Bill Text: FL S1828 | 2013 | Regular Session | Engrossed
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Tax Administration
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Failed) 2013-05-03 - Died in returning Messages, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 999 (Ch. 2013-92), CS/CS/SB 492 (Ch. 2013-172) [S1828 Detail]
Download: Florida-2013-S1828-Engrossed.html
Bill Title: Tax Administration
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Failed) 2013-05-03 - Died in returning Messages, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 999 (Ch. 2013-92), CS/CS/SB 492 (Ch. 2013-172) [S1828 Detail]
Download: Florida-2013-S1828-Engrossed.html
CS for SB 1828 First Engrossed 20131828e1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to tax administration; amending s. 3 125.0104, F.S.; providing an additional use for 4 tourist development tax revenues for certain coastal 5 counties; authorizing counties to require certain 6 information for tax returns filed with county 7 governments; amending s. 198.13, F.S.; deleting a 8 requirement for filing a tax return for a decedent who 9 dies after a certain date; amending s. 211.3103, F.S.; 10 expanding the definition of “phosphate-related 11 expenses” for the purpose of distributing certain tax 12 proceeds; amending s. 212.03, F.S.; providing that 13 charges for the storage of towed vehicles that are 14 impounded by a local, state, or federal law 15 enforcement agency are not taxable; amending s. 16 212.0305, F.S.; authorizing counties to require 17 certain information for tax returns filed with county 18 governments; amending s. 212.07, F.S.; conforming a 19 cross-reference to changes made by the act; providing 20 monetary and criminal penalties for a dealer’s willful 21 failure to collect certain taxes or fees after 22 receiving notice of such duty to collect from the 23 Department of Revenue; amending s. 212.12, F.S.; 24 deleting provisions relating to the imposition of 25 criminal penalties after department notice of 26 requirements to register as a dealer or to collect 27 taxes; making technical and grammatical changes to 28 provisions specifying penalties for making a false or 29 fraudulent return with the intent to evade payment of 30 a tax or fee; amending s. 212.14, F.S.; modifying the 31 definition of the term “person”; authorizing the 32 department to adopt rules relating to requirements for 33 a person to deposit cash, a bond, or other security 34 with the department in order to ensure compliance with 35 sales tax laws; making technical and grammatical 36 changes; amending s. 212.18, F.S.; providing criminal 37 penalties for a person who willfully fails to register 38 as a dealer after receiving notice of such duty by the 39 department; making technical and grammatical changes; 40 reenacting s. 212.20, F.S., relating to the 41 disposition of funds collected; amending s. 213.13, 42 F.S.; revising the due date for transmitting funds 43 collected by the clerks of court to the department; 44 amending s. 213.21, F.S.; increasing dollar threshold 45 of compromise authority that can be delegated to the 46 executive director; creating s. 213.295, F.S., 47 relating to automated sales suppression devices; 48 providing definitions; subjecting a person to criminal 49 penalties and monetary penalties for knowingly selling 50 or engaging in certain other actions involving a 51 zapper or phantom-ware; providing that sales 52 suppression devices and phantom-ware are contraband 53 articles under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act; 54 amending s. 288.106, F.S.; revising the criteria 55 applicable to the definition of the term “target 56 industry business” to specifically reference sports 57 training or competition for the amateur athlete; 58 amending s. 443.131, F.S.; imposing a requirement on 59 employers to produce records for the Department of 60 Economic Opportunity or its tax collection service 61 provider as a prerequisite for a reduction in the rate 62 of reemployment tax; amending s. 443.141, F.S.; 63 providing a method to calculate the interest rate for 64 past due contributions and reimbursements, and 65 delinquent, erroneous, incomplete, or insufficient 66 reports; providing effective dates. 67 68 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 69 70 Section 1. Present paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (5) 71 of section 125.0104, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as 72 paragraphs (d) and (e), respectively, and amended and a new 73 paragraph (c) is added to that subsection, and paragraph (a) of 74 subsection (10) of that section is amended to read: 75 125.0104 Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; 76 authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.— 77 (5) AUTHORIZED USES OF REVENUE.— 78 (c) Tax revenues received pursuant to this section by a 79 coastal county that has a population of less than 250,000, 80 excluding the inmate population, may also be used by that county 81 to fund beach safety personnel and lifeguard operational 82 activities in areas where there is public access. All population 83 figures relating to this paragraph must be based on the most 84 recent population estimates prepared pursuant to s. 186.901. 