Bill Sponsors: FL S0526 | 2018 | Regular Session
Bill Title: Deregulation of Professions and Occupations
Status: (Failed) 2018-03-10 - Died in Commerce and Tourism [S0526 Detail]
Text: Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [HTML]
Status: (Failed) 2018-03-10 - Died in Commerce and Tourism [S0526 Detail]
Text: Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [HTML]
Name | Type | Contact | Phone | District | Sponsorship | State Profile | Financial | Encyclopedia | Biography |
Senate Regulated Industries Committee | Primary | N/A | N/A | N/A | Sponsored Bills | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Senator Jeffrey Brandes [R] | Primary | Inactive | Inactive | SD-024 | Sponsored Bills | Inactive | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |
Senator Randolph Bracy [D] | Cosponsor | Inactive | Inactive | SD-011 | Sponsored Bills | Inactive | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart |