Bill Text: IA HF521 | 2019-2020 | 88th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act providing for animal feeding operations, including by providing for the zoning of structures, the regulation of structures and operations, providing for property taxes, making penalties applicable, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2019-02-26 - Introduced, referred to Environmental Protection. H.J. 355. [HF521 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2019-HF521-Introduced.html
House File 521 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 521 BY STAED A BILL FOR An Act providing for animal feeding operations, including by 1 providing for the zoning of structures, the regulation of 2 structures and operations, providing for property taxes, 3 making penalties applicable, and including effective date 4 and retroactive applicability provisions. 5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 6 TLSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn
H.F. 521 Section 1. Section 331.304A, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 2. a. A county shall not adopt or enforce county 3 legislation regulating a condition or activity occurring 4 on land used for the production, care, feeding, or housing 5 of animals unless the regulation of the production, care, 6 feeding, or housing of animals is expressly authorized by 7 state law. County legislation adopted in violation of this 8 section is void and unenforceable and any enforcement activity 9 conducted in violation of this section is void. A condition 10 or activity occurring on land used for the production, care, 11 feeding, or housing of animals includes but is not limited to 12 the construction, operation, or management of an animal feeding 13 operation, an animal feeding operation structure, or aerobic 14 structure, and to the storage, handling, or application of 15 manure or egg washwater. 16 b. Paragraph “a” does not apply to a confinement feeding 17 operations siting ordinance as provided in section 459.305A. 18 Sec. 2. Section 335.2, Code 2019, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 335.2 Farms exempt. 21 1. Except to the extent required to implement section 22 335.27 , no ordinance adopted under this chapter applies to 23 land, farm houses, farm barns, farm outbuildings or other 24 buildings or structures which are primarily adapted, by reason 25 of nature and area, for use for agricultural purposes, while 26 so used. However, the ordinances may apply to any structure, 27 building, dam, obstruction, deposit or excavation in or on the 28 flood plains of any river or stream. 29 2. Subsection 1 does not apply to a confinement feeding 30 operations siting ordinance as provided in section 459.305A. 31 Sec. 3. Section 427.1, subsection 19, paragraph e, 32 subparagraph (1), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 33 (1) For the purposes of this subsection , “pollution-control 34 property” : 35 -1- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 1/ 27
H.F. 521 (a) “Pollution-control property” means personal property or 1 improvements to real property, or any portion thereof, used 2 primarily to control or abate pollution of any air or water of 3 this state or used primarily to enhance the quality of any air 4 or water of this state and “recycling property” means personal 5 property or improvements to real property or any portion of 6 the property, used primarily in the manufacturing process and 7 resulting directly in the conversion of waste glass, waste 8 plastic, wastepaper products, waste paperboard, or waste wood 9 products into new raw materials or products composed primarily 10 of recycled material. In the event such property shall also 11 serve other purposes or uses of productive benefit to the owner 12 of the property, only such portion of the assessed valuation 13 thereof as may reasonably be calculated to be necessary for 14 and devoted to the control or abatement of pollution, to the 15 enhancement of the quality of the air or water of this state, 16 or for recycling shall be exempt from taxation under this 17 subsection . 18 (b) “Pollution-control property” or “recycling property” 19 does not include property used for purposes related to the 20 care and feeding of livestock as defined in section 169C.1, 21 except for property which is eligible for a family farm tax 22 credit as provided in chapter 425A. The exemption calculated 23 for pollution-control property or recycling property used for 24 the purpose of care and feeding of livestock and which is 25 eligible for a family farm tax credit is limited to the first 26 one hundred thousand dollars of the property’s assessed value. 27 Sec. 4. Section 459.102, subsection 14, Code 2019, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 14. “Confinement feeding operation” means an animal feeding 30 operation in which animals are confined to areas which are 31 totally or partially roofed. 32 Sec. 5. Section 459.102, Code 2019, is amended by adding the 33 following new subsections: 34 NEW SUBSECTION . 17A. “Contract livestock facility” means 35 -2- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 2/ 27
H.F. 521 the same as defined in section 202.1. 1 NEW SUBSECTION . 17B. “Contract producer” means the same as 2 defined in section 202.1. 3 NEW SUBSECTION . 17C. “Contractor” means the same as defined 4 in section 202.1. 5 NEW SUBSECTION . 29A. Formed egg washwater storage 6 structure” means an egg washwater storage structure that has 7 walls and a floor constructed of concrete, concrete block, 8 wood, steel, or similar materials. 9 NEW SUBSECTION . 42A. “Production contract” means the same 10 as defined in section 202.1. 11 NEW SUBSECTION . 57A. “Unformed egg washwater storage 12 structure” means an egg washwater storage structure other than 13 a formed egg washwater storage structure. 14 Sec. 6. Section 459.103, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 2. Any provision referring generally to compliance with 17 the requirements of this chapter as applied to animal feeding 18 operations also includes compliance with requirements in 19 rules adopted by the commission pursuant to this section , 20 orders issued by the department as authorized under this 21 chapter , and the terms and conditions applicable to licenses, 22 certifications, permits, or manure management plans required 23 under subchapter III . However, for purposes of approving 24 or disapproving an application for a construction permit as 25 provided in section 459.304 , conditions for the approval of an 26 application based on results produced by a master matrix are 27 not requirements of this chapter until the department approves 28 or disapproves an application based on those results. 29 Sec. 7. NEW SECTION . 459.104 Confinement feeding operations 30 —— impaired waters. 31 1. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise 32 requires: 33 a. “Section 303(d) list” means the same as defined in 34 section 455B.171. 35 -3- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 3/ 27