85 These population estimates must be those in effect on April 1 of 86 each year. 87 (d)(c)The revenues to be derived from the tourist 88 development tax may be pledged to secure and liquidate revenue 89 bonds issued by the county for the purposes set forth in 90 subparagraphs (a)1. and 4. or for the purpose of refunding bonds 91 previously issued for such purposes, or both; however, no more 92 than 50 percent of the revenuesfrom the tourist development tax93 may be pledged to secure and liquidate revenue bonds or revenue 94 refunding bonds issued for the purposes set forth in 95 subparagraph (a)4. Such revenue bonds and revenue refunding 96 bonds may be authorized and issued in such principal amounts, 97 with such interest rates and maturity dates, and subject to such 98 other terms, conditions, and covenants as the governing board of 99 the county shall provide. The Legislature intends that this 100 paragraphshallbe the full and complete authority for 101 accomplishing such purposes, butsuch authority shallbe 102 supplemental and additional to, and not in derogation of, any 103 powers now existing or later conferred under law. 104 (e)(d)Any use of the local option tourist development tax 105 revenues collected pursuant to this section for a purpose not 106 expressly authorized by paragraph (3)(l) or paragraph (3)(n) or 107 paragraph (a), paragraph (b),orparagraph (c), or paragraph (d) 108 of this subsection is expressly prohibited. 109 (10) LOCAL ADMINISTRATION OF TAX.— 110 (a) A county levying a tax under this section or s. 111 125.0108 may be exempted from the requirements of the respective 112 section that: 113 1. The tax collected be remitted to the Department of 114 Revenue before being returned to the county; and 115 2. The tax be administered according to chapter 212, 116 117 if the county adopts an ordinance providing for the local 118 collection and administration of the tax. The county may require 119 that a return required to be filed with the county include, for 120 each rental property, the names of the owners; the address of 121 the property, including the unit number; the number of days 122 rented; the taxable rent; and the amount of tax payable. 123 Section 2. Operating retroactively to January 1, 2013, 124 subsection (4) of section 198.13, Florida Statutes, is amended 125 to read: 126 198.13 Tax return to be made in certain cases; certificate 127 of nonliability.— 128 (4) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section 129 and applicable to the estate of a decedent who dies after 130 December 31, 2004, if, upon the death of the decedent, a state 131 death tax credit or a generation-skipping transfer credit is not 132 allowable pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 133 amended: 134 (a) The personal representative of the estate is not 135 required to file a return under subsection (1) in connection 136 with the estate. 137 (b) The person who would otherwise be required to file a 138 return reporting a generation-skipping transfer under subsection 139 (3) is not required to file such a return in connection with the 140 estate. 141 142The provisions of this subsection do not apply to estates of143decedents dying after December 31, 2012.144 Section 3. Paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section 145 211.3103, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 146 211.3103 Levy of tax on severance of phosphate rock; rate, 147 basis, and distribution of tax.— 148 (6) 149 (c) As used inFor purposes ofthis subsectionsection, the 150 term “phosphate-related expenses” means those expenses that 151 provide for infrastructure or services in support of the 152 phosphate industry, including environmental education, 153 reclamation or restoration of phosphate lands, maintenance and 154 restoration of reclaimed lands and county-owned environmental 155 lands that were formerly phosphate lands, and community 156 infrastructure onsuchreclaimed lands and county-owned 157 environmental lands that were formerly phosphate lands, and 158 similar expenses directly related to support of the industry. 159 Section 4. Subsection (6) of section 212.03, Florida 160 Statutes, is amended to read: 161 212.03 Transient rentals tax; rate, procedure, enforcement, 162 exemptions.— 163 (6) It isthelegislative intent that every personis164engaging in a taxable privilegewho leases or rents parking or 165 storage spaces for motor vehicles in parking lots or garages, 166 including storage facilities for towed vehicles; who leases or 167 rents docking or storage spaces for boats in boat docks or 168 marinas;,or who leases or rents tie-down or storage space for 169 aircraft at airports is engaging in a taxable privilege. 170 (a) For the exercise of this privilege, a tax is hereby 171 levied at the rate of 6 percent on the total rental charged. 172 (b) Charges for parking, docking, tie-down, or storage 173 arising from a lawful impoundment are not taxable. As used in 174 this paragraph, the term “lawful impoundment” means the storing 175 of or having custody over an aircraft, boat, or motor vehicle by 176 or at the direction of a local, state, or federal law 177 enforcement agency which the owner or the owner’s representative 178 is not authorized to enter upon, have access to, or remove 179 without the consent of the law enforcement agency. 180 Section 5. Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section 181 212.0305, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 182 212.0305 Convention development taxes; intent; 183 administration; authorization; use of proceeds.— 184 (5) LOCAL ADMINISTRATION OF TAX.— 185 (a) A county levying a tax under the provisions of this 186 section may be exempt from the requirements of this section that 187 the tax collected be remitted to the Department of Revenue 188 before being returned to the county and that such tax be 189 administered according to the provisions of this chapter, if the 190 county adopts an ordinance providing for the collection and 191 administration of the tax on a local basis. The county may 192 require that a return required to be filed with the county 193 include, for each rental property, the names of the owners; the 194 address of the property, including the unit number; the number 195 of days rented; the taxable rent; and the amount of tax payable. 