Bill Text: CA SB938 | 2021-2022 | Regular Session | Chaptered

Bill Title: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000: protest proceedings: procedural consolidation.

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (Democrat 3-1)

Status: (Passed) 2022-07-01 - Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 89, Statutes of 2022. [SB938 Detail]

Download: California-2021-SB938-Chaptered.html

Senate Bill No. 938

An act to amend Sections 56375, 56824.14, 57002, 57075, 57077.1, 57077.2, 57077.3, 57077.4, and 57090 of, to add Sections 56375.1, 57077.5, and 57077.6 to, to add Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 57091) to Part 4 of Division 3 of Title 5 of, and to repeal Sections 57076, 57107, and 57113 of, the Government Code, and to amend Section 116687 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to local government.

[ Approved by Governor  July 01, 2022. Filed with Secretary of State  July 01, 2022. ]


SB 938, Hertzberg. The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000: protest proceedings: procedural consolidation.
Existing law, the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, provides the exclusive authority and procedure for the initiation, conduct, and completion of changes of organization and reorganization for cities and districts, except as specified. Under existing law, in each county there is a local agency formation commission (commission) that oversees these changes of organization and reorganization. Existing law authorizes a commission to dissolve an inactive district if specified conditions are satisfied.
This bill would also authorize a commission to initiate a proposal for the dissolution of a district, as described, if the commission approves, adopts, or accepts a specified study that includes a finding, based on a preponderance of the evidence, that, among other things, the district has one or more documented chronic service provision deficiencies, the district spent public funds in an unlawful or reckless manner, or the district has shown willful neglect by failing to consistently adhere to the California Public Records Act. The bill would require the commission to adopt a resolution of intent to initiate a dissolution based on these provisions and to provide a remediation period of at least 12 months, during which the district may take steps to remedy the stated deficiencies. The bill would authorize the commission, at the conclusion of the remediation period, to find that the district has failed to remedy the deficiencies and adopt a resolution to dissolve the district.
With a specified exception, existing law provides for protest proceedings for a change of organization or reorganization following adoption of a resolution making certain determinations by the commission, as provided. Existing law sets forth required procedures for the commission following a protest hearing depending on the nature of the conducting authority, as defined, the type of change of organization or reorganization, and the results of the protest proceeding.
The bill would reorganize and consolidate the above-described procedures. The bill would make conforming changes and remove obsolete provisions.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 56375 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 The commission shall have all of the following powers and duties subject to any limitations upon its jurisdiction set forth in this part:
(a) (1) To review and approve with or without amendment, wholly, partially, or conditionally, or disapprove proposals for changes of organization or reorganization, consistent with written policies, procedures, and guidelines adopted by the commission.
(2) The commission may initiate proposals by resolution of application for any of the following:
(A) The consolidation of a district, as defined in Section 56036.
(B) The dissolution of a district.
(C) A merger.
(D) The establishment of a subsidiary district.
(E) The formation of a new district or districts.
(F) A reorganization that includes any of the changes specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E).
(G) The dissolution of an inactive district pursuant to Section 56879.
(H) The dissolution of a district pursuant to Section 56375.1.
(3) A commission may initiate a proposal described in paragraph (2) only if that change of organization or reorganization is consistent with a recommendation or conclusion of a study prepared pursuant to Section 56378, 56425, or 56430, and the commission makes the determinations specified in subdivision (b) of Section 56881.
(4) A commission shall not disapprove an annexation to a city, initiated by resolution, of contiguous territory that the commission finds is any of the following:
(A) Surrounded or substantially surrounded by the city to which the annexation is proposed or by that city and a county boundary or the Pacific Ocean if the territory to be annexed is substantially developed or developing, is not prime agricultural land as defined in Section 56064, is designated for urban growth by the general plan of the annexing city, and is not within the sphere of influence of another city.
(B) Located within an urban service area that has been delineated and adopted by a commission, which is not prime agricultural land, as defined by Section 56064, and is designated for urban growth by the general plan of the annexing city.
(C) An annexation or reorganization of unincorporated islands meeting the requirements of Section 56375.3.
(5) As a condition to the annexation of an area that is surrounded, or substantially surrounded, by the city to which the annexation is proposed, the commission may require, where consistent with the purposes of this division, that the annexation include the entire island of surrounded, or substantially surrounded, territory.
(6) A commission shall not impose any conditions that would directly regulate land use density or intensity, property development, or subdivision requirements.
(7) The decision of the commission with regard to a proposal to annex territory to a city shall be based upon the general plan and prezoning of the city. When the development purposes are not made known to the annexing city, the annexation shall be reviewed on the basis of the adopted plans and policies of the annexing city or county. A commission shall require, as a condition to annexation, that a city prezone the territory to be annexed or present evidence satisfactory to the commission that the existing development entitlements on the territory are vested or are already at build-out, and are consistent with the city’s general plan. However, the commission shall not specify how, or in what manner, the territory shall be prezoned.
