Bill Text: IA HF2098 | 2017-2018 | 87th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act creating the Iowa job training tax credit program and including applicability provisions.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2018-01-24 - Subcommittee: Vander Linden, Jacoby and Windschitl. H.J. 150. [HF2098 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2017-HF2098-Introduced.html

House File 2098 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  JACOBY

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act creating the Iowa job training tax credit program and
  2    including applicability provisions.
    TLSB 5074YH (4) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  NEW SECTION.  15C.1  Title.
  1  2    This chapter shall be known and may cited as the "Iowa job
  1  3 training tax credit program".
  1  4    Sec. 2.  NEW SECTION.  15C.2  Definitions.
  1  5    For purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwise
  1  6 requires:
  1  7    1.  "Apprentice" means the same as defined in section 15B.2.
  1  8    2.  "Authority" means the economic development authority
  1  9 created in section 15.105.
  1 10    3.  "Employ" or "employed" means to be hired or retained for
  1 11 paid work as an apprentice or intern and to perform the duties
  1 12 of an apprentice or intern.
  1 13    4.  "Intern" means an Iowa student engaged in an internship.
  1 14    5.  "Internship" means temporary employment of an Iowa
  1 15 student that focuses on providing the student with work
  1 16 experience in the student's field of study.
  1 17    6.  "Iowa student" means the same as defined in section
  1 18 15.411, subsection 3, paragraph "a".
  1 19    7.  "Minimum training standards" means the minimum training
  1 20 standards adopted by the authority by rule pursuant to section
  1 21 15C.3, subsection 3.
  1 22    8.  "Program" means the job training tax credit program
  1 23 credit in this chapter.
  1 24    9.  "Qualified trainee" means a person who meets the
  1 25 requirements of section 15C.3, subsection 2, with respect to
  1 26 a tax year.
  1 27    10.  "Tax year" means the calendar year, or the fiscal year
  1 28 ending during such calendar year, upon the basis of which a tax
  1 29 is calculated.
  1 30    Sec. 3.  NEW SECTION.  15C.3  Job training tax credit program
  1 31 == application == eligibility requirements.
  1 32    1.  Program administration.  The authority, in consultation
  1 33 with the department of revenue, shall administer a job training
  1 34 tax credit program to provide tax credits to businesses that
  1 35 employ qualified trainees in Iowa during the tax year.
  2  1    2.  Qualified trainee.  For purposes of the program, a person
  2  2 is a qualified trainee of a business if the person meets all of
  2  3 the following requirements for the tax year:
  2  4    a.  The person is an apprentice or an intern.
  2  5    b.  The person is employed by the business in Iowa.
  2  6    c.  The person satisfies the relevant minimum training
  2  7 standard.
  2  8    3.  Minimum training standards.
  2  9    a.  The authority shall establish by rule minimum training
  2 10 standards under the program for apprenticeships and internships
  2 11 that will reflect the minimum amount of training necessary to
  2 12 provide a meaningful work experience in the relevant field
  2 13 of study of an intern or to learn the relevant trade or job
  2 14 position of an apprentice.  The minimum training standards
  2 15 shall be a value expressed as a number of job training hours,
  2 16 or a ratio of job training hours to work hours, or some
  2 17 combination of both.
  2 18    b.  In determining the minimum training standards, the
  2 19 authority shall consider the relevant field of study involved,
  2 20 the trade or job position involved, the stated goals and length
  2 21 of the internship or apprenticeship, and any other factors the
  2 22 authority deems relevant.  The authority may establish more
  2 23 than one minimum training standard.
  2 24    c.  In establishing minimum training standards, the authority
  2 25 may consult with any person the authority deems relevant,
  2 26 including but not limited to the department of education,
  2 27 institutions of higher learning, or business and labor
  2 28 organizations.
  2 29    4.  Application.
  2 30    a.  A business employing one or more qualified trainees in
  2 31 Iowa may apply to the authority for the job training tax credit
  2 32 provided in section 15C.4.
  2 33    b.  The application shall be made in the manner and form
  2 34 prescribed by the authority.
  2 35    c.  The authority may accept applications on a continuous
  3  1 basis or may establish, by rule, an annual application
  3  2 deadline.
  3  3    d.  The application shall include all of the following
  3  4 information:
  3  5    (1)  A description of the business and the apprenticeship
  3  6 program or internship program conducted by the business,
  3  7 including the number of qualified trainees employed by the
  3  8 business during the relevant tax year.