196 Section 6. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and subsection 197 (3) of section 212.07, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 198 212.07 Sales, storage, use tax; tax added to purchase 199 price; dealer not to absorb; liability of purchasers who cannot 200 prove payment of the tax; penalties; general exemptions.— 201 (1) 202 (b) A resale must be in strict compliance with s. 212.18 203 and the rules and regulations, and any dealer who makes a sale 204 for resale which is not in strict compliance with s. 212.18 and 205 the rules and regulations shall himself or herself be liable for 206 and pay the tax. Any dealer who makes a sale for resale shall 207 document the exempt nature of the transaction, as established by 208 rules adoptedpromulgatedby the department, by retaining a copy 209 of the purchaser’s resale certificate. In lieu of maintaining a 210 copy of the certificate, a dealer may document, beforeprior to211 the time of sale, an authorization number provided 212 telephonically or electronically by the department, or by such 213 other means established by rule of the department. The dealer 214 may rely on a resale certificate issued pursuant to s. 215 212.18(3)(d)212.18(3)(c), valid at the time of receipt from the 216 purchaser, without seeking annual verification of the resale 217 certificate if the dealer makes recurring sales to a purchaser 218 in the normal course of business on a continual basis. For 219 purposes of this paragraph, “recurring sales to a purchaser in 220 the normal course of business” refers to a sale in which the 221 dealer extends credit to the purchaser and records the debt as 222 an account receivable, or in which the dealer sells to a 223 purchaser who has an established cash or C.O.D. account, similar 224 to an open credit account. For purposes of this paragraph, 225 purchases are made from a selling dealer on a continual basis if 226 the selling dealer makes, in the normal course of business, 227 sales to the purchaser no less frequently than once in every 12 228 month period. A dealer may, through the informal protest 229 provided for in s. 213.21 and the rules of the departmentof230Revenue, provide the department with evidence of the exempt 231 status of a sale. Consumer certificates of exemption executed by 232 those exempt entities that were registered with the department 233 at the time of sale, resale certificates provided by purchasers 234 who were active dealers at the time of sale, and verification by 235 the department of a purchaser’s active dealer status at the time 236 of sale in lieu of a resale certificate shall be accepted by the 237 department when submitted during the protest period, but may not 238 be accepted in any proceeding under chapter 120 or any circuit 239 court action instituted under chapter 72. 240 (3)(a) AAnydealer who fails, neglects, or refuses to 241 collect the tax or fees imposed under this chapterherein242provided, eitherby himself or herself or through the dealer’s 243 agents or employees,is,in addition to the penalty of being 244 liable forandpaying the taxhimself or herself, commitsguilty245ofa misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in 246 s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 247 (b) A dealer who willfully fails to collect a tax or fee 248 after the department provides notice of the duty to collect the 249 tax or fee is liable for a specific penalty of 100 percent of 250 the uncollected tax or fee. This penalty is in addition to any 251 other penalty that may be imposed by law. A dealer who willfully 252 fails to collect taxes or fees totaling: 253 1. Less than $300: 254 a. For a first offense, commits a misdemeanor of the second 255 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 256 b. For a second offense, commits a misdemeanor of the first 257 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 258 c. For a third or subsequent offense, commits a felony of 259 the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 260 775.083, or s. 775.084. 261 2. An amount equal to $300 or more, but less than $20,000, 262 commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in 263 s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 264 3. An amount equal to $20,000 or more, but less than 265 $100,000, commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as 266 provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 267 4. An amount equal to $100,000 or more, commits a felony of 268 the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 269 775.083, or s. 775.084. 270 (c) The department shall give written notice of the duty to 271 collect taxes or fees to the dealer by personal service, by 272 sending notice to the dealer’s last known address by registered 273 mail, or by both personal service and registered mail. 274 Section 7. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section 275 212.12, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 276 212.12 Dealer’s credit for collecting tax; penalties for 277 noncompliance; powers of Department of Revenue in dealing with 278 delinquents; brackets applicable to taxable transactions; 279 records required.