Bill Text: IA HSB645 | 2023-2024 | 90th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, remove ambiguities, and provide for Code editor directives.(See HF 2462.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2024-02-12 - Committee report approving bill, renumbered as HF 2462. [HSB645 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2023-HSB645-Introduced.html
House Study Bill 645 - Introduced HOUSE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY BILL BY CHAIRPERSON HOLT) A BILL FOR An Act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust 1 language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 2 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, resolve 3 inconsistencies and conflicts, remove ambiguities, and 4 provide for Code editor directives. 5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 6 TLSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns
H.F. _____ Section 1. Section 8A.203, subsection 4, Code 2024, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 4. Advise The commission shall advise the department and the 3 state librarian concerning the library services duties of the 4 department. 5 Sec. 2. Section 8A.232, Code 2024, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 8A.232 Administrator. 8 The state librarian shall be the compact administrator. The 9 compact administrator shall receive copies of all agreements 10 entered into by the state or its political subdivisions 11 and other states or political subdivisions; consult with, 12 advise , and aid such governmental units in the formulation of 13 such agreements; make such recommendations to the governor, 14 legislature, and governmental agencies and units as the 15 administrator deems desirable to effectuate the purposes of 16 this compact ; and consult and cooperate with the compact 17 administrators of other party states. 18 Sec. 3. Section 8A.311B, subsection 6, paragraph h, Code 19 2024, is amended to read as follows: 20 h. The director shall require a contractor or subcontractor 21 to file, within ten days of receipt of a request, any 22 records enumerated in subsection 7 . If the contractor or 23 subcontractor fails to provide the requested records within 24 ten days, the director may direct, within fifteen days after 25 the end of the ten-day period, the fiscal or financial office 26 charged with the custody and disbursement of funds of the 27 public body that contracted for construction of the public 28 improvement or undertook the public improvement, to immediately 29 withhold from payment to the contractor or subcontractor 30 up to twenty-five percent of the amount to be paid to the 31 contractor or subcontractor under the terms of the contract 32 or written instrument under which the public improvement is 33 being performed. The amount withheld shall be immediately 34 released upon receipt by the public body of a notice from the 35 -1- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 1/ 46
H.F. _____ commissioner director indicating that the request for records 1 as required by this section has been satisfied. 2 Sec. 4. Section 9C.3, subsections 2, 3, and 4, Code 2024, 3 are amended to read as follows: 4 2. If the application be is made by an agent, bailee, 5 consignee, or employee, the application shall so state and set 6 out the name and address of such agent, bailee, consignee, or 7 employee , and shall also set out the name and address of the 8 owner of the tangible personal property to be sold or offered 9 for sale. 10 3. The application shall state whether Whether or not the 11 applicant has an Iowa retailers sales or use tax permit and , if 12 the applicant has such permit, shall state the number of such 13 permit. 14 4. If the applicant be is a corporation, the application 15 shall state whether or not the applicant is an Iowa corporation 16 or a foreign corporation, and , if a foreign corporation, shall 17 state whether or not such corporation is authorized to do 18 business in Iowa. 19 Sec. 5. Section 10A.511, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 20 to read as follows: 21 3. To promulgate fire safety rules in consultation with the 22 state fire marshal. The director shall have exclusive right 23 to promulgate fire safety rules as they apply to enforcement 24 or inspection requirements by the department, but the rules 25 shall be promulgated pursuant to chapter 17A . Wherever by 26 any statute the director or the department is authorized 27 or required to promulgate, proclaim, or amend rules and 28 minimum standards regarding fire hazards or fire safety or 29 protection in any establishment, building, or structure, the 30 rules and standards shall promote and enforce fire safety, 31 fire protection, and the elimination of fire hazards as the 32 rules may relate to the use, occupancy, and construction 33 of the buildings, establishments, or structures. The word 34 “construction” shall include but is not limited to electrical 35 -2- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 2/ 46
H.F. _____ wiring, plumbing, heating, lighting, ventilation, construction 1 materials, entrances and exits, and all other physical 2 conditions of the building which may affect fire hazards, 3 safety, or protection. The rules and minimum standards shall 4 be in substantial compliance except as otherwise specifically 5 provided in this chapter part , with the standards of the 6 national fire protection association relating to fire safety as 7 published in the national fire codes. 8 Sec. 6. Section 10A.514, Code 2024, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 10A.514 Authority for inspection —— orders. 11 The chief of a fire department or an authorized subordinate 12 who is trained in fire prevention safety standards may enter 13 a building or premises at a reasonable hour to examine the 14 building or premises and its contents. The examining official 15 shall order the correction of a condition which is in violation 16 of this chapter part , a rule adopted under this chapter part , 17 or a city or county fire safety ordinance. The order shall be 18 in writing or, if the danger is imminent, orally followed by a 19 written order. The examining official shall enforce the order 20 in accordance with the applicable law or ordinance. At the 21 request of the examining official the director may assist in 22 an enforcement action. 23 Sec. 7. Section 10A.515, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 24 to read as follows: 25 1. If a person has violated or is violating a provision of 26 this chapter part or a rule adopted pursuant to this chapter 27 part , the director, the chief of any fire department, or 28 the fire prevention officer of a fire department organized 29 under chapter 400 may issue an order directing the person to 30 desist in the practice which constitutes the violation and 31 to take corrective action as necessary to ensure that the 32 violation will cease. The order shall be in writing and shall 33 specify a reasonable time by which the person shall comply 34 with the order. The person to whom the order is issued may 35 -3- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 3/ 46
H.F. _____ appeal the order as provided in chapter 17A . On appeal, 1 the administrative law judge may affirm, modify, or vacate 2 the order. Judicial review may be sought in accordance with 3 chapter 17A . 4 Sec. 8. Section 10A.516, Code 2024, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 10A.516 Legal proceedings —— penalties —— injunctive relief. 7 At the request of the director, the county attorney 8 shall institute any legal proceedings on behalf of the 9 state necessary to obtain compliance or enforce the penalty 10 provisions of this chapter part or rules or orders adopted or 11 issued pursuant to this chapter part , including but not limited 12 to a legal action for injunctive relief. The county attorney 13 or any other attorney acting on behalf of the chief of a fire 14 department or a fire prevention officer may institute legal 15 proceedings, including but not limited to a legal action for 16 injunctive relief, to obtain compliance or enforce the penalty 17 provisions or orders issued pursuant to section 10A.515 . 18 Sec. 9. Section 10A.713, subsection 2, paragraph g, 19 subparagraph (2), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 20 (2) If these conditions are not met, the institutional 21 health facility is subject to review as a “new institutional 22 health service” or “changed institutional health service” under 23 section 10A.711, subsection 17 , paragraph “d” , and is subject 24 to sanctions under section 10A.723 . If the institutional 25 health facility reestablishes the deleted beds at a later time, 26 review as a “new institutional health service” or “changed 27 institutional health service” is required pursuant to section 28 10A.711, subsection 17 , paragraph “d” . 29 Sec. 10. Section 10A.713, subsection 2, paragraph h, 30 subparagraph (2), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 31 (2) If these conditions are not met, the institutional 32 health facility or health maintenance organization is subject 33 to review as a “new institutional health service” or “changed 34 institutional health service” under section 10A.711, subsection 35 -4- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 4/ 46
H.F. _____ 17 , paragraph “f” , and is subject to sanctions under section 1 10A.723 . 2 Sec. 11. NEW SECTION . 10A.901 Definitions. 3 For the purposes of this subchapter, unless the context 4 otherwise requires: 5 1. a. “Child-occupied facility” means a building, or 6 portion of a building, constructed prior to 1978, that is 7 described by all of the following: 8 (1) The building is visited on a regular basis by the 9 same child, who is less than six years of age, on at least 10 two different days within any week. For purposes of this 11 subsection, a week is a Sunday through Saturday period. 12 (2) Each day’s visit by the child lasts at least three 13 hours, and the combined annual visits total at least sixty 14 hours. 15 b. A child-occupied facility may include but is not limited 16 to a child care center, preschool, or kindergarten classroom. 17 A child-occupied facility also includes common areas that are 18 routinely used by children who are less than six years of age, 19 such as restrooms and cafeterias, and the exterior walls and 20 adjoining space of the building that are immediately adjacent 21 to the child-occupied facility or the common areas routinely 22 used by children under the age of six years. 23 2. “Target housing” means housing constructed prior to 1978 24 with the exception of housing for the elderly or for persons 25 with disabilities and housing that does not contain a bedroom, 26 unless at least one child, under six years of age, resides or 27 is expected to reside in the housing. 28 Sec. 12. Section 10A.903, Code 2024, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 10A.903 Renovation, remodeling, and repainting —— lead hazard 31 notification process established. 32 1. a. A person who performs renovation, remodeling, or 33 repainting services for target housing or a child-occupied 34 facility for compensation shall provide an approved lead hazard 35 -5- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 5/ 46
