shall be deposited in the general fund of 19 the state and shall be subject to the requirements of section 20 8.60 . Moneys deposited under this section shall be used for 21 the payment of the costs of inspection, sampling, analysis, 22 supportive research, and other expenses necessary for the 23 administration of this chapter . 24 Sec. 145. Section 200.9, Code 2024, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 200.9 Fertilizer fees. 27 Fees collected for licenses and inspection fees under 28 sections 200.4 and 200.8 , with the exception of those fees 29 collected for deposit in the agriculture management account 30 of the groundwater protection fund, shall be deposited 31 in the general fund of the state and shall be subject to 32 the requirements of section 8.60 . Moneys deposited under 33 this section to the general fund shall be used only by the 34 department for the purpose of inspection, sampling, analysis, 35 -79- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 79/ 100
S.F. 2409 preparation, and publishing of reports and other expenses 1 necessary for administration of this chapter . The secretary 2 may assign moneys to the Iowa agricultural experiment station 3 for research, work projects, and investigations as needed for 4 the specific purpose of improving the regulatory functions for 5 enforcement of this chapter . 6 Sec. 146. Section 201A.11, Code 2024, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 201A.11 Fees and appropriation. 9 Fees collected under this chapter shall be deposited 10 in the general fund of the state and shall be subject to 11 the requirements of section 8.60 . Moneys deposited under 12 this section to the general fund shall be used only by the 13 department for the purpose of administering and enforcing the 14 provisions of this chapter , including inspection, sampling, 15 analysis, and the preparation and publishing of reports. 16 Sec. 147. Section 203.9, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 17 to read as follows: 18 3. A grain dealer shall keep complete and accurate records. 19 A grain dealer shall keep records for the previous six years. 20 If the grain dealer’s records are incomplete or inaccurate, 21 the department may reconstruct the grain dealer’s records in 22 order to determine whether the grain dealer is in compliance 23 with the provisions of this chapter . The department may 24 charge the grain dealer the actual cost for reconstructing the 25 grain dealer’s records, which shall be considered repayment 26 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 27 Sec. 148. Section 203C.2, subsection 5, Code 2024, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 5. Moneys received by the department in administering this 30 section shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts as 31 defined in section 8.2 . 32 Sec. 149. Section 204.4, subsection 2, paragraph e, Code 33 2024, is amended to read as follows: 34 e. The results of a national criminal history record check 35 -80- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 80/ 100
S.F. 2409 of an applicant as may be required by the department. The 1 department shall inform an applicant if a national criminal 2 history record check will be conducted. If a national criminal 3 history record check is conducted, the applicant shall 4 provide the applicant’s fingerprints to the department. The 5 department shall provide the fingerprints to the department 6 of public safety for submission through the state criminal 7 history repository to the federal bureau of investigation. The 8 applicant shall pay the actual cost of conducting any national 9 criminal history record check to the department of agriculture 10 and land stewardship. The department shall pay the actual cost 11 of conducting the national criminal history record check to 12 the department of public safety from moneys deposited in the 13 hemp fund pursuant to section 204.6 . The department of public 14 safety shall treat such payments as repayment appropriated 15 receipts as defined in section 8.2 . The results of the 16 national criminal history check shall not be considered a 17 public record under chapter 22 . 18 Sec. 150. Section 206.12, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 19 amended to read as follows: 20 3. The registrant, before selling or offering for sale any 21 pesticide for use in this state, shall register each brand and 22 grade of such pesticide with the secretary upon forms furnished 23 by the secretary. The secretary shall set the registration 24 fee annually at three hundred dollars for each and every brand 25 and grade to be offered for sale in this state. The secretary 26 shall adopt by rule exemptions to the fee. Fifty dollars of 27 each fee collected shall be deposited in the general fund of 28 the state , shall be subject to the requirements of section 29 8.60 , and shall be used only for the purpose of enforcing 30 the provisions of this chapter . The remainder of each fee 31 collected shall be deposited in the agriculture management 32 account of the groundwater protection fund created in section 33 455E.11 . 34 Sec. 151. Section 215A.9, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 35 -81- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 81/ 100