— 280 (2) 281 (d) AAnyperson who makes a false or fraudulent return and 282 who haswitha willful intent to evade payment of any tax or fee 283 imposed under this chapter is; any person who, after the284department’s delivery of a written notice to the person’s last285known address specifically alerting the person of the286requirement to register the person’s business as a dealer,287intentionally fails to register the business; and any person288who, after the department’s delivery of a written notice to the289person’s last known address specifically alerting the person of290the requirement to collect tax on specific transactions,291intentionally fails to collect such tax, shall, in addition to292the other penalties provided by law, beliable for a specific 293 penalty of 100 percent of any unreportedor any uncollectedtax 294 or fee. This penalty is in addition to any other penalty 295 provided by law. A person who makes a false or fraudulent return 296 with a willful intent to evade payment of taxes or fees 297 totaling: 298 1. Less than $300: 299 a. For a first offense, commits a misdemeanor of the second 300 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 301 b. For a second offense, commits a misdemeanor of the first 302 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 303 c. For a third or subsequent offense, commits a felony of 304 the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 305 775.083, or s. 775.084. 306 2. An amount equal to $300 or more, but less than $20,000, 307 commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in 308 s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 309 3. An amount equal to $20,000 or more, but less than 310 $100,000, commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as 311 provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 312 4. An amount equal to $100,000 or more, commits a felony of 313 the first degree, punishableand, upon conviction, for fine and314punishmentas provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 315Delivery of written notice may be made by certified mail, or by316the use of such other method as is documented as being necessary317and reasonable under the circumstances. The civil and criminal318penalties imposed herein for failure to comply with a written319notice alerting the person of the requirement to register the320person’s business as a dealer or to collect tax on specific321transactions shall not apply if the person timely files a322written challenge to such notice in accordance with procedures323established by the department by rule or the notice fails to324clearly advise that failure to comply with or timely challenge325the notice will result in the imposition of the civil and326criminal penalties imposed herein.3271. If the total amount of unreported or uncollected taxes328or fees is less than $300, the first offense resulting in329conviction is a misdemeanor of the second degree, the second330offense resulting in conviction is a misdemeanor of the first331degree, and the third and all subsequent offenses resulting in332conviction is a misdemeanor of the first degree, and the third333and all subsequent offenses resulting in conviction are felonies334of the third degree.3352. If the total amount of unreported or uncollected taxes336or fees is $300 or more but less than $20,000, the offense is a337felony of the third degree.3383. If the total amount of unreported or uncollected taxes339or fees is $20,000 or more but less than $100,000, the offense340is a felony of the second degree.3414. If the total amount of unreported or uncollected taxes342or fees is $100,000 or more, the offense is a felony of the343first degree.344 Section 8. Effective July 1, 2013, subsection (4) of 345 section 212.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 346 212.14 Departmental powers; hearings; distress warrants; 347 bonds; subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum.— 348 (4) In all cases where it is necessary to ensure 349 compliance withthe provisions ofthis chapter, the department 350 shall require a cash deposit, bond, or other security as a 351 condition to a person obtaining or retaining a dealer’s 352 certificate of registration under this chapter. Such bond must 353shallbe in the form andsuchamountasthe department deems 354 appropriate under the particular circumstances. AEveryperson 355 failing to produce such cash deposit, bond, or other security is 356as provided for herein shallnotbeentitled to obtain or retain 357 a dealer’s certificate of registration under this chapter, and 358 the Department of Legal Affairs is hereby authorized to proceed 359 by injunction, ifwhen sorequested by the Department of 360 Revenue, to prevent such person from doing business subject to 361the provisions ofthis chapter until such cash deposit, bond, or 362 other security is posted with the department, and any temporary 363 injunction for this purpose may be granted by any judge or 364 chancellor authorized by law to grant injunctions. Any security 365 required to be deposited may be sold by the department at public 366 sale ifit becomesnecessaryso to doin order to recover any 367 tax, interest, or penalty due. Notice of such sale may be served 368 personally or by mail upon the person who deposited thesuch369 security. If by mail, notice sent to the last known address as 370 itthe sameappears on the records of the department isshall be371 sufficient for the purpose of this requirement. Upon such sale, 372 the surplus, if any, above the amount due under this chapter 373 shall be returned to the person who deposited the security. The 374 department may adopt rules necessary to administer this 375 subsection. For the purpose of the cash deposit, bond, or other 376 security required by this subsection, the term “person” includes 377 those entities defined in s. 212.02(12), as well as: 378 (a) An individual or entity owning a controlling interest 379 in an entity; 380 (b) An individual or entity that has acquired an ownership 381 interest or a controlling interest in a business that would 382 otherwise be liable for posting a cash deposit, bond, or other 383 security, unless the department has determined that the 384 individual or entity is not liable for taxes, interest, or 385 penalties as set forth in s. 213.758; or 386 (c) An individual or entity seeking to obtain a dealer’s 387 certificate of registration for a business that will be operated 388 at the same location as a previous business that would otherwise 389 have been liable for posting a cash deposit, bond, or other 390 security, if the individual or entity fails to provide evidence 391 that the business was acquired for consideration in an arms 392 length transaction. 