Bill Text: IA HSB31 | 2023-2024 | 90th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A resolution relating to permanent rules of the House of Representatives for the Ninetieth General Assembly.(See HR 3.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2023-01-17 - Committee report approving bill, renumbered as HR 3. [HSB31 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2023-HSB31-Introduced.html
House Study Bill 31 - Introduced HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. _____ BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND RULES RESOLUTION BY CHAIRPERSON SIEGRIST) A Resolution relating to permanent rules of the House 1 of Representatives for the Ninetieth General 2 Assembly. 3 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, That 4 the permanent rules of the House for the Eighty-ninth 5 Ninetieth General Assembly be as follows: 6 DIVISION I —— GENERAL RULES 7 Rule 1 8 Call to Order and Order of Business 9 The speaker shall take the chair at the hour to 10 which the house has adjourned, and shall immediately 11 call the house to order, correct the journal of the 12 previous day’s proceedings, and proceed to other 13 business, including, but not limited to, introduction 14 of bills, reports, messages, communications, business 15 pending at adjournment, announcements, resolutions 16 and bills on their passage, and points of personal 17 privilege. 18 Rule 2 19 Quorum Call and Time of Convening 20 The house shall convene each Monday at 1:00 p.m. 21 and at 8:30 a.m. on all other legislative days, unless 22 otherwise ordered. The time of convening shall be 23 recorded in the journal. The house shall not convene 24 on Sunday during a regular or special session. 25 The speaker or a member may request a roll call to 26 determine if a quorum is present. 27 -1- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 1/ 43
H.R. _____ Rule 3 1 Absences from the House 2 No member shall be absent without leave while the 3 house is in session unless excused for good cause. 4 Rule 4 5 Preservation of Order 6 The speaker shall preserve order and decorum and 7 speak to points of order. Subject to an appeal to the 8 house by any member, the speaker shall decide questions 9 of order which shall not be debated. 10 While recognized to speak in debate, a member 11 shall not use any visual aids to explain to others the 12 member’s points in the debate without leave of the 13 speaker. 14 The speaker may have the chamber of the house 15 cleared in case of any disturbance or disorderly 16 conduct. 17 Only past legislators, state officials, persons 18 whose presence is deemed by the speaker to be of 19 special significance to the house, and school classes 20 accompanied by teachers and seated in the galleries 21 shall be introduced in the house. 22 No person other than a member of the house shall be 23 allowed to speak from the floor of the house without 24 prior permission of the speaker. 25 The public may take photographs from the galleries 26 at any time. However, the use of any artificial 27 lighting is prohibited. 28 Members of the press may photograph from the press 29 box, but shall not use artificial lighting without 30 -2- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 2/ 43
H.R. _____ prior permission from the chief clerk of the house. 1 Photographs shall not be taken on the house floor when 2 the members are voting on a question put before the 3 house. Photographs or video recordings of the voting 4 boards shall not be taken while a nonrecord roll call 5 vote is displayed. Photographs may be taken on the 6 house floor at other times with the consent of the 7 subject or subjects of the photography. 8 Rule 4A 9 Use of Electronic Devices and Video Streaming in 10 Chamber 11 1. A person present in the house chamber while the 12 house is in order shall mute any cell phone, computer, 13 or other electronic device under the person’s control. 14 The speaker may remove from the chamber any person 15 acting in violation of this rule. 16 2. A member shall not use a cell phone or other 17 electronic device to audibly transmit or receive 18 communications while recognized by the presiding 19 officer to speak in debate. 20 3. The speaker shall control the time, place, 21 and manner of use of the house’s internet video 22 streaming system on the floor of the house and in the 23 visitors’ galleries. However, the speaker shall not 24 edit, censor, or shut off the house’s internet video 25 streaming system during debate on the floor of the 26 house. 27 Rule 5 28 Rules of Parliamentary Practice 29 The rules of parliamentary practice in Mason’s 30 -3- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 3/ 43
H.R. _____ Manual of Legislative Procedure shall govern the house 1 in all cases where they are not inconsistent with the 2 standing rules of the house, joint rules of the house 3 and senate, or customary practice of the house. 4 Rule 5A 5 House Budget 6 The speaker of the house shall annually prepare a 7 proposed budget for the house of representatives for 8 the payment of expenses, salaries, per diems, and other 9 items. The proposed budget shall be submitted on the 10 fourteenth day of each legislative session to the house 11 administration and rules committee, which shall approve 12 a proposed budget in house resolution form. The house 13 shall adopt a budget prior to adjournment. 14 Rule 6 15 The Speaker Pro Tempore 16 The house shall, at its pleasure, elect a speaker 17 pro tempore. When the speaker shall for any cause be 18 absent, the speaker pro tempore shall preside, except 19 when the chair is filled by appointment by either 20 the speaker or the speaker pro tempore. If a vacancy 21 occurs in the office of speaker, the speaker pro 22 tempore shall assume the duties and responsibilities 23 of the speaker until such time as the house shall elect 24 a new speaker. The speaker or the speaker pro tempore 25 shall have the right to name any member to perform the 26 duties of speaker, but such substitution shall not 27 extend beyond the adjournment. The acts of the speaker 28 pro tempore shall have the same validity as those of 29 the speaker. In the absence of both the speaker and 30 -4- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 4/ 43
H.R. _____ the speaker pro tempore, the house shall name a speaker 1 who shall preside over it and perform all the duties of 2 the speaker with the exception of signing bills, until 3 such time as the speaker or speaker pro tempore shall 4 be present, and the person’s acts shall have the same 5 force and validity as those of the regularly elected 6 speaker. 7 Rule 7 8 Reserved 9 Rule 8 10 Violation of House Rules 11 The speaker shall, or any member may, call to order 12 a member who violates the rules of the house. With 13 leave of the house, the member called to order may be 14 permitted to explain. If the case requires it, the 15 member shall be subject to censure of the house. 16 Rule 9 17 Referral of Rule Violations 18 The speaker shall, upon complaint of a member, 19 or upon the speaker’s own motion, refer any alleged 20 violation of house or joint rules by house members, 21 employees or staff to the house ethics committee upon 22 an initial finding that an investigation is warranted. 23 The ethics committee shall investigate such 24 allegations and report them back to the house with a 25 recommendation. 26 Rule 10 27 Recognition and Decorum in Debate 28 A member who wishes to speak in debate shall be 29 appropriately attired, with male members wearing coat 30 -5- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 5/ 43