H.F. 521 b. “Subwatershed” means the same as defined in section 1 466B.2. 2 2. a. A person shall not construct, including expand, a 3 confinement feeding operation structure, if the confinement 4 feeding operation structure would be located in a subwatershed 5 that drains into a water body or water segment that has been 6 placed on the department’s section 303(d) list, regardless of 7 whether a total maximum daily load for that water body or water 8 segment has been developed. 9 b. The department shall not file or approve an application 10 for a permit to construct, including expand, a confinement 11 feeding operation structure, if the person could not construct 12 the confinement feeding operation structure under paragraph 13 “a” . 14 3. Subsection 2 does not apply to prevent a person from 15 constructing, including expanding, a confinement feeding 16 operation structure as otherwise provided in this subchapter, 17 if the confinement feeding operation structure is located in a 18 subwatershed that drains into a water body or water segment, 19 and the department does all of the following: 20 a. Removes the water body or water segment from the section 21 303(d) list. 22 b. Determines that the water body or water segment is 23 classified for a primary contact recreational use as provided 24 in 567 IAC 61.3. 25 4. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person from 26 completing construction, including expansion, of a confinement 27 feeding operation structure, if prior to the effective date 28 of this Act, the person has begun construction, including 29 expansion, of the confinement feeding operation structure as 30 otherwise allowed under this chapter. 31 Sec. 8. NEW SECTION . 459.201A Reporting requirement —— 32 animals maintained at a confinement feeding operation. 33 The department may require the owner or operator of a 34 confinement feeding operation to submit one or more animals 35 -4- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 4/ 27
H.F. 521 confined reports that contain information regarding the number 1 of animals maintained at the confinement feeding operation in a 2 manner and during a time period that the department determines 3 is relevant. The report shall present the information in 4 a manner that converts the number of animals maintained to 5 equivalent animal units. 6 Sec. 9. NEW SECTION . 459.301A Reporting requirement —— 7 animals maintained at a confinement feeding operation. 8 The department may require the owner or operator of a 9 confinement feeding operation to submit one or more animals 10 confined reports that contain information regarding the number 11 of animals maintained at the confinement feeding operation in a 12 manner and during a time period that the department determines 13 is relevant. The report shall present the information in 14 a manner that converts the number of animals maintained to 15 equivalent animal units. 16 Sec. 10. Section 459.303, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 17 2019, is amended by adding the following new subparagraph: 18 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH . (3) A confinement feeding operation 19 structure if constructed or expanded would exist within an area 20 of the state which the department classifies as prone to the 21 formation of sinkholes. 22 Sec. 11. Section 459.303, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 23 amended by striking the subsection. 24 Sec. 12. Section 459.303, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code 25 2019, is amended to read as follows: 26 b. A manure management plan as provided in section 459.312 27 and , a manure management plan filing fee as provided in section 28 459.400 , and evidence that a surety bond has been furnished to 29 the department as provided in section 459.312 . 30 Sec. 13. Section 459.303, subsection 3, Code 2019, is 31 amended by adding the following new paragraphs: 32 NEW PARAGRAPH . e. A statement acknowledging or denying 33 that the applicant and a contractor are parties to a production 34 contract, or are negotiating to be parties to a production 35 -5- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 5/ 27
H.F. 521 contract. If the statement is an acknowledgment, the 1 application shall include all of the following: 2 (1) The name and mailing address of the contractor. 3 (2) Whether the applicant is a contract producer or is 4 negotiating to become a contract producer. 5 (3) Whether the confinement feeding operation structure if 6 constructed would be part of a confinement feeding operation 7 that may become a contract livestock facility. 8 NEW PARAGRAPH . f. A brief summary of the application 9 completed on a form prepared by the department in consultation 10 with the Iowa state association of counties. The completed 11 form shall at least include all of the following: 12 (1) The name and mailing address of the applicant. 13 (2) The type of animal to be maintained at the confinement 14 feeding operation classified by animal unit, if all proposed 15 confinement feeding operation structures were constructed. 16 (3) The maximum number of animals and the maximum number 17 of animal units to be maintained at the confinement feeding 18 operation, if all proposed confinement feeding operation 19 structures were constructed. 20 (4) A brief description of the location, type, and size of 21 each confinement feeding operation structure proposed to be 22 constructed. 23 NEW PARAGRAPH . g. A list containing the name and last known 24 mailing address of each person holding legal title to land 25 located within two miles of the confinement feeding operation 26 structure proposed to be constructed. The names and mailing 27 addresses may be the same as those shown in the records of 28 the county auditor of the county located within two miles of 29 the confinement feeding operation structure proposed to be 30 constructed. 31 Sec. 14. Section 459.303, subsection 4, Code 2019, is 32 amended by striking the subsection. 33 Sec. 15. Section 459.303, Code 2019, is amended by adding 34 the following new subsection: 35 -6- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 6/ 27