393 Section 9. Subsection (3) of section 212.18, Florida 394 Statutes, is amended to read: 395 212.18 Administration of law; registration of dealers; 396 rules.— 397 (3)(a) AEveryperson desiring to engage in or conduct 398 business in this state as a dealer, as defined in this chapter,399 or to lease, rent, or let or grant licenses in living quarters 400 or sleeping or housekeeping accommodations in hotels, apartment 401 houses, roominghouses, or tourist or trailer camps that are 402 subject to tax under s. 212.03, or to lease, rent, or let or 403 grant licenses in real property, as defined in this chapter, and 404 every person who sells or receives anything of value by way of 405 admissions, must file with the department an application for a 406 certificate of registration for each place of business. The 407 application must include, showingthe names of the persons who 408 have interests in such business and their residences, the 409 address of the business, andsuchother data reasonably required 410 byasthe departmentmay reasonably require. However, owners and 411 operators of vending machines or newspaper rack machines are 412 required to obtain only one certificate of registration for each 413 county in which such machines are located. The department, by 414 rule, may authorize a dealer that uses independent sellers to 415 sell its merchandise to remit tax on the retail sales price 416 charged to the ultimate consumer in lieu of having the 417 independent seller register as a dealer and remit the tax. The 418 department may appoint the county tax collector as the 419 department’s agent to accept applications for registrations. The 420 application must be submittedmadeto the department before the 421 person, firm, copartnership, or corporation may engage in such 422 business, and it must be accompanied by a registration fee of 423 $5. However, a registration fee is not required to accompany an 424 application to engage in or conduct business to make mail order 425 sales. The department may waive the registration fee for 426 applications submitted through the department’s Internet 427 registration process. 428 (b) The department, upon receipt of such application, shall 429willgrant to the applicant a separate certificate of 430 registration for each place of business, which certificate may 431 be canceled by the department or its designated assistants for 432 any failure by the certificateholder to comply withany of the433provisions ofthis chapter. The certificate is not assignable 434 and is valid only for the person, firm, copartnership, or 435 corporation to which issued. The certificate must be placed in a 436 conspicuous place in the business or businesses for which it is 437 issued and must be displayed at all times. Except as provided in 438 this subsection, anoperson may notshallengage in business as 439 a dealer or in leasing, renting, or letting of or granting 440 licenses in living quarters or sleeping or housekeeping 441 accommodations in hotels, apartment houses, roominghouses, 442 tourist or trailer camps, or real property, oras hereinbefore443defined, nor shall any personsell or receive anything of value 444 by way of admissions, without a validfirst having obtained such445acertificate. Aor after such certificate has been canceled; no446 person may notshallreceive aanylicense from any authority 447 within the state to engage in any such business without a valid 448 certificatefirst having obtained such a certificate or after449such certificate has been canceled. A person may not engageThe450engagingin the business of selling or leasing tangible personal 451 property or servicesoras a dealer; engage, as defined in this452chapter, or the engagingin leasing, renting, or letting of or 453 granting licenses in living quarters or sleeping or housekeeping 454 accommodations in hotels, apartment houses, roominghouses, or 455 tourist or trailer camps that are taxable under this chapter, or 456 real property;,or engagethe engagingin the business of 457 selling or receiving anything of value by way of admissions, 458 without a validsuchcertificatefirst being obtained or after459such certificate has been canceled by the department, is460prohibited. 461 (c)1. AThe failure or refusal of anyperson who engages in 462 acts requiring a certificate of registration under this 463 subsection who fails or refuses to register commits, firm,464copartnership, or corporation to so qualify when required465hereunder isa misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as 466 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Such acts are, orsubject 467 to injunctive proceedings as provided by law. A person who 468 engages in acts requiring a certificate of registration and who 469 fails or refuses to register is also subjectSuch failure or470refusal also subjects the offenderto a $100 initial 471 registration fee in lieu of the $5 registration fee required by 472authorized inparagraph (a). However, the department may waive 473 the increase in the registration fee if it findsis determined474by the departmentthat the failure to register was due to 475 reasonable cause and not to willful negligence, willful neglect, 476 or fraud. 