(8) (A) Except for those changes of organization or reorganization authorized under Section 56375.3, and except as provided by subparagraph (B), a commission shall not approve an annexation to a city of any territory greater than 10 acres, or smaller as determined by commission policy, where there exists a disadvantaged unincorporated community that is contiguous to the area of proposed annexation, unless an application to annex the disadvantaged unincorporated community to the subject city has been filed with the executive officer.
(B) An application to annex a contiguous disadvantaged unincorporated community shall not be required if either of the following apply:
(i) A prior application for annexation of the same disadvantaged unincorporated community has been made in the preceding five years.
(ii) The commission finds, based upon written evidence, that a majority of the registered voters within the affected territory are opposed to annexation.
(C) This paragraph shall also apply to the annexation of two or more contiguous areas that take place within five years of each other and that are individually less than 10 acres but cumulatively more than 10 acres.
(b) With regard to a proposal for annexation or detachment of territory to, or from, a city or district or with regard to a proposal for reorganization that includes annexation or detachment, to determine whether territory proposed for annexation or detachment, as described in its resolution approving the annexation, detachment, or reorganization, is inhabited or uninhabited.
(c) With regard to a proposal for consolidation of two or more cities or districts, to determine which city or district shall be the consolidated successor city or district.
(d) To approve the annexation of unincorporated, noncontiguous territory, subject to the limitations of Section 56742, located in the same county as that in which the city is located, and that is owned by a city and used for municipal purposes and to authorize the annexation of the territory without notice and hearing.
(e) To approve the annexation of unincorporated territory consistent with the planned and probable use of the property based upon the review of general plan and prezoning designations. No subsequent change may be made to the general plan for the annexed territory or zoning that is not in conformance to the prezoning designations for a period of two years after the completion of the annexation, unless the legislative body for the city makes a finding at a public hearing with written notice provided no less than 21 days to the commission that a substantial change has occurred in circumstances that necessitate a departure from the prezoning in the application to the commission.
(f) With respect to the incorporation of a new city or the formation of a new special district, to determine the number of registered voters residing within the proposed city or special district or, for a landowner-voter special district, the number of owners of land and the assessed value of their land within the territory proposed to be included in the new special district. The number of registered voters shall be calculated as of the time of the last report of voter registration by the county elections official to the Secretary of State prior to the date the first signature was affixed to the petition. The executive officer shall notify the petitioners of the number of registered voters resulting from this calculation. The assessed value of the land within the territory proposed to be included in a new landowner-voter special district shall be calculated as shown on the last equalized assessment roll.
(g) To adopt written procedures for the evaluation of proposals, including written definitions consistent with existing state law. The commission may adopt standards for any of the factors enumerated in Section 56668. Any standards adopted by the commission shall be written.
(h) To adopt standards and procedures for the evaluation of service plans submitted pursuant to Section 56653 and the initiation of a change of organization or reorganization pursuant to subdivision (a).
(i) To make and enforce regulations for the orderly and fair conduct of hearings by the commission.
(j) To incur usual and necessary expenses for the accomplishment of its functions.
(k) To appoint and assign staff personnel and to employ or contract for professional or consulting services to carry out and effect the functions of the commission.
(l) To review the boundaries of the territory involved in any proposal with respect to the definiteness and certainty of those boundaries, the nonconformance of proposed boundaries with lines of assessment or ownership, and other similar matters affecting the proposed boundaries.
(m) To waive the restrictions of Section 56744 if it finds that the application of the restrictions would be detrimental to the orderly development of the community and that the area that would be enclosed by the annexation or incorporation is so located that it cannot reasonably be annexed to another city or incorporated as a new city.
(n) To waive the application of Section 22613 of the Streets and Highways Code if it finds the application would deprive an area of a service needed to ensure the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the area and if it finds that the waiver would not affect the ability of a city to provide any service. However, within 60 days of the inclusion of the territory within the city, the legislative body may adopt a resolution nullifying the waiver.
(o) If the proposal includes the incorporation of a city, as defined in Section 56043, or the formation of a district, as defined in Section 2215 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the commission shall determine the property tax revenue to be exchanged by the affected local agencies pursuant to Section 56810. If the proposal includes the disincorporation of a city, as defined in Section 56034, the commission shall determine the property tax revenue to be exchanged by the affected local agencies pursuant to Section 56813.
(p) To authorize a city or district to provide new or extended services outside its jurisdictional boundaries pursuant to Section 56133.
(q) To enter into an agreement with the commission for an adjoining county for the purpose of determining procedures for the consideration of proposals that may affect the adjoining county or where the jurisdiction of an affected agency crosses the boundary of the adjoining county.
(r) To approve with or without amendment, wholly, partially, or conditionally, or disapprove pursuant to this section the annexation of territory served by a mutual water company formed pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 14300) of Division 3 of Title 1 of the Corporations Code that operates a public water system to a city or special district. Any annexation approved in accordance with this subdivision shall be subject to the state and federal constitutional prohibitions against the taking of private property without the payment of just compensation. This subdivision shall not impair the authority of a public agency or public utility to exercise eminent domain authority.

