Bill Text: FL S1318 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Hands-free Driving
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-26 - Filed [S1318 Detail]
Download: Florida-2025-S1318-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1318 By Senator Grall 29-00729-25 20251318__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to hands-free driving; amending s. 3 316.305, F.S.; revising a short title; revising 4 legislative intent; defining terms; prohibiting a 5 person from operating a motor vehicle while using a 6 wireless communications device in a handheld manner; 7 providing an exception; requiring that sustained use 8 of a wireless communications device by a person 9 operating a motor vehicle be conducted through a 10 hands-free accessory until such use is terminated; 11 revising exceptions to the prohibition; removing 12 obsolete provisions; providing penalties; amending s. 13 316.306, F.S.; revising penalty provisions relating to 14 the use of wireless communications devices in a 15 handheld manner in certain circumstances; conforming 16 provisions to changes made by the act; providing an 17 effective date. 18 19 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 20 21 Section 1. Section 316.305, Florida Statutes, is amended to 22 read: 23 316.305 Wireless communications devices; use in a handheld 24 manner prohibitedprohibition.— 25 (1) This section may be cited as the “Florida Hands-Free 26Ban on Texting WhileDriving Law.” 27 (2) It is the intent of the Legislature to: 28 (a) Improve roadway safety for all vehicle operators, 29 vehicle passengers, bicyclists, pedestrians, and other road 30 users. 31 (b) Prevent crashes related to the use of a wireless 32 communications device in a handheld manneract of text messaging33 while driving a motor vehicle. 34 (c) Reduce injuries, deaths, property damage, health care 35 costs, health insurance rates, and automobile insurance rates 36 related to motor vehicle crashes. 37 (d) Authorize law enforcement officers to stop motor 38 vehicles and issue citations to persons who are using wireless 39 communications devices in a handheld mannertextingwhile 40 driving. 41 (3) As used in this section, the term: 42 (a) “Handheld manner” means holding a wireless 43 communications device in one or both hands or physically 44 supporting the device with any other part of the body. 45 (b) “Hands-free accessory” means an attachment to or a 46 built-in feature of a wireless communications device which 47 allows the operator of a motor vehicle to engage in 48 interpersonal communication or otherwise use such device other 49 than in a handheld manner. 50 (c) “Wireless communications device”: 51 1. Means a handheld device used or capable of being used in 52 a handheld manner to: 53 a. Transmit or receive a voice message; initiate, receive, 54 or maintain a telephone call; or otherwise engage in 55 interpersonal voice communication; 56 b. Receive or transmit text-based or character-based 57 messages or otherwise engage in interpersonal nonvoice 58 communication; 59 c. Record or display videos or images; 60 d. Enter, access, or store data; or 61 e. Connect to the Internet or any communications service as 62 defined in s. 812.15(1). 63 2. Includes, but is not limited to, a cellular telephone, 64 smartphone, tablet computer, laptop computer, two-way messaging 65 device, electronic gaming device, or device capable of 66 displaying videos or images. The term does not include a 67 citizens band radio, a citizens band radio hybrid, a commercial 68 two-way radio communications device or its functional 69 equivalent, a subscription-based emergency communications 70 device, a prescribed medical device, an amateur or ham radio 71 device, or an in-vehicle security, navigation, communications, 72 or remote diagnostics system. 73 (4)(a)(3)(a)A person may not operate a motor vehicle while 74 usingmanually typing or entering multiple letters, numbers,75symbols, or other characters intoa wireless communications 76 device in a handheld manner except to activate, deactivate, 77 initiate, or terminate a feature or function of the device, 78 including a hands-free accessory. Sustained use of a wireless 79 communications device by a person operating a motor vehicle must 80 be conducted through a hands-free accessory until such use is 81 terminated.or while sending or reading data on such a device82for the purpose of nonvoice interpersonal communication,83including, but not limited to, communication methods known as84texting, e-mailing, and instant messaging. As used in this85section, the term “wireless communications device” means any86handheld device used or capable of being used in a handheld87manner, that is designed or intended to receive or transmit text88or character-based messages, access or store data, or connect to89the Internet or any communications service as defined in s.90812.15 and that allows text communications. For the purposes of91this paragraph,A motor vehicle that is stationary is not being 92 operated and is not subject to the prohibition in this 93 paragraph. 94 (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a motor vehicle 95 operator who is: 96 1. Performing official duties as an operator of an 97 authorized emergency vehicle as defined in s. 322.01, a law 98 enforcement or fire service professional, or an emergency 99 medical services professional. 100 2. Reporting an emergency or criminal or suspicious 101 activity to law enforcement authorities. 