S.F. 2409 amended to read as follows: 1 2. A fee of fifteen dollars shall be charged for each device 2 subject to reinspection under section 215A.5 . All moneys 3 received by the department under the provisions of this chapter 4 shall be handled in the same manner as “repayment receipts” 5 appropriated receipts as defined in chapter 8 section 8.2 , and 6 shall be used for the administration and enforcement of the 7 provisions of this chapter . 8 Sec. 152. Section 222.92, subsection 3, unnumbered 9 paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 10 Subject to the approval of the department, except for 11 revenues segregated as provided in section 249A.11 , revenues 12 received that are attributed to a state resource center for a 13 fiscal year shall be credited to the state resource center’s 14 account and shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts 15 as defined in section 8.2 , including but not limited to all of 16 the following: 17 Sec. 153. Section 222.92, subsection 4, Code 2024, is 18 amended by striking the subsection. 19 Sec. 154. Section 226.9B, subsection 2, unnumbered 20 paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 21 Revenues received that are attributed to the psychiatric 22 medical institution for children beds during a fiscal year 23 shall be credited to the mental health institute’s account 24 and shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts as 25 defined in section 8.2 , including but not limited to all of the 26 following: 27 Sec. 155. Section 232D.307, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 3. The judicial branch in conjunction with the department of 30 public safety, the department of health and human services, and 31 the state chief information officer department of management 32 shall establish procedures for electronic access to the single 33 contact repository necessary to conduct background checks 34 requested under subsection 1 . 35 -82- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 82/ 100
S.F. 2409 Sec. 156. Section 252B.4, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 3. Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be 3 considered repayment appropriated receipts, as defined in 4 section 8.2 , and shall be used for the purposes of child 5 support services. The director or a designee shall keep an 6 accurate record of the fees collected and expended. 7 Sec. 157. Section 252B.5, subsection 13, paragraph b, Code 8 2024, is amended to read as follows: 9 b. Fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be 10 considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined in 11 section 8.2 , and shall be used for the purposes of child 12 support services. The director shall maintain an accurate 13 record of the fees collected and expended under this 14 subsection . 15 Sec. 158. Section 252B.23, subsection 11, Code 2024, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 11. All surcharge payments shall be received and disbursed 18 by the collection services center. The surcharge payments 19 received by the collection services center shall be considered 20 repayment appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 21 and shall be used to pay the costs of any contracts with a 22 collection entity. 23 Sec. 159. Section 262.9, subsection 19, paragraph b, Code 24 2024, is amended to read as follows: 25 b. Authorize, at its discretion, each institution of higher 26 education to retain the student fees and charges it collects to 27 further the institution’s purposes as authorized by the board. 28 Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, student fees and 29 charges, as defined in section 262A.2 , shall not be considered 30 repayment appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 31 Sec. 160. Section 262.9B, subsections 1, 3, and 4, Code 32 2024, are amended to read as follows: 33 1. Overview. The state board of regents for institutions 34 under its control shall coordinate interagency cooperation with 35 -83- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 83/ 100
S.F. 2409 state agencies, as defined in section 8A.101 , in the area of 1 purchasing and information technology with the goal of annually 2 increasing the amount of joint purchasing. The board and the 3 institutions under the control of the board shall engage the 4 department of administrative services, the chief information 5 officer of the state department of management , and other 6 state agencies authorized to purchase goods and services in 7 pursuing mutually beneficial activities relating to purchasing 8 items and acquiring information technology. The board and 9 the institutions shall explore ways to leverage resources, 10 identify cost savings, implement efficiencies, and improve 11 effectiveness without compromising the mission of the board and 12 the institutions under the control of the board relative to 13 students and research commitments. 14 3. Information technology. 15 a. The board shall direct institutions under its control 16 to cooperate with the chief information officer of the state 17 department of management in efforts to cooperatively obtain 18 information technology and related services that result in 19 mutual cost savings and efficiency improvements, and shall 20 seek input from the chief information officer of the state 21 department of management regarding specific areas of potential 22 cooperation between the institutions under the control of 23 the board and the office of the chief information officer 24 department of management . 25 b. The board shall convene at least quarterly an interagency 26 information technology group meeting including the institutions 27 under its control, the state chief information officer 28 department of management and any other agency authorized to 29 purchase goods and services, for purposes of timely cooperation 30 in obtaining information technology and related services. 31 4. Cooperative purchasing plan. The board shall, before 32 July 1 of each year, prepare a plan that identifies specific 33 areas of cooperation between the institutions under its 34 control, the department of administrative services, and the 35 -84- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 84/ 100