SEC. 2.

 Section 56375.1 is added to the Government Code, to read:

 (a) A commission may initiate a proposal for the dissolution of a district that is eligible for the protest threshold under Section 57093 if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) At a public hearing for which notice has been published and posted, the commission approves, adopts, or accepts a study prepared pursuant to Section 56430 that includes a finding, based on a preponderance of the evidence, that one or more of the following conditions is met:
(A) The district has one or more documented chronic service provision deficiencies that substantially deviate from industry or trade association standards or other government regulations and its board or management is not actively engaged in efforts to remediate the documented service deficiencies.
(B) The district spent public funds in an unlawful or reckless manner inconsistent with the principal act or other statute governing the district and has not taken any action to prevent similar future spending.
(C) The district has shown willful neglect by failing to consistently adhere to the California Public Records Act (Division 10 (commencing with Section 7920.000) of Title 1) and other public disclosure laws to which the agency is subject.
(D) The district has failed to meet the minimum number of times required in its principal act in the prior calendar year and has taken no action to remediate the failures to ensure future meetings are conducted on a timely basis.
(E) The district has consistently failed to perform timely audits in the prior three years, or failed to meet minimum financial requirements under Section 26909 over the prior five years as an alternative to performing an audit.
(F) The district’s recent annual audits show chronic issues with the district’s fiscal controls and the district has taken no action to remediate the issues.
(2) (A) At a public hearing for which notice has been published and posted, the commission adopts a resolution of intent to initiate dissolution based on one or more of the required findings in paragraph (1). The resolution shall provide a remediation period of not less than 12 months during which the district may take steps to remedy the specified deficiencies and also specify a date upon which the district shall provide the commission a mid-point report on such remediation efforts at a regularly scheduled commission meeting.
(B) At the conclusion of the remediation period, at a public hearing for which notice has been published and posted, the commission shall take one of the following actions:
(i) If the commission finds the district has adequately remedied the deficiencies, the commission shall rescind the notice of intent to initiate dissolution and no further action is required.
(ii) If the commission finds that the district has failed to remedy the deficiencies, the commission may adopt a resolution to dissolve the district making the determinations in paragraph (1) and in subdivision (b) of Section 56881.
(b) (1) Any public notice required pursuant to this section shall be published and posted pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 56150) of Part 1.
(2) The public hearings required under subdivision (a) may be combined into a single public hearing for which notice has been published and posted.
(c) The commission’s power to initiate dissolution of a district pursuant to this section is separate from and in addition to the commission’s power to initiate dissolution pursuant to subparagraphs (B) and (G) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 56375.

