Bill Text: IA HF2536 | 2019-2020 | 88th General Assembly | Amended

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 692.) Effective date: 06/17/2020, 07/01/2020. Applicability date: 07/01/2019.

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Passed) 2020-06-17 - Signed by Governor. H.J. 791. [HF2536 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2019-HF2536-Amended.html
House File 2536 - Reprinted HOUSE FILE 2536 BY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 692) (As Amended and Passed by the House March 4, 2020 ) A BILL FOR An Act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust 1 language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 2 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete 3 temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, 4 update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities, and 5 including effective date and retroactive applicability 6 provisions. 7 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 8 HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md
H.F. 2536 DIVISION I 1 MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES 2 Section 1. Section 6B.32, Code 2020, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 6B.32 Removal of condemner. 5 The sheriff, upon being furnished with a copy of the 6 assessment as determined on appeal, certified to by the clerk 7 of the district court, may remove from said premises the 8 condemner and all persons acting for or under the condemner, 9 unless the amount of the assessment is forthwith paid or 10 deposited as hereinbefore provided in sections 6B.25 through 11 6B.31 . 12 Sec. 2. Section 8.2, subsection 5, Code 2020, is amended to 13 read as follows: 14 5. The terms “department and establishment” and “department” 15 or “establishment” , mean any executive department, commission, 16 board, institution, bureau, office, or other agency of the 17 state government, by whatever name called, that uses, expends, 18 or receives any state funds, including the state department of 19 transportation, except for funds which are required to match 20 federal aid allotted to the state by the federal government for 21 highway special purposes, and except but excluding the courts , 22 by whatever name called, other than and the legislature , that 23 uses, expends or receives any state funds . 24 Sec. 3. Section 8.35, Code 2020, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 8.35 General supervisory control. 27 The governor and the director of the department of 28 management and any officer of the department of management, 29 hereinabove provided for, when authorized by the governor, 30 are hereby authorized to make such inquiries regarding the 31 receipts, custody , and application of state funds, existing 32 organization, activities , and methods of business of the 33 departments and establishments, assignments of particular 34 activities to particular services and regrouping of such 35 -1- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 1/ 137
H.F. 2536 services, as in the opinion of the governor, will enable the 1 governor to make recommendations to the legislature, and, 2 within the scope of the powers possessed by the governor, to 3 order action to be taken, having for their purpose to bring 4 about increased economy and efficiency in the conduct of the 5 affairs of government. 6 Sec. 4. Section 8D.3, subsection 3, paragraph e, 7 subparagraph (3), Code 2020, is amended by striking the 8 subparagraph. 9 Sec. 5. Section 8D.13, subsection 13, Code 2020, is amended 10 by striking the subsection. 11 Sec. 6. Section 9H.1, subsection 23, Code 2020, is amended 12 to read as follows: 13 23. “Testamentary trust” means a trust created by devising 14 or bequeathing property in trust in a will as such terms are 15 used in the Iowa probate trust code as provided in chapter 16 633A . Testamentary trust includes a revocable trust that has 17 not been revoked prior to the grantor’s death. 18 Sec. 7. Section 10.2, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2020, is 19 amended to read as follows: 20 As used in this chapter , all of the following apply: 21 Sec. 8. Section 12.20, Code 2020, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 12.20 Issuance of new check. 24 Upon presentation of any check voided as above provided in 25 section 12.19 by the holder thereof of the check after said the 26 six months’ six-months’ period, the state treasurer is hereby 27 authorized to issue to said holder, a new check for the amount 28 of the original check to the holder . 29 Sec. 9. Section 12.30, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 2020, 30 is amended to read as follows: 31 a. “Authority” means a department, or public or quasi-public 32 instrumentality of the state including but not limited to the 33 authority created under chapter 12E , 16 , 257C , or 261A , which 34 has the power to issue obligations, except that “authority” 35 -2- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 2/ 137
H.F. 2536 does not include the state board of regents or the Iowa finance 1 authority to the extent it the Iowa finance authority acts 2 pursuant to chapter 260C . “Authority” also includes a port 3 authority created under chapter 28J . 4 Sec. 10. Section 16.2, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 5 to read as follows: 6 1. An Iowa finance authority board of directors is 7 created. The powers of the authority are vested in and shall 8 be exercised by the board. The authority includes nine voting 9 members appointed by the governor subject to confirmation by 10 the senate. The authority also includes one ex officio voting 11 member who must be designated by the agricultural development 12 board created in section 16.2C and be a member of that board. 13 a. Not more than five members shall belong to the same 14 political party. 15 b. As far as possible, when appointing members the governor 16 shall include within the membership persons who represent 17 community and housing development industries, housing finance 18 industries, the real estate sales industry, elderly families, 19 minorities, lower income families, very low income families, 20 families which include persons with disabilities, average 21 taxpayers, local government, business interests, and any other 22 person specially interested in community housing, finance, or 23 small business. 24 Sec. 11. Section 16.47, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 25 to read as follows: 26 1. A home and community-based services revolving loan 27 program fund is created within the authority to further the 28 goals specified in section 231.3 , adult day services, case 29 management services, options counseling, family caregiving, 30 homemaker services, respite services, congregate and home 31 delivered meals, health and wellness, health screening, 32 and nutritional assessments. The moneys in the home and 33 community-based services revolving loan program fund shall be 34 used by the authority for the development and operation of a 35 -3- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 3/ 137
H.F. 2536 revolving loan program to develop and expand facilities and 1 infrastructure that provide adult day services, case management 2 services, options counseling, family caregiving, homemaker 3 services, respite services, congregate and home delivered 4 meals, and programming space for health and wellness, health 5 screening, and nutritional assessments that address the needs 6 of persons with low incomes. 7 Sec. 12. Section 24.4, Code 2020, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 24.4 Time of filing estimates. 10 All such The estimates required under section 24.3 and any 11 other estimates required by law shall be made and filed a 12 sufficient length of time in advance of any regular or special 13 meeting of the certifying board or levying board, as the case 14 may be, at which tax levies are authorized to be made to permit 15 publication, discussion, and consideration thereof and action 16 thereon as hereinafter provided. 17 Sec. 13. Section 24.5, Code 2020, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 24.5 Estimates itemized. 20 The estimates herein required under this chapter shall be 21 fully itemized and classified so as to show each particular 22 class of proposed expenditure, showing under separate heads the 23 amount required in such manner and form as shall be prescribed 24 by the state board. 25 Sec. 14. Section 29A.1, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2020, 26 is amended to read as follows: 27 The following words, terms, and phrases when used in this 28 chapter shall have the respective meanings herein set forth in 29 this section : 30 Sec. 15. Section 29A.1, subsection 14, Code 2020, is amended 31 to read as follows: 32 14. Except when otherwise expressly defined herein in this 33 section, military words, terms , and phrases shall have the 34 meaning commonly ascribed to them in the military profession. 35 -4- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 4/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 16. Section 29A.4, Code 2020, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 29A.4 Organization —— armament —— equipment and discipline. 3 The organization, armament, equipment and discipline of 4 the national guard, and the militia when called into state 5 active duty, except as hereinafter specifically provided in 6 this chapter , shall be the same as that which is now or may 7 be hereafter prescribed under the provisions of federal law 8 and regulations as to those requirements which are mandatory 9 therein under federal law and regulation , but as to those 10 things which are optional therein under federal law and 11 regulation they shall become effective when an order or 12 regulation to that effect shall have been is promulgated by the 13 governor. 14 Sec. 17. Section 29A.20, Code 2020, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 29A.20 Officers. 17 Officers of the national guard shall be selected from the 18 classes of persons having the qualifications prescribed by 19 federal law and regulations. They shall be appointed by the 20 governor upon the recommendation of their superiors in the 21 chain of command, provided that they shall have successfully 22 passed such tests as to physical, moral, and professional 23 fitness, as shall be prescribed by law and regulations. Each 24 officer shall take an oath of office and shall hold office 25 until the officer shall have attained the maximum age of 26 retirement that is prescribed by federal law or regulations 27 pertaining to officers of the armed forces of the United 28 States, unless the officer’s commission or warrant is sooner 29 vacated by resignation, death , or as hereinafter provided in 30 this chapter . In case the officer has no immediate superiors, 31 within the state, in the chain of command, the officer shall 32 be appointed, as above provided in this section , upon the 33 recommendation of the adjutant general. A commission shall 34 designate the arm or branch of service in which the officer 35 -5- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 5/ 137
H.F. 2536 is commissioned. Provided, however, that no person shall be 1 appointed a commissioned or warrant officer who has not reached 2 the person’s eighteenth birthday at or prior to the time of 3 such appointment. 4 Sec. 18. Section 29A.74, subsection 2, Code 2020, is amended 5 to read as follows: 6 2. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter no , a report 7 or listing , either official or otherwise, of “missing” or 8 “missing in action” shall not constitute or be interpreted as 9 constituting actual knowledge or actual notice of the death of 10 such principal or notice of any facts indicating the same, or 11 shall operate to revoke the agency. 12 Sec. 19. Section 29B.119, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 13 amended to read as follows: 14 1. Whenever complaint is made to any commanding officer that 15 willful damage has been done to the property of any person or 16 that the person’s property has been wrongfully taken by members 17 of the state military forces, the person may, subject to such 18 regulations as the adjutant general may prescribe, convene a 19 board to investigate the complaint. The board shall consist of 20 from one to three commissioned officers and, for the purpose 21 of that investigation, it has power to summon witnesses and 22 examine them upon oath or affirmation, to receive depositions 23 or other documentary evidence, and to assess the damages 24 sustained against the responsible parties. The assessment of 25 damages made by the board is subject to the approval of the 26 commanding officer, and in the amount approved shall be charged 27 against the pay of the offenders. The order of the commanding 28 officer directing charges herein authorized in this section 29 is conclusive, except as provided herein in this chapter , on 30 any disbursement officer for the payment by the officer to the 31 injured parties of the damages so assessed and approved. 32 Sec. 20. Section 29C.24, subsection 6, Code 2020, is amended 33 to read as follows: 34 6. Powers and duties not created. This Act section shall 35 -6- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 6/ 137
H.F. 2536 not be construed to place any new mandates or duties upon 1 a local emergency management commission or create any new 2 authority or power for a local emergency management commission 3 not already expressly granted in another provision of this 4 chapter . 5 Sec. 21. Section 39.25, Code 2020, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 39.25 Sex no Gender not a disqualification. 8 No A person shall not be disqualified on account of sex the 9 person’s gender from holding any office created by the statutes 10 of this state. 11 Sec. 22. Section 43.77, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 12 to read as follows: 13 1. No Either no person filed under section 43.11 as a 14 candidate for the party’s nomination for that office in the 15 primary election, or all persons who filed under section 43.11 16 as candidates for the party’s nomination for that office in 17 the primary election subsequently withdrew as candidates, were 18 found to lack the requisite qualifications for the office , or 19 died before the date of the primary election, and no candidate 20 received a sufficient number of write-in votes to be nominated. 21 Sec. 23. Section 43.103, Code 2020, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 43.103 Duty of county commissioner. 24 The commissioner, in case the district delegates for the 25 commissioner’s county have not been selected, shall deliver a 26 copy of said the call of the state party chairperson to the 27 chairperson of the convention which selects said delegates. 28 Sec. 24. Section 43.112, Code 2020, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 43.112 Nominations in certain cities. 31 1. This chapter shall, so far as applicable, govern the 32 nominations of candidates by political parties for all offices 33 to be filled by a direct vote of the people in cities acting 34 under a special charter in 1973 and having a population of 35 -7- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 7/ 137
H.F. 2536 over fifty thousand, except all such cities as choose by 1 special election to conduct nonpartisan city elections under 2 the provisions of chapter 44 , 45 , or 376 . An election on the 3 question of conducting city elections in such a special charter 4 city on a nonpartisan basis may be called by the city council 5 on its own initiative, and shall be called by the council upon 6 receipt of a petition of the voters which so requests and 7 is presented in conformity with section 362.4 , but a special 8 election on that question shall be held concurrently with any 9 election being held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday 10 in November of any odd-numbered year. 11 2. Sections 43.114 to through 43.118 shall apply only 12 to cities to which this chapter is made applicable by this 13 section . 14 Sec. 25. Section 43.116, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 15 2020, is amended to read as follows: 16 a. No Either no person filed at the time required by section 17 43.115 as a candidate for the party’s nomination for that 18 office in the city primary election held under section 43.112 , 19 or all persons who did so subsequently withdrew as candidates, 20 were found to lack the requisite requirements for the office , 21 or died before the date of the city primary election, and no 22 candidate received a number of write-in votes sufficient for 23 nomination under section 43.53 ; or 24 Sec. 26. Section 44.13, Code 2020, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 44.13 Certificates in matter of vacancies. 27 The certificates of nominations made to supply fill such 28 vacancies shall state, in addition to the facts and candidate’s 29 affidavit required in an original certificate, the name of 30 the original nominee, the date of death or declination of 31 nomination, or the fact that the former nomination has been 32 held insufficient or inoperative, and the measures taken in 33 accordance with the above requirements for filling a vacancy, 34 and shall be signed and sworn to by the presiding officer and 35 -8- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 8/ 137
H.F. 2536 secretary of the convention, or caucus, or by the chairperson 1 and secretary of the committee, as the case may be. 2 Sec. 27. Section 46.2A, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 3 to read as follows: 4 3. The terms of any commissioner currently serving on May 5 8, 2019, on the state judicial nominating commission or any 6 commissioner already elected to begin serving on July 1, 2019, 7 shall not be affected by 2019 Iowa Acts, ch. 89. 8 Sec. 28. Section 46.2A, Code 2020, is amended by adding the 9 following new subsection: 10 NEW SUBSECTION . 4. This section is repealed July 1, 2024. 11 Sec. 29. Section 46.5, subsection 5, Code 2020, is amended 12 to read as follows: 13 5. Notwithstanding section 69.1A , appointed and elected 14 commissioners on the state and district judicial nominating 15 commissions shall not hold over until their successor is 16 appointed or elected and qualified. 17 Sec. 30. Section 49.31, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 18 2020, is amended to read as follows: 19 b. (1) The commissioner shall determine the order of 20 candidates on the ballot as provided in this paragraph. The 21 order shall be the same for each office on the ballot and for 22 each precinct in the county voting in the election. 23 (2) The state commissioner shall compile a list of each 24 county in the state in alphabetical order and assign a number 25 to each county such that the first county listed is number 26 one, the second county listed is number two, and continuing 27 in descending order in the same manner. The commissioner 28 shall put in alphabetical order the top two political parties 29 receiving the highest votes from the most recent election. 30 (3) The commissioner of each county assigned an even number 31 pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall arrange the ballot as 32 follows: 33 (a) The candidates of the first political party by 34 alphabetical order pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall appear 35 -9- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 9/ 137
H.F. 2536 first on the ballot for the first general election at which 1 the president of the United States is to be elected following 2 July 1, 2019, and second on the ballot for the first general 3 election at which the governor will be elected following July 4 1, 2019, and second on the ballot for the second general 5 election at which the president of the United States is to be 6 elected following July 1, 2019, and first on the ballot for the 7 second general election at which the governor will be elected 8 following July 1, 2019, and thereafter alternating with the 9 candidates of the second political party by alphabetical order 10 pursuant to subparagraph (2). 11 (b) The candidates of the second political party by 12 alphabetical order pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall appear 13 second on the ballot for the first general election at which 14 the president of the United States is to be elected following 15 July 1, 2019, and first on the ballot for the first general 16 election at which the governor will be elected following 17 July 1, 2019, and first on the ballot for the second general 18 election at which the president of the United States is to 19 be elected following July 1, 2019, and second on the ballot 20 for the second general election at which the governor will be 21 elected following July 1, 2019, and thereafter alternating with 22 the candidates of the first political party by alphabetical 23 order pursuant to subparagraph (2). 24 (4) The commissioner of each county assigned an odd number 25 pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall arrange the ballot as 26 follows: 27 (a) The candidates of the second political party by 28 alphabetical order pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall appear 29 first on the ballot for the first general election at which 30 the president of the United States is to be elected following 31 July 1, 2019, and second on the ballot for the first general 32 election at which the governor will be elected following July 33 1, 2019, and second on the ballot for the second general 34 election at which the president of the United States is to be 35 -10- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 10/ 137
H.F. 2536 elected following July 1, 2019, and first on the ballot for the 1 second general election at which the governor will be elected 2 following July 1, 2019, and thereafter alternating with the 3 candidates of the first political party by alphabetical order 4 pursuant to subparagraph (2). 5 (b) The candidates of the first political party by 6 alphabetical order pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall appear 7 second on the ballot for the first general election at which 8 the president of the United States is to be elected following 9 July 1, 2019, and first on the ballot for the first general 10 election at which the governor will be elected following 11 July 1, 2019, and first on the ballot for the second general 12 election at which the president of the United States is to 13 be elected following July 1, 2019, and second on the ballot 14 for the second general election at which the governor will be 15 elected following July 1, 2019, and thereafter alternating with 16 the candidates of the second political party by alphabetical 17 order pursuant to subparagraph (2). 18 (c) (5) The commissioner shall determine the order of 19 candidates of nonparty political organizations on the ballot. 20 The order shall be the same for each office on the ballot and 21 for each precinct in the county voting in the election. 22 Sec. 31. Section 49.38, Code 2020, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 49.38 Candidate’s name to appear but once. 25 The name of a candidate shall not appear upon the ballot in 26 more than one place for the same office, whether nominated by 27 convention, primary, caucus, or petition, except as hereinafter 28 otherwise provided in this chapter . 29 Sec. 32. Section 49.49, Code 2020, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 49.49 Certain sample ballots prohibited. 32 The commissioner and state commissioner of elections shall 33 not distribute or authorize the distribution of sample ballots 34 to voters other than as provided in sections 43.30, 49.53 , and 35 -11- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 11/ 137
H.F. 2536 52.29 . 1 Sec. 33. Section 49.58, subsection 2, Code 2020, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 2. Each candidate for that office whose name appeared 4 on the general election ballot shall also be a candidate for 5 the office in the special election, except that the deceased 6 candidate’s political party may designate another candidate in 7 substantially the manner provided by section 43.78 for filling 8 vacancies on the general election ballot. However, a political 9 party which did not have a candidate on the general election 10 ballot for the office in question may similarly designate a 11 candidate for that office in the special election. The name 12 of any replacement or additional candidate so designated shall 13 be submitted in writing to the state commissioner, or the 14 commissioner in the case of a candidate for county supervisor, 15 not later than 5:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday after the date of 16 the general election. The name of a any other candidate that 17 did not appear on the general election ballot as a candidate 18 for the office in question shall not be placed on the ballot 19 for the special election, in any manner. The special election 20 shall be held and canvassed in the manner prescribed by law for 21 the general election. 22 Sec. 34. Section 49A.10, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 23 to read as follows: 24 1. Whenever an amendment to the Constitution of the State of 25 Iowa shall have been is proposed and agreed to by the general 26 assembly and shall have been is agreed to by the succeeding 27 general assembly, any taxpayer may file suit in equity in 28 the district court at the seat of government of the state, 29 challenging the validity, legality, or constitutionality of 30 such the amendment , and in such . In the suit , the district 31 court shall have jurisdiction to determine the validity, 32 legality, or constitutionality of said the amendment and enter 33 its decree accordingly , and . The court may grant a writ of 34 injunction enjoining the governor and state commissioner of 35 -12- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 12/ 137
H.F. 2536 elections from submitting such the constitutional amendment to 1 the electorate, if the proposed constitutional amendment shall 2 have been is found to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. 3 Sec. 35. Section 49A.11, Code 2020, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 49A.11 Parties. 6 In such a suit under section 49A.10, the taxpayer shall be 7 plaintiff and the governor and state commissioner of elections 8 shall be defendants. Any taxpayer may intervene, either as 9 party plaintiff or defendant. 10 Sec. 36. Section 50.8, Code 2020, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 50.8 Error on state or district office —— tie vote. 13 If the error be is in relation to a district or state office, 14 it the error shall be certified with the number of the excess 15 to the state commissioner. If the error affects the result 16 of the election, the canvass shall be suspended and a new 17 vote ordered in the precinct where the error occurred. When 18 there is a tie vote due to such an excess, there shall be a 19 new election. No A person who was not a registered voter in 20 that precinct at the time of the general election shall not be 21 allowed to vote at such the special election. When the new 22 vote is taken and returned, the canvass shall be completed. 23 Sec. 37. Section 69.2, subsection 1, paragraph h, Code 2020, 24 is amended to read as follows: 25 h. The incumbent simultaneously holding more than one 26 elective office at the same level of government. This 27 subsection paragraph does not apply to the county agricultural 28 extension council or the soil and water conservation district 29 commission. 30 Sec. 38. Section 69.16, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 31 to read as follows: 32 1. All appointive boards, commissions, and councils of 33 the state established by the Code if not otherwise provided 34 by law shall be bipartisan in their composition. No A person 35 -13- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 13/ 137
H.F. 2536 shall not be appointed or reappointed to any board, commission, 1 or council established by the Code , if the effect of that 2 appointment or reappointment would cause the number of members 3 of the board, commission, or council belonging to one political 4 party to be greater than one-half the membership of the board, 5 commission, or council plus one. 6 Sec. 39. Section 76.1, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 1. Hereafter issues Issues of bonds of every kind and 9 character by counties, cities, and school corporations shall be 10 consecutively numbered. 11 Sec. 40. Section 84A.1B, subsection 14, paragraph a, Code 12 2020, is amended to read as follows: 13 a. An entry-level hourly wage of not less than fourteen 14 dollars. 15 Sec. 41. Section 84A.2, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 16 2020, is amended to read as follows: 17 b. If a local workforce development area includes more 18 than one unit of general local government, the individuals 19 designated under the agreement described in section 84A.4, 20 subsection 2 , paragraph “h” “g” , subparagraph (2). 21 Sec. 42. Section 85.22, subsection 5, Code 2020, is amended 22 to read as follows: 23 5. For subrogation purposes hereunder , any payment made 24 unto an injured employee, the employee’s guardian, parent, 25 next friend, or legal representative, by or on behalf of any 26 third party, or the third party’s principal or agent liable 27 for, connected with, or involved in causing an injury to 28 such employee shall be considered as having been so paid as 29 damages resulting from and because said injury was caused under 30 circumstances creating a legal liability against said third 31 party, whether such payment be made under a covenant not to 32 sue, compromise settlement, denial of liability or otherwise. 33 Sec. 43. Section 85.42, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 34 2020, is amended to read as follows: 35 -14- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 14/ 137
H.F. 2536 a. When it is shown that at the time of the injury the 1 surviving spouse had willfully deserted the deceased without 2 fault of the deceased, then such survivor the surviving spouse 3 shall not be considered as dependent in any degree. 4 Sec. 44. Section 85A.5, Code 2020, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 85A.5 Compensation payable. 7 1. All employees subject to the provisions of this 8 chapter who shall become disabled from injurious exposure 9 to an occupational disease herein designated and defined in 10 this chapter and within the conditions, limitations , and 11 requirements provided herein in this chapter , shall receive 12 compensation, reasonable surgical, medical, osteopathic, 13 chiropractic, physical rehabilitation, nursing , and hospital 14 services and supplies therefor, and burial expenses as provided 15 in the workers’ compensation law of Iowa except as otherwise 16 provided in this chapter . 17 2. If, however, an employee incurs an occupational 18 disease for which the employee would be entitled to receive 19 compensation if the employee were disabled as provided herein 20 in this chapter , but is able to continue in employment and 21 requires medical treatment for said disease, then the employee 22 shall receive reasonable medical services therefor. 23 Sec. 45. Section 85A.6, Code 2020, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 85A.6 Dependents —— defined. 26 Dependents of a deceased employee whose death has been 27 caused by an occupational disease as herein defined in this 28 chapter and under the provisions, conditions , and limitations 29 of this chapter shall be those persons defined as dependents 30 under the workers’ compensation law of Iowa and such dependents 31 shall receive compensation benefits as provided by said law. 32 Sec. 46. Section 85A.16, Code 2020, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 85A.16 Reference to compensation law. 35 -15- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 15/ 137
H.F. 2536 The provisions of the workers’ compensation law, so far as 1 applicable, and not inconsistent herewith with this chapter , 2 shall apply in cases of compensable occupational diseases as 3 specified and defined herein in this chapter . 4 Sec. 47. Section 85A.18, Code 2020, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 85A.18 Notice of disability or death —— filing of claims. 7 Except as herein otherwise provided in this chapter , 8 procedure with respect to notice of disability or death, as 9 to the filing of claims and determination of claims shall be 10 the same as in cases of injury or death arising out of and 11 in the course of employment under the workers’ compensation 12 law. Written notice shall be given to the employer of an 13 occupational disease by the employee within ninety days after 14 the first distinct manifestation thereof, and in the case of 15 death from such an occupational disease, written notice of such 16 claim shall also be given to the employer within ninety days 17 thereafter. 18 Sec. 48. Section 96.7, subsection 2, paragraph d, 19 subparagraph (1), Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 20 (1) The current reserve fund ratio is computed by dividing 21 the total funds available for payment of benefits, on the 22 computation date or on August 15 following the computation 23 date if the total funds available for payment of benefits 24 is a higher amount on August 15, by the total wages paid in 25 covered employment excluding reimbursable employment wages 26 during the first four calendar quarters of the five calendar 27 quarters immediately preceding the computation date. However, 28 in computing the current reserve fund ratio, beginning July 29 1, 2007, one hundred fifty million dollars shall be added to 30 the total funds available for payment of benefits on each 31 subsequent computation date. 32 Sec. 49. Section 97B.7A, subsection 5, Code 2020, is amended 33 to read as follows: 34 5. Travel. In the administration of the investment of 35 -16- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 16/ 137