  3  9    (2)  With respect to each qualified trainee of the business:
  3 10    (a)  The identity of the qualified trainee, the period
  3 11 of time the qualified trainee was employed by the business
  3 12 during the tax year, and if relevant, the institution of higher
  3 13 learning at which the qualified trainee is a student.
  3 14    (b)  A description of the qualified trainee's job duties and
  3 15 the number of hours those job duties were performed.
  3 16    (c)  A description and total number of hours of job training
  3 17 and instruction provided by the business to the qualified
  3 18 trainee.
  3 19    (d)  A statement from the business certifying that the
  3 20 apprentice or intern meets the relevant minimum training
  3 21 standard for the relevant tax year.
  3 22    (3)  Any other information reasonably required by the
  3 23 authority in order to establish and verify eligibility under
  3 24 the program.
  3 25    e.  Upon receiving a complete and accurate application and
  3 26 establishing that all requirements of the program have been
  3 27 satisfied, the authority shall issue a tax credit and related
  3 28 tax credit certificate to the business stating the amount of
  3 29 job training tax credit under section 15C.4 the business may
  3 30 claim.
  3 31    Sec. 4.  NEW SECTION.  15C.4  Job training tax credit.
  3 32    1.  a.  A business that satisfies the requirements of the
  3 33 job training tax credit program in section 15C.3 may claim a
  3 34 tax credit in an amount equal to one thousand dollars for each
  3 35 qualified trainee employed in Iowa by the taxpayer for the
  4  1 entire tax year.
  4  2    b.  If the qualified trainee is not employed for the entire
  4  3 tax year, the maximum amount of the credit shall be prorated
  4  4 and the amount of the credit with regard to that qualified
  4  5 trainee shall equal the maximum amount of credit for the tax
  4  6 year, divided by twelve, multiplied by the number of months
  4  7 in the tax year the qualified trainee was employed by the
  4  8 taxpayer.  The credit shall be rounded to the nearest dollar.
  4  9 If the qualified trainee was employed during any part of the
  4 10 month, the qualified trainee shall be considered a qualified
  4 11 trainee for the entire month.
  4 12    2.  An individual may claim the tax credit allowed a
  4 13 partnership, limited liability company, S corporation,
  4 14 estate, or trust electing to have income taxed directly to
  4 15 the individual. The amount claimed by the individual shall
  4 16 be based upon the pro rata share of the individual's earnings
  4 17 from the partnership, limited liability company, S corporation,
  4 18 estate, or trust.
  4 19    3.  Any tax credit in excess of the taxpayer's liability
  4 20 for the tax year is not refundable but may be credited to the
  4 21 tax liability for the following seven years or until depleted,
  4 22 whichever is earlier.
  4 23    4.  Tax credits issued under this section are not
  4 24 transferable to any person.
  4 25    5.  a.  To claim a tax credit under this section, a taxpayer
  4 26 shall include one or more tax credit certificates with the
  4 27 taxpayer's tax return.
  4 28    b.  The tax credit certificate shall contain the taxpayer's
  4 29 name, address, tax identification number, the amount of the
  4 30 credit, and any other information required by the department
  4 31 of revenue.
  4 32    c.  The tax credit certificate, unless rescinded by the
  4 33 authority, shall be accepted by the department of revenue as
  4 34 payment for taxes imposed in chapter 422, divisions II, III,
  4 35 and V, and in chapter 432, and against the moneys and credits
  5  1 tax imposed in section 533.329, subject to any conditions or
  5  2 restrictions placed by the authority or the department of
  5  3 revenue upon the face of the tax credit certificate and subject
  5  4 to the limitations of this program.
  5  5    Sec. 5.  NEW SECTION.  15C.5  Reports to general assembly.
  5  6    The authority, in cooperation with the department of
  5  7 revenue, shall publish an annual report of activities of the
  5  8 program and shall submit the report to the governor and the
  5  9 general assembly.
  5 10    Sec. 6.  NEW SECTION.  15C.6  Rules.
  5 11    The authority and the department of revenue shall each adopt
  5 12 rules as necessary for the implementation and administration of
  5 13 this chapter.
  5 14    Sec. 7.  NEW SECTION.  422.10C  Job training tax credit.