H.F. _____ information pamphlet to the owner and occupant of the housing 1 or facility prior to commencing the services. The department 2 shall adopt rules to implement the renovation, remodeling, and 3 repainting lead hazard notification process under this section . 4 b. The rules shall include but are not limited to an 5 authorization that the lead hazard notification to parents or 6 guardians of the children attending a child-occupied facility 7 may be completed by posting an informational sign and a copy 8 of the approved lead hazard information pamphlet. The rules 9 shall also address requirements for notification of parents or 10 guardians of the children visiting a child-occupied facility 11 when the facility is vacant for an extended period of time. 12 2. For the purpose of this section and section 10A.902 , 13 unless the context otherwise requires: 14 a. (1) “Child-occupied facility” means a building, or 15 portion of a building, constructed prior to 1978, that is 16 described by all of the following: 17 (a) The building is visited on a regular basis by the same 18 child, who is less than six years of age, on at least two 19 different days within any week. For purposes of this paragraph 20 “a” , a week is a Sunday through Saturday period. 21 (b) Each day’s visit by the child lasts at least three 22 hours, and the combined annual visits total at least sixty 23 hours. 24 (2) A child-occupied facility may include but is not limited 25 to a child care center, preschool, or kindergarten classroom. 26 A child-occupied facility also includes common areas that are 27 routinely used by children who are less than six years of age, 28 such as restrooms and cafeterias, and the exterior walls and 29 adjoining space of the building that are immediately adjacent 30 to the child-occupied facility or the common areas routinely 31 used by children under the age of six years. 32 b. “Target housing” means housing constructed prior to 1978 33 with the exception of housing for the elderly or for persons 34 with disabilities and housing that does not contain a bedroom, 35 -6- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 6/ 46
H.F. _____ unless at least one child, under six years of age, resides or 1 is expected to reside in the housing. 2 3. 2. A person who violates this section is subject to 3 a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars for each 4 offense. 5 Sec. 13. Section 12.31, Code 2024, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 12.31 Short title. 8 This section and sections 12.32 through 12.43 subchapter 9 shall be known as the “Linked Investments for Tomorrow Act” . 10 Sec. 14. Section 12.32, Code 2024, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 12.32 Definitions. 13 As used in section 12.31, this section, and sections 12.34 14 through 12.43 this subchapter , unless the context otherwise 15 requires: 16 1. “Eligible borrower” means any person who is qualified to 17 participate in one of the programs in this section and sections 18 12.34 through 12.43 subchapter . “Eligible borrower” does not 19 include a person who has been determined to be delinquent in 20 making child support payments or any other payments due the 21 state. 22 2. “Eligible lending institution” means a financial 23 institution that is empowered to make commercial loans and is 24 eligible pursuant to chapter 12C to be a depository of state 25 funds. 26 3. “Linked investment” means a certificate of deposit issued 27 pursuant to this section and sections 12.34 through 12.43 28 subchapter to the treasurer of state by an eligible lending 29 institution, at an interest rate not more than three percent 30 below current market rate on the condition that the institution 31 agrees to lend the value of the deposit, according to the 32 investment agreement provided in section 12.35 , to an eligible 33 borrower at a rate not to exceed four percent above the rate 34 paid on the certificate of deposit. The treasurer of state 35 -7- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 7/ 46
H.F. _____ shall determine and make available the current market rate 1 which shall be used each month. 2 Sec. 15. Section 12.34, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2024, are 3 amended to read as follows: 4 1. The treasurer of state may invest up to the lesser of 5 one hundred eight million dollars or twenty-five percent of 6 the balance of the state pooled money fund in certificates of 7 deposit in eligible lending institutions as provided in section 8 12.32, this section, and sections 12.35 through 12.43 this 9 subchapter . One-half of the moneys invested pursuant to this 10 section shall be made available under the program implemented 11 pursuant to section 12.43 to increase the availability of lower 12 cost moneys for purposes of injecting needed capital into 13 small businesses which are fifty-one percent or more owned, 14 operated, and actively managed by one or more women, minority 15 persons, or persons with disabilities. “Disability” and 16 “minority person” mean the same as defined in section 15.102 . 17 The treasurer shall invest the remaining one-half of the moneys 18 invested pursuant to this section to support any other eligible 19 applicant as provided in section 12.43 . 20 2. The treasurer of state shall adopt rules pursuant to 21 chapter 17A to administer section 12.32, this section, and 22 sections 12.35 through 12.43 this subchapter . 23 Sec. 16. Section 12.35, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 24 to read as follows: 25 1. An eligible lending institution that desires to receive 26 a linked investment shall enter into an agreement with the 27 treasurer of state, which shall include requirements necessary 28 for the eligible lending institution to comply with sections 29 12.32 and 12.34, this section, and sections 12.36 through 12.43 30 this subchapter . 31 Sec. 17. Section 12.36, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 32 to read as follows: 33 2. Upon acceptance of the linked investment loan package 34 or any portion of the package, the treasurer of state shall 35 -8- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 8/ 46
H.F. _____ deposit funds with the eligible lending institution and the 1 eligible lending institution shall issue to the treasurer of 2 state one or more certificates of deposit with interest at a 3 rate determined pursuant to section 12.32, subsection 3 . The 4 treasurer of state shall not deposit funds with an eligible 5 lending institution pursuant to sections 12.32, 12.34, 12.35, 6 this section, and sections 12.37 through 12.43 this subchapter , 7 unless the certificate of deposit earns a rate of interest of 8 at least one percent. Interest earned on the certificate of 9 deposit and principal not renewed shall be remitted to the 10 treasurer of state at the time the certificate of deposit 11 matures. Interest from the linked investments for tomorrow 12 program shall be considered earnings of the general fund of the 13 state. Certificates of deposit issued pursuant to sections 14 12.32, 12.34, 12.35, this section, and sections 12.37 through 15 12.43 this subchapter are not subject to a penalty for early 16 withdrawal. 17 Sec. 18. Section 15.101, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 2. The collaboration shall involve the economic development 20 authority and the bioscience development corporation, both 21 of which shall work together to further economic development 22 policy according to the provisions of this subchapter . 23 Sec. 19. Section 15.119, subsection 2, paragraph a, 24 subparagraph (1), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 25 (1) The high quality jobs program administered pursuant to 26 sections 15.326 through 15.336 subchapter II, part 13 . 27 Sec. 20. Section 15.119, subsection 2, paragraph g, Code 28 2024, is amended to read as follows: 29 g. The workforce housing tax incentives program administered 30 pursuant to sections 15.351 through 15.356 subchapter II, part 31 17 . In allocating tax credits pursuant to this subsection , 32 the authority shall not allocate more than thirty-five 33 million dollars for purposes of this paragraph. Of the moneys 34 allocated under this paragraph, seventeen million five hundred 35 -9- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 9/ 46
H.F. _____ thousand dollars shall be reserved for allocation to qualified 1 housing projects in small cities, as defined in section 15.352 , 2 that are registered on or after July 1, 2017. 3 Sec. 21. Section 15.119, subsection 2, paragraph h, Code 4 2024, is amended to read as follows: 5 h. The renewable chemical production tax credit program 6 administered pursuant to sections 15.315 through 15.322 7 subchapter II, part 12 . In allocating tax credits pursuant to 8 this subsection for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, 9 and for each fiscal year beginning before July 1, 2037, the 10 authority shall not allocate more than five million dollars for 11 purposes of this paragraph. This paragraph is repealed July 12 1, 2039. 13 Sec. 22. Section 15.119, subsection 5, Code 2024, is amended 14 to read as follows: 15 5. Notwithstanding subsection 1 , and in addition to 16 amounts allocated pursuant to subsection 2 , paragraph “g” , the 17 authority shall allocate ten million dollars to the workforce 18 housing tax incentives program administered pursuant to 19 sections 15.351 through 15.356 subchapter II, part 17 , for 20 qualified housing projects located in a county that has been 21 declared a major disaster by the president of the United States 22 on or after March 12, 2019, and that is also a county in which 23 individuals are eligible for federal individual assistance. 24 In allocating tax credits pursuant to this subsection for the 25 period beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2024, the 26 authority shall not allocate more than ten million dollars for 27 purposes of this subsection . This subsection is repealed July 28 1, 2024. 29 Sec. 23. Section 15.322, Code 2024, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 15.322 Future repeal. 32 Section Sections 15.315 , 15.316 , 15.317 , 15.318 , 15.319 , 33 15.320 , 15.321 , and this section , are repealed July 1, 2039. 34 Sec. 24. Section 15.445, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 35 -10- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 10/ 46
H.F. _____ to read as follows: 1 2. “Commission” is means the five-person body, elected 2 by the registered voters in the historical preservation 3 district from persons living in the district for the purpose of 4 administering this part . 5 Sec. 25. Section 15.481, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 6 to read as follows: 7 2. Approve or disapprove the grants recommended for 8 approval by the director, in consultation with the Iowa arts 9 council and the state historical society of Iowa, in accordance 10 with section 15.108, subsection 8 , paragraph “b” , subparagraph 11 (4) . The board may remove any recommendation from the list, 12 but shall not add to or otherwise amend the list of recommended 13 grants. 14 Sec. 26. Section 16.1, subsection 5, Code 2024, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 5. “Child foster care facilities” means the same a facility 17 as defined in section 237.1 . 18 Sec. 27. Section 17A.2, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 19 to read as follows: 20 1. “Agency” means each board, commission, department, 21 officer , or other administrative office or unit of the state. 22 “Agency” does not mean the general assembly or any of its 23 components, the judicial branch or any of its components, the 24 office of consumer advocate, the governor, or a political 25 subdivision of the state or its offices and units. Unless 26 provided otherwise by statute, no less than two-thirds of the 27 members eligible to vote of a multimember agency constitute a 28 quorum authorized to act in the name of the agency. 29 Sec. 28. Section 17A.4, subsection 4, Code 2024, is amended 30 to read as follows: 31 4. Any rule filed pursuant to this section or section 32 17A.5 , that necessitates additional annual expenditures of at 33 least one hundred thousand dollars or combined expenditures 34 of at least five hundred thousand dollars within five years 35 -11- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 11/ 46