H.F. 2536 moneys in the retirement fund, employees of the system and 1 members of the board may travel outside the state for the 2 purpose of meeting with investment firms and consultants and 3 attending conferences and meetings to fulfill their fiduciary 4 responsibilities. This travel is not subject to section 5 8A.512, subsection 2 . 6 Sec. 50. Section 99D.7, subsection 23, Code 2020, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 23. To establish a process to allow a person to be 9 voluntarily excluded from advance deposit wagering as defined 10 in section 99D.11 , from an internet fantasy sports contest as 11 defined in section 99E.1 , from advance deposit sports wagering 12 as defined in section 99F.9 , and from the wagering area of 13 a racetrack enclosure , and from the gaming floor , and from 14 the sports wagering area, as defined in section 99F.1 , of all 15 other licensed facilities under this chapter and chapter 99F 16 as provided in this subsection . The process shall provide 17 that an initial request by a person to be voluntarily excluded 18 shall be for a period of five years or life and any subsequent 19 request following any five-year period shall be for a period of 20 five years or life. The process established shall require that 21 licensees be provided electronic access to names and social 22 security numbers of persons voluntarily excluded through a 23 secured interactive internet site maintained by the commission 24 and information regarding persons voluntarily excluded shall 25 be disseminated to all licensees under this chapter , chapter 26 99E , and chapter 99F . The names, social security numbers, and 27 information regarding persons voluntarily excluded shall be 28 kept confidential unless otherwise ordered by a court or by 29 another person duly authorized to release such information. 30 The process established shall also require a person requesting 31 to be voluntarily excluded be provided information compiled 32 by the Iowa department of public health on gambling treatment 33 options. The state and any licensee under this chapter , 34 chapter 99E , or chapter 99F shall not be liable to any person 35 -17- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 17/ 137
H.F. 2536 for any claim which may arise from this process. In addition 1 to any other penalty provided by law, any money or thing of 2 value that has been obtained by, or is owed to, a voluntarily 3 excluded person as a result of wagers made by the person after 4 the person has been voluntarily excluded shall be forfeited by 5 the person and shall be credited to the general fund of the 6 state. 7 Sec. 51. Section 99F.1, subsection 14, Code 2020, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 14. “Gambling game” means any game of chance authorized by 10 the commission. However, for racetrack enclosures, “gambling 11 game” does not include table games of chance or video machines 12 which simulate table games of chance, unless otherwise 13 authorized by this chapter . “Gambling game” does not include 14 sports betting wagering . 15 Sec. 52. Section 99F.10, subsection 4, paragraph a, Code 16 2020, is amended to read as follows: 17 a. In determining the license fees and state regulatory 18 fees to be charged as provided under section 99F.4 and this 19 section , the commission shall use as the basis for determining 20 the amount of revenue to be raised from the license fees and 21 regulatory fees the amount appropriated to the commission plus 22 the following as applicable: 23 (1) Prior to July 1, 2016, the cost of salaries for no more 24 than two special agents for each excursion gambling boat or 25 gambling structure and no more than four gaming enforcement 26 officers for each excursion gambling boat or gambling structure 27 with a patron capacity of less than two thousand persons or no 28 more than five gaming enforcement officers for each excursion 29 gambling boat or gambling structure with a patron capacity of 30 at least two thousand persons, plus any direct and indirect 31 support costs for the agents and officers, for the division of 32 criminal investigation’s excursion gambling boat or gambling 33 structure activities. However, the division of criminal 34 investigation may add one additional special agent to the 35 -18- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 18/ 137
H.F. 2536 number of special agents specified in this subparagraph for 1 each excursion gambling boat or gambling structure if at least 2 two gaming enforcement officer full-time equivalent positions 3 are vacant. Otherwise, the division of criminal investigation 4 shall not fill vacant gaming enforcement officer positions. 5 (2) On or after July 1, 2016, the cost of salaries for no 6 more than three special agents for each excursion gambling 7 boat or gambling structure, plus any direct and indirect 8 support costs for the agents, for the division of criminal 9 investigation’s excursion gambling boat or gambling structure 10 activities. 11 Sec. 53. Section 123.36, subsection 5, paragraph c, Code 12 2020, is amended to read as follows: 13 c. For air common carriers, each company shall pay a base an 14 annual fee of five hundred dollars. 15 Sec. 54. Section 123.45, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 16 2020, is amended to read as follows: 17 a. Directly or indirectly supply, furnish, give, or pay for 18 any furnishings, fixtures, or equipment used in the storage, 19 handling, serving, or dispensing of alcoholic beverages , wine, 20 beer, or food within the place of business of a licensee or 21 permittee authorized under this chapter to sell at retail. 22 Sec. 55. Section 123.45, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 23 to read as follows: 24 3. However, a A person engaged in the wholesaling of 25 beer or wine may sell only disposable glassware, which is 26 constructed of paper, paper laminated, or plastic materials and 27 designed primarily for personal consumption on a one-time usage 28 basis, to retailers for use within the premises of licensed 29 establishments, for an amount which is greater than or equal 30 to an amount which represents the greater of either the amount 31 paid for the disposable glassware by the supplier or the amount 32 paid for the disposable glassware by the wholesaler. Also, a 33 person engaged in the business of manufacturing beer may sell 34 beer at retail for consumption on or off the premises of the 35 -19- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 19/ 137
H.F. 2536 manufacturing facility and, notwithstanding any other provision 1 of this chapter or the fact that a person is the holder of a 2 class “A” beer permit, may be granted not more than one class 3 “B” beer permit as defined in section 123.124 for that purpose 4 regardless of whether that person is also a manufacturer 5 of native distilled spirits pursuant to a class “A” native 6 distilled spirits license or a manufacturer of native wine 7 pursuant to a class “A” wine permit. 8 Sec. 56. Section 123.90, Code 2020, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 123.90 Penalties generally. 11 Unless other penalties are herein provided in this chapter , 12 any person, except a person under legal age, who violates 13 any of the provisions of this chapter , or who makes a false 14 statement concerning any material fact in submitting an 15 application for a permit or license, shall be guilty of a 16 serious misdemeanor. Any person under legal age who violates 17 any of the provisions of this chapter shall upon conviction be 18 guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 19 Sec. 57. Section 123.188, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 20 amended to read as follows: 21 1. A person desiring to deliver wine subject to direct 22 shipment within this state pursuant to section 123.187 shall 23 submit an application for a wine carrier permit electronically, 24 or in a manner prescribed by the administrator, and which shall 25 be accompanied by a fee in the amount of one hundred dollars. 26 Sec. 58. Section 124.201, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 27 amended to read as follows: 28 2. After considering the above factors described in 29 subsection 1 , the board shall make a recommendation to the 30 general assembly, specifying the change which should be made in 31 existing schedules, if it finds that the potential for abuse or 32 lack thereof of the substance is not properly reflected by the 33 existing schedules. 34 Sec. 59. Section 135.42, Code 2020, is amended to read as 35 -20- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 20/ 137
H.F. 2536 follows: 1 135.42 Unlawful use. 2 All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda, 3 or other data furnished in accordance with this subchapter and 4 any findings or conclusions resulting from such studies shall 5 not be used or offered or received in evidence in any legal 6 proceedings of any kind or character, but nothing contained 7 herein in this subchapter shall be construed as affecting the 8 admissibility as evidence of the primary medical or hospital 9 records pertaining to the patient or of any other writing, 10 record or reproduction thereof not contemplated by this 11 subchapter . 12 Sec. 60. Section 135.74, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 13 to read as follows: 14 1. The department, after study and in consultation with 15 any advisory committees which may be established pursuant to 16 law, shall promulgate by rule pursuant to chapter 17A uniform 17 methods of financial reporting, including such allocation 18 methods as may be prescribed, by which hospitals and health 19 care facilities shall respectively record their revenues, 20 expenses, other income, other outlays, assets and liabilities, 21 and units of service, according to functional activity center. 22 These uniform methods of financial reporting shall not preclude 23 a hospital or health care facility from using any accounting 24 methods for its own purposes provided these accounting methods 25 can be reconciled to the uniform methods of financial reporting 26 prescribed by the department and can be audited for validity 27 and completeness. Each hospital and each health care facility 28 shall adopt the appropriate system for its fiscal year, 29 effective upon such date as the department shall direct. In 30 determining the effective date for reporting requirements, the 31 department shall consider both the immediate need for uniform 32 reporting of information to effectuate the purposes of this 33 subchapter and the administrative and economic difficulties 34 which hospitals and health care facilities may encounter in 35 -21- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 21/ 137
H.F. 2536 complying with the uniform financial reporting requirement, but 1 the effective date shall not be later than January 1, 1980. 2 Sec. 61. Section 144A.7, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 3 2020, is amended to read as follows: 4 b. The guardian of the person of the patient if one has been 5 appointed, provided court approval is obtained in accordance 6 with section 232D.401, subsection 4, paragraph “a” , or section 7 633.635, subsection 3 , paragraph “b” , subparagraph (1). This 8 paragraph does not require the appointment of a guardian in 9 order for a treatment decision to be made under this section . 10 Sec. 62. Section 144F.1, subsection 6, Code 2020, is amended 11 to read as follows: 12 6. “Legal representative” means, in order of priority, 13 an attorney in fact under a durable power of attorney for 14 health care pursuant to chapter 144B or, if no durable power 15 of attorney for health care has been executed pursuant to 16 chapter 144B or if the attorney in fact is unavailable, a legal 17 guardian appointed pursuant to chapter 232D or 633 . 18 Sec. 63. Section 144F.6, Code 2020, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 144F.6 Construction of chapter relative to other health care 21 directives. 22 Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to interfere with 23 the authority or responsibilities of an agent operating under 24 a valid durable power of attorney for health care pursuant to 25 chapter 144B or of the powers and duties granted to a guardian 26 pursuant to section 232D.401 or 633.635 . 27 Sec. 64. Section 152.2, Code 2020, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 152.2 Executive director. 30 The board shall retain a full-time executive director, who 31 shall be appointed pursuant to section 135B.11 135.11B . The 32 executive director shall be a registered nurse. The governor, 33 with the approval of the executive council pursuant to section 34 8A.413, subsection 3 , under the pay plan for exempt positions 35 -22- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 22/ 137
H.F. 2536 in the executive branch of government, shall set the salary of 1 the executive director. 2 Sec. 65. Section 153.33B, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 3 2020, is amended to read as follows: 4 The board shall appoint a A full-time executive director 5 shall be appointed as provided under section 135.11B . The 6 executive director shall not be a member of the board. The 7 duties of the executive director shall be the following: 8 Sec. 66. Section 159.23, Code 2020, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 159.23 Special fund. 11 All fees collected as a result of the inspection and grading 12 provisions set out herein in this chapter shall be paid into 13 the state treasury, there to be set aside in a separate fund 14 which is hereby appropriated for the use of the department 15 except as indicated. Withdrawals therefrom from the fund 16 shall be by warrant of the director of the department of 17 administrative services upon requisition by the secretary 18 of agriculture. Such The fund shall be continued from year 19 to year, provided, however, that if there be any balance 20 remaining at the end of the biennium which, in the opinion of 21 the governor, director of the department of management, and 22 secretary of agriculture, is greater than necessary for the 23 proper administration of the inspection and grading program 24 referred to herein in this section , the treasurer of state is 25 hereby authorized on the recommendation and with the approval 26 of the governor, director of the department of management, 27 and secretary of agriculture to transfer to the general fund 28 of the state that portion of such account as they shall deem 29 advisable. 30 Sec. 67. Section 163.51, subsection 1, paragraph a, 31 subparagraph (3), Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 32 (3) The compelling of a person who is the owner or custodian 33 of the animal to provide information regarding the movement 34 or relocation of the animal or the vaccination status of the 35 -23- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 23/ 137
H.F. 2536 animal or the herd where the animal originates. The department 1 may issue a subpoena for relevant testimony or records as 2 defined in section 516E.1 523C.1 . In the case of a failure 3 or refusal of the person to provide testimony or records, 4 the district court upon application of the department or the 5 attorney general acting upon behalf of the department, may 6 order the person to show cause why the person should not be 7 held in contempt. The court may order the person to provide 8 testimony or produce the record or be punished for contempt as 9 if the person refused to testify before the court or disobeyed 10 a subpoena issued by the court. 11 Sec. 68. Section 176A.4, Code 2020, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 176A.4 Establishment —— body corporate —— county agricultural 14 extension districts. 15 1. Each county, except Pottawattamie, is constituted and 16 established as a “county agricultural extension district” 17 and shall be a public body corporate organized in accordance 18 with the provisions of this chapter for the purposes, with the 19 powers and subject to the restrictions hereinafter set forth in 20 this chapter . 21 2. Pottawattamie county shall be divided into and 22 constitute two districts with one as follows: 23 a. A district to be known as “East Pottawattamie” which 24 shall include the following townships: Pleasant, Layton, Knox, 25 James, Valley, Lincoln, Washington, Belknap, Center, Wright, 26 Carson, Macedonia, Grove, Waveland ; and the other . 27 b. A district to be known as “West Pottawattamie” which 28 shall include the following townships: Rockford, Boomer, 29 Neola, Minden, Hazel Dell, York, Crescent, Norwalk, Lake, 30 Garner, Hardin, Kane, Lewis, Keg Creek, Silver Creek. 31 Sec. 69. Section 176A.8, subsections 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11, 32 Code 2020, are amended to read as follows: 33 3. a. To and shall , at least ninety days prior to the 34 date fixed for the election of council members, appoint a 35 -24- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 24/ 137
H.F. 2536 nominating committee consisting of four persons who are not 1 council members and designate the chairperson. The membership 2 of the nominating committee shall be gender balanced. The 3 nominating committee shall consider the geographic distribution 4 of potential nominees in nominating one or more resident 5 registered voters of the extension district as candidates for 6 election to each office to be filled at the election. To 7 qualify for the election ballot, each nominee shall file a 8 nominating petition signed by at least twenty-five eligible 9 electors of the district with the county commissioner of 10 elections at least sixty-nine days before the date of election. 11 b. To and shall also provide for the nomination by petition 12 of candidates for election to membership on the extension 13 council. A nominating petition shall be signed by at least 14 twenty-five eligible electors of the extension district and 15 shall be filed with the county commissioner of elections at 16 least sixty-nine days before the date of the election. 17 6. To prepare annually before March 15 a budget for the 18 fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending the following June 30, 19 in accordance with the provisions of chapter 24 and certify the 20 same budget to the board of supervisors of the county of their 21 extension district as required by law. 22 7. To and shall be responsible for the preparation 23 and adoption of the educational program on extension work 24 in agriculture, home economics , and 4-H club work, and 25 periodically review said the program , and for the carrying out 26 of the same program in cooperation with the extension service 27 in accordance with the memorandum of understanding with said 28 the extension service. 29 10. To and shall , as soon as possible following the meeting 30 at which the officers are elected, file in the office of the 31 board of supervisors and of the county treasurer a certificate 32 signed by its the chairperson and secretary of the extension 33 council certifying the names, addresses , and terms of office of 34 each member, and the names and addresses of the officers of the 35 -25- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 25/ 137
H.F. 2536 extension council with the signatures of the officers affixed 1 thereto, and said to the certificate. The certificate shall be 2 conclusive as to the organization of the extension district, 3 its extension council, and as to its members and its officers. 4 11. To and shall deposit all funds received from the 5 “county agricultural extension education fund” in a bank or 6 banks approved by it the extension council in the name of the 7 extension district. These receipts shall constitute a fund 8 known as the “county agricultural extension education fund” 9 which shall be disbursed by the treasurer of the extension 10 council on vouchers signed by its chairperson and secretary and 11 approved by the extension council and recorded in its minutes. 12 Sec. 70. Section 176A.9, subsection 5, Code 2020, is amended 13 to read as follows: 14 5. The extension council and its employed personnel may 15 cooperate with , and give information and advice to organized 16 and unorganized groups, but shall not promote, sponsor , 17 or engage in the organization of any group for any purpose 18 except the promoting, organization , and the development of the 19 programs of 4-H clubs. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent 20 the county extension council or extension agents employed by 21 it from using or seeking opportunities to reach an audience of 22 persons interested in agricultural extension work through the 23 help of interested farm organizations, civic organizations , or 24 any other group : Provided, that . However, in using or seeking 25 such opportunities, the county extension council or agents 26 employed by it the extension council shall make available to 27 all groups and organizations in the county equal opportunity to 28 cooperate in the educational extension program. 29 Sec. 71. Section 200.15, Code 2020, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 200.15 Refusal to register , or cancellation of registration 32 and licenses. 33 The secretary is authorized and empowered to cancel the 34 registration of any product of commercial fertilizer or soil 35 -26- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 26/ 137
H.F. 2536 conditioner or license or to refuse to register any product 1 of commercial fertilizer or soil conditioner or refuse to 2 license any applicant as herein provided, upon satisfactory 3 evidence that the registrant or licensee has used fraudulent 4 or deceptive practices or who has willfully violates violated 5 any provisions of this chapter or any rules and regulations 6 promulgated thereunder: Except no under this chapter. 7 However, a registration or license shall not be revoked or 8 refused until the registrant or licensee shall have has been 9 given the opportunity to appear for a hearing by the secretary. 10 Sec. 72. Section 204.9, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 11 2020, is amended to read as follows: 12 b. The department of public safety or a local law 13 enforcement agency may obtain a sample of plants that are part 14 of the crop and provide for a test of that sample as provided in 15 section 204.8 . The department of public safety or a local law 16 enforcement agency shall not impose, assess, or collect a fee 17 for conducting an inspection or test under this section . 18 Sec. 73. Section 204.15, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 19 to read as follows: 20 3. A licensee shall not be ineligible to participate in 21 the negligent violation program, if a test of a sample of 22 plants that are part of a crop produced on the licensee’s crop 23 site exceeds a maximum concentration of two percent delta-9 24 tetrahydrocannabinol on a dry weight basis. 25 Sec. 74. Section 214A.12, Code 2020, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 214A.12 Industrial petroleum —— permits. 28 Any wholesale dealer as herein defined in this chapter may 29 apply to the department for a permit to make importations of 30 petroleum products for industrial use only and not intended 31 to be used for internal combustion engines, on a form to be 32 supplied by the department, and upon receiving such permission 33 may make importations of petroleum products for industrial use 34 only, exempt from the specifications of this chapter . 35 -27- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 27/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 75. Section 216A.135, subsection 2, paragraph c, Code 1 2020, is amended to read as follows: 2 c. Analysis of and recommendations of regarding current 3 criminal code provisions. 4 Sec. 76. Section 216A.136, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 5 amended to read as follows: 6 1. Juvenile court records and all other information 7 maintained under sections 232.147 through 232.153 232.151 . 8 Sec. 77. Section 218.68, Code 2020, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 218.68 Money deposited with treasurer of state. 11 Said money Moneys under section 218.67 shall be transmitted 12 to the treasurer of state as soon after one year after the 13 death of the intestate as practicable, and be credited to the 14 support fund of the institution of which the intestate was a 15 resident. 16 Sec. 78. Section 218.70, Code 2020, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 218.70 Payment to party entitled. 19 Said money Moneys transmitted to the treasurer or state 20 under section 218.68 shall be paid, at any time within ten 21 years from the death of the intestate, to any person who is 22 shown to be entitled thereto. Payment shall be made from the 23 state treasury out of the support fund of such institution in 24 the manner provided for the payment of other claims from that 25 fund. 26 Sec. 79. Section 222.7, subsection 2, Code 2020, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 2. In the case of a patient hospitalized pursuant to 29 sections 229.6 to through 229.15 , the consent of the court 30 which hospitalized the patient is obtained in advance, rather 31 than afterward as otherwise permitted by section 229.15, 32 subsection 4 . 33 Sec. 80. Section 222.34, Code 2020, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -28- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 28/ 137
H.F. 2536 222.34 Guardianship proceedings. 1 If a guardianship is proposed for a person with an 2 intellectual disability, guardianship proceedings shall be 3 initiated and conducted as provided in chapter 232D or 633 . 4 Sec. 81. Section 222.84, Code 2020, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 222.84 Patients’ personal deposit fund. 7 There is hereby established at each resource center and 8 special unit a fund which shall be known as the “patients’ 9 personal deposit fund”; provided that in the case of a special 10 unit, the director may direct that the patients’ personal 11 deposit fund be maintained and administered as a part of the 12 fund established, pursuant to sections 226.43 to through 13 226.46 , by the mental health institute where the special unit 14 is located. 15 Sec. 82. Section 225C.2, subsection 13, Code 2020, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 13. “Serious emotional disturbance” means a diagnosable 18 mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder of sufficient 19 duration to meet diagnostic criteria specified within the most 20 current diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 21 published by the American psychiatric association that results 22 in a functional impairment. “Serious emotional disturbance” 23 does not include substance use and or developmental disorders 24 unless such those disorders co-occur with such a diagnosable 25 mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder. 26 Sec. 83. Section 225C.52, subsection 4, Code 2020, is 27 amended to read as follows: 28 4. Submit a written report on or before December 1 of each 29 year to the governor and the general assembly. At a minimum, 30 the report shall include a summary of all activities undertaken 31 by the state board , a summary of state board activities, 32 and results from identified behavioral health outcomes and 33 indicators for the children’s behavioral health system. 34 Sec. 84. Section 226.31, Code 2020, is amended to read as 35 -29- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 29/ 137
H.F. 2536 follows: 1 226.31 Examination by court —— notice. 2 Before granting the order authorized in section 226.30 , 3 the court or judge shall investigate the allegations of the 4 petition and before proceeding to a hearing on the allegations 5 shall require notice to be served on the attorney who 6 represented the patient in any prior proceedings under sections 7 229.6 to through 229.15 or the advocate appointed under section 8 229.19 , or in the case of a patient who entered the hospital 9 voluntarily, on any relative, friend, or guardian of the person 10 in question of the filing of the application. At the hearing 11 the court or judge shall appoint a guardian ad litem for the 12 person, if the court or judge deems such action necessary to 13 protect the rights of the person. The guardian ad litem shall 14 be a practicing attorney. 15 Sec. 85. Section 229.1, subsection 20, paragraph d, 16 subparagraph (2), Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 17 (2) Lack of compliance has resulted in one or more acts of 18 causing serious physical injury to the person’s self or others 19 or an attempt to physically injure the person’s self or others. 20 Sec. 86. Section 229.13, subsection 7, paragraph b, Code 21 2020, is amended to read as follows: 22 b. A region shall contract with mental health professionals 23 to provide the appropriate treatment including treatment by 24 the use of oral medicine or injectable antipsychotic medicine 25 pursuant to this section . 26 Sec. 87. Section 229.36, Code 2020, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 229.36 Limitation on proceedings. 29 The proceeding authorized in sections 229.31 to through 30 229.35 , inclusive, shall not be had more often than once 31 in six months regarding the same person; nor regarding any 32 patient within six months after the patient’s admission to the 33 hospital. 34 Sec. 88. Section 229.38, Code 2020, is amended to read as 35 -30- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 30/ 137
H.F. 2536 follows: 1 229.38 Cruelty or official misconduct. 2 If any person having the care of a person with mental illness 3 who has voluntarily entered a hospital or other facility for 4 treatment or care, or who is responsible for psychiatric 5 examination care, treatment, and maintenance of any person 6 involuntarily hospitalized under sections 229.6 to through 7 229.15 , whether in a hospital or elsewhere, with or without 8 proper authority, shall treat such patient with unnecessary 9 severity, harshness, or cruelty, or in any way abuse the 10 patient or if any person unlawfully detains or deprives of 11 liberty any person with mental illness or any person who is 12 alleged to have mental illness, or if any officer required 13 by the provisions of this chapter and chapters 226 and 227 , 14 to perform any act shall willfully refuse or neglect to 15 perform the same, the offending person shall, unless otherwise 16 provided, be guilty of a serious misdemeanor. 17 Sec. 89. Section 232.99, subsection 4, Code 2020, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 4. When the dispositional hearing is concluded the court 20 shall make the least restrictive disposition appropriate 21 considering all the circumstances of the case. The 22 dispositions which may be entered under this division are 23 listed in sections 232.100 to through 232.102 in order from 24 least to most restrictive. 25 Sec. 90. Section 232.103, subsection 6, Code 2020, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 6. If the court vacates the order it may make any other 28 order in accordance with and subject to the provisions of 29 sections 232.100 to through 232.102 . 30 Sec. 91. Section 232.166, Code 2020, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 232.166 Statutes not affected. 33 Nothing contained in sections 232.158 to through 232.165 34 shall be deemed to affect or modify the other provisions of 35 -31- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 31/ 137
H.F. 2536 this chapter or of chapter 600 . 1 Sec. 92. Section 232.178, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 2 amended to read as follows: 3 1. For a placement initiated on or after July 1, 1992, 4 the department shall file a petition to initiate a voluntary 5 placement proceeding prior to the child’s placement in 6 accordance with criteria established pursuant to the federal 7 Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 8 96-272, as codified in 42 U.S.C. §627(a). For a placement 9 initiated before July 1, 1992, the department shall file a 10 petition to approve placement on or before September 1, 1992. 11 Sec. 93. Section 232D.105, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 12 amended to read as follows: 13 1. A petition alleging that a minor is in need of a 14 conservatorship is not subject to this chapter . Such 15 proceedings shall be governed by chapter 633 and may be 16 initiated pursuant to section 633.627 633.557 . 17 Sec. 94. Section 249A.4, subsections 11 and 15, Code 2020, 18 are amended to read as follows: 19 11. Shall provide an opportunity for a fair hearing before 20 the department of inspections and appeals to an individual 21 whose claim for medical assistance under this chapter is 22 denied or is not acted upon with reasonable promptness. Upon 23 completion of a hearing, the department of inspections and 24 appeals shall issue a decision which is subject to review by 25 the department of human services. Judicial review of the 26 decisions of the department of human services may be sought in 27 accordance with chapter 17A. If a petition for judicial review 28 is filed, the department of human services shall furnish the 29 petitioner with a copy of the application and all supporting 30 papers, a transcript of the testimony taken at the hearing, if 31 any, and a copy of its decision. 32 15. Establish appropriate reimbursement rates for community 33 mental health centers that are accredited by the mental health 34 and disability services commission. 35 -32- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 32/ 137
H.F. 2536 Judicial review of the decisions of the department of human 1 services may be sought in accordance with chapter 17A . If 2 a petition for judicial review is filed, the department of 3 human services shall furnish the petitioner with a copy of 4 the application and all supporting papers, a transcript of 5 the testimony taken at the hearing, if any, and a copy of its 6 decision. 7 Sec. 95. Section 249L.2, subsection 6, Code 2020, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 6. “Nursing facility” means a licensed nursing facility as 10 defined in section 135C.1 that is a freestanding facility or 11 a nursing facility operated by a hospital licensed pursuant 12 to chapter 135B , but does not include a distinct-part skilled 13 nursing unit or a swing-bed unit operated by a hospital, or 14 a nursing facility owned by the state or federal government 15 or other governmental unit. “Nursing facility” includes a 16 non-state government-owned nursing facility if the nursing 17 facility participates in the non-state government-owned nursing 18 facility quality of care rate add-on program. 19 Sec. 96. Section 249L.2, Code 2020, is amended by adding the 20 following new subsections: 21 NEW SUBSECTION . 5A. “Non-state governmental entity” means a 22 hospital authority, hospital district, health care district, 23 city, or county. 24 NEW SUBSECTION . 5B. “Non-state government-owned nursing 25 facility” means a nursing facility that is owned or operated 26 by a non-state governmental entity and for which a non-state 27 governmental entity holds the nursing facility’s license and is 28 party to the nursing facility’s Medicaid contract. 29 Sec. 97. Section 252B.2, Code 2020, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 252B.2 Unit established —— intervention. 32 There is created within the department of human services a 33 child support recovery unit for the purpose of providing the 34 services required in sections 252B.3 to through 252B.6 . The 35 -33- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 33/ 137