H.R. _____ or tie. After recognition by the chair, a member 1 shall respectfully address the presiding officer 2 by saying “Mr. or Madam Speaker”. A member shall 3 confine all remarks to the question under debate, 4 shall be respectful of other members, and shall avoid 5 referencing or questioning the motives of another 6 member. 7 No member shall leave the house while the speaker 8 is putting a question. No one shall pass between the 9 speaker and a member who is speaking or two members who 10 have been recognized by the speaker. 11 Rule 11 12 Limit on Debate 13 No member shall speak more than once on the same 14 question without leave of the speaker, nor more than 15 twice until every member choosing to speak has spoken, 16 except as provided in Rule 81. A member shall be 17 limited to ten minutes debate on bills, resolutions, 18 and amendments, but may be granted an extension of time 19 by consent of the house. However, the floor manager 20 of a bill or resolution may exceed the ten-minute limit 21 on opening and closing remarks. Only the floor manager 22 of a bill or an amendment may speak during opening and 23 closing remarks on the bill or amendment. 24 Rule 12 25 Reserved 26 Rule 13 27 Stating the Question 28 When a motion is made, it shall be stated by the 29 speaker. A motion made in writing shall be passed to 30 -6- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 6/ 43
H.R. _____ the speaker’s station before it is debated. 1 Rule 14 2 Putting the Question 3 Questions shall be distinctly put in this form: 4 “All those in favor of (the question) shall say ‘aye’;” 5 and after the affirmative voice is expressed, “All 6 those opposed to (the question) shall say ‘no’.” 7 If the speaker is in doubt or a member of the house 8 requests, a nonrecord roll call vote shall be taken. 9 DIVISION II —— EMPLOYEES OF THE HOUSE 10 Rule 15 11 Chief Clerk of the House 12 The chief clerk of the house shall serve as 13 parliamentarian and chief administrative officer of the 14 house under the direction of the speaker of the house. 15 The chief clerk shall supervise the chief clerk’s 16 office; be responsible for the custody and safekeeping 17 of all bills, resolutions, and amendments filed, 18 except when they are in the custody of a committee; 19 have charge of the daily journal; have control of all 20 rooms assigned for the use of the house; attest to the 21 accuracy and correctness of text and action on bills 22 and resolutions; process the handling of amendments 23 when filed and during the floor consideration of bills; 24 insert adopted amendments into bills before transmittal 25 to the senate and prior to final enrollment; supervise 26 legislative printing and the distribution of printed 27 material; and perform all other duties pertaining to 28 the office of the chief clerk. 29 Rule 16 30 -7- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 7/ 43
H.R. _____ Legislative and Session Days 1 For purposes of these rules, a legislative day is a 2 day when the house is called to order. A legislative 3 day that runs past midnight is not considered a new 4 legislative day. A session day is any calendar day 5 beginning with the convening of the annual regular 6 session and ending with adjournment sine die. 7 Rule 17 8 Sergeant-At-Arms 9 The sergeant-at-arms shall execute all orders of 10 the house and the presiding officer; perform all 11 assigned duties related to the policing and good order 12 of the house; supervise the entrance and exit of all 13 persons to and from the chamber; promptly execute all 14 messages, etc.; provide that the chamber is properly 15 ventilated and open for the use of the members; and 16 perform all other services pertaining to the office of 17 sergeant-at-arms. 18 Rule 18 19 Secretaries 20 Each member may hire a secretary for the legislative 21 session who shall be under the general direction of the 22 member and the chief clerk. Secretaries shall be on 23 duty at the house from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday 24 through Thursday and on other legislative days when 25 required by the chief clerk, except when excused by the 26 member for whom the secretary works. Secretaries shall 27 perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the 28 member or the chief clerk. 29 Rule 19 30 -8- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 8/ 43
H.R. _____ Extra Compensation of Employees 1 No employee shall receive any extra compensation, 2 except as provided by the house, or tips for services 3 performed while on duty. Any violation of this rule 4 shall be grounds for removal. 5 DIVISION III —— VISITORS AND LOBBYISTS 6 Rule 20 7 Admission to the House; Lobbying 8 The chamber of the house shall include the 9 vestibule, restrooms, bill room, lounge, visitors’ 10 galleries, and floor of the house. 11 The floor of the house shall consist of the 12 area between the north and south walls, including 13 the representatives’ desks, the press box, and the 14 speaker’s station, but excluding the visitors’ 15 galleries. 16 During a legislative day while the house is in 17 order, no member of the general assembly or legislative 18 employee or intern shall be admitted to the floor of 19 the house if attired in jeans of any color without 20 leave of the speaker. 21 During a legislative day while the house is in 22 order, and one-half hour before the house convenes and 23 one-half hour after the house recesses or adjourns, 24 no person shall be admitted to the floor of the house 25 except: 26 1. Members of the general assembly and authorized 27 legislative employees in the performance of their 28 duties. 29 2. Former members of the general assembly who are 30 -9- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 9/ 43
H.R. _____ not registered lobbyists. 1 3. A general assembly member’s family. 2 4. Representatives of the press, radio, and 3 television who shall go directly to and from the press 4 box. 5 5. Legislative interns registered with the chief 6 clerk who shall go directly to and from the seat of 7 their assigned representative or to be seated in the 8 perimeter seating area. 9 6. Designated representatives of a political party 10 having members serving in the house. 11 7. Members of the state executive council, the 12 lieutenant governor, the attorney general, the 13 governor’s executive assistants and administrative 14 assistants, and the administrative rules coordinator, 15 all of whom shall be confined to the perimeter area. 16 The current status of former members of the general 17 assembly shall govern their access to the floor under 18 these rules. 19 No other persons shall be allowed on the house floor 20 while the house is in order without permission of the 21 presiding officer of the house. When the house is not 22 in order, guests of a member of the general assembly 23 escorted by that member shall be allowed on the house 24 floor. 25 No person admitted to the floor of the house while 26 the house is in order, except members of the general 27 assembly, shall lobby or attempt to exercise any 28 influence with any member for or against any matter 29 then pending or that may thereafter be considered by 30 -10- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 10/ 43