102 3. Receiving messages that are: 103 a. Related to the operation or navigation of the motor 104 vehicle; 105 b. Safety-related information, including emergency, 106 traffic, or weather alerts; 107 c. Data used primarily by the motor vehicle; or 108 d. Radio broadcasts. 109 4.Using a device or system for navigation purposes.1105.Conducting wireless interpersonal communication that111does not require manual entry of multiple letters, numbers, or112symbols, except to activate, deactivate, or initiate a feature113or function.1146.Conducting wireless interpersonal communication that115does not require reading text messages, except to activate,116deactivate, or initiate a feature or function.1177.Operating an autonomous vehicle, as defined in s. 118 316.003(3), with the automated driving system engaged. 119 (c) A law enforcement officer who stops a motor vehicle for 120 a violation of paragraph (a) must inform the motor vehicle 121 operator of his or her right to decline a search of his or her 122 wireless communications device and may not: 123 1. Access the wireless communications device without a 124 warrant. 125 2. Confiscate the wireless communications device while 126 awaiting issuance of a warrant to access such device. 127 3. Obtain consent from the motor vehicle operator to search 128 his or her wireless communications device through coercion or 129 other improper method. Consent to search a motor vehicle 130 operator’s wireless communications device must be voluntary and 131 unequivocal. 132 (d) Only in the event of a crash resulting in death or 133 personal injury, a user’s billing records for a wireless 134 communications device or the testimony of or written statements 135 from appropriate authorities receiving such messages may be 136 admissible as evidence in any proceeding to determine whether a 137 violation of paragraph (a) has been committed. 138 (5)(a)(4)(a)AAnyperson who violates paragraph (4)(a) 139(3)(a)commits a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a 140 nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318. 141 (b) AAnyperson who commits a second or subsequent 142 violation of paragraph (4)(a)(3)(a)within 5 years after the 143 date of a prior conviction for a violation of paragraph (4)(a) 144(3)(a)commits a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a 145 moving violation as provided in chapter 318. 146 (6)(5)When a law enforcement officer issues a citation for 147 a violation of this section, the law enforcement officer must 148 record the race and ethnicity of the violator. All law 149 enforcement agencies must maintain such information and report 150 the information to the department by April 1 annually in a form 151 and manner determined by the department. Beginning July 1, 2023, 152 the department shall annually report the data collected under 153 this subsection to the Governor, the President of the Senate, 154 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The data 155 collected must be reported at least by statewide totals for 156 local law enforcement agencies, state law enforcement agencies, 157 and state university law enforcement agencies. The statewide 158 total for local law enforcement agencies shall combine the data 159 for the county sheriffs and the municipal law enforcement 160 agencies. 161 Section 2. Section 316.306, Florida Statutes, is amended to 162 read: 163 316.306 Penalties forSchool and work zones;prohibition on164theuse of a wireless communications device in a handheld manner 165 on any roadway when construction personnel are present or 166 operating equipment.— 167 (1)For purposes of this section, the term “wireless168communications device” has the same meaning as provided in s.169316.305(3)(a). The term includes, but is not limited to, a cell170phone, a tablet, a laptop, a two-way messaging device, or an171electronic game that is used or capable of being used in a172handheld manner. The term does not include a safety, security,173or convenience feature built into a motor vehicle which does not174require the use of a handheld device.175(2)It is the intent of the Legislature to:176(a)Improve roadway safety in school and work zones for all177vehicle operators, vehicle passengers, bicyclists, pedestrians,178and other road users.179(b)Prevent crashes related to the act of driving while180using a wireless communications device in a handheld manner when181operating a motor vehicle while the vehicle is in motion.182(c)Reduce injuries, deaths, property damage, health care183costs, health insurance rates, and automobile insurance rates184related to motor vehicle crashes.185(d)Authorize law enforcement officers to stop motor186vehicles and issue citations to persons who are driving in187school or work zones while using a wireless communications188device in a handheld manner as provided in subsection (3).189(3)(a)1.A person may not operate a motor vehicle while190using a wireless communications device in a handheld manner in a191designated school crossing, school zone, or work zone area as192defined in s. 316.003(112). This subparagraph shall only be193applicable to work zone areas if construction personnel are194present or are operating equipment on the road or immediately195adjacent to the work zone area. For the purposes of this196paragraph, a motor vehicle that is stationary is not being197operated and is not subject to the prohibition in this198paragraph.1992.Effective January 1, 2020, a law enforcement officer may200stop motor vehicles and issue citations to persons who are201driving while