H.F. 521 NEW SUBSECTION . 4A. If the application is for a permit 1 to expand a confinement feeding operation, the department may 2 require the applicant to submit an animals confined report as 3 described in section 459.301A. 4 Sec. 16. Section 459.303, subsection 7, Code 2018, is 5 amended by adding the following new paragraph: 6 NEW PARAGRAPH . c. The department shall not issue a 7 permit to a person under this section if a surety bond 8 furnished to the department under section 459.312 has 9 expired, been canceled, been suspended, or been revoked. 10 This paragraph applies to a permit for the construction of a 11 confinement feeding operation structure regardless of whether 12 the confinement feeding operation structure is part of a 13 confinement feeding operation described in the bond. 14 Sec. 17. NEW SECTION . 459.305A County control of siting. 15 1. A county may adopt a confinement feeding operations 16 siting ordinance. The purpose of the ordinance is to allow 17 the county board of supervisors to approve or disapprove 18 the location of any construction, including expansion, of a 19 confinement feeding operation within the county. 20 2. A person shall not construct a confinement feeding 21 operation in a county that has adopted a confinement feeding 22 operations siting ordinance until the county board of 23 supervisors has approved the location of the confinement 24 feeding operation in a manner and according to procedures 25 required in the ordinance. 26 a. The county board of supervisors may subject its 27 approval to conditions for the construction or operation of 28 the confinement feeding operation or the application of manure 29 originating from the confinement feeding operation. 30 b. A person required to be issued a permit by the department 31 for the construction of a confinement feeding operation as 32 provided in section 459.303 must be issued such permit prior to 33 obtaining approval by the county board of supervisors. 34 c. A county board of supervisors may base its approval or 35 -7- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 7/ 27
H.F. 521 disapproval on factors other than factors considered by the 1 department when approving or disapproving an application to 2 construct the confinement feeding operation. 3 3. A county may adopt county legislation necessary to 4 effectuate the purposes of this section notwithstanding section 5 331.304A or 335.2. 6 Sec. 18. Section 459.307, subsection 4, Code 2019, is 7 amended by striking the subsection. 8 Sec. 19. Section 459.308, subsection 3, Code 2019, is 9 amended by striking the subsection. 10 Sec. 20. NEW SECTION . 459.309 Manure storage structures —— 11 notice of structural failure. 12 1. The owner or operator of a confinement feeding operation 13 shall notify the department of the structural failure of a 14 manure storage structure that is part of the confinement 15 feeding operation, regardless of whether it is a failure in 16 design or construction or whether such failure may result in a 17 violation of section 459.311. 18 2. The owner or operator of a confinement feeding operation 19 shall notify the department of a probable immediate structural 20 failure of a manure storage structure that is part of a 21 confinement feeding operation, as described in subsection 1. 22 The determination of a probable immediate structural failure 23 shall be based on factors established by the department which 24 may include any of the following: 25 a. An observation by the owner or operator of the 26 confinement feeding operation that the integrity of the 27 structure has been compromised. 28 b. An observation by the owner or operator of the 29 confinement feeding operation that a discharge from the manure 30 storage structure appears to have occurred. 31 c. A verbal or written report made to the owner or operator 32 of the confinement feeding operation by a professional engineer 33 based on the professional engineer’s inspection of the manure 34 storage structure. 35 -8- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 8/ 27
H.F. 521 3. The department shall adopt rules providing notice 1 procedures, including when and how the owner or operator of 2 the confinement feeding operation is required to contact the 3 department. 4 a. The department may provide for different procedures based 5 on factors established by the department that quantify the 6 level of threat to water quality resulting from a structural 7 failure as described in subsection 1 or a probable immediate 8 structural failure as described in subsection 2. The factors 9 may include but are not limited to any of the following: 10 (1) The type and size of the confinement feeding operation 11 structure. 12 (2) The proximity of any discharge or probable immediate 13 discharge to the groundwater, a major water source, or a 14 high-quality water source. 15 (3) Whether the confinement feeding operation structure is 16 located on karst terrain. 17 b. The department may provide for different procedures 18 based on whether the structural failure has caused or may cause 19 injury or suffering to an animal maintained in a confinement 20 building that is associated with a manure storage structure. 21 Sec. 21. NEW SECTION . 459.309 Construction and expansion of 22 animal feeding operation structures —— karst terrain or terrain 23 that drains into a known sinkhole. 24 1. A person shall not construct or expand an animal feeding 25 operation structure on karst terrain or terrain that drains 26 into a known sinkhole. 27 2. Subsection 1 does not apply to any of the following: 28 a. The construction of a formed manure storage structure 29 that is constructed to replace an unformed manure storage 30 structure. The formed manure storage structure must 31 be constructed in a manner that complies with upgraded 32 construction design standards necessary to ensure that the 33 structure does not pollute groundwater sources. However, the 34 capacity of all replacement formed manure storage structures 35 -9- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 9/ 27
H.F. 521 shall not exceed the capacity required to store all manure from 1 the animal feeding operation on the effective date of this Act. 2 b. The construction of a formed egg washwater storage 3 structure that is constructed to replace an unformed egg 4 washwater storage structure. The formed egg washwater storage 5 structure must be constructed in a manner that complies with 6 upgraded construction design standards necessary to ensure that 7 the structure does not pollute groundwater sources. However, 8 the capacity of all replacement formed egg washwater storage 9 structures shall not exceed the capacity required to store 10 all egg washwater from the animal feeding operation on the 11 effective date of this Act. 12 3. a. If an unformed manure storage structure was 13 constructed on karst terrain or terrain that drains into a 14 known sinkhole prior to the effective date of this Act, there 15 must be a twenty-five-foot vertical separation distance between 16 the bottom of the unformed manure storage structure and any 17 underlying limestone, dolomite, or other soluble rock. The 18 unformed manure storage structure must have been constructed 19 according to construction design standards necessary to ensure 20 that the structure does not pollute groundwater sources. 21 b. A formed manure storage structure constructed on karst 22 terrain or terrain that drains into a known sinkhole prior to 23 the effective date of this Act, must have been constructed 24 according to construction design standards necessary to ensure 25 that the structure does not pollute groundwater sources. 26 Sec. 22. NEW SECTION . 459.309B Sinkholes. 27 If the confinement feeding operation structure is to be 28 constructed or expanded within an area of the state which the 29 department classifies as prone to the formation of sinkholes, a 30 statement by a qualified geologist verifying that there is a 31 low probability that a sinkhole if formed would exist within 32 the applicable separation distance between the sinkhole and 33 confinement feeding operation structure as otherwise required 34 pursuant section 459.310. 35 -10- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 10/ 27