H.F. 2536 unit is not required to intervene in actions to provide such 1 services. 2 Sec. 98. Section 252H.5, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2020, 3 is amended by striking the unnumbered paragraph. 4 Sec. 99. Section 252H.12, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 5 amended by striking the subsection. 6 Sec. 100. Section 256.7, subsection 32, paragraph b, 7 subparagraph (1), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 Adopt rules which require that educational instruction 10 and course content delivered primarily over the internet be 11 aligned with the Iowa core content standards as applicable. 12 Under such rules, a school district may develop and offer to 13 students enrolled in the district educational instruction and 14 course content for delivery primarily over the internet. A 15 school district providing educational instruction and course 16 content that are delivered primarily over the internet shall 17 annually submit to the department, in the manner prescribed by 18 the department, data that includes but is not limited to the 19 following: 20 Sec. 101. Section 260I.3, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 1. The state board of education , in consultation with the 23 economic development authority, shall adopt rules pursuant 24 to chapter 17A defining eligibility criteria for persons 25 applying to receive tuition assistance under this chapter . 26 Sec. 102. Section 261.130, subsection 8, paragraph b, Code 27 2020, is amended to read as follows: 28 b. Adopt rules for approving career-technical or career 29 option programs in industries identified by the department of 30 workforce development pursuant to section 84A.6, subsection 4 ; 31 determining financial need; defining residence for the purposes 32 of this section ; processing and approving applications for 33 grants; and determining priority for grants. 34 Sec. 103. Section 261A.24, Code 2020, is amended to read as 35 -34- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 34/ 137
H.F. 2536 follows: 1 261A.24 Chapter as alternative method —— powers not subject 2 to supervision or regulation. 3 Sections 261A.1 to through 261A.23 provide a complete, 4 additional, and alternative method for the doing of the things 5 authorized by the chapter and the limitations imposed by this 6 chapter do not affect powers or rights conferred by other laws, 7 and the issuance of obligations and refunding obligations under 8 this chapter need not comply with the requirements of any 9 other law applicable to the issuance of obligations. Except 10 as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter , the powers 11 granted to the authority under this chapter are not subject to 12 the supervision or regulation and do not require the approval 13 or consent of a city or political subdivision or department, 14 division, commission, board, body, bureau, official, or agency 15 of a political subdivision or of the state. 16 Sec. 104. Section 261E.8, subsection 2, paragraph b, 17 subparagraph (3), Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 18 (3) A community college that enters into a contract as 19 provided in this paragraph shall submit to the department, 20 during the fall and spring semesters, or the equivalent, a 21 list of the accredited nonpublic school students enrolled for 22 the semester, or the equivalent, who are participating in the 23 program. The community college and the accredited nonpublic 24 school shall verify to the department that the accredited 25 nonpublic school and the coursework provided under this 26 paragraph meet the requirements of this section and section 27 257.11, subsection 3 , and shall provide to the department data 28 and information elements as required under subsection 8 9 by 29 rule. 30 Sec. 105. Section 262.9, subsections 10 and 15, Code 2020, 31 are amended to read as follows: 32 10. Direct the expenditure of all appropriations made to 33 said institutions under the control of the board , and of any 34 other moneys belonging thereto to those institutions , but in no 35 -35- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 35/ 137
H.F. 2536 event shall the perpetual funds of the Iowa state university 1 of science and technology, nor the permanent funds of the 2 state university of Iowa derived under Acts of Congress, be 3 diminished. 4 15. Lease properties and facilities, either as lessor or 5 lessee, for the proper use and benefit of said institutions 6 under the control of the board upon such terms, conditions, 7 and considerations as the board deems advantageous, including 8 leases with provisions for ultimate ownership by the state of 9 Iowa, and to pay the rentals from funds appropriated to the 10 institution for operating expenses thereof or from such other 11 funds as may be available therefor. 12 Sec. 106. Section 262.23, Code 2020, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 262.23 Duties of treasurer. 15 The treasurer of each of said the institutions under the 16 control of the board shall: 17 1. Receive all appropriations made by the general assembly 18 for said the institution, and all other funds from all other 19 sources, belonging to said the institution. 20 2. Pay out said funds on order of the board of regents, 21 or of such committee or official as it the board of regents 22 designates, on bills duly audited in accordance with the rules 23 prescribed by said the board. 24 3. Retain all bills , so paid by the treasurer, with receipts 25 for their payment as vouchers. 26 4. Keep an accurate account of all revenue and expenditures 27 of said the institution, so that the receipts and disbursements 28 of each of its the institution’s several departments shall be 29 apparent at all times. 30 5. Annually, and at such other times as the board may 31 require, report to it said the board all receipts and 32 disbursements in detail. 33 Sec. 107. Section 262.24, Code 2020, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -36- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 36/ 137
H.F. 2536 262.24 Reports of executive officers. 1 The executive officer of each of said the institutions under 2 the control of the board shall, on or before the first day of 3 August of each even-numbered year, make a report to the board, 4 setting forth such all of the following: 5 1. Such observations and recommendations as in the 6 executive officer’s judgment are for the benefit of the 7 institution , and also the . 8 2. The executive officer’s recommendations of a budget for 9 the several colleges and departments of the institution, in 10 detail , and estimates . 11 3. Estimates of the amount of funds required therefor for 12 the ensuing biennium. 13 Sec. 108. Section 262.31, Code 2020, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 262.31 Payment. 16 The contract for such instruction under section 262.30 shall 17 authorize the payment for such service services furnished to 18 the school district , or for such service services furnished 19 to the state, and the amount to be agreed upon by the state 20 board of regents and the board of the school district thus 21 cooperating. 22 Sec. 109. Section 262.32, Code 2020, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 262.32 Contract —— time limit. 25 Such contracts A contract for instruction under section 26 262.30 shall be in writing and shall extend over a period of 27 not to exceed two years , and a . A copy thereof of the contract 28 shall be filed in the office of the administrator of the area 29 education agency. 30 Sec. 110. Section 262.37, Code 2020, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 262.37 Title to property. 33 The title to all real estate so acquired under section 262.36 34 and the improvements erected thereon on that real estate shall 35 -37- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 37/ 137
H.F. 2536 be taken and held in the name of the state. 1 Sec. 111. Section 262.38, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2 2020, is amended to read as follows: 3 In carrying out the above powers enumerated in this 4 subchapter , said the board may: 5 Sec. 112. Section 262.39, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 6 2020, is amended to read as follows: 7 No An obligation created hereunder under this subchapter 8 shall ever never be or nor become a charge against the state 9 of Iowa but all such obligations, including principal and 10 interest, shall be payable solely: 11 Sec. 113. Section 262.41, Code 2020, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 262.41 Exemption from taxation. 14 All obligations created hereunder under this subchapter 15 shall be exempt from taxation. 16 Sec. 114. Section 262.42, Code 2020, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 262.42 Limitation on funds. 19 No state State funds shall not be loaned or used for this 20 purpose the purposes of this subchapter . This prohibition 21 shall not apply to funds derived from the net earnings of 22 dormitories now or hereafter owned by the state. 23 Sec. 115. Section 262.45, Code 2020, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 262.45 Purchase or condemnation of real estate. 26 The erection of the buildings, improvements , and facilities 27 for the educational institutions of higher learning in this 28 state is a public necessity and the board is vested with full 29 power to purchase or condemn at said those institutions, or 30 convenient thereto to those institutions , all real estate 31 necessary to carry out the powers herein granted. 32 Sec. 116. Section 262.46, Code 2020, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 262.46 Title in name of state. 35 -38- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 38/ 137
H.F. 2536 The title to all real estate so acquired under this 1 subchapter and the improvements erected thereon on that real 2 estate shall be taken and held in the name of the state. 3 Sec. 117. Section 262.48, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 4 2020, is amended to read as follows: 5 In carrying out the above powers said enumerated in this 6 subchapter, the board may: 7 Sec. 118. Section 262.48, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 8 amended to read as follows: 9 2. Mortgage any real estate so acquired under this 10 subchapter and the improvements erected thereon on that real 11 estate in order to secure necessary loans. 12 Sec. 119. Section 262.49, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 13 2020, is amended to read as follows: 14 No An obligation created hereunder under this subchapter 15 shall ever never be or nor become a charge against the state 16 of Iowa but all such obligations, including principal and 17 interest, shall be payable solely from any of the following: 18 Sec. 120. Section 262.51, Code 2020, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 262.51 Tax exemption. 21 All obligations created hereunder under this subchapter 22 shall be exempt from taxation, together with the interest 23 thereon on the obligations . 24 Sec. 121. Section 262.52, Code 2020, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 262.52 No state funds loaned. 27 No state State funds shall not be loaned for this purpose 28 the purposes of this subchapter . This prohibition shall not 29 apply to funds derived from the net earnings of such buildings, 30 structures, areas , and facilities now or hereafter owned by the 31 state or to funds received from student fees or charges. 32 Sec. 122. Section 262.68, Code 2020, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 262.68 Speed limit on institutional grounds. 35 -39- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 39/ 137
H.F. 2536 1. The maximum speed limit of all vehicles on institutional 1 roads at institutions under the control of the state board of 2 regents shall be forty-five miles per hour. All driving shall 3 be confined to driveways designated by the state board. 4 2. Whenever the state board shall determine that the speed 5 limit hereinbefore set forth in subsection 1 is greater than 6 is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at 7 any place of congestion or upon any part of its institutional 8 roads, said the board shall determine and declare a reasonable 9 and safe speed limit , thereat which shall be effective when 10 appropriate signs giving notice thereof of the speed limit are 11 erected at such places of congestion or other parts of its 12 institutional roads. 13 3. Any person violating the aforementioned speed limits 14 established in subsections 1 and 2 shall be guilty of a simple 15 misdemeanor. 16 Sec. 123. Section 272.15, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 17 amended to read as follows: 18 3. Information required to be reported to the board under 19 this section shall be reported within thirty days of the either 20 of the following: 21 a. The date action was taken which necessitated the report, 22 including the date of disciplinary action taken, nonrenewal 23 or termination of a contract for reasons of alleged or actual 24 misconduct, or resignation of a person following an incident 25 or allegation of misconduct as required under subsection 1 ; or 26 awareness . 27 b. The date the employee becomes aware of alleged misconduct 28 as required under subsection 2 . 29 Sec. 124. Section 273.2, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 30 to read as follows: 31 3. The area education agency board shall furnish 32 educational services and programs as provided in section 33 273.1 , this section , sections 273.3 to 273.9 through 273.8 , 34 and chapter 256B to the pupils enrolled in public or nonpublic 35 -40- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 40/ 137
H.F. 2536 schools located within its boundaries which are on the list of 1 accredited schools pursuant to section 256.11 . The programs 2 and services provided shall be at least commensurate with 3 programs and services existing on July 1, 1974. The programs 4 and services provided to pupils enrolled in nonpublic schools 5 shall be comparable to programs and services provided to pupils 6 enrolled in public schools within constitutional guidelines. 7 Sec. 125. Section 273.3, subsections 2 and 12, Code 2020, 8 are amended to read as follows: 9 2. Be authorized to receive and expend money for providing 10 programs and services as provided in sections 273.1 , 273.2 , 11 this section , sections 273.4 to 273.9 through 273.8 , and 12 chapters 256B and 257 . All costs incurred in providing the 13 programs and services, including administrative costs, shall 14 be paid from funds received pursuant to sections 273.1 , 273.2 , 15 this section , sections 273.4 to 273.9 through 273.8 , and 16 chapters 256B and 257 . 17 12. Prepare an annual budget estimating income and 18 expenditures for programs and services as provided in sections 19 273.1 , 273.2 , this section , sections 273.4 to 273.9 through 20 273.8 , and chapter 256B within the limits of funds provided 21 under section 256B.9 and chapter 257 . The board shall 22 give notice of a public hearing on the proposed budget by 23 publication in an official county newspaper in each county 24 in the territory of the area education agency in which the 25 principal place of business of a school district that is a 26 part of the area education agency is located. The notice 27 shall specify the date, which shall be not later than March 28 1 of each year, the time, and the location of the public 29 hearing. The proposed budget as approved by the board shall 30 then be submitted to the state board of education, on forms 31 provided by the department, no later than March 15 preceding 32 the next fiscal year for approval. The state board shall 33 review the proposed budget of each area education agency and 34 shall before May 1, either grant approval or return the budget 35 -41- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 41/ 137
H.F. 2536 without approval with comments of the state board included. An 1 unapproved budget shall be resubmitted to the state board for 2 final approval not later than May 15. The state board shall 3 give final approval only to budgets submitted by area education 4 agencies accredited by the state board or that have been given 5 conditional accreditation by the state board. 6 Sec. 126. Section 277.3, Code 2020, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 277.3 Election laws applicable. 9 The provisions of chapters 39 to through 53 shall apply to 10 the conduct of all school elections and the school elections 11 shall be conducted by the county commissioner of elections, 12 except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter . 13 Sec. 127. Section 279.50A, subsection 1, unnumbered 14 paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 15 If a school district’s total enrollment exceeds six hundred 16 pupils, the school district may enter into an agreement with a 17 community college under which the community college may offer, 18 or provide a community college-employed instructor to teach, 19 one of the units in accordance with section 256.11, subsection 20 5 , paragraph “a” , or one of the units in accordance with section 21 256.11, subsection 5 , paragraph “d” or “e” , and if the unit of 22 coursework under the agreement meets the requirements specified 23 in section 257.11, subsection 3 , paragraph “b” , subparagraphs 24 (2) through (7), the unit offered shall be deemed to meet the 25 education program requirement for a unit of mathematics or 26 science, as applicable, under section 256.11, subsection 5 , 27 paragraph “a” , “d” , or “e” . The provisions of this subsection 28 are applicable only if all of the following conditions are met: 29 Sec. 128. Section 282.3, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 30 to read as follows: 31 3. Nothing herein provided shall This section does not 32 prohibit a school board from requiring the attainment of a 33 greater age than the age requirements herein set forth in this 34 section . 35 -42- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 42/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 129. Section 303.21, Code 2020, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 303.21 Petition. 3 1. Not less than ten percent of the The eligible voters 4 in an area of asserted historical significance may petition 5 the department for a referendum for the establishment of a 6 district. 7 2. The petition shall must be signed by not less than ten 8 percent of the eligible voters of the area and shall contain 9 both a description of the property suggested for inclusion in 10 the district and the reasons justifying the creation of the 11 district. 12 Sec. 130. Section 303.34, subsections 2 and 4, Code 2020, 13 are amended to read as follows: 14 2. A city shall not designate an area as an area of 15 historical significance unless it contains contiguous pieces 16 of property under diverse ownership which meets the criteria 17 specified in section 303.20, subsection 1 , paragraphs “a” to 18 through “f” . 19 4. An area shall be designated an area of historical 20 significance upon enactment of an ordinance of the city. 21 Before the ordinance or an amendment to it the ordinance is 22 enacted, the governing body of the city shall submit the 23 ordinance or amendment to the historical division for its 24 review and recommendations. 25 Sec. 131. Section 306.13, Code 2020, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 306.13 Notice —— requirements. 28 Said The notice of the hearing under section 306.11 shall 29 state the time and place of such hearing, the location of the 30 particular road, or part thereof, or crossing, the vacation and 31 closing of which is to be considered, and such other data as 32 may be deemed pertinent. 33 Sec. 132. Section 306.24, Code 2020, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -43- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 43/ 137
H.F. 2536 306.24 Conditions. 1 Any sale of land as herein authorized in this chapter shall 2 be upon the conditions that the tract, parcel, or piece of land 3 so sold shall not be used in any manner so as to interfere with 4 the use of the highway by the public, or to endanger public 5 safety in the use of the highway, or to the material damage of 6 the adjacent owner. 7 Sec. 133. Section 306A.6, Code 2020, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 306A.6 New and existing facilities —— grade-crossing 10 eliminations. 11 1. Cities and highway authorities having jurisdiction and 12 control over the highways of the state, as provided by chapter 13 306 , may designate and establish an existing street or highway 14 as included within a controlled-access facility. The state or 15 any of its subdivisions shall have authority to provide for 16 the elimination of intersections at grade of controlled-access 17 facilities with existing state and county roads, and city or 18 village streets, by grade separation or service road, or by 19 closing off such roads and streets at the right-of-way boundary 20 line of such controlled-access facility , the . 21 2. The provisions of sections 306.11 to through 306.17 22 shall apply and govern the procedure for the closing of such a 23 road or street and the method of ascertaining damages sustained 24 by any person as a consequence of such the closing, provided, 25 however, that the highway authority desiring the closing of 26 such road or street shall conduct the hearing and carry out the 27 procedure therefor and pay any damages, including any allowed 28 on appeal, as a consequence thereof, any law to the contrary 29 notwithstanding , and after . 30 3. After the establishment of any controlled-access 31 facility, no highway or street which is not part of said 32 facility shall intersect the same at grade. No A city or 33 village street, county or state highway, or other public 34 way shall not be opened into or connected with any such 35 -44- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 44/ 137
H.F. 2536 controlled-access facility without the consent and previous 1 approval of the highway authority in the state, county, city 2 or village having jurisdiction over such the controlled-access 3 facility. Such consent and approval shall be given only if the 4 public interest shall be served thereby. 5 Sec. 134. Section 307.48, Code 2020, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 307.48 Longevity pay. 8 1. An employee of the department who was hired by the state 9 highway commission on or before June 30, 1971, is entitled to 10 longevity pay. An employee eligible for longevity pay under 11 this section whose employment is terminated on or after July 1, 12 1971, if reemployed by the department, forfeits any right the 13 employee may have had to longevity pay. 14 2. An employee under the supervision of the department’s 15 administrator of highways who became an employee of the state 16 department of transportation on July 1, 1974, retains all 17 rights to longevity pay so long as the employee continues 18 employment with the department. 19 Sec. 135. Section 309.24, Code 2020, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 309.24 Uniform and unified plan required. 22 Said The secondary road construction program or project 23 shall be planned on the basis of one general, uniform, and 24 unified plan for the complete and permanent construction of the 25 roads embraced therein in the program or project as to bridge, 26 culvert, tile, and grading or other improvements. 27 Sec. 136. Section 309.27, Code 2020, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 309.27 Report of engineer. 30 In addition to the foregoing meeting the requirements of 31 sections 309.22 through 309.26 , the engineer, when so ordered 32 by the board, shall make written report to the board and shall 33 designate therein in their order of importance the roads which, 34 in the engineer’s judgment, are most urgently in need of 35 -45- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 45/ 137
H.F. 2536 construction. 1 Sec. 137. Section 309.37, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2 2020, is amended to read as follows: 3 Said The engineer’s survey shall show: 4 Sec. 138. Section 309.47, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 5 2020, is amended to read as follows: 6 Such certificates Certificates issued under this subchapter 7 shall be authorized by a duly adopted resolution which shall 8 specify all of the following : 9 Sec. 139. Section 309.51, Code 2020, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 309.51 Taxation. 12 Said certificates Certificates issued under this subchapter 13 shall be exempt from taxation. 14 Sec. 140. Section 312.3, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 1. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, apportion among 17 the counties the road use tax funds credited to the secondary 18 road fund by using the allocation method contained in section 19 312.3, subsection 1 , Code 2005. For subsequent fiscal years, 20 apportion Apportion among the counties the road use tax funds 21 credited to the secondary road fund by using the distribution 22 methodology adopted pursuant to section 312.3C . 23 Sec. 141. Section 313.4, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 24 to read as follows: 25 3. There is appropriated from funds appropriated to the 26 department which would otherwise revert to the primary road 27 fund pursuant to the provisions of the Act appropriating the 28 funds or chapter 8 , an amount sufficient to pay the increase 29 in salaries, which increase is not otherwise provided for by 30 the general assembly in an appropriation bill, resulting from 31 the annual review of the merit pay plan as provided in section 32 8A.413, subsection 3 . The appropriation herein provided in 33 this subsection shall be in effect from the effective date of 34 the revised pay plan to the end of the fiscal biennium in which 35 -46- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 46/ 137
H.F. 2536 it becomes effective. 1 Sec. 142. Section 313.20, Code 2020, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 313.20 Auditor —— appointment —— bond —— duties. 4 The director of the department of administrative services 5 shall appoint the auditor of the department who shall give 6 bond in the sum of fifty thousand dollars for the faithful 7 performance of the auditor’s duties. The premium on said 8 the bond shall be paid by the department from the primary 9 road fund. Said The auditor shall check and audit all claims 10 against the department before such claims are approved by the 11 department, and shall keep all records and accounts relating 12 to the expenditures of the department. The auditor shall, in 13 the checking and auditing of claims against the department, and 14 keeping the records and accounts of the department, be under 15 the direction and supervision of the director of the department 16 of administrative services, and act as an agent of said the 17 director. The department shall furnish said the auditor with 18 such help and assistants as may be necessary to properly 19 perform the duties herein specified in this section . The said 20 auditor may be removed by the director of the department of 21 administrative services. 22 Sec. 143. Section 313.24, Code 2020, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 313.24 Separated cities. 25 The department shall designate the street or streets which 26 shall constitute the primary road extensions in any city of 27 the state, which city is separated from the remainder of 28 the state by a river more than five hundred feet in width 29 from bank to bank. The laws of this state relating to the 30 construction, reconstruction , or maintenance of the extensions 31 of primary roads in cities, and to the purchase or condemnation 32 of right-of-way therefor for those primary roads , and to the 33 expenditure of primary road funds thereon, shall apply to the 34 roads or streets designated hereunder under this section , the 35 -47- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 47/ 137
H.F. 2536 same as though said community were not so separated from the 1 rest of the state. 2 Sec. 144. Section 313.29, Code 2020, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 313.29 Detours located in city. 5 When the temporary primary road detour or temporary primary 6 road haul road, or any portion thereof, is located within 7 the corporate limits of a city, then as to the portion so 8 located, the provisions of section 313.28 as to consultation, 9 designation, restoration , and payment by the department shall 10 apply in like manner to the benefit of the city , and credits 11 thereunder . Credits under section 313.28 shall be made to the 12 general fund of the city. A city may designate the county 13 engineer or city engineer to inspect such street so used 14 jointly with the representative of the department. 15 Sec. 145. Section 321.1, subsection 26, Code 2020, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 26. “Foreign vehicle” means every vehicle of a type required 18 to be registered hereunder under this chapter brought into this 19 state from another state, territory, or country other than in 20 the ordinary course of business by or through a manufacturer or 21 dealer and not registered in this state. 22 Sec. 146. Section 321.187, subsection 2, paragraph c, Code 23 2020, is amended to read as follows: 24 c. Any third-party skills test examiner used by the 25 third-party tester shall meet the requirements of 49 C.F.R. 26 §383.75 and 49 C.F.R. §384.228 , as adopted by rule by the 27 department. The department shall adopt rules requiring that a 28 third-party tester, other than a community college established 29 under chapter 260C , shall either be an Iowa-based motor 30 carrier, or its subsidiary, that has its principal office 31 within this state and operates a permanent commercial driver 32 training facility in this state, or be an Iowa nonprofit 33 corporation that serves as a trade association for Iowa-based 34 motor carriers. The rules may also provide that a third-party 35 -48- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 48/ 137
H.F. 2536 tester conduct a number of skills test examinations above the 1 number required under 49 C.F.R. §383.75 in order to remain 2 qualified as a third-party tester under this section . 3 Sec. 147. Section 321.258, subsection 1, paragraphs b and c, 4 Code 2020, are amended to read as follows: 5 b. Steady and/ or flashing left-turn red arrow. 6 c. Steady and/ or flashing right-turn red arrow. 7 Sec. 148. Section 321.258, subsection 2, paragraphs b and c, 8 Code 2020, are amended to read as follows: 9 b. Steady and/ or flashing left-turn red arrow. 10 c. Steady and/ or flashing right-turn red arrow. 11 Sec. 149. Section 321.378, Code 2020, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 321.378 Applicability. 14 The provisions of sections 321.372 to through 321.377, this 15 section, and sections 321.379 and 321.380 , shall apply to all 16 public and nonpublic schools where children are transported to 17 and from school. 18 Sec. 150. Section 321.380, Code 2020, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 321.380 Enforcement. 21 It shall be the duty of all peace officers and of the state 22 patrol to enforce the provisions of sections 321.372 to through 23 321.379 . 24 Sec. 151. Section 321.431, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2020, 25 are amended to read as follows: 26 2. Under the above conditions specified in subsection 1, 27 the hand brake shall be adequate to hold such the vehicle or 28 vehicles stationary on any grade upon which operated. 29 3. Under the above conditions specified in subsection 1, 30 the service brakes upon a motor vehicle equipped with two-wheel 31 brakes only, and when permitted hereunder under this section , 32 shall be adequate to stop the vehicle within a distance of 33 forty-five feet and the hand brake adequate to stop the vehicle 34 within a distance of fifty-five feet. 35 -49- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 49/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 152. Section 321.463, subsection 4, paragraph b, 1 subparagraph (4), subparagraph division (b), Code 2020, is 2 amended to read as follows: 3 (b) “Fence-line feeder, grain cart, or tank wagon” means all 4 of the following: 5 (i) A fence-line feeder, grain cart, or tank wagon 6 manufactured on or after July 1, 2001. 7 (ii) After July 1, 2005, any fence-line feeder, grain cart, 8 or tank wagon. 9 Sec. 153. Section 321.480, Code 2020, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 321.480 Limitation on expense. 12 For the purposes of sections 321.476 to through 321.479, 13 this section, and section 321.481 and the enforcement of the 14 provisions of the motor vehicle laws relating to the size, 15 weight, and load of motor vehicles and trailers the department 16 is hereby authorized to expend from the primary road fund only 17 the amount appropriated for each biennium. 18 Sec. 154. Section 321.481, Code 2020, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 321.481 No impairment of other authority. 21 Nothing in sections 321.476 to through 321.480 shall be so 22 construed as to limit or impair the authority or duties of 23 other peace officers in the enforcement of the motor vehicle 24 laws or any portion thereof. 25 Sec. 155. Section 321.488, Code 2020, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 321.488 Procedure not exclusive. 28 The provisions of this chapter shall govern all peace 29 officers in making arrests without a warrant for violations 30 of this chapter for offenses committed in their presence, but 31 the procedure prescribed herein in this chapter shall not be 32 exclusive of any other method prescribed by law for the arrest 33 and prosecution of a person. 34 Sec. 156. Section 321.504, Code 2020, is amended to read as 35 -50- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 50/ 137
H.F. 2536 follows: 1 321.504 Optional notification. 2 In lieu of mailing said the notification described in 3 section 321.502 to the defendant in a foreign state, the 4 plaintiff may cause said the notification to be personally 5 served in the foreign state on the defendant by any adult 6 person not a party to the suit, by delivering said the 7 notification to the defendant or by offering to make such 8 delivery in case defendant refuses to accept delivery. 9 Sec. 157. Section 321.511, Code 2020, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 321.511 Dismissal —— effect. 12 The dismissal of an action after the nonresident has 13 entered a general appearance under the substituted service 14 herein authorized in section 321.498, sections 321.500 through 15 321.502, and sections 321.504 through 321.510 , shall bar the 16 recommencement of the same action against the same defendant 17 unless said the recommenced action is accompanied by actual 18 personal service of the original notice of suit on said the 19 defendant in this state. 20 Sec. 158. Section 321A.11, Code 2020, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 321A.11 Matters not to be evidence in civil suits. 23 Neither the report required by section 321A.4 , the action 24 taken by the department pursuant to sections 321A.4 to 25 through 321A.10 and this section , the findings, if any, of the 26 department upon which action is based, nor the security filed 27 as provided in said sections shall be referred to in any way, 28 or be any evidence of the negligence or due care of either 29 party, at the trial of any action at law to recover damages. 30 Sec. 159. Section 321A.13, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 31 amended to read as follows: 32 3. Any person whose license, registration, or nonresident’s 33 operating privilege has been suspended or is about to be 34 suspended or shall become subject to suspension under the 35 -51- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 51/ 137