S.F. 2409 chief information officer of the state department of management 1 that will be addressed for the next fiscal year including 2 timelines for implementing, analyzing, and evaluating each of 3 the areas of cooperation. The plan shall also identify the 4 potential for greater interinstitutional cooperation in areas 5 that would result in a net cost savings. 6 Sec. 161. Section 272C.6, subsection 6, paragraph b, Code 7 2024, is amended to read as follows: 8 b. The department of agriculture and land stewardship, the 9 department of insurance and financial services, the department 10 of inspections, appeals, and licensing, and the department 11 of health and human services shall each adopt rules pursuant 12 to chapter 17A which provide for the allocation of fees and 13 costs collected pursuant to this section to the board under its 14 jurisdiction collecting the fees and costs. The fees and costs 15 shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined 16 in section 8.2 . 17 Sec. 162. Section 321.52, subsection 4, paragraph d, Code 18 2024, is amended to read as follows: 19 d. A salvage theft examination shall be made by a peace 20 officer who has been specially certified and recertified when 21 required by the Iowa law enforcement academy to do salvage 22 theft examinations. The Iowa law enforcement academy shall 23 determine standards for training and certification, conduct 24 training, and may approve alternative training programs 25 which satisfy the academy’s standards for training and 26 certification. The owner of the salvage vehicle shall make 27 the vehicle available for examination at a time and location 28 designated by the peace officer doing the examination. The 29 owner may obtain a permit to drive the vehicle to and from the 30 examination location by submitting a repair affidavit to the 31 agency performing the examination stating that the vehicle is 32 reasonably safe for operation and listing the repairs which 33 have been made to the vehicle. The owner must be present 34 for the examination and have available for inspection the 35 -85- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 85/ 100
S.F. 2409 salvage title, bills of sale for all essential parts changed, 1 if applicable, and the repair affidavit. The examination 2 shall be for the purposes of determining whether the vehicle 3 or repair components have been stolen. The examination is not 4 a safety inspection and a signed salvage theft examination 5 certificate shall not be construed by any court of law to be a 6 certification that the vehicle is safe to be operated. There 7 shall be no cause of action against the peace officer or the 8 agency conducting the examination or the county treasurer 9 for failure to discover or note safety defects. If the 10 vehicle passes the theft examination, the peace officer shall 11 indicate that the vehicle passed examination on the salvage 12 theft examination certificate. The permit and salvage theft 13 examination certificate shall be on controlled forms prescribed 14 and furnished by the department. The owner shall pay a fee 15 of fifty dollars at the time the examination is scheduled. 16 The agency performing the examinations shall retain forty 17 dollars of the fee and shall pay five dollars of the fee to 18 the department and five dollars of the fee to the treasurer of 19 state for deposit in the general fund of the state. Moneys 20 deposited to the general fund under this paragraph are subject 21 to the requirements of section 8.60 and shall be used by 22 the Iowa law enforcement academy to provide for the special 23 training, certification, and recertification of officers as 24 required by this subsection . 25 Sec. 163. Section 321.491, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 26 2024, is amended to read as follows: 27 b. A certified abstract of the record of the case prepared 28 for the department shall only be available to the public 29 from the department. A noncertified record of conviction 30 or forfeiture of bail shall be available to the public from 31 the judicial branch. The clerk of the district court shall 32 collect a fee of fifty cents for each noncertified copy of 33 any record of conviction or forfeiture of bail furnished to 34 any requester except the department or other local, state, 35 -86- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 86/ 100