H.F. _____ by all affected persons, including the agency itself, shall 1 be accompanied by a fiscal impact statement outlining the 2 expenditures. The agency shall promptly deliver a copy of 3 the statement to the legislative services agency. To the 4 extent feasible, the legislative services agency shall analyze 5 the statement and provide a summary of that analysis to the 6 administrative rules review committee. If the agency has 7 made a good-faith effort to comply with the requirements of 8 this subsection , the rule shall not be invalidated on the 9 ground that the contents of the statement are insufficient or 10 inaccurate. 11 Sec. 29. Section 22.7, subsection 5A, paragraphs a and b, 12 Code 2024, are amended to read as follows: 13 a. A crisis intervention report generated by a law 14 enforcement agency regarding a person experiencing a mental 15 health crisis, substance-related substance use disorder 16 crisis, or housing crisis, when the report is generated 17 for the specific purpose of providing crisis intervention 18 information to assist peace officers under any of the following 19 circumstances: 20 (1) De-escalating conflicts. 21 (2) Referring a person experiencing a mental health crisis, 22 substance-related substance use disorder crisis, or housing 23 crisis to a mental health treatment provider, substance-related 24 substance use disorder treatment provider, homeless service 25 provider, or any other appropriate service provider. 26 b. A crisis intervention report generated for the purposes 27 of this subsection shall be made available to the person who 28 is the subject of the report upon the request of the person 29 who is the subject of the report, and may be provided to a 30 mental health treatment provider, substance-related substance 31 use disorder treatment provider, homeless service provider, or 32 any other appropriate service provider in connection with a 33 referral for services. 34 Sec. 30. Section 24.48, subsection 4, Code 2024, is amended 35 -12- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 12/ 46
H.F. _____ to read as follows: 1 4. The city finance committee shall have officially 2 notified any city of its approval, modification , or rejection 3 of the city’s appeal of the decision of the director of the 4 department of management regarding a city’s request for a 5 suspension of the statutory property tax levy limitation prior 6 to thirty-five days before April 30. 7 Sec. 31. Section 29C.6, subsection 6, Code 2024, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 6. Suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute 10 prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business, or 11 the orders or rules, of any state agency, if strict compliance 12 with the provisions of any statute, order , or rule would in any 13 way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with 14 the emergency by stating in a proclamation such reasons. Upon 15 the request of a local governing body, the governor may also 16 suspend statutes limiting local governments in their ability to 17 provide services to aid disaster victims. 18 Sec. 32. Section 72.2, Code 2024, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 72.2 Executive council may authorize indebtedness. 21 Nothing herein contained in this chapter shall prevent the 22 incurring of an indebtedness on account of support funds for 23 state institutions, upon the prior written direction of the 24 executive council, specifying the items and amount of such 25 indebtedness to be increased, and the necessity therefor. 26 Sec. 33. Section 72.4, Code 2024, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 72.4 Penalty. 29 A violation of the provisions of section 72.3 shall, in 30 addition to criminal liability, render the violator liable, 31 personally and on the violator’s bond, if any, to liquidated 32 damages in the sum of one thousand dollars for each violation, 33 to inure to and be collected by the state, county, city, school 34 corporation , or other municipal corporation of which the 35 -13- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 13/ 46
H.F. _____ violator is an officer or deputy. 1 Sec. 34. Section 76.7, Code 2024, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 76.7 Particular bonds affected —— payment. 4 Counties, cities , and school corporations may at any time 5 or times extend or renew any legal indebtedness or any part 6 thereof they may have represented by bonds or certificates 7 where such indebtedness is payable from a limited annual tax 8 or from a voted annual tax, and may by resolution fund or 9 refund the same and issue bonds therefor running not more than 10 twenty years to be known as funding or refunding bonds, and 11 make provision for the payment of the principal and interest 12 thereof from the proceeds of an annual tax for the period 13 covered by such bonds similar to the tax authorized by law or 14 by the electors for the payment of the indebtedness so extended 15 or renewed. 16 Sec. 35. Section 76.8, Code 2024, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 76.8 Laws applicable. 19 All laws relating to the issuance of funding or refunding 20 bonds by counties, cities , and school corporations, as the case 21 may be, not inconsistent with the provisions herein contained 22 and to the extent the same may be applicable, shall govern the 23 issuance of the funding and refunding bonds for the purpose 24 herein authorized. 25 Sec. 36. Section 76.9, Code 2024, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 76.9 No limit of former power. 28 Sections 76.7 and 76.8 shall be construed as granting 29 additional power without limiting the power already existing in 30 counties, cities , and school corporations. 31 Sec. 37. Section 84A.1A, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 32 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 33 An Iowa workforce development board is created, consisting 34 of thirty-three voting members and thirteen twelve nonvoting 35 -14- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 14/ 46
H.F. _____ members. 1 Sec. 38. Section 89.3, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 3. The commissioner director may inspect boilers and tanks 4 and other equipment stamped with the American society of 5 mechanical engineers code symbol for other than steam pressure, 6 manufactured in Iowa, when requested by the manufacturer. 7 Sec. 39. Section 89.14, subsection 11, Code 2024, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 11. The board shall adopt rules to allow an extended 10 internal inspection interval of up to seven years for objects 11 that are subject to inspection pursuant to section 89.5A 89.3, 12 subsection 6 . 13 Sec. 40. Section 90A.10, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 14 to read as follows: 15 1. Moneys collected pursuant to section 90A.9 from a 16 professional boxing event are appropriated to the department 17 of workforce development inspections, appeals, and licensing 18 and shall be used by the commissioner to award grants to 19 organizations that promote amateur boxing matches in this 20 state. All other moneys collected by the commissioner pursuant 21 to this chapter are appropriated to the department of workforce 22 development inspections, appeals, and licensing and shall be 23 used by the commissioner to administer this chapter . Section 24 8.33 applies only to moneys in excess of the first twenty 25 thousand dollars appropriated each fiscal year. 26 Sec. 41. Section 91C.7, subsection 6, Code 2024, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 6. The bond required by this section may be attached by 29 the director for collection of fees and penalties due to the 30 division department . 31 Sec. 42. Section 99B.1, subsection 8, Code 2024, is amended 32 to read as follows: 33 8. “Bona fide social relationship” as used herein means a 34 real, genuine, unfeigned social relationship between two or 35 -15- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 15/ 46
H.F. _____ more persons wherein each person has an established knowledge 1 of the other, which has not arisen for the purpose of gambling. 2 Sec. 43. Section 99G.3, subsection 5, Code 2024, is amended 3 to read as follows: 4 5. “Director” means the director of the department of 5 revenue or the director’s designee. 6 Sec. 44. Section 99G.12, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 1. The authority department may operate self-service kiosks 9 to dispense authorized lottery tickets or products in locations 10 where lottery games and lottery products are sold, subject to 11 the requirements of this chapter . 12 Sec. 45. Section 99G.21, subsection 2, paragraph f, Code 13 2024, is amended to read as follows: 14 f. To enter into written agreements with one or more other 15 states or territories of the United States, or one or more 16 political subdivisions of another state or territory of the 17 United States, or any entity lawfully operating a lottery 18 outside the United States for the operation, marketing, and 19 promotion of a joint lottery or joint lottery game. For 20 the purposes of this subsection , any lottery with which the 21 authority department reaches an agreement or compact shall meet 22 the criteria for security, integrity, and finance set by the 23 board. 24 Sec. 46. Section 99G.29, Code 2024, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 99G.29 Retailer rental calculations —— lottery ticket sales 27 treatment. 28 If a lottery retailer’s rental payments for the business 29 premises are contractually computed, in whole or in part, on 30 the basis of a percentage of retail sales and such computation 31 of retail sales is not explicitly defined to include sales of 32 tickets or shares in a state-operated or state-managed lottery, 33 only the compensation received by the lottery retailer from the 34 department may be considered the amount of the lottery retail 35 -16- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 16/ 46
H.F. _____ sale sales for purposes of computing the rental payment. 1 Sec. 47. Section 125.1, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 3. To insure ensure that substance use disorder programs 4 are being operated by individuals who are qualified in their 5 field whether through formal education or through employment 6 or personal experience. 7 Sec. 48. Section 125.9, subsection 6, Code 2024, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 6. Submit to the governor a written report of the pertinent 10 facts at any time the director concludes that any agency 11 of this state or of any of its political subdivisions is 12 conducting any substance use disorder prevention function, 13 or program for the benefit of persons who are or have been 14 involved in substance use disorder , in a manner not consistent 15 with or which impairs achievement of the objectives of the 16 state plan to combat substance use disorder, and has failed to 17 effect appropriate changes in the function or program. 18 Sec. 49. Section 125.20, Code 2024, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 125.20 Rules. 21 The department shall establish rules pursuant to chapter 22 17A requiring facilities to use reasonable accounting and 23 reimbursement systems which recognize relevant cost-related 24 factors for patients with a substance use disorder. A facility 25 shall not be licensed nor shall any payment be made under 26 this chapter to a facility which fails to comply with those 27 rules or which does not permit inspection by the department 28 or examination of all records, including financial records, 29 methods of administration, general and special dietary 30 programs, the disbursement of drugs and methods of supply, 31 and any other records the department deems relevant to the 32 establishment of such a system. However, rules issued pursuant 33 to this paragraph section shall not apply to any facility 34 referred to in section 125.13, subsection 2 , or section 125.43 . 35 -17- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 17/ 46