H.F. 2536 provisions of section 321A.12 , this section , and sections 1 321A.14 through 321A.29 may be relieved from the effect of such 2 the judgment as hereinbefore prescribed in said those sections 3 by filing with the department an affidavit stating that at the 4 time of the accident upon which such the judgment has been 5 rendered the affiant was insured, that the insurer is liable to 6 pay such the judgment, and the reason, if known, why such the 7 insurance company has not paid such judgment. Such a person 8 shall also file the original policy of insurance or a certified 9 copy thereof, if available, and such other documents as the 10 department may require to show that the loss, injury, or damage 11 for which such the judgment was rendered, was covered by such 12 the policy of insurance. If the department is satisfied from 13 such papers that such the insurer was authorized to issue such 14 the policy of insurance at the time and place of issuing such 15 the policy and that such the insurer is liable to pay such the 16 judgment, at least to the extent and for the amounts required 17 in this chapter , the department shall not suspend such the 18 person’s license or registration or nonresident’s operating 19 privilege , or , if already suspended , shall reinstate them. 20 Sec. 160. Section 321A.14, Code 2020, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 321A.14 Suspension to continue until judgments paid and proof 23 given. 24 A license, registration, and nonresident’s operating 25 privilege shall remain suspended under section 321A.13 , 26 and shall not be renewed, nor shall any such license or 27 registration be subsequently issued in the name of the person, 28 including any person not previously licensed, until every 29 judgment is satisfied in full or to the extent hereinafter 30 provided in this chapter , or until evidence is provided, to 31 the satisfaction of the department, that the judgment has not 32 been renewed and is no longer enforceable. A person whose 33 license, registration, or nonresident’s operating privilege 34 was suspended under section 321A.13 must provide proof to 35 -52- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 52/ 137
H.F. 2536 the department of financial responsibility subject to the 1 exemptions stated in sections 321A.13 and 321A.16 prior to 2 obtaining a license, registration, or nonresident’s operating 3 privilege. 4 Sec. 161. Section 321A.26, Code 2020, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 321A.26 Owner may give proof for others. 7 Whenever any person required to give proof of financial 8 responsibility hereunder under this chapter is or later becomes 9 an operator in the employ of any owner, or is or later becomes 10 a member of the immediate family or household of the owner, 11 the department shall accept proof given by such owner in lieu 12 of proof by such other person to permit such other person to 13 operate a motor vehicle for which the owner has given proof 14 as herein provided in this subchapter or has qualified as a 15 self-insurer under section 321A.34 . The department shall 16 designate the restrictions imposed by this section on the face 17 of such person’s license. 18 Sec. 162. Section 321A.31, Code 2020, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 321A.31 Surrender of license and registration. 21 Any person whose license or registration shall have has been 22 suspended as herein provided in this chapter , or whose policy 23 of insurance or bond, when required under this chapter , shall 24 have has been canceled or terminated, or who shall neglect 25 neglects to furnish other proof upon request of the department 26 shall immediately return the person’s license and registration 27 to the department. If any person shall fail fails to return to 28 the department the license or registration as provided herein 29 in this section , the department shall forthwith direct any 30 peace officer to secure possession thereof and to return the 31 same license or registration to the department. 32 Sec. 163. Section 322.13, Code 2020, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 322.13 Rules. 35 -53- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 53/ 137
H.F. 2536 1. The department shall have full authority to prescribe 1 reasonable rules for the administration and enforcement of 2 this chapter , which shall be in addition hereto to and not 3 inconsistent herewith with this chapter . All rules shall 4 be filed and entered by the department in its office in an 5 indexed, permanent book or record, with the effective date 6 thereof of the rules suitably indicated , and such . The book 7 or record shall be a public document. The department may 8 provide notice of a new rule or regulation by a posting on the 9 department’s internet site. 10 2. The department shall have power to prescribe the forms to 11 be used in connection with the licensing of persons as herein 12 provided in this chapter . 13 Sec. 164. Section 322.15, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 14 amended to read as follows: 15 2. Nothing contained herein in this chapter shall be 16 construed to require the licensing or to apply to any bank, 17 credit union, or trust company in Iowa. 18 Sec. 165. Section 322.19, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 19 2020, is amended to read as follows: 20 a. A motor vehicle service contract as defined in section 21 516E.1 523C.1 . 22 Sec. 166. Section 322.32, Code 2020, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 322.32 Construction of applicability to contracts. 25 Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impair the 26 obligations of a contract or to prevent a licensee hereunder 27 under this chapter from requiring performance of a written 28 contract entered into with another licensee hereunder under 29 this chapter , nor shall the requirement of such performance 30 constitute a violation of any of the provisions of this 31 chapter . 32 Sec. 167. Section 322C.4, subsection 4, Code 2020, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 4. Before the issuance of a dealer’s license, the applicant 35 -54- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 54/ 137
H.F. 2536 shall furnish a surety bond executed by the applicant as 1 principal and executed by a corporate surety company licensed 2 and qualified to do business within this state, which 3 bond shall run to the state of Iowa, be in the amount of 4 seventy-five thousand dollars, and be conditioned upon the 5 faithful compliance by the applicant as a dealer with all 6 statutes of this state regulating or applicable to a dealer, 7 and shall indemnify any person dealing or transacting business 8 with the dealer from loss or damage caused by the failure of 9 the dealer to comply with the provisions of chapter 321 and 10 this chapter , including the furnishing of a proper and valid 11 certificate of title to a towable recreational vehicle. The 12 bond shall be filed with the department prior to the issuance 13 of the license. 14 Sec. 168. Section 322C.14, subsection 3, paragraph c, 15 subparagraph (2), Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 16 (2) The dealer has abandoned or closed the dealer’s 17 business operations for ten consecutive business days. This 18 subparagraph does not apply if the closing is due to a normal 19 seasonal closing and the dealer notifies the manufacturer or 20 distributor of the planned closing, or is due to an act of God, 21 a strike, a labor difficulty, or any other cause over which the 22 dealer has no control. 23 Sec. 169. Section 322C.15, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 24 2020, is amended to read as follows: 25 b. The manufacturer’s or distributor’s business operations 26 have been abandoned or caused the dealer’s business operations 27 to close for ten consecutive business days. This paragraph 28 does not apply if the closing is due to a normal seasonal 29 closing and the manufacturer or distributor notifies the 30 dealer of the planned closing, or is due to an act of God, a 31 strike, a labor difficulty, or any other cause over which the 32 manufacturer or distributor has no control. 33 Sec. 170. Section 322C.21, subsection 2, paragraph f, Code 34 2020, is amended to read as follows: 35 -55- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 55/ 137
H.F. 2536 f. Each party to the mediation shall pay its the party’s own 1 costs for attorney fees. The costs of the mediation services 2 shall be equally allocated among each party equally amongst the 3 parties . 4 Sec. 171. Section 322C.21, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 5 amended to read as follows: 6 3. In addition to the remedies provided in this section , and 7 notwithstanding the existence of any additional remedy at law, 8 a manufacturer, distributor, warrantor, or dealer may petition 9 the district court , upon a hearing and for cause shown, for a 10 temporary or permanent injunction, or both, restraining any 11 person from acting as a dealer without being properly licensed, 12 from violating or continuing to violate any of the provisions 13 of this chapter , or from failing or refusing to comply with the 14 requirements of this chapter . Such injunction shall be issued , 15 upon a hearing and for cause shown, without bond. A single act 16 in violation of this chapter shall be considered sufficient 17 cause to authorize the issuance of an injunction pursuant to 18 this subsection . 19 Sec. 172. Section 327F.27, subsection 1, unnumbered 20 paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 21 Every railroad corporation shall insure ensure that 22 vegetation on railroad property which is on or immediately 23 adjacent to the roadbed be controlled so that it does not: 24 Sec. 173. Section 330.4, Code 2020, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 330.4 Joint exercise of powers. 27 Agreements between political subdivisions for joint exercise 28 of any powers relating to airports may provide for the creation 29 and establishment of a joint airport commission which, when 30 so created or established, shall function in accordance with 31 the provisions of sections 330.17 to through 330.24 insofar as 32 provided by said the agreements. 33 Sec. 174. Section 330.24, Code 2020, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -56- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 56/ 137
H.F. 2536 330.24 No restrictions on former commissions. 1 Nothing in sections 330.17 to through 330.22 shall be 2 interpreted as limiting or affecting airport commissions of 3 cities in the above classification which have already been in 4 existence and operation prior to January 1, 1941, under the 5 provisions of this chapter . 6 Sec. 175. Section 331.322, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 3. Fill vacancies in county offices in accordance with 9 sections 69.8 to through 69.12 and section 69.14A , and make 10 appointments in accordance with section 69.16 unless a special 11 election is called pursuant to section 69.14A . 12 Sec. 176. Section 331.383, Code 2020, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 331.383 Duties and powers relating to elections. 15 The board shall ensure that the county commissioner of 16 elections conducts primary, general, city, school, and special 17 elections in accordance with applicable state law. The board 18 shall canvass elections in accordance with sections 43.49 to 19 through 43.51 , 43.60 to through 43.62 , 46.24 , 50.13 , 50.24 to 20 through 50.29 , 50.44 to through 50.47 , 260C.39 , 275.25 , 277.20 , 21 376.1 , 376.7 , and 376.9 . The board shall prepare and deliver 22 a list of persons nominated in accordance with section 43.55 , 23 provide for a recount in accordance with section 50.48 , provide 24 for election precincts in accordance with sections 49.3 , 49.4 , 25 49.6 to through 49.8 , and 49.11 , pay election costs as provided 26 in section 47.3 , participate in election contests as provided 27 in sections 62.1A and 62.9 , and perform other election duties 28 required by state law. The board may shall provide for the 29 use of an optical scan voting system as provided in sections 30 52.2 , and 52.3 , and 52.8 , and exercise other election powers as 31 provided by state law. 32 Sec. 177. Section 331.390, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 2. The governing board shall comply with all of the 35 -57- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 57/ 137
H.F. 2536 following requirements: 1 a. The voting membership of the governing board shall 2 consist of at least one board of supervisors member from each 3 county comprising the region or their designees a person 4 designated by the board of each county . 5 b. The membership of the governing board shall also include 6 one adult person who utilizes mental health and disability 7 services or is an actively involved relative of such an adult 8 person. This member shall be designated by the regional 9 advisory committee formed by the governing board pursuant to 10 paragraph “h” “e” . 11 c. The membership of the governing board shall not include 12 employees of the department of human services or an unelected 13 nonelected employee of a county. 14 d. The membership of the governing board shall also consist 15 of one all of the following: 16 (1) One member representing adult service providers in 17 the region. This member shall be designated by the regional 18 advisory committee formed by the governing board pursuant to 19 paragraph “h” “e” . The member designated in accordance with 20 this paragraph subparagraph shall serve in a nonvoting, ex 21 officio capacity. 22 e. (2) The membership of the governing board shall also 23 consist of one One member representing children’s behavioral 24 health services providers in the region. This member shall 25 be designated by the regional children’s advisory committee 26 formed by the governing board pursuant to paragraph “i” “f” . 27 The member designated in accordance with this paragraph 28 subparagraph shall serve in a nonvoting, ex officio capacity. 29 f. (3) The membership of the governing board shall also 30 consist of one One member representing the education system in 31 the region. This member shall be designated by the regional 32 children’s advisory committee formed by the governing board 33 pursuant to paragraph “i” “f” . 34 g. (4) The membership of the governing board shall also 35 -58- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 58/ 137
H.F. 2536 consist of one One member who is a parent of a child who 1 utilizes children’s behavioral health services or who is an 2 actively involved relatives relative of such children a child . 3 This member shall be designated by the regional children’s 4 advisory committee formed by the governing board pursuant to 5 paragraph “i” “f” . 6 h. e. The governing board shall have a regional advisory 7 committee consisting of adults who utilize services or actively 8 involved relatives of such adults, service providers, and 9 regional governing board members. 10 i. f. The governing board shall have a regional children’s 11 advisory committee consisting of parents of children who 12 utilize services or actively involved relatives of such 13 children, a member of the education system, an early childhood 14 advocate, a child welfare advocate, a children’s behavioral 15 health service provider, a member of the juvenile court, a 16 pediatrician, a child care provider, a local law enforcement 17 representative, and regional governing board members. 18 Sec. 178. Section 331.397A, subsection 5, unnumbered 19 paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 20 A region shall ensure that services within the following 21 additional core service domains are available to children not 22 eligible for the medical assistance program under chapter 249A 23 or not receiving other third-party payment for the services, 24 when public funds are made available for such services: 25 Sec. 179. Section 331.606, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 3. The county recorder may give the county sheriff the 28 records filed under this chapter or chapter 695, Code 1977 , 29 pertaining to the sale and registration of weapons or may 30 dispose of those records if the sheriff does not wish to 31 receive the records. 32 Sec. 180. Section 335.4, Code 2020, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 335.4 Areas and districts. 35 -59- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 59/ 137
H.F. 2536 For any and all of said purposes the The board of supervisors 1 may divide the county, or any area or areas within the county, 2 into districts of such number, shape, and area as may be 3 deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this chapter ; 4 and within such districts it may regulate and restrict the 5 erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, or 6 use of buildings, structures or land. All such regulations 7 and restrictions shall be uniform for each class or kind of 8 buildings throughout each district, but the regulations in one 9 district may differ from those in other districts. 10 Sec. 181. Section 335.10, Code 2020, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 335.10 Board of adjustment —— review and remand. 13 1. The board of supervisors shall provide for the 14 appointment of a board of adjustment, and in the regulations 15 and restrictions adopted pursuant to the authority of this 16 chapter shall provide that the said board of adjustment may, 17 in appropriate cases, and subject to appropriate conditions 18 and safeguards, make special exceptions to the terms of the 19 ordinances or regulations in harmony with its general purpose 20 and intent and in accordance with the general or specific 21 rules therein contained in the ordinances or regulations , and 22 provide that any property owner aggrieved by the action of the 23 board of supervisors in the adoption of such regulations and 24 restrictions may petition the said board of adjustment direct 25 to modify regulations and restrictions as applied to such 26 property owners. 27 2. The board of supervisors may provide for its review 28 of variances granted by the board of adjustment before their 29 effective date. The board of supervisors may remand a decision 30 to grant a variance to the board of adjustment for further 31 study. If remanded, the effective date of the variance is 32 delayed for thirty days from the date of the remand. 33 Sec. 182. Section 335.21, Code 2020, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -60- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 60/ 137
H.F. 2536 335.21 Trial to court. 1 1. If upon the hearing which shall be tried de novo it 2 shall appear to the court that testimony is necessary for 3 the proper disposition of the matter, it the court may take 4 evidence or appoint a referee to take such evidence as it the 5 court may direct and report the same evidence to the court 6 with the referee’s findings of fact and conclusions of law , 7 which . The evidence and the referee’s findings and conclusions 8 shall constitute a part of the proceedings upon which the 9 determination of the court shall be made. The court may 10 reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the decision 11 brought up for review. 12 2. Costs shall not be allowed against the board unless 13 it shall appear to the court that it the board acted with 14 gross negligence or in bad faith or with malice in making the 15 decision appealed from. 16 Sec. 183. Section 347.9, subsections 1 and 3, Code 2020, are 17 amended to read as follows: 18 1. When it has been determined by the voters of a county 19 to establish a county public hospital, the board shall appoint 20 five or seven trustees chosen from among the resident citizens 21 of the county with reference to their fitness for office. 22 The appointed trustees shall hold office until the following 23 general election, at which time their successors shall be 24 elected, three for a term of four years and the remainder 25 for a term of two years, and they shall determine by lot 26 their respective terms, and thereafter their successors shall 27 be elected for regular terms of four years each , except as 28 provided in subsection 3 . 29 3. Trustees Notwithstanding subsections 1 and 2, trustees 30 in a county with a population of at least four hundred thousand 31 shall serve for a term of six years. A trustee elected to a 32 term of four years in or after January 2018 shall instead serve 33 a term of six years. 34 Sec. 184. Section 347.25, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 35 -61- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 61/ 137
H.F. 2536 amended to read as follows: 1 1. The election of hospital trustees whose offices are 2 established by this chapter or chapter 145A or 347A shall 3 take place at the general election on ballots which shall 4 not reflect a nominee’s political affiliation. Nomination 5 shall be made by petition in accordance with chapter 45 . The 6 petition form shall be furnished by the county commissioner 7 of elections, shall be signed by fifty eligible electors of 8 the county, and shall be filed with the county commissioner 9 of elections. A plurality is sufficient to elect hospital 10 trustees. 11 Sec. 185. Section 349.6, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 12 to read as follows: 13 1. The county auditor shall, on the direction of the board 14 while it is in session, open said the envelopes which have 15 been deposited as provided under section 349.5 . The board 16 may receive other evidence of circulation. In counties in 17 which two newspapers are to be selected, the two newspapers 18 showing the largest number of bona fide yearly subscribers 19 living within the county shall be selected as such official 20 newspapers. In counties in which three newspapers are to 21 be selected, the three showing the largest number of such 22 subscribers shall be selected except when such three newspapers 23 are all published in the same city, in which case the two 24 newspapers in such city having the largest lists of such 25 subscribers and the newspaper having the next largest list of 26 such subscribers and published outside such city, shall be 27 selected as such official newspapers. 28 Sec. 186. Section 349.8, Code 2020, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 349.8 Tie lists. 31 When newspapers are, by equality of circulation, equally 32 entitled to such selection as an official newspaper , the board 33 shall, in the presence of the contestants, determine the 34 question by lot. 35 -62- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 62/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 187. Section 357.3, Code 2020, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 357.3 Scope of assessment. 3 The special assessment hereinafter provided for in this 4 chapter may be used to cover the costs of installing all the 5 necessary elements of a water system, for both production and 6 distribution. 7 Sec. 188. Section 357.26, Code 2020, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 357.26 Duties of trustees. 10 It is anticipated that this law chapter will usually be 11 utilized to finance a distribution system where the source of 12 supply is without the district, and not under its control, 13 and that individuals within the district will pay water rent 14 to a municipality or corporation without the district. It is 15 intended that the trustees may so operate the utility as will 16 best serve the users, and they are expressly authorized to buy 17 and sell water, to fix the rates to consumers and make all 18 contracts reasonable or necessary to accomplish the purpose of 19 this chapter and to carry on all the operations incident to 20 maintaining and operating said utility and to the procuring 21 and furnishing of water to the consumers therein. If the 22 development of a source of supply is within the means of the 23 district, the trustees may install wells, tanks, meters and any 24 other equipment properly pertaining to operate it. 25 Sec. 189. Section 357.27, Code 2020, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 357.27 Public property in district. 28 Whenever property of the state of Iowa, or any political 29 subdivision thereof, shall be included either wholly or in part 30 within such the water district and shall own the state of Iowa 31 or the political subdivision owns facilities which may be used 32 as a part of such water system, the executive council, board of 33 supervisors , or city council, as the case may be, may permit 34 such the use of said the facilities for such consideration and 35 -63- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 63/ 137
H.F. 2536 on such terms as may be agreed upon with the board of trustees. 1 Sec. 190. Section 357A.20, subsection 2, paragraph e, Code 2 2020, is amended to read as follows: 3 e. The district shall bring its operation and structure 4 in compliance with sections 357A.7 to through 357A.10 at the 5 first annual meeting of the participating members and board of 6 directors. 7 Sec. 191. Section 358.2, subsection 2, Code 2020, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 2. No territory Territory shall not be included within more 10 than one sanitary district organized under this chapter , and 11 if any proposed sanitary district shall fail fails to receive 12 a majority of votes cast at any election thereon at which 13 the establishment of the district is proposed as hereinafter 14 provided in this chapter , no a petition shall not be filed for 15 establishment of such a sanitary district within one year from 16 the date of such previous election. 17 Sec. 192. Section 358.23, Code 2020, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 358.23 Appeal to district court. 20 Any person aggrieved by any proceeding had by the board of 21 supervisors or by the board of trustees as herein provided in 22 this chapter in relation to any matter involving the person’s 23 rights not included under the provisions of section 358.22 24 may appeal to the district court of the county in which the 25 proceedings were had. Such appeals shall be governed in all 26 respects as is provided by pertinent sections under chapter 27 468, subchapter I, parts 1 to through 5 . 28 Sec. 193. Section 358.25, Code 2020, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 358.25 Revenue bonds. 31 Sanitary districts incorporated under this chapter may 32 exercise the powers granted to counties in sections 331.462 to 33 through 331.470 , to issue revenue bonds for the purposes in 34 section 331.461, subsection 2 , paragraphs “b” and “c” . 35 -64- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 64/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 194. Section 358.30, Code 2020, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 358.30 Annexation of land by a city —— compensation. 3 A sanitary district shall be fairly compensated for losses 4 resulting from annexation by a city . The governing body of a 5 city or city utility and the board of trustees of the sanitary 6 district may agree to terms which provide that the facilities 7 owned by the sanitary district and located within the city 8 shall be retained by the sanitary district for the purpose 9 of sanitary service to customers outside the city. If an 10 agreement is not reached within ninety days, the issues may be 11 submitted to arbitration. If submitted, an arbitrator shall 12 be selected by a committee which includes one member of the 13 governing body of the city or its designee, one member of the 14 sanitary district’s board of trustees or its designee, and a 15 disinterested party selected by the other two members of the 16 committee. A list of qualified arbitrators may be obtained 17 from the American arbitration association or another recognized 18 arbitration organization or association. 19 Sec. 195. Section 359.6, Code 2020, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 359.6 Petition —— remonstrance. 22 Such petition shall be accompanied by the affidavit of 23 three eligible electors, to the effect that all the signatures 24 to such petition are genuine, and that the signers thereof 25 are all eligible electors of said township, residing outside 26 said corporate limits. Remonstrances signed by such eligible 27 electors may also be presented at the hearing before the board 28 of supervisors hereinafter provided for in this subchapter , and 29 if the same persons petition and remonstrate, they shall be 30 counted on the remonstrance only. 31 Sec. 196. Section 359.15, Code 2020, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 359.15 Hearing —— order. 34 If, at the time fixed for the hearing of said a petition 35 -65- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 65/ 137
H.F. 2536 filed under section 359.14 , the board be is satisfied that 1 there is a majority in favor of such the change of name, it the 2 board shall make an order granting the same name change , which 3 shall be attested by the auditor, and recorded in the office 4 of the recorder of the county. 5 Sec. 197. Section 359.30, Code 2020, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 359.30 Cemetery and park tax. 8 They Township trustees shall, at the regular meeting 9 in November, levy a tax sufficient to pay for any lands so 10 condemned or purchased, or for the necessary improvement 11 and maintenance of cemeteries thus established, and for the 12 necessary improvement and the maintenance of public parks 13 acquired by gift, devise, or bequest under section 359.29 , 14 or for the maintenance and improvement of cemeteries so 15 established in adjoining townships, in case they if the 16 trustees deem such action advisable. 17 Sec. 198. Section 359.31, Code 2020, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 359.31 Power and control. 20 They Township trustees shall control any such cemeteries, or 21 appoint trustees for the same, or sell the same to any private 22 corporation for cemetery purposes. 23 Sec. 199. Section 359.32, Code 2020, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 359.32 Sale of lots —— gifts. 26 They Township trustees shall have authority to provide for 27 the sale of lots or portions thereof, in any cemetery under 28 their control, and make rules in regard thereto , and . Township 29 trustees may provide for perpetual upkeep by the establishment 30 of a perpetual upkeep fund from the proceeds of sale of lots, 31 and may accept gifts, devise or bequest, made to them for that 32 purpose. 33 Sec. 200. Section 359.33, Code 2020, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -66- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 66/ 137
H.F. 2536 359.33 Tax for nonowned cemetery. 1 They Township trustees may levy a tax not to exceed six and 2 three-fourths cents per thousand dollars of assessed value 3 of taxable property to improve and maintain any cemetery not 4 owned by the township, provided the same cemetery is devoted 5 to general public use. 6 Sec. 201. Section 359.37, Code 2020, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 359.37 Regulations. 9 1. The trustees, board of directors, or other officers 10 having the custody and control of any cemetery in this state, 11 shall have power, subject to the bylaws and regulations of such 12 cemetery, to do all of the following: 13 a. To enclose, improve, and adorn the ground of such 14 cemetery ; to . 15 b. To construct avenues in the same; to cemetery. 16 c. To erect proper buildings for the use of said the 17 cemetery ; to . 18 d. To prescribe rules for the improving or adorning the lots 19 therein, in the cemetery or for the erection of monuments or 20 other memorials of the dead upon such the lots ; and to . 21 e. To prohibit any use, division, improvement , or adornment 22 of a lot which they the trustees, directors, or officers may 23 deem improper. 24 2. The trustees, after such land has been advertised for 25 sealed bids by the trustees, shall have authority to sell and 26 dispose of any lands or parcels of lands heretofore previously 27 dedicated for cemetery purposes and which are no longer 28 necessary for such purposes, for the reason that no burials 29 are being made in such the cemetery , provided that . However, 30 any portion of said the cemetery in which burials have been 31 made shall be kept and maintained by said the trustees. The 32 proceeds from such sales shall be deposited in the tax fund 33 established in accordance with section 359.30 , to be used for 34 the purposes of that fund. 35 -67- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 67/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 202. Section 376.1, Code 2020, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 376.1 City election held. 3 1. A city shall hold a regular city election on the first 4 Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each odd-numbered 5 year. A city shall hold regular, special, primary, or runoff 6 city elections as provided by state law. 7 2. The mayor or council shall give notice of any special 8 election to the county commissioner of elections. The county 9 commissioner of elections shall publish notice of any city 10 election and conduct the election pursuant to the provisions 11 of chapters 39 to through 53 , except as otherwise specifically 12 provided in chapters 362 to through 392 . The results of any 13 election shall be canvassed by the county board of supervisors 14 and certified by the county commissioner of elections to the 15 mayor and the council of the city for which the election is 16 held. 17 Sec. 203. Section 376.3, Code 2020, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 376.3 Nominations. 20 Candidates for elective city offices must be nominated as 21 provided in sections 376.4 to through 376.9 unless by ordinance 22 a city chooses the provisions of chapters 44 or 45 . However, 23 a city acting under a special charter in 1973 and having a 24 population of over fifty thousand shall continue to hold 25 partisan elections as provided in sections 43.112 to through 26 43.118 and 420.126 to through 420.137 unless the city by 27 election as provided in section 43.112 chooses to conduct city 28 elections under this chapter or chapter 44 or 45 . The choice 29 of one of these options by such a special charter city does not 30 otherwise affect the validity of the city’s charter. However, 31 special charter cities which choose to exercise the option 32 to conduct nonpartisan city elections may choose in the same 33 manner the original decision was made, to resume holding city 34 elections on a partisan basis. 35 -68- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 68/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 204. Section 386.7, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 1 to read as follows: 2 3. If the council orders the construction of the 3 self-liquidating improvement, contracts for it the improvement 4 shall be let in accordance with chapter 26 . 5 Sec. 205. Section 388.3, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 6 to read as follows: 7 3. A public officer or a salaried employee of the city may 8 shall not serve on a utility board. 9 Sec. 206. Section 388.9, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 10 to read as follows: 11 1. Notwithstanding section 21.5, subsection 1 , the 12 governing body of a city utility or combined utility system, 13 or a city enterprise or combined city enterprise as defined in 14 section 384.80 , by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the 15 body or all of the members present at the meeting, may hold a 16 closed session to discuss marketing and pricing strategies or 17 proprietary information if its competitive position would be 18 harmed by public disclosure not required of potential or actual 19 competitors, and if no public purpose would be served by such 20 disclosure. The minutes and a tape an audio or audiovisual 21 recording of a session closed under this subsection shall be 22 available for public examination at that point in time when 23 the public disclosure would no longer harm the utility’s 24 competitive position. 25 Sec. 207. Section 390.3, Code 2020, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 390.3 Hearing —— exception to general statutes. 28 1. Before a city may enter into or amend a joint agreement, 29 the governing body shall adopt a proposed form of agreement and 30 give notice and conduct a public hearing on the agreement in 31 the manner provided by sections 73A.1 to through 73A.11 , which 32 action shall be subject to appeal as provided in chapter 73A . 33 2. However, in the performance of a joint agreement, 34 the governing body is not subject to statutes generally 35 -69- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 69/ 137