S.F. 2409 or federal government entity. Moneys collected under this 1 section shall be transferred to the department as a repayment 2 receipt appropriated receipts , as defined in section 8.2 , to 3 enhance the efficiency of the department to process records 4 and information between the department and the Iowa court 5 information system. 6 Sec. 164. Section 321A.3, subsection 1, Code 2024, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 1. The department of transportation shall upon request 9 furnish any person a certified abstract of the operating record 10 of a person subject to chapter 321 or 321J , or this chapter . 11 The abstract shall also fully designate the motor vehicles, 12 if any, registered in the name of the person. If there is 13 no record of a conviction of the person having violated 14 any law relating to the operation of a motor vehicle or of 15 any injury or damage caused by the person, the department 16 of transportation shall so certify. A fee of five dollars 17 and fifty cents shall be paid for each abstract except for 18 abstracts requested by state, county, or city officials, court 19 officials, public transit officials, or other officials of a 20 political subdivision of the state or a nonprofit charitable 21 organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 22 Revenue Code. Except for any additional access fee collected 23 under subsection 7 , the department of transportation shall 24 transfer the moneys collected under this section to the 25 treasurer of state who shall credit to the general fund all 26 moneys collected. If a fee established in this subsection 27 is collected by the office of the chief information officer, 28 created in section 8B.2 , department of management for a record 29 furnished through an electronic portal maintained by the office 30 of the chief information officer department of management , 31 the office of the chief information officer department of 32 management shall transfer the moneys collected under this 33 subsection to the treasurer of state who shall credit the 34 moneys to the general fund. 35 -87- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 87/ 100
S.F. 2409 Sec. 165. Section 325A.5, Code 2024, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 325A.5 Fees —— credited to road use tax fund —— seminar 3 receipts. 4 All fees received for applications and permits or 5 certificates under this chapter shall be remitted to the 6 treasurer of state and credited to the road use tax fund. 7 All fees collected for the motor carrier safety education 8 seminar shall be considered a repayment receipt appropriated 9 receipts as defined in section 8.2 , and shall be remitted to 10 the department to be used to pay for the seminars. 11 Sec. 166. Section 421.17, subsection 2, paragraph d, Code 12 2024, is amended to read as follows: 13 d. To facilitate uniformity and equalization of assessments 14 throughout the state of Iowa and to facilitate transfers of 15 funds to local governments, the director of the department 16 of revenue may use geographic information system technology 17 and may require assessing authorities and local governments 18 that have adopted compatible technology to provide information 19 to the department of revenue electronically using electronic 20 geographic information system file formats. The department of 21 revenue shall act on behalf of political subdivisions and the 22 state to deliver a consolidated response to the boundary and 23 annexation survey and provide legal boundary geography data to 24 the United States census bureau. The department of revenue 25 shall coordinate with political subdivisions and the state to 26 ensure that consistent, accurate, and integrated geography is 27 provided to the United States census bureau. The office of 28 the chief information officer department of management shall 29 provide geographic information system and technical support to 30 the department of revenue to facilitate the exchange. 31 Sec. 167. Section 421.17, subsection 27, paragraph j, Code 32 2024, is amended to read as follows: 33 j. Of the amount of debt actually collected pursuant to 34 this subsection an amount, not to exceed the amount collected, 35 -88- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 88/ 100
S.F. 2409 which is sufficient to pay for salaries, support, maintenance, 1 services, and other costs incurred by the department related 2 to the administration of this subsection shall be retained by 3 the department. Revenues retained by the department pursuant 4 to this section shall be considered repayment appropriated 5 receipts as defined in section 8.2 . The director shall, in 6 the annual budget request pursuant to section 8.23 , make an 7 estimate as to the amount of receipts to be retained and the 8 estimated amount of additional receipts to be collected. The 9 director shall report annually to the department of management, 10 the legislative fiscal committee, and the legislative services 11 agency on any additional positions added and the costs incurred 12 during the previous fiscal year pursuant to this subsection . 13 Sec. 168. Section 423.2A, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 14 amended to read as follows: 15 3. Of the amount of sales tax revenue actually transferred 16 per quarter pursuant to subsection 2 , paragraphs “e” and “f” , 17 the department shall retain an amount equal to the actual cost 18 of administering the transfers under subsection 2 , paragraphs 19 “e” and “f” , or twenty-five thousand dollars, whichever is 20 less. The amount retained by the department pursuant to this 21 subsection shall be divided pro rata each quarter between 22 the amounts that would have been transferred pursuant to 23 subsection 2 , paragraphs “e” and “f” , without the deduction 24 made by operation of this subsection . Revenues retained by 25 the department pursuant to this subsection shall be considered 26 repayment appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 27 Sec. 169. Section 426B.1, subsection 1, Code 2024, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 1. A property tax relief fund is created in the state 30 treasury under the authority of the department of health 31 and human services. The fund shall be separate from the 32 general fund of the state and shall not be considered part 33 of the general fund of the state except in determining the 34 cash position of the state for payment of state obligations. 35 -89- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 89/ 100