H.F. _____ Sec. 50. Section 125.33, subsection 5, Code 2024, is amended 1 to read as follows: 2 5. If a patient leaves a facility, with or against the 3 advice of the administrator in charge of the facility, the 4 director may make reasonable provisions for the patient’s 5 transportation to another facility or to the patient’s home. 6 If the patient has no home , the patient shall be assisted in 7 obtaining shelter. If the patient is a minor or an incompetent 8 person, the request for discharge from an inpatient facility 9 shall be made by a parent, legal guardian, or other legal 10 representative, or by the minor or incompetent person if the 11 patient was the original applicant. 12 Sec. 51. Section 125.54, Code 2024, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 125.54 Use of funds. 15 The director is not required to distribute or guarantee 16 funds, except as provided in section 125.59 , to any of the 17 following : 18 1. To any Any program which does not meet licensing 19 standards , . 20 2. To any Any program providing unnecessary, duplicative , 21 or overlapping services within the same geographical area , or . 22 3. To any Any program which has adequate resources at its 23 disposal. 24 Sec. 52. Section 135.1, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, 25 is amended to read as follows: 26 For the purposes of chapter 155 and Title IV, subtitle 2 , 27 excluding chapter 146 , unless otherwise defined: 28 Sec. 53. Section 135.190, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 29 2024, is amended to read as follows: 30 a. “Community-based organization” means a public or private 31 organization that provides health or human services to meet the 32 needs of a community including but not limited to a nonprofit 33 organization, a social service provider, or an organization 34 providing substance abuse use disorder prevention, treatment, 35 -18- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 18/ 46
H.F. _____ recovery, or harm reduction services. 1 Sec. 54. Section 135C.30, subsection 3, paragraph a, Code 2 2024, is amended to read as follows: 3 a. Jointly by the receiver and the current licensee of 4 the health care facility which is in receivership, stating 5 that the deficiencies in the operation, maintenance , or other 6 circumstances which were the grounds for establishment of the 7 receivership have been corrected and that there are reasonable 8 grounds to believe that the facility will be operated in 9 compliance with this chapter and the rules or minimum standards 10 promulgated under this chapter . 11 Sec. 55. Section 135C.30, subsection 5, paragraph b, Code 12 2024, is amended to read as follows: 13 b. Affect the civil or criminal liability of the licensee 14 of the facility placed in receivership , for any acts or 15 omissions of the licensee which occurred before the receiver 16 was appointed. 17 Sec. 56. Section 136A.3A, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 18 amended to read as follows: 19 2. The members of the advisory committee shall be appointed 20 by the director of the department and shall include persons 21 with relevant expertise and interest including parent 22 representatives. 23 Sec. 57. Section 138.13, subsection 10, paragraph a, Code 24 2024, is amended to read as follows: 25 a. Effective measures shall be taken to control rats, mice, 26 flies, mosquitoes ; , bedbugs, and all other insects, rodents, 27 and parasites within the camp premises. 28 Sec. 58. Section 139A.3, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 29 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 30 The health care provider or public, private, or hospital 31 clinical laboratory attending a person infected with a 32 reportable disease shall immediately report the case to 33 the department. However, when a case occurs within the 34 jurisdiction of a local health department, the report shall 35 -19- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 19/ 46
H.F. _____ be made to the local department and to the department. A 1 health care provider or public, private, or hospital clinical 2 laboratory who files such a report which identifies a person 3 infected with a reportable disease shall assist in the 4 investigation by the department, a local board, or a local 5 department. The department shall publish and distribute 6 instructions concerning the method of reporting. Reports shall 7 be made in accordance with rules adopted by the department and 8 shall require inclusion of all the following information: 9 Sec. 59. Section 139A.8A, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2024, 10 are amended to read as follows: 11 1. In the event of a shortage of a vaccine, or in the event 12 a vaccine shortage is imminent, the department may issue an 13 order controlling, restricting, or otherwise regulating the 14 distribution and administration of the vaccine. The order may 15 designate groups of persons which shall receive priority in 16 administration of the vaccine and may prohibit vaccination of 17 persons who are not included in a priority designation. The 18 order shall include an effective date, which may be amended or 19 rescinded only through a written order of the department. The 20 order shall be applicable to health care providers, hospitals, 21 clinics, pharmacies, health care facilities, local boards of 22 health , public health agencies, and other persons or entities 23 that distribute or administer vaccines. 24 2. A health care provider, hospital, clinic, pharmacy, 25 health care facility, local board of health , public health 26 agency, or other person or entity that distributes or 27 administers vaccines shall not be civilly liable in any action 28 based on a failure or refusal to distribute or administer a 29 vaccine to any person if the failure or refusal to distribute 30 or administer the vaccine was consistent with a department 31 order issued pursuant to this section . 32 Sec. 60. Section 139A.31, Code 2024, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 139A.31 Report to department. 35 -20- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 20/ 46
H.F. _____ Immediately after the first examination or treatment of 1 any person infected with any sexually transmitted disease 2 or infection, the health care provider who performed the 3 examination or treatment shall transmit to the department a 4 report stating the name of the infected person, the address 5 of the infected person, the infected person’s date of birth, 6 the sex of the infected person, the race and ethnicity of the 7 infected person, the infected person’s marital status, the 8 infected person’s telephone number, if the infected person is 9 female, whether the infected person is pregnant, the name and 10 address of the laboratory that performed the test, the date 11 the test was found to be positive and the collection date, 12 and the name of the health care provider who performed the 13 test. However, when a case occurs within the jurisdiction of 14 a local health department, the report shall be made directly 15 to the local health department which shall immediately forward 16 the information to the department. Reports shall be made in 17 accordance with rules adopted by the department. Reports shall 18 be confidential. Any person filing a report of a sexually 19 transmitted disease or infection who is acting reasonably and 20 in good faith is immune from any liability, civil or criminal, 21 which might otherwise be incurred or imposed as a result of 22 such report. 23 Sec. 61. Section 141A.2, subsection 6, Code 2024, is amended 24 to read as follows: 25 6. The department, with the approval of the council on 26 health and human services, may conduct epidemiological blinded 27 epidemiological studies and nonblinded epidemiological studies 28 to determine the incidence and prevalence of HIV infection. 29 Initiation of any new blinded epidemiological studies or 30 nonblinded epidemiological studies shall be contingent upon 31 the receipt of funding sufficient to cover all the costs 32 associated with the studies. The informed consent, reporting, 33 and counseling requirements of this chapter shall not apply to 34 blinded epidemiological studies. 35 -21- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 21/ 46
H.F. _____ Sec. 62. Section 147H.1, subsection 2, paragraphs a and d, 1 Code 2024, are amended to read as follows: 2 a. “Active duty military” means full-time duty status in 3 the active uniformed service of the United States, including 4 members of the national guard and reserves on active duty 5 orders pursuant to 10 U.S.C. §1209 ch. 1209 and 10 U.S.C. §1211 6 ch. 1211 . 7 d. “Continuing competence” and/or or “continuing education” 8 means a requirement, as a condition of license renewal, 9 to provide evidence of participation in, or completion of, 10 educational and professional activities relevant to practice or 11 area of work. 12 Sec. 63. Section 159.31A, subsection 7, Code 2024, is 13 amended to read as follows: 14 7. A business that is awarded financial assistance under 15 this section may apply for financial assistance under other 16 programs administered by the authority department . 17 Sec. 64. Section 215.1, subsections 5 and 6, Code 2024, are 18 amended to read as follows: 19 5. “Service agency” means an individual, firm , or 20 corporation which holds itself out to the public as having 21 servicers available to install, service , or repair a weighing 22 or measuring device for hire. 23 6. “Servicer” means an individual employed by a service 24 agency who installs, services , or repairs a commercial weighing 25 or measuring device for hire, commission , or salary. 26 Sec. 65. Section 231B.4, Code 2024, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 231B.4 Zoning —— fire and safety standards. 29 An elder group home shall be located in an area zoned 30 for single-family or multiple-family housing or in an 31 unincorporated area and shall be constructed in compliance with 32 applicable local housing codes and the rules adopted for the 33 special classification by the department. In the absence of 34 local building codes, the facility shall comply with the state 35 -22- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 22/ 46
H.F. _____ plumbing code established pursuant to section 135.11 105.4 and 1 the state building code established pursuant to section 103A.7 2 and the rules adopted for the special classification by the 3 department. The rules adopted for the special classification 4 by the department regarding second floor occupancy shall take 5 into consideration the mobility of the tenants. 6 Sec. 66. Section 232.3A, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 1. During an action under subchapter III , child in need 9 of assistance proceedings, or subchapter IV , termination of 10 parent-child relationship proceedings of this chapter , the 11 court may on its own motion or that of any party, require the 12 child and established father of the child to submit to blood or 13 genetic testing in accordance with the procedures and method 14 prescribed under section 600B.41 to overcome the paternity of 15 the established father. 16 Sec. 67. Section 232.52, subsection 2, paragraph d, 17 subparagraph (4), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 18 (4) The chief juvenile court officer or the officer’s 19 designee for placement in a program under section 232.191, 20 subsection 4 232.192, subsection 2, paragraph “d” . The chief 21 juvenile court officer or the officer’s designee may place a 22 child in group foster care for failure to comply with the terms 23 and conditions of the supervised community treatment program 24 for up to seventy-two hours without notice to the court or for 25 more than seventy-two hours if the court is notified of the 26 placement within seventy-two hours of placement, subject to a 27 hearing before the court on the placement within ten days. 28 Sec. 68. Section 232.52, subsection 2, paragraph e, 29 subparagraph (4), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 30 (4) The child has previously been placed in a treatment 31 facility outside the child’s home or in a supervised community 32 treatment program established pursuant to section 232.191, 33 subsection 4 232.192, subsection 2, paragraph “d” , as a result 34 of a prior delinquency adjudication. 35 -23- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 23/ 46