H.R. _____ the house. 1 A registered lobbyist shall not be admitted to 2 the floor of the house on any legislative day except 3 for ceremonial purposes or for attendance at public 4 hearings. 5 A lobbyist who represents the position of a state 6 government agency, in which the person serves or is 7 employed as the designated representative for purposes 8 of encouraging the passage or defeat of legislation, 9 shall file with the chief clerk of the house a 10 statement of the general subjects of legislation in 11 which the lobbyist is or may be interested, but shall 12 not lobby for or against a bill, resolution, or study 13 bill unless the lobbyist does so with the written 14 authorization and on behalf of a statewide elected 15 or retained official. The official’s writing may 16 authorize the lobbyist to register and lobby for or 17 against any or all bills in which the lobbyist is 18 or may be interested or may restrict the lobbyist 19 to register and lobby for or against only some bills 20 in which the lobbyist is or may be interested. The 21 written authorizations shall be filed with the chief 22 clerk, according to a procedure established by the 23 clerk for the filing of the authorizations and for 24 making them available to the public, by the following 25 statewide elected or retained official for the 26 following offices, departments, agencies, and branch: 27 By the attorney general, auditor of state, secretary 28 of state, and treasurer of state, for their respective 29 offices. 30 -11- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 11/ 43
H.R. _____ By the secretary of agriculture, for the department 1 of agriculture and land stewardship. 2 By the chairperson of the ethics and campaign 3 disclosure board, for the executive director, legal 4 counsel, and other employees of the board. 5 By the governor, for all other executive branch 6 offices and departments. 7 By the chief justice of the supreme court, for the 8 judicial branch. 9 Each member, employee of the house, and registered 10 lobbyist may report violations of this rule immediately 11 to the sergeant-at-arms or the chief clerk. 12 Any person for cause may be summarily dismissed 13 from the chamber of the house, by action of the house, 14 and may forfeit that person’s right to admission 15 thereafter. 16 Rule 20A 17 Legislative Interns 18 A member may appoint one or more interns who shall 19 register with the chief clerk. Only one legislative 20 intern per member of the house is allowed on the floor 21 of the house at any one time. 22 Rule 21 23 Distribution of Literature and Other Items 24 No person except a member or employee of the house 25 of representatives shall distribute or cause to be 26 distributed any pamphlets, material, or other printed 27 literature, or any other items to the members’ desks 28 in the house without authorization. An employee 29 of the house shall generally distribute or cause 30 -12- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 12/ 43
H.R. _____ to be distributed such literature or items only on 1 behalf of the employee’s office or staff. Items which 2 are permissible gifts under chapter 68B of the Code 3 may be distributed to the members’ desks with the 4 authorization of the chief clerk. 5 All copies of pamphlets, material, or printed 6 literature distributed by a member or employee of the 7 house of representatives shall bear the name of the 8 member or employee’s office or staff. 9 Other distributions of pamphlets, material, or 10 other printed literature shall bear their source of 11 origin and be distributed through the legislative 12 post office or to the members’ desks by completing 13 a form containing a member’s or the chief clerk’s 14 authorization, with the authorization form filed with 15 the chief clerk. The authorization form shall be 16 retained for a reasonable time period by the chief 17 clerk. 18 Rule 22 19 Distribution of Materials Printed by the State 20 A member of the house shall not distribute maps, 21 books, and pamphlets which have been printed by the 22 state of Iowa and upon which the name of the member 23 of the house has been affixed unless the member has 24 purchased the materials or unless the member has 25 affixed the words “Paid for by the citizens of Iowa and 26 distributed by representative (member’s name).” 27 DIVISION IV —— FORMS AND PROCEDURES FOR BILLS AND OTHER 28 DOCUMENTS 29 Rule 23 30 -13- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 13/ 43
H.R. _____ Documents Signed by the Speaker 1 All acts and joint resolutions shall be signed by 2 the speaker, and all writs, warrants, and subpoenas 3 issued by order of the house, shall be signed by the 4 speaker and attested by the chief clerk. The speaker 5 shall cause certificates of recognition or condolence 6 to be issued by the house which shall be signed by 7 the speaker and the chief clerk. The chief clerk 8 shall maintain a list of certificates issued including 9 the name of the requesting member of the house, the 10 name of the recipient, the reason for recognition or 11 condolence, and the date of issuance. 12 Rule 24 13 Presentation of Petitions 14 All petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed 15 to the house shall be signed by the member and filed 16 with the chief clerk. The receipt of petitions shall 17 be noted in the journal and such petitions shall be 18 available in the office of the chief clerk. At the 19 conclusion of each general assembly, the chief clerk 20 may dispose of petitions received during that general 21 assembly. 22 Rule 25 23 Consideration of Simple and Concurrent Resolutions 24 Action on a simple or concurrent resolution, except 25 a memorial resolution, shall not be taken until one day 26 after the resolution has been placed on the members’ 27 desks. After the resolution is adopted, the chief 28 clerk shall have the resolution printed in the compiled 29 journal and shall transmit certified copies of the 30 -14- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 14/ 43
H.R. _____ resolution as directed. 1 Rule 26 2 Unanimous Consent Calendar 3 The speaker may, upon the request of three members, 4 place on a unanimous consent calendar any house 5 resolution or concurrent resolution which does not 6 contain an appropriation and which has been laid over 7 under Rule 25. 8 If such resolution is placed on the unanimous 9 consent calendar, it may be removed only upon a written 10 request submitted to the speaker by a member of the 11 house. 12 If not removed after five legislative days, the 13 chief clerk shall call up the resolution and without 14 debate the speaker shall pronounce that it has passed 15 by unanimous consent. 16 If the resolution is removed from the unanimous 17 consent calendar, the speaker may again lay the 18 resolution over under Rule 25, place it on a different 19 calendar, or refer the resolution to any of the 20 standing committees of the house. 21 Rule 26A 22 Senate Bills and Resolutions 23 A senate bill or resolution may be referred to a 24 standing committee or passed on file. 25 Rule 27 26 Forms of Bills and Joint Resolutions 27 Every house bill shall be introduced by one or more 28 members or by any standing or specially authorized 29 committee of the house or the administrative rules 30 -15- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 15/ 43