S.F. 2409 The moneys in the fund are not subject to the provisions of 1 section 8.33 and shall not be transferred, used, obligated, 2 appropriated, or otherwise encumbered except as provided in 3 this chapter . Moneys in the fund may be used for cash flow 4 purposes, provided that any moneys so allocated are returned 5 to the fund by the end of each fiscal year. However, the 6 fund shall be considered a special account for the purposes 7 of section 8.53 , relating to elimination of any GAAP deficit. 8 For the purposes of this chapter , unless the context otherwise 9 requires, “property tax relief fund” means the property tax 10 relief fund created in this section . 11 Sec. 170. Section 427.1, subsection 40, paragraph a, Code 12 2024, is amended to read as follows: 13 a. The owner of broadband infrastructure shall be entitled 14 to an exemption from taxation to the extent provided in this 15 subsection for assessment years beginning before January 1, 16 2027. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words and 17 phrases used in this subsection shall have the same meaning 18 as the words and phrases used in chapter 8B 8, subchapter XI , 19 including but not limited to the words and phrases defined in 20 section 8B.1 . 21 Sec. 171. Section 427.1, subsection 40, paragraph f, 22 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (d), Code 2024, is 23 amended to read as follows: 24 (d) Certification from the office of the chief information 25 officer department of management that the installation will 26 facilitate broadband service in a targeted service area at 27 or above the download and upload speeds specified in the 28 definition of targeted service area in section 8B.1 in a 29 targeted service area . 30 Sec. 172. Section 427.1, subsection 40, paragraph f, 31 subparagraphs (2) and (7), Code 2024, are amended to read as 32 follows: 33 (2) The department of revenue and the board of supervisors 34 shall not approve applications that are missing any of the 35 -90- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 90/ 100
S.F. 2409 information or documentation required in subparagraph (1). The 1 department of revenue or the board of supervisors may consult 2 with the office of the chief information officer department of 3 management to access additional information needed to review 4 an application. 5 (7) At any time after the exemption is granted and the 6 broadband service is available in a targeted service area, 7 the department of revenue or the board of supervisors, as 8 applicable, under the direction of the office of the chief 9 information officer department of management , may require the 10 property owner receiving the exemption to substantiate that the 11 owner continues to provide the service described in paragraph 12 “b” . If the department of revenue or the board of supervisors 13 determines that the property owner no longer provides the 14 service described in paragraph “b” , the department of revenue or 15 the board of supervisors shall revoke the exemption. An owner 16 may appeal the decision to revoke the exemption in the same 17 manner as provided in subparagraphs (5) and (6), as applicable. 18 Sec. 173. Section 453A.35A, subsection 1, Code 2024, is 19 amended to read as follows: 20 1. A health care trust fund is created in the office of 21 the treasurer of state. The fund consists of the revenues 22 generated from the tax on cigarettes pursuant to section 23 453A.6, subsection 1 , and from the tax on tobacco products 24 as specified in section 453A.43, subsections 1, 2, 3, and 4 , 25 that are credited to the health care trust fund, annually, 26 pursuant to section 453A.35 . Moneys in the fund shall be 27 separate from the general fund of the state and shall not be 28 considered part of the general fund of the state. However, the 29 fund shall be considered a special account for the purposes 30 of section 8.53 relating to generally accepted accounting 31 principles. Moneys in the fund shall be used only as specified 32 in this section and shall be appropriated only for the uses 33 specified. Moneys in the fund are not subject to section 8.33 34 and shall not be transferred, used, obligated, appropriated, 35 -91- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 91/ 100