H.F. _____ Sec. 69. Section 232.52, subsection 7, paragraph a, Code 1 2024, is amended to read as follows: 2 a. When the court orders the transfer of legal custody of 3 a child pursuant to subsection 2 , paragraph “d” , “e” , or “f” , 4 the order shall state that reasonable efforts as defined in 5 section 232.57 have been made. If deemed appropriate by the 6 court, the order may include a determination that continuation 7 of the child in the child’s home is contrary to the child’s 8 welfare. The inclusion of such a determination shall not under 9 any circumstances be deemed a prerequisite for entering an 10 order pursuant to this section . However, the inclusion of such 11 a determination, supported by the record, may be used to assist 12 the department in obtaining federal funding for the child’s 13 placement. If such a determination is included in the order, 14 unless the court makes a determination that further reasonable 15 efforts are not required, reasonable efforts shall be made to 16 prevent permanent removal of a child from the child’s home 17 and to encourage reunification of the child with the child’s 18 parents and family. The reasonable efforts may include but 19 are not limited to early intervention and follow-up programs 20 implemented pursuant to section 232.191 232.192 . 21 Sec. 70. Section 235B.6, subsection 2, paragraph b, 22 subparagraph (7), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 23 (7) Each board specified under chapter 147 and the 24 department of inspections, appeals, and licensing for 25 the purpose of licensure, certification or registration, 26 disciplinary investigation, or the renewal of licensure, 27 certification or registration, or disciplinary proceedings of 28 health care professionals. 29 Sec. 71. Section 237.3, subsection 4, Code 2024, is amended 30 to read as follows: 31 4. Rules governing sanitation, water , and waste disposal 32 standards for facilities shall be promulgated by the department 33 pursuant to section 135.11 , after consultation with the 34 director. 35 -24- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 24/ 46
H.F. _____ Sec. 72. Section 237C.6, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended 1 to read as follows: 2 2. The certificate of approval shall state on its face 3 the name of the holder of the certificate, the particular 4 premises for which the certificate is issued, and the number 5 of children who may be cared for by the children’s residential 6 facility on the premises at one time under the certificate 7 of occupancy issued by the director of the department of 8 inspections, appeals, and licensing or the director’s designee 9 of the director of the department of inspections, appeals, and 10 licensing . The certificate of approval shall be posted in a 11 conspicuous place in the children’s residential facility. 12 Sec. 73. Section 239.11, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 13 to read as follows: 14 3. The moneys deposited in the fund are not subject to 15 section 8.33 and shall not be transferred, used, obligated, 16 appropriated, or otherwise encumbered except as provided in 17 this section . Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2 , 18 interest or earnings on moneys deposited in the state capitol 19 maintenance public assistance modernization fund shall be 20 credited to the fund. 21 Sec. 74. Section 256.7, subsection 23, unnumbered paragraph 22 1, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 23 Adopt rules directing the community colleges to annually 24 and uniformly submit data from the most recent fiscal year to 25 the division of community colleges and workforce preparation 26 community colleges bureau , using criteria determined 27 and prescribed by the division bureau via the management 28 information system. 29 Sec. 75. Section 256.7, subsection 23, paragraph b, Code 30 2024, is amended to read as follows: 31 b. Community colleges shall provide data to the division 32 community colleges bureau by a deadline set by the division 33 bureau . The deadline shall be set for a date that permits the 34 division bureau to include the data in a report submitted for 35 -25- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 25/ 46
H.F. _____ state board approval and for review by December 15 of each year 1 by the house and senate standing education committees and the 2 joint subcommittee on education appropriations. 3 Sec. 76. Section 256.137, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 4 amended to read as follows: 5 2. The state board, in consultation with the division of 6 community colleges of the department community colleges and 7 post-secondary readiness bureau , shall adopt rules setting 8 minimum standards for the development and implementation of 9 career academies under this section and ensuring compliance 10 with the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education 11 Improvement Act of 2006, 20 U.S.C. §2301 et seq., as amended. 12 Sec. 77. Section 256.225, subsection 1, paragraph e, 13 subparagraph (4), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 14 (4) The individual is not eligible for the rural Iowa 15 advanced registered nurse practitioner and physician assistant 16 loan repayment program established pursuant to section 261.114 , 17 Code 2023 . 18 Sec. 78. Section 256B.5, Code 2024, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 256B.5 Information available upon request by bureau division 21 of special education . 22 The department of health and human services shall furnish 23 to the state bureau division of special education upon request 24 information obtained from birth certificates relative to the 25 name, address, and disability of any case of developmental 26 disability. The state child health specialty clinics of the 27 university of Iowa shall upon request furnish to the state 28 bureau division of special education the name, address, and 29 disability of all children of their register. 30 Sec. 79. Section 261A.5, Code 2024, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 261A.5 Creation as public instrumentality. 33 The Iowa higher education loan authority is created as 34 a body politic and corporate. The authority is a public 35 -26- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 26/ 46
H.F. _____ instrumentality and the exercise by the authority of the powers 1 conferred by this chapter is the performance of an essential 2 public function. The authority is attached to the college 3 student aid commission for organizational and administrative 4 purposes. 5 Sec. 80. Section 261B.11, subsection 1, paragraph i, Code 6 2024, is amended to read as follows: 7 i. Postsecondary educational institutions licensed by 8 the state of Iowa under chapter 157 to operate as schools of 9 barbering and cosmetology arts and sciences in the state. 10 Sec. 81. Section 310.1, Code 2024, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 310.1 Definitions. 13 As used in this chapter , the following words, terms , or 14 phrases shall be construed or defined as follows: 15 1. “County’s allotment of road use tax fund” or “allotment 16 of road use tax fund” means that part of the road use tax fund 17 allotted to any county by the treasurer of state from the 18 portion of the state road use tax fund which the treasurer has 19 credited to the secondary road fund of the counties. 20 2. “Department” means the state department of 21 transportation. 22 3. “Farm-to-market road system” means the farm-to-market 23 road system as defined in section 306.3. 24 2. 4. “Federal aid” or “federal aid secondary road fund” 25 shall mean funds allotted to the state of Iowa by the federal 26 government to aid in the construction of secondary roads and 27 which funds must be matched with funds under the control of the 28 department. 29 3. “Department” means the state department of 30 transportation. 31 Sec. 82. Section 310.4, Code 2024, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 310.4 Use of fund. 34 Said The farm-to-market road fund is hereby appropriated 35 -27- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 27/ 46
H.F. _____ for and shall be used in the establishment, construction, 1 reconstruction , or improvement of the farm-to-market 2 road system, including the drainage, grading, surfacing, 3 resurfacing, the construction of bridges and culverts, the 4 elimination, protection, or improvement of railroad crossings, 5 the acquiring acquisition of additional right-of-way , and all 6 other expenses incurred in the construction, reconstruction , or 7 improvement of said the farm-to-market road system under this 8 chapter . 9 Sec. 83. Section 321.1A, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code 10 2024, is amended to read as follows: 11 b. Members A member of the armed forces who are is stationed 12 in Iowa, provided that their the member’s vehicles are properly 13 registered in their the member’s state of residency. 14 Sec. 84. Section 321.2, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 3. The state department of transportation and the 17 department of public safety shall cooperate to insure ensure 18 the proper and adequate enforcement of the provisions of this 19 chapter . 20 Sec. 85. Section 321.430, subsection 4, paragraph d, Code 21 2024, is amended to read as follows: 22 d. Only such brakes on the vehicle or vehicles being towed 23 in a driveaway-towaway operation need be operative as may 24 be necessary to insure ensure compliance by the combination 25 of vehicles with the performance requirements of section 26 321.431 . The term “driveaway-towaway” operation as used in this 27 subsection means any operation in which any motor vehicle or 28 motor vehicles, new or used, constitute the commodity being 29 transported, when one set or more of wheels of any such motor 30 vehicle or motor vehicles are on the roadway during the course 31 of transportation, whether or not any such motor vehicle 32 furnishes the motive power. 33 Sec. 86. Section 321.432, Code 2024, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -28- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 28/ 46