H.F. 521 Sec. 23. Section 459.311D, Code 2019, is amended by striking 1 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: 2 459.311D Stockpiling dry manure on karst terrain or terrain 3 that drains into a known sinkhole. 4 1. Except as provided in this section, a person shall not 5 stockpile dry manure on karst terrain or in an area that drains 6 into a known sinkhole. 7 2. A person who stockpiled dry manure on karst terrain 8 or in an area that drains into a known sinkhole prior to the 9 effective date of this Act may continue to stockpile the dry 10 manure at the same location so long as the person complies with 11 all of the following: 12 a. There is a vertical separation distance of at least five 13 feet between the bottom of the stockpile and the underlying 14 limestone, dolomite, or other soluble rock. 15 b. The dry manure is stockpiled in a qualified stockpile 16 structure. 17 c. The person does not expand the volume or weight of dry 18 manure. 19 d. A person shall discontinue stockpiling dry manure at 20 that same location on and after July 1, 2027, unless the 21 person obtains a waiver by the department upon such terms and 22 conditions required by the department. The department shall 23 only grant a waiver if the department is satisfied that the 24 stockpiled dry manure does not pollute groundwater sources. 25 Sec. 24. NEW SECTION . 459.311F Outstanding Iowa waters. 26 A person shall not construct or expand a confinement feeding 27 operation structure in a watershed with a hydrologic unit 28 code scale 12 or smaller, if the watershed constitutes an 29 outstanding state resource, including waters of exceptional 30 recreational or ecological significance, as designated by the 31 department. 32 Sec. 25. Section 459.312, subsection 1, paragraph a, 33 subparagraph (1), Code 2019, is amended by striking the 34 subparagraph. 35 -11- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 11/ 27
H.F. 521 Sec. 26. Section 459.312, Code 2019, is amended by adding 1 the following new subsection: 2 NEW SUBSECTION . 6A. The department shall not approve an 3 original manure management plan or an updated manure management 4 plan, unless it is accompanied with evidence that a surety bond 5 has been furnished to the department by a surety. However, the 6 department may approve an original manure management plan on 7 the condition that the bond be furnished prior to the date that 8 manure is stored in the manure storage structure described in 9 the manure management plan. 10 a. The surety must be a business entity organized or formed 11 in this state or otherwise authorized to do business in this 12 state as a surety company and be approved by the department 13 according to criteria established by the department. The bond 14 shall be in the amount of ten million dollars. 15 b. The bond shall run to the state, and guarantee payment 16 to the state of costs directly attributable to a violation of 17 section 459.311 that causes a discharge of manure from a manure 18 storage structure as described in the manure management plan. 19 The costs shall be limited to any of the following: 20 (1) The reimbursement of moneys expended by the state, a 21 political subdivision, or an agent of the state or a political 22 subdivision, for reasonable costs of providing for containment 23 or cleanup. The reimbursement may cover costs associated with 24 cleaning up the confinement feeding operation and remediating 25 contamination which originates from the confinement feeding 26 operation, pursuant to sections 455B.381 through 455B.399. 27 (2) The restoration of wild animal populations or habitat, 28 to the extent that any payment received under the bond is not 29 duplicative of a restitution payment received by the state 30 under section 481A.151. 31 (3) Payment of a judgment award recovered by a person in a 32 civil action for actual property damages, including reasonable 33 attorney’s fees. The bond shall be open to successive judgment 34 awards caused by the same violation. 35 -12- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 12/ 27
H.F. 521 c. The total and aggregate liability of the surety for all 1 claims by the state arising from the violation shall be limited 2 to the face of the bond. 3 d. The bond shall not expire until sixty days after 4 expiration of the manure management plan. The surety shall 5 not cancel the bond without providing for at least forty-five 6 days’ notice by certified mail to the department and the 7 owner required to submit the manure management plan. When 8 the department receives a notice of cancellation, and a bond 9 is still required, the department shall automatically suspend 10 the manure management plan if the department does not receive 11 a replacement bond within thirty days of the delivery of the 12 notice of cancellation. If a replacement bond is not furnished 13 to the department within ten days following the suspension, the 14 department shall automatically revoke the manure management 15 plan. In addition, the department shall disapprove all pending 16 permit applications for the construction of a confinement 17 feeding operation structure filed with the department by the 18 owner as provided in section 459.303. 19 Sec. 27. Section 459.312, subsection 10, Code 2019, is 20 amended by adding the following new paragraph: 21 NEW PARAGRAPH . 0a. The average number of animal units 22 maintained at the confinement feeding operation during a period 23 established by the department. 24 Sec. 28. Section 459.319, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 25 amended by adding the following new paragraph: 26 NEW PARAGRAPH . c. A person who stockpiles dry manure on 27 karst terrain or in an area that drains into a known sinkhole. 28 Sec. 29. Section 459A.102, subsection 28, Code 2019, is 29 amended to read as follows: 30 28. “Open feedlot operation” or “operation” means an 31 unroofed or partially roofed animal feeding operation if crop, 32 vegetation, or forage growth or residue cover is not maintained 33 as part of the animal feeding operation during the period that 34 animals are confined in the animal feeding operation and the 35 -13- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 13/ 27