S.F. 2409 or otherwise encumbered, except as provided in this section . 1 Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2 , interest or 2 earnings on moneys deposited in the fund shall be credited to 3 the fund. 4 Sec. 174. Section 461A.79, subsection 4, Code 2024, is 5 amended to read as follows: 6 4. Moneys available to be expended for purposes of this 7 section for public outdoor recreation and resources shall be 8 credited to or deposited to the general fund of the state and 9 appropriations made for purposes of this section shall be 10 allocated as provided in this section . Moneys credited to or 11 deposited to the general fund of the state pursuant to this 12 subsection are subject to the requirements of section 8.60 . 13 Sec. 175. Section 473.19A, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 14 2024, is amended to read as follows: 15 a. Any moneys awarded or allocated to the state, its 16 citizens, or its political subdivisions as a result of the 17 federal court decisions and United States department of energy 18 settlements resulting from alleged violations of federal 19 petroleum pricing regulations attributable to or contained 20 within the Exxon fund. Amounts remaining in the oil overcharge 21 account established in section 455E.11, subsection 2 , paragraph 22 “e” , Code 2007, and the energy conservation trust established 23 in section 473.11 , Code 2007, as of June 30, 2008, shall be 24 deposited into the building energy management fund pursuant to 25 this paragraph, notwithstanding section 8.60, subsection 15, 26 Code 2007 . 27 Sec. 176. Section 475A.6, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 3. The office of consumer advocate may expend additional 30 funds, including funds for outside consultants, if those 31 additional expenditures are actual expenses which exceed 32 the funds budgeted for the performance of the advocate’s 33 duties. Before the office expends or encumbers an amount in 34 excess of the funds budgeted, the director of the department 35 -92- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 92/ 100
S.F. 2409 of management shall approve the expenditure or encumbrance. 1 Before approval is given, the director of the department of 2 management shall determine that the expenses exceed the funds 3 budgeted by the general assembly to the office of consumer 4 advocate and that the office does not have other funds from 5 which such expenses can be paid. Upon approval of the director 6 of the department of management, the office may expend and 7 encumber funds for excess expenses. The amounts necessary 8 to fund the excess expenses shall be collected from those 9 utilities or persons which caused the excess expenditures, and 10 the collections shall be treated as repayment appropriated 11 receipts as defined in section 8.2 , subsection 8 . 12 Sec. 177. Section 477C.7, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 13 amended to read as follows: 14 2. The entities subject to assessment shall remit the 15 assessed amounts, as determined by the board, to a special 16 revenue fund, as defined under section 8.2 , subsection 9 . The 17 moneys in the fund are appropriated solely to plan, establish, 18 administer, and promote the relay service and equipment 19 distribution programs. 20 Sec. 178. Section 505.7, subsection 7, Code 2024, is amended 21 to read as follows: 22 7. The insurance division shall, by January 15 of each 23 year, prepare estimates of projected receipts, refunds, and 24 reimbursements to be generated by the examinations function 25 of the division during the calendar year in which the report 26 is due, and such receipts, refunds, and reimbursements shall 27 be treated in the same manner as repayment appropriated 28 receipts, as defined in section 8.2, subsection 8, and shall be 29 available to the division to pay the expenses of the division’s 30 examination function. 31 Sec. 179. Section 523A.501, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code 32 2024, is amended to read as follows: 33 b. A request for criminal history data shall be submitted 34 to the department of public safety, division of criminal 35 -93- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 93/ 100
S.F. 2409 investigation, pursuant to section 692.2, subsection 1 . The 1 commissioner may also require such applicants or licensees 2 to provide a full set of fingerprints, in a form and manner 3 prescribed by the commissioner. Such fingerprints may be 4 submitted to the federal bureau of investigation through the 5 state criminal history repository for a national criminal 6 history check. The commissioner may authorize alternate 7 methods or sources for obtaining criminal history record 8 information. The commissioner may, in addition to any other 9 fees, charge and collect such amounts as may be incurred by 10 the commissioner, the department of public safety, or the 11 federal bureau of investigation in obtaining criminal history 12 information. Amounts collected shall be considered repayment 13 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 14 Sec. 180. Section 523A.502, subsection 4, paragraph b, Code 15 2024, is amended to read as follows: 16 b. A request for criminal history data shall be submitted 17 to the department of public safety, division of criminal 18 investigation, pursuant to section 692.2, subsection 1 . The 19 commissioner may also require such applicants or licensees, 20 to provide a full set of fingerprints, in a form and manner 21 prescribed by the commissioner. Such fingerprints may be 22 submitted to the federal bureau of investigation through the 23 state criminal history repository for a national criminal 24 history check. The commissioner may authorize alternate 25 methods or sources for obtaining criminal history record 26 information. The commissioner may, in addition to any other 27 fees, charge and collect such amounts as may be incurred by 28 the commissioner, the department of public safety, or the 29 federal bureau of investigation in obtaining criminal history 30 information. Amounts collected shall be considered repayment 31 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 32 Sec. 181. Section 524.207, subsection 4, Code 2024, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 4. The banking division may expend additional funds, 35 -94- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 94/ 100