H.F. _____ 321.432 Horns and warning devices. 1 Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway shall be 2 equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of 3 emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance 4 of not less than two hundred feet, but no horn or other warning 5 device shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a 6 whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably 7 necessary to insure ensure safe operation give audible warning 8 with the horn but shall not otherwise use such horn when upon 9 a highway. 10 Sec. 87. Section 321J.22, subsection 5, Code 2024, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 5. The department of education, substance use disorder 13 treatment programs licensed under chapter 125 , and state 14 correctional facilities shall maintain enrollment, attendance, 15 and successful and nonsuccessful completion data for their 16 respective courses on the persons ordered to enroll, attend, 17 and successfully complete a course for drinking drivers. This 18 data shall be forwarded to the court by the department of 19 education, substance use disorder treatment programs licensed 20 under chapter 125 , and the department of corrections. 21 Sec. 88. Section 331.756, subsection 28, Code 2024, is 22 amended to read as follows: 23 28. Assist the department of inspections , and appeals , 24 and licensing in the enforcement of the rules setting minimum 25 standards to protect consumers from foodborne illness adopted 26 pursuant to section 137F.2 and the Iowa hotel sanitation code, 27 as provided in sections 137C.30 and 137F.19 . 28 Sec. 89. Section 358C.18, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 29 2024, is amended to read as follows: 30 a. By petitions signed by the owners of all the property 31 to be annexed to the district. If a petition requesting 32 annexation is presented to the trustees and approved by 33 the trustees , the change in the boundaries to include the 34 additional area shall be certified by the clerk of the district 35 -29- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 29/ 46
H.F. _____ to the county auditor in which the greater portion of the 1 district is located and thereafter the district shall include 2 the area thus annexed. 3 Sec. 90. Section 384.26, subsection 2, paragraph a, as 4 enacted by 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 71, section 150, is amended 5 to read as follows: 6 a. The board council shall publish notice of the proposal 7 to issue the bonds, including a statement of the amount and 8 purpose of the bonds, a statement of the estimated cost of the 9 project for which the bonds are to be issued, and an estimate 10 of the annual increase in property taxes as the result of the 11 bond issuance on a residential property with an actual value of 12 one hundred thousand dollars. The notice shall be published 13 as provided in section 362.3 with the minutes of the meeting 14 at which the council adopts a resolution to call a special 15 election to vote upon the question of issuing the bonds. The 16 cost of the project, as published in the notice pursuant to 17 this paragraph, is an estimate and is not intended to be 18 binding on the board council in later proceedings related to 19 the project. 20 Sec. 91. Section 423.3, subsection 104, paragraph b, 21 subparagraph (1), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 22 (1) “Commercial enterprise” means the same as defined in 23 section 423.3, subsection 47 , paragraph “d” , subparagraph (1), 24 but also includes professions and occupations, and includes 25 public utilities as defined in section 476.1, subsection 2 . 26 Sec. 92. Section 425.11, subsection 1, paragraph e, 27 subparagraph (2), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 28 (2) For the purpose of this subchapter , the word “owner” 29 shall be construed to mean a bona fide owner and not one for 30 the purpose only of availing the person of the benefits of this 31 subchapter . In order to qualify for the homestead tax credit 32 and exemption , evidence of ownership shall be on file in the 33 office of the clerk of the district court or recorded in the 34 office of the county recorder at the time the owner files with 35 -30- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 30/ 46
H.F. _____ the assessor a verified statement of the homestead claimed by 1 the owner as provided in section 425.2 . 2 Sec. 93. Section 462A.2, subsection 22, Code 2024, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 22. “Navigable waters” means all lakes, rivers, and streams , 5 which that, during a total of six months in one out of every 6 ten years, can support a vessel capable of carrying one or more 7 persons during a total of six months in one out of every ten 8 years . 9 Sec. 94. Section 476.10B, subsections 2, 3, 5, and 7, Code 10 2024, are amended to read as follows: 11 2. The department of administrative services, in 12 consultation with the utilities board and the consumer advocate 13 division of the department of justice, shall provide for the 14 construction of a building to house the utilities board and 15 the consumer advocate division of the department of justice . 16 A building developed under this subsection shall be a model 17 energy-efficient building that may be used as a public example 18 for similar efforts. The building shall comply with the life 19 cycle cost provisions developed pursuant to section 72.5 . The 20 building shall be located on the capitol complex grounds or 21 at another convenient location in the vicinity of the capitol 22 complex grounds. 23 3. Building project expenses shall include but are not 24 limited to the costs associated with construction, maintenance, 25 and operation of the building that are approved by the 26 utilities board and shall also include principal of, premium, 27 if any, and interest on indebtedness to finance the building. 28 5. A cost-effective approach for financing construction 29 of the building shall be utilized, which may include but is 30 not limited to lease, lease-purchase, bonding, or installment 31 acquisition arrangement, or a financing arrangement under 32 section 12.28 . If financing for the building is implemented 33 under section 12.28 , the limitation on principal under that 34 section does not apply. This subsection is not a qualification 35 -31- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 31/ 46
H.F. _____ of any other powers which the utilities board and the consumer 1 advocate division of the department of justice may possess and 2 the authorizations and powers granted under this subsection 3 are not subject to the terms, requirements, or limitations of 4 any other provisions of law. The department of administrative 5 services must comply with the provisions of section 12.28 when 6 entering into financing agreements for the purchase of real or 7 personal property. 8 7. The department of administrative services, in 9 consultation with the utilities board and the consumer 10 advocate division of the department of justice , shall secure 11 architectural services, contract for construction, engineering, 12 and construction oversight and management, and control the 13 funding associated with the building construction and the 14 building’s operation and maintenance. The department of 15 administrative services may utilize consultants or other 16 expert assistance to address feasibility, planning, or other 17 considerations connected with construction of the building or 18 decision making regarding the building. The department of 19 administrative services, on behalf of the utilities board and 20 the consumer advocate division of the department of justice , 21 shall consult with the office of the governor, appropriate 22 legislative bodies, and the capitol planning commission. 23 Sec. 95. Section 483A.9, Code 2024, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 483A.9 Blanks. 26 The director shall provide blanks for, and determine the 27 method, means, and requirements of issuing licenses , including 28 the issuance of , licenses by electronic means. 29 Sec. 96. Section 507C.3, subsection 5, Code 2024, is amended 30 to read as follows: 31 5. Nonprofit health service corporations and all fraternal 32 benefit societies and beneficial societies benevolent 33 associations subject to chapters 512A , 512B , and 514 . 34 Sec. 97. Section 509.2, subsections 9 and 10, Code 2024, are 35 -32- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 32/ 46
H.F. _____ amended to read as follows: 1 9. A provision that if the group policy terminates or 2 is amended so as to terminate the insurance of any class of 3 insured persons, every person insured thereunder at the date of 4 such termination whose insurance terminates and who has been 5 so insured for at least five years prior to such termination 6 date shall be entitled to have issued to the person by the 7 insurer an individual policy of life insurance, subject to the 8 same conditions and limitations as are provided by subsection 9 8 above , except that the group policy may provide that the 10 amount of such individual policy shall not exceed the smaller 11 of the amount of the person’s life insurance protection ceasing 12 because of the termination or amendment of the group policy, 13 less the amount of any life insurance for which the person is 14 or becomes eligible under any group policy issued or reinstated 15 by the same or another insurer within thirty-one days after 16 such termination, and two thousand dollars. 17 10. A provision that if a person insured under the group 18 policy dies during the period within which the person would 19 have been entitled to have an individual policy issued to the 20 person in accordance with subsection 8 or 9 above and before 21 such an individual policy shall have become effective, the 22 amount of life insurance which the person would have been 23 entitled to have issued to the person under such individual 24 policy shall be payable as a claim under the group policy, 25 whether or not application for the individual policy or the 26 payment of the first premium therefor has been made. 27 Sec. 98. Section 521A.2, subsections 2 and 4, Code 2024, are 28 amended to read as follows: 29 2. Exception. Nothing contained in subsection 1 of this 30 section shall prohibit a domestic insurer, either by itself 31 or in cooperation with one or more persons, from investing 32 amounts up to a total of ten percent of surplus in one or more 33 subsidiaries or affiliates organized to do any lawful business. 34 4. Exemption from investment restrictions. Investments 35 -33- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 33/ 46
H.F. _____ in common stock, preferred stock, debt obligations or other 1 securities of subsidiaries made pursuant to subsection 3 of 2 this section shall not be subject to any of the otherwise 3 applicable restrictions or prohibitions contained in the Code 4 applicable to such investments of insurers. 5 Sec. 99. Section 521A.3, subsection 3, Code 2024, is amended 6 to read as follows: 7 3. Alternative filing materials. If any offer, request, 8 invitation, agreement, or acquisition referred to in subsection 9 1 of this section is proposed to be made by means of a 10 registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933 or in 11 circumstances requiring the disclosure of similar information 12 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or under a state 13 law requiring similar registration, or disclosure, the person 14 required to file the statement referred to in subsection 1 15 of this section may utilize such documents in furnishing the 16 information called for by that statement. 17 Sec. 100. Section 521A.3, subsection 6, paragraph a, Code 18 2024, is amended to read as follows: 19 a. The failure to file any statement, amendment, or other 20 material required to be filed pursuant to subsection 1 or 2 of 21 this section . 22 Sec. 101. Section 521A.4, subsection 8, Code 2024, is 23 amended to read as follows: 24 8. Consolidated filing. The commissioner may require or 25 allow two or more affiliated insurers subject to registration 26 under subsection 1 of this section to file a consolidated 27 registration statement or consolidated reports amending 28 their consolidated registration statement or their individual 29 registration statements. 30 Sec. 102. Section 521A.6, subsections 4 and 5, Code 2024, 31 are amended to read as follows: 32 4. Use of consultants. The commissioner may retain at 33 the registered insurer’s expense such attorneys, actuaries, 34 accountants, and other experts not otherwise a part of the 35 -34- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 34/ 46