H.R. _____ review committee. All bills and joint resolutions 1 introduced shall be prepared by the legislative 2 services agency with title, enacting clause, text 3 and explanation as directed by the chief clerk of the 4 house. One copy of each bill shall be presented in a 5 bill cover with the number of copies of the bill and 6 the title as directed by the chief clerk. 7 Rule 28 8 Joint and Nullification Resolutions 9 Joint resolutions shall be framed and treated as 10 bills. 11 A “nullification resolution” is a joint resolution 12 which nullifies all of an administrative rule, or 13 a severable item of an administrative rule adopted 14 pursuant to chapter 17A of the Code. A nullification 15 resolution shall not amend an administrative rule by 16 adding language or by inserting new language in lieu of 17 existing language. 18 A nullification resolution may be introduced by an 19 individual, a standing committee or the administrative 20 rules review committee, and may be referred to a 21 standing committee. A nullification resolution is 22 debatable, but cannot be amended on the floor of the 23 house. 24 Rule 29 25 Time of Introduction of Bills 26 No bill or joint resolution under individual 27 sponsorship, other than a nullification resolution, 28 shall be read for the first time after 4:30 p.m. on 29 Friday of the fifth week of the first regular session 30 -16- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 16/ 43
H.R. _____ of the general assembly unless a formal request for 1 drafting the bill has been filed with the legislative 2 services agency before that time. 3 After adjournment of the first regular session, 4 bills may be prefiled at any time before the convening 5 of the second regular session. No bill or joint 6 resolution under individual sponsorship, other than a 7 nullification resolution, shall be read for the first 8 time after 4:30 p.m. on Friday of the second week of 9 the second regular session of the general assembly 10 unless a formal request for drafting the bill has been 11 filed with the legislative services agency before that 12 time. 13 However, bills or joint resolutions sponsored 14 by standing committees or the administrative rules 15 review committee, co-sponsored by the majority and 16 minority floor leaders, or companion bills sponsored 17 by the house majority leader and the senate majority 18 leader may be drafted and introduced at any time 19 permissible under Joint Rule 20. House, concurrent, 20 and nullification resolutions may be introduced at any 21 time. 22 Rule 30 23 Introduction and Reading of Bills 24 All bills and resolutions to be introduced in the 25 house shall be prepared in proper form and filed 26 with the chief clerk no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 27 legislative day preceding its introduction. 28 Every bill shall receive two readings but no bill 29 shall receive its first and last readings on the same 30 -17- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 17/ 43
H.R. _____ day. 1 A “reading of a bill” as required by these rules 2 shall consist of a reading of the title and enacting 3 clause. 4 Rule 31 5 First Reading, Commitment, and Amendment 6 1. A bill is introduced into the house by an 7 initial or “first reading of the bill”. 8 2. When the house is in session the first reading 9 shall consist of a “reading” as provided in Rule 30. 10 3. Upon a first reading of the bill, the speaker 11 shall state that it is ready for commitment or 12 amendment; and the speaker shall commit it to the 13 standing or select committee, or to a committee of the 14 whole house. If to a committee of the whole house, the 15 house shall determine on what day. 16 4. On a nonlegislative day the speaker may cause a 17 statement, which shall consist of the title, enacting 18 clause, bill number and committee to which the bill 19 is referred, to be published in the house journal. 20 This publication shall constitute a first reading and 21 commitment and shall contain the notation “read and 22 committed under Rule 31”. 23 5. All amendments offered to bills and resolutions 24 shall be accompanied by such copies as the chief clerk 25 shall direct. 26 6. Such amendments shall give the number of 27 the bill sought to amend and the chief clerk shall 28 designate each such amendment thus: Amendment to 29 House File _________, or Senate File ________, by 30 -18- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 18/ 43
H.R. _____ ___________. 1 7. A bill reported out by committee shall go to the 2 speaker who shall direct that the bill be placed on the 3 regular calendar unless it covers subject matter more 4 properly within the jurisdiction of some other standing 5 committee, in which case the speaker may refer the bill 6 to the proper standing committee. In order to expedite 7 important business and set a definite time for the 8 bill’s consideration, the speaker may direct the bill 9 to be placed on the special order calendar. 10 8. No amendment to the rules of the house, to any 11 resolution or bill, except technical amendments and 12 amendments to bills substituted for by senate files 13 containing substantially identical title, language, 14 subject matter, purpose and intrasectional arrangement, 15 shall be considered by the membership of the house 16 without a copy of the amendment having been filed with 17 the chief clerk by 4:00 p.m. or within one-half hour of 18 adjournment, whichever is later, on the day preceding 19 floor debate on the amendment. If the house adjourns 20 prior to 2:00 p.m. on Friday, the final deadline is two 21 hours after adjournment. However, committee amendments 22 filed pursuant to the submission of the committee 23 report may be accepted after this deadline. This 24 provision shall not apply to any proposal debated on 25 the floor of the house after the thirteenth week of 26 the first session and the twelfth week of the second 27 session. No amendment or amendment to an amendment 28 to a bill, rule of the house, or resolution shall be 29 considered by the membership of the house without 30 -19- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 19/ 43
H.R. _____ a copy of the amendment being on the desks of the 1 entire membership of the house prior to consideration. 2 However, the membership of the house may consider an 3 amendment or an amendment to an amendment to a bill, 4 rule of the house, or resolution without a copy of the 5 amendment being on the desks of the entire membership 6 of the house prior to consideration if a copy of the 7 amendment is made available to the entire membership of 8 the house electronically. 9 Rule 32 10 Commitment of Appropriation and Revenue Bills 11 All Except for bills assigned to the Education 12 Reform Committee during the 2023 regular session of 13 the General Assembly and any special session taking 14 place prior to the 2024 regular session of the General 15 Assembly, all bills to appropriate money shall be 16 referred to the appropriations committee, and all bills 17 pertaining to the levy, assessment, or collection of 18 taxes or fees shall be referred to the committee on 19 ways and means. 20 Rule 33 21 Regular Calendar 22 Bills, nullification resolutions, and joint 23 resolutions reported out for passage, amendment and 24 passage, or without recommendation by a committee, 25 or passed on file shall be arranged on a regular 26 calendar by the chief clerk each day and electronically 27 distributed to the members at the opening of each 28 legislative day. The regular calendar shall include 29 a list of bills, nullification resolutions, and joint 30 -20- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 20/ 43