S.F. 2409 including funds for additional personnel, if those additional 1 expenditures are actual expenses which exceed the funds 2 budgeted for bank or licensee examinations or investigations 3 and directly result from examinations or investigations of 4 banks or licensees. The amounts necessary to fund the excess 5 examination or investigation expenses shall be collected from 6 banks and licensees being regulated, and the collections shall 7 be treated as repayment appropriated receipts as defined 8 in section 8.2 . The division shall notify in writing the 9 legislative services agency and the department of management 10 when hiring additional personnel. The written notification 11 shall include documentation that any additional expenditure 12 related to such hiring will be totally reimbursed as provided 13 in section 546.12, subsection 2 , and shall also include 14 the division’s justification for hiring such personnel. 15 The division must obtain the approval of the department of 16 management only if the number of additional personnel to be 17 hired exceeds the number of full-time equivalent positions 18 authorized by the general assembly. 19 Sec. 182. Section 524.901, subsection 7, paragraph c, 20 subparagraph (2), subparagraph division (a), Code 2024, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 (a) A targeted service area as defined in section 8B.1 , 23 subsection 13 . 24 Sec. 183. Section 533.111, subsection 3, paragraph a, Code 25 2024, is amended to read as follows: 26 a. The amounts necessary to fund the excess examination 27 expenses shall be collected from state credit unions being 28 regulated, and the collections shall be treated as repayment 29 appropriated receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 30 Sec. 184. Section 543D.22, subsection 5, Code 2024, is 31 amended to read as follows: 32 5. The board may, in addition to any other fees, charge 33 and collect such amounts as may be incurred by the board, the 34 department of public safety, or federal bureau of investigation 35 -95- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 95/ 100
S.F. 2409 in obtaining criminal history information. Amounts collected 1 shall be considered repayment appropriated receipts as defined 2 in section 8.2 , subsection 8 . 3 Sec. 185. Section 543E.20, subsection 5, paragraph d, Code 4 2024, is amended to read as follows: 5 d. The director may, in addition to any other fees, charge 6 and collect such amounts as may be incurred by the director, 7 the department of public safety, or the federal bureau of 8 investigation in obtaining criminal history information. 9 Amounts collected shall be considered repayment appropriated 10 receipts as defined in section 8.2 . 11 Sec. 186. Section 556.18, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 12 amended to read as follows: 13 3. The treasurer of state shall annually credit all moneys 14 received under section 556.4 to the general fund of the state. 15 Moneys credited to the general fund of the state pursuant to 16 this subsection are subject to the requirements of subsections 17 1 and 2 and section 8.60 . 18 Sec. 187. Section 633.564, subsection 3, Code 2024, is 19 amended to read as follows: 20 3. The judicial branch, in conjunction with the department 21 of public safety, the department of health and human services, 22 and the state chief information officer department of 23 management , shall establish procedures for electronic access to 24 the single contact repository established pursuant to section 25 135C.33 necessary to conduct background checks requested under 26 subsection 1 . 27 Sec. 188. 2022 Iowa Acts, chapter 1145, section 6, 28 subsection 1, is amended to read as follows: 29 1. The salary rates specified in subsection 2 are for the 30 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, effective for the pay 31 period beginning June 24, 2022, and for subsequent fiscal 32 years until otherwise provided by the general assembly. The 33 salaries provided for in this section shall be paid from moneys 34 allocated to the judicial branch from the salary adjustment 35 -96- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 96/ 100
S.F. 2409 fund, or if the allocation is not sufficient, from moneys 1 appropriated to the judicial branch pursuant to this Act or any 2 other Act of the general assembly. 3 EXPLANATION 4 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 5 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 6 This bill relates to the powers, duties, and 7 responsibilities of state government entities associated with 8 the budget, financial control, and information technology. 9 For purposes of Code chapter 8 (budget and financial 10 control), the bill defines “custodial funds”, “general fund”, 11 “government funds”, “private purpose trust funds”, and “special 12 revenue fund”. The term “repayment receipts” is redefined as 13 “appropriated receipts” and the term is changed throughout the 14 Code. 15 The bill defines “capital project” for purposes of Code 16 section 8.3A (capital project planning and budgeting). The 17 term is also used in Code sections 8.5 and 8.22 for budgeting 18 purposes. 