H.F. _____ commissioner’s staff as shall be reasonably necessary to assist 1 in the conduct of the examination under subsection 1 , 2 , or 3 2 of this section . Any persons so retained shall be under the 3 direction and control of the commissioner and shall act in a 4 purely advisory capacity. 5 5. Expenses. Each registered insurer producing for 6 examination records, books, and papers pursuant to subsection 7 1 , 2 , or 3 of this section shall be liable for and shall pay the 8 expense of such examination in accordance with section 507.7 . 9 Sec. 103. Section 600.6, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended 10 to read as follows: 11 1. A certified copy of the birth certificate showing 12 parentage of the person to be adopted or, if such certificate 13 is not available, a verified birth record. The department of 14 health and human services shall provide a certified copy of a 15 birth certificate or a verified birth record, as applicable, to 16 the person adopting a child when the department of health and 17 human services is the guardian of the child. 18 Sec. 104. Section 633B.120, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 19 2024, is amended to read as follows: 20 b. If a person requests a certification, a translation, 21 or an opinion of counsel under section 633B.199 633B.119 , 22 subsection 4 , the person shall accept the power of attorney 23 no later than five business days after receipt of the 24 certification, translation, or opinion of counsel. 25 Sec. 105. Section 654.17C, subsection 2, Code 2024, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 2. The department of veterans affairs and the department of 28 commerce insurance and financial services shall coordinate to 29 develop a procedure to inform or notify members of the national 30 guard, reserve, or regular component of the armed forces of 31 the United States, and financial institutions as defined in 32 section 12C.1 , of the protections referenced in subsection 1 . 33 The notification procedure shall include, at a minimum, posting 34 the information on an official internet site maintained by each 35 -35- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 35/ 46
H.F. _____ department. 1 Sec. 106. 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 26, section 2, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 SEC. 2. CONTINGENT IMPLEMENTATION —— UTILIZATION OF 4 EXISTING RESOURCES. Implementation of this Act shall not 5 require the appropriation of additional funding to the 6 department of public health and human services , but is 7 contingent upon the utilization of existing resources by the 8 department. 9 Sec. 107. 2020 Iowa Acts, chapter 1029, section 7, is 10 amended to read as follows: 11 SEC. 7. THIRD-PARTY VENDOR —— COMPREHENSIVE PRELIMINARY 12 BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PROVISIONAL EMPLOYMENT OR PROVISIONAL 13 PARTICIPATION. The department of inspections , and appeals , 14 and licensing shall post on the department’s internet site a 15 listing of third-party vendors vetted, approved, and provided 16 to the department by statewide associations of hospitals, 17 health care facilities, programs, and providers described 18 in this Act from which a hospital, health care facility, 19 program, or provider, respectively, may select a third-party 20 vendor to conduct the comprehensive preliminary background 21 checks for provisional employment of employees or provisional 22 participation by students as provided in this Act. 23 Sec. 108. 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 71, section 54, is amended 24 to read as follows: 25 SEC. 54. IMPLEMENTATION. Section 25B.7, subsection 1 , 26 shall not apply to the property tax exemption provided in this 27 division of this Act. 28 Sec. 109. 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 123, section 13, is 29 amended to read as follows: 30 SEC. 13. Section 602.6306, subsection 2 , Code 2023, is 31 amended to read as follows: 32 2. District associate judges also have jurisdiction 33 in civil actions for money judgment where the amount in 34 controversy does not exceed ten thousand dollars; jurisdiction 35 -36- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 36/ 46
H.F. _____ over involuntary commitment, treatment, or hospitalization 1 proceedings under chapters 125 and 229 ; jurisdiction of 2 indictable misdemeanors, class “D” felony violations, and other 3 felony arraignments; jurisdiction to enter a temporary or 4 emergency order of protection under chapter 235F or 236 , and to 5 make court appointments and set hearings in criminal matters; 6 jurisdiction to enter orders in probate which do not require 7 notice and hearing and to set hearings in actions under chapter 8 633 or 633A ; and the jurisdiction provided in section 232.3A , 9 600.41A 600B.41A , or 602.7101 when designated as a judge of the 10 juvenile court. While presiding in these subject matters a 11 district associate judge shall employ district judges’ practice 12 and procedure. 13 Sec. 110. 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 132, section 1, subsection 14 5, is amended to read as follows: 15 5. The district court shall take judicial notice of the 16 current child in need of assistance case related to the bridge 17 modification order, as well as any prior child in need of 18 assistance cases relating to any prior bridge orders in any 19 hearing related to the case. Records that are copied or 20 transferred from the juvenile court file shall be subject to 21 section 232.147 and other confidentiality provisions of this 22 chapter for cases not involving juvenile delinquency. Such 23 documents shall be disclosed, upon request, to the child 24 support recovery unit without a court order, subject to any 25 statutory confidentiality provisions. 26 Sec. 111. REPEAL. Section 7E.7, Code 2024, is repealed. 27 Sec. 112. REPEAL. Section 310.10, Code 2024, is repealed. 28 Sec. 113. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE. The Code editor is 29 directed to place section 10A.901 within chapter 10A, 30 subchapter IX. 31 EXPLANATION 32 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 33 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 34 This bill relates to statutory corrections which may 35 -37- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 37/ 46
H.F. _____ adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 1 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, resolve 2 inconsistencies and conflicts, or remove ambiguities. The Code 3 sections amended include the following: 4 Section 8A.203: Adjusts language to improve readability of 5 and provide uniformity in the Code style of duties of the state 6 commission of libraries. 7 Section 8A.232: Adds an “and” to a series of items and a 8 semicolon to improve punctuation and readability. 9 Section 8A.311B: Changes a reference from “commissioner” to 10 “director” to correspond to similar changes made to the Code 11 section in 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 19. 12 Section 9C.3: Adjusts language to improve readability 13 of and provide uniformity in the Code style in provisions 14 governing transient merchants. 15 Sections 10A.511, 10A.514, 10A.515, and 10A.516: Changes 16 several references from “chapter” to “part” to reflect the 17 applicable portion of the Code following enactment of new 18 Code sections in Code chapter 10A, subchapter V, part 2, and 19 the transfer of certain Code sections relating to duties of 20 the director of the department of inspections, appeals, and 21 licensing, as it relates to fire control. 22 Section 10A.713: Adds the word “is” in two locations 23 before “subject to sanctions” to improve readability of the 24 provisions relating to institutional health facilities and 25 health maintenance organizations. 26 Sections 10A.901 and 10A.903: Strikes definitions of 27 “child-occupied facility” and “target housing” in Code section 28 10A.903 and enacts similar definitions in new Code section 29 10A.901 at the beginning of the Code subchapter to improve 30 organization within the subchapter. The bill directs the Code 31 editor to place new Code section 10A.901 within Code chapter 32 10A, subchapter IX. 33 Sections 12.31, 12.32, 12.34, 12.35, and 12.36: Replaces 34 references to several Code sections with a reference to 35 -38- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 38/ 46
H.F. _____ “subchapter” that encompasses all of the previously cited Code 1 sections related to provisions governing activities of the 2 treasurer of state. 3 Section 15.101: Strikes the redundant phrase “both 4 of” in a provision governing collaboration between the 5 economic development authority and the bioscience development 6 corporation. 7 Section 15.119: Replaces references to several Code 8 sections with a references to the applicable “subchapter” 9 and “part” that encompasses all of the previously cited Code 10 sections. 11 Section 15.322: Replaces “section” with “sections” 12 preceding a list of Code sections. 13 Section 15.445: Replaces “is” with “means” in the 14 definition of “commission” relating to historical preservation 15 districts. 16 Section 15.481: Adds a subparagraph reference to narrow 17 the scope of a cross reference to the appropriate provision 18 governing certain grant applications. 19 Section 16.1: Modifies the description in the definition of 20 “child foster care facilities” to be the specific defined term 21 being referenced. 22 Section 17A.2: Adds a comma before the last item in a series 23 within the definition of “agency”. 24 Section 17A.4: Strikes an unnecessary comma following a 25 Code reference in the first sentence of subsection 4. 26 Section 22.7: Changes several references to 27 “substance-related” disorder to “substance use” disorder to 28 align with updated terminology and to recent Code changes. 29 Section 24.48: Adds a comma before the last item in a 30 series within a provision governing actions of the city finance 31 committee. 32 Section 29C.6: Adds a comma before the last item in a series 33 within a provision governing proclamation of disaster emergency 34 by the governor. 35 -39- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 39/ 46
H.F. _____ Section 72.2: Replaces the phrase “herein contained” with 1 “in this chapter” to clarify the applicability of provisions 2 governing duties relating to public contracts. 3 Section 72.4: Adds a comma before the last item in a series 4 within a provision governing penalties related to public 5 contracts. 6 Sections 76.7, 76.8, and 76.9: Adds a comma before the last 7 item in a series within provisions governing public bonds and 8 debt obligations. 9 Section 84A.1A: Changes the specified number of nonvoting 10 members on the Iowa workforce development board from 13 to 12 11 to reflect the accurate number of nonvoting members listed 12 within the Code section. 13 Section 89.3: Changes a reference from “commissioner” to 14 “director” to correspond to similar changes made to the Code 15 chapter in 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 19. 16 Section 89.14: Corrects a reference enacted in 2023 Iowa 17 Acts, chapter 45, that was subsequently editorially renumbered 18 in Code section 89.3. 19 Section 90A.10: Changes two references from department of 20 “workforce development” to department of “inspections, appeals, 21 and licensing” to correspond to similar changes made to the 22 Code chapter in 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 19. 23 Section 91C.7: Changes a reference from “division” to 24 “department” to correspond to similar changes made to the Code 25 chapter in 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 19. 26 Section 99B.1: Strikes the unnecessary phrase “as 27 used herein” within the definition of “bona fide social 28 relationship”. 29 Section 99G.3: Updates description of the definition of 30 “director” to be the correct title of the director of revenue. 31 Sections 99G.12 and 99G.21: Changes references from 32 “authority” to “department” to correspond to similar changes 33 made to the Code chapter in 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 19, 34 relating to operations of the lottery. 35 -40- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 40/ 46