477 2.a. A person who willfully fails to register after the 478 department provides notice of the duty to register as a dealer 479 commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in 480 s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 481 b. The department shall provide written notice of the duty 482 to register to the person by personal service, by sending notice 483 by registered mail to the person’s last known address, or by 484 both personal service and registered mail. 485 (d)(c)In addition to the certificate of registration, the 486 department shall provide to each newly registered dealer an 487 initial resale certificate that will be valid for the remainder 488 of the period of issuance. The department shall provide each 489 active dealer with an annual resale certificate. For purposes of 490 this section, the term “active dealer” means a person who is 491 currently registered with the department and who is required to 492 file at least once during each applicable reporting period. 493 (e)(d)The department may revoke aanydealer’s certificate 494 of registration ifwhenthe dealer fails to comply with this 495 chapter. BeforePrior torevocation of a dealer’s certificate of 496 registration, the department must schedule an informal 497 conference at which the dealer may present evidence regarding 498 the department’s intended revocation or enter into a compliance 499 agreement with the department. The department must notify the 500 dealer of its intended action and the time, place, and date of 501 the scheduled informal conference by written notification sent 502 by United States mail to the dealer’s last known address of 503 record furnished by the dealer on a form prescribed by the 504 department. The dealer is required to attend the informal 505 conference and present evidence refuting the department’s 506 intended revocation or enter into a compliance agreement with 507 the department which resolves the dealer’s failure to comply 508 with this chapter. The department shall issue an administrative 509 complaint under s. 120.60 if the dealer fails to attend the 510 department’s informal conference, fails to enter into a 511 compliance agreement with the department resolving the dealer’s 512 noncompliance with this chapter, or fails to comply with the 513 executed compliance agreement. 514 (f)(e)As used in this paragraph, the term “exhibitor” 515 means a person who enters into an agreement authorizing the 516 display of tangible personal property or services at a 517 convention or a trade show. The following provisions apply to 518 the registration of exhibitors as dealers under this chapter: 519 1. An exhibitor whose agreement prohibits the sale of 520 tangible personal property or services subject to the tax 521 imposed in this chapter is not required to register as a dealer. 522 2. An exhibitor whose agreement provides for the sale at 523 wholesale only of tangible personal property or services subject 524 to the tax imposed underinthis chapter must obtain a resale 525 certificate from the purchasing dealer but is not required to 526 register as a dealer. 527 3. An exhibitor whose agreement authorizes the retail sale 528 of tangible personal property or services subject to the tax 529 imposed underinthis chapter must register as a dealer and 530 collect the taximposed under this chapteron such sales. 531 4. AnAnyexhibitor who makes a mail order sale pursuant to 532 s. 212.0596 must register as a dealer. 533 534 AAnyperson who conducts a convention or a trade show must make 535 his or hertheirexhibitor’s agreements available to the 536 department for inspection and copying. 537 Section 10. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 538 made by this act to subsection (3) of section 212.18, Florida 539 Statutes, in a reference thereto, paragraph (c) of subsection 540 (6) of section 212.20, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 541 212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of 542 department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated 543 unconstitutionally collected.— 544 (6) Distribution of all proceeds under this chapter and s. 545 202.18(1)(b) and (2)(b) shall be as follows: 546 (c) Proceeds from the fees imposed under ss. 212.05(1)(h)3. 547 and 212.18(3) shall remain with the General Revenue Fund. 548 Section 11. Subsection (5) of section 213.13, Florida 549 Statutes, is amended to read: 550 213.13 Electronic remittance and distribution of funds 551 collected by clerks of the court.— 552 (5) All court-related collections, including fees, fines, 553 reimbursements, court costs, and other court-related funds that 554 the clerks must remit to the state pursuant to law, must be 555 transmitted electronically by the 10th20thday of the month 556 immediately following the month in which the funds are 557 collected. 558 Section 12. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 559 213.21, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 560 213.21 Informal conferences; compromises.