19 The bill authorizes the director of the department of 20 management (DOM) to establish, abolish, and consolidate 21 divisions within DOM. The bill strikes a provision requiring 22 the DOM director to post a $25,000 surety bond. Under current 23 law (Code section 8A.321(12)), the department of administrative 24 services (DAS) purchases a blanket surety bond for state 25 officers. 26 The bill consolidates Code sections 8.5 and 8.6, which 27 relate to general and specific duties of the DOM director. 28 Duties relating to the reporting of standing appropriations are 29 moved to Code section 8.22. Duties relating to the preparation 30 of local budget reports are moved to new Code section 8.48. 31 The bill adds duties relating to information technology as 32 part of the bill’s integration of Code chapter 8B (information 33 technology) into Code chapter 8, including preparing 34 legislative proposals, designating a chief information officer, 35 -97- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 97/ 100
S.F. 2409 providing advice to the governor, consulting, and addressing 1 cybersecurity. 2 The bill eliminates the special olympics fund and instead 3 provides a standing appropriation to DOM for such purposes. 4 The bill revises the functions and duties of the office of 5 grants enterprise management within DOM. 6 The bill moves and alters provisions relating to 7 supplemental appropriations estimates from Code section 8.28 to 8 Code section 8.22. 9 The repeal dates for Code sections 8.57G (Iowa coronavirus 10 fiscal recovery fund) and 8.57H (Iowa coronavirus capital 11 projects fund) are extended from July 1, 2025, to July 1, 12 2027. The Iowa skilled worker and job creation fund is moved 13 to Code chapter 8, subchapter V (special purpose funds), and 14 the sports wagering receipts fund is moved from Code section 15 8.57 to new Code section 8.57I. The bill eliminates a standing 16 appropriation from the general fund of the state to the 17 technology reinvestment fund (Code section 8.57C). 18 The bill revises the provisions establishing the office of 19 lean enterprise and change management within DOM. 20 In 2022, the general assembly converted the office of the 21 chief information officer (OCIO) from an independent agency to 22 an entity within DOM. Generally, the bill eliminates the OCIO 23 and updates and moves relevant provisions from Code chapter 8B 24 into Code chapter 8. The bill replaces the term “participating 25 agency” for purposes of information technology with the term 26 “supported entity”. 27 The bill authorizes the chief information officer and DOM to 28 adopt various information technology policies and procedures 29 and provide continuous monitoring through a cybersecurity 30 operations center. The bill designates DOM as the sole 31 authority in state government for providing and procuring 32 information technology goods and services and for establishing 33 associated master agreements. The bill authorizes DOM to 34 establish and collect fees associated with purchases made from 35 -98- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 98/ 100
S.F. 2409 DOM information technology agreements, to be retained by DOM 1 for administration. 2 Under the bill, employees of DOM are no longer subject to a 3 24-month limitation on employee interchange among governmental 4 entities. 5 The bill eliminates an existing exception providing that 6 the Iowa public employees’ retirement system (IPERS) is not 7 a supported entity for purposes of information technology, 8 thereby subjecting IPERS to DOM’s powers and responsibilities 9 relating to information technology under the bill. 10 The bill eliminates the salary adjustment fund, references 11 to the GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) deficit, 12 and provisions relating to the preparation of a tentative 13 budget. The bill repeals provisions freezing appropriations 14 under Code sections 53.50 (expenses for absentee voting), 15 229.35 (expenses for state mental health and disability 16 services commission), 230.8 (expenses for transfers of persons 17 with mental illness), 230.11 (expenses for custody, care, and 18 investigation of persons with mental illness), and 663.44 19 (reimbursement for costs of habeas corpus proceedings). The 20 bill also repeals provisions limiting the use of moneys 21 collected under 1993 law along with provisions requiring the 22 tracking and reporting of those moneys. 23 The bill transfers Code section 8.7 (reporting of gifts and 24 bequests received) to Code chapter 68B (government ethics and 25 lobbying). By operation of law, the bill applies the penalties 26 in Code section 68B.34 to Code section 8.7. A person who 27 knowingly and intentionally violates Code section 8.7 is guilty 28 of a serious misdemeanor and may be reprimanded, suspended, or 29 dismissed from the person’s position or otherwise sanctioned. 30 A serious misdemeanor is punishable by confinement for no more 31 than one year and a fine of at least $430 but not more than 32 $2,560. 33 The bill repeals provisions relating to the establishment 34 of OCIO, OCIO’s duties, prohibited pecuniary interests of the 35 -99- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 99/ 100
S.F. 2409 chief information officer, and certain required reporting by 1 OCIO. 2 -100- LSB 5393SZ (3) 90 ns/jh 100/ 100