H.R. _____ resolutions which have been special ordered, including 1 the date upon which debate is scheduled to begin on 2 each of them, which shall be no sooner than three 3 session days from the first date of publication on the 4 regular calendar. 5 Rule 34 6 Daily Debate Calendar 7 The majority floor leadership shall cause to be 8 prepared and electronically distributed to the members 9 at the opening of each legislative day when floor 10 action is scheduled, a daily debate calendar consisting 11 of bills, nullification resolutions, and joint 12 resolutions from the regular calendar setting forth the 13 number and title of bills, nullification resolutions, 14 and joint resolutions for the next legislative day that 15 floor action is scheduled. 16 This rule does not apply to bills which have passed 17 both houses in different forms, reconsiderations, or 18 veto reconsiderations. 19 Rule 35 20 Substitution of Bills 21 A senate bill or resolution may be substituted 22 for an identical house bill or resolution which has 23 been called up for debate. An amendment to a senate 24 bill or resolution which has been substituted for an 25 identical house bill or resolution is out of order if 26 an identical amendment to the house bill or resolution 27 was considered. 28 If a bill is moved to unfinished business and a 29 similar senate bill is also on the calendar, both bills 30 -21- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 21/ 43
H.R. _____ shall be moved to unfinished business. 1 Rule 36 2 Consideration of Committee Amendments 3 After a bill has been referred and reported back, 4 it shall be considered on its first reading after the 5 amendments of the committee have been read. 6 Rule 37 7 Amendments to Special Order Bills 8 All amendments to bills which have been special 9 ordered shall be filed at least three session days 10 prior to the date set for debate. Amendments to an 11 amendment shall be filed at least two session days 12 prior to the date set for debate. However, corrective 13 amendments and amendments sponsored by either the 14 majority floor leader or the minority floor leader may 15 be filed at any time. Rule 31, subsection 8, shall not 16 apply to these amendments. 17 A corrective amendment is an amendment which does 18 not substantively change the amendment or the bill. 19 Rule 38 20 Germane Amendments 21 An amendment must be germane to the subject matter 22 of the bill it seeks to amend. An amendment to an 23 amendment must be germane to both the amendment and the 24 bill it seeks to amend. When a member objects to an 25 amendment on grounds that the amendment is not germane, 26 the speaker may invite members, who shall include the 27 majority and minority leaders, to the speaker’s station 28 to discuss the objection. 29 Rule 39 30 -22- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 22/ 43
H.R. _____ Consideration of Bills 1 Bills, including committee bills, joint resolutions, 2 and nullification resolutions, reported out for 3 passage, for amendment and passage, or without 4 recommendation by the committee, are first eligible to 5 be acted upon beginning the third legislative day they 6 appear on the regular calendar. 7 Committee reports shall be printed in the journal 8 immediately after they are filed with the chief clerk. 9 Reports recommending bills, joint resolutions, and 10 nullification resolutions for passage, for amendment 11 and passage, or without recommendation shall stand 12 approved unless written objections are filed during 13 the first legislative day following their printing in 14 the journal. If objections are filed, they shall be 15 disposed of as soon as possible. 16 Rule 40 17 Consideration of Bills Upon Last Reading 18 No amendment, unless by way of correcting an error 19 or omission, shall be received to any bill on its last 20 reading, and no debate shall be allowed on it. 21 Rule 41 22 Printing of Bills and Joint Resolutions 23 Bills and joint resolutions shall be printed in form 24 as provided by law and by rule. Each house may direct 25 the printing of an additional number of its own bills. 26 Legalizing bills of a local or private nature shall 27 be printed in bill form and placed in the files of the 28 members, the same as other bills, in the order of their 29 introduction. The cost of printing shall be deposited 30 -23- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 23/ 43
H.R. _____ with the treasurer of state in advance at a rate to be 1 fixed, and the newspaper publication of the bill shall 2 be without cost to the state. No legalizing act may 3 be introduced until all provisions of law have been 4 complied with. 5 Rule 42 6 Certification and Engrossment of Bills 7 The chief clerk shall certify the passage of each 8 bill and note the date of its passage. 9 In engrossing a bill, the chief clerk shall 10 correct all obvious typographical, spelling, or other 11 clerical errors and change section subunit numbers 12 and letters and internal references as required to 13 conform the original bill to any amendments which have 14 been adopted. The chief clerk shall report all such 15 corrections or changes in the journal. The engrossed 16 bill shall be placed in the bill file with the original 17 bill and amendments. 18 Rule 43 19 Rereferral 20 A bill may be rereferred by the speaker or, upon 21 motion, by the house at any time before its passage and 22 after the report of its referral to committee. 23 Rule 44 24 Effect of Indefinite Postponement 25 When a question is indefinitely postponed, it shall 26 not be acted upon again during that session. 27 Rule 45 28 Status of Bills Following First Regular Session 29 Except for those bills which have been adopted 30 -24- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 24/ 43
H.R. _____ by both houses in different forms, all bills which 1 have not been withdrawn, defeated, or indefinitely 2 postponed, shall be rereferred to committee upon 3 adjournment of the first regular session. 4 DIVISION V —— COMMITTEE PROCEDURES 5 Rule 46 6 Appointment of Committees 7 All committees shall be appointed by the speaker, 8 unless otherwise especially directed by the house. 9 Minority party members of a committee shall be 10 appointed by the speaker upon recommendation of the 11 minority leader. 12 Rule 47 13 Reserved 14 Rule 48 15 Study Bills 16 A study bill is any matter which a chairperson of 17 a standing committee wishes to have considered by the 18 standing committee of which the member is the chair, 19 other than appropriations, without being introduced 20 in the house by a first reading. A study bill shall 21 be prepared in proper form by the legislative services 22 agency prior to submission. 23 Upon taking possession of a study bill, the 24 committee chair shall notify the speaker and then 25 submit four copies of the bill to the legal counsel’s 26 office for numbering. 27 A study bill shall bear the name of the committee 28 chair. A study bill submitted by a state agency or 29 board for consideration shall bear the name of the 30 -25- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 25/ 43
H.R. _____ state agency or board. 1 Rule 49 2 Committee Meetings 3 No committee, except a conference committee or the 4 administrative rules review committee, shall meet 5 while the house is in session without special leave. 6 Committees with overlapping memberships shall not meet 7 at the same time without special leave. 8 Rule 50 9 Smoking Prohibited 10 Smoking shall not be permitted in the house or in 11 any area of the capitol building. 12 Rule 51 13 Assignments to Subcommittee 14 The chair of the committee shall report to the house 15 the bill number of each bill assigned to subcommittee 16 and the names of the subcommittee members. The report 17 shall be printed in the journal. 18 All bills, prior to consideration by the committee, 19 shall be referred by the chair to a subcommittee, 20 unless acted upon by a committee of the whole. 21 The chair may assign bills to subcommittees without 22 a meeting of the committee, but the membership of the 23 subcommittee so appointed shall be reported to the 24 committee by the chair. 25 Rule 52 26 Open Meetings 27 Standing committee meetings shall be open, and 28 voting by secret ballot is prohibited. The committee 29 on administration and rules may close its meetings to 30 -26- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 26/ 43