H.F. 521 animals have unrestricted access to any structure . 1 Sec. 30. Section 459A.102, Code 2019, is amended by adding 2 the following new subsection: 3 NEW SUBSECTION . 31A. “Qualified stockpile structure” means 4 the same as defined in section 459.102. 5 Sec. 31. NEW SECTION . 459A.106 Open feedlot operations and 6 small animal truck wash facilities —— impaired waters. 7 1. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise 8 requires: 9 a. “Section 303(d) list” means the same as defined in 10 section 455B.171. 11 b. “Subwatershed” means the same as defined in section 12 466B.2. 13 2. a. A person shall not construct, including expand, a 14 structure, if the structure would be located in a subwatershed 15 that drains into a water body or water segment that has been 16 placed on the department’s section 303(d) list, regardless of 17 whether a total maximum daily load for that water body or water 18 segment has been developed. 19 b. The department shall not file or approve an application 20 for a permit to construct, including expand, a structure, if 21 the person could not construct the structure under paragraph 22 “a” . 23 3. Subsection 2 does not apply to prevent a person from 24 constructing, including expanding, a structure as otherwise 25 provided in this subchapter, if the structure is located in a 26 subwatershed that drains into a water body or water segment, 27 and the department does all of the following: 28 a. Removes the water body or water segment from the section 29 303(d) list. 30 b. Determines that the water body or water segment is 31 classified for a primary contact recreational use as provided 32 in 567 IAC 61.3. 33 4. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person from 34 completing construction, including expansion, of a structure, 35 -14- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 14/ 27
H.F. 521 if prior to the effective date of this Act, the person has 1 begun construction, including expansion, of the structure as 2 otherwise allowed under this chapter. 3 Sec. 32. NEW SECTION . 459A.107 Outstanding Iowa waters. 4 A person shall not construct or expand a structure in a 5 watershed with a hydrologic unit code scale 12 or smaller, 6 if the watershed constitutes an outstanding state resource, 7 including waters of exceptional recreational or ecological 8 significance, as designated by the department. 9 Sec. 33. NEW SECTION . 459A.107B Sinkholes. 10 If an open feedlot operation structure is to be constructed 11 or expanded within an area of the state which the department 12 classifies as prone to the formation of sinkholes, a statement 13 by a qualified geologist verifying that there is a low 14 probability that a sinkhole if formed would exist within 15 the applicable separation distance between the sinkhole and 16 structure as otherwise required pursuant to section 459.310. 17 Sec. 34. Section 459A.205, subsection 8, paragraph e, 18 subparagraph (2), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 19 (2) If an a formed animal truck wash effluent structure 20 is to be constructed on karst terrain as provided in section 21 459A.406A , the engineering report must establish that the 22 construction complies with the requirements of section 23 459A.404 . 24 Sec. 35. Section 459A.403, Code 2019, is amended by adding 25 the following new subsection: 26 NEW SUBSECTION . 3. A person shall not stockpile solids on 27 karst terrain or in an area that drains into a known sinkhole 28 except as provided in section 459A.403A. 29 Sec. 36. NEW SECTION . 459A.403A Stockpiling solids on karst 30 terrain or terrain that drains into a known sinkhole —— open 31 feedlots and animal truck wash facility. 32 1. Except as provided in this section, a person shall not 33 stockpile solids on karst terrain or in an area that drains 34 into a known sinkhole. 35 -15- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 15/ 27
H.F. 521 2. A person who stockpiled solids on karst terrain or in an 1 area that drains into a known sinkhole prior to the effective 2 date of this Act may continue to stockpile the solids at the 3 same location so long as the person complies with all of the 4 following: 5 a. There is a vertical separation distance of at least five 6 feet between the bottom of the stockpile and any underlying 7 limestone, dolomite, or other soluble rock. 8 b. The solids are stockpiled in a qualified stockpile 9 structure. 10 c. The person does not expand the volume or weight of 11 stockpiled solids. 12 d. A person stockpiling solids shall remove the solids and 13 apply them in accordance with the provisions of chapter 459, 14 including section 459.311 within six months after the solids 15 are first stockpiled. A person shall discontinue stockpiling 16 the solids at that same location on and after July 1, 2027, 17 unless the person obtains a waiver by the department upon 18 such terms and conditions required by the department. The 19 department shall only grant a waiver if the department is 20 satisfied that the stockpiled solids do not pollute groundwater 21 sources. 22 Sec. 37. Section 459A.404, subsection 5, Code 2019, is 23 amended by striking the subsection. 24 Sec. 38. NEW SECTION . 459A.406 Construction and expansion 25 of open feedlot operation structures —— karst terrain or terrain 26 that drains into a known sinkhole. 27 1. A person shall not construct or expand an open feedlot 28 operation structure on karst terrain or terrain that drains 29 into a known sinkhole. 30 2. If an open feedlot operation structure was constructed 31 on karst terrain or terrain that drains into a known sinkhole 32 prior to the effective date of this Act, there must be a 33 twenty-five-foot vertical separation distance between the 34 bottom of the open feedlot operation structure and any 35 -16- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 16/ 27
H.F. 521 underlying limestone, dolomite, or other soluble rock. The 1 open feedlot operation structure must have been constructed 2 according to construction design standards necessary to ensure 3 the structure does not pollute groundwater sources. 4 Sec. 39. NEW SECTION . 459A.406A Construction and expansion 5 of animal truck wash effluent structures —— karst terrain or 6 terrain that drains into a known sinkhole. 7 1. A person shall not construct or expand an animal truck 8 wash effluent structure on karst terrain on and after the 9 effective date of this Act. 10 2. Subsection 1 does not apply to the construction 11 of a formed animal truck wash effluent structure that is 12 constructed to replace an unformed animal truck wash effluent 13 structure on karst terrain or terrain that drains into a known 14 sinkhole. The formed animal truck wash effluent structure 15 must be constructed in a manner that complies with upgraded 16 construction design standards necessary to ensure that the 17 structure does not pollute groundwater sources. However, the 18 capacity of all replacement formed animal truck wash effluent 19 structures shall not exceed the capacity required to store all 20 animal truck wash effluent from the animal truck wash facility 21 on the effective date of this Act. 22 3. a. If an unformed animal truck wash effluent structure 23 was constructed on karst terrain or terrain that drains into a 24 known sinkhole prior to the effective date of this Act, there 25 must be a twenty-five-foot vertical separation distance between 26 the bottom of the unformed animal truck wash effluent structure 27 and any underlying limestone, dolomite, or other soluble rock. 28 The unformed animal truck wash effluent structure must have 29 been constructed according to construction design standards 30 necessary to ensure the structure does not pollute groundwater 31 sources. 32 b. A formed animal truck wash effluent structure constructed 33 on karst terrain or terrain that drains into a known sinkhole 34 prior to the effective date of this Act, must have been 35 -17- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 17/ 27
H.F. 521 constructed according to construction design standards 1 necessary to ensure that the structure does not pollute 2 groundwater sources. 3 Sec. 40. Section 459B.201, Code 2019, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 459B.201 Construction design standards. 6 A person constructing a dry bedded confinement feeding 7 operation structure on karst terrain or in an alluvial aquifer 8 area shall comply with all of the following: 9 1. The person must construct the dry bedded confinement 10 feeding operation structure at a location where there is a 11 vertical separation distance of at least five feet between 12 the bottom of the floor of the dry bedded confinement feeding 13 operation structure and the underlying limestone, dolomite, or 14 other soluble rock in karst terrain or the underlying sand and 15 gravel aquifer in an alluvial aquifer area. 16 2. The person must construct the dry bedded confinement 17 feeding operation structure with a floor consisting of 18 reinforced concrete at least five inches thick. 19 Sec. 41. NEW SECTION . 459B.203 Karst terrain and terrain 20 that drains into a known sinkhole —— construction and expansion 21 of dry bedded confinement feeding operation structures. 22 1. A person shall not construct or expand a dry bedded 23 confinement feeding operation structure on karst terrain or 24 terrain that drains into a known sinkhole. 25 2. If a dry bedded confinement feeding operation structure 26 was constructed on karst terrain or terrain that drains into 27 a known sinkhole prior to the effective date of this Act, 28 there must be a five-foot vertical separation distance between 29 the bottom of the dry bedded confinement feeding operation 30 structure and any underlying limestone, dolomite, or other 31 soluble rock. The dry bedded confinement feeding operation 32 structure must have been constructed according to construction 33 design standards necessary to ensure the structure does not 34 pollute groundwater sources. 35 -18- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 18/ 27
H.F. 521 Sec. 42. Section 459B.307, subsection 1, paragraph e, 1 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 The person shall not stockpile dry bedded manure on karst 4 terrain or in an alluvial aquifer area unless the person 5 complies with all of the following: 6 Sec. 43. Section 459B.307, Code 2019, is amended by adding 7 the following new subsection: 8 NEW SUBSECTION . 3. A person shall only stockpile dry bedded 9 manure on karst terrain or terrain that drains into a known 10 sinkhole as provided in section 459B.307A. 11 Sec. 44. NEW SECTION . 459B.307A Stockpiling dry bedded 12 manure on karst terrain or terrain that drains into a known 13 sinkhole. 14 1. Except as provided in this section, a person shall not 15 stockpile dry bedded manure on karst terrain or in an area that 16 drains into a known sinkhole. 17 2. A person who stockpiled dry bedded manure on karst 18 terrain or in an area that drains into a known sinkhole prior 19 to the effective date of this Act may continue to stockpile the 20 dry bedded manure at the same location so long as the person 21 complies with all of the following: 22 a. There is a vertical separation distance of at least five 23 feet between the bottom of the stockpile and any underlying 24 limestone, dolomite, or other soluble rock. 25 b. The dry bedded manure is stockpiled in a qualified 26 stockpile structure. 27 c. The person does not expand the volume or weight of 28 stockpiled dry bedded manure. 29 d. A person stockpiling dry bedded manure shall remove 30 the dry bedded manure and apply it in accordance with the 31 provisions of chapter 459, including section 459.311 within 32 six months after the dry bedded manure is first stockpiled. 33 A person shall discontinue stockpiling dry bedded manure at 34 that same location on and after July 1, 2027, unless the 35 -19- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 19/ 27
H.F. 521 person obtains a waiver by the department upon such terms and 1 conditions required by the department. The department shall 2 only grant a waiver if the department is satisfied that the 3 stockpiled dry bedded manure does not pollute groundwater 4 sources. 5 Sec. 45. Section 481A.151, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 6 amended to read as follows: 7 1. a. A person who is liable for polluting a water of this 8 state in violation of state law, including this chapter , shall 9 also be liable to pay restitution to the department for injury 10 caused to a wild animal by the pollution. The amount of the 11 restitution shall also include the department’s administrative 12 costs for investigating the incident. 13 b. The administration of this section shall not result in 14 a duplication of damages collected by the department under 15 section 455B.392, subsection 1 , paragraph “a” , subparagraph 16 (3) , or section 459.312, subsection 6A . 17 Sec. 46. REPEAL. Sections 459.304 and 459.305, Code 2019, 18 are repealed. 19 Sec. 47. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act, being deemed of 20 immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment, other than 21 the section of this Act amending section 427.1, which takes 22 effect January 1, 2020. 23 Sec. 48. APPLICABILITY. Section 427.1, as amended in this 24 Act, applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 25 2020. 26 EXPLANATION 27 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 28 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 29 GENERAL. This bill amends a number of provisions relating 30 to animal feeding operations, including confinement feeding 31 operations under Code chapter 459 (“Animal Agriculture 32 Compliance Act”), open feed lot operations and animal truck 33 wash facilities under Code chapter 459A (“Animal Agriculture 34 Compliance Act for Open Feedlot Operations and Animal Truck 35 -20- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 20/ 27