SEC. 3.

 Section 56824.14 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) The commission shall review and approve with or without amendments, wholly, partially, or conditionally, or disapprove proposals for the establishment of new or different functions or class of services, or the divestiture of the power to provide particular functions or class of services, within all or part of the jurisdictional boundaries of a special district, after a public hearing called and held for that purpose. The commission shall not approve a proposal for the establishment of new or different functions or class of services within the jurisdictional boundaries of a special district unless the commission determines that the special district will have sufficient revenues to carry out the proposed new or different functions or class of services except as specified in paragraph (1).
(1) The commission may approve a proposal for the establishment of new or different functions or class of services within the jurisdictional boundaries of a special district where the commission has determined that the special district will not have sufficient revenue to provide the proposed new or different functions or class of services, if the commission conditions its approval on the concurrent approval of sufficient revenue sources pursuant to Section 56886. In approving a proposal, the commission shall provide that if the revenue sources pursuant to Section 56886 are not approved, the authority of the special district to provide new or different functions or class of services shall not be established.
(2) Unless otherwise required by the principal act of the subject special district, or unless otherwise required by Section 57075, the approval by the commission for establishment of new or different functions or class of services, or the divestiture of the power to provide particular functions or class of services, shall not be subject to an election.
(b) At least 21 days prior to the date of that hearing, the executive officer shall give mailed notice of the hearing to each affected local agency or affected county, and to any interested party who has filed a written request for notice with the executive officer. In addition, at least 21 days prior to the date of that hearing, the executive officer shall cause notice of the hearing to be published in accordance with Section 56153 in a newspaper of general circulation that is circulated within the territory affected by the proposal proposed to be adopted.
(c) The commission may continue from time to time any hearing called pursuant to this section. The commission shall hear and consider oral or written testimony presented by any affected local agency, affected county, or any interested person who appears at any hearing called and held pursuant to this section.

SEC. 4.

 Section 57002 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Within 35 days following the adoption of the commission’s resolution making determinations, the executive officer of the commission shall set the proposal for hearing and give notice of that hearing by mailing, publication, and posting, as provided in Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 56150) of Part 1. The hearing shall not be held prior to the expiration of the reconsideration period specified in subdivision (b) of Section 56895. The date of that hearing shall not be less than 21 days, or more than 60 days, after the date the notice is given.
(b) Where the proceeding is for the establishment of a district as a subsidiary district of a city, upon the request of the affected district, the date of the hearing shall be at least 90 days, but no more than 135 days, from the date the notice is given.
(c) Where the proceeding is for the dissolution of a district initiated by the commission pursuant to Section 56375.1, the date of the hearing shall be at least 60 days, but no more than 90 days, from the date the notice is given.
(d) If authorized by the commission pursuant to Section 56662 or 56663, a change of organization or reorganization may be approved without notice, hearing, and election.

SEC. 5.

 Section 57075 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 Where a change of organization or reorganization consists solely of annexations, detachments, the exercise of new or different functions or class of services or the divestiture of the power to provide particular functions or class of services within all or part of the jurisdictional boundaries of a special district, or any combination of those proposals, the commission, not more than 30 days after the conclusion of the hearing, shall make a finding regarding the value of written protests filed and not withdrawn, and take the action set forth in either subdivision (a) of Section 57091, in the case of registered voter districts or cities, or subdivision (b) of Section 57091, in the case of landowner-voter districts.