— 561 (2)(a) The executive director of the department or his or 562 her designee is authorized to enter into closing agreements with 563 any taxpayer settling or compromising the taxpayer’s liability 564 for any tax, interest, or penalty assessed under any of the 565 chapters specified in s. 72.011(1). Such agreements mustshall566 be in writing ifwhenthe amount of tax, penalty, or interest 567 compromised exceeds $30,000, or for lesser amounts, ifwhenthe 568 department deems it appropriate or ifwhenrequested by the 569 taxpayer. When a written closing agreement has been approved by 570 the department and signed by the executive director or his or 571 her designee and the taxpayer, it shall be final and conclusive; 572 and, except upon a showing of fraud or misrepresentation of 573 material fact or except as to adjustments pursuant to ss. 198.16 574 and 220.23, no additional assessment may be made by the 575 department against the taxpayer for the tax, interest, or 576 penalty specified in the closing agreement for the time period 577 specified in the closing agreement, and the taxpayer isshall578 notbeentitled to institute any judicial or administrative 579 proceeding to recover any tax, interest, or penalty paid 580 pursuant to the closing agreement. The department is authorized 581 to delegate to the executive director the authority to approve 582 any such closing agreement resulting in a tax reduction of 583 $500,000$250,000or less. 584 Section 13. Section 213.295, Florida Statutes, is created 585 to read: 586 213.295 Automated sales suppression devices.— 587 (1) As used in this section, the term: 588 (a) “Automated sales suppression device” or “zapper” means 589 a software program that falsifies the electronic records of 590 electronic cash registers or other point-of-sale systems, 591 including, but not limited to, transaction data and transaction 592 reports. The term includes the software program, any device that 593 carries the software program, or an Internet link to the 594 software program. 595 (b) “Electronic cash register” means a device that keeps a 596 register or supporting documents through the use of an 597 electronic device or computer system designed to record 598 transaction data for the purpose of computing, compiling, or 599 processing retail sales transaction data in whatever manner. 600 (c) “Phantom-ware” means a hidden programming option 601 embedded in the operating system of an electronic cash register 602 or hardwired into the electronic cash register which may be used 603 to create a second set of records or eliminate or manipulate 604 transaction records, which may or may not be preserved in 605 digital formats, to represent the true or manipulated record of 606 transactions in the electronic cash register. 607 (d) “Transaction data” includes items purchased by a 608 customer; the price for each item; a taxability determination 609 for each item; a segregated tax amount for each of the taxed 610 items; the amount of cash or credit tendered; the net amount 611 returned to the customer in change; the date and time of the 612 purchase; the name, address, and identification number of the 613 vendor; and the receipt or invoice number of the transaction. 614 (e) “Transaction report” means a report that documents, but 615 is not limited to documenting, the sales, taxes, or fees 616 collected, media totals, and discount voids at an electronic 617 cash register which is printed on a cash register tape at the 618 end of a day or a shift, or a report that documents every action 619 at an electronic cash register and which is stored 620 electronically. 621 (2) A person may not knowingly sell, purchase, install, 622 transfer, possess, use, or access any automated sales 623 suppression device, zapper, or phantom-ware. 624 (3) A person who violates this section: 625 (a) Commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as 626 provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 627 (b) Is liable for all taxes, fees, penalties, and interest 628 due the state as a result of the use of an automated sales 629 suppression device, zapper, or phantom-ware and shall forfeit to 630 the state as an additional penalty all profits associated with 631 the sale or use of an automated sales suppression device, 632 zapper, or phantom-ware. 633 (4) An automated sales suppression device, zapper, phantom 634 ware, or any device containing such device or software is a 635 contraband article under ss. 932.701-932.706, the Florida 636 Contraband Forfeiture Act. 637 Section 14. Paragraph (q) of subsection (2) of section 638 288.106, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 639 288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry 640 businesses.— 641 (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section: 642 (q) “Target industry business” means a corporate 643 headquarters business or aanybusiness that is engaged in one 644 of the target industries identified pursuant to the following 645 criteria developed by the department in consultation with 646 Enterprise Florida, Inc.: 647 1. Future growth.—Industry forecasts should indicate strong 648 expectation for future growth in both employment and output, 649 according to the most recent available data. Special 650 consideration should be given to businesses that export goods 651 to, or provide services in, international markets and businesses 652 that replace domestic and international imports of goods or 653 services. 654 2. Stability.—The industry should not be subject to 655 periodic layoffs, whether due to seasonality or sensitivity to 656 volatile economic variables such as weather. The industry should 657 also be relatively resistant to recession,so that the demand 658 for products of thethisindustry is not typically subject to 659 decline during an economic downturn. 660 3. High wage.—The industry should pay relatively high wages 661 compared to statewide or area averages. 662 4. Market and resource independent.—The location of 663 industry businesses should not be dependent on Florida markets 664 or resources as indicated by industry analysis, except for 665 businesses in the renewable energy industry. 666 5. Industrial base diversification and strengthening.