H.F. 2536 applicable to public contracts, including hearings on 1 plans, specifications, form of contracts, costs, notice and 2 competitive bidding required under chapter 26 and section 3 384.103 , unless all parties to the joint agreement are cities 4 located within the state of Iowa. 5 Sec. 208. Section 400.14, Code 2020, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 400.14 Civil service status of chiefs. 8 A police officer under civil service may be appointed 9 chief of police and a fire fighter under civil service may be 10 appointed chief of the fire department without losing civil 11 service status, and shall retain, while holding the office of 12 chief, the same civil service rights that the officer or fire 13 fighter may have had immediately previous to appointment as 14 chief, but nothing herein in this section shall be deemed to 15 extend to such individual any civil service right upon which 16 the individual may retain the position of chief. 17 Sec. 209. Section 403.2, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 1. It is hereby found and declared that there exist in 20 municipalities of the state slum and blighted areas, as herein 21 defined in this chapter , which constitute a serious and growing 22 menace, injurious to the public health, safety, morals , and 23 welfare of the residents of the state; that the existence 24 of such areas contributes substantially and increasingly to 25 the spread of disease and crime, constitutes an economic and 26 social liability imposing onerous municipal burdens which 27 decrease the tax base and reduce tax revenues, substantially 28 impairs or arrests the sound growth of municipalities, retards 29 the provision of housing accommodations, aggravates traffic 30 problems and substantially impairs or arrests the elimination 31 of traffic hazards and the improvement of traffic facilities; 32 and that the prevention and elimination of slums and blighted 33 areas is a matter of state policy and state concern in order 34 that the state and its municipalities shall not continue to be 35 -70- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 70/ 137
H.F. 2536 endangered by areas which are focal centers of disease, promote 1 juvenile delinquency and consume an excessive proportion of 2 state revenues because of the extra services required for 3 police, fire, accident, hospitalization , and other forms of 4 public protection, services , and facilities. 5 Sec. 210. Section 403.4, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2020, 6 is amended to read as follows: 7 No A municipality shall not exercise the authority herein 8 conferred upon municipalities by this chapter until after 9 its local governing body shall have has adopted a resolution 10 finding that: 11 Sec. 211. Section 403.9, subsections 1 and 6, Code 2020, are 12 amended to read as follows: 13 1. A municipality shall have power to periodically issue 14 bonds in its discretion to pay the costs of carrying out 15 the purposes and provisions of this chapter , including but 16 not limited to the payment of principal and interest upon 17 any advances for surveys and planning, and the payment of 18 interest on bonds, herein authorized under this chapter , not 19 to exceed three years from the date the bonds are issued. The 20 municipality shall have power to issue refunding bonds for the 21 payment or retirement of such bonds previously issued by the 22 municipality. Said bonds shall be payable solely from the 23 income and proceeds of the fund and portion of taxes referred 24 to in section 403.19, subsection 2, and revenues and other 25 funds of the municipality derived from or held in connection 26 with the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects 27 under this chapter . The municipality may pledge to the payment 28 of the bonds the fund and portion of taxes referred to in 29 section 403.19, subsection 2, and may further secure the 30 bonds by a pledge of any loan, grant, or contribution from 31 the federal government or other source in aid of any urban 32 renewal projects of the municipality under this chapter , or 33 by a mortgage of any such urban renewal projects, or any part 34 thereof, title which is vested in the municipality. 35 -71- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 71/ 137
H.F. 2536 6. In any suit, action , or proceeding involving the validity 1 or enforceability of any bond issued under this chapter or the 2 security therefor, any such bond reciting in substance that it 3 has been issued by the municipality in connection with an urban 4 renewal project, as herein defined in this chapter , shall be 5 conclusively deemed to have been issued for such purpose and 6 such project shall be conclusively deemed to have been planned, 7 located , and carried out in accordance with the provisions of 8 this chapter . 9 Sec. 212. Section 403.14, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 10 amended to read as follows: 11 1. A municipality may itself exercise its urban renewal 12 project powers, as herein defined in this section , or may, 13 if the local governing body by resolution determines such 14 action to be in the public interest, elect to have such 15 powers exercised by the urban renewal agency, if one exists 16 or is subsequently established in the community. In the 17 event the local governing body makes such determination, 18 the urban renewal agency shall be vested with all of the 19 urban renewal project powers in the same manner as though 20 all such powers were conferred on such agency instead of the 21 municipality. If the local governing body does not elect to 22 make such determination, the municipality in its discretion may 23 exercise its urban renewal project powers through a board or 24 commissioner, or through such officers of the municipality as 25 the local governing body may by resolution determine. 26 Sec. 213. Section 403.16, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 27 2020, is amended to read as follows: 28 No public official or employee of a municipality, or board 29 or commission thereof, and no commissioner or employee of an 30 urban renewal agency, which has been vested by a municipality 31 with urban renewal project powers under section 403.14 , shall 32 voluntarily acquire any personal interest, as hereinafter 33 defined described in this section , whether direct or indirect, 34 in any urban renewal project, or in any property included 35 -72- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 72/ 137
H.F. 2536 or planned to be included in any urban renewal project of 1 such municipality, or in any contract or proposed contract 2 in connection with such urban renewal project. Where such 3 acquisition is not voluntary, the interest acquired shall 4 be immediately disclosed in writing to the local governing 5 body, and such disclosure shall be entered upon the minutes 6 of the governing body. If any such official, commissioner , 7 or employee presently owns or controls, or has owned or 8 controlled within the preceding two years, any interest, as 9 hereinafter defined described in this section , whether direct 10 or indirect, in any property which the official, commissioner , 11 or employee knows is included or planned to be included in an 12 urban renewal project, the official, commissioner , or employee 13 shall immediately disclose this fact in writing to the local 14 governing body, and such disclosure shall be entered upon 15 the minutes of the governing body; and any such official, 16 commissioner , or employee shall not participate in any action 17 by the municipality, or board or commission thereof, or urban 18 renewal agency affecting such property, as the terms of such 19 proscription are hereinafter defined which is proscribed in 20 this section . For the purposes of this section the following 21 definitions and standards of construction shall apply: 22 Sec. 214. Section 414.13, Code 2020, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 414.13 Decision on appeal. 25 In exercising the above-mentioned powers such enumerated 26 in section 414.12, the board of adjustment may, in conformity 27 with the provisions of this chapter , reverse or affirm, wholly 28 or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision, 29 or determination appealed from and may make such order , 30 requirement, decision, or determination as ought to be made, 31 and to that end shall have all the powers of the officer from 32 whom the appeal is taken. 33 Sec. 215. Section 420.43, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 34 amended to read as follows: 35 -73- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 73/ 137
H.F. 2536 2. This section shall not be construed as depriving boards 1 of supervisors, county auditors, and county treasurers of their 2 powers to spread tax levies and collect taxes certified by 3 cities acting under special charter as provided in section 4 420.206 and other state law. Nothing contained herein in 5 this section shall be deemed to affect the procedure for the 6 assessment of property by the city or county assessor. 7 Sec. 216. Section 420.224, Code 2020, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 420.224 Limitation on resale by city. 10 Property which may be sold at tax sale to any such 11 city shall not be offered at any sale for taxes or special 12 assessments, collectible by such city, while it holds the 13 certificate of purchase thereof or tax deed thereon except 14 that if any special assessment or installment thereof levied 15 by any such city prior to April 22, 1941, shall be or become 16 delinquent after purchase of such property at tax sale by the 17 city, then the property against which the same was levied may 18 be sold therefor only at the first regular tax sale of such 19 city occurring within such a period of time after delinquency 20 that sale for such assessment or installment might lawfully 21 be made at such first regular tax sale . Nothing in sections 22 420.220 to through 420.223, this section, or sections 420.225 23 through 420.229 shall prevent the sale of property for any 24 unpaid taxes collectible by the county. 25 Sec. 217. Section 420.226, Code 2020, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 420.226 City clerk makes purchases. 28 The city clerk shall act on behalf of the city under general 29 or specific resolutions of its city council in making the 30 purchases at tax sale hereby authorized under this subchapter . 31 Sec. 218. Section 420.228, Code 2020, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 420.228 City may compromise tax —— effect. 34 For the purpose of collecting and realizing on account 35 -74- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 74/ 137
H.F. 2536 of delinquent taxes and special assessments collectible by 1 it a city as fully and expeditiously as deemed possible in 2 the judgment of its city council , any such city is hereby 3 authorized to settle, compromise, and adjust any general tax, 4 then having been delinquent for a period of two years or more 5 and any special assessment then having been delinquent in whole 6 or as to any installment thereof for a period of two years 7 or more , and, in . In connection with any such settlement, 8 compromise , or adjustment, the city is also authorized to 9 accept a conveyance of real property and extend the time for 10 payment of any installment of any special assessment. If any 11 special assessment shall be is reduced in amount in connection 12 with any such settlement, compromise, or adjustment, the full 13 amount of the reduction shall thereby become an obligation of 14 such the city to the special assessment fund into which such 15 assessment was payable. The lien or charge created by law for 16 the payment of any special assessment certificates or bonds 17 against any special assessment so reduced in amount or against 18 the proceeds thereof shall remain in effect against the balance 19 of such special assessment and the proceeds of such balance. 20 All such settlements, compromises, and adjustments heretofore 21 effected are hereby ratified and validated. 22 Sec. 219. Section 420.235, Code 2020, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 420.235 Tax receipt. 25 1. The collector or treasurer shall in all cases make out 26 and deliver to the taxpayer a receipt, which receipt shall 27 contain the description and the assessed value of each lot 28 and parcel of real estate, and the assessed value of personal 29 property, and in case the property has been sold for taxes and 30 not redeemed, the date of such sale and to whom sold, also the 31 amount of taxes, interest, and costs paid ; and the . 32 2. The collector or treasurer shall give separate receipts 33 for each year ; whereupon the collector or treasurer and shall 34 make proper entries of such payments on the books of the 35 -75- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 75/ 137
H.F. 2536 collector’s or treasurer’s office. 1 Sec. 220. Section 420.238, Code 2020, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 420.238 Redemption —— terms. 4 Real property sold under the provisions of this chapter , or 5 by virtue of any other power heretofore given, may be redeemed 6 before the time of redemption expires, as hereinafter provided 7 in this chapter , by payment to the treasurer, collector, or 8 person authorized to receive the same, to payment. The payment 9 shall be held by the treasurer, collector , or other authorized 10 person subject to the order of the purchaser on surrender of 11 the certificate, or in case if the same certificate is lost 12 and or destroyed, on the purchaser’s making affidavit of such 13 fact, and of the further fact that it the certificate was not 14 assigned, of the amount for which the same real property was 15 sold, and ten percent of such amount immediately added as a 16 penalty, with eight percent per annum on the whole amount thus 17 made from the day of sale, and the amount of all taxes, either 18 general or special, with interest and costs, paid at any time 19 by the purchaser or the purchaser’s assignee subsequent to the 20 sale, and a similar penalty of ten percent added as before on 21 the amount of the payment made at any subsequent time, with 22 eight percent interest per annum on the whole of such amount 23 or amounts from the day or days of payment; provided that such 24 penalty for the nonpayment of the taxes at any subsequent time 25 or times shall not attach, unless such subsequent tax or taxes 26 shall have remained unpaid for thirty days after they became 27 delinquent. 28 Sec. 221. Section 422.19, Code 2020, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 422.19 Scope of nonresidents tax. 31 The tax herein imposed under this subchapter upon certain 32 income of nonresidents shall apply to all such income actually 33 received by such nonresident regardless of when such income was 34 earned. If the nonresident is reporting on the accrual basis 35 -76- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 76/ 137
H.F. 2536 it shall apply to all such income which first became available 1 to the nonresident so that the nonresident might demand payment 2 thereof regardless of when such income was earned. The duty to 3 withhold herein imposed under this subchapter upon withholding 4 agents shall apply only to amounts paid after June 30, 1937. 5 Sec. 222. Section 422.20, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2020, 6 are amended to read as follows: 7 1. a. It shall be unlawful for any present or former 8 officer or employee of the state to divulge or to make known 9 in any manner whatever not provided by law to any person the 10 amount or source of income, profits, losses, expenditures, or 11 any particular thereof, set forth or disclosed in any income 12 return, or to permit any income return or copy thereof or any 13 book containing any abstract or particulars thereof to be seen 14 or examined by any person except as provided by law ; and it . 15 b. It shall be unlawful for any person to print or publish 16 in any manner whatever not provided by law any income return, 17 or any part thereof or source of income, profits, losses, or 18 expenditures appearing in any income return ; and any . 19 c. Any person committing an offense against the foregoing 20 provision described in this subsection shall be guilty of a 21 serious misdemeanor. If the offender is an officer or employee 22 of the state, such person shall also be dismissed from office 23 or discharged from employment. 24 d. Nothing herein in this section shall prohibit turning 25 over to duly authorized officers of the United States or tax 26 officials of other states state information and income returns 27 pursuant to agreement between the director and the secretary of 28 the treasury of the United States or the secretary’s delegate 29 or pursuant to a reciprocal agreement with another state. 30 2. It is unlawful for an officer, employee, or agent, or 31 former officer, employee, or agent of the state to disclose 32 to any person, except as authorized in subsection 1 of this 33 section , any federal tax return or return information as 34 defined in section 6103(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. It 35 -77- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 77/ 137
H.F. 2536 is unlawful for a person to whom any federal tax return or 1 return information, as defined in section 6103(b) of the 2 Internal Revenue Code, is disclosed in a manner unauthorized 3 by subsection 1 of this section to thereafter print or publish 4 in any manner not provided by law any such return or return 5 information. A person violating this provision subsection is 6 guilty of a serious misdemeanor. 7 Sec. 223. Section 422.21, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 8 amended to read as follows: 9 3. The department shall make available to persons required 10 to make personal income tax returns under the provisions of 11 this chapter , and when such income is derived mainly from 12 salaries and wages or from the operation of a business or 13 profession, a form which shall take into consideration the 14 normal deductions and credits allowable to any such taxpayer, 15 and which will permit the computation of the tax payable 16 without requiring the listing of specific deductions and 17 credits. In arriving at schedules for payment of taxation 18 under such forms the department shall as nearly as possible 19 base such schedules upon a total of deductions and credits 20 which will result in substantially the same payment as 21 would have been made by such taxpayer were the taxpayer to 22 specifically list the taxpayer’s allowable deductions and 23 credits. In lieu of such return any taxpayer may elect to 24 list permissible deductions and credits as provided by law. 25 It is the intent and purpose of this provision to simplify 26 the procedure of collection of personal income tax, and the 27 director shall have the power in any case when deemed necessary 28 or advisable to require any taxpayer, who has made a return 29 in accordance with the schedule herein provided for in this 30 section , to make an additional return in which all deductions 31 and credits are specifically listed. The department may revise 32 the schedules adopted in connection with such simplified form 33 whenever such revision is necessitated by changes in federal 34 income tax laws, or to maintain the collection of substantially 35 -78- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 78/ 137
H.F. 2536 the same amounts from taxpayers as would be received were the 1 specific listing of deductions and credits required. 2 Sec. 224. Section 422.33, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 3. If any taxpayer believes that the method of allocation 5 and apportionment hereinbefore prescribed in subsections 1A 6 and 2 , as administered by the director and applied to the 7 taxpayer’s business, has operated or will so operate as to 8 subject the taxpayer to taxation on a greater portion of 9 the taxpayer’s net income than is reasonably attributable 10 to business or sources within the state, the taxpayer shall 11 be entitled to file with the director a statement of the 12 taxpayer’s objections and of such alternative method of 13 allocation and apportionment as the taxpayer believes to be 14 proper under the circumstances with such detail and proof and 15 within such time as the director may reasonably prescribe; and 16 if the director shall conclude that the method of allocation 17 and apportionment theretofore employed is in fact inapplicable 18 and inequitable, the director shall redetermine the taxable 19 income by such other method of allocation and apportionment as 20 seems best calculated to assign to the state for taxation the 21 portion of the income reasonably attributable to business and 22 sources within the state, not exceeding, however, the amount 23 which would be arrived at by application of the statutory rules 24 for apportionment. 25 Sec. 225. Section 422.38, Code 2020, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 422.38 Statutes governing corporations. 28 All the provisions of sections 422.15 to through 422.22 of 29 division II, insofar as the same are applicable, shall apply to 30 corporations taxable under this division . 31 Sec. 226. Section 422.39, Code 2020, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 422.39 Statutes applicable to corporation tax. 34 All the provisions of sections 422.24 to through 422.27 of 35 -79- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 79/ 137
H.F. 2536 division II, respecting payment and collection, shall apply in 1 respect to the tax due and payable by a corporation taxable 2 under this division . 3 Sec. 227. Section 423.3, subsection 29, Code 2020, is 4 amended by striking the subsection. 5 Sec. 228. Section 423.3, subsection 47A, Code 2020, is 6 amended to read as follows: 7 47A. The sales price from the sale or rental of central 8 office equipment or transmission equipment primarily used 9 by local exchange carriers and competitive local exchange 10 service providers as defined in section 476.96 , Code 2017 ; 11 by franchised cable television operators, mutual companies, 12 municipal utilities, cooperatives, and companies furnishing 13 communications services that are not subject to rate regulation 14 as provided in chapter 476 ; by long distance companies as 15 defined in section 477.10 ; or for a commercial mobile radio 16 service as defined in 47 C.F.R. §20.3 in the furnishing of 17 telecommunications services on a commercial basis. For the 18 purposes of this subsection , “central office equipment” means 19 equipment utilized in the initiating, processing, amplifying, 20 switching, or monitoring of telecommunications services. 21 “Transmission equipment” means equipment utilized in the process 22 of sending information from one location to another location. 23 “Central office equipment” and “transmission equipment” also 24 include ancillary equipment and apparatus which support, 25 regulate, control, repair, test, or enable such equipment to 26 accomplish its function. 27 Sec. 229. Section 423F.3, subsection 6, Code 2020, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 6. a. (1) For purposes of this chapter , “school 30 infrastructure” means those activities authorized in section 31 423E.1, subsection 3, Code 2007 . 32 b. (2) Additionally, “school infrastructure” includes 33 the payment or retirement of outstanding bonds previously 34 issued for school infrastructure purposes as defined in this 35 -80- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 80/ 137
H.F. 2536 subsection , and the payment or retirement of bonds issued under 1 sections 423E.5 and 423F.4 . 2 c. (3) Additionally, “school infrastructure” includes 3 the acquisition or installation of information technology 4 infrastructure. For purposes of this paragraph subparagraph , 5 “information technology infrastructure” means the basic, 6 underlying physical framework or system necessary to deliver 7 technology connectivity to a school district and to network 8 school buildings within a school district. 9 d. (4) Additionally, “school infrastructure” includes 10 school safety and security infrastructure. For purposes 11 of this paragraph subparagraph , “school safety and security 12 infrastructure” includes but is not limited to safe rooms, 13 remote entry technology and equipment, security camera systems, 14 card access systems, and communication systems with access 15 to fire and police emergency frequencies. For purposes of 16 this paragraph subparagraph , “school safety and security 17 infrastructure” does not include the cost of personnel, 18 development of safety and security plans, or training related 19 to the implementation of safety and security plans. 20 b. It is the intent of the general assembly that each school 21 district prioritize the use of revenues under this chapter for 22 secure entries for the district’s attendance centers before 23 expending such revenues for athletic facility infrastructure 24 projects. 25 e. c. A school district that uses secure an advanced vision 26 for education fund moneys for school infrastructure shall 27 comply with the state building code in the absence of a local 28 building code. 29 Sec. 230. Section 425.8, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 30 to read as follows: 31 1. The director of revenue shall prescribe the form 32 for the making of a verified statement and designation of 33 homestead, the form for the supporting affidavits required 34 herein, and such other forms as may be necessary for the proper 35 -81- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 81/ 137
H.F. 2536 administration of this chapter . Whenever necessary, the 1 department of revenue shall forward to the county auditors of 2 the several counties in the state the prescribed sample forms, 3 and the county auditors shall furnish blank forms prepared in 4 accordance therewith with the assessment rolls, books, and 5 supplies delivered to the assessors. The department of revenue 6 shall prescribe and the county auditors shall provide on the 7 forms for claiming the homestead credit a statement to the 8 effect that the owner realizes that the owner must give written 9 notice to the assessor when the owner changes the use of the 10 property. 11 Sec. 231. Section 425.16, Code 2020, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 425.16 Additional tax credit. 14 In addition to the homestead tax credit allowed under 15 section 425.1, subsections 1 to through 4 , persons who own or 16 rent their homesteads and who meet the qualifications provided 17 in this subchapter are eligible for an extraordinary property 18 tax credit or reimbursement. 19 Sec. 232. Section 434.10, Code 2020, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 434.10 Reports additional. 22 The reports provided for in sections 434.7 to through 434.9 23 are not in lieu of, but in addition to, the reports provided 24 for by law, and they shall be made at the time and as a part of 25 the reports already required. 26 Sec. 233. Section 434.12, Code 2020, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 434.12 Refusal to obey. 29 If any railway company shall fail or refuse to obey or 30 conform to the rules, regulations, method, and requirements 31 so made or prescribed by the director of revenue under the 32 provisions of sections 434.7 to through 434.11 or to make 33 the reports therein provided, the department of revenue 34 shall proceed to assess the property of such railway company 35 -82- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 82/ 137
H.F. 2536 so failing or refusing, according to the best information 1 obtainable, and shall then add to the taxable valuation of such 2 railway company twenty-five percent thereof, which valuation 3 and penalty shall be separately shown, and together shall 4 constitute the assessment for that year. 5 Sec. 234. Section 434.18, Code 2020, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 434.18 Plats. 8 Every railroad company owning or operating a line of 9 railroad within this state shall, on or before the first day of 10 August 1902, place on file in the office of the county auditor 11 of each county in the state into which any part of the lines of 12 any said company lies, a plat of the lines of said companies 13 within said county, showing the length of their said lines and 14 the area of the land owned or occupied by said companies in 15 each government subdivision of land not included within the 16 platted portion of any city, within each of said counties, and 17 the length of the said lines within the platted portion of 18 cities. Companies having on file such plats of part or all of 19 their lines, in any of said counties, shall be required to file 20 plats only of that part of their lines not fully shown as above 21 required on the plats now on file. On the first day of January 22 of each year hereafter , like plats shall be filed of all new 23 lines or extensions of existing lines built or completed within 24 the calendar year preceding. 25 Sec. 235. Section 437A.3, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 3. “Centrally assessed property tax” means property tax 28 imposed with respect to the value of property determined by the 29 director pursuant to section 427.1, subsection 2, Code 1997 , 30 section 428.29, Code 1997 , and chapters chapter 437 , Code 1997, 31 and chapter 438, Code 1997 , and allocated to electric service 32 and natural gas service. For purposes of this subsection , 33 “natural gas service” means such service provided by natural gas 34 pipelines permitted pursuant to chapter 479 . 35 -83- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 83/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 236. Section 452A.66, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 2. All the provisions of section 422.26 shall apply in 3 respect to the taxes, penalties, interest, and costs imposed 4 by this chapter excepting that as applied to any tax imposed 5 by this chapter , the lien provided in section 422.26 shall be 6 prior and paramount over all subsequent liens upon any personal 7 property within this state, or right to such personal property, 8 belonging to the taxpayer without the necessity of recording 9 as therein provided in section 422.26 . The requirements for 10 recording shall, as applied to the tax imposed by this chapter , 11 apply only to the liens upon real property. When requested to 12 do so by any person from whom a taxpayer is seeking credit, 13 or with whom the taxpayer is negotiating the sale of any 14 personal property, or by any other person having a legitimate 15 interest in such information, the director shall, upon being 16 satisfied that such a situation exists, inform such person as 17 to the amount of unpaid taxes due by such taxpayer under the 18 provisions of this chapter . The giving of such information 19 under such circumstances shall not be deemed a violation of 20 section 452A.63 as applied to this chapter . 21 Sec. 237. Section 453A.20, Code 2020, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 453A.20 Subpoena for witnesses and papers. 24 For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter 25 and of detecting violations thereof, the director shall have 26 the power to administer oaths and to require by subpoena the 27 attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of 28 all relevant books, papers, and records. Such attendance and 29 production may be required at the statehouse at Des Moines, 30 or at any place convenient for such investigation. In case 31 any person fails or refuses to obey a subpoena so issued, the 32 director may procure an order from the district court in the 33 county where such person resides, or where such person is 34 found, requiring such person to appear for examination and/or 35 -84- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 84/ 137
H.F. 2536 or to produce such books, papers, and records as are required 1 in the subpoena. Failure to obey such order shall be punished 2 by such court as contempt thereof. 3 Sec. 238. Section 453A.33, Code 2020, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 453A.33 Seizure not to affect criminal prosecution. 6 The seizure, forfeiture, and sale of cigarettes, tobacco 7 products, and other property under the terms and conditions 8 hereinabove set out in section 453A.32 , shall not constitute 9 any defense to the person owning or having control or 10 possession of the property from criminal prosecution for any 11 act or omission made or offense committed under this chapter or 12 from liability to pay penalties provided by this chapter . 13 Sec. 239. Section 453A.44, subsection 6, Code 2020, is 14 amended to read as follows: 15 6. A distributor or subjobber applying for a license between 16 January 1 and June 30 of any year shall be required to pay 17 only one-half of the license fee provided for herein in this 18 section . 19 Sec. 240. Section 455B.137, Code 2020, is amended to read 20 as follows: 21 455B.137 Privileged information. 22 Information received by the department or any employees 23 of the department through filed reports, inspections, or as 24 otherwise authorized in this division II or chapter 459, 25 subchapter II , concerning trade secrets, secret industrial 26 processes, or other privileged communications, except 27 emission data, shall not be disclosed or opened to public 28 inspection, except as may be necessary in a proceeding 29 concerning a violation of said division or of any rules 30 promulgated thereunder, or as otherwise authorized or ordered 31 by appropriate court action or proceedings. Nothing herein 32 in this section shall be construed to prevent the director 33 from compiling or publishing analyses or summaries relating to 34 the general condition of the atmosphere; provided that such 35 -85- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 85/ 137