SEC. 6.

 Section 57076 of the Government Code is repealed.

SEC. 7.

 Section 57077.1 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) If a change of organization consists of a dissolution, the commission shall order the dissolution without confirmation of the voters, except if the proposal meets the requirements of subdivision (b), the commission shall order the dissolution subject to confirmation of the voters.
(b) The commission shall order the dissolution subject to the confirmation of the voters as follows:
(1) If the proposal was not initiated by the commission, and if a subject agency has not objected by resolution to the proposal, the commission has found that protests meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57092.
(2) If the proposal was not initiated by the commission, and if a subject agency has objected by resolution to the proposal, written protests have been submitted that meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57093.
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (4), if the proposal was initiated by the commission, and regardless of whether a subject agency has objected to the proposal by resolution, written protests have been submitted that meet the requirements of Section 57094.
(4) If the proposal was initiated by the commission pursuant to Section 56375.1, and regardless of whether a subject agency has objected to the proposal by resolution, written protests have been submitted that meet the requirements of Section 57093.
(c) Notwithstanding subdivisions (a) and (b) and Sections 57102 and 57103, if a change of organization consists of the dissolution of a district that is consistent with a prior action of the commission pursuant to Section 56378, 56425, or 56430, the commission may do either of the following:
(1) If the dissolution is initiated by the district board, immediately approve and order the dissolution without an election or protest proceedings pursuant to this part.
(2) If the dissolution is initiated by an affected local agency, by the commission pursuant to Section 56375, or by petition pursuant to Section 56650, order the dissolution after holding at least one noticed public hearing, and after conducting protest proceedings in accordance with this part. Notwithstanding any other law, the commission shall terminate proceedings if a majority protest exists in accordance with Section 57078. If a majority protest is not found, the commission shall order the dissolution without an election.

SEC. 8.

 Section 57077.2 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) If the change of organization consists of a consolidation of two or more districts, the commission shall order the consolidation without confirmation by the voters, except that if the proposal meets the requirements of subdivision (b), the commission shall order the consolidation subject to confirmation of the voters.
(b) The commission shall order the consolidation subject to the confirmation of the voters as follows:
(1) If the commission has approved a proposal submitted by resolution of a majority of the members of the legislative bodies of two or more local agencies pursuant to Section 56853, and the commission has found that protests meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57092.
(2) If the commission has approved a proposal not initiated by the commission and if a subject agency has not objected by resolution to the proposal, written protests have been submitted that meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57092.
(3) If the proposal was not initiated by the commission, and if a subject agency has objected by resolution to the proposal, written protests have been submitted that meet one of the protest thresholds set forth in Section 57093.
(4) If the commission has approved a proposal initiated by the commission, and regardless of whether a subject agency has objected to the proposal by resolution, written protests have been submitted that meet the requirements of Section 57077.6.

SEC. 9.

 Section 57077.3 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) If a proposal consists of a reorganization not described in Section 57075, 57077, 57077.4, or 57111, the commission shall order the reorganization without confirmation by the voters except that if the reorganization meets the requirements of subdivision (b), the commission shall order the reorganization subject to confirmation of the voters.
(b) The commission shall order the reorganization subject to confirmation of the voters as follows:
(1) If the commission has approved a proposal submitted by resolution of a majority of the members of the legislative bodies of two or more local agencies pursuant to Section 56853, and the commission has found that protests meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57092.
(2) If the commission has approved a proposal not initiated by the commission, and if a subject agency has not objected by resolution to the proposal, a written protest has been submitted that meets the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57092.
(3) If the commission has approved a proposal not initiated by the commission, and if a subject agency has objected by resolution to the proposal, written protests have been submitted that meet one of the protest thresholds set forth in Section 57093.
(4) If the commission has approved a proposal initiated by the commission, and regardless of whether a subject agency has objected to the proposal by resolution, written protests have been submitted that meet the requirements of Section 57077.6.