—The 667 industry should contribute toward expanding or diversifying the 668 state’s or area’s economic base, as indicated by analysis of 669 employment and output shares compared to national and regional 670 trends. Special consideration should be given to industries that 671 strengthen regional economies by adding value to basic products 672 or building regional industrial clusters as indicated by 673 industry analysis, including, but not limited to, sports 674 training or competition for the amateur athlete. Special 675 consideration should also be given to the development of strong 676 industrial clusters that include defense and homeland security 677 businesses. 678 6. Positive economic impact.—The industry is expected to 679 have strong positive economic impacts on or benefits to the 680 state or regional economies. Special consideration should be 681 given to industries that facilitate the development of the state 682 as a hub for domestic and global trade and logistics. 683 684 The term does not include any business engaged in retail 685 industry activities; any electrical utility company as defined 686 in s. 366.02(2); any phosphate or other solid minerals 687 severance, mining, or processing operation; any oil or gas 688 exploration or production operation; or any business subject to 689 regulation by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants of the 690 Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Any business 691 within NAICS code 5611 or 5614, office administrative services 692 and business support services, respectively, may be considered a 693 target industry business only after the local governing body and 694 Enterprise Florida, Inc., make a determination that the 695 community where the business may locate has conditions affecting 696 the fiscal and economic viability of the local community or 697 area, including but not limited to, factors such as low per 698 capita income, high unemployment, high underemployment, and a 699 lack of year-round stable employment opportunities, and such 700 conditions may be improved by the location of suchabusiness to 701 the community. By January 1 of every 3rd year, beginning January 702 1, 2011, the department, in consultation with Enterprise 703 Florida, Inc., economic development organizations, the State 704 University System, local governments, employee and employer 705 organizations, market analysts, and economists, shall review 706 and, as appropriate, revise the list ofsuchtarget industries 707 and submit the list to the Governor, the President of the 708 Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 709 Section 15. Paragraph (h) of subsection (3) of section 710 443.131, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 711 443.131 Contributions.— 712 (3) VARIATION OF CONTRIBUTION RATES BASED ON BENEFIT 713 EXPERIENCE.— 714 (h) Additional conditions for variation from the standard 715 rate.—An employer’s contribution rate may not be reduced below 716 the standard rate under this section unless: 717 1. All contributions, reimbursements, interest, and 718 penalties incurred by the employer for wages paid by him or her 719 in all previous calendar quarters, except the 4 calendar 720 quarters immediately preceding the calendar quarter or calendar 721 year for which the benefit ratio is computed, are paid;and722 2. The employer has produced for inspection and copying all 723 work records in his or her possession, custody, or control which 724 were requested by the Department of Economic Opportunity or its 725 tax collection service provider pursuant to s. 443.171(5). An 726 employer shall have at least 60 days to provide the requested 727 work records before the employer is assigned the standard rate; 728 and 729 3.2.The employer entitled to a rate reduction must have at 730 least one annual payroll as defined in subparagraph (b)1. unless 731 the employer is eligible for additional credit under the Federal 732 Unemployment Tax Act. If the Federal Unemployment Tax Act is 733 amended or repealed in a manner affecting credit under the 734 federal act, this section applies only to the extent that 735 additional credit is allowed against the payment of the tax 736 imposed by theFederal Unemployment Taxact. 737 738 The tax collection service provider shall assign an earned 739 contribution rate to an employer forunder subparagraph 1.the 740 quarter immediately after the quarter in which all 741 contributions, reimbursements, interest, and penalties are paid 742 in full and all work records requested pursuant to s. 443.171(5) 743 have been produced for inspection and copying to the Department 744 of Economic Opportunity or the tax collection service provider. 745 Section 16. Effective January 1, 2014, paragraph (a) of 746 subsection (1) of section 443.141, Florida Statutes, is amended 747 to read: 748 443.141 Collection of contributions and reimbursements.— 749 (1) PAST DUE CONTRIBUTIONS AND REIMBURSEMENTS; DELINQUENT, 750 ERRONEOUS, INCOMPLETE, OR INSUFFICIENT REPORTS.— 751 (a) Interest.—Contributions or reimbursements unpaid on the 752 date due bear interest at the rate of 1 percent per month 753 through December 31, 2013. Beginning January 1, 2014, the 754 interest rate shall be calculated in accordance with s. 213.235, 755 except that the rate of interest may not exceed 1 percent per 756 month from and after thethatdate due until payment plus 757 accrued interest is received by the tax collection service 758 provider, unless the service provider finds that the employing 759 unit has good reason for failing to pay the contributions or 760 reimbursements when due. Interest collected under this 761 subsection must be paid into the Special Employment Security 762 Administration Trust Fund. 763 Section 17. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this 764 act, this act shall take effect upon becoming a law.