  5 15    The taxes imposed under this division, less the credits
  5 16 allowed under section 422.12, shall be reduced by a job
  5 17 training tax credit allowed under chapter 15C.
  5 18    Sec. 8.  Section 422.33, Code 2018, is amended by adding the
  5 19 following new subsection:
  5 20    NEW SUBSECTION.  17.  The taxes imposed under this division
  5 21 shall be reduced by a job training tax credit allowed under
  5 22 chapter 15C.
  5 23    Sec. 9.  Section 422.60, Code 2018, is amended by adding the
  5 24 following new subsection:
  5 25    NEW SUBSECTION.  14.  The taxes imposed under this division
  5 26 shall be reduced by a job training tax credit allowed under
  5 27 chapter 15C.
  5 28    Sec. 10.  NEW SECTION.  432.12N  Job training tax credit.
  5 29    The taxes imposed under this chapter shall be reduced by a
  5 30 job training tax credit allowed under chapter 15C.
  5 31    Sec. 11.  Section 533.329, subsection 2, Code 2018, is
  5 32 amended by adding the following new paragraph:
  5 33    NEW PARAGRAPH.  m.  The moneys and credits tax imposed under
  5 34 this section shall be reduced by a job training tax credit
  5 35 allowed under chapter 15C.
  6  1    Sec. 12.  APPLICABILITY.  This Act applies to tax years
  6  2 beginning on or after January 1, 2019.
  6  3    Sec. 13.  APPLICABILITY.  This Act applies to qualified
  6  4 trainees employed in Iowa on or after January 1, 2019.
  6  5                           EXPLANATION
  6  6 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  6  7 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  6  8    This bill creates a job training tax credit program
  6  9 (program) administered by the economic development authority
  6 10 (EDA) in consultation with the department of revenue (DOR)
  6 11 to provide tax credits to businesses that employ for pay
  6 12 qualified trainees in Iowa during the tax year.  To qualify
  6 13 as a "qualified trainee" under the program, a person must be
  6 14 an apprentice or an intern, must be employed by a business in
  6 15 Iowa, and must satisfy the relevant minimum training standard.
  6 16    "Apprentice" is defined in the bill to mean an Iowa resident
  6 17 employed in an apprenticeable occupation and registered as such
  6 18 with the U.S. office of apprenticeship.  "Intern" is defined
  6 19 in the bill to mean an Iowa college student, or a student who
  6 20 graduated from high school in Iowa but who now attends college
  6 21 outside of Iowa, who is engaged in temporary employment that
  6 22 focuses on providing the student with work experience in the
  6 23 student's field of study.
  6 24    EDA is required to establish by rule minimum training
  6 25 standards that will reflect the minimum training necessary to
  6 26 provide a meaningful work experience for an intern or to learn
  6 27 a trade or job position for an apprentice.  The bill describes
  6 28 how the minimum training standards should be quantified, as
  6 29 well as the factors EDA shall consider and the persons with
  6 30 whom EDA may consult in determining the standards.  The bill
  6 31 provides that EDA may establish more than one minimum training
  6 32 standard.
  6 33    In order to receive a tax credit, a business must apply
  6 34 to the authority in the manner and form prescribed by the
  6 35 authority, and the bill describes the required information
  7  1 that must be contained in an application.  EDA is required to
  7  2 review applications and, upon determining that the requirements
  7  3 of the program have been satisfied, issue a tax credit to the
  7  4 business.
  7  5    The tax credit equals $1,000 for each qualified trainee
  7  6 employed in Iowa by a business for the entire tax year.  If
  7  7 a qualified trainee was not employed by the business for the
  7  8 entire tax year, the amount of the credit is prorated based
  7  9 upon the number of months of employment.  The tax credit
  7 10 may be claimed against the individual and corporate income
  7 11 taxes, the franchise tax, the insurance companies tax, and the
  7 12 moneys and credits tax.  The tax credit is nonrefundable and
  7 13 nontransferable, but any excess may be carried forward for
  7 14 seven years.
  7 15    The bill requires EDA and DOR to adopt rules as necessary
  7 16 for the implementation of the bill, and requires EDA and DOR to
  7 17 publish and submit annual reports to the governor and general
  7 18 assembly containing information as described in the bill.
  7 19    The bill applies to tax years beginning on or after January
  7 20 1, 2019, and to qualified trainees employed in Iowa on or after
  7 21 that date.
       LSB 5074YH (4) 87