SEC. 10.

 Section 57077.4 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) If a reorganization consists of the dissolution of one or more districts and the annexation of all or substantially all the territory to another district not initiated pursuant to Section 56853 or by the commission pursuant to Section 56375, the commission shall order the reorganization without confirmation by the voters except that if the reorganization meets the requirements of subdivision (b) or (c), the commission shall order the reorganization subject to confirmation by the voters.
(b) The commission shall order the reorganization subject to confirmation by the voters, if written protests have been submitted that meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57093.
(c) The commission shall order the reorganization subject to confirmation by the voters if the reorganization has been initiated by the commission pursuant to Section 56375 and protests have been submitted that meet the requirements of Section 57077.6.

SEC. 11.

 Section 57077.5 is added to the Government Code, to read:

 (a) In any resolution ordering a merger or establishment of a subsidiary district, the commission shall approve the change of organization without an election except that if the change of organization meets the requirements of subdivision (b), the commission shall order the change of organization subject to confirmation of the voters.
(b) The commission shall order the change of organization subject to confirmation of the voters within any subject agency as follows:
(1) If the proposal was not initiated by the commission, and if a subject agency has not objected by resolution to the proposal, the commission has found that protests meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57092.
(2) If the proposal was not initiated by the commission, and if a subject agency has objected by resolution to the proposal, written protests have been submitted that meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57093.
(3) If the proposal was initiated by the commission, and regardless of whether a subject agency has objected to the proposal by resolution, written protests have been submitted that meet the requirements of Section 57077.6.
(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (a) or (b), the commission shall not order the merger or establishment of a subsidiary district without the consent of the subject city.

SEC. 12.

 Section 57077.6 is added to the Government Code, to read:

 Notwithstanding Section 57102, 57108, or 57111, both of the following shall apply:
(a) For any proposal that was initiated by the commission pursuant to Section 56375.1, the commission shall forward the change of organization or reorganization for confirmation by the voters if the commission finds written protests have been submitted that meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57093.
(b) For any proposal that was initiated by the commission pursuant to subparagraphs (A) through (G), inclusive, of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 56375, the commission shall forward the change of organization or reorganization for confirmation by the voters if the commission finds written protests have been submitted that meet the applicable protest thresholds set forth in Section 57094.

SEC. 13.

 Section 57090 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), if proceedings are terminated, either by majority protest as provided in Sections 57075 and 57077, or if a majority of voters do not confirm the change of organization or reorganization as provided in Section 57179, no substantially similar proposal for a change of organization or reorganization of the same or substantially the same territory may be filed with the commission within two years after the date of the certificate of termination if the proposal included an incorporation or city consolidation and within one year for any other change of organization or reorganization.
(b) The commission may waive the requirements of subdivision (a) if it finds these requirements are detrimental to the public interest.

SEC. 14.

 Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 57091) is added to Part 4 of Division 3 of Title 5 of the Government Code, to read:
CHAPTER  4.5. Protest Thresholds

 (a) For purposes of Section 57075, relating to annexations, detachments, and latent powers, in the case of registered voter districts or cities:
(1) For inhabited territory, the commission shall take one of the following actions:
(A) Terminate proceedings if a majority protest exists in accordance with Section 57078.
(B) Order the change of organization or reorganization subject to confirmation by the registered voters residing within the affected territory if written protests have been filed and not withdrawn by either of the following:
(i) At least 25 percent, but less than 50 percent, of the registered voters residing in the affected territory.
(ii) At least 25 percent of the number of owners of land who also own at least 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory.
(C) Order the change of organization or reorganization without an election if subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph do not apply.
(2) For uninhabited territory, the commission shall take either of the following actions:
(A) Terminate proceedings if a majority protest exists in accordance with Section 57078.
(B) Order the change of organization or reorganization if written protests have been filed and not withdrawn by owners of land who own less than 50 percent of the total assessed value of land within the affected territory.
(b) For purposes of Section 57075, in the case of landowner-voter districts, the commission shall take one of the following actions:
(1) Terminate proceedings if a majority protest exists in accordance with Section 57078.
(2) Order the change of organization or reorganization subject to an election within the affected territory if written protests that have been filed and not withdrawn represent either of the following:
(A) Twenty-five percent or more of the number of owners of land who also own 25 percent or more of the assessed value of land within the affected territory.
(B) Twenty-five percent or more of the voting power of landowner voters entitled to vote as a result of owning property within the affected territory.
(3) Order the change of organization or reorganization without an election if written protests have been filed and not withdrawn by less than 25 percent of the number of owners of land who own less than 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory.