H.R. _____ evaluate the professional competency of an individual. 1 Rule 53 2 Quorum and Vote Requirements 3 The committee roll shall be taken at the convening 4 of each meeting to determine the presence of a quorum. 5 A majority of the committee membership shall constitute 6 a quorum. 7 An affirmative vote of a majority of the committee 8 membership is required to report a bill out of 9 committee or to suspend a committee rule. 10 A motion to reconsider may be made only by a 11 committee member who voted on the prevailing side of 12 the question sought to be reconsidered. A motion to 13 reconsider may only be made prior to the adjournment of 14 the committee meeting at which the bill was reported 15 out. 16 If a member, who is in the committee room when a 17 question to report a bill out of committee is put, has 18 not asked to be excused prior to commencing to take 19 the vote on the question, the member shall vote aye 20 or nay unless the committee has excused the member for 21 special reasons. However, a member may pass on the 22 first taking of the roll call on the question but shall 23 vote aye or nay when the member’s name is called for a 24 second time. 25 Rule 54 26 Committee Attendance Record and Report of Committee 27 Form 28 1. A committee attendance record shall be filed 29 with the chief clerk no later than 10:00 a.m. or two 30 -27- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 27/ 43
H.R. _____ hours after the house convenes, whichever is later, 1 of the legislative day immediately following the day 2 of the committee meeting. The committee attendance 3 record is a public record and may be published in the 4 journal. The committee attendance record shall include 5 the following information: 6 a. The time the meeting convened. 7 b. The members present at the meeting. 8 c. The time the meeting adjourned. 9 d. A list of bills receiving final committee 10 disposition. 11 2. A report of committee form shall be filed with 12 the chief clerk no later than 10:00 a.m. or two hours 13 after the house convenes, whichever is later, of the 14 legislative day immediately following the day of the 15 committee meeting for each study bill, numbered bill 16 or resolution receiving final committee disposition. 17 The report of committee form is a public record and 18 a report of committee action shall be printed in the 19 journal. The report of committee form shall include 20 the following information: 21 a. The committee action taken. 22 b. The committee amendment number, if any. 23 c. The roll call vote of the committee on final 24 disposition. 25 d. The minority recommendation, if any. 26 3. Upon final adjournment of the first session 27 and final adjournment of the second session of the 28 general assembly, the chair of each committee shall 29 have placed the committee’s book of record containing 30 -28- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 28/ 43
H.R. _____ minutes, record roll calls on final disposition, record 1 roll call votes on any amendments considered, rules, 2 etc., with the chief clerk for access of any interested 3 person. 4 Rule 55 5 Minority Recommendation 6 The minority of the members of a committee may 7 present its recommendations on the final disposition 8 of a bill to the house by attaching its recommendation 9 to the committee report. The minority recommendation 10 shall be noted in the journal along with the committee 11 report. 12 Rule 56 13 Committee Amendment 14 Whenever a committee amendment is proposed which 15 would amend another committee amendment, the amendment 16 shall be drafted in the form of a substitute amendment 17 and shall be considered as such. 18 Rule 57 19 Committee Notice and Agenda 20 Each committee shall prepare and publish a notice 21 and agenda of each committee meeting at least one 22 legislative day prior to the meeting. The notice and 23 agenda may be placed on the desks of or transmitted 24 electronically to committee members. 25 The notice shall contain the committee name, the 26 date, time, and location of the meeting. 27 The agenda shall contain the matters to be 28 discussed, including a list of bills, joint 29 resolutions, nullification resolutions, and study 30 -29- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 29/ 43
H.R. _____ bills by number. The agenda should contain the names 1 of individuals who are scheduled to appear before the 2 committee and the organization which they represent. 3 A bill, joint resolution, nullification resolution, 4 or study bill shall not be reported out of committee if 5 the bill was not included in the published notice and 6 agenda unless this rule is suspended by a majority of 7 the total membership of the committee. 8 A committee chair may call a meeting without 9 providing the required notice and agenda upon leave 10 of the house if a notice is either electronically 11 transmitted to committee members or placed on the desks 12 of committee members. 13 Rule 58 14 Clearing of Committee Room 15 The chair of a committee may clear the committee 16 room in case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct. 17 Rule 58A 18 Use of Telephonic or Electronic Devices in Committee 19 Rooms Restricted 20 1. In any committee room while a standing committee 21 is in session: 22 a. A person shall mute any cell phone, computer, or 23 other electronic device under the person’s control. 24 b. A person shall not use a cell phone or other 25 electronic device to audibly transmit or receive 26 communications. 27 2. The chair or acting chair of a standing 28 committee may clear the committee room of any person 29 acting in violation of this rule. 30 -30- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 30/ 43
H.R. _____ Rule 59 1 Committee Amendments 2 All amendments to a bill or resolution adopted in 3 committee shall be incorporated in a single committee 4 amendment or incorporated in a new committee bill. 5 Rule 60 6 Withdrawal of Bills, Joint Resolutions, or 7 Nullification Resolutions From Committee 8 A bill, joint resolution, or nullification 9 resolution which has been in committee for eighteen 10 legislative days following notation of such referral 11 in the journal may be withdrawn from the committee and 12 placed on the calendar by an affirmative vote of not 13 less than fifty-one members of the house. 14 Rule 61 15 Committee Public Hearings 16 The chair of a committee may call a public hearing 17 for the purpose of receiving public comment on any 18 matter within the purview of the committee. 19 The chair shall call a public hearing upon the 20 written request of committee members according to 21 committee rules, but no more than one-third of the 22 committee members shall be required. 23 A public hearing shall not be called or requested 24 after final action on the bill, joint resolution, 25 or nullification resolution has been taken by the 26 committee. However, a public hearing called or 27 requested before final action has been taken by the 28 committee may be held after final action on the bill, 29 joint resolution, or nullification resolution has been 30 -31- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 31/ 43