using a wireless communications device in a202handheld manner in violation of subparagraph 1.203(b)Paragraph (a) does not apply to a motor vehicle204operator who is:2051.Performing official duties as an operator of an206authorized emergency vehicle as defined in s. 322.01, a law207enforcement or fire service professional, or an emergency208medical services professional.2092.Reporting an emergency or criminal or suspicious210activity to law enforcement authorities.2113.Receiving messages that are:212a.Related to the operation or navigation of the motor213vehicle;214b.Safety-related information, including emergency,215traffic, or weather alerts;216c.Data used primarily by the motor vehicle; or217d.Radio broadcasts.2184.Using a device or system in a hands-free manner for219navigation purposes.2205.Using a wireless communications device hands-free or221hands-free in voice-operated mode, including, but not limited222to, a factory-installed or after-market Bluetooth device.2236.Operating an autonomous vehicle, as defined in s.224316.003, in autonomous mode.225(c)A law enforcement officer who stops a motor vehicle for226a violation of paragraph (a) must inform the motor vehicle227operator of his or her right to decline a search of his or her228wireless communications device and may not:2291.Access the wireless communications device without a230warrant.2312.Confiscate the wireless communications device while232awaiting issuance of a warrant to access such device.2333.Obtain consent from the motor vehicle operator to search234his or her wireless communications device through coercion or235other improper method. Consent to search a motor vehicle236operator’s wireless communications device must be voluntary and237unequivocal.238(d)Only in the event of a crash resulting in death or239serious bodily injury, as defined in s. 316.027, may a user’s240billing records for a wireless communications device, or the241testimony of or written statements from appropriate authorities242receiving such messages, be admissible as evidence in any243proceeding to determine whether a violation of subparagraph244(a)1. has been committed.245(e)Law enforcement officers must indicate the type of246wireless communications device in the comment section of the247uniform traffic citation.248(4)(a)AAnyperson who violates s. 316.305(4)(a) on any 249 roadway when construction personnel are present or are operating 250 equipment on the road or immediately adjacent to the work zone 251 areathis sectioncommits a noncriminal traffic infraction, 252 punishable as a moving violation,as provided in chapter 318, 253 and shall pay a fine of $150 and have 3 points assessed against 254 his or her driver license. A person who commits a second 255 violation shall pay a fine of $250 and have 3 points assessed 256 against his or her driver license. A person who commits a third 257 violation shall pay a fine of $500, have 4 points assessed 258 against his or her driver license, and have his or her driver 259 license suspended for 90 days, and shall have 3 points assessed260against his or her driver license as set forth in s.261322.27(3)(d)8. 262 (a) For a first violationoffense under this section, in 263 lieu of the penaltyspecified in s. 318.18and the assessment of 264 points, a personwho violates this sectionmay elect to 265 participate in a wireless communications device driving safety 266 program approved by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 267 Vehicles. Upon completion of such program, the penaltiespenalty268 specified in this section and s. 318.18 and associated costs may 269 be waived by the clerk of the court and the assessment of points 270 must be waived. 271 (b) The clerk of the court may dismiss a case and assess 272 court costs in accordance with s. 318.18(12)(a) for a nonmoving 273 traffic infraction for a person who is cited for a firsttime274 violationof this sectionif the person shows the clerk proof of 275 purchase of equipment that enables his or her personal wireless 276 communications device to be used in a hands-free manner. 277 (2)(5)Notwithstanding s. 318.21, all proceeds collected 278 pursuant to s. 318.18 for violations underofthis section must 279 be remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the 280 Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund of the Department of 281 Health. 282 (3)(6)When a law enforcement officer issues a citation for 283 a violation underofthis section, the law enforcement officer 284 must: 285 (a) Indicate in the comment section of the uniform traffic 286 citation the type of wireless communications device that was 287 used to commit the violation. 288 (b) Record the race and ethnicity of the violator. All law 289 enforcement agencies must maintain such information and must 290 report such information to the department in a form and manner 291 determined by the department. Beginning February 1, 2020, the 292 department shall annually report the data collected under this 293 paragraphsubsectionto the Governor, the President of the 294 Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The 295 data collected must be reported at least by statewide totals for 296 local law enforcement agencies, state law enforcement agencies, 297 and state university law enforcement agencies. The statewide 298 total for local law enforcement agencies is a combination of 299must combinethe data for the county sheriffs and the municipal 300 law enforcement agencies. 301 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.