 For purposes of Sections 57077.1, relating to dissolution, 57077.2, relating to consolidation, 57077.3, relating to reorganization, 57077.4, relating to dissolution and annexation, and 57077.5, relating to merger or establishment of a subsidiary district, the following protest thresholds shall apply:
(a) In the case of inhabited territory, protests have been signed by either of the following:
(1) At least 25 percent of the number of landowners within the affected territory who own at least 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory.
(2) At least 25 percent of the voters entitled to vote as a result of residing within, or owning land within, the affected territory.
(b) In the case of a landowner-voter district, that the territory is uninhabited and that protests have been signed by at least 25 percent of the number of landowners within the affected territory owning at least 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory.

 For proposals not initiated by the commission and where a subject agency has objected by resolution to the proposal, for purposes of Sections 57077.1, relating to dissolution, 57077.2, relating to consolidation, 57077.3, relating to reorganization, 57077.4, relating to dissolution and annexation, and 57077.5, relating to merger or establishment of a subsidiary district, the following protest thresholds shall apply:
(a) In the case of inhabited territory, protests have been signed by either of the following:
(1) At least 25 percent of the number of landowners within any subject agency within the affected territory who own at least 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory.
(2) At least 25 percent of the voters entitled to vote as a result of residing within, or owning land within, any subject agency within the affected territory.
(b) In the case of a landowner-voter district, that the territory is uninhabited and protests have been signed by at least 25 percent of the number of landowners within any subject agency within the affected territory, owning at least 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the subject agency.

 For purposes of Section 57077.6, relating to proposals initiated by the commission, the following protest thresholds shall apply:
(a) In the case of inhabited territory, protests have been signed by either of the following:
(1) At least 10 percent of the number of landowners within any subject agency within the affected territory who own at least 10 percent of the assessed value of land within the territory. However, if the number of landowners within a subject agency is less than 300, the protests shall be signed by at least 25 percent of the landowners who own at least 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory of the subject agency.
(2) At least 10 percent of the voters entitled to vote as a result of residing within, or owning land within, any subject agency within the affected territory. However, if the number of voters entitled to vote within a subject agency is less than 300, the protests shall be signed by at least 25 percent of the voters entitled to vote.
(b) In the case of a landowner-voter district, the territory is uninhabited and protests have been signed by at least 10 percent of the number of landowners within any subject agency within the affected territory, who own at least 10 percent of the assessed value of land within the territory. However, if the number of landowners entitled to vote within a subject agency is less than 300, protests shall be signed by at least 25 percent of the landowners entitled to vote.

SEC. 15.

 Section 57107 of the Government Code is repealed.

SEC. 16.

 Section 57113 of the Government Code is repealed.

SEC. 17.