H.F. 2536 analyses or summaries do not reveal any information otherwise 1 confidential under this section . 2 Sec. 241. Section 455B.340, Code 2020, is amended to read 3 as follows: 4 455B.340 Penalty. 5 Any person who violates any provisions of this part 2 of 6 division IV or rules adopted under this part 2 , or any order of 7 the department or director issued pursuant to said this part 2 , 8 shall be guilty of a serious misdemeanor and, in addition, the 9 person may be enjoined from continuing such violation. Each 10 day of continued violation after notice that a violation is 11 being committed shall constitute a separate violation. 12 Sec. 242. Section 455B.476, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 13 amended to read as follows: 14 1. If there is substantial evidence that a person has 15 violated or is violating a provision of this part or a rule 16 adopted under this part , the director may issue an order 17 directing the person to desist in the practice which that 18 constitutes the violation , and to take corrective action as 19 necessary to ensure that the violation will cease, and may 20 impose appropriate administrative penalties pursuant to section 21 455B.109 . The person to whom the order is issued may appeal 22 the order to the commission as provided in chapter 17A . On 23 appeal, the commission may affirm, modify, or vacate the order 24 of the director. The applicable time frames for the issuance 25 and appeal of the order are defined in section 455B.110 . 26 Sec. 243. Section 455D.23, Code 2020, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 455D.23 Administrative enforcement —— compliance orders. 29 The director may issue any order necessary to secure 30 compliance with or prevent a violation of the provisions of 31 this chapter or any rule adopted or permit or order issued 32 pursuant to this chapter . Any order issued to enforce section 33 455D.4A may include a requirement to remove and properly 34 dispose of materials being accumulated speculatively from a 35 -86- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 86/ 137
H.F. 2536 property and impose costs and penalties as determined by the 1 department by rule. The person to whom such a compliance 2 order is issued under this section may cause to be commenced a 3 contested case within the meaning of chapter 17A by filing a 4 notice of appeal to the commission. On appeal, the commission 5 may affirm, modify, or vacate the order of the director. The 6 applicable time frames for the issuance and appeal of the order 7 are defined in section 455B.110 . 8 Sec. 244. Section 455E.11, subsection 2, paragraph b, 9 subparagraph (2), Code 2020, is amended by striking the 10 subparagraph. 11 Sec. 245. Section 456.5, Code 2020, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 456.5 Authority to enter lands. 14 For the purpose of carrying on the aforesaid investigations , 15 the state geologist and the state geologist’s assistants and 16 employees shall have authority to enter and cross all lands 17 within the state; provided that in so doing no damage is done 18 to private property. 19 Sec. 246. Section 458A.11, subsection 4, Code 2020, is 20 amended to read as follows: 21 4. Any notice required by this chapter shall be given at 22 the election of the department either by personal service or by 23 letter to the last recorded address and one publication in a 24 newspaper of general circulation in the state capital city and 25 in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the 26 land affected or some part of the land is situated. The notice 27 shall issue in the name of the state, shall be signed by the 28 director, shall specify the style and number of the proceeding , 29 and the time and place of the hearing, and shall briefly state 30 the purpose of the proceeding. Should the department elect to 31 give notice by personal service, the service may be made by any 32 officer authorized to serve process, or by any agent of the 33 department, in the same manner as is provided by law for the 34 service of original notices in civil actions in the district 35 -87- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 87/ 137
H.F. 2536 court of the state. Proof of the service by such agent shall be 1 by the affidavit of the person making personal service. 2 Sec. 247. Section 461A.31, Code 2020, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 461A.31 Sale of islands. 5 No islands Islands in any of the meandered streams and lakes 6 of this state or in any of the waters bordering upon this state 7 shall hereafter not be sold, except with the majority vote of 8 the executive council upon the majority recommendation of the 9 commission , and in . In the event that any of such islands are 10 sold as herein provided in this section, the proceeds thereof 11 of the sale shall become a part of the funds to be expended 12 under the terms and provisions of this chapter . 13 Sec. 248. Section 461A.77, Code 2020, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 461A.77 Prohibited near borders of state. 16 In order to reduce the possibility of affecting conservation 17 measures to flood control projects which may be in progress in 18 other states, water recreational areas shall not be established 19 hereunder under this subchapter within seventy miles of the 20 border of any other state. 21 Sec. 249. Section 462A.27, Code 2020, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 462A.27 Removal of nonpermanent structures. 24 Every structure, not considered a permanent structure by the 25 commission or excepted by the rules of the commission, shall 26 be removed from the waters, ice, or land of this state under 27 the jurisdiction of the commission on or before December 15 of 28 each year. Failure to comply with this section shall cause 29 the structure to be declared a public nuisance and disposition 30 shall be in accordance with sections 483A.32 to through 31 483A.34 . 32 Sec. 250. Section 466B.2, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 33 amended by striking the subsection. 34 Sec. 251. Section 468.20, Code 2020, is amended to read as 35 -88- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 88/ 137
H.F. 2536 follows: 1 468.20 Adjournment for service —— jurisdiction retained. 2 If at the date set for hearing, it shall appear appears that 3 any person entitled to notice has not been properly served with 4 notice, the board may postpone said the hearing and set another 5 time for the same not less than thirty days from said the 6 original hearing date , and notice . Notice of such hearing as 7 hereinbefore provided shall be served on such omitted parties 8 in the manner provided in sections 468.15 through 468.18 . By 9 fixing such a new date for hearing and the adjournment of said 10 adjourning the proceeding to said the new date, the board 11 shall not lose jurisdiction of the subject matter of said the 12 proceeding nor of any parties already served with notice. 13 Sec. 252. Section 468.22, Code 2020, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 468.22 Establishment —— further investigation. 16 1. a. If the board shall find that such petition complies 17 with the requirements of law in form and substance, and that 18 such improvement would be conducive to the public health, 19 convenience, welfare, benefit, or utility, and that the cost 20 thereof is not excessive, and no claim shall have been filed 21 for damages, it the board may locate and establish the said 22 district in accordance with the recommendation of the engineer 23 and the report and plans on file ; or it . 24 b. The board may refuse to establish the proposed district 25 if it deem best, or it may direct the engineer or another 26 one employed for that purpose to make further examinations, 27 surveys, plats, profiles, and reports for the modification 28 of said plans, or for new plans in accordance with sections 29 468.11 and 468.12 , and continue further hearing to a fixed 30 date. All parties over whom the board then has jurisdiction 31 shall take notice of such further hearing; but any new parties 32 rendered necessary by any modification or change of plans shall 33 be served with notice in the same manner as for the original 34 establishment of a district. 35 -89- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 89/ 137
H.F. 2536 2. The county auditor shall appoint three appraisers as 1 provided for in section 468.24 to assess the value of the 2 right-of-way required for open ditches or other improvements. 3 Sec. 253. Section 468.75, Code 2020, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 468.75 Form. 6 Each of such bonds shall be numbered and have printed upon 7 its face that it is a “Drainage Bond”, stating the county and 8 number of the district for which it is issued, the date and 9 maturity thereof, that it is in pursuance of a resolution 10 of the board of supervisors, and that it is to be paid only 11 from taxes for levee and drainage improvement purposes levied 12 and collected on the lands assessed for benefits within the 13 district for which the bond is issued. 14 Sec. 254. Section 468.184, subsection 10, Code 2020, is 15 amended to read as follows: 16 10. a. All proceedings taken prior to July 1, 1968, 17 purporting to establish or reestablish a drainage or levee 18 district or districts, or to enlarge or change the boundaries 19 of any drainage or levee district, and any assessments not 20 heretofore declared invalid by any court, are hereby legalized, 21 validated, and confirmed. 22 b. The foregoing Paragraph “a” shall not be construed to 23 affect any litigation that may be pending at the time this 24 section becomes effective on July 1, 1968, involving the 25 establishment, reestablishment, enlargement, or change in 26 boundaries or any assessments of drainage or levee districts. 27 Sec. 255. Section 468.293, Code 2020, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 468.293 Failure of board to act. 30 When the establishment of a district, extending into two or 31 more counties, is petitioned for as hereinbefore provided in 32 this part and one or more of such boards fails to take action 33 thereon, the petitioners may cause notice in writing to be 34 served upon the chairperson of each board demanding that action 35 -90- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 90/ 137
H.F. 2536 be taken upon the petition within twenty days from and after 1 the service of such notice. 2 Sec. 256. Section 468.396, Code 2020, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 468.396 Cost of maintaining. 5 The board of supervisors shall have the right and power to 6 keep and maintain any such levee, ditches, drains, or system 7 of drainage, either in whole or in part, established under 8 sections 468.390 through 468.395 , as may in their judgment be 9 required, and to levy the expense thereof upon the real estate 10 within such drainage district as herein provided for in this 11 part , and collect and expend the same; provided, however, that 12 no such work which shall impose a tax exceeding three dollars 13 and thirty-seven and one-half cents per thousand dollars on 14 the assessable value of the lands and improvements within the 15 district shall be authorized by them the board , unless the same 16 work is first petitioned for and authorized in substantially 17 the manner required by this part for the inauguration of new 18 work except that . However, if such work is of the kinds 19 contemplated by section 468.126 , and the cost thereof is within 20 the limitations of said section 468.126 , or is of the kinds 21 contemplated by section 468.188 , and the cost thereof is within 22 the limitations of said section 468.188 , then the provisions 23 of section 468.126 or section 468.188 shall supersede the 24 limitations of this section . 25 Sec. 257. Section 468.557, Code 2020, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 468.557 Effect of extension. 28 The extension of the time of payment of any unpaid 29 assessments or installment or installments thereof, in the 30 manner aforesaid provided in section 468.556, shall in no way 31 impair the lien of said assessments as originally levied or 32 the priority thereof, nor the right, duty, and power of the 33 officers authorized by law to levy, collect, and apply the 34 proceeds thereof to the payment of said drainage refunding 35 -91- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 91/ 137
H.F. 2536 bonds. 1 Sec. 258. Section 468.626, Code 2020, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 468.626 Original plat filed. 4 In lieu of making the record as herein provided in section 5 468.623, any landowner may file with the county recorder the 6 original plat used in the establishment of the drainage system, 7 or a copy of the plat, which shall be certified by the engineer 8 having made the same. If practicable, a plat filed under this 9 section shall be made a matter of record and shall contain the 10 applicable entries specified in sections 558.49 and 558.52 . 11 Sec. 259. Section 468.627, Code 2020, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 468.627 Record not part of title. 14 The drainage records herein provided for in this subchapter 15 shall not be construed as an essential part of the title to 16 said lands, but may upon request be set out by abstracters as 17 part of the record title of said lands. 18 Sec. 260. Section 473.1, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 19 by striking the subsection. 20 Sec. 261. Section 474.2, Code 2020, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 474.2 Certain persons barred from office. 23 No A person in the employ of who is employed by any common 24 carrier or other public utility , or owning who owns any bonds, 25 stock, or property in any public utility shall not be eligible 26 to hold the office of utilities board member or chief operating 27 officer of the utilities board. The entering A member or chief 28 operating officer who enters into the employ of employment with 29 any common carrier or other public utility or the acquiring of 30 who acquires any stock or other interest in any common carrier 31 or other public utility by such member or chief operating 32 officer after appointment shall disqualify the as a member or 33 chief operating officer to hold shall be disqualified from 34 holding or perform performing the duties of the office. 35 -92- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 92/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 262. Section 476.2, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 1 to read as follows: 2 1. The board shall have broad general powers to effect the 3 purposes of this chapter notwithstanding the fact that certain 4 specific powers are hereinafter set forth in this section . The 5 board shall have authority to issue subpoenas and to pay the 6 same fees and mileage as are payable to witnesses in the courts 7 of record of general jurisdiction and shall establish all 8 needful, just and reasonable rules, not inconsistent with law, 9 to govern the exercise of its powers and duties, the practice 10 and procedure before it, and to govern the form, contents and 11 filing of reports, documents and other papers provided for in 12 this chapter or in the board’s rules. In the establishment, 13 amendment, alteration or repeal of any of such rules, the board 14 shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 17A . 15 Sec. 263. Section 476.4, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 16 to read as follows: 17 3. Every rate, charge, rule, and regulation contained in 18 any filing made with the commission on or prior to July 4, 19 1963, shall be effective as of such date, subject, however, 20 to investigation as herein provided in this chapter . If any 21 such filing is made prior to the time the commission prescribes 22 rules as aforesaid, and if such filing does not comply as to 23 form or substance with such rules, then the public utility 24 which filed the same shall within a reasonable time after the 25 adoption of such rules make a new filing or filings complying 26 with such rules, which new filing or filings shall be deemed 27 effective as of July 4, 1963. 28 Sec. 264. Section 476.6, subsection 2, Code 2020, is amended 29 to read as follows: 30 2. Written notice of increase. All public utilities, 31 except those exempted from rate regulation by section 476.1 32 and telecommunications service providers registered pursuant 33 to section 476.95A , shall give written notice of a proposed 34 increase of any rate or charge to all affected customers served 35 -93- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 93/ 137
H.F. 2536 by the public utility no more than sixty-two days prior to 1 and prior to the time the application for the increase is 2 filed with the board. Public utilities exempted from rate 3 regulation by section 476.1 , except telecommunications service 4 providers registered pursuant to section 476.95A , shall give 5 written notice of a proposed increase of any rate or charge to 6 all affected customers served by the public utility at least 7 thirty days prior to the effective date of the increase. If 8 the public utility is subject to rate regulation, the notice 9 to affected customers shall also state that the customer has 10 a right to file a written objection to the rate increase and 11 that the affected customers may request the board to hold a 12 public hearing to determine if the rate increase should be 13 allowed. The board shall prescribe the manner and method that 14 the written notice to each affected customer of the public 15 utility shall be served. 16 Sec. 265. Section 476.55, subsection 2, paragraph a, 17 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 Notwithstanding section 476.1D , the board may receive 20 a complaint from a local exchange carrier that another 21 local exchange carrier has engaged in an activity that is 22 inconsistent with antitrust laws and the policies which 23 underlie them. For purposes of this subsection , “local exchange 24 carrier” means the same as defined in section 476.96 , Code 2017, 25 and includes a city utility authorized pursuant to section 26 388.2 to provide local exchange services. If, after notice and 27 opportunity for hearing, the board finds that a local exchange 28 carrier has engaged in an activity that is inconsistent with 29 antitrust laws and the policies which underlie them, the board 30 may order any of the following: 31 Sec. 266. Section 489.701A, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 32 2020, is amended to read as follows: 33 b. If the limited liability company has delivered to the 34 secretary of state for filing a statement of dissolution and 35 -94- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 94/ 137
H.F. 2536 any of the following applies: 1 (1) The If the statement has not become effective, delivery 2 to the secretary of state for filing of a statement of 3 withdrawal under section 489.205 applicable to the statement 4 of dissolution. 5 (2) If the statement of dissolution has become effective, 6 delivery to the secretary of state for filing of a statement of 7 rescission stating the name of the company and that dissolution 8 has been rescinded under this section . 9 Sec. 267. Section 489.701A, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 10 amended to read as follows: 11 3. If a limited liability company rescinds its dissolution 12 all of the following apply: 13 a. The company resumes shall resume carrying on its 14 activities and affairs as if the dissolution had never 15 occurred. 16 b. Subject to paragraph “c” , any liability incurred by the 17 company after the dissolution and before the rescission has 18 become effective is shall be determined as if dissolution had 19 never occurred. 20 c. The rights of a third party arising out of conduct in 21 reliance on the dissolution before the third party knew or had 22 notice of the rescission may must not be adversely affected. 23 Sec. 268. Section 489.1105, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 24 amended by adding the following new paragraph: 25 NEW PARAGRAPH . c. For purposes of this section, marital 26 and family therapy, mental health counseling, psychology, and 27 social work shall be deemed to be professions which could 28 lawfully be practiced in combination by licensed individuals or 29 a partnership of licensed individuals. 30 Sec. 269. Section 505B.1, subsection 1, paragraph a, 31 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 “Delivered or deliver or delivery by electronic means” 34 “Delivered by electronic means” , “deliver by electronic means” , 35 -95- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 95/ 137
H.F. 2536 or “delivery by electronic means” means any of the following: 1 Sec. 270. Section 507B.7, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 2 amended to read as follows: 3 2. Until the expiration of the time allowed under section 4 507B.8 for filing a petition for review if no such petition has 5 been duly filed within such time, or, if a petition for review 6 has been filed within such time, then until the transcript of 7 the record in the proceeding has been filed in the district 8 court, as hereinafter provided, the commissioner may at any 9 time, upon such notice and in such manner as the commissioner 10 may deem proper, modify or set aside in whole or in part any 11 order issued by the commissioner under this section . 12 Sec. 271. Section 507B.12, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 13 amended to read as follows: 14 2. The powers vested in the commissioner by this chapter 15 shall be additional to any other powers to enforce any 16 penalties, fines, or forfeitures authorized by law with respect 17 to the methods, acts, and practices hereby declared to be 18 unfair or deceptive. 19 Sec. 272. Section 508.14, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 20 amended to read as follows: 21 1. Upon a failure of a company organized under the laws 22 of this state to make the deposit provided in section 511.8, 23 subsection 16 , or file the statement in the time herein stated 24 in section 508.11 , or to file in a timely manner any financial 25 statement required by rule of the commissioner of insurance, 26 the commissioner of insurance shall notify the attorney 27 general of the default, who shall at once apply to the district 28 court of the county where the home office of the company is 29 located for an order requiring the company to show cause, upon 30 reasonable notice to be fixed by the court, why its business 31 shall not be discontinued. If, upon the hearing, sufficient 32 cause is not shown, the court shall decree its dissolution. 33 Sec. 273. Section 508.32, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 34 amended to read as follows: 35 -96- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 96/ 137
H.F. 2536 1. Any life insurance company organized under the 1 provisions of this chapter and doing business in this state, 2 shall have the power to hold in trust the premiums or 3 consideration paid for, or the proceeds of any life insurance 4 policy or annuity contract, either individual or group, issued 5 by it, upon such terms and subject to such limitations as 6 to revocation or control by the policyholder or beneficiary 7 thereunder, as shall have been agreed to in writing by 8 such company and the policyholder; provided that the trust 9 provisions herein contemplated in this section shall in no 10 manner subject said the corporation to any of the provisions 11 of the laws of Iowa relating to banks or trust companies; and 12 provided further, that the trust or trusts for premiums or 13 considerations may be invested by such company in the manner 14 specified in the trust instruments or agreements and held in 15 a separate or segregated account; and provided further, that 16 the forms of such trust agreements for beneficiaries shall 17 be first submitted to and approved by the commissioner of 18 insurance. The word trust shall include, but not be limited 19 to settlement options and contracts issued pursuant to policies 20 or contracts, and funds held in a separate or segregated 21 account in connection with pension or profit-sharing plans 22 pursuant to agreements with the policyholders. 23 Sec. 274. Section 508C.3, subsection 4, paragraph k, 24 subparagraph (5), Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 25 (5) A claim for penalties, consequential damages , or 26 incidental damages. 27 Sec. 275. Section 508C.8, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 28 2020, is amended to read as follows: 29 a. Guarantee, assume, reissue, reinsure, or cause to be 30 guaranteed, assumed, reissued, or reinsured, any or all of the 31 covered policies or contracts of the impaired insurer. 32 Sec. 276. Section 508C.13, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 3. For the purpose of carrying out its obligations under 35 -97- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 97/ 137
H.F. 2536 this chapter , the association shall be deemed to be a creditor 1 of the impaired or insolvent insurer to the extent of assets 2 attributable to covered policies or contracts reduced by any 3 amounts to which the association is entitled pursuant to its 4 subrogation rights under section 508C.8, subsection 7 . Assets 5 of the impaired or insolvent insurer attributable to covered 6 policies or contracts shall be used to continue all covered 7 policies or contracts and pay all contractual obligations of 8 the impaired or insolvent insurer as required by this chapter . 9 As used in this subsection , “assets attributable to covered 10 policies or contracts” means that proportion of the assets which 11 the reserves that should have been established for the policies 12 or contracts bear to the reserves that should have been 13 established for all policies of insurance or health benefit 14 plans written by the impaired or insolvent insurer. 15 Sec. 277. Section 509A.9, Code 2020, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 509A.9 Exemption from debts. 18 All amounts payable to employees under and pursuant to the 19 plan of group insurance established as herein provided in this 20 chapter shall be exempt from liability for debts of the person 21 to or on account of whom the same is payable and shall not be 22 subject to seizure upon execution or other process. 23 Sec. 278. Section 509A.10, Code 2020, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 509A.10 Decisions of governing body final. 26 The decisions of the governing body upon all matters upon 27 which the said governing body is empowered to act, under and 28 pursuant to the provisions hereof of this chapter , shall be 29 final and conclusive, in the absence of fraud, and no appeal 30 shall be allowed therefrom nor shall such decisions of the 31 governing body, in the absence of fraud, be reviewed, enjoined 32 or set aside by any court. 33 Sec. 279. Section 510C.1, subsections 1, 2, 8, and 9, Code 34 2020, are amended to read as follows: 35 -98- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 98/ 137
H.F. 2536 1. “Administrative fees” means a fee or payment, other than 1 a rebate, under a contract between a pharmacy benefit benefits 2 manager and a pharmaceutical drug manufacturer in connection 3 with the pharmacy benefit benefits manager’s management of a 4 health carrier’s prescription drug benefit, that is paid by a 5 pharmaceutical drug manufacturer to a pharmacy benefit benefits 6 manager or is retained by the pharmacy benefit benefits 7 manager. 8 2. “Aggregate retained rebate percentage” means the 9 percentage of all rebates received by a pharmacy benefit 10 benefits manager that is not passed on to the pharmacy benefit 11 benefits manager’s health carrier clients. 12 8. “Health carrier administrative service fee” means a fee or 13 payment under a contract between a pharmacy benefit benefits 14 manager and a health carrier in connection with the pharmacy 15 benefit benefits manager’s administration of the health 16 carrier’s prescription drug benefit that is paid by a health 17 carrier to a pharmacy benefit benefits manager or is otherwise 18 retained by a pharmacy benefit benefits manager. 19 9. “Pharmacy benefit benefits manager” means a person who, 20 pursuant to a contract or other relationship with a health 21 carrier, either directly or through an intermediary, manages a 22 prescription drug benefit provided by the health carrier. 23 Sec. 280. Section 510C.1, subsection 11, unnumbered 24 paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 25 “Rebate” means all discounts and other negotiated price 26 concessions paid directly or indirectly by a pharmaceutical 27 manufacturer or other entity, other than a covered person, 28 in the prescription drug supply chain to a pharmacy benefit 29 benefits manager, and which may be based on any of the 30 following: 31 Sec. 281. Section 510C.1, subsection 11, paragraph c, Code 32 2020, is amended to read as follows: 33 c. To maintain a net price for a prescription drug for a 34 specified period of time for the pharmacy benefit benefits 35 -99- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 99/ 137
H.F. 2536 manager in the event the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s list 1 price increases. 2 Sec. 282. Section 510C.2, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 1. Each pharmacy benefit benefits manager shall provide 5 a report annually by February 15 to the commissioner 6 that contains all of the following information regarding 7 prescription drug benefits provided to covered persons of each 8 health carrier with whom the pharmacy benefits manager has 9 contracted during the prior calendar year: 10 a. The aggregate dollar amount of all rebates received by 11 the pharmacy benefit benefits manager. 12 b. The aggregate dollar amount of all administrative fees 13 received by the pharmacy benefit benefits manager. 14 c. The aggregate dollar amount of all health carrier 15 administrative service fees received by the pharmacy benefit 16 benefits manager. 17 d. The aggregate dollar amount of all rebates received by 18 the pharmacy benefit benefits manager that the pharmacy benefit 19 benefits manager did not pass through to the health carrier. 20 e. The aggregate amount of all administrative fees received 21 by the pharmacy benefit benefits manager that the pharmacy 22 benefit benefits manager did not pass through to the health 23 carrier. 24 f. The aggregate retained rebate percentage as calculated by 25 dividing the dollar amount in paragraph “d” by the dollar amount 26 in paragraph “a” . 27 g. Across all health carrier clients with whom the pharmacy 28 benefits manager was contracted, the highest and the lowest 29 aggregate retained rebate percentages. 30 Sec. 283. Section 510C.2, subsection 2, paragraph a, 31 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 A pharmacy benefit benefits manager shall provide the 34 information pursuant to subsection 1 to the commissioner in a 35 -100- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 100/ 137
H.F. 2536 format approved by the commissioner that does not directly or 1 indirectly disclose any of the following: 2 Sec. 284. Section 510C.2, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 3 2020, is amended to read as follows: 4 b. Information provided under this section by a pharmacy 5 benefit benefits manager to the commissioner that may reveal 6 the identity of a specific health carrier, the price charged 7 by a specific pharmaceutical manufacturer for a specific 8 prescription drug or class of prescription drugs, or the amount 9 of rebates provided for a specific prescription drug or class 10 of prescription drugs shall be considered a confidential record 11 and be recognized and protected as a trade secret pursuant to 12 section 22.7, subsection 3 . 13 Sec. 285. Section 511.23, Code 2020, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 511.23 Penalties. 16 Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the 17 provisions of section 511.22 , or sections 515.8 through 18 515.10 and , or section 515.23 or failing to comply with any of 19 the provisions in those sections, shall be subjected to the 20 penalties provided in sections 507.10 and 507.12 . 21 Sec. 286. Section 515.10, Code 2020, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 515.10 Subscriptions of stock —— applications. 24 After compliance by the incorporators with sections 515.1 25 and 515.2 , the secretary of state shall certify the articles 26 of incorporation to the commissioner of insurance. When the 27 commissioner of insurance is satisfied that all provisions of 28 law in relation to the promotion and organization of said the 29 corporation, including sections 506.4 to through 506.6 , have 30 been complied with, the commissioner shall issue a certificate 31 to that effect , and thereupon such . The corporation may then 32 open books for subscriptions to the stock of stock companies 33 or , if a mutual company , take applications and receive 34 premiums for insurance at such times and places as it may find 35 -101- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 101/ 137
H.F. 2536 convenient , and . The corporation may keep such books open 1 until the full amount required is subscribed or taken, or the 2 time granted therefor has expired, or until an order is issued 3 by the commissioner of insurance to desist for failure to 4 comply with the provisions of law in reference thereto. 5 Sec. 287. Section 515.19, Code 2020, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 515.19 Advancement of funds. 8 Any director, officer, or member of any such mutual company, 9 or any other person, may advance to such company, any sum or 10 sums of money necessary for the purpose of its business, or 11 to enable it to comply with any of the requirements of the 12 law, and such moneys and such interest thereon as may have 13 been agreed upon, not exceeding the maximum statutory rate 14 of interest, shall not be a liability or claim against the 15 company or any of its assets, except as herein provided in this 16 chapter , and upon approval of the commissioner of insurance 17 may be repaid, but only out of the surplus earnings of such 18 company. No commission or promotion expenses shall be paid in 19 connection with the advance of any such money to the company. 20 The amount of such advance shall be reported in each annual 21 statement. 22 Sec. 288. Section 515.38, Code 2020, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 515.38 Examination —— certificate of compliance. 25 Such commissioner may appoint in writing some disinterested 26 person to make an examination and if it shall be found that 27 the capital or assets herein required under this chapter of 28 the company named, according to the nature of the business 29 proposed to be transacted by such company, have been paid in, 30 and are now possessed by it in money or such stock, bonds, 31 and mortgages as are required by the preceding sections of 32 this chapter , the commissioner shall so certify; but if the 33 examination is made by another than the commissioner, the 34 certificate shall be by that person, and under that person’s 35 -102- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 102/ 137