H.F. 521 Wash Facilities”), and Code chapter 459B (“Animal Agriculture 1 Compliance Act for Dry Bedded Confinement Feeding Operations”). 2 CONFINEMENT FEEDING OPERATIONS —— COUNTY ZONING. The 3 bill provides that a county may adopt a confinement feeding 4 operations siting ordinance which allows a county board of 5 supervisors (board) to approve the site where the construction 6 of a structure associated with a confinement feeding operation 7 (CAFO) is to occur. The board may place conditions on site 8 approval if the conditions relate to the construction or 9 operation of the confinement feeding operation or to manure 10 application. 11 The bill provides that the county may adopt the ordinance 12 notwithstanding provisions in Code section 331.304A which 13 prohibits a county from adopting legislation that regulates 14 animal agriculture and Code section 335.2 which prohibits a 15 county from adopting an ordinance that provides for the zoning 16 of farm structures. 17 CAFOs —— PROPERTY TAXATION. The bill amends Code section 18 427.1, which provides a number of exemptions from property 19 taxation. The Code section includes an exemption for certain 20 types of pollution-control and recycling property as certified 21 by the department of natural resources. The bill limits this 22 tax exemption for such property that is related to the care 23 and feeding of livestock by requiring that the property used 24 for the care and feeding of livestock must be eligible for a 25 family farm tax credit under Code chapter 425A. The bill also 26 provides that the tax credit still available is limited to the 27 first $100,000 of the property’s assessed value. 28 CAFOs —— DEFINITION. The bill provides that a CAFO includes 29 any partially roofed area which animals are confined. 30 CAFOs —— CONTRACT PRODUCTION. The bill amends provisions 31 that require the department of natural resources (DNR) to 32 approve or disapprove an application for a permit to construct 33 a confinement feeding operation structure (structure) which 34 is part of an existing or proposed CAFO. The bill provides 35 -21- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 21/ 27
H.F. 521 that the application must state whether the CAFO is or could 1 become a contract livestock facility. It also provides that 2 the statement must be included in the notice of a public 3 hearing conducted by the board in the county where the proposed 4 structure is to be constructed. 5 Code chapter 202 regulates the relationship between a 6 contractor and a contract producer of a commodity, including 7 livestock, and the Code chapter includes a number of defined 8 terms. A contractor is a person who enters into an agreement 9 with an agricultural producer to raise livestock on property 10 held by the agricultural producer (contract livestock 11 facility). The agricultural producer is referred to as a 12 contract producer. The contract is referred to as a production 13 contract. 14 CAFOs —— REPORTING. The bill provides that for purposes 15 of administering and enforcing Code chapter 459, subchapter 16 II, relating to air quality and Code chapter 459, subchapter 17 III, relating to water quality, DNR may require that the owner 18 or operator of a CAFO submit one or more animals confined 19 reports that contain information regarding the number of 20 animals maintained at the operation in a manner and during 21 a time period that DNR determines is relevant. The report 22 must present the information in a manner that calculates the 23 number of animals maintained as animal units (AU). The bill 24 authorizes DNR to require a report as part of a construction 25 permit to expand a structure. The owner or operator of the 26 CAFO must also report to DNR the number of animals maintained 27 as part of the operation converted to animal units. A CAFO’s 28 size is determined by calculating its AU capacity. A special 29 equivalency factor is assigned for each classification of 30 confined animal. For example, each butcher or breeding swine 31 weighing more than 55 pounds has an equivalency factor of 0.4 32 AUs. The permit requirement threshold of 1,000 AUs means that 33 a permit would be required if after construction the CAFO would 34 have an AU capacity of 2,500 of such swine (1,000 ÷ 0.4 = 35 -22- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 22/ 27
H.F. 521 2,500). 1 CAFOs —— SURETY BONDS. The bill addresses two documents 2 filed by the owner of a CAFO with DNR when it administers water 3 quality regulations: (1) an application for a construction 4 permit (permit) issued by DNR that authorizes the construction, 5 including expansion, of a structure and a manure management 6 plan (MMP) governing the storage and application of manure 7 originating from the operation. 8 The bill provides that DNR cannot approve an MMP unless the 9 owner furnishes a surety bond for $10 million for the purpose 10 of paying costs resulting from the discharge of manure from 11 the owner’s operation. Moneys payable under the bond must 12 be used in cases in which the discharge has caused property 13 damage. The moneys must be used to: (1) reimburse the state or 14 a political subdivision, or an agent of the state or political 15 subdivision, for costs associated with containment or cleanup; 16 (2) the restoration of wild animal populations or habitat; and 17 (3) the payment of a judgment award recovered by a plaintiff 18 in a civil action. The bill provides for the expiration or 19 cancellation of the bond. DNR is authorized to suspend or 20 revoke an MMP if a replacement bond is not filed. The bill 21 also provides that DNR is prohibited from issuing a permit to 22 the owner authorizing the construction of any structure if a 23 bond covering an operation has expired, been canceled, been 24 suspended, or been revoked. 25 CAFOs —— PERMITS. The bill requires a board to send a 26 notice to certain landowners that a permit application has been 27 filed with DNR proposing to construct a structure which is 28 part of a proposed or existing CAFO. The notice must be sent 29 by certified or ordinary mail to each neighbor holding legal 30 title to land located within two miles from the location of 31 the proposed construction site. An application must include 32 a brief summary of information regarding the proposal, which 33 must at least state: (1) the identity of the applicant, (2) 34 the type and numbers of animals to be confined at the CAFO if 35 -23- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 23/ 27