H.R. _____ taken by the committee. 1 The chair shall designate the day for a public 2 hearing and provide public notice at least four days 3 prior to a public hearing. A public hearing shall take 4 place in room 103 of the capitol building and shall 5 begin at 5:00 p.m. A speaker shall not speak for more 6 than two minutes. As is possible, speakers shall be 7 alternated between speakers speaking in favor of the 8 matter and speakers opposed to the matter. 9 A bill, joint resolution, or nullification 10 resolution for which a public hearing has been called 11 can be voted to the calendar but cannot be debated 12 until after the public hearing has been held. If a 13 bill, joint resolution, or nullification resolution 14 for which a public hearing has been called is not 15 debated by the house during the session in which it 16 is introduced, the request for the public hearing is 17 deemed to have lapsed upon adjournment sine die of that 18 session. 19 However, public hearings which have been requested 20 during or after the 9th week of the first session and 21 during or after the 7th week of the second session must 22 be held within four legislative days of the date of the 23 request. 24 Rule 62 25 Limitation on Filing of Claims 26 All claims shall be referred to the appropriations 27 committee. A claim referred to the appropriations 28 committee in a prior session of the general assembly 29 shall not be considered by the appropriations 30 -32- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 32/ 43
H.R. _____ committee or by the house unless it has been 1 specifically referred to this session by a vote of the 2 appropriations committee. The appropriations committee 3 is authorized to set a definite date each session after 4 which it will not receive claims or claim bills for 5 consideration. 6 DIVISION VI —— COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 7 Rule 63 8 Organization of Committee of the Whole 9 In forming the committee of the whole house, the 10 speaker shall appoint a member to preside in committee 11 and then leave the chair. 12 Rule 64 13 Rules in Committee of the Whole 14 The rules of the house shall be observed in 15 committee of the whole house, so far as they are 16 applicable. 17 Rule 65 18 Bills in Committee of the Whole 19 Bills committed to the committee of the whole house 20 shall first be debated by section. After the report 21 of the committee of the whole, the bill shall again be 22 subject to debate and amendment before a vote is had on 23 its last reading and passage. 24 Rule 66 25 Amendments by Committee of the Whole 26 All amendments made to a report committed to a 27 committee of the whole house shall be noted and 28 reported as in the case of bills. 29 DIVISION VII —— MOTIONS 30 -33- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 33/ 43
H.R. _____ Rule 67 1 Order and Precedence of Motions 2 The following order of motions, listed in order 3 of precedence, shall govern when a question is under 4 debate: 5 1. Adjourn. 6 2. Recess. 7 3. Questions of privilege. 8 4. Lay on the table. 9 5. Previous question. 10 6. Limit debate. 11 7. Postpone definitely or to a certain time. 12 8. Refer or rerefer. 13 9. Defer. 14 10. Amend an amendment. 15 11. Amend. 16 12. Postpone indefinitely. 17 A motion to postpone definitely or to a certain 18 time, to refer or commit, or to postpone indefinitely a 19 particular question shall not be considered more than 20 once on the same day. 21 Adoption of a motion to strike the enacting words is 22 equivalent to rejection of the question. 23 Rule 68 24 Order of Consideration of Amendments 25 Amendments shall be considered by earliest position 26 in the bill. Amendments to the same place in the bill 27 shall be considered by the lowest amendment number. An 28 amendment which inserts language after a line and an 29 amendment which inserts language before the succeeding 30 -34- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 34/ 43
H.R. _____ line shall be considered amendments to the same place 1 in the bill. 2 However, an amendment to strike the enacting clause 3 shall always be considered first. An amendment filed 4 by a committee shall have the next highest order of 5 priority, followed by an amendment to strike everything 6 after the enacting clause and insert new language. An 7 amendment to strike language or to strike and insert 8 new language, except an amendment to strike everything 9 after the enacting clause and insert new language, 10 shall not be considered before amendments to perfect 11 all or part of the same portion of the bill. 12 Rule 69 13 Motions Not Debatable 14 The following motions are not debatable: 15 1. Adjourn. 16 2. Adjourn to a certain time. 17 3. Suspend house rules. 18 4. Previous question. 19 5. Close debate at a certain time. 20 6. Recess. 21 7. Defer. 22 8. Refer or rerefer. 23 9. Lay on the table. 24 10. Take from the table. 25 11. Call of the house. 26 12. Withdraw a bill or resolution from committee. 27 13. Appeal a decision of the chair. 28 14. Immediately message a bill or resolution. 29 Rule 69A 30 -35- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 35/ 43
H.R. _____ Constitutional Majority 1 1. The following motions require a constitutional 2 majority for approval: 3 a. Final passage of a bill, joint resolution, or 4 nullification resolution. 5 b. Lay on the table. 6 c. Take from the table. 7 d. Suspend house rules. 8 e. Previous question. 9 f. Withdraw a bill or resolution from committee. 10 g. Reconsider a bill, joint resolution, or 11 nullification resolution. 12 h. Immediately message a bill or resolution. 13 2. A division must be taken on any motion which 14 requires a constitutional majority. 15 Rule 70 16 Motion to Adjourn 17 A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except 18 when a member is speaking or the house is voting. 19 Rule 71 20 Withdrawal of Motions 21 After a motion is stated by the speaker or read by 22 the chief clerk, it shall be deemed to be in possession 23 of the house, but may be withdrawn by leave of the 24 house. 25 Rule 72 26 Unanimous Consent 27 Unanimous consent of the members may be asked for 28 suspension of any rule of the house. If there is no 29 objection to the request, the rule shall be considered 30 -36- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 36/ 43
H.R. _____ suspended. 1 Rule 73 2 Reconsideration 3 1. A motion to reconsider may be made only by a 4 member who voted on the prevailing side of the question 5 sought to be reconsidered. 6 2. A motion to reconsider may be made not later 7 than adjournment on the legislative day following 8 the legislative day of the action sought to be 9 reconsidered. Where the floor manager voted on 10 the prevailing side, the floor manager has the 11 prior right to make the motion, until adjournment 12 on the legislative day of the action sought to be 13 reconsidered. A motion to reconsider a nullification 14 resolution shall be acted upon not later than 15 adjournment on the legislative day following 16 the legislative day of the action sought to be 17 reconsidered. 18 3. A motion to reconsider made beginning the 19 fifteenth week of the first regular session, or the 20 thirteenth week of the second regular session, may be 21 taken up when made. A motion made at any other time 22 may be taken up prior to the third legislative day 23 succeeding the legislative day of the action sought 24 to be reconsidered only if called up by the mover, 25 and after the second legislative day succeeding the 26 legislative day of the action sought to be reconsidered 27 if called up by any member. 28 4. The making of a motion to reconsider takes 29 precedence over all other questions. 30 -37- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 37/ 43