H.F. _____ Section 99G.29: Changes the word “sale” to “sales” to 1 appropriately denote multiple sales when describing lottery 2 retail sales. 3 Section 125.1: Replaces “insure” with “ensure” to correct 4 improper use of “insure” in a provision relating to substance 5 use disorder policies of the state. 6 Section 125.9: Adds a comma to set off a clause to enhance 7 readability in a provision relating to substance use disorders. 8 Section 125.20: Replaces a reference to “this paragraph” 9 with “this section” because the Code section only contains 10 one unnumbered paragraph, and adds a comma to a Code section 11 reference. 12 Section 125.33: Adds a comma to set off a qualifying clause 13 in a provision relating to authority of the director of health 14 and human services when a patient leaves certain facilities. 15 Section 125.54: Conforms the style of this Code section 16 relating to the use of certain funds by the director of health 17 and human services to the style used in other similar lists. 18 Section 135.1: Strikes a reference making definitions 19 applicable to Code chapter 155 because none of the definitions 20 appear within that Code chapter. 21 Section 135.190: Changes a reference to “substance abuse” 22 disorder to “substance use” disorder to align with updated 23 terminology and to recent Code changes. 24 Section 135C.30(3): Adds a comma before the last item 25 in a series within a provision governing certain health care 26 facilities. 27 Section 135C.30(5): Deletes an unnecessary comma in a 28 provision relating to the operation of certain health care 29 facilities under receivership. 30 Section 136A.3A: Specifies that the director of health and 31 human services is responsible for appointment of members to the 32 congenital and inherited disorders advisory committee. 33 Section 138.13: Replaces a semicolon with a comma in a 34 series of terms in a provision relating to migrant labor camps. 35 -41- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 41/ 46
H.F. _____ Section 139A.3: Changes a reference from “local health 1 department” to “local department” to reflect the correct 2 defined term. 3 Section 139A.8A: Changes references from “local board of 4 health” to “local board” to reflect the correct defined term. 5 Section 139A.31: Changes references from “local health 6 department” to “local department” to reflect the correct 7 defined term. 8 Section 141A.2: Changes references to “epidemiological 9 studies” and “nonblinded epidemiological studies” to increase 10 readability and provide for proper use of the defined term. 11 Section 147H.1: Corrects an improper reference in the 12 definition of “active duty military” to a federal law provision 13 relating to members of the national guard and reserves on 14 active duty orders. The bill also replaces the term “and/or” 15 with “or” to reflect proper use within the Code. 16 Section 159.31A: Changes a reference from “authority” to 17 “department” to correct an incorrect reference in 2023 Iowa 18 Acts, chapter 101, relating to establishing a dairy innovation 19 fund and program. 20 Section 215.1: Adds a comma before the last item in a series 21 within a provision governing the inspection of weights and 22 measures by the department of agriculture and land stewardship. 23 Section 231B.4: Changes an incorrect Code section reference 24 relating to the state plumbing code from “135.11” to “105.4” in 25 a provision governing elder group homes. 26 Section 232.3A: Strikes an unnecessary reference to “of 27 this chapter” when describing certain actions under subchapters 28 of Code chapter 232. 29 Section 232.52: Changes Code section references from 30 “232.191, subsection 4” to “232.192, subsection 2, paragraph 31 “d””, to reflect the repeal of the program previously under 32 Code section 232.191 and enactment of a new program under Code 33 section 232.192. 34 Section 235B.6: Amends the reference to “department” to 35 -42- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 42/ 46
H.F. _____ be the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing for 1 the purpose of licensure, certification or registration, or 2 disciplinary investigation, or the renewal of licensure, 3 certification or registration, or disciplinary proceedings of 4 health care professionals. 5 Section 237.3: Adds a comma before the last item in a series 6 in a provision relating to certain sanitation, water, and waste 7 disposal standards. 8 Section 237C.6: Amends a reference to the director of 9 the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing or the 10 director’s designee to avoid ambiguity. 11 Section 239.11: Corrects a reference from the “state 12 capitol maintenance fund” to the “public assistance 13 modernization fund” due to an incorrect reference in 2023 Iowa 14 Acts, chapter 112, section 61. 15 Section 256.7: Changes several references to the “division 16 of community colleges and workforce preparation” to the 17 “community colleges bureau” to reflect changes in the subunits 18 of the department of education and their assigned duties. 19 Section 256.137: Changes a reference from “division of 20 community colleges of the department” to “community colleges 21 and post-secondary readiness bureau” to reflect changes in 22 subunits of the department of education and their assigned 23 duties. 24 Section 256.225: Modifies a reference to Code section 25 261.114 by adding “Code 2023” to the reference to identify the 26 rural Iowa advanced registered nurse practitioner and physician 27 assistant loan repayment program prior to the program’s repeal 28 by its own terms, effective July 1, 2023. 29 Section 256B.5: Changes references from the “state bureau 30 of special education” to the “division of special education” to 31 reflect the current name of the departmental subunit. 32 Section 261A.5: Amends the provision specifying that the 33 Iowa higher education loan authority is attached to the college 34 student aid commission for administrative purposes by providing 35 -43- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 43/ 46
H.F. _____ that the attachment is for organizational purposes as well. 1 This change incorporates similar language in Code section 7E.7, 2 which is repealed in the bill. 3 Section 261B.11: Changes a reference to schools operated 4 by postsecondary educational institutions licensed under Code 5 chapter 157 to include “schools of barbering and cosmetology 6 arts and sciences”, as recently modified by 2023 Iowa Acts, 7 chapter 99. 8 Section 310.1: Relocates and alphabetizes definitions 9 of “department” and “farm-to-market road system” from other 10 locations within Code chapter 310. 11 Section 310.4: Amends the Code section to improve 12 readability and to eliminate the use of the word “said” when 13 referring to certain items. 14 Section 321.1A: Amends a portion of the Code section to 15 eliminate the use of the word “their” when referring to certain 16 property and attributes of a member of the armed forces. 17 Section 321.2: Replaces “insure” with “ensure” to correct 18 improper use of “insure” in a provision relating to cooperation 19 between the department of transportation and the department of 20 public safety. 21 Section 321.430: Replaces “insure” with “ensure” to correct 22 improper use of “insure” in a provision relating to vehicle 23 performance requirements. 24 Section 321.432: Replaces “insure” with “ensure” to correct 25 improper use of “insure” in a provision relating to motor 26 vehicle horns and warning devices. 27 Section 321J.22: Adds “and” before the last item in a series 28 related to the types of data to be maintained for courses for 29 drinking drivers. 30 Section 331.756: Corrects the name of the department of 31 inspections and appeals to “department of inspections, appeals, 32 and licensing” to reflect the new name for the department 33 established in 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 19. 34 Section 358C.18: Adds a comma to set off a qualifying 35 -44- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 44/ 46
H.F. _____ clause of a sentence relating to a petition to add additional 1 territory to a real estate improvement district. 2 Section 384.26: Amends 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 71, section 3 150, by changing incorrect references from “board” to “council” 4 in a provision relating to the authority of a city to issue 5 bonds that takes effect July 1, 2024. 6 Section 423.3: Removes an unnecessary Code section 7 reference to the Code section in which the reference occurs. 8 Section 425.11: Updates a reference from “homestead tax 9 credit” to “homestead tax credit and exemption” to reflect the 10 changes to the homestead property tax provisions enacted in 11 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 71. 12 Section 462A.2: Amends the definition of “navigable waters” 13 by moving a clause to enhance readability and remove ambiguity. 14 Section 476.10B: Clarifies references to the “utilities 15 board” and to the “consumer advocate division of the department 16 of justice” to remove ambiguity. 17 Section 483A.9: Moves a comma to before “including” to 18 correct improper comma placement. 19 Section 507C.3: Changes a reference from “beneficial 20 societies” to “benevolent associations” to reflect the proper 21 name of such entities. 22 Section 509.2: Removes unnecessary references to “above” 23 that were part of internal subsection references. 24 Sections 521A.2, 521A.3, 521A.4, and 521A.6: Removes 25 unnecessary uses of “of this section” that were part of 26 internal subsection references. 27 Section 600.6: Removes unnecessary portions of the 28 references to the department of health and human services due 29 to the defined term within the Code chapter. 30 Section 633B.120: Corrects a Code reference by changing 31 “633B.199” to “633B.119”, which was incorrect when enacted in 32 2014 Iowa Acts, chapter 1078, section 22. 33 Section 654.17C: Amends the reference from the “department 34 of commerce” to the “department of insurance and financial 35 -45- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 45/ 46
H.F. _____ services” to reflect the current departmental name following 1 enactment of 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 19. 2 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 26, section 2: Updates a contingent 3 implementation provision to reflect the updated departmental 4 name of the “department of health and human services”. 5 2020 Iowa Acts, chapter 1029, section 7: Updates the 6 departmental name to “department of inspections, appeals, and 7 licensing” for a provision relating to a requirement that the 8 department post on the department’s internet site a listing 9 of certain third-party vendors from which certain health care 10 facilities may select to conduct certain background checks. 11 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 71, section 54: Corrects omission of 12 “division of this” from an implementation provision relating 13 to changes to the military service property tax exemption and 14 credit. 15 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 123, section 13: Changes an 16 incorrect reference from “600.41A” to “600B.41A”. The 17 reference change has been corrected editorially in Code section 18 602.6306(2). 19 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 132, section 1, subsection 5: Adds 20 the word “need” before “of assistance” to correct an omission. 21 The omission was corrected editorially in Code section 22 232.103B. 23 -46- LSB 5719HC (4) 90 md/ns 46/ 46