H.F. 2536 oath. 1 Sec. 289. Section 515.40, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 2 amended to read as follows: 3 3. Other securities, as the case may be, to the extent and 4 value hereinbefore required under this chapter . 5 Sec. 290. Section 515.111, Code 2020, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 515.111 Nuclear loss or damage excluded. 8 Insurers issuing the standard policy pursuant to section 9 515.109 are authorized to affix thereto or include therein a 10 written statement that the policy does not cover loss or damage 11 caused by nuclear reaction or nuclear radiation or radioactive 12 contamination, all whether directly or indirectly resulting 13 from an insured peril under said the policy ; provided, however . 14 However , that nothing herein contained in this section shall be 15 construed to prohibit the attachment to any such policy of an 16 endorsement or endorsements specifically assuming coverage for 17 loss or damage caused by nuclear reaction or nuclear radiation 18 or radioactive contamination. 19 Sec. 291. Section 520.5, Code 2020, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 520.5 Actions —— venue —— commissioner as process agent. 22 Concurrently with the filing of the declaration provided 23 for by the terms of section 520.4 , the attorney shall file 24 with the commissioner of insurance, an instrument in writing 25 executed by the attorney for said the subscribers, conditioned 26 that, upon the issuance of certificate of authority provided 27 for in this chapter , action may be brought in the county in 28 which the property or person insured thereunder is located, 29 and that service of process shall be had upon the commissioner 30 of insurance or upon the attorney in fact in all suits in 31 this state, whether arising out of such policies, contracts, 32 agreements or otherwise , which service . Service shall be 33 valid and binding upon all subscribers exchanging at any time 34 reciprocal or interinsurance contracts through such attorney. 35 -103- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 103/ 137
H.F. 2536 All suits of every kind and description brought against such 1 the reciprocal exchange , or the subscribers thereto on account 2 of their connection therewith with the reciprocal exchange , 3 must be brought against the attorney in fact therefor or the 4 exchange as such, and shall not be brought against any of the 5 subscribers thereto individually on account of their connection 6 with or membership in such reciprocal exchange, and must 7 be brought in the manner and method above provided in this 8 section . 9 Sec. 292. Section 520.15, Code 2020, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 520.15 Refusal or revocation of certificate. 12 In addition to the foregoing penalties provided in sections 13 520.10 and 520.12, and where not otherwise provided, the 14 penalty for failure or refusal to comply with any of the terms 15 and provisions of this chapter , upon the part of the attorney, 16 shall be the refusal, suspension, or revocation of certificate 17 of authority or license by the commissioner of insurance and 18 the public announcement of the commissioner’s act, after due 19 notice and opportunity for hearing has been given such attorney 20 so that the attorney may appear and show cause why such action 21 should not be taken. 22 Sec. 293. Section 521I.5, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2020, 23 are amended to read as follows: 24 2. A dividing insurer shall not amend the dividing insurer’s 25 plan of division after the plan of division becomes effective 26 under section 521I.10, subsection 2 . 27 3. A dividing insurer shall not amend the dividing insurer’s 28 plan of division after the plan of division is approved by the 29 commissioner under section 521I.8 . 30 Sec. 294. Section 521I.6, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 31 amended to read as follows: 32 2. A dividing insurer shall not abandon the dividing 33 insurer’s plan of division after the plan of division becomes 34 effective under section 521I.10, subsection 2 . 35 -104- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 104/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 295. Section 521I.7, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 2. If a provision of a dividing insurer’s articles of 3 incorporation or bylaws adopted before July 1, 2019, requires 4 that a specific number of or a percentage of the board of 5 directors or shareholders propose or adopt a plan of merger 6 or impose other procedures for the proposal or adoption of 7 a plan of merger, the dividing insurer shall adhere to such 8 provision in proposing or adopting a plan of division. If any 9 such provision of the articles of incorporation or bylaws is 10 amended on or after July 1, 2019, such the amended provision 11 shall apply to a division thereafter occurring after adoption 12 of the amendment only in accordance with its the express terms 13 of the provision as amended . 14 Sec. 296. Section 522E.1, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 15 amended to read as follows: 16 3. “Delivered or deliver by electronic means” “Delivered by 17 electronic means” or “deliver by electronic means” means the same 18 as defined in section 505B.1 . 19 Sec. 297. Section 522E.9, subsection 7, Code 2020, is 20 amended to read as follows: 21 7. In order for all portable electronic insurance notices 22 and documents to be delivered by electronic means to the 23 consumer, affirmative consent shall be obtained pursuant to 24 section 505B.1, subsection 5 . 25 Sec. 298. Section 522E.13, subsection 6, Code 2020, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 6. Whenever notice or correspondence with respect to a 28 policy of portable electronics insurance is required pursuant 29 to this section , it shall be in writing and sent within the 30 notice period required pursuant to this section . Notices 31 and correspondence shall be sent to the licensed portable 32 electronics vendor that is the policyholder at the portable 33 electronics vendor’s mailing or electronic mail address 34 specified for that purpose and to its affected enrolled 35 -105- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 105/ 137
H.F. 2536 consumers’ last known mailing or electronic mail addresses on 1 file with the insurer or the portable electronics vendor. All 2 notices and documents that are delivered by electronic means 3 shall comply with section 505B.1 , except for the provisions 4 in section 505B.1, subsection 4 . The insurer or portable 5 electronics vendor shall maintain proof that the notice or 6 correspondence was sent for not less than three years after 7 from the date that the notice or correspondence was sent. 8 Sec. 299. Section 523C.7, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 9 2020, is amended to read as follows: 10 a. A service contract shall be written in clear, 11 understandable language in at least eight point font type . 12 Sec. 300. Section 523C.9, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 13 amended to read as follows: 14 3. The service company has without just cause refused to 15 perform or negligently or incompetently performed services 16 required to be performed under its service contracts and 17 the refusal, or negligent or incompetent performance has 18 occurred with such frequency, as determined by the commissioner 19 determines , as to indicate the general business practices of 20 the service company. 21 Sec. 301. Section 524.108, Code 2020, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 524.108 Applicability of safe deposit provisions. 24 The provisions of sections 524.809 to through 524.812 shall 25 apply, to the extent applicable, to any person engaged in this 26 state in the business of leasing safe deposit boxes for the 27 storage of property. 28 Sec. 302. Section 524.1309, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 29 2020, is amended to read as follows: 30 In lieu of the dissolution procedure prescribed in sections 31 524.1303 to through 524.1306 , a state bank may cease to carry 32 on the business of banking and, after compliance with this 33 section , continue as a corporation subject to chapter 490 ; or 34 if the state bank is organized as a limited liability company 35 -106- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 106/ 137
H.F. 2536 under this chapter , continue as a limited liability company 1 subject to chapter 489 . 2 Sec. 303. Section 524.1310, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 3 2020, is amended to read as follows: 4 b. All amounts due creditors and shareholders described 5 in section 490.1440 shall be deposited with the treasurer of 6 state in accordance with that section. Such amounts shall be 7 retained by the treasurer of state and subject to claim in 8 the manner provided for in section 490.1440 . Amounts due to 9 depositors who are unknown, or who are under a disability and 10 there is no person legally competent to receive the amount, or 11 who cannot be found after the exercise of reasonable diligence, 12 shall be transmitted to the treasurer of state in the manner 13 required by section 524.1305, subsection 6 . Such property 14 shall be treated as abandoned, retained by the treasurer of 15 state, and is subject to claim, in the manner provided for in 16 sections 556.14 to through 556.21 . 17 Sec. 304. Section 524.1602, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 18 amended to read as follows: 19 3. On which it has money loaned, credit extended or holds 20 discounted or purchased evidences of indebtedness or agreements 21 for the payment of money, in violation of sections 524.904 to 22 through 524.907 . 23 Sec. 305. Section 524.1807, Code 2020, is amended to read 24 as follows: 25 524.1807 Penalties. 26 Any bank holding company which willfully violates any 27 provision of sections 524.1801 to through 524.1806 shall, upon 28 conviction, be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor 29 more than one thousand dollars for each day during which the 30 violation continues. Any individual who willfully participates 31 in a violation of any provisions of sections 524.1801 to 32 through 524.1806 shall be guilty of a serious misdemeanor. 33 Sec. 306. Section 533.401, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 34 amended to read as follows: 35 -107- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 107/ 137
H.F. 2536 2. Prior to the sending of At least fifteen days before 1 notice of balloting for the membership vote on a merger is sent 2 to the members , a merging credit union shall submit to the 3 superintendent all materials to be included in the notice at 4 least fifteen days before the notice is sent to the members . 5 The superintendent shall review and approve the materials to 6 be included in the notice at least ten days before the notice 7 is sent to the members. The superintendent may direct any 8 materials to be included in the notice of balloting sent to 9 members. 10 Sec. 307. Section 533.508, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 1. A director, officer, or employee of a state credit union 13 shall not intentionally publish, disseminate, or distribute 14 any advertising or notice containing any false, misleading, or 15 deceptive statements concerning rates, terms, or conditions 16 on which loans are made, or deposits or share installments 17 are received, or concerning any charge which the state credit 18 union is authorized to impose pursuant to this chapter , or 19 concerning the financial condition of the state credit union. 20 Any director, officer, or employee of a state credit union who 21 violates the provisions of this section subsection is guilty of 22 a fraudulent practice. 23 Sec. 308. Section 536.4, subsection 2, Code 2020, is amended 24 to read as follows: 25 2. If the superintendent shall determine from such 26 application and from such investigation that the applicant 27 can have a reasonable expectancy of a successful lending 28 business at the location of the office for which application 29 is made, and that there is a real need and necessity in that 30 community for additional lending facilities to adequately 31 serve the local people, and that said applicant is one who 32 will command the respect of and confidence from the people in 33 that community; that the financial responsibility, experience, 34 character, and general fitness of the applicant, and of 35 -108- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 108/ 137
H.F. 2536 the members thereof if the applicant be a partnership or 1 association, and of the officers and directors thereof if 2 the applicant be a corporation, are such as to warrant the 3 belief that the business will be operated lawfully, honestly, 4 fairly, and efficiently within the purposes of this chapter , 5 and if the superintendent shall find that the applicant has 6 available or actually in use the assets described in section 7 536.2 , the superintendent shall thereupon issue and deliver a 8 license to the applicant to make loans in accordance with the 9 provisions of this chapter at the place of business specified 10 in the said application; if the superintendent shall not so 11 find the superintendent shall not issue such license and the 12 superintendent shall notify the applicant of the denial and 13 return to the applicant the bond and the sum paid by the 14 applicant as a license fee, retaining the investigation fee 15 to cover the costs of investigating the application. The 16 superintendent shall approve or deny every application for a 17 license hereunder under this chapter within sixty days from the 18 filing of the application and the approved bond and the payment 19 of the said fees. 20 Sec. 309. Section 536.11, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 1. The licensee shall keep such books, accounts, and 23 records as the superintendent may require in order to determine 24 whether such licensee is complying with the provisions of this 25 chapter and with the rules and regulations lawfully made by the 26 superintendent hereunder under this chapter . Every licensee 27 shall preserve for at least two years after making the last 28 entry on any loan recorded therein all books, accounts, and 29 records, including cards used in the card system, if any. 30 Sec. 310. Section 537.1101, Code 2020, is amended to read 31 as follows: 32 537.1101 Short title. 33 Articles 1 to through 7 of this chapter shall be known and 34 may be cited as the “Iowa Consumer Credit Code” . 35 -109- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 109/ 137
H.F. 2536 Sec. 311. Section 537.2201, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 1. With respect to a consumer credit sale, other than a 3 sale pursuant to open-end credit, a creditor may contract for 4 and receive a finance charge not exceeding the maximum charge 5 permitted by the law of this state or the United States for 6 similar creditors. In addition, with respect to a consumer 7 credit sale of goods or services, other than a sale pursuant 8 to open-end credit or a sale of a motor vehicle, a creditor 9 may contract for and receive a finance charge not exceeding 10 that permitted in subsections 2 to through 6. With respect 11 to a consumer credit sale of a motor vehicle, a creditor 12 may contract for and receive a finance charge as provided in 13 section 322.19 , and a finance charge in excess of that provided 14 in section 322.19 , is an excess charge in violation of this 15 chapter . 16 Sec. 312. Section 544B.19, Code 2020, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 544B.19 Injunction. 19 In addition to any other remedies, and on the petition of the 20 board or any person, any person violating any of the provisions 21 of sections 544B.1 to 544B.5 and 544B.7 to 544B.21 this chapter 22 may be restrained and permanently enjoined from committing or 23 continuing the violations. 24 Sec. 313. Section 551A.1, subsection 11, Code 2020, is 25 amended to read as follows: 26 11. “Record” means the same as defined in section 516E.1 27 523C.1 . 28 Sec. 314. Section 558.33, Code 2020, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 558.33 Subpoenas. 31 An officer having power to take the proof hereinbefore 32 contemplated of execution and delivery of a deed or other 33 instrument under section 558.31 may issue the necessary 34 subpoenas, and compel the attendance of witnesses residing 35 -110- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 110/ 137
H.F. 2536 within the county, in the manner provided for the taking of 1 depositions. 2 Sec. 315. Section 573.1, subsection 4, Code 2020, is amended 3 to read as follows: 4 4. “Public improvement” is an improvement, the cost of which 5 is payable from taxes or other funds under the control of the 6 public corporation, except that in cases of public improvement 7 for drainage or levee purposes the provisions of the drainage 8 law , chapter 468, in cases of conflict shall govern. 9 Sec. 316. Section 573.19, Code 2020, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 573.19 Insufficiency of funds. 12 When the retained percentage aforesaid is insufficient to 13 pay all claims for labor or materials, the court shall, in 14 making distribution under section 573.18 , order the claims in 15 each class paid in the order of filing the same. 16 Sec. 317. Section 573.22, Code 2020, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 573.22 Unpaid claimants —— judgment on bond. 19 If, after the said retained percentage has been applied to 20 the payment of duly filed and established claims, there remain 21 any such claims that are unpaid in whole or in part, judgment 22 shall be entered for the amount thereof of the claims that are 23 unpaid against the principal and sureties on the bond. In case 24 the said percentage has been paid over as herein provided in 25 this chapter , judgment shall be entered against the principal 26 and sureties on all such claims. 27 Sec. 318. Section 578A.7, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 28 2020, is amended to read as follows: 29 b. Notify all persons whom the operator has actual knowledge 30 who claim a security interest in the personal property of whom 31 the operator has actual knowledge . An operator shall conduct 32 a search to determine whether there is a security interest in 33 property subject to sale if the property is registered under 34 chapter 321 or 462A . At least seven days before the sale, the 35 -111- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 111/ 137
H.F. 2536 operator shall also advertise the time, place, and terms of 1 the sale in a commercially reasonable manner. The manner of 2 advertisement is deemed commercially reasonable if it is likely 3 to attract at least three independent bidders to attend or view 4 the sale in person or online at the time and place advertised. 5 The operator may buy the occupant’s personal property at any 6 public sale held pursuant to this section . 7 Sec. 319. Section 578A.7, subsection 5, Code 2020, is 8 amended to read as follows: 9 5. In the event of a sale under this section , the operator 10 may satisfy the lien from the proceeds of the sale, but shall 11 hold the balance, if any, for a period of ninety days for 12 delivery on demand to the occupant. If the occupant does not 13 claim the balance within ninety days, the balance shall be paid 14 to the county treasurer in the county where the self-service 15 storage facility is located. The county treasurer shall hold 16 the funds for a period of two years. If a claim is not made 17 by the owner of occupant for the fund funds , then the fund 18 funds shall become the property of the county. There shall be 19 no further recourse by any person against the operator for an 20 action pursuant to this section . 21 Sec. 320. Section 597.13, Code 2020, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 597.13 Annulment of decree. 24 The husband or wife affected by the proceedings contemplated 25 in sections 597.10 to through 597.12 may obtain an annulment 26 thereof, upon filing a petition therefor and serving a notice 27 on the person in whose favor the same decree or order was 28 granted, as in ordinary actions; but the setting aside of such 29 decree or order shall not affect any act done thereunder. 30 Sec. 321. Section 597.17, Code 2020, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 597.17 Liability for separate debts. 33 Neither husband nor wife is liable for the debts or 34 liabilities of the other incurred before marriage, and, except 35 -112- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 112/ 137
H.F. 2536 as herein otherwise declared in this chapter , they are not 1 liable for the debts of each other contracted after marriage; 2 nor are the wages, earnings, or property of either, nor is 3 the rent or income of the property of either, liable for the 4 separate debts of the other. 5 Sec. 322. Section 602.9106, Code 2020, is amended to read 6 as follows: 7 602.9106 Retirement. 8 Any person who shall have become separated from service as a 9 judge of any of the courts included in this article and who has 10 had an aggregate of at least four years of service as a judge 11 of one or more of such courts and shall have attained the age 12 of sixty-five years or who has had twenty years of consecutive 13 service as a judge of one or more of said courts and shall have 14 attained the age of fifty years, and who shall have otherwise 15 qualified as provided in this article , shall be entitled to an 16 annuity as hereinafter provided in this article . 17 Sec. 323. Section 602.10122, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 18 amended to read as follows: 19 3. A willful violation of any of the duties of an attorney 20 or counselor as hereinbefore prescribed in this article . 21 Sec. 324. Section 614.10, Code 2020, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 614.10 Failure of action. 24 If, after the commencement of an action, the plaintiff, for 25 any cause except negligence in its prosecution, fails therein, 26 and a new one is brought within six months thereafter, the 27 second shall , for the purposes herein contemplated, be held a 28 continuation of the first. 29 Sec. 325. Section 614.13, Code 2020, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 614.13 Injunction. 32 When the commencement of an action shall be stayed 33 by injunction or statutory prohibition, the time of the 34 continuance of such injunction or prohibition shall not be part 35 -113- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 113/ 137
H.F. 2536 of the time limited for the commencement of the action, except 1 as herein otherwise provided in this chapter . 2 Sec. 326. Section 614.20, Code 2020, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 614.20 Limitation on Act. 5 Sections 614.17 to through 614.19 do not limit or extend 6 the time within which actions by a spouse to recover dower or 7 distributive share in real estate within this state may be 8 brought or maintained under the provisions of section 614.15 , 9 nor do they limit or extend the time within which actions may 10 be brought or maintained to foreclose or enforce any real 11 estate mortgage, bond for deed, trust deed, or contract for 12 the sale or conveyance of real estate under the provisions of 13 section 614.21 , nor do they revive or permit an action to be 14 brought or maintained upon any claim or cause of action which 15 is barred by a statute which is in force prior to July 1, 1991; 16 nor do they affect litigation pending on July 1, 1991. 17 Sec. 327. Section 614.26, Code 2020, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 614.26 Indexing. 20 The provisions of section 614.18 are made applicable to the 21 provisions of sections 614.24 to and 614.25, this section, and 22 sections 614.27 and 614.28 . 23 Sec. 328. Section 614.27, Code 2020, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 614.27 Persons under disability. 26 The provisions of section 614.8 as to the rights of minors 27 and persons with mental illness shall not be applicable against 28 the provisions of sections 614.24 to through 614.26, this 29 section, and section 614.28 . 30 Sec. 329. Section 614.28, Code 2020, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 614.28 Barred claims. 33 The provisions of sections 614.24 to through 614.27 , 34 inclusive, or the filing of a claim or claims , hereunder under 35 -114- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 114/ 137
H.F. 2536 this subchapter , shall not revive or permit an action to be 1 brought or maintained upon any claim or cause of action which 2 is barred by any other statute. Provided further, that nothing 3 contained in these sections shall affect litigation pending on 4 July 4, 1965. 5 Sec. 330. Section 622.51, Code 2020, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 622.51 Official signature presumed genuine. 8 In the cases contemplated in sections 622.41 to through 9 622.50 , the signature of the officer shall be presumed to be 10 genuine until the contrary is shown. 11 Sec. 331. Section 626.14, Code 2020, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 626.14 Delivery of possession and money recovery. 14 1. If it is for the judgment requires the delivery of the 15 possession of real or personal property, it execution shall 16 require the sheriff to deliver the possession of the same 17 property , particularly describing it, to the party entitled 18 thereto to the property , and may, at the same time, require the 19 party to satisfy any costs, damages, or rents and profits, with 20 interest, recovered by the same judgment, out of the property 21 of the party against whom it judgment was rendered subject to 22 execution. 23 2. The value of the property for which judgment was 24 recovered shall be specified therein in the execution , if a 25 delivery thereof of the property cannot be had, and it shall in 26 that respect be regarded as an execution against property. 27 Sec. 332. Section 631.8, subsection 3, Code 2020, is amended 28 to read as follows: 29 3. If commenced as a regular civil action or under the 30 statutes relating to probate proceedings, a small claim 31 shall be transferred to the small claims docket. A small 32 claim commenced as a regular action shall not be dismissed 33 but shall be transferred to the small claims docket. Civil 34 and probate actions not small claims but commenced hereunder 35 -115- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 115/ 137
H.F. 2536 under this chapter shall be dismissed without prejudice except 1 for defendants who have appeared, as to whom such actions 2 shall be transferred to the combination or probate docket, as 3 appropriate. 4 Sec. 333. Section 633.3, subsections 9 and 22, Code 2020, 5 are amended to read as follows: 6 9. Conservator —— means a person appointed by the court to 7 have the custody and control of the property of a ward under 8 the provisions of this probate code. 9 22. Guardian —— means the person appointed by the court to 10 have the custody of the person of the ward under the provisions 11 of this probate code. 12 Sec. 334. Section 633.14, Code 2020, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 633.14 Concurrent jurisdiction. 15 When a case is originally within the jurisdiction of the 16 courts of two or more counties, the one court which first takes 17 cognizance thereof of the case by the commencement of the 18 proceedings shall retain the same jurisdiction throughout the 19 case . 20 Sec. 335. Section 633.71, Code 2020, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 633.71 Legal effect of appointment. 23 1. By qualifying as fiduciary , any person, resident or 24 nonresident , person submits to the jurisdiction of the court 25 making the appointment of the fiduciary and, in addition, shall 26 be deemed to agree that to all of the following : 27 1. a. All property coming into the fiduciary’s hands is 28 subject to the jurisdiction of the court wherein are pending 29 the proceedings in which the fiduciary is serving , and . 30 2. b. The fiduciary is subject to all orders entered by 31 the court in the proceedings in which the fiduciary is serving 32 and that notices served upon the fiduciary with respect thereto 33 to the proceedings, that are in compliance with the procedure 34 prescribed by the this probate code , shall have the same force 35 -116- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 116/ 137
H.F. 2536 and effect as if such service had been personally made upon the 1 fiduciary within the state. 2 3. c. The fiduciary shall be is subject to the jurisdiction 3 of the courts of this state in all actions and proceedings 4 against the fiduciary arising from or growing out of the 5 fiduciary relationship and activities ; and that the service of 6 process in such actions and proceedings may be made upon the 7 fiduciary by serving the original notice upon the fiduciary 8 outside this state ; and that such service shall have has the 9 same force and effect as though the service had been personally 10 made upon the fiduciary within this state. 11 4. 2. The clerk of the court in which is pending the 12 proceedings in which the fiduciary is serving is the lawful 13 attorney or resident agent of such nonresident fiduciary upon 14 whom service of process may be made whether such process be 15 an order of the court entered in the proceedings in which 16 the fiduciary is serving or an original notice of an action 17 arising from or growing out of the fiduciary relationship and 18 activities of the nonresident fiduciary. 19 Sec. 336. Section 633.83, Code 2020, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 633.83 Continuation of business. 22 Upon a showing of advantage to the estate, the court may 23 authorize the fiduciary to continue any business of the estate 24 for the estate’s benefit thereof . The order may be without 25 notice, or after such notice as the court may prescribe. The 26 court may on its own motion, and upon the application of any 27 interested party shall, review such the authorization, and upon 28 such review, may revoke or modify the same authorization . The 29 order may provide for any of the following : 30 1. For the The conduct of the business solely by the 31 fiduciary, or jointly with one or more other persons; for the 32 formation of a partnership for the conduct of such business; 33 or for the formation of, or for the fiduciary to join in the 34 formation of , a corporation for the conduct of such business ; . 35 -117- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 117/ 137
H.F. 2536 2. For the The extent of the liability of the estate, 1 or any part thereof of the estate , or of the fiduciary, for 2 obligations incurred in the continuation of the business ; . 3 3. As to whether Whether liabilities incurred in the conduct 4 of the business are to be chargeable solely to the part of the 5 estate set aside for use in the business, or to the estate as a 6 whole ; . 7 4. As to the The period of time for which the business may 8 be conducted ; and . 9 5. Such other conditions, restrictions, regulations , and 10 requirements as the court may order. 11 Sec. 337. Section 633.85, Code 2020, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 633.85 Liability of fiduciary employing agents. 14 The fiduciary shall not be personally liable for the acts 15 or omissions of any such specialist, subordinate , or agent, 16 unless it can be shown that said the acts or omissions of the 17 specialist, subordinate, or agent would have been a breach of 18 duty by the fiduciary had the fiduciary personally done it, and 19 that , one of the following applies: 20 1. The fiduciary directed or permitted the breach ; or . 21 2. The fiduciary did not select or retain the said 22 specialist, subordinate , or agent with reasonable care ; or . 23 3. The fiduciary did not properly supervise the specialist, 24 subordinate , or agent ; or . 25 4. The fiduciary approved, acquiesced , or cooperated in the 26 neglect, omission, misconduct , or default by the specialist, 27 subordinate , or agent. 28 Sec. 338. Section 633.98, Code 2020, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 633.98 Certificate of appointment and authority. 31 When any instrument executed in accordance with sections 32 633.95 to through 633.97 , inclusive, is to be recorded in a 33 county other than the county in which the estate is pending, 34 there shall also be recorded a certificate executed by the 35 -118- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 118/ 137
H.F. 2536 clerk of the court making the appointment, with seal affixed, 1 showing the name of the court making the appointment, the date 2 of the same, and that such fiduciary had not been discharged at 3 the time of the execution of such instrument. 4 Sec. 339. Section 633.129, Code 2020, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 633.129 Uniformity of interpretation. 7 Sections 633.126 to through 633.128 shall be so interpreted 8 and construed as to effectuate their general purpose to make 9 uniform the law of those states which enact the common trust 10 funds. 11 Sec. 340. Section 633.146, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 12 2020, is amended to read as follows: 13 The certificate aforesaid under section 633.145 shall be 14 filed for record: 15 Sec. 341. Section 633.158, Code 2020, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 633.158 Liability for property not a part of estate. 18 Every fiduciary shall be chargeable in the fiduciary’s 19 accounts with property not a part of the estate that comes 20 into the fiduciary’s hands at any time, and shall be liable to 21 the persons entitled thereto to the property , if either of the 22 following applies : 23 1. The property was received under a duty imposed upon the 24 fiduciary by law in the capacity of fiduciary ; or . 25 2. The fiduciary has commingled such the property with the 26 assets of the estate. 27 Sec. 342. Section 633.310, Code 2020, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 633.310 Objections prior to admission of will to probate. 30 Nothing herein contained in this part shall prevent any 31 interested person from filing objections to probate of a 32 proposed will prior to admission of the will to probate 33 thereof . If such objections are filed prior to the admission 34 of the will to probate, the will shall not be admitted to 35 -119- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 119/ 137