H.R. _____ 5. When passage, adoption, or failure of any bill, 1 joint resolution, or nullification resolution is 2 reconsidered, questions on amendments may also be 3 reconsidered and shall be disposed of immediately. 4 6. In the event that a motion to reconsider 5 is pending at the end of the first session or any 6 extraordinary session of any general assembly, or the 7 general assembly adjourns sine die, and the motion to 8 reconsider has not been voted upon by the house, the 9 motion shall be determined to have failed. 10 DIVISION VIII —— VOTING 11 Rule 74 12 Manner of Voting 13 Members present may cast their votes, either by 14 operating the voting mechanism located at their 15 assigned desk or by signaling the speaker from the 16 floor of the house or from the south visitors’ gallery 17 if they are unable to vote at their assigned desk. 18 Only a member may operate the voting mechanism at that 19 member’s assigned desk. The speaker shall announce the 20 votes of members signaling their votes. Upon direction 21 of the speaker only those members at their desks and 22 voting shall be counted. Members who are not present 23 shall not cast their votes except: 24 1. Members who have not voted may record their 25 votes on any record roll call vote except quorum calls 26 within twenty ten minutes after the outcome of the 27 vote has been announced during the first session of the 28 eighty-ninth general assembly and within ten minutes 29 after the outcome of the vote has been announced 30 -38- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 38/ 43
H.R. _____ during the second session of the eighty-ninth general 1 assembly . Members shall initial their recorded votes 2 on a copy of the record roll call at the speaker’s 3 station. However, if the aggregate of votes cast 4 under this rule would change the outcome of the vote 5 on a question, then none of the votes cast on the 6 question under this rule shall be recorded. A member 7 may request announcement of the names of members so 8 recorded after the twenty-minute period or ten-minute 9 period , as applicable . 10 2. Members meeting in a conference committee 11 or in administrative rules review committee at the 12 time a vote is taken on a question may have their 13 vote recorded within thirty minutes or adjournment, 14 whichever is first, of that same legislative day, 15 provided the aggregate of votes cast does not change 16 the outcome of the vote on a question. 17 Rule 75 18 Voting in the House and Duty of Voting 19 Voting on a question put to members on the floor of 20 the house shall not occur between midnight and 8 a.m. 21 on any legislative day except for voting on a motion to 22 recess, defer, or adjourn. Except as limited in Rule 23 76, every member who is in the house when a question is 24 put shall vote unless the house has excused that member 25 from voting for special reasons; however, such member 26 must have asked to be excused from voting prior to the 27 time the speaker puts the question. 28 Rule 76 29 Limitation on Right to Vote 30 -39- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 39/ 43
H.R. _____ No member shall vote on any question in which 1 the member or the member’s immediate family member, 2 as defined in chapter 68B of the Code, has a direct 3 financial interest different from other similarly 4 situated persons or classes of persons of the general 5 public. 6 Rule 77 7 Call of the House 8 Upon written request of five members, the presiding 9 officer shall compel attendance of absent and unexcused 10 members for the consideration of specified bills, 11 resolutions, or amendments. 12 A call of the house shall specify the propositions 13 to which it is to apply and must be put into effect 14 before roll call is taken on the proposition. The 15 request may be filed with the chief clerk at any time 16 before final action upon the propositions, who shall 17 notify the house immediately. 18 Rule 78 19 Method of Calling the House 20 Upon a call of the house, the names of the members 21 shall be called by the chief clerk and the absentees 22 noted, after which the names of the absentees shall 23 again be called. The sergeant-at-arms shall be 24 directed by the speaker to compel the attendance of 25 absent members, unless they are previously excused. 26 Any member occupying the member’s seat during a call 27 of the house shall be counted by the speaker and that 28 person’s name entered in the journal as being present 29 for the purpose of making a quorum. 30 -40- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 40/ 43
H.R. _____ Rule 79 1 Method of Calling the Roll 2 The electrical voting machine shall be used for a 3 call of the house, a quorum call or a roll call vote 4 on any question. If the electrical voting machine is 5 not in operating order when it is necessary to take 6 a record roll call vote, the presiding officer shall 7 order the vote to be taken by calling the roll in 8 alphabetical order, except the name of the presiding 9 officer shall be called last. 10 During the casting of the vote with the voting 11 machine, the individual votes and the vote totals shall 12 be shown on the display boards. Before the voting 13 machine is closed, the presiding officer shall inquire 14 of the house, “Have you all voted?” 15 Rule 80 16 Quorum and Record Roll Call Votes 17 A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. 18 A record roll call vote shall be ordered upon 19 request of any two members. The names of the members 20 requesting the record roll call shall be entered in the 21 journal. 22 Rule 81 23 Previous Question 24 When a member moves for the previous question, the 25 member shall state whether the motion will apply to the 26 main question, to all the amendments, or to particular 27 amendments. The motion requires an affirmative vote of 28 at least a constitutional majority of the members. If 29 the motion for a previous question is not adopted, the 30 -41- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 41/ 43
H.R. _____ house shall proceed in the same manner as before the 1 motion was made. 2 If the motion is adopted, all debate must end and 3 the house will vote upon the question except: 4 1. If the motion applies to the main question, the 5 member in charge of the measure will have ten minutes 6 to speak for the purpose of closing discussion before 7 the vote on the measure is taken. 8 2. If the motion applies to an amendment, the 9 member proposing the amendment will have five minutes 10 to speak for the purpose of closing discussion before 11 the vote on the amendment is taken. 12 3. If a member has filed a written request with 13 the chief clerk of the house indicating the member’s 14 desire to speak on a particular question. The request 15 must be filed before the motion is made by the movant. 16 The request allows a member to speak on a particular 17 question before the closing discussion by the member 18 who is in charge of the measure or who is proposing the 19 amendment. 20 Rule 82 21 Division of the Question 22 Any member may call for a division of the question, 23 which shall be divided if it comprehends questions so 24 distinct that one being taken away, the remainder may 25 stand separately for discussion by the house. Upon 26 request to divide an amendment, the chief clerk shall 27 restate the division and note the divided amendment in 28 the house journal. An amendment to strike out being 29 lost shall not preclude an amendment to strike out and 30 -42- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 42/ 43
H.R. _____ insert. An amendment to strike out and insert shall be 1 deemed indivisible. 2 -43- LSB 1568YC (8) 90 tm/jh 43/ 43