Bill Text: IA SF2155 | 2019-2020 | 88th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act establishing authority for school districts to impose additional property taxes and income surtaxes for certain school resource officer expenses under the instructional support program. (Formerly SF 2065.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2020-02-11 - Subcommittee: Chapman, Quirmbach, and R. Smith. S.J. 274. [SF2155 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2019-SF2155-Introduced.html
Senate File 2155 - Introduced SENATE FILE 2155 BY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION (SUCCESSOR TO SF 2065) A BILL FOR An Act establishing authority for school districts to impose 1 additional property taxes and income surtaxes for certain 2 school resource officer expenses under the instructional 3 support program. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 5 TLSB 5594SV (2) 88 md/jh
S.F. 2155 Section 1. Section 257.19, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2020, 1 are amended to read as follows: 2 1. The additional funding for the instructional support 3 program for a budget year is limited to an amount not exceeding 4 ten percent of the total of regular program district cost 5 for the budget year and moneys received under section 257.14 6 as a budget adjustment for the budget year , plus, for school 7 budget years beginning on or after July 1, 2021, and following 8 adoption of the resolution under subsection 4, paragraph 9 “0b” , an amount not to exceed the cost of school resource 10 officer expenses for that budget year . Moneys Except as 11 provided in subsection 4, moneys received by a district for the 12 instructional support program are miscellaneous income and may 13 be used for any general fund purpose. However, moneys received 14 by a district for the instructional support program shall not 15 be used as, or in a manner which has the effect of, supplanting 16 funds authorized to be received under sections 257.41 , 257.46 , 17 298.2 , and 298.4 , or to cover any deficiencies in funding for 18 special education instructional services resulting from the 19 application of the special education weighting plan under 20 section 256B.9 . 21 2. Certification of a board’s intent to participate for a 22 budget year, a copy of the resolution adopted under subsection 23 4, paragraph “0b” , if applicable, the method of funding, and 24 the amount to be raised shall be made to the department of 25 management not later than April 15 of the base year. Funding 26 for the instructional support program shall be obtained from 27 instructional support state aid and from local funding using 28 either an instructional support property tax or a combination 29 of an instructional support property tax and an instructional 30 support income surtax. 31 Sec. 2. Section 257.19, Code 2020, is amended by adding the 32 following new subsection: 33 NEW SUBSECTION . 4. a. The amount of funding for a budget 34 year under subsection 1 in excess of ten percent of the school 35 -1- LSB 5594SV (2) 88 md/jh 1/ 4
S.F. 2155 district’s total of regular program district cost for the 1 budget year and moneys received under section 257.14 as a 2 budget adjustment for the budget year shall be used only for 3 school resource officer expenses. 4 0b. If a school district intends to certify an additional 5 amount of funding to be used as provided in paragraph “a” for a 6 budget year, the board of directors shall adopt a resolution 7 specifying the additional amount to be certified for the budget 8 year. 9 b. For each school district that has approved participation 10 in the instructional support program before July 1, 2020, for a 11 term of years that includes a school budget year beginning on 12 or after July 1, 2021, the school district shall not certify 13 an amount in excess of ten percent of the school district’s 14 total of regular program district cost for the budget year and 15 moneys received under section 257.14 as a budget adjustment 16 for the budget year unless the additional amount for school 17 resource officer expenses is authorized in the manner provided 18 in section 257.18. 19 c. For purposes of this section, “school resource officer 20 expenses” means the cost to provide or employ one school 21 resource officer, as defined in 34 U.S.C. §10389, and the cost 22 of the personal safety equipment for that school resource 23 officer. 24 EXPLANATION 25 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 26 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 27 This bill authorizes school districts to raise additional 28 amounts of property tax or income surtax under the 29 instructional support program for certain school resource 30 officer expenses. 31 Code section 257.18 authorizes school districts to raise 32 additional amounts of funding by property taxes or income 33 surtaxes for school general fund purposes. The amount 34 authorized to be raised is limited to an amount not exceeding 35 -2- LSB 5594SV (2) 88 md/jh 2/ 4
S.F. 2155 10 percent of the total of regular program district cost for 1 the budget year and moneys received as a budget adjustment for 2 the budget year. Participation in the instructional support 3 program may be for a period not to exceed 10 years subject 4 to voter approval or for a period of 5 years if approved by 5 the school board, subject to a voter petition requesting an 6 election. 7 The bill authorizes an additional annual amount of funding 8 under the instructional support program for school resource 9 officer expenses only for school budget years beginning on or 10 after July 1, 2021. 11 The bill defines “school resource officer expenses” to mean 12 the cost to provide or employ one school resource officer as 13 defined by federal law and the cost of the personal safety 14 equipment for that school resource officer. The federal 15 law definition of “school resource officer” is a career 16 law enforcement officer, with sworn authority, deployed in 17 community-oriented policing, and assigned by the employing 18 police department or agency to work in collaboration with 19 schools and community-based organizations to address crime 20 and disorder problems, gangs, and drug activities affecting 21 or occurring in or around an elementary or secondary school; 22 to develop or expand crime prevention efforts for students; 23 to educate likely school-age victims in crime prevention and 24 safety; to develop or expand community justice initiatives for 25 students; to train students in conflict resolution, restorative 26 justice, and crime awareness; to assist in the identification 27 of physical changes in the environment that may reduce crime in 28 or around the school; and to assist in developing school policy 29 that addresses crime and to recommend procedural changes. 30 The bill also provides that for each school district that 31 has approved participation in the instructional support program 32 before July 1, 2020, for a term of years that includes a school 33 budget year beginning on or after July 1, 2021, the school 34 district shall not certify an amount in excess of the current 35 -3- LSB 5594SV (2) 88 md/jh 3/ 4
S.F. 2155 law maximum amount unless the additional amount for school 1 resource officer expenses is authorized in the manner provided 2 for participation in the instructional support program. 3 In addition, if a school district intends to certify an 4 additional amount of funding for the school resource officer 5 expenses for a budget year, the school board must adopt a 6 resolution specifying the additional amount to be certified. 7 -4- LSB 5594SV (2) 88 md/jh 4/ 4