H.F. 521 each proposed structure were constructed, and (3) the location, 1 type, and size of each structure proposed to be constructed. 2 The notice must include the summary and may also state time and 3 place of a public hearing regarding the application conducted 4 by the board. The bill provides that the same information must 5 be included in the notice of a public hearing. 6 CAFOs —— MASTER MATRIX. The bill eliminates provisions 7 that require the use of a master matrix as part of the process 8 to approve or disapprove a permit for the construction or 9 expansion of a structure associated with a CAFO. The master 10 matrix is a formula designed to produce a statistically 11 verifiable basis for determining whether to approve or 12 disapprove an application for the construction of a structure. 13 The master matrix measures impacts to air, water, and the 14 community (567 IAC ch. 65, Appendix C). 15 CAFOs —— STRUCTURAL FAILURES. The bill requires the owner 16 or operator of a CAFO to notify DNR of any actual or probable 17 immediate structural failure from an associated structure. The 18 failure may be the result of either the design or construction 19 of the structure. The determination of a probable immediate 20 structural failure must be based on factors established by DNR 21 which may include an observation by the owner or operator or 22 a report submitted to the owner or operator by a professional 23 engineer. DNR is required to adopt rules that provide for 24 notice procedures which may take into account factors that 25 quantify the level of threat to water quality resulting from a 26 discharge or an injury to or death of an animal maintained in 27 an associated confinement building. 28 OPEN FEEDLOT OPERATIONS —— DEFINITION. The bill revises the 29 definition of an open feedlot operation (feedlot) to include 30 any place whether partially roofed or not where animals are 31 maintained without crop, vegetation, or forage growth or 32 residue cover. 33 CAFOs, FEEDLOTS, AND ANIMAL TRUCK WASH FACILITIES —— 34 IMPAIRED WATERS. The bill prohibits the construction of a 35 -24- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 24/ 27
H.F. 521 structure associated with a CAFO, or animal truck wash facility 1 (facility), if the structure is located in a subwatershed 2 that includes a water body or water segment that has been 3 placed on a list of impaired waters. The prohibition would 4 no longer apply once the water was removed from the list and 5 DNR determined that the water meets the state surface water 6 classification for primary contact recreational use. 7 DNR’s list of impaired waters is approved by EPA according 8 to federal and state requirements (33 U.S.C. §1313 and Code 9 sections 455B.194 and 455B.195). DNR is also required to 10 develop a plan for restoring the impaired waters, including by 11 identifying its total maximum daily loads; commonly referred to 12 as TMDL that calculates the amount of contaminants that a water 13 body may receive and still meet federal water quality standards 14 (40 C.F.R. §130.7(b)(4)). Based on these measurements, the 15 department classifies surface waters for a number of designated 16 uses including primary contact recreational use which means 17 that the water is considered safe for uses that may result in a 18 person’s prolonged and direct contact with the water, including 19 by ingestion while swimming (33 U.S.C. §1251(a)(2) and 567 IAC 20 61.3). 21 CAFOs AND FEEDLOTS —— OUTSTANDING IOWA WATERS. The bill 22 prohibits a person from constructing or expanding a structure 23 associated with a CAFO or feedlot within a watershed having 24 a hydrologic unit code scale 12 or smaller, if the watershed 25 constitutes an outstanding state resource as designated by the 26 department. 27 CAFOs AND FEEDLOTS —— SINKHOLES. The bill prohibits the 28 construction of a structure associated with a CAFO or feedlot 29 if DNR has classified the area of construction as prone to the 30 formation of sinkholes. In that case, the owner or operator 31 of the CAFO or feedlot must file a statement with DNR. The 32 statement must be signed by a qualified geologist verifying 33 that there is a low probability that a sinkhole if formed would 34 exist within the applicable separation distance between the 35 -25- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 25/ 27
H.F. 521 sinkhole and structure. 1 CAFOs, FEEDLOTS, AND DRY BEDDED CONFINEMENT FEEDING 2 OPERATIONS —— KARST TERRAIN AND KNOWN SINKHOLES. The bill 3 prohibits the construction or expansion of a structure 4 associated with a feedlot facility or dry bedded confinement 5 feeding operation on karst terrain or terrain that drains 6 into a known sinkhole. The bill prohibits the stockpiling of 7 certain dry or solid manure on such terrain. The bill also 8 regulates the use of structures or stockpiles existing on 9 such terrain prior to the bill’s effective date. The bill 10 retains or expands vertical separation distances required 11 between the bottom of a structure or stockpile and any 12 underlying limestone, dolomite, or other soluble rock. The 13 bill requires that a stockpile located on the terrain be kept 14 in a qualified stockpile structure which is a building or other 15 roofed structure. It provides for the removal of manure or 16 solids from the stockpile. It also requires that an existing 17 stockpile be discontinued on July 1, 2027, unless DNR grants a 18 waiver. 19 Stockpiling refers to that part of manure or effluent 20 produced by agricultural animals which is “dry” or “solid”, 21 meaning that it does not flow perceptibly under pressure and is 22 not capable of being transported through a mechanical pumping 23 device designed to move a liquid. 24 Karst terrain is characterized by the presence of bedrock 25 composed of limestone or dolomite near the ground surface which 26 dissolves easily. Such terrain often includes sinkholes which 27 are a depression or hole in the ground caused by a collapse of 28 the ground’s surface layer. 29 APPLICABLE CIVIL PENALTIES. Compliance with a statutory 30 regulation under the Code chapter includes compliance with 31 a rule adopted by DNR (Code section 459.103). Code section 32 459.602 provides for civil penalties that may be assessed for 33 violations of Code chapter 459, subchapter II (air quality 34 regulations). A violator is subject to Code section 455B.109, 35 -26- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 26/ 27
H.F. 521 which provides for the administrative assessment of civil 1 penalties of up to $10,000. 2 Each of the three Code chapters provide for the imposition 3 and assessment of civil penalties for violations involving 4 water quality. A person who violates a water quality provision 5 is subject to an administratively assessed civil penalty of not 6 more than $10,000 (Code sections 455B.109, 459.603, 459A.502, 7 and 459B.402), or a judicially assessed amount of not more than 8 $5,000 per each day of the violation (Code sections 455B.191 9 and 459.603). 10 EFFECTIVE AND APPLICABILITY DATES. The bill takes effect 11 upon enactment, except for one provision. The provision 12 eliminating the property tax exemption takes effect on January 13 1, 2020, and applies to tax years beginning on and after that 14 date. 15 -27- LSB 1316YH (6) 88 da/rn 27/ 27