 Section 116687 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read:

 (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “District” means the Sativa-Los Angeles County Water District.
(2) “Commission” means the Local Agency Formation Commission for the County of Los Angeles.
(b) To provide affordable, safe drinking water to disadvantaged communities, the state board shall order the district to accept administrative and managerial services, including full management and control, from an administrator selected by the state board, as prescribed in Section 116686, except that the state board is not required to conduct a public meeting as described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 116686.
(c) (1) Upon the appointment of an administrator, all of the following apply:
(A) Notwithstanding Article 1 (commencing with Section 30500) of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of Division 12 of the Water Code, the district’s board of directors shall surrender all control to the appointed administrator and shall thereafter cease to exist.
(B) The members of the board of directors of the district shall have no standing to represent the district’s ratepayers, and a member of the board of directors shall have no claim for benefits other than those the member actually received while a member of the board of directors.
(C) Any action by the board of directors to divest the district of its assets shall be deemed tampering with a public water system pursuant to Section 116750 and is subject to the criminal penalties provided for in that section.
(2) Within 90 days of the appointment of an administrator, the Controller shall perform a desk audit or financial review of the district. The state board shall exercise its legal authority to facilitate the desk audit or financial review, including, but not limited to, its authority to take possession of the district’s financial records.
(3) Any decision by the commission about the dissolution or consolidation of the district is not subject to the provisions of Section 57077.6 of the Government Code, nor to any other requirement for a protest proceeding or election. The commission shall not impose any condition on the successor agency that requires a protest proceeding or an election, as described in Part 4 (commencing with Section 57000) and Part 5 (commencing with Section 57300) of Division 3 of Title 5 of the Government Code, respectively.
(4) If the commission approves a dissolution of the district initiated by the commission, a successor agency designated in the dissolution by the commission, in consultation with the commission, may solicit proposals, evaluate submittals, and select any public water system to be the receiving water system and subsume all assets, liabilities, adjudicated water rights, responsibilities, and service obligations to provide retail water service to existing and future ratepayers within the former territory of the district. The successor agency shall represent the interests of the public and the ratepayers in the former territory of the district.
(d) The state board may provide additional funding to the administrator or the Water Replenishment District of Southern California or the successor agency designated by the commission for urgent infrastructure repairs to the public water system of the district without regard to the future ownership of any facilities affected by this funding. For purposes of this section, “urgent infrastructure repairs” are those that are immediately necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of those served by the district.
(e) If the district is consolidated with a receiving water system as prescribed in Sections 116682 and 116684, the subsumed territory of the district may include both unincorporated territory of the County of Los Angeles and incorporated territory of the City of Compton.
(f) (1) Any administrator appointed pursuant to subdivision (b), any successor agency to the district designated by the commission to take over the district, any receiving operator of a public water system that provides service to the territory of the district, any water corporation that acquires the district, and the commission shall not be held liable for claims by past or existing district ratepayers or those who consumed water provided through the district concerning the operation and supply of water from the district during the interim operation period specified in subdivision (g) for any good faith, reasonable effort using ordinary care to assume possession of the territory of, to operate, or to supply water to the ratepayers within the territory of, the district.
(2) Any administrator appointed pursuant to subdivision (b), any successor agency to the district designated by the commission to take over the district, any receiving operator of a public water system that provides service to the territory of the district, any water corporation that acquires the district, and the commission shall not be held liable for claims by past or existing district ratepayers or those who consumed water provided through the district for any injury that occurred prior to the commencement of the interim operation period specified in subdivision (g).
(g) (1) Notwithstanding subdivision (d) of Section 116684, for any successor agency to the district designated by the commission to take over the district, any receiving operator of a public water system that provides service to the territory of the district, or any water corporation that acquires the district, the interim operation period shall commence upon the execution of an agreement or designation by the commission to provide water services to the district and shall end one year later. Upon the showing of good cause, the interim operation period shall be extended by the commission for up to three successive one-year periods at the request of an entity described in this paragraph.
(2) For the administrator appointed pursuant to subdivision (b), the interim operation period commences upon being appointed by the state board and ends when a successor agency has been designated by the commission to provide water service to ratepayers of the district, when a receiving water agency is consolidated with or extends service to ratepayers of the district, when a water corporation acquires the district with the approval of the Public Utilities Commission, or when the administrator’s obligation to provide interim administrative and managerial services has otherwise ended.