H.F. 2536 probate pending trial and determination as to whether or not 1 said the instrument is the last will of the decedent. 2 Sec. 343. Section 633.331, Code 2020, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 633.331 Limitation of administration. 5 Probate of a will, original administration of an intestate 6 estate, or ancillary administration of an estate, shall not 7 be granted after five years from the death of the decedent, 8 whether the decedent died within or without this state, unless 9 a petition for probate or administration is filed prior to the 10 expiration of the five-year period. However, this section does 11 not apply to the probate of a will of a decedent who died prior 12 to January 1, 1964. 13 Sec. 344. Section 633.335, Code 2020, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 633.335 Share of survivor. 16 The share of such a survivor in the proceeds of such a policy 17 or certificate made payable as aforesaid provided in sections 18 633.333 and 633.334 shall be the same as that provided by law 19 for the distribution of the personal property of intestates. 20 Sec. 345. Section 633.423, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 1. If the creditor shall exhaust the security before 23 receiving payment, then upon the full amount of the claim 24 allowed, less the amount realized upon exhausting the security ; 25 or . 26 Sec. 346. Section 633.424, subsections 1, 2, and 3, Code 27 2020, are amended to read as follows: 28 1. The creditor and personal representative may determine, 29 by agreement, arbitration , or compromise, the value thereof of 30 the claim , according to its probable present worth, and upon 31 approval thereof by the court, it the contingent claim may be 32 allowed and paid in the same manner as an absolute claim , or . 33 2. The court may order the personal representative to make 34 distribution of the estate but to retain sufficient funds to 35 -120- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 120/ 137
H.F. 2536 pay the claim if and when the same becomes absolute ; but, . 1 However, for this purpose, the estate shall not be kept open 2 longer than two years after distribution of the remainder of 3 the estate ; and if such . If the contingent claim has not 4 become absolute within that time, distribution shall be made 5 to the distributees of the funds so retained, after paying 6 any costs and expenses accruing during such period , and 7 such . The distributees shall be liable to the creditor to the 8 extent of the estate received by them, if such the contingent 9 claim thereafter becomes absolute after distribution . When 10 distribution is so made to distributees, the court may require 11 such the distributees to give bond for the satisfaction of 12 their liability to the contingent creditor , or . 13 3. The court may order distribution of the estate as though 14 such the contingent claim did not exist, but the distributees 15 shall be liable to the creditor to the extent of the estate 16 received by them, if the contingent claim thereafter becomes 17 absolute ; and the after distribution. The court may require 18 such the distributees to give bond for the performance of their 19 liability to the contingent creditor , or . 20 Sec. 347. Section 633.528, Code 2020, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 633.528 Uniformity of interpretation. 23 Sections 633.523 to through 633.527 shall be so construed 24 and interpreted as to effectuate their general purpose to make 25 uniform the law relating to simultaneous death. 26 Sec. 348. Section 633.560A, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 27 2020, is amended to read as follows: 28 a. The parties will must participate in good faith. 29 Participation in mediation shall include attendance at 30 a mediation session with the mediator and the parties to 31 the action, listening to the mediator’s explanation of the 32 mediation process, presentation of one party’s view of the 33 case, and listening to the response of the other party. 34 Participation in mediation does not require that the parties 35 -121- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 121/ 137
H.F. 2536 reach an agreement. 1 Sec. 349. Section 633.561, subsection 4, paragraphs c and f, 2 Code 2020, are amended to read as follows: 3 c. Ensure that the respondent has been properly advised of 4 the respondent’s rights in a guardianship or conservatorship 5 proceeding. 6 f. Ensure that the guardianship or conservatorship 7 procedures conform to the statutory and due process 8 requirements of Iowa law. 9 Sec. 350. Section 633.561, subsection 5, paragraphs a and b, 10 Code 2020, are amended to read as follows: 11 a. Inform the respondent of the effects of the order entered 12 for appointment of guardian or conservator . 13 b. Advise the respondent of the respondent’s rights to 14 petition for modification or termination of the guardianship 15 or conservatorship . 16 Sec. 351. Section 633.562, subsection 5, paragraphs a and b, 17 Code 2020, are amended to read as follows: 18 a. A recommendation regarding the appropriateness of a 19 limited guardianship or conservatorship for the respondent, 20 including whether less restrictive alternatives are available. 21 b. A statement of the qualifications of the guardian or 22 conservator together with a statement of whether the respondent 23 has expressed agreement with the appointment of the proposed 24 guardian or conservator. 25 Sec. 352. Section 633.563, subsection 7, unnumbered 26 paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 27 The results of the evaluation ordered by the court shall be 28 made available to filed with the court and made available to 29 the following: 30 Sec. 353. Section 633.565, Code 2020, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 633.565 Qualifications and selection of guardian or 33 conservator for an adult. 34 The court shall appoint as guardian or conservator for an 35 -122- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 122/ 137
H.F. 2536 adult any qualified and suitable person who is willing to serve 1 as guardian or conservator. 2 Sec. 354. Section 633.568, Code 2020, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 633.568 Appointment of guardian for an adult on a standby 5 basis. 6 A petition for the appointment of a guardian for an 7 adult on a standby basis may be filed by any person under 8 the same procedure and requirements as provided in sections 9 633.591 to through 633.597 , for appointment of standby 10 conservator, insofar as applicable. In all proceedings to 11 appoint a guardian, the court shall consider whether a limited 12 guardianship, as authorized in section 633.635 , is appropriate. 13 Sec. 355. Section 633.569, subsection 2, paragraph c, Code 14 2020, is amended to read as follows: 15 c. The reason the emergency appointment of a temporary 16 guardian or conservator is sought. 17 Sec. 356. Section 633.569, subsection 3, unnumbered 18 paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 19 The court may enter an ex parte order appointing a temporary 20 guardian or conservator on an emergency basis under this 21 section if the court finds that all of the following conditions 22 are met: 23 Sec. 357. Section 633.653, Code 2020, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 633.653 Claims against the ward, the conservatorship , or the 26 conservator in that capacity. 27 Claims accruing before or after the appointment of the 28 conservator, and whether arising in contract or tort or 29 otherwise, after being allowed or established as provided in 30 sections 633.654 to through 633.656 , shall be paid by the 31 conservator from the assets of the conservatorship. 32 Sec. 358. Section 633.670, subsection 1, paragraphs b and d, 33 Code 2020, are amended to read as follows: 34 b. Within two days after filing the initial plan, the 35 -123- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 123/ 137
H.F. 2536 conservator shall give notice of the filing of the initial plan 1 with a copy of the plan to the protected person, the protected 2 person’s attorney and court advisor visitor , if any, and others 3 as directed by the court. The notice must state that any 4 person entitled to a copy of the plan must file any objections 5 to the plan not later than fifteen days after it is filed. 6 d. After approval by the court, the conservator shall 7 provide a copy of the approved plan and order approving the 8 plan to the protected person, the protected person’s attorney 9 and court advisor visitor , if any, and others as directed by 10 the court. 11 Sec. 359. Section 633.670, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 12 amended to read as follows: 13 2. A conservator shall file an inventory of the protected 14 person’s assets within ninety days after appointment which 15 includes an oath or affirmation that the inventory is believed 16 to be complete and accurate as far as information permits. 17 Copies of the inventory shall be provided to the protected 18 person, the protected person’s attorney and court advisor 19 visitor , if any, and others as directed by the court. When 20 the conservator receives additional property of the protected 21 person, or becomes aware of its existence, a description of the 22 property shall be included in the conservator’s next annual 23 report. 24 Sec. 360. Section 633.670, subsection 3, paragraph c, Code 25 2020, is amended to read as follows: 26 c. Reports required by this section shall be served on the 27 protected person’s attorney and court advisor visitor , if any, 28 and the veterans administration if the protected person is 29 receiving veterans benefits. 30 Sec. 361. Section 633.675, subsection 1, unnumbered 31 paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 32 A guardianship and or a conservatorship shall terminate upon 33 the occurrence of any of the following circumstances: 34 Sec. 362. Section 633.675, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 35 -124- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 124/ 137
H.F. 2536 amended to read as follows: 1 2. The court shall terminate a guardianship if it finds by 2 clear and convincing evidence that the basis for appointing a 3 guardian pursuant to section 633.552 is has not satisfied been 4 established . 5 Sec. 363. Section 633.679, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 6 amended to read as follows: 7 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 , at At 8 any time after the appointment of a guardian or conservator, 9 the person under guardianship or conservatorship may apply to 10 the court by petition, alleging that the person is no longer 11 a proper subject thereof, and asking that the guardianship or 12 conservatorship be terminated. 13 Sec. 364. Section 633A.3110, subsection 2, unnumbered 14 paragraph 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 15 The trustee may give notice as described herein in this 16 section to creditors, heirs, and the surviving spouse of the 17 settlor for the purpose of establishing their rights to contest 18 the trust and to file claims against the trust assets. 19 Sec. 365. Section 636.23, subsections 5, 6, and 7, Code 20 2020, are amended to read as follows: 21 5. Real estate mortgage bonds. Notes or bonds of any 22 individual secured by a first mortgage on improved real estate 23 located in this state, provided the aggregate amount of such 24 notes and/or or bonds secured by such first mortgage, does not 25 exceed fifty percent of the value of the mortgage property as 26 determined by the fiduciary; any such loan may be made in an 27 amount not to exceed seventy-five percentum of the appraised 28 value of the real estate offered as security and for a term not 29 longer than twenty years if the loan is secured by an amortized 30 mortgage, deed of trust, or other such instrument under the 31 terms of which the installment payments are sufficient to 32 amortize the entire principal of the loan within the period 33 ending on the date of its maturity. 34 6. Corporate mortgages. Notes or bonds of any corporation 35 -125- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 125/ 137
H.F. 2536 secured by a first mortgage on improved real estate located in 1 this or any adjoining state upon which no default in payment of 2 principal or interest shall have occurred within five preceding 3 years provided the aggregate amount of such notes and/or or 4 bonds secured by such first mortgage does not exceed fifty 5 percent of the value of the mortgage property as determined by 6 the fiduciary. 7 7. Railroad bonds. Bonds of any railroad corporation which 8 are secured by a first lien mortgage or trust deed upon not 9 less than one hundred miles of main track in the United States 10 and which mortgage or trust deed has been outstanding not less 11 than fifteen years and upon which bonds issued thereunder there 12 has been no default in the payment of principal and/or or 13 interest since the date of said such trust deed. 14 Sec. 366. Section 657.3, Code 2020, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 657.3 Penalty —— abatement. 17 Whoever is convicted of erecting, causing, or continuing 18 a public or common nuisance as provided in this chapter , or 19 at common law when the same has not been modified or repealed 20 by statute, where no other punishment therefor is specially 21 provided, shall be guilty of an aggravated misdemeanor and the 22 court may order such nuisance abated, and issue a warrant as 23 hereinafter provided in this chapter . 24 Sec. 367. Section 657A.1, subsection 3, Code 2020, is 25 amended to read as follows: 26 3. “Building” means a building or structure , excluding a 27 mobile home, a modular home, and a manufactured home as defined 28 in section 435.1 , unless the mobile home or manufactured 29 home has been converted to real estate pursuant to section 30 435.26 , located in a city or outside the limits of a city in 31 a county, which is used or intended to be used for commercial 32 or industrial purposes or which is used or intended to be 33 used for residential purposes and includes a building or 34 structure in which some floors may be used for retail stores, 35 -126- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 126/ 137
H.F. 2536 shops, salesrooms, markets, or similar commercial uses, or for 1 offices, banks, civic administration activities, professional 2 services, or similar business or civic uses, and other floors 3 are used, designed, or intended to be used for residential 4 purposes. “Building” does not include a mobile home, a modular 5 home, and a manufactured home as defined in section 435.1, 6 unless the mobile home or manufactured home has been converted 7 to real estate pursuant to section 435.26. 8 Sec. 368. Section 657A.2, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 9 amended to read as follows: 10 1. No sooner than the latter later of thirty days after 11 provision of the responsible building official’s findings have 12 been provided under section 657A.1A and or six months after a 13 building has become abandoned, a petition for abatement under 14 this chapter may be filed in the district court of the county 15 in which the property is located by the city in which the 16 property is located, by the county if the property is located 17 outside the limits of a city, by a neighboring landowner, or 18 by a duly organized nonprofit corporation which has as one of 19 its goals the improvement of housing conditions in the county 20 or city in which the property in question is located. The 21 petition shall not demand a personal judgment against any 22 party, but shall concern only the interests in the property. A 23 petition for abatement filed under this chapter shall include 24 the legal description of the real property upon which the 25 public nuisance is located unless the public nuisance is not 26 situated on or confined to a parcel of real property, or is 27 portable or capable of being removed from the real property. 28 Service shall be made on all interested persons by personal 29 service or, if personal service cannot be made, by certified 30 mail and first class mail to the last known address of record 31 of the interested person and by posting the notice in a 32 conspicuous place on the building, or by publication. The last 33 known address of record for the property owner shall be the 34 address of record with the county treasurer of the county where 35 -127- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 127/ 137
H.F. 2536 the property is located. Service may also be made as provided 1 in section 654.4A . 2 Sec. 369. Section 657A.4, Code 2020, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 657A.4 Appointment of receiver. 5 If after After expiration of a date established pursuant to 6 section 657A.3, subsection 1 , or a hearing pursuant to section 7 657A.3 , the court may appoint a receiver to take possession and 8 control of the property in question. A person shall not be 9 appointed as a receiver unless the person has first provided 10 the court with a viable financial and construction plan for the 11 rehabilitation of the property in question and has demonstrated 12 the capacity and expertise to perform the required work in a 13 satisfactory manner. The appointed receiver may be a financial 14 institution that possesses an interest of record in the 15 property, a nonprofit corporation that is duly organized and 16 exists for the primary purpose of improving housing conditions 17 in the county or city in which the property in question is 18 located, or any person deemed qualified by the court. No part 19 of the net earnings of a nonprofit corporation serving as a 20 receiver under this section shall benefit a private shareholder 21 or individual. Membership on the board of trustees of a 22 nonprofit corporation does not constitute the holding of a 23 public office or employment and is not an interest, either 24 direct or indirect, in a contract or expenditure of money by 25 a city or county. No A member of a board of trustees of a 26 nonprofit corporation appointed as receiver is not disqualified 27 from holding public office or employment , nor and is a member 28 also not required to forfeit public office or employment by 29 reason of the membership on the board of trustees. 30 Sec. 370. Section 669.17, Code 2020, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 669.17 Adjustment of other claims. 33 Nothing contained herein in this chapter shall be deemed to 34 repeal any provision of law authorizing any state agency to 35 -128- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 128/ 137
H.F. 2536 consider, ascertain, adjust, compromise, settle, determine, 1 allow, or pay any claim other than a claim as defined in this 2 chapter . 3 Sec. 371. Section 670.4, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 4 1, Code 2020, is amended to read as follows: 5 The liability imposed by section 670.2 shall have no 6 application to any claim enumerated in this section . As to 7 any such claim of the following claims , a municipality shall 8 be liable only to the extent liability may be imposed by the 9 express statute dealing with such claims and, in the absence 10 of such express statute, the municipality shall be immune from 11 liability . : 12 Sec. 372. Section 670.4, subsection 2, Code 2020, is amended 13 to read as follows: 14 2. The remedy against the municipality provided by section 15 670.2 shall hereafter be exclusive of any other civil action 16 or proceeding by reason of the same subject matter against the 17 officer, employee or agent whose act or omission gave rise to 18 the claim, or the officer’s, employee’s, or agent’s estate. 19 Sec. 373. Section 701.1, Code 2020, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 701.1 Short title. 22 Chapters 701 to through 728 shall be known and may be cited 23 as the “Iowa Criminal Code” . 24 Sec. 374. Section 709.15, subsection 1, paragraph f, 25 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (f), Code 2020, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 (f) A person employed by a community college full-time, 28 part-time, or as a substitute who provides instruction to 29 high school students under a sharing or concurrent enrollment 30 program offered in accordance with section 257.11 or 261E.8 . 31 Sec. 375. Section 714H.3, subsection 2, paragraph d, Code 32 2020, is amended to read as follows: 33 d. Section 516E.5, 516E.9, 523C.7 or 516E.10 523C.13 . 34 Sec. 376. Section 724.8A, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 35 -129- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 129/ 137
H.F. 2536 amended to read as follows: 1 1. Notwithstanding subsections 2 and 3 , the The governing 2 board of a university under the control of the state board 3 of regents as provided in chapter 262 or a community college 4 under the jurisdiction of a board of directors for a merged 5 area as provided in chapter 260C shall not adopt or enforce any 6 policy or rule that prohibits the carrying, transportation, 7 or possession of a dangerous weapon that directs an electric 8 current, impulse, wave, or beam that produces a high-voltage 9 pulse designed to immobilize a person in the buildings or on 10 the grounds of such a college or university, as long as such a 11 dangerous weapon does not generate a projectile that directs 12 an electric current, impulse, wave, or beam that produces a 13 high-voltage pulse designed to immobilize a person, and such 14 a dangerous weapon is not used in the commission of a public 15 offense. 16 Sec. 377. Section 724.11, subsection 1, Code 2020, is 17 amended to read as follows: 18 1. Applications for permits to carry weapons shall be made 19 to the sheriff of the county in which the applicant resides. 20 Applications for professional permits to carry weapons for 21 persons who are nonresidents of the state, or whose need to go 22 armed arises out of employment by the state, shall be made to 23 the commissioner of public safety. In either case, the sheriff 24 or commissioner, before issuing the permit, shall determine 25 that the requirements of sections 724.6 to through 724.10 26 have been satisfied. A renewal applicant shall apply within 27 thirty days prior to the expiration of the permit, or within 28 thirty days after the expiration of the permit; otherwise the 29 applicant shall be considered an applicant for an initial 30 permit for purposes of renewal fees under subsection 3 . 31 Sec. 378. Section 801.1, Code 2020, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 801.1 Short title. 34 Chapters 801 to through 819 shall be known and may be cited 35 -130- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 130/ 137
H.F. 2536 as the “Iowa Code of Criminal Procedure” . 1 Sec. 379. Section 802.6, subsection 1, Code 2020, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 1. When a person leaves the state, the indictment or 4 information may be found within the time herein limited period 5 of limitation prescribed in this chapter after the person’s 6 coming into the state, and no period during which the party 7 charged was not publicly resident within the state is a part 8 of the limitation. 9 Sec. 380. Section 805.15, Code 2020, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 805.15 Other citation forms. 12 The provisions of sections 321.485 to through 321.487 shall 13 govern with respect to offenses charged in the manner provided 14 in section 321.485 . The provisions of sections 805.6 to 15 through 805.14 shall govern with respect to offenses chargeable 16 upon a uniform citation and complaint. 17 Sec. 381. Section 901.11, subsection 5, Code 2020, is 18 amended to read as follows: 19 5. At the time of sentencing, the court shall determine when 20 a person convicted of arson in the first degree as described 21 in section 902.12, subsection 5 , shall first become eligible 22 for parole or work release within the parameters specified 23 in section 902.12, subsection 4 5 , based upon all pertinent 24 information including the person’s criminal record, a validated 25 risk assessment, and the negative impact the offense has had 26 on the victim or other persons. 27 Sec. 382. Section 901D.7, subsection 2, Code 2020, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 2. An order or directive placing a participant in the 30 program shall include the type of testing required to be 31 administered in the program and the length of time that the 32 participant is required to remain in the program which shall 33 be for no less than ninety days. The order or directive shall 34 additionally require that the participant not have failed a 35 -131- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 131/ 137
H.F. 2536 test result required testing or have missed a required testing 1 during the thirty-day period immediately preceding the end of 2 participation in the program. The person issuing the order or 3 directive shall send a copy of the order or directive to the 4 law enforcement agency of the participating jurisdiction. 5 Sec. 383. 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 26, section 14, is amended 6 to read as follows: 7 SEC. 14. NEW SECTION . 489.12206 Information required in 8 biennial report —— effect of failure to provide. 9 1. In the biennial report required by section 489.209 , a 10 series limited liability company shall include the name of each 11 protected series of the company for which all of the following 12 applies apply : 13 a. For which the company has previously delivered to the 14 secretary of state for filing a protected series designation. 15 b. Which has not dissolved and completed winding up. 16 2. A failure by a series limited liability company to comply 17 with subsection 1 with regard to a protected series prevents 18 issuance of a certificate of good standing existence pertaining 19 to the protected series but does not otherwise affect the 20 protected series. 21 Sec. 384. 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 26, section 44, is amended 22 by striking the section and inserting in lieu thereof the 23 following: 24 SEC. 44. Section 489.101 , Code 2019, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 489.101 Short title. 27 1. This chapter may be cited as the “Revised Uniform Limited 28 Liability Company Act” . 29 2. In addition, article 14 of this chapter may be cited as 30 provided in section 489.14101. 31 Sec. 385. 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 135, section 27, is 32 amended to read as follows: 33 SEC. 27. Section 260I.10 , Code 2019, is amended by adding 34 the following new subsection: 35 -132- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 132/ 137
H.F. 2536 NEW SUBSECTION . 4. The department of education, in 1 coordination with the community colleges, may adjust the 2 allocations generated pursuant to section 260I 206I.2 , 3 subsection 2, paragraph “c” , to ensure efficient delivery of 4 services. 5 Sec. 386. 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 148, section 48, is 6 amended to read as follows: 7 SEC. 48. Section 49.31, subsection 1 , paragraph b, Code 8 2019, is amended to read as follows: 9 b. (1) The commissioner shall determine the order of 10 candidates on the ballot as provided in this paragraph. The 11 order shall be the same for each office on the ballot and for 12 each precinct in the county voting in the election. 13 (2) The state commissioner shall compile a list of each 14 county in the state in alphabetical order and assign a number 15 to each county such that the first county listed is number 16 one, the second county listed is number two, and continuing 17 in descending order in the same manner. The commissioner 18 shall put in alphabetical order the top two political parties 19 receiving the highest votes from the most recent election. 20 (3) The commissioner of each county assigned an even number 21 pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall arrange the ballot as 22 follows: 23 (a) The candidates of the first political party by 24 alphabetical order pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall appear 25 first on the ballot for the first general election at which the 26 president of the United States is to be elected following the 27 effective date of this division of this Act and second on the 28 ballot for the first general election at which the governor 29 will be elected following the effective date of this division 30 of this Act and second on the ballot for the second general 31 election at which the president of the United States is to be 32 elected following the effective date of this division of this 33 Act and first on the ballot for the second general election at 34 which the governor will be elected following the effective date 35 -133- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 133/ 137
H.F. 2536 of this division of this Act, and thereafter alternating with 1 the candidates of the second political party by alphabetical 2 order pursuant to subparagraph (2). 3 (b) The candidates of the second political party by 4 alphabetical order pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall appear 5 second on the ballot for the first general election at which 6 the president of the United States is to be elected following 7 the effective date of this division of this Act and first on 8 the ballot for the first general election at which the governor 9 will be elected following the effective date of this division 10 of this Act and first on the ballot for the second general 11 election at which the president of the United States is to be 12 elected following the effective date of this division of this 13 Act and second on the ballot for the second general election at 14 which the governor will be elected following the effective date 15 of this division of this Act, and thereafter alternating with 16 the candidates of the first political party by alphabetical 17 order pursuant to subparagraph (2). 18 (4) The commissioner of each county assigned an odd number 19 pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall arrange the ballot as 20 follows: 21 (a) The candidates of the second political party by 22 alphabetical order pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall appear 23 first on the ballot for the first general election at which the 24 president of the United States is to be elected following the 25 effective date of this division of this Act and second on the 26 ballot for the first general election at which the governor 27 will be elected following the effective date of this division 28 of this Act and second on the ballot for the second general 29 election at which the president of the United States is to be 30 elected following the effective date of this division of this 31 Act and first on the ballot for the second general election at 32 which the governor will be elected following the effective date 33 of this division of this Act, and thereafter alternating with 34 the candidates of the first political party by alphabetical 35 -134- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 134/ 137
H.F. 2536 order pursuant to subparagraph (2). 1 (b) The candidates of the first political party by 2 alphabetical order pursuant to subparagraph (2) shall appear 3 second on the ballot for the first general election at which 4 the president of the United States is to be elected following 5 the effective date of this division of this Act and first on 6 the ballot for the first general election at which the governor 7 will be elected following the effective date of this division 8 of this Act and first on the ballot for the second general 9 election at which the president of the United States is to be 10 elected following the effective date of this division of this 11 Act and second on the ballot for the second general election at 12 which the governor will be elected following the effective date 13 of this division of this Act, and thereafter alternating with 14 the candidates of the second political party by alphabetical 15 order pursuant to subparagraph (2). 16 (c) The commissioner shall determine the order of 17 candidates of nonparty political organizations on the ballot. 18 The order shall be the same for each office on the ballot and 19 for each precinct in the county voting in the election. 20 Sec. 387. 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 155, section 4, is amended 21 to read as follows: 22 SEC. 4. JUDICIAL OFFICER —— UNPAID LEAVE. Notwithstanding 23 the annual salary rates for judicial officers established by 24 2013 Iowa Acts, chapter 140, section 40 section 6 of this Act , 25 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 26 30, 2020, the supreme court may by order place all judicial 27 officers on unpaid leave status on any day employees of 28 the judicial branch are placed on temporary layoff status. 29 The biweekly pay of the judicial officers shall be reduced 30 accordingly for the pay period in which the unpaid leave date 31 occurred in the same manner as for noncontract employees of the 32 judicial branch. Through the course of the fiscal year, the 33 judicial branch may use an amount equal to the aggregate amount 34 of salary reductions due to the judicial officer unpaid leave 35 -135- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 135/ 137
H.F. 2536 days for any purpose other than for judicial salaries. 1 Sec. 388. REPEAL. 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 26, section 52, 2 is repealed. 3 Sec. 389. REPEAL. Sections 15.300, 15.301, 52.8, 189.10, 4 and 235.6, Code 2020, are repealed. 5 Sec. 390. IMPLEMENTATION PROVISION. 6 1. The sections of this division of this Act amending 7 section 249L.2, shall only be implemented upon receipt by 8 the department of human services of approval of the Medicaid 9 state plan amendment by CMS, and if such approval is received, 10 is applicable no earlier than the first day of the calendar 11 quarter following the date of receipt of such approval. 12 Sec. 391. EFFECTIVE DATE. The following, being deemed of 13 immediate importance, take effect upon enactment: 14 1. The section of this Act amending 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 15 135, section 27. 16 2. The section of this Act amending 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 17 148, section 48. 18 3. The section of this Act amending 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 19 155, section 4. 20 Sec. 392. RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY. The following apply 21 retroactively to July 1, 2019: 22 1. The section of this Act amending 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 23 135, section 27. 24 2. The section of this Act amending 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 25 148, section 48. 26 3. The section of this Act amending 2019 Iowa Acts, chapter 27 155, section 4. 28 DIVISION II 29 CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVES 30 Sec. 393. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVES. 31 1. The Code editor may designate unnumbered chapter 32 headings as numbered subchapters and correct internal 33 references as necessary within and to chapter 359. 34 2. The Code editor may add a new subchapter to chapter 359, 35 -136- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 136/ 137
H.F. 2536 preceding section 359.52 and entitled “DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY”. 1 -137- HF 2536 (3) 88